Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018




President Trump dropped a major bomb on the heads of two people significant to the Democrat


He blasted them on Twitter with an explosive Tweet that called for the shocking arrest

of the top democratic nominee for President and her number one sidekick.

Trump lambasted them with a barrage of words in the 280 Twitter limit and in that very

brief message he called for Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin to be jailed.

Among scandals, investigations, and outlets like Wikileaks releasing information not previously

seen by the public, it's no wonder the pair has found them in the spotlight of Trump's

vicious Twitter account.

When Trump isn't reminding Kim Jong-un that America will nuke the daylights out of them

if they ever attack the United States, then Trump is calling out his foes left and right.

He's delivering knockout blows to everyone like he's an undefeated Glass Joe in Mike

Tyson's punch out.

Or better yet, Trump is to Twitter, what Mike Tyson was to boxing when he decimated opponents

in very short boxing matches.

They weren't matches, they were a massacre, and that's what Trump does to people.

Now we hear about Hillary Clinton making various headlines.

We read about boxes of "Muslim files" being removed from the White House.

We witness a house fire at Clinton's house, and immediately people say things like "what

files did she accidentally leave in the room that caught fire," and there's just so

much information swirling together about Clinton.

People wonder if Trump will be the one who puts her behind bars.

If he does, then what will the retaliation be?

Freedom Daily reported: President Trump made a shocking post on social

media, where he formally called for the immediate arrest of both Hillary Clinton and her Muslim

Brotherhood sidekick, Huma Abedin.

Over the past several weeks, both women's scandalous antics have been making headlines,

after news broke of how the pair removed 5 boxes of "Muslim files" from the White

House to cover Obama's dirty secrets, where the deed was accomplished after they falsely

claimed that the box contained "unclassified personal materials."

Now just 24 hours after President Trump called for their arrest, Wikileaks has just dropped

another bombshell, and now news of Guantanamo being prepared for "VIP American detainees"

is making many speculate that Trump is about to make good on his campaign promise to "lock

her up."

It gets deeper.

Wikileaks looks over the neighborly fence like Wilson from Home Improvement.

They whispered over the fence about some more damning information that could put another

dent in her career.

The Gateway Pundit stopped by to expose the New York Times for collusion with Hillary

Clinton in a scathing attempt to conceal scandals.

This was done by allegedly notifying Clinton of the stories they would run in advance,

that way Clinton could prepare her response if a "spin" was needed.

Gateway Pundit reported: "Wikileaks revealed in a midnight tweet

late Saturday into Sunday that a New York Times reporter used to email the State Department

giving them updates on stories they would be running several days in advance.

Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State at the time.

This would give her State Department enough to time to distract or put a spin on the new


"Email shows New York Times handed over Cablegate's publication schedule to the

US government (without telling @WikiLeaks) giving the State Department, then headed by

Hillary Clinton, up to 9 days in advance to spin the revelations or create diversions,"

Wikileaks tweeted."

WikiLeaks is the one guy at school who just didn't care.

They called it as they saw it, unafraid of consequences, and brave enough to say it like

it is.

Tom Fitton is also like that.

He's the President of Judicial Watch.

He made a strong statement against Hillary and Huma Abedin.

"We already know the Obama State Department let Hillary Clinton steal and then delete

her government emails, which included classified information.

But these new records show that was only part of the scandal.

These new documents show the Obama State Department had a deal with Hillary Clinton to hide her

calls logs and schedules, which would be contrary to FOIA and other laws.

When are the American people going to get an honest investigation of the Clinton crimes?"

He's calling for a more honest investigation.

Although, with that house fire that just happened in the Clinton Compound, then it's easy

to wonder if that fire was set on purpose and information destroyed.

Then again, it doesn't make sense to destroy information in their own home.

They could have something destroyed without a trace if they wanted to do so.

It's Hillary, she can pull those things off and people know this.

Maybe the fact that they see this is why so many investigators are hesitant to truly find


Are investigators scared to crack open a hard shell full of evidence?

Is Trump the President who will hold Hillary and Huma's hands as they're walked into


What happens next?

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!! TRUMP Is ARRESTING BOTH!! FINALLY!!! - Duration: 5:04.


Jury HAMMERS Big Pharma Over Blood Thinner Dangers - Duration: 11:21.

Each year, more than four million Americans citizens are prescribed blood thinners.

These medications are typically taken to prevent the formation of blood clots that can lead

to heart attacks and strokes.

Some of these products, like Warfarin, have been on the market for decades.

But as the number of Americans taking these medications increased, so did the number of

different drugs available to prevent blood clots.

The market for blood thinners in the United States is overwhelming.

Each year this country spends more than one billion dollars on blood thinners, with most

of those prescriptions being written for people over 65, and in some cases people as young

as 18 years old are given this medication.

One of the most popular blood thinners on the market today is Xarelto.

The drug officially made it into the blockbuster category with sales that have topped well

over a billion dollars.

Right now, Janssen and Bayer are facing close to 20,000 lawsuits from patients who took

Xarelto and developed very severe internal bleeding as a result of the drug.

Currently there's no known potential cure to reverse the type of blood loss caused by

Xarelto, other than possibly emergency dialysis.

Individuals with severe pulmonary arterial hypertension are at great risk for experiencing

a Xarelto related fatal bleed.

Doctors can only wait for Xarelto to be flushed out of the patient's body when extensive blood

loss begins.

Not even dialysis can be sufficient.

Even a simple gastrointestinal bleed can become a fatal hemorrhage.

And yes, the drug remains on the market.

Not because we really need it, but because it's a cash cow for big pharma.

Joining me now to talk about this is attorney Gary Douglas, who tried the first case, with

one of my partners in full disclosure.

Gary, start by telling us some of the side effects that have been observed with Xarelto

if you would.

What do you see the worst side effects of blood thinners?

