Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 3 2018

yes I am wearing a jacket inside

who the fuck even cares anymore

what up losers welcome back to my youtube channel

happy new year

so I've watched a couple of other people do this where they

basically take a year and review and talk about all the shitty things they've done this yer

you know what new year new chances to do new shitty things but

I would like to take this moment to tell everyone about some of the really just

horrible things I did in 2017

God knows I have enough to share

first shitty thing I did in 2017: I got myself evicted from a grocery store

a fucking grocery store

"Anette how do you get yourself evicted from a grocery store?" you ask

well here's how I figured out

so apparently in Norway you can't take razors down from like the shelf

we're talking just like regular razors.

because I guess they're considered a weapon or something

I saw something and I thought it looked interesting

and I wanted to take it out to look at it because I'm 5'8 not 6'3

I can't look at something that's like up here so I tried to take it down and as I pulled it off

the little ro d it was on there was just beeping and flashing lights

and I'm like what the FUCK is going on?

You know I'm on the verge of tears

there's beeping and flashing lights and people are looking at me and I'm

standing here with a razor in my hand and this woman comes up to me and I would

like to just tell you this is in a Norwegian grocery store where they have

to wear all green everything like most like citrusy green color and like plaid

pants that was what she was wearing and she looked like all her children hated

her and she has had four husbands who's all cheated on her.

And she comes up to me and she said "did you do this?"

woman I'm the only one with the fucking razor in my hand and tears in my eyes, who the fuck did you think did this?

basically she told me in so many words that I had to get out.

second shitty thing I did this year was I made a tinder account.

that's not the shitty part

I made an actual like proper tinder account and I found this guy

I'm like I know you

you have a girlfriend

and I'm like okay maybe this is like an

old account and I swipe right just to check and I get a match

Boy you trouble

I screen shot it and I send it to his girlfriend

and I'm like hey what up better keep an eye on your man

and the next day they broke up

Honestly that wasn't shitty of me that was shitty of him

I was being a good person if anything

number three I totalled my car

and when I say totalled I mean there was

no way it was going to get repaired. I totalled my car and I ruined another

person's car for a couple of grand more specifically it was 37,000 Norwegian

krones you do the math I just know that my parents would not happy about it I

wasn't drunk I wasn't texting I wasn't doing anything illegal.

And I was like getting closer to the car I just remember

"you know what I'm dying now and that's ok"

this is smashing and then I was not dead and I got so angry

I'm like god dammit like I would rather be dead right now they'd have to deal with

the consequences of crashing and totalling my own car

RIP to my car we're never going to get a driving with Anette in that car again

Number four

I got shitfaced drunk at a work party

every year in the town city whatever there's something called elvefestivalen which

means River festival

lucky for us we were the like VIP place basically for people to go

it's so much to do

you're so busy

to congratulate everyone that basically this is over for this

year everyone that worked during the river festival weekend gets to come and

party and celebrate and there's an open bar

like half of the people here are bartenders basically

my happy ass did a lot of... just drank a lot I don't know how

much I had but I know I had too much and there was the one person that I just had

something.. A beef or something with and I wanted to tell him that I didn't like

him and I was just like constantly being like I'm gonna tell him who he is I'm

gonna fight him like I was so I just wanted him to know that I fucking

despised his ass.

my mum had to drive me home

when I get out my mom starts laughing I'm like what are you laughing for and I had

basically ripped my pants in the back so like underneath both my ass cheeks it

was just like a nice little rip.

The fifth shitty thing I did this year was telling

everyone that I had an upload schedule on youtube and then following it for

less than a month that's incredibly.. Just so shitty.

Being like "hey every Wednesday!" SYKE

this one isn't shitty towards anyone else but myself

I bought two like tubs of Ben and Jerry's ice cream and ate both of them why are

why are you doing that but like this your life whatever

I'm lactose intolerant.

And I know I'm lactose intolerant and I still fucking did it

I'm like maybe not today yes every day every day

I blocked my mom on all social media and you would too honestly

if you were getting the amount of notifications. Constantly sending you things

like mom please I can't keep up with this and she just keeps

and I'm like you know what? if you won't listen to me I will make you listen to me

and I blocked her on all social media and she's still mad about it.

