Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

ਦੋਹਿਰਾ ॥ ਅਸ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਨ ਖੰਡੋ ਖੜਗ ਤੁਪਕ ਤਬਰ ਅਰੁ ਤੀਰ ॥ ਸੈਫ਼ ਸਰੋਹੀ ਸੈਥੀ ਯਹੈ ਹਮਾਰੈ ਪੀਰ ॥੩॥ ਤੀਰ ਤੁਹੀ ਸੈਥੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤਬਰ ਤਰਵਾਰ ॥ ਨਾਮ ਤਿਹਾਰੋ ਜੋ ਜਪੈ ਭਯੇ ਸਿੰਧ ਭਵ ਪਾਰ ॥੪॥ ਕਾਲ ਤੁਹੀ ਕਾਲੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤੇਗ ਅਰ ਤੀਰ ॥ ਤੁਹੀ ਨਿਸਾਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕੀ ਆਜ ਤੁਹੀ ਜਗ ਬੀਰ ॥੫॥

For more infomation >> Tuhi Nishani Jeet Ki | ਤੁਹੀ ਨਿਸਾਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕੀ | Golden Temple Amritsar HD | Gurbani Kirtan - Duration: 4:19.


Q and A Questions and Answers Video - KIMYOKITTEN - Duration: 1:08.

Hi guys, I hope you had a wonderful New Years Celebration

This is my first video after my face reveal video

First of all I want to thank all of you for your wonderful messages and such such kind sweet comments

Oh my goodness you guys I was blushing and crying you guys are so sweet you don't even know how you make me feel

And I can never thank you guys enough

So what I want to do now is I want to do a a q and a so if you have any questions for me you can write them down below

Or you can also ask me on Instagram or snapchat and I'll be featuring your questions

I'm really excited this is a very new thing for me

So here it is to...(giggle)

Here it is to 2018 and all new and exciting things

All right you guys I'll see you soon. Bye

For more infomation >> Q and A Questions and Answers Video - KIMYOKITTEN - Duration: 1:08.


Nightcore - If You Leave Me Now (Charlie Puth) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:33.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - If You Leave Me Now (Charlie Puth) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:33.


Toys Animals for kids | Learn names and sounds wild and farm animals | Fun Toys For Baby - Duration: 11:27.

Toys Animals for kids | Learn names and sounds wild and farm animals | Fun Toys For Baby

For more infomation >> Toys Animals for kids | Learn names and sounds wild and farm animals | Fun Toys For Baby - Duration: 11:27.


Q&A (about my Foreign Exchange) - Duration: 13:26.

Hello, I'm Terrence and welcome to this video. Basically, in the last year and a half,

I didn't upload anything except for a studying video. And many of you guys have

left comments on my videos of Spain, asking me questions. So I wanted to make a

video in which I addressed all of that. So we are gonna do a questions and answers

video. (A Frequently Asked Questions) Let's start with the first questions, which is: Do you recommend Spain?

Well, that's a very broad question but yes.

I recommend Spain because I had a lot of fun when I was there. The people are very nice

and welcoming.I think it was a great country to have my first experience abroad.

It isn't too different culturally from the US, but there still are interesting facets

of their culture to learn about and become familiar with. So if you're deciding on a country to study in

or do a foreign exchange, it's important to have a true interest in going.

But for me, I loved Spain. And yes, I recommend it. What do you think of Spain? Also very broad but I think it's great!

In general, people in Spain were very kind to me and they took me in and

they added me to their groups and they treated me well. But I don't like to generalize so

there is lots of variety. That's life. There are good Spaniards and bad Spaniards. But

the grand majority of the people were great and I liked them a lot. The fourth

question: Did you spend time outside of Madrid? Yes I did several excursions and trips

to other places in Spain. But in those 5 months, I never left Spain. But I went

to Toledo with my Spanish parents. I went to Doñana with my high school class. It was like

an "end of the year" trip so almost all of us went. And on the way, we made a little stop in

Cordova, which is culturally a very interesting city. And Doñana is a national park

in the South of Spain where there was tons of nature and opportunities to hike and such.

And we lived in, what are they called, cabins and

It was a wonderful experience with my school friends, my Spanish friends.

I also traveled several times with the exchange program itself, with AFS. I went with other exchange students

that were living in Madrid to Barcelona to see the architecture and to see the

different culture that's there. We also went to Granada where we saw the Alhambra and walked around

and experienced that culture as well. That was also a fantastic experience

to be able to meet friends from around the world. I had friends from Canada, France

Turkey, and more. There were people from everywhere and it was interesting to meet them and I think that by the end,

we were truly like a little family of foreign exchange students, you know? What program did you do it with?

Well, I think I just mentioned it but I did the exchange with AFS, which is an American based program.

It stands for American Field Service. And it's a great program. I generally had a very

positive experience with it. AFS offered tons of resources like orientations where they ask if you're

doing alright, if you're integrating into the society, if you're having any difficulties.

How I found it, I was actually originally wanting a program just to improve my Spanish

because I had a real interest for it at the time. So online I looked up "Spanish Language

Programs" and I found AFS, which had some summer programs where I could learn

Spanish and they really interested me. But one day I realized that four weeks

or two months is a really short period of time and that I wanted to spend at least a semester in Spain and

that's what I ended up doing. Next question: Are the Spanish and American school systems different? Yes, they are rather different. I think that there are

three main differences. The first is that in the US, normally it's the students

that go to from class to class. For example we have a history class, an

English class, a Spanish class, a Physics Class and then we go to the teacher's

rooms, but in Spain it's different. In Spain, you have an assigned fixed class of 30 people.

I was in class 4C at my school and the professors came to us. Besides some special

classes like lab biology, computer science, or PE, we were

almost always in the same room. The English, History, and Math teachers would come to us in

the room. The second difference is extracurricular activities.

Is that a thing? Extracurriculars, extracurricular activities.

Outside of school? I don't know, special activities. Here,

in the US, we can do several sports with the high school like swimming or basketball. We can participate

in the school musical and we have many clubs. But in Spain they have almost none of that. There are some opportunities

to do music or sports but not with the high school itself. The high school

is mainly a place for learning and having classes and such. If you want to do sports,

you're gonna end up doing them with an outside organization. The third difference is that in Spain the grading

system and the whole ideology surrounding that is a bit different as well. There are more tests

which tend to be harder. And the tests are more important for your final

grade. They count for more percent. This is a difference that you're going to heavily pick up on if you're in Spain and

you're from the US. So, you have to study a lot for those tests and prepare yourself

because they can really impact your final grade. But in Spain, there's far less homework. Like,

in the US I normally get two to three hours of homework every day from all my classes

but in Spain, it was far less. Most of what you have to do is study and prepare

for tests so that you don't fail. Okay, the next question: What did you do for fun?

Well Spanish teens to almost the exact same things that we do. I did many things for fun like

going to the movies, going to the park with friend, taking walks around the town, going to the city,

to Madrid to a disco or to have something to eat or drink. In Tres Cantos, there was

a mall really close to my house so we would often just meet there as friends and spend some time together.

There are lots of questions in this category about the learning of Spanish. Many

of you guys have asked: How much Spanish did you know before going to Spain? And a lot of people don't believe me,

but very very little. When I left California for Spain, I had studied a year and a half

of Spanish so I really just knew the basics. I knew the grammar basics. I knew how to form

basic sentences. I had a small vocabulary as well but not huge. Initially,

I also had some trouble understanding people because it just seemed like everybody

spoke so quickly, but that improve with more time in the country. Do you have any tips or tricks to improve your Spanish?

Well, this depends on your learning style and on how much time you're willing to use

every day but what I did was: I had a little notepad/notebook, a little black notebook in which

I wrote the words, expressions, idioms, slang that I encountered

on a daily basis. When I got home, I would study them. Like, I would make little

flashcards to memorize the vocabulary and the definitions and how to use them and in what contexts

to use them. And i studied a TON. Like two to three hours every day,

just in my room alone, watching Spanish movies, watching Spanish TV shows, learning Spanish.

I don't know why. Because it fascinated me. That's the trick right there: having passion.

