Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

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For more infomation >> Fiberglass Windows Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Fiberglass Windows Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 1:16.


Corporations Buying Positive Coverage From Online Media Outlets - Duration: 6:53.

The last news article you read might have been the result of paid advertising.

That's what a journalist from detailed in a bombshell report called, "Bribes

for Blogs."

He provides emails and social media exchanges that illustrate the content that you might

have read in Forbes magazine or Huffington Post, that were probably written for the sole

purpose of selling you a product and they dress it up like it's a news article.

Joining me now to talk about this is Tyrel Ventura, host of "Watching the Hawks,"

clearly one of the best political shows on television.

You've got to see "Watching the Hawks" if you haven't seen it already.

Tyrel's with me now.

Tyrel, in all the time you've been involved with media, have you ever seen anything as

explicit as the allegations provided in this report, that this is all phonied up stuff?

Not in journalism, I haven't seen this.

I think the last time I saw this kind of like advertising was in like hip hop songs.

You get the musicians will do this, where they'll include Courvoisier or some brand

name into their song and they'll get paid at the back end for it, and you're listening

to the song and it's kind of embedded advertising.

This is amazing what Outline has discovered, and a lot of it's done through these blog

services and other things, and it truly just blows my mind and it really, it really is

a disservice to journalism, if you're sliding in advertisements in these articles, or outright

writing an entire article that's basically one giant advertisement and then not telling

your audience, hey I support this or this is an ad or I'm getting paid for this.

Well I mean you think that it's an article?


You look at it.

You believe it's an article and all of a sudden you find out that it's phonied up from the

pharmaceutical industry or the travel industry, something, where they've written the article.

They've given it to the Huffington Post and they say we want you to write, we want this

run exactly like we've written it and we want people to believe that they're actually reading

a real article rather than an advertisement, and then there's no mention of advertising.

Whether it's Forbes, like online talks about, or Huffington Post.

This goes on a lot.

The report asserts that the publication of Forbes of aware of actual payoffs in isolated

incidents between brands and journalists.

What are the grounds for that accusation, Tyrel?

That's a strong accusation.

It is a strong accusation.

Where the Outline journalist who's investigating this found this was in a case of Chris Chong

who was an author, a blogger for Forbes, who was putting out stories about I want to say,

he had about a dozen stories up on Forbes and when these kind of allegations arose,

Forbes immediately took them down because most sites, your Forbes, your Huff Post, they

have rules that say that they don't allow their contributors to do this because a lot

of times these sites will approach the contributor, not Forbes.

They'll go after someone writing on Forbes and say, hey, do you want to make an extra

$150 or even more.

Some, I saw some numbers, 1100, and say hey do you want to do this?

Insert this into your article.

Away you go.

What Outline kind of laid out in their reporting is that you really got the idea that most

dotcoms and most publications kind of just looked the other way.

Even though it's against the rules, their rules that they have for journalist conduct

there, they don't really enforce them.

They only kind of enforce them after the fact, after it's made public.

Somebody figures it out or another good journalist investigates the journalist and finds out,

oh he's getting paid on the side.

What you're seeing is that a lot of people are using this for supplemental income.

In the online news world, as you know as well as I do, there's not a lot of money.

That money window is getting smaller and smaller, especially for independent journalists, so

the temptation to corrupt your reporting is there, and that's what these PR companies

and these big corporations jump on and take advantage of.

Yeah, and Tyrel, this is not just as you pointed out, this is not just in blogosphere.

There was a poll that said, I think 65% of people that were polled believe that corporate

media is so full of fake news that they don't know what's real and not.

The truth is the same thing now is shifting over to social media.

In other words, we know we've seen this for so long with corporate media.

We know, well most people don't know this but if you do this for a living, if you're

in the journalism business, if you're in the lawyering business and you see a company like,

well Xarelto, this product we just talked about earlier.

You see the company's coming forward with all these feel good commercials, and in there,

you also note that some of those companies are also feeding stories that are fantasy

stories that corporate media picks up on and it's kind of a thank you for spending $10

million with us this year.

Thank you, J & J. Thank you Pfizer, thank you Merck.

Now we're starting to see that.

Your point being now we're starting to see that bleed over into the social media realm.

What's your take?

Well you know, anybody who watches news, you know the corporate media has their agendas.

You know that the corporate paymasters are going to say, "Look don't report on this.

Report on this."

It's kind of the unspoken word but now when you're seeing this kind of outright, here's

your story, take it.

Normally, you'd see this in the old days in magazines and it'd be that section that looks

like a story but then at the end it has like, and it has the big pharma pill at the end,

saying, oh this is, and you can generally, you know, flip the pages and know you suddenly

got, you can tell you're looking at an advertisement.

But as you just pointed out Mike, that line is getting smaller and smaller.

Sometimes it's fine print way at the bottom.

If you're reading the New York Times or something like that, then suddenly, oh this op-ed is

suddenly paid for.

This isn't actually someone, a reporter doing good work.

This is a reporter basically working directly for an advertiser or a corporation that says

go put out this article to basically pimp our product.

It's really unscrupulous and it's one of those things that really gets under my skin because

at the end of the day, the media has to be the fourth estate.

I understand when I'm looking at entertainment or I'm watching something on TV, there's going

to be advertisements.

We're surrounded by it.

I get it, but at the end of the day, journalism has to get this out their system.

They have to either make their article make, tell their audience to be more, explain to

their audience like look, this is an advertisement.

We have to do this, we're hyping this produce, but that's what it is.

It's an advertisement.

I understand you need the money.

Whatever you want, excuse you want to have for it, but you cannot, you can not call yourself

a journalist and then get paid to advertise in your journalism, in your article.

That, you can't call yourself a journalist if that's what you're doing.


Tyrel, thank you for joining me.

Okay, let's stay, let's stay after them.

Maybe they'll get it someday.

I hope so.

Stay after them on this topic.

Thank you for joining me.

Thank you.

For more infomation >> Corporations Buying Positive Coverage From Online Media Outlets - Duration: 6:53.


An Update from Alex Trebek - Duration: 0:34.

- Some of you may have heard by now,

that during the holiday break,

I had a slight medical problem.

A subdural hematoma.

Blood clots on the brain, caused by a fall I endured

about two months ago.

Surgery was performed.

After two days in the hospital, I came home

to start recovery.

The prognosis is excellent and I expect to be back in

the studio taping more Jeopardy programs very, very soon!

And I wanna thank all of you for your concern.

For more infomation >> An Update from Alex Trebek - Duration: 0:34.


2018 全新Shell Bonus 分推廣 - Duration: 4:20.

For more infomation >> 2018 全新Shell Bonus 分推廣 - Duration: 4:20.


Trump mulls cutting off aid to Palestinians, says they're 'no lo - Duration: 1:28.

Trump mulls cutting off aid to Palestinians, says they�re �no longer willing to talk


President Trump threatened to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority Tuesday, saying

that organization was �no longer willing to talk peace.�

In a pair of tweets, Trump complained that �we pay the Palestinians HUNDRED OF MILLIONS

OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect.

They don�t even want to negotiate a long overdue � peace treaty with Israel.�

Trump added that the U.S. had taken �Jerusalem, the toughest part of the negotiation, off

the table, but Israel, for that, would have had to pay more � why should we make any

of these massive future payments to [the Palestinians]?

For more infomation >> Trump mulls cutting off aid to Palestinians, says they're 'no lo - Duration: 1:28.


Charlie Puth - If You Leave Me Now (feat. Boyz II Men) [REACTION] - Duration: 4:32.

Hello everyone! Im' Giusy. This is one of my first video.

So I will be a bit clumsy when I talk

I wanted to do this reaction video about the new Charlie Puth song

He's one of my favorite singers.

I'm sorry for the total silence, but I prefer to listen for real to the song rather than talking upon it.

For more infomation >> Charlie Puth - If You Leave Me Now (feat. Boyz II Men) [REACTION] - Duration: 4:32.


RIDICULOUS CUSTOMER SUGGESTIONS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:11.

• From filling an auditorium with water to selling kitten at a grocery store, the

Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the

most ridiculous suggestions customers have ever had.

I'm Zaraganba and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by AGrimFate Froggy When she was 15, Froggy worked at a convenience


After she turned down a perverted old man for the 60th time, he walked up to the manager

and said, "You need to fire all your other employees and make the uniform into skimpy

bras and underwear."

Her boss just looked at him as the guy gave Froggy a wink and said, "I am looking out

for you honey."

Her boss rung him up and said, "Sorry, I like my employees and would never sexually harass


More so that underage girl."

Number 9 was submitted by 880disneyfreak Cidius Cid worked at a theater as an actor, and when

he was in a production of Peter Pan, an audience member came up to him after the show and said,

"I think you should have filled the auditorium with water for the mermaid scene.

It would have made it more believable."

The person was completely serious, without even a sign of sarcasm in their voice.

Number 8 was submitted by hyena_cub Melissa Melissa worked as a server for many years,

and once had a woman who told her that they needed to use real eggs for their scrambled


When Melissa told her they did, the woman was not convinced.

She kept telling her to make sure the cooks used REAL eggs, not the powdered stuff because

she knew the powdered stuff they used was left over military rations from World War


Even when Melissa went back to the kitchen, she watched the cook crack two real eggs onto

the grill and scramble them.

But, the woman was sure she was still trying to pawn off those old World War 2 powdered

egg rations on her again.

Number 7 was submitted by KillDozer688 SaltySquid SaltySquid worked as a cleaning assistant

at a zoo where visitors are handed small questionnaires that they can fill out to provide feedback.

One of the questions is "what would make your visit better?"

Some people wrote down that they wanted the animals to move around more and hide less.

and even suggestions for new animals, such as bears, elephants, and dolphins.

The zoo was only 50 acres, so they would need a lot more space for those animals.

One visitor even asked for dinosaurs!

And of course, there was that one visitor who asked for "better-looking people at guest


Number 6 was submitted by OhYarnIt Andiemations While shopping for yarn in a craft store,

Andie overheard another customer, an old lady, telling an employee that they needed to carry

more sexy fabrics.

When the employee asked what she meant by sexy fabrics, the woman said, "You know, fabric

with sexy people printed on it!

And that shiny, leather-looking stuff."

The old lady had a good attitude and was really cheerful, so the employee just laughed and

said to check back in a week or so.

Andie doesn't know what the lady wanted to make, but she still bought fabric that


Number 5 was submitted by celestial_loves Doopie

Doopie was working at a supermarket when a little girl walked over to her checkout line.

She asked, "Where are the kittens?

Mommy said I could get one if I could find the section where the kittens are."

Doopie laughed, but the little girl just stared at her until she realized she was being serious.

She tried to explain to the little girl that it was a grocery store and that they didn't

have kittens, but then the little girl started crying.

She accused Doopie of lying and said that the store claimed to have kittens, and that

they should not lie about it.

Then the little girl's mom walked over and started yelling at Doopie for making her daughter


Doopie tried to explain, but the mother yelled, "Well then, get kittens!" and said she was

never shopping there again.

Number 4 was submitted by SmudgeyDuck MKyleM One time, when MKyleM was at a general store

with his mom, he heard someone yelling at the person behind the counter to stop selling

paper because it could be used as a murder weapon.

MKyleM and his mom just ignored him.

But that night, he ended up having a nightmare where someone slit his throat with a piece

of paper.

They went back the next day because they forgot to get milk, and the customer was still there,

but this time he was yelling about them selling little fruit cups.

For about a month, the man was in that store every time they went in.

Number 3 was submitted by xXCrystalGlitzzzXx Pandora

Pandora was working at Walmart one day when a customer came up to her and asked, "Can

you stop making Kit-Kats?

My son is allergic to them and every time we come in he wants them, but then he has

to go to the hospital after eating them."

Pandora had to explain for 15 minutes that they didn't make the Kit-Kats, and couldn't

stop selling them because of one person being allergic.

So whenever Pandora sees the customer with her son, they take the Kit-Kats and hide them

from people.

Number 2 was submitted by DerpyWhooves1987 CivilSpider

Back when CivilSpider worked at a supermarket, a customer wanted to buy roasted peanuts in

the shell.

Then the customer proceeded to ask if they had roasted peanuts in the shell without the


After explaining that in order for the peanut to be peeled, they had to be removed from

the shell.

She then suggested that they needed to breed them in a way where they grow without the

peel and the problem would be solved.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, CivilSpider got saved by the bell as he was

being called up front to help cashier.

To this day, he still remembers how ludicrous that suggestion was.

Number 1 – What

was the most ridiculous suggestion from a customer I ever heard?

For more infomation >> RIDICULOUS CUSTOMER SUGGESTIONS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:11.


Access to Plum Island closed during flooding - Duration: 1:29.

