Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

13 Things Introverts Absolutely Need to Be Happy

Introverts need special things to keep them happy.

If you are introvert, or if you have an introvert friend, you should know some of these things.

That way, you can help yourself or your friend to be happier.

You can say out of the blue that the world may be created for extroverts, but introverts

also live in the same world, and they also can be successful and happy.

For introverts, there's no need to magically become an extrovert just to be happy, pretending

to be an outgoing in certain situations also won't do any good.

In fact, you don't need to do anything that is not yourself.

To be a happy introvert, all you need to do is to accept yourself, and some special tips

that will help you to be yourself everyday.

But before we jump to the lists, make sure to like this video and subscribe to our channel,

so you won't miss any of our interesting updates in the future.

#1 - Resting time

Introverts need an exclusive down time after a day work.

This helps the introverts to fully charge themselves for the next activity.

#2 - Important conversation

Introverts do not like small talk too much.

Instead, they love meaningful conversation which is related to something that they learn,

experience, and discover.

#3 - Stop feeling guilty of leaving the social event early.

Due to your introversion, you may always want to leave social event so early.

Don't feel so bad or guilty over that, you're an introvert, and it's to be expected that

you'll get worn out so quickly while your extroverted friends seems to be just started

the whole fun.

Once you get use to say goodbye, you'll have no problem calling it an early night and heading

for the door.

#4 - Comfy silence

Even though introverts love to talk about something deep.

They also love something calming, peaceful, and quiet.

That is to say, be careful when starting conversation with introverts as they may be in recharging


#5 - Focus point

Introverts are well-known for their focus.

That is why, it is really good if you can provide convenient space for them to learn

something in focus.

#6 - Quiet room

Peaceful environment that introverts love usually requires empty, clean, and quiet room.

It is great for concentrating on task they are working on.

#7 - Time to think

Every time you ask introverts something, you should make sure you give them time.

They need time to answer or responds on your expression.

#8 - Friends who understand

We all know that introverts are easily exhausted when going outside.

As a good friend, you need to make sure they are completely recharged by letting them at

home and not forcing them to go out.

#9 - A job that matters

These people love to help others, and that is why a job that only gives them money does

not attract them.

#10 - Don't ask for explanation

Sometimes, introverts really do not want to say something.

Many things go in their head such as afraid of saying bad things.

It is eventually to keep relationship healthy, and that is why sometimes you do not need

to ask for explanation.

#11 - Time and space to work

In order to perform any assignment quickly, accurately, and comfortably, introverts love

to have the best time and space.

The best time and space are absolutely when there is no one around.

#12 - Close friends

It is important to know that introverts prefer to have one close friend with high-quality

relationship in which they can develop their ideas and share kindness.

#13 - A second to slow down

Introverts get exhausted quickly, and that is why slowing down is the best for them.

All in all, that's the 13 things introverts absolutely need to be happy.

Really cool information isn't it!

Please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!

Thanks for watching!

For more infomation >> 13 Things Introverts Absolutely Need to Be Happy - Duration: 4:29.


Jorge Torres Nilo: "Pensar en bicampeonato suena a soberbia" - Duration: 0:53.

For more infomation >> Jorge Torres Nilo: "Pensar en bicampeonato suena a soberbia" - Duration: 0:53.


Angel Message For 2018 - Duration: 4:11.

Angel Message For 2018

by Elise Cantrell,

Now is the time; 2018 is the year.

We wish to remind you today that it is time to construct the new reality that you have

been waiting for.

Each of you are the artist, architect and builder of your own life, but also the builders

of the earth plane that you desire.

You are either building or you�re not.

You are creating or you�re not.

Will you settle for the default pattern, or will you create the life, reality and future

that you truly desire?

What will you bring into being in 2018, and what is ready to crumble?

You are beginning the process of renovating your own life, but also the world in which

you live.

2017 was a year of destruction, setbacks and crumbling of the old.

Many of you saw a collapse of your former way of life, living and being.

Cling no more to what was.

It is time to build something new and something greater.

Use the �rubble� and �ruins� left behind to build an entirely new and different


A new world, the heaven on earth that you are here to bring into being.

Although at first it may seem as if each of you are building separately, you are all actually

working together to create the new matrix of your world together.