This question: Why do you have two breaks? I don't know, honestly. When I was in Spain,

I thought that all high schools were like that but apparently not. Many of you

were very upset about it. We had three classes, then a break, two more classes, a break,

then two more classes. This question seemed really important to me. How did you convince your parents?

The task of convincing your parents and asking them to let you leave the country for a semester

is not easy and is a very important part of the process. My parents were

hesitant at first. But I think that what finally ended up convincing them was

that I had a concrete plan of what I wanted to do, of my intentions, of my plans. So

I had like a printed out plan of where I was going to go, which which program,

how much it was going to cost, whom I was going to stay with. And if you're very sure of your plan,

and if you talk about the advantages and why you want to go and how the experience will benefit you,

it's more likely that your parents say yes to you going. But I think that at the end of the day,

my parents say how much I wanted to do it and that I really wanted to leave the country and

learn Spanish and learn about another culture. And that's why they gave in.

Next question: Did you go to parties and did you drink? Well there were parties

in Madrid or at my friend's houses. At the end of the year, there were also some "fiestas"

in the local fairground in Tres Cantos and there was food, activities,

rides. But never drinking, because drinking is against AFS rules. And I always

follow the rules. These are less questions, but more like...

insults. When I uploaded the video where I learned and taught

Spanish and American slang with my friend Esteban (that video is here if you want

to see it) many said: We say these words and phrases in the whole country, not just California! People were so mad at me.

Like, super pissed. But it was an honest mistake. I had said that maybe

these words were from California or that they're mostly used in California.

I don't know, I wasn't sure. I said "maybe". I swear I said "perhaps". But yea,

people were very mad at me. What country are you from? Several have asked me this. I'm from the US.

I was born in San Jose, California y I've spend almost all of my life here. This next question,

I also receive a lot for some reason. American?? But he's Chinese! I have a very important piece of info.

It may baffle you. It may be very hard for you to understand. But you can be both.

Wow, wow, who knew? But yea, it's possible to be American by nationality and Chinese

by race/ethnicity. So, that's what I am. My parents were born in China and then

they moved to the US and I was born here and I speak English, Chinese, etc.

Can you make videos teaching Spanish? I don't think I'm qualified to do that because I don't necessarily

speak super good Spanish. I still have a lot to learn. I have lots of room to improve

but I like teaching a lot so if you guys feel like I could do that, I would like to

teach things that I learned, like expressions or I don't know. The last question is: Can you make videos teaching English?

I can teach English. But you guys would have to comment what you want me to teach. If you want

something explained or tricks to improve pronunciation or if you have a

question about the difference between certain words, I'd love to explain it because

I love to teach things. And that's it! I hope you guys have really liked this video.

Leave comments below of what you want me to make next. And yea, till next time!

For more infomation >> Q&A (about my Foreign Exchange) - Duration: 13:26.


Girls Who Love Cheese - Duration: 2:21.

(gentle music) - Some cheese, miss?

- Yes, please, thank you. - Great.

Just tell me when to stop. - Yeah.

(playful music increases in intensity)

- I'll tell you when I want you to stop.

- Okay. (fun music)

- It's you.

- Ooh, you guys want pizza for lunch?

- Yes. - Okay.

- Oh, I can't have pizza; I'm lactose intolerant.

(cries out in alarm)

- (groans) That smells awful.

- Yeah, that's how you know it's good.

- You really put cheese on everything, don't you?

- Yeah. (dramatic classical music)

- Is that cheese on cheese? (fun music)

- Can I add cheese to that?

Can I add cheese to that?

- [Man] And would you like cheese with that?

- (laughs) Jake, you crazy boy.

Do I want cheese with that, you crazy.

See you at pick up!

- I think I'm gonna name my first daughter Brie.

- You think I can name my kid Manchego?

- Yes. - Yeah.

- Yeah. - That's a cool name.

- Can I get you anything?

- What kind of cheese do you have?

- So, Miss Brunson, you are in excellent health.

- Oh, thank goodness. - Oh, and we also found

the source of your stomach issues.

- Okay, what is it?

- Did you know you were lactose intolerant?