For more infomation >> Access to Plum Island closed during flooding - Duration: 1:29.


Introvideo Joey and friends journey around the world - Duration: 1:31.

For more infomation >> Introvideo Joey and friends journey around the world - Duration: 1:31.


Top Eleven YouTubers Tournament - Duration: 4:40.

Good morning everyone!

I have the pleasure to announce that we will start the Top Eleven YouTubers Tournament within a very short time.

We are going to start on January 8th.

That is, on Monday of next week, which will be in the new season.

In this video we will see: what the tournament is about,

... the rules, I will explain especially the pool so you know how it works

... the prizes, the participants and an evaluation of them, we will see how the calendar has been.

... and finally some curiosities, and I'll explain how I got them all together ...

... because several have asked me and I find it interesting to comment on it.

In case you do not know what it is, it's a tournament in which 8 different YouTubers will participate and we upload Top Eleven content to YouTube.

and we are the ones that I am going to name:


If you want to follow the tournament well you have to enter the link that you have in the description.

Or search: Top Eleven YouTubers Tournament on Facebook.

Each one will have to upload their matches as a local to their channel.

We will face each other with a series of rules.

Now I just read what you put here and explain the rules of the tournament and the pool.

You have these images in the Top Eleven YouTubers Tournament group in any language you like.

The best thing would be to advance the video until the minute 02:09 where I explain with an example how the pool works.

I'll explain with an example:

I will publish each round in this way, you will see 4 matches and you will have to put 1, X or 2.

1: Win the home team, which is the one on the left; X: tie; and 2: Win the visitor.

An example would be to put 1, 2, 1, X. This would be to win GrubiT11, DEleven, Petrov2g and the other is tied.

For the qualifiers, we imagine that Petrov2g and Milos Savic face each other.

For an example would be to put: Ida: Petrov2g; Return: X; and it is classified: Petrov2g.

This is also in the Facebook group. Advance until the 03:00 minute of the video.

Now we are going to make a summary of each participant, I am going to put this section with each participant. Above you can see the subscribers of each one.

Paiva has a great team, the truth, and will surely come to the tournament with a team of more than 120% ...

... and you will have to play with some substitutes to lower your average to little and follow the rules.

Petrov does not have a very high average, but he is sure to compete.

DEleven has a fairly high average, and also going to repeat level, so it will be the favorites.

Sergei does not have a very high average, but he has very well trained players.

Upen Basnet has a high average and well-trained players.

Milos Savic is one of those with the highest average and he has also won the last leagues.

Andy seems to have the weakest team right now, but who knows if he keeps an AS up his sleeve.

Here you have a survey in which you can choose your favorite candidate.

At the moment I'm winning it, because many of my followers have already voted.

Here you have the calendar and you can see when we play against each opponent.

Let's see a few curiosities.

The team with the highest average is Rodrigo Paiva

The team with the lowest average is iceman82aj

The team that has its best-trained players is Top Eleven RU

The channel with the most subscribers is Rodrigo Paiva

And the team with the most followers for this tournament is me (GrubiT11)

And finally, for those who are interested, I explain how I managed to convince others to participate in the tournament.

When I played my match with Petrov2g we said that we would do something else

Then I started thinking about what we could do, and the idea came to me to do a tournament like this with several YouTubers

I started thinking about the format and everything. I saw it quite difficult, but I talked to some on Facebook and some on YouTube, and in the end I managed to get them together

and here we have the tournament :)

I hope you like it a lot and that you win the prizes.

Good luck, and see you in the next video!

For more infomation >> Top Eleven YouTubers Tournament - Duration: 4:40.


সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি সংবাদ ৫ জানুয়ারি ২০১৮ Jamuna Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:08.

bangladesh news 24

For more infomation >> সরাসরি আজকের বাংলা খবর যমুনা টিভি সংবাদ ৫ জানুয়ারি ২০১৮ Jamuna Bangla News Today - Duration: 13:08.


La CIA twittea la fotografía de un platillo volador - Duration: 3:12.

For more infomation >> La CIA twittea la fotografía de un platillo volador - Duration: 3:12.


MD3 Wheel Flares Kit - Quick Facts - - Duration: 0:50.

Hey everybody. I'm Caleb with

These are the quick facts of the MD3 Wheel Flare Kits.

We sell them in sets of 6 - 3 pieces for both the left and right sides.