Sure Mike.

First, thanks for having me on.

The major side effect is internal bleeding, as you mentioned earlier in the show.

That's common with all blood thinners, like Xarelto.

Xarelto is no different, except the thrust of our case and what we learned was that the

risk, your risk of bleeding, of this internal bleeds, the type that will put you in the

hospital, require blood transfusion, potentially kill you.

The risk of bleeding with Xarelto is far greater than they led folks to believe.

The label says for example that the risk is 3.6% per year per patient, but we have learned,

and what the thrust of our case was, was that it's really double and triple , and for some

patients way higher than that.

Triple, quadruple and even 10 or a 1,000 times higher than what's stated on the label for

some unfortunate patients.

Gary, first of all you've tried some of the most important cases in the country.

Every kind of pharmaceutical trial I can think of, you've been there somewhere, usually in

the middle of trying that case.

In this case, you've been through the documents for the companies involved.

So, is there any doubt in your mind that this company knew exactly how dangerous Xarelto

could be, but chose to roll the dice and make their billion dollars.

What is your take on that?

Is that an overstatement of what happened here?


In fact it's probably an understatement.

There's no question, and our jurors saw the internal documents and the evidence of what

the folks at Bayer, who's the European, or German, company who developed the drug in

conjunction with Johnson & Johnson and Janssen, who sold it here in the United States and

what they knew internally about this much higher risk.

They made a conscious decision not to disclose what they knew and the fact that there was

a much higher risk than what they led folks to believe in their label.

In fact, this also something you mentioned earlier in your program, our jurors get to

see internal documents where the company is discussing the fact that they will make this

drug a blockbuster, before they ever tested it on a single human being to see whether

it was safe and effective.

They had made the commercial strategy decision to make Xarelto a blockbuster drug, which

in pharmaceutical vernacular means, a billion dollar drug.

The jurors also saw internal documents where the company is talking about the fact that

the financial stability of the company depended on the success of Xarelto in the market in

the United States.

Thus, the obvious reason as to why they left out this important safety information.

I think during trial you and Ned McWilliams, my law partner, I know you tried this case


I think you pointed out, this was not really even a ... We don't even need this drug.

I mean, Xarelto is not something we even have to have on the market.

Do you agree with that?

Or, did I get that right?


Mr McWilliams was, he sort of coined the phrase during trial, that Xarelto is in fact what

we cold worst in class.

There are plenty of other drugs, there are plenty of other blood thinners that achieve

the same goal, much better by the way, with a much better efficacy record than Xarelto,

and that Xarelto is in fact worst in class.

It causes more bleeds than any of these other blood thinners on the market today, including


This talk about, "Oh gee, a jury verdict is going to cause such a big problem, because

this is such a necessary drug."

That's kind of nonsense where it comes to Xarelto, we don't even need this.

Warfarin's been out there, you've had all kinds of other types of drugs.

This is simply so the drug company can make more money.

I want to tell you something.

You tried this recent case, it resulted in a $28 million verdict.

What was the company's defense during the trial?

How did they justify their behavior in this case?

I understand that the defense gets paid something like $5 or $6 million.

The lawyers get paid $5 or $6 million to go and promote this idea that, "Oh golly gee,

this is safe.

Nothing to worry about."

These lawyers accept the money, they know the truth.

These lawyers know the truth about what happened.

They see the documents just like you do, but they choose to say, "Yeah, I feel really good

about defending this company."

What's your take?

Why $28 million?

Well, one of the defenses in the case, and they took a page right out of the big tobacco

defense, which was they claimed, they took the incredulous position with our jurors that

Xarelto doesn't cause bleeding.

Even though it says it right on their own label, that Xarelto can cause bleeding.

The idea, I guess, behind that, it was if they could convince a jury that Xarelto doesn't

cause bleeding, and it only makes bleeding worse, then they could say that therefor we

didn't not cause Mrs. Hartman's bleed, who was the plaintiff in our case.

So they took a page right out of big tobacco, and obviously the jurors found that defense

incredulous and zapped them with a huge punitive damage verdict of $28 million.

So if I'm guess right, Philadelphia will be the new center of gravity for this litigation.

There are about 2,500 cases that are going to be tried up there.

That seems to be a place that a lot of the distribution of this product took place up


So this company, look, isn't this a pretty good indicator?

I mean, $28 million dollars they get hit for one case.

Just in Philadelphia alone they've got 2,500 cases.

But yet they choose to pay the defense lawyers $5 million per trial, when the company clearly

knows they've done wrong here.

There's no question here.

The jury says it, the document say, they know they've done wrong.

But just so they can keep this product on the market a little longer and they can make

another billion or two billion or three billion dollars, they're willing to roll the dice

as I see this.

What's your take?

Yeah, as I said before, their internal documents talked about how the company's financial stability

actually depends on the commercial success of Xarelto.

They have a number of drugs coming off patent, where they're going to lose income.

So they are committed to this drug.

But hopefully with this verdict we'll start to turn things around and we can get justice

for all of the folks who have suffered devastating injuries and have their cases filed in Pennsylvania

and wherever.

Gary, after it was very clear, they couldn't hide it anymore.

The clinical data was showing that people were dying because of it.

Did the FDA ever issue any kind of additional warnings to patient about how dangerous this

drug could be?

Yeah, so specifically, what we proved the trial was that the risk to folks in America,

Americans, people living in the United States, the risk was far higher than what they listed

in the label.

Instead of 3.6%, it was actually over 8% or 9%, double or triple what they led folks to

believe on the label, and their market was the United States.

So why on earth would you not disclose this information about the risk of people in the

United States being so much higher than what you said on the label.

So in 2015, FDA came along and required the company to include this information on the


But they still haven't included all of the information that's required, that we believe

is required, such as that some folks are at 100 times or 1,000-fold higher risk than what

the label states.

Gary, I've got about a minute, but basically what happens?

People check in, show up in the emergency room, they're bleeding.

The doctors literally cannot stop the bleeding, so people bleed out, they die right there

on the table because there's no way to stop the bleeding, except dialysis if that works

at all.

What's your take?

Is that correct?

Yeah, it's almost, it's worse than that actually because what your classic bleed out presentation

is that they can't find, they can't locate the source of the bleed.

This is very typical presentation, and that's exactly what happened in the case of Mrs Hartman.

They do all kinds of diagnostic tests and the very nature of this type of bleed from

a blood thinner, from Xarelto, is that you just can't seem to locate it.

So the doctors' hands are tied in so many ways.

They're just left to feel helpless, including the patient who feels helpless.

They know they're in the hospital for an internal bleed and they can't stop the bleeding, and

they don't even know where the bleeding is coming from.


Let me point something out Gary as I close, MSNBC knows about this story, CNN knows about

this story, the major networks know about this story.

They have done almost zero reporting about this story, but go to the news tonight, watch

MSNBC and see if you don't see a Xarelto commercial.

That's why we don't see the stories in corporate media.

That's true.

It's all about advertising dollars.

They really don't care whether Mrs. Whoever bleeds out on the table or whatever this comp's


As long as the advertising dollars keep coming in, they're not going to talk about stories

like this.

Gary, thank you for joining me.

For more infomation >> Jury HAMMERS Big Pharma Over Blood Thinner Dangers - Duration: 11:21.


CBC NL Here & Now Thursday December 4 2017 - Duration: 1:02:18.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Thursday December 4 2017 - Duration: 1:02:18.


Cold weather shelters remain open - Duration: 0:35.

For more infomation >> Cold weather shelters remain open - Duration: 0:35.



Hi guys, I hope you are doing well

Today my brother will show you how he did this wall

He had this idea of putting styrofoam on the wall

Everyone thinks this wall is made out of rocks

Because it looks really good

He actually used styrofoam

And he spent almost nothing

Let me call him

Come here so I can make a video with you

He is going to explain to you how he did it

This is my brother, again

I have a step by step video of the other wall I made

That's right. Let me show you the other wall

This one


I don't know if you can see it. But this is styrofoam

It isn't rock

It is really well done. I don't know how he did it

You have a video right?

Yes. This wall has water infiltration

We called the masons

And they said the right thing to do is to knock down the wall and build another one

The cost would be very high

Because this wall is attached to the neighbor's house

And when it rains, the water descends and infiltrates our house

But the neighbor's property doesn't get infiltrated

I did this wall to hide the infiltration

The infiltration is still here

But I hid it with the styrofoam

I used a 10 mm plate, hot glue

With a pistol

And I put it up one-by-one

I started from the top corner

And you come down gluing it all

How much did you spent?

Less than U$ 30 dollars

The styrofoam

It costs 55 cents

I used around 25 plates

The glue is a little stick

Each stick costs around 10 cents

One stick glues 3 big plates

And afterwards, I painted with the cheapest acrylic paint

This helps it stick even more

Because I mixed the paint with a little bit of white glue

The video my sister is going to show you

I explain step by step how I did it

The video is not very good quality because I filmed it myself and I'm not very good

Now you will see the video

Teaching how to build the wall step by step

I hope you enjoy it

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel to see the next videos

Follow me on my instagram

You will see the video now

This styrofoam is really thin

This plate has 5 mm

I bought the thiner because it is cheaper

The 10mm was twice the price

This wall does not have infiltration

I already scratched the plate with rectangles.

Each one has 20cm x 10cm

This is the worst part

I think I will need 10 plates, but I have 11 just as precaution

Now I'm going to cut it with the stylus

I am done cutting the plates

Let me show you an effect that I really like

You light up a candle

You take the styrofoam on the opposite side of the pen

And you do this

Burn the styrofoam a little bit

The styrofoam gets marked

It is ok to have the black mark effect

You can do it anyway. It is just to give a wrinkle in the styrofoam

Just be careful to not burn it too much

I wanna burn it like that

Here is why this is really important

when you burn it, it looks like a rock

I've already cut 4 styrofoam plates

I've cut and burnt with the candle

And now I will start to glue it

I am using white glue, with a little bit of water

It is easier this way

Doing this with one by hand is difficult

And after that I will use styrofoam glue

I glue it over here

For another wall

I used hot glue

with the pistol

But this is a lot of work

This place burns, and it is difficult to use

So, today I am not using this pistol, because this wall does not have infiltration

I've already put the screws to hang the painting later

This wall has the infiltration

The infiltration is still here but it is hidden

Because this wall has infiltration, the humidity could make the Styrofoam fall

That's why I used the hot glue to fix it really well

This one will be fine with the regular glue

Because after all I will paint it

The paint will help to fix it even better

I start from the top

Because it's easier to fix any fault that might happen

My hands have paint because I was painting artwork

It is hard to film and glue at the same time

To finish up, you just need to paint

I am painting with a white acrylic paint

And I will paint the whole styrofoam

Because when the paint dries

It removes these stronger marks of the candle

It gets smoother

When I am done painting I will show you the result

For more infomation >> COMO FAZER PAREDE DE ISOPOR - GENIAL - Duration: 9:42.


RGB SSD, Case w/ Built In Water Cooling, New Overwatch Hero! -- Weekly Download #77 - Duration: 5:26.

Hey Welcome to Zach's Tech Turf and Weekly Download episode number 77, which is my tech

and PC gaming news series.

Today I'm playing some Assassin's Creed Origins which I'm finally reviewing and

I got myself a coffee for this episode.

Make sure you guys let me know in the comment section what you're sippin' on, let's

get into it.

Alright so we got some pretty cool PC hardware to talk about first this week, and one of

them is this new PC case that has a build in water cooling system.

It' DeepCool's Baronkase Liquid and it's got a build in 120mm all in one liquid cooler

for your CPU.

There's also a flow indicator on the side so you can see your coolant and to ensure

the flow rate is correct.

This is a pretty cool concept, but most of us know that 120mm AIO's are kinda pointless

because they really don't perform much better , if at all better than a decent air cooler,

so I wouldn't really recommend this thing, but I like the unique idea for a gaming case.

You can pick these up next month and they are starting at around $140.

And the other cool new piece of gaming hardware this week is an RGB solid state drive.

Yea what?

2017 definitely brought us some new RGB parts like RAM sticks, mousepads, and motherboards,

but now we have what I think is the first RGB SSD drive.

It's made by Plextor and they are releasing a bunch of different models and sizes that

feature RGB, and they all include a 5 year warranty.

Might just have to put this in my new build, we shall see.

And to already wrap up the tech news for the week, Apple has started their new battery

replacement program, and you should definitely know about this if you're an iPhone user

like myself.

If you have an iPhone 6, SE, or later model, then you can bring your phone into an Apple

store and get a battery replacement for just 29 bucks, it's actually free if you have

Apple Care protection.

As I stated last week, Apple has admitted that their phones have been throttling the

CPU when the battery gets degraded so I would definitely recommend doing the upgrade if

you're trying to prolong the use of your iPhone.

Before jumping into the PC gaming news this week, I wanna quickly let you guys know about


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Alright so to start off the PC gaming news for the week, Valve released it's 12 biggest

earners as far as games go on Steam, and the list is actually somewhat surprising.

This lsit included the purchase price, DLC, and microtransactions.

There were some obvious ones on there like PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds and GTA V

and Rocket League, but there were a few surprising ones on there.

I had no idea that The Witcher 3 was STILL selling that many copies, or the fact that

Ghost Recon Wildlands was still making that much money.

Very interesting list.

Next up Jeff Kaplan, the lead man on the Overwatch team announced that the 27th hero in Overwatch

is no in internal testing and it's a quote "very needed" addition to the group of


As of right now we don't really know much more about that, but I wanted to include this

piece of news so I can ask you guys who all is still playing Overwatch.

I've been trying a ton of new games lately and I honestly kinda forgot about Overwatch.

I definitely have the itch to jump back in and play so I don't know, let me know if

you guys are still rocking that game here in 2018.

Next up there was some more terrible news in the world of gaming just like last week,

but a 28 year old in Kansas was accidently killed in a swatting prank.

For those that don't know, swatting is when someone calls the police and tells them that

there's a serious crime like murder, kindnapping, etc in a livestreamer's house, that way

all the viewers can see a swat team bust open into the house.

It's a terrible terrible prank and this time the guys getting swatted was somehow

accidentally killed even though he was unarmed.

I don't think we know more about this situation yet other than I believe they have the guy

who made the call in custody.

This is really freaking stupid.

Alright and to change the mood and wrap up the short PC gaming news of the week, an amateur

game developer coded in just 2 days an actual infinite level design in Destiny 2's infinite


If you haven't played Destiny 2 yet, there's absolutely nothing infinite about the infinite

forest, and it's crazy that in just 2 days someone coded it to actually be infinite.

Many upset Destiny 2 players consider the infinite forest a huge loss in opportunity

because of how finite it is, but I don't know, what do you guys think about this?

As I've always said, I'm definitely still rooting for Bungie to turn things around on

Destiny 2.

Well that wraps up Weekly Download episode number 77.

I wanted to thank you guys so much for the love on my last Ask Me Anything video of this

deployment that I just uploaded on Monday, you guys are awesome.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this video, please drop a like down below to help support my

channel, and as always, thank you for watching and please subscribe for more Zach's Tech

Turf videos.

For more infomation >> RGB SSD, Case w/ Built In Water Cooling, New Overwatch Hero! -- Weekly Download #77 - Duration: 5:26.


Tuhi Nishani Jeet Ki | ਤੁਹੀ ਨਿਸਾਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕੀ | Golden Temple Amritsar HD | Gurbani Kirtan - Duration: 4:19.

ਦੋਹਿਰਾ ॥ ਅਸ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਨ ਖੰਡੋ ਖੜਗ ਤੁਪਕ ਤਬਰ ਅਰੁ ਤੀਰ ॥ ਸੈਫ਼ ਸਰੋਹੀ ਸੈਥੀ ਯਹੈ ਹਮਾਰੈ ਪੀਰ ॥੩॥ ਤੀਰ ਤੁਹੀ ਸੈਥੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤਬਰ ਤਰਵਾਰ ॥ ਨਾਮ ਤਿਹਾਰੋ ਜੋ ਜਪੈ ਭਯੇ ਸਿੰਧ ਭਵ ਪਾਰ ॥੪॥ ਕਾਲ ਤੁਹੀ ਕਾਲੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤੁਹੀ ਤੇਗ ਅਰ ਤੀਰ ॥ ਤੁਹੀ ਨਿਸਾਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕੀ ਆਜ ਤੁਹੀ ਜਗ ਬੀਰ ॥੫॥

For more infomation >> Tuhi Nishani Jeet Ki | ਤੁਹੀ ਨਿਸਾਨੀ ਜੀਤ ਕੀ | Golden Temple Amritsar HD | Gurbani Kirtan - Duration: 4:19.


MY BEST of 2017 - Duration: 6:00.

For more infomation >> MY BEST of 2017 - Duration: 6:00.


Adjective Clauses: What do you know? Learn English Grammar with Jennifer - Duration: 5:34.

Hi everyone. It's Jennifer.

It's been really cold here in Massachusetts this past week.

Winter is often the season that New Englanders love. But these brutally cold temperatures aren't fun at all.