Each of you intuitively knows your unique task, and as you set about it, you will begin

to observe how each of the threads weave together in perfection as if divinely guided.

This is because as each of you follow your own divine guidance individually, the entire

fabric of your reality is indeed divinely created.

We are excitedly anticipating the beauty that will come from your new creation.

This is a time of renewal and reformation.

Upgrade your life, living, and being from its former status now.

Open and allow something better to come to you and through you.

Dream a new dream.

Although this project is only in the beginning phases, and is quite expansive, this is the

year to build the platform and foundation of the beauty that is to come.

The energy of this year 2018 will amplify your own creative energy.

2018 is the year of starting anew on every level after the collapse of the old paradigms

has presented itself over the last few years culminating in 2017.

This is the year of rebirth, and resurrection.

Nothing can be the same with your newfound perspectives and your new way of looking at

the world.

But you wouldn�t want back those old perspectives anyway now anyway after how far you have come.

Your hardships have helped you to recognize and step into your talents and strengths and

newfound courage and empowerment.

Allow that force to move you forward in your new direction.

2017 was a year of breaking away, of learning and growth.

2018 is a year of expansion and building upon your newfound knowledge.

This is a year to align more fully and merge with your higher self, moving more in alignment

with your highest form and fullest potential.

There is nothing to fear.

We are with you every step of the way.

You only must begin.

As you rebuild, start with the foundation, and carefully place one stone at a time, using

love as your mortar creating something that is sturdy and stable, the Christ-al Palace

that you have long awaited.

That is all that is asked of you here.

This is only the beginning, but a beginning it is.

Proceed slowly, with grace, trusting your heart�s desires, and the rest will come

together on its own.

For more infomation >> Angel Message For 2018 - Duration: 4:11.


Kaye's New Year Update | ABOUT MY ACCIDENT | Vlog - Duration: 8:39.

Hello everyone. Last night I was exchanging messages with one of my big

fans Dolly Perry and she was encouraging me

to upload some kind of a video to my channel to let my fans and subscribers

that haven't been following me on Instagram, Facebook or my community page

know what happened to me on our first family vacation in three years to Idaho.

So I'm sitting here telling my friend Dolly there is, even if I could manage to

set up the camera and videotape myself, there's no way to assemble it. I can't

use the computer, I can't use my right arm at all. So I was just sitting in the

chair, just contemplating the day, all of a sudden my phone popped up and said it

had made a video of our trip to Idaho, without me even asking, I looked at it

and it was pretty good, but it didn't go into any explanation about why I'm not

gonna be making any garden videos for a while. But it gave me the idea to make a

video of some kind to kind of bring you up to date. So what happened is we went

up to Idaho and we had a great couple of first days. We went snowshoeing in the

Farragut State Park which was a winter wonderland, beautiful and covered in snow.

We only saw two other people there, it was amazing. Then the day before

Christmas Eve, we went skiing at Schweitzer mountain up in Sandpoint. My

son's girlfriend was, had only had one experience skiing and it was not a good

one. I wanted to get her off started on the

right track, and I've taught a number of people how to ski,

so we spent most of the day working on that, and only had got a couple of runs

in after she retired for the day, but that was all a great success. The next

morning, she was not planning to ski and so it was just Walker and my husband and

we went out for a few runs, and we approached a lift that I hadn't been on,

which I learned later has quite a reputation,.. flashback,

I learned to ski in my 20s in Aspen and I worked as a ski lift operator for at

least three winters, so I'm very experienced and I know what I'm doing

and I was in place, in time, and I turned to look for the chair, I turned this way

and the pole was this way, and the chair swept me up, it was an old chair that

does not slow down, does not have the gear to slow down, and it swept me up and

slammed me down on the icy path. So I knew as soon as I hit my arm and then my

head, boom, boom, I knew that I was injured, and thank God I was wearing a helmet. Of

course, I haven't skied in 20 years without a helmet, so, of course I had my

helmet on, but I hit my head very hard had a big big bump here. What happened to

my arm is it when I landed it went straight up, this may be too graphic, but

anyway, it's broken right here at the top of the humerus where the ball

goes into the shoulder joint, so that sