Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

Trump mulls cutting off aid to Palestinians, says they�re �no longer willing to talk


President Trump threatened to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority Tuesday, saying

that organization was �no longer willing to talk peace.�

In a pair of tweets, Trump complained that �we pay the Palestinians HUNDRED OF MILLIONS

OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect.

They don�t even want to negotiate a long overdue � peace treaty with Israel.�

Trump added that the U.S. had taken �Jerusalem, the toughest part of the negotiation, off

the table, but Israel, for that, would have had to pay more � why should we make any

of these massive future payments to [the Palestinians]?

For more infomation >> Trump mulls cutting off aid to Palestinians, says they're 'no lo - Duration: 1:28.


RIDICULOUS CUSTOMER SUGGESTIONS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:11.

• From filling an auditorium with water to selling kitten at a grocery store, the

Planet Dolan crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the

most ridiculous suggestions customers have ever had.

I'm Zaraganba and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by AGrimFate Froggy When she was 15, Froggy worked at a convenience


After she turned down a perverted old man for the 60th time, he walked up to the manager

and said, "You need to fire all your other employees and make the uniform into skimpy

bras and underwear."

Her boss just looked at him as the guy gave Froggy a wink and said, "I am looking out

for you honey."

Her boss rung him up and said, "Sorry, I like my employees and would never sexually harass


More so that underage girl."

Number 9 was submitted by 880disneyfreak Cidius Cid worked at a theater as an actor, and when

he was in a production of Peter Pan, an audience member came up to him after the show and said,

"I think you should have filled the auditorium with water for the mermaid scene.

It would have made it more believable."

The person was completely serious, without even a sign of sarcasm in their voice.

Number 8 was submitted by hyena_cub Melissa Melissa worked as a server for many years,

and once had a woman who told her that they needed to use real eggs for their scrambled


When Melissa told her they did, the woman was not convinced.

She kept telling her to make sure the cooks used REAL eggs, not the powdered stuff because

she knew the powdered stuff they used was left over military rations from World War


Even when Melissa went back to the kitchen, she watched the cook crack two real eggs onto

the grill and scramble them.

But, the woman was sure she was still trying to pawn off those old World War 2 powdered

egg rations on her again.

Number 7 was submitted by KillDozer688 SaltySquid SaltySquid worked as a cleaning assistant

at a zoo where visitors are handed small questionnaires that they can fill out to provide feedback.

One of the questions is "what would make your visit better?"

Some people wrote down that they wanted the animals to move around more and hide less.

and even suggestions for new animals, such as bears, elephants, and dolphins.

The zoo was only 50 acres, so they would need a lot more space for those animals.

One visitor even asked for dinosaurs!

And of course, there was that one visitor who asked for "better-looking people at guest


Number 6 was submitted by OhYarnIt Andiemations While shopping for yarn in a craft store,

Andie overheard another customer, an old lady, telling an employee that they needed to carry

more sexy fabrics.

When the employee asked what she meant by sexy fabrics, the woman said, "You know, fabric

with sexy people printed on it!

And that shiny, leather-looking stuff."

The old lady had a good attitude and was really cheerful, so the employee just laughed and

said to check back in a week or so.

Andie doesn't know what the lady wanted to make, but she still bought fabric that


Number 5 was submitted by celestial_loves Doopie

Doopie was working at a supermarket when a little girl walked over to her checkout line.

She asked, "Where are the kittens?

Mommy said I could get one if I could find the section where the kittens are."

Doopie laughed, but the little girl just stared at her until she realized she was being serious.

She tried to explain to the little girl that it was a grocery store and that they didn't

have kittens, but then the little girl started crying.

She accused Doopie of lying and said that the store claimed to have kittens, and that

they should not lie about it.

Then the little girl's mom walked over and started yelling at Doopie for making her daughter


Doopie tried to explain, but the mother yelled, "Well then, get kittens!" and said she was

never shopping there again.

Number 4 was submitted by SmudgeyDuck MKyleM One time, when MKyleM was at a general store

with his mom, he heard someone yelling at the person behind the counter to stop selling

paper because it could be used as a murder weapon.

MKyleM and his mom just ignored him.

But that night, he ended up having a nightmare where someone slit his throat with a piece

of paper.

They went back the next day because they forgot to get milk, and the customer was still there,

but this time he was yelling about them selling little fruit cups.

For about a month, the man was in that store every time they went in.

Number 3 was submitted by xXCrystalGlitzzzXx Pandora

Pandora was working at Walmart one day when a customer came up to her and asked, "Can

you stop making Kit-Kats?

My son is allergic to them and every time we come in he wants them, but then he has

to go to the hospital after eating them."

Pandora had to explain for 15 minutes that they didn't make the Kit-Kats, and couldn't

stop selling them because of one person being allergic.

So whenever Pandora sees the customer with her son, they take the Kit-Kats and hide them

from people.

Number 2 was submitted by DerpyWhooves1987 CivilSpider

Back when CivilSpider worked at a supermarket, a customer wanted to buy roasted peanuts in

the shell.

Then the customer proceeded to ask if they had roasted peanuts in the shell without the


After explaining that in order for the peanut to be peeled, they had to be removed from

the shell.

She then suggested that they needed to breed them in a way where they grow without the

peel and the problem would be solved.

After staring at each other for a few seconds, CivilSpider got saved by the bell as he was

being called up front to help cashier.

To this day, he still remembers how ludicrous that suggestion was.

Number 1 – What

was the most ridiculous suggestion from a customer I ever heard?

For more infomation >> RIDICULOUS CUSTOMER SUGGESTIONS #2 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 6:11.


LOOP VIDEOS! -- How to Put a YouTube Video on Repeat - Duration: 1:44.

what's up guys in this video I'm going to show you how to loop a YouTube video

on your desktop and mobile devices now if there's a video or a music track or

some weird thing you like on YouTube that you just want to watch over and

over again well I'm going to show you how easy it is to do that we love

creating content for you guys and this video is brought to you by filmora so if

you're interested in video editing yourself then you can try yours free by

click on the link here or the description box below

select your video right click and click on loop that's it now I'm going to show

you how you can loop YouTube videos on your phone now there's apps out there

that you can download to do this but we've actually found an easier way and

I'm gonna show you how to do it right now first you want to open up your

YouTube app and choose a video you want to play on loop click Add to if you just

want this one video to play on loop and create a new playlist then check the

privacy option you want now go to your library tab and find your playlist play

this video and click this repeat button and that's it that's all you got to do

let us know what your favorite video is that you like to play on loop over and

over again in the comments section below and don't forget to comment like and

subscribe we'll see you next time

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