(dramatic music)

Your blood has a deficiency in lactase--

- No. - Which is the enzyme--

- No, no, no, no, no. - That allows you

to digest dairy. - No!

No, no, no!

Cheese, cheese, cheese, cheese, where's the cheese?



- What is it, Quinta? - I just had the worst dream.

It started off so relatable. (fun music)

- What is this? - Cheese.

- What? - You said you wanted cheese.

- The fuck is this? - You said you wanted cheese!

- Kraft singles?

What do you think I am, 12 years old?

Are you kidding me? - It's cheese!

- How dare you disgrace me with the cheese of a peasant?

Get out, get out!

This is not my apartment.

For more infomation >> Girls Who Love Cheese - Duration: 2:21.








What a Nutritionist Orders at McDonald's - Duration: 4:15.

I'm off to McDonald's where I haven't been in probably ten years and we're

gonna hit up the drive through to see what healthy choices you can make while

going to McDonald's!

My strategy is going to be finding something that has

vegetables because I like to focus on protein, fiber, and fat. If we can find

maybe like a salad with some vegetable variety and some healthy fats on it

that's why I'm gonna go for. Maybe they have whole green buns? Definitely no soda though.

But maybe they'll have seltzer... We shall see!

I'm so nervous.

We're getting closer!

Do I have to talk to a person? What is the game plan... Oh, do I pay here too?


I pay and order, right?

Hi, how are you?

Where are your salads? Do you have salads?

It's right there. The bacon ranch or the southwest salad.

Why do I not see that...

Do you see the salads on there? Do you see the salad?

My first choice would be the breakfast bowl because that looks pretty awesome.

The egg white and turky sausage one.

But I'll go with the Southwest salad.

Chicken crispy or grilled?

Grilled chicken, please. No cheese would be great. And then what do you have

for dressing options?

Do you have anything just like a plain –

What's your plainest one?

Umm, the ranch.

The ranch is the plainest? Do you have any avocado?

No avocado.

Okay, we'll just do no dressing. Do you have unsweetened iced tea?


Okay, we'll do an unsweetened iced tea. Do you have a fruit cup?

Yes, but it comes with yogurt also?

Or apple slices. We have a little bag of apple slices.

Yes, that would be great! Apple slices!

Woohoo! That's pretty good!

I got apples, I have vegetables, I have protein... I couldn't find fat.

That was the only thing that I'm a little bummed I wasn't able to get.

Like avocado or olive oil

or something with good quality fat.

Because ranch wasn't going to cut it.

Oh wow, that was really fast. Thank you!

Alright, so I got my unsweetened iced

which is awesome. It's a little bit more exciting than water and a little

bit of caffeine to start out your day is not a bad thing.

And let's see this salad that I got!

Okay, looks like maybe they included a little dressing even

though I said no but that's okay.

The dressing is always

tricky and probably the hardest thing because it can usually make or break the

health of your salad, so I think my options for dressing were the ranch

which is loaded with sugar and fat – not the healthy fat that I was looking for

so that was a no-go, and then if you ever hear that a dressing is low-fat

I usually avoid that too because it means they removed the fat, healthy or not

healthy, and usually add it in sugar. So even though they're lower in

fat they're kind of loaded in sugar. Really what I look for is something

that's just super plain and if I can get avocado that's great if I can

get just a plain olive oil or vinegar that would be really great.

We got some veggies, black beans, corn, protein, and a little bit of tortilla chips

for some crunch. I guess I could have asked to have those on the side but you

know sometimes I like a little crunch, so that's okay.

I asked him to hold the cheese. The only other thing that is

missing here that I would like to see is like maybe a piece of avocado and then I

would say that's a pretty balanced meal.

Thank you guys for joining me on my trip through the drive through!

It was definitely an experience and it was a lot of fun

to be able to look and see what options are out there even though there's not a

lot you can't find something that is healthy, so don't ever feel like you're

trapped or you can't find something to eat.

If you like this video go ahead and

give it a thumbs up. Comment below if you want to see me go through a different

restaurant and show you how to order something that's healthy. And don't forget

to subscribe to our channel!

Thanks guys.

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