I got shit-faced again

I get real angry and emotional when I'm drunk, and I had a fight with two of my friends

and I decided that I was going to walk my ass home

shout-out to my friend Hanne this time she drove me to the party

and she was supposed to pick me up at the party I just texted her and I said

"I'm walking home right now"

I was wearing converse. I didn't I could not for the life of me tie the shoes

I had my bottle of like schnapps basically

drinking from it as I want swaying in the streets

my friend's texting me and she's like "where are you I'm going to pick you up"

and I'm like "I'm walking!"

why is this so uncomfortable and I look down and I've walked out of my shoes

I have to walk back in my socks trying to find my fucking shoes

and then I put them back on and I'm like swaying

my friend finds me and the moment I sit down in her car I just start bawling.

And I'm like "I wanna go home!"

I watched something I'm pretty sure was a drug deal

well like something of that sort and I just think ignored it until after the fact

I was like "oh... that's little sketchy innit?"

so during my exam I drove to the side of an island basically

to get like some shots for my exam film

when I got there there was this guy who was like real like pole thin real raggedy looking

And I'm walking up with my god damn camera, lenses and tripod and all that jazz and I'm

just setting it up like to get some shots of the water and all that jazz and

he just looks at me and I'm lik smiling at him like

"what up fellow citizen

just don't mind me! Trying to get my average grade up!"

Another guy comes up to and I see them like looking at me and one of them takes like a tiny

bag out and the other one you start shaking his head and then they go back to

the other guy's car and they drive away and I'm just fucking filming and then I

sit down in my car to drive home and I'm like

"Hold on a second... did I just ruin someone's drug deal?"

I did not take my parents nor did I dress up for my own graduation.

I don't think I realize how important this was I guess I just thought it was like a bish bosh

get in get out get your diploma and like bounce

so I showed up in like stained jeans and sandals

everyone else is like having their parents everyone's wearing a bunad

which is like the traditional Norwegian like you only wear that on like Constitution day basically

and I'm.... well I'm glad I look like an asshole

I started my college application five days before the deadline

now this might not seem that horrible for some people

I had to make a short film

write a pitch for a TV show and also sell myself as like a great fucking student in five days

didn't get into college but that's like not on this.. it's like 11.5

basically I didn't get into college

I reported a guy I know to the police

again this wasn't as shitty on my part as it was on his because he was driving around without a license

and if he sees this or anyone else sees this and tells him

I might get in trouble with like some shady people for doing this but . also

like don't drive around without a driver's license like there's a reason

why you didn't get your driver's license

this wasn't shitty because I did it, this was shitty because I ignored it

I finally bit the dust and realized erm.... I don't have as perfect vision as I used to think I did

things that further away turns out aren't just supposed to be like blurry and unreadable

I used glasses when I was younger

when I was like in fourth grade and then I was like "fuck this! This is annoying

I have to pull them out of my bag? I can't be bothered"

and then we were like sitting during presentations and I'm like asking the people sitting with

"Can you read that?"

but my vision isn't terrible. It really isn't.

When it's really bright or if it's bad lighting or something like.. I can't

"Can you read that?"

they're like yes and I'm like

"whoa shit if for me it just looks like some black dots"

yeah I went around for 19 years just assuming that my vision was fine, when it wasn't

number 14 I cried between classes

I am the teacher!

media theory is really slow and I know it's really slow

media theory's basically analysing things like "have you seen this commercial before?"

and nothing I'm like "are you even breathing?"

and I get so frustrated like I'm trying my best and you're not like you not even looking at me!

I walked into the the teachers toilet which is like there's a one toilet that we have

it's just the teachers toilet. I sat there for like 20 minutes just crying.

I forgot a total of eight birthdays this year.

everyone in my family except like three people

The only peoples birthdays I didn't forget were my two best friends one of them because I wrote

it down in my planner the other 'cause her birthday's the day before mine.

My mum and my sister whose birthdays are five days apart

my (other) sister's birthday

whose the day after mine

I'm a mess I'm sorry and I'm a mess

I faked being sick so I didn't have to go to a family gathering

and then I sat at home eating McDonalds instead

most of my family doesn't like me

I was just like why do I have to go? like no one wants me here anyway

I had a lot more fun doing that than what I would have had going to that family gathering

that's for goddamn sure

The last shitty thing that I did this year

was I spent actual hard earned money cash

on tinder

you get like super likes every 24 hours or something but sometimes you just see

someone and you're like I want you to know that you're a cutie pattootie

So I spend money to buy super likes on tinder just so people knew that I really

like their face.

so those are some of the shitty things I did in 2017.