6 pieces are for both late models and modified race cars.

Made with durable MD3 plastic and available in 10 colors.

You trim them to fit, or trim the tin on your car for a clean look.

Provides more rigidity in your rear quarter and door panels.

Find them @ with free shipping.

For more infomation >> MD3 Wheel Flares Kit - Quick Facts - - Duration: 0:50.


Kreezy - Intro 2K18 [Prod. Samuel Beats] - Duration: 1:06.

For more infomation >> Kreezy - Intro 2K18 [Prod. Samuel Beats] - Duration: 1:06.


New center opens for human trafficking victims - Duration: 1:48.

For more infomation >> New center opens for human trafficking victims - Duration: 1:48.


"Aiming at Winning it All" 🇨🇴 James Rodríguez Press Conference | FC Bayern in Doha - Duration: 2:35.

I feel great.

I think I'm doing good work.

I feel like I'm helping the entire team to achieve positive outcomes.

And I'm happy because I get to play more.

I hope to stay healthy in the next five months and

to play on a high level.

My first impressions of the Bundesliga are very good.

The stadiums are always full.

That's great.

It's a league with great teams and a league that has surprised me a lot.

It's a top league.

Heynckes is a coach with a lot of experience.

He's known the football world for ages.

I try to learn from him.

He's one of the greats in global football.

I try to be with him as much as I can and listen to him.

He's a spectacular coach.

For now I'm only thinking about Bayern.

I'm happy here.

I'm playing more. Nobody knows what the future holds.

So all I'm thinking about right now is Bayern.

That's my present and I have nothing else on my mind.

I'm betting on Bayern Múnich to win the Champions League.

We're a good team.

We have great players.

Why shouldn't we be able to win?

Obviously there are other good teams like Barça and Real Madrid.

Tottenham is playing very well, too.

But my mind is set on winning the Champions League with this club,

and I believe we all have to think this way.

Bayern is a big club that should always

be aiming at winning it all.

For more infomation >> "Aiming at Winning it All" 🇨🇴 James Rodríguez Press Conference | FC Bayern in Doha - Duration: 2:35.


Nosotros los guapos | El Vítor y Albertano creen ser víctimas de un asalto - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> Nosotros los guapos | El Vítor y Albertano creen ser víctimas de un asalto - Duration: 2:46.


Sermon Clip: Do you actually know God, or are you lying to yourself? - Duration: 2:26.

Here's the scary part about a Pharisee.

I'm reading a book right now called "Everybody Lies".

And it's fascinating because the whole book is about a guy who does Google analysis

and he looks at searches at certain times

and what people search out in the total privacy of their own life.

And he says it's a truth serum, it's a digital truth serum

because what it does it classic psychology.

If you have somebody in front of you, they're never going to tell you the absolute truth about themselves.

If you ask them questions about what they dream about,

or what they think about this or think about that,

or whether or they're racist or whatever.

They're not actually going to tell you the God's honest truth.

But you get them in front of a computer

and no one's around, and it's just them,

all of a sudden you get a picture into human psychology that is different.

And his point is, everybody lies.

Meaning, everybody lies about how much they drank at that party,

about whether they read that book,

whether they like racist jokes,

whether they regret having children,

whether they're depressed, whether they've voted.

Everybody lies - and he makes the point he says

this is why no one predicted the election of President Trump,

because you would do surveys and nobody would admit that they were like, "yes, I'm a Trump supporter."

It was invisible.

But then all of a sudden when you get into that booth and no one's looking,

then people believe and do different things.

And he says we lie to our spouses,

we lie to our friends, we lie to our kids, we lie to our bosses,

we lie.

And then he makes this point:

the problem is,

in classic psychology when you're sitting with people and you're trying to take out...

The problem is we lie to ourselves.

But when you're in front of a computer,

he says you want to look at what people Google.

What people search, what people want to know.

He says all of a sudden there's a truth to it.

Here's the crazy part

for everybody in this room,

the Pharisees were a group of people like us

who lied to themselves.

Meaning they thought they actually knew him but they didn't know him

which is why he's about to look at them in the most scathing chapter.

We'll unpack more of it in the weeks to come

because it's the angriest chapter in the whole New Testament.

It's the angriest chapter in the teachings of Jesus and it's not projected at unchurched, pagan people,

It's projected at the most religious people.

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