I'm the kind of person who gets cold easily, so I've been wearing two pairs of socks and three layers on my body…inside the house!

When I'm outside, I wear a heavy coat and a hat.

This one is one of my favorites because it covers my ears. It's fur, which makes it very warm.

You just heard a few adjective clauses. Did you recognize them? Take a closer look at my words.

Can you spot three adjectives clauses? ...Here they are.

Let me ask you something. Can adjective clauses stand alone as a complete thought?

The answer is no. An adjective clause is a a type of dependent clause.

And we need to make an adjective clause a part of a larger sentence, a complex sentence.

Look at the examples again.

The adjective clauses are dependent clauses. The main idea of each sentence is the independent clause.

Together the independent clause and the dependent clause form a complex sentence.

Each clause has its own subject and verb. We use an adjective clause to do what adjectives do best: they describe or identify people or things.

When we talk about function, adjective clauses are just like single-word adjectives: they describe and identify.

For example:

We use relative pronouns to form adjective clauses. Do you see the relative pronouns in my examples?

The most common relative pronouns are who, which, and that.

Let me ask you a few questions. You may know the answers already.

First, of these relative pronouns, which ones can we use to refer to people?

WHO and THAT, right?

Second, which of these relative pronouns can we use to refer to things?

WHICH and THAT, correct? Good.

Okay. Third question. Where do we use adjective clauses? Can we put them before a noun as we do with single-word adjectives?

For example:

No. An adjective clause has to follow the noun it modifies. Usually it's right after that head noun.

If there's too much distance, the listener may not be able to connect the adjective clause to that head noun.

I bet you've heard adjective clauses before. Some of you already use them.

What I'd like to do in the next five lessons is make sure you understand and use adjective clauses correctly.

So will you join me? Will you take on this grammar challenge? I think you'll enjoy it!

You've just had your introduction. Get ready for five more videos on adjective clauses!

I'll see you again soon for the next lesson on adjective clauses. That's all for now.

Please like this video if you're excited about studying grammar with me!

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies.

For more infomation >> Adjective Clauses: What do you know? Learn English Grammar with Jennifer - Duration: 5:34.


Lango- OneShot #2 👽 - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> Lango- OneShot #2 👽 - Duration: 2:23.


Egyptian Blue: How an Ancient Pigment Could Save Lives - Duration: 3:47.


The tale of the world's first artificial pigment has all the elements of a good thriller:

an ancient mystery, a dramatic rediscovery, and some cutting-edge future technology.

Today, this age-old chemical compound may help scientists prevent forgery and even save


But before it was doing any of that, it was adding color to the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs.

The color blue was a big deal to the ancient Egyptians.

It was the color of the sky and the Nile, and people came to associate it with creation

and fertility.

But the earliest pigments were made from things like different minerals or charcoal, which

means lots of browns, reds, and yellows.

One of the only natural sources of blue pigment was a rare, valuable mineral called lapis


It was ground up and turned into a deep blue pigment known as ultramarine.

And instead of paying big bucks for that blue, the ancient Egyptians got creative with some

chemistry and invented the world's first artificial pigment.

Egyptian blue first appeared around 2600 BCE and eventually spread throughout Mesopotamia

and the Roman empire.

The only information we have about how it was made in ancient times comes from a Roman

writer named Vitruvius.

The ingredients were sand, which we now know was probably made of quartz, copper-containing

minerals, and natron, which is a salty mix of different sodium compounds that Egyptians

used for embalming, too.

You had to mix this stuff together, shape it into balls, stick those in a clay jar,

and heat them in an oven.

Then, you could grind them up to get some blue pigment!

This pigment was used in paint for wall art or mummy coffins, or in glazes for pottery.

But as other colors like red and yellow became all the rage in Roman art, Egyptian blue lost


By around the fourth century, it began to fall out of use.

And, eventually, the formula for making it was lost.

The story picks up in 1814, when archaeologists found Egyptian blue while excavating the ruins

of Pompeii.

They sent samples to London for analysis, where chemists tried to figure out what it

was made of by mixing it with and dissolving it in other substances and seeing what happened.

After a lot of experimentation, we now know that the chemical name of Egyptian blue is

calcium copper tetrasilicate.

This could have been made by heating the ingredients Vitruvius mentioned — quartz sand, a copper

compound, and natron — along with calcium-containing lime, which may have been hanging out in the

sand the ancient Egyptians used.

This mixture needs to be kept at around 900 or 1000 degrees Celsius for a couple hours

to make the magic happen.

We still don't know how the ancient Egyptians originally figured this recipe out, but the

chemical reaction would have required careful control of this super hot temperature and

the flow of oxygen into a furnace.

Not only that, but the consistency of their results was also incredible — Egyptian blue

pigment is almost exactly the same chemical in tombs built across nearly 3000 years.

And, today, the pigment is still surprising us.

Scientists discovered in 2009 that, when visible light is shined on them, Egyptian blue molecules

emit infrared radiation — the long-wavelength light that our eyes can't detect, but can

be felt as heat or be picked up by certain cameras.

This makes the pigment easy to identify in ancient artwork.

Scientists can even determine if a worn-away sculpture or other piece of art was once painted

blue from traces of the chemical.

But this property of Egyptian blue means it has a bunch of other potential uses as well.

Infrared can pass through human tissue more easily than some other wavelengths of light,

like the visible spectrum or UV.

So it could be incorporated into a dye for new medical imaging techniques.

It could also be used in new types of security ink to prevent counterfeiting and forgery.

Or it could be made into a dusting powder for fingerprint detection on shiny or patterned

surfaces, where normal fingerprint powder is hard to see.

Ancient chemists trying to paint a blue sky on the walls of tombs could never have imagined

the ways their work would be used today.

But the story of Egyptian blue, it seems, is just beginning — again.

Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow!