Please for the love of God leave me comments telling me some of the awful things you did

because I don't think I could stand it feeling so alone and so ashamed.

Doesn't matter what it was maybe you stole 10 pounds maybe you ran over your

grandmother's cat I want to hear about it

and you know I'll see you guys next time

For more infomation >> 17 shitty things I did in 2017 | Anette Laagstad - Duration: 12:56.



cards against humanity' if you don't know what cards against humanity' is

it's a vulgar offensive but it is a fun game it's kind of like apples to apples

if you're in that game it's a game where you throw your cards out and whichever

one's funnier wins but I'm gonna tell you why you should not buy it you know I

am late the game came out a while ago it actually started off Kickstarter but I

wanted cards against hfactsumanity' and I went to the store to go buy it well I

found out they have expansion packs and stuff and first off they're already

trying to rob you so you go to the store and you go to look for cuts against

humanity and it's 25 bucks now within the main box you know the cards against

humanity' bucks all there is is the deck and I think like a little stickers or

whatnot a little something small you know I mean and that's 225 dollars and

I'm looking on the shelf and I see the add-on you know it's called the red box

- green box the blue box and they're all different cards in era and it was 15

bucks and I was like what's the difference so I buy it I bring it home

and open it and it's the same damn thing so I just saved 10 bucks it's the same

cards against humanity' stuff it's freaking crazy get your white card you

got your black card talk Batman but hey you could play it for free now there are

tons of different ways to play it for free now you can go to the App Store and

play evil apples or you could go online and just type in cards against humanity'

and there's an online free version of the game if you're not gonna play cards

against humanity' as much don't buy this go ahead and play it with your friends

online it's much much easier just artists to save you from another stupid

product because it is stupid and that's it thank you guys very much

for watching leave a like subscribe this channel is mainly just for you and I to

chill and discuss stuff that I think needs to be discussed okay that's it if

you got any suggestions let me know and I'll see you next time Barbie

For more infomation >> DO NOT BUY CARDS AGAINST HUMANITY!!! - Duration: 1:42.


[FREE] NBA YoungBoy Type Beat 2018 - "Takeoff" | Free Type Beat 2018| Rap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:48.

Please Remember


Like Comment And Subscribe

For more infomation >> [FREE] NBA YoungBoy Type Beat 2018 - "Takeoff" | Free Type Beat 2018| Rap Instrumental 2018 - Duration: 3:48.


Electronic Circuit - Dalek Mod Crafting Recipes - Duration: 0:42.

hello I'm on DMU the official Dalek Mod server and I'm going to show you how

to make an electronic circuit which is an important ingredient for many many

cool objects and.. Oh, Cybeman.Ffirst you need silicon that's this it may look like

coal but these ores spawn naturally underground and silicon is used as the

center ingredient here you put silicon in the middle then iron on the sides and

redstone on the top and bottom and there you go

your very own circuit. Check the videos in the playlist to see what this is used


For more infomation >> Electronic Circuit - Dalek Mod Crafting Recipes - Duration: 0:42.





3kg Blazing Chicken Wings Challenge w/ ISAAC H-D!! - Duration: 10:15.

Hey everybody this is Randy Santel "Atlas" with Atlas & Zeus Promotions and

proud owner of! Very very excited tonight been wanting to eat with this

guy forever right here we've got Australia's own the legendary Isaac HD!

He has his own channel he has so many records around Australia it's frickin

ridiculous! I've already mentioned him in a couple of the previous videos but

tonight I am going for overall win number 494 I got win 493 earlier today

that 1kg burger but tonight we are at Soho on Darby we're taking on their

Three Kilo Wing Challenge now we've basically got 45 minutes to finish three

kilos this massive bucket of wings and then we've got two beers we have the

options of either Corona or Budweiser he went with two Coronas, and then I love

the two Budweiser's we've got 45 minutes to finish we already paid 30 Australian

dollars for this challenge but if we win we're going to get a $50 bar tab which

we will both definitely use after this, and we will get sweet t-shirts and we'll

be I think the 16 and 17 people up on their Wall of Fame this challenge is

only available on Thursdays but are you ready? I'm ready! I'm excited let's get

this challenge started!

The burger was many hours ago it's well digested now I got plenty of room

for these wings, I know he's hungry and we're gonna celebrate this occasion

of finally meeting up and doing a challenge together by skolling one of

our beers to begin but then we'll move on to the wings he's more of a speed

eater than technique guy so keep your expectations low when you're

watching this for me and we'll see what happens, well you ready? I'm ready!

A, "Win Before You Begin" mug! there we go alright one two three look

That is stupid!

All right that's sucked we've got buckets to put our bones

They are hot wings, but not too hot. Going down real nice.

Yeah sorry, it's a very messy challenge but

is delicious one. some of the best wings I've had!

9 minutes and 20 seconds he's dominated his over there he's got less than a kilo

left I'm probably halfway through my bucket but he's almost done with his second

beer as well, but they're starting to get spicy but they're definitely delicious!

To all you single ladies out there if Randy Santel is ever in your town,

be sure to message him and hit him up, wings aren't the only thing he eats and devour!

How am I suppose to eat after that?!?

And if you're pretty young ladies you can always come over to Isaac-HD's channel

These wings are more of a technique but you should see him throw down sandwiches,

hotdogs, and stuff like that be sure to check out other videos on

this channel all the links are down in the description! Thanks Randy!

Boom 14 minutes and 37 seconds!

Absolutely delicious but extremely difficult to eat, such a technique

food, yeah definitely but yeah so he's going to get the $50 bar tab

which he can probably start on now and have it done with the way a drink before

I get finished but I've got about a kilo left, let's get them down

Got yourself a tequila and water Randy! Oh my god! Randy's most

favorite drink, tequila, and a very large tequila shot!

Almost done! One more or two more come on

Randy let's go down leave no doubt. yep!

26 minutes let's go Randy come on

So like twice the time is this man over here very good job - I suggest you like

the wings No delicious yes yeah very chewy but really started it off with a

bang with that beer chug at the beginning but awesome awesome challenge!

We both had to pay 30 bucks for our meal but we'll each get the $50 bar tab we'll

get sweet t-shirts and we're number 16 and 17 to be on their Wall of Fame so

thank you - Isaac HD for dominating the challenge

along with me great to finally meet him I know he was one of the first people

using and I helped him in my friend Jamie the Lemon

Blossom both get a trip to the United States a couple years ago as part of a

meat pie contest, using tips and stuff but obviously the student

is the teacher today but overall win number 494 and my exception of the day

so it was an awesome day! More tomorrow! Thanks to Isaac, thank you to Soho

and Darby here in Newcastle for the awesome challenge and thank you guys for


For more infomation >> 3kg Blazing Chicken Wings Challenge w/ ISAAC H-D!! - Duration: 10:15.


Most Likely To With Pero Like - Duration: 4:06.

- I'mma go first guys. (yells in Spanish)


- Today we're playing Most Likely To.

- Yay.

- Most likely to trip on nothing.

- Maya. - Maya right.

- Maya. - Put it up.

- Yeah. - Maya.

- I would say Claudia. I would say me. And I would say you.

- Yeah (laughs).

- She tripped on the catwalk (laughs),

she tripped when the trip to San Diego. Yes.

- Right now, she's tripping because Gadiel's talking shit.

- Why you trippin' - That was a bad joke.

Don't put that in there (Maya laughs)

- What was that?

- Trippin' (laughs) - No. (mutters in Spanish)

- [Maya] Most likely to bail you out of jail.

- Gadiel. - Also say you.

- Yeah, that's true. I might.

- Curly. Curly would be that one guy.

- Yeah, I could think. I think I could call Curly too.


Yo, Curly. I'm in a situation.

- But I would call Gadiel. - Yeah, I honestly,

yeah, I would call Gadiel. You would be like, what,

what's happening. - Yeah. I missed your call.

(both laugh)

- I come in last place. Don't call me cause I'm home.

I'm sleeping, my phone is on silent and if I,

I just, don't, no, not happening.

- I'd break you guys out of jail.

- Bail, not break. - Wait a minute.

We said bail, not break.

- No, yeah, I'll break you guys out, he'll bail you out.

(all laugh)

- [Maya] Most likely to get married first.

- Julissa, for sure. - I'm gonna say Julissa.

- Julissa loves love.

- Really. - She's already

- You're living together. - Yeah.

- You're about to see the family.

- [Gadiel] Most likely to break somebody's heart.

Curly - I'm gonna go with Curly.

I was gonna go with Curly. - We all went for Curly.

- I think Curly.

- Really? (laughs)

- You're such a free spirit. You love to love, but

- But I'm also like bam. - Yeah. You are.

You're also like I love him, oh my god. Oh my god, hello.

(Curly laughs)

- [Maya] Most likely to die first in a horror movie.

- Julissa - I'm definitely not

dying first (Gadiel laughs)

- Okay, I'm gonna say me. And I'm gonna say you.

(Curly laughs)

Also, Claudia - No, I'm gonna say Claudia.

- Because she's gonna be looking for her cats.

- I think I would die first.

- You think you - Claudia, I think you

- would die first? - would die too.

- Yeah. (Gadiel laughs)

- I agree. Claudia's dead.

- I think I'm dead first.

- There's a murderer in the house.

And then Claudia's gonna be like huh (Curly laughs)

(Gadiel and Julissa laugh)

Claudia pay attention.

- I'm sorry to kill you but, - Listen I'm not dying.

No matter my skin color (Gadiel laughs)

because I'm gonna fight till the death.

I'm fucking people up.

- That's right. - I'm stabbing

whoever I gotta stab. I'm throwing, oh no.

- Whoa. It's here. I'mma go first guys.

(All three laugh)

- [Maya] Most likely to start a fight at Disneyland.

- I think the four of us would get rowdy.

One person would say one wrong thing to us and we're like,

excuse me (Maya laughs)

- I don't think so.

- I don't think you would try to, it would be a very like

- I'm gonna go with Gadiel on this one.

I'm not gonna fight because I'm too pretty.

But what I am gonna do is tell you about yourself

and then however you take that, that's your business.

- That's what I'm saying is I don't think you're going

to instigate something. I think you'll just be like,

and try to walk away and someone's not gonna let you.

That's what I.

- Well they're not gonna let me.

Won't instigate it but will whoop your ass.

- Yeah. - Will probably instigate

and still whoop your ass. - How would I instigate?

[Maya] Who is most likely to be a government spy?

- Claudia. - I'm gonna go with Claudia.

Because I feel like she's very secretive.

She loves cats and cats are secretive creatures.

- We think she's just a cat lady

but I feel like her cats are also secret spies.

- And you can't trust Maya - Maya's gonna say

that she, she's gonna tell five people that she's a spy

before she even started on her first day.

- So I'm on a classified mission (Claudia and Julissa laugh)

- There's some codes, I can't tell you what they are but.

[Interviewer] Who is most likely to hug

at the end of the video?

- Buenos dias. - We're gonna take us out.

(Gadiel laughs)

I was just gonna say I'm taking myself outta here.

- Okay, nice.

- Bring it in. Bring it in. (Curly laughs)

- He's a hugger. - I love y'all.

[Interviewer] Julissa, your face.

(speaks Spanish)

- Oh muscle (Curly laughs)

This whole day has been a mess.

- [Curly] Me too.

- [Claudia] Or my cat's lost in the woods and I'm just like,

kitty, kitty, kitty, where'd you go.

For more infomation >> Most Likely To With Pero Like - Duration: 4:06.


The Doctor's Space Suit - Dalek Mod Crafting Recipes - Duration: 0:56.

I just killed an Auton for some plastic. If you have enough plastic you can make

an entire plastic block. However, we're gonna want yellow plastic blocks for

the spacesuit helmet, because.. well, it's yellow. You put it in a square and put a

glass pane in the middle. That'll be the window of the helmet. Secondly is the

space suit itself the main part which is a combination of colored wool I'll

show here. There you go. This should keep you from suffocating. But, if you want the

outfit complete, this is how you make the leggings.. and the boots and now your

spacesuit is complete and you'll be ready to go to the moon

For more infomation >> The Doctor's Space Suit - Dalek Mod Crafting Recipes - Duration: 0:56.



The very torn up football you see here

is not mine, but I found it and so I decided to use it

[Billie Holiday 🎵]

Martin Tyler 〰 Škrtel here, Ooooh Yeeeeeeees!

Welcome to Manchester United, Anthony Martial!

[Watch Me Whip (beat drop)🎵 ]

[Mans Not Hot (2Scratch Remix)🎵]

[Massala x mute - HLLW (Bass Boosted) 🎵]

[Panda (Thugli Trap Remix)🎵]

[Melanie Martinez - Carousel (KXA Remix)🎵]

[Billie Holiday 🎵]

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