For more on the science of color, check out our video where Stefan talks about 3 colors

that scientists discovered!

And if you want to keep getting smarter with us, you can always go to and subscribe.


For more infomation >> Egyptian Blue: How an Ancient Pigment Could Save Lives - Duration: 3:47.


► Jugué a La Ouija en un Edificio Embrujado - Duration: 18:01.

For more infomation >> ► Jugué a La Ouija en un Edificio Embrujado - Duration: 18:01.




For more infomation >> BREAKING THE 190 FUTDRAFT WORLD RECORD??? (FIFA 18) - Duration: 4:20.


To the Test: Do Waist Cinchers Really Work? | ELLE - Duration: 2:46.

Today I'm going to try on some shapewear and see if it gives me an

hourglass shape

I picked up this high waist brief

in hope that it will give me a seamless silhouette

and while I Iike how it looks in the front

the back is a big


One of my biggest gripes with shapewear is sometimes it gives you

unsightly bumps and grooves

and unfortunately this shapewear gives me that in the back


I've got to give it 3 out of 5 stars

I have to say that this spanx thong is a win

It does what it promises and cinches me in on the waist

and I like that no one knows what I have on underneath my dress from the back

so spanx you get a 4 out of 5

Now I thought I was going to be a huge fan of this body suit

more coverage meant a more snatched waist

or so I thought

It doesn't fit my butt

so that looks crazy

My boobs are too big and they look even crazier

because this body suit looks better by itself than it does underneath my dress

I've got to give it a 2 out of 5

With this one I wanted to find something that had corset like properties

something with boning

something with structure

something that would frankly suffocate me

and I think I did the trick

Yes the final result might look okay

but it's not super comfortable so I don't know how long this one is going to last

plus if you look really really closely

you can see the boning and piping through my body

but I think I can get over that

so I'm going to give this one 3.5 stars

Now this one is hot both literally and figuratively

One I'm burning the f**k up under this thing

is this weird neoprene scuba material and I think it's better suited for working out

than working a bodycon dress

but it is giving the best silhouette here

you see a nice coke bottle figure and no body can be mad about that

I'm going to give this one a 5 out of 5 stars

So there you have it

I tried on a gang of a waist cinchers but I want to know what you guys think

so if you have any suggestions leave them in the comments below

and make sure to subscribe to Elle on YouTube

For more infomation >> To the Test: Do Waist Cinchers Really Work? | ELLE - Duration: 2:46.


GD Level Requests :^ - Duration: 52:29.

For more infomation >> GD Level Requests :^ - Duration: 52:29.


Nightcore - If You Leave Me Now (Charlie Puth) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:33.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - If You Leave Me Now (Charlie Puth) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:33.


Silque CitraSlim ASL - Duration: 3:14.

Hello!! It's a new year and perhaps you have been hearing about "Silque"

from Young Living

What is Silque??

It is a line of products to support your desires for weight loss

This is ONE of the products from the Silque line from Young Living

This is called the CitraSlim

I'll show you what it looks like-

Each box has 15 of these strips, one strip for each day

In the mornings you take the 2 powder capsules

In the afternoon you take the other 2 capsules in the divided strip- one powder capsule and one oil capsule

If you miss taking the first 2 in the morning, you take all 4 capsules in the afternoon

Silque CitraSlim is formulated with naturally derived ingredients

and 7 essential oils to help promote your healthy weight management goals

Combined with orange and ocotea leaf powder, this daily supplement also harnesses the power of a citrus fruit blend

Which some studies show can help burn excess fat to help you achieve the results you want

These statements on the box have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The Liquid capsule is formulated with pomegranate seed oil and Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle, and Idaho Balsam Fir essential oils

to deliver citral and punicic acid

The powder capsules are formulated with a citrus fruit blend, cinnamon powder, Bitter Orange extract,

Fenugreek seed, Ocotea leaf extract, a customized blend of enzymes, and 4 essential oils:

Ocotea, Cassia, Peppermint, and Fennel.

What is CitraSlim for?

Promotes healthy weight management goals,

Can help burn excess fat,

increases antioxidant activity,

reduces oxidative stress,

supports healthy energy levels,

and supports a healthy metabolism.

Manage your weight and slim into a new you with Silque CitraSlim

To learn more about the Silque in 60 program and their satisfaction guarantee,


or contact me for more information

Good bye!

Subscribe to "My Friend Phoebe" on YouTube for more videos like this!

For more infomation >> Silque CitraSlim ASL - Duration: 3:14.


Toys Animals for kids | Learn names and sounds wild and farm animals | Fun Toys For Baby - Duration: 11:27.

Toys Animals for kids | Learn names and sounds wild and farm animals | Fun Toys For Baby

For more infomation >> Toys Animals for kids | Learn names and sounds wild and farm animals | Fun Toys For Baby - Duration: 11:27.


Glaciers - Duration: 5:04.



It is so cold outside!

Oooh, thanks for the hot chocolate.

My fingers feel frozen!

You know, it's snowing today, and it snowed a few days ago.

And when it stays this cold outside, all that snow can turn into layers of ice – kind

of like a glacier!

[Squeaks is impressed.]

I know, right?

Glaciers are so neat!

They're enormous, they store a frozen supply of about three quarters of the earth's fresh

water… they can be thousands of years old… they grow, and shrink… and they move around!

Usually glaciers move very slowly – like a very slow, icy river.

But sometimes glaciers can move really fast, too!

Glaciers are made up of many layers of snow.

When one place gets a lot of snowfall, and stays cold for a long time, the weight of

all that snow compresses the snow at the bottom – or weighs it down, until it turns into

a huge, thick, heavy mass of ice!

The process of layers of snow becoming a glacier can take a long time – sometimes more than

a hundred years.

Some glaciers have grown to be really huge!

The world's biggest glacier is the Lambert-Fisher Glacier in Antarctica.

It's 400 kilometers long and 100 kilometers wide!

And some of the glacier ice in Antarctica is 5 kilometers thick!

[Squeaks is alarmed.]

Don't worry, Squeaks.

In most places, the spring and summer are warm enough to make all the winter snow melt.

So the Fort won't turn into a glacier.

But there are glaciers all over the world… they cover about one tenth of the earth!

Most glacier ice is very far north of us, in Greenland, or very far south of us, in


But lots of other areas of the world – like places with tall, snowy mountains – have

glaciers too.

There are glaciers on every single continent in the world!

The earth has been around for a long time.

Around 4 and half billion years!

And it goes through phases – cycles of hot and cold.

It's kind of like a washing machine, except with much longer cycles than a washing machine.

And thousands of years ago, the earth was having a really cold cycle.

It's what scientists call an ice age.

It was so cold back then, that gigantic glaciers formed on huge chunks of the planet – about

a third of all the land area on earth was covered wvith ice!

Including a lot of places you and I have visited, Squeaks – like New England, the Upper Midwest,

and large parts of Canada and Alaska!

And some of the glaciers that formed back then are still around!

Only they're much smaller now.

[Squeaks gives a little jump.


Glaciers grow slowly, a little bit of snow at a time – usually during the winter, and

usually high up, at the tallest part of the glacier.

When it snows a lot and stays cold enough for the snow to stick around, glaciers will

grow, piling up more snow in the winter than they lose in the summer.

And over long periods of time, glaciers will move.

When a glacier gets really big, that means it's also really heavy!

The ice at the bottom can't hold up the weight of all the ice above it, and like a

really big stack of blocks, it'll give way -- so the ice at the middle and the bottom

will flow out, and move forward, or advance.

Or sometimes glaciers will retreat, or move back.

That usually means that there's more of the glacier melting away in the summer than

building up in the winter.

When glaciers move, that tells us that something in the earth is changing.

So glaciers can give scientists important tools to look into the history of the earth.

By studying a piece of glacier ice, we can learn a lot about what the earth was like

hundreds or even thousands of years ago!

Glaciers grow, move, and retreat all the time.

But they're very sensitive to changes in the environment.

When the earth gets even a tiny bit warmer, that can change the cycle for a glacier.

Lately, glaciers all over the world have done a lot more retreating than growing.

Within the last hundred years, as the earth has gotten warmer, some glaciers have disappeared


Glaciers melting can sometimes be helpful!

It's normal for glaciers to melt and flow a little bit at a time.

Lots of the world's rivers flow out of glaciers, and lots of people, plants and animals need

the water from those rivers.

And some scientists and engineers have worked together to use the energy from melting glaciers

to generate electricity!

But we don't want them to melt too much..

As more glacier water melts and flows into the ocean, the sea levels get higher, which

can create a lot of problems!

[Squeaks is concerned]

You're right, Squeaks.

Glaciers are really interesting, and really helpful!

I hope the ones we have on earth stick around for a long, long time.

Thanks for joining us!

If you want to keep learning and having fun with Squeaks and me, hit the subscribe button,

and we'll see you next time here at the Fort!


For more infomation >> Glaciers - Duration: 5:04.


Q&A (about my Foreign Exchange) - Duration: 13:26.

Hello, I'm Terrence and welcome to this video. Basically, in the last year and a half,

I didn't upload anything except for a studying video. And many of you guys have

left comments on my videos of Spain, asking me questions. So I wanted to make a

video in which I addressed all of that. So we are gonna do a questions and answers

video. (A Frequently Asked Questions) Let's start with the first questions, which is: Do you recommend Spain?

Well, that's a very broad question but yes.

I recommend Spain because I had a lot of fun when I was there. The people are very nice

and welcoming.I think it was a great country to have my first experience abroad.

It isn't too different culturally from the US, but there still are interesting facets

of their culture to learn about and become familiar with. So if you're deciding on a country to study in

or do a foreign exchange, it's important to have a true interest in going.

But for me, I loved Spain. And yes, I recommend it. What do you think of Spain? Also very broad but I think it's great!

In general, people in Spain were very kind to me and they took me in and

they added me to their groups and they treated me well. But I don't like to generalize so

there is lots of variety. That's life. There are good Spaniards and bad Spaniards. But

the grand majority of the people were great and I liked them a lot. The fourth

question: Did you spend time outside of Madrid? Yes I did several excursions and trips

to other places in Spain. But in those 5 months, I never left Spain. But I went

to Toledo with my Spanish parents. I went to Doñana with my high school class. It was like

an "end of the year" trip so almost all of us went. And on the way, we made a little stop in

Cordova, which is culturally a very interesting city. And Doñana is a national park

in the South of Spain where there was tons of nature and opportunities to hike and such.

And we lived in, what are they called, cabins and

It was a wonderful experience with my school friends, my Spanish friends.

I also traveled several times with the exchange program itself, with AFS. I went with other exchange students

that were living in Madrid to Barcelona to see the architecture and to see the

different culture that's there. We also went to Granada where we saw the Alhambra and walked around

and experienced that culture as well. That was also a fantastic experience

to be able to meet friends from around the world. I had friends from Canada, France

Turkey, and more. There were people from everywhere and it was interesting to meet them and I think that by the end,

we were truly like a little family of foreign exchange students, you know? What program did you do it with?

Well, I think I just mentioned it but I did the exchange with AFS, which is an American based program.

It stands for American Field Service. And it's a great program. I generally had a very

positive experience with it. AFS offered tons of resources like orientations where they ask if you're

doing alright, if you're integrating into the society, if you're having any difficulties.

How I found it, I was actually originally wanting a program just to improve my Spanish

because I had a real interest for it at the time. So online I looked up "Spanish Language

Programs" and I found AFS, which had some summer programs where I could learn

Spanish and they really interested me. But one day I realized that four weeks

or two months is a really short period of time and that I wanted to spend at least a semester in Spain and

that's what I ended up doing. Next question: Are the Spanish and American school systems different? Yes, they are rather different. I think that there are

three main differences. The first is that in the US, normally it's the students

that go to from class to class. For example we have a history class, an

English class, a Spanish class, a Physics Class and then we go to the teacher's

rooms, but in Spain it's different. In Spain, you have an assigned fixed class of 30 people.

I was in class 4C at my school and the professors came to us. Besides some special

classes like lab biology, computer science, or PE, we were

almost always in the same room. The English, History, and Math teachers would come to us in

the room. The second difference is extracurricular activities.

Is that a thing? Extracurriculars, extracurricular activities.

Outside of school? I don't know, special activities. Here,

in the US, we can do several sports with the high school like swimming or basketball. We can participate

in the school musical and we have many clubs. But in Spain they have almost none of that. There are some opportunities

to do music or sports but not with the high school itself. The high school

is mainly a place for learning and having classes and such. If you want to do sports,

you're gonna end up doing them with an outside organization. The third difference is that in Spain the grading

system and the whole ideology surrounding that is a bit different as well. There are more tests

which tend to be harder. And the tests are more important for your final

grade. They count for more percent. This is a difference that you're going to heavily pick up on if you're in Spain and

you're from the US. So, you have to study a lot for those tests and prepare yourself

because they can really impact your final grade. But in Spain, there's far less homework. Like,

in the US I normally get two to three hours of homework every day from all my classes

but in Spain, it was far less. Most of what you have to do is study and prepare

for tests so that you don't fail. Okay, the next question: What did you do for fun?

Well Spanish teens to almost the exact same things that we do. I did many things for fun like

going to the movies, going to the park with friend, taking walks around the town, going to the city,

to Madrid to a disco or to have something to eat or drink. In Tres Cantos, there was

a mall really close to my house so we would often just meet there as friends and spend some time together.

There are lots of questions in this category about the learning of Spanish. Many

of you guys have asked: How much Spanish did you know before going to Spain? And a lot of people don't believe me,

but very very little. When I left California for Spain, I had studied a year and a half

of Spanish so I really just knew the basics. I knew the grammar basics. I knew how to form

basic sentences. I had a small vocabulary as well but not huge. Initially,

I also had some trouble understanding people because it just seemed like everybody

spoke so quickly, but that improve with more time in the country. Do you have any tips or tricks to improve your Spanish?

Well, this depends on your learning style and on how much time you're willing to use

every day but what I did was: I had a little notepad/notebook, a little black notebook in which

I wrote the words, expressions, idioms, slang that I encountered

on a daily basis. When I got home, I would study them. Like, I would make little

flashcards to memorize the vocabulary and the definitions and how to use them and in what contexts

to use them. And i studied a TON. Like two to three hours every day,

just in my room alone, watching Spanish movies, watching Spanish TV shows, learning Spanish.

I don't know why. Because it fascinated me. That's the trick right there: having passion.

This question: Why do you have two breaks? I don't know, honestly. When I was in Spain,

I thought that all high schools were like that but apparently not. Many of you

were very upset about it. We had three classes, then a break, two more classes, a break,

then two more classes. This question seemed really important to me. How did you convince your parents?

The task of convincing your parents and asking them to let you leave the country for a semester

is not easy and is a very important part of the process. My parents were

hesitant at first. But I think that what finally ended up convincing them was

that I had a concrete plan of what I wanted to do, of my intentions, of my plans. So

I had like a printed out plan of where I was going to go, which which program,

how much it was going to cost, whom I was going to stay with. And if you're very sure of your plan,

and if you talk about the advantages and why you want to go and how the experience will benefit you,

it's more likely that your parents say yes to you going. But I think that at the end of the day,

my parents say how much I wanted to do it and that I really wanted to leave the country and

learn Spanish and learn about another culture. And that's why they gave in.

Next question: Did you go to parties and did you drink? Well there were parties

in Madrid or at my friend's houses. At the end of the year, there were also some "fiestas"

in the local fairground in Tres Cantos and there was food, activities,

rides. But never drinking, because drinking is against AFS rules. And I always

follow the rules. These are less questions, but more like...

insults. When I uploaded the video where I learned and taught

Spanish and American slang with my friend Esteban (that video is here if you want

to see it) many said: We say these words and phrases in the whole country, not just California! People were so mad at me.

Like, super pissed. But it was an honest mistake. I had said that maybe

these words were from California or that they're mostly used in California.

I don't know, I wasn't sure. I said "maybe". I swear I said "perhaps". But yea,

people were very mad at me. What country are you from? Several have asked me this. I'm from the US.

I was born in San Jose, California y I've spend almost all of my life here. This next question,

I also receive a lot for some reason. American?? But he's Chinese! I have a very important piece of info.

It may baffle you. It may be very hard for you to understand. But you can be both.

Wow, wow, who knew? But yea, it's possible to be American by nationality and Chinese

by race/ethnicity. So, that's what I am. My parents were born in China and then

they moved to the US and I was born here and I speak English, Chinese, etc.

Can you make videos teaching Spanish? I don't think I'm qualified to do that because I don't necessarily

speak super good Spanish. I still have a lot to learn. I have lots of room to improve

but I like teaching a lot so if you guys feel like I could do that, I would like to

teach things that I learned, like expressions or I don't know. The last question is: Can you make videos teaching English?

I can teach English. But you guys would have to comment what you want me to teach. If you want

something explained or tricks to improve pronunciation or if you have a

question about the difference between certain words, I'd love to explain it because

I love to teach things. And that's it! I hope you guys have really liked this video.

Leave comments below of what you want me to make next. And yea, till next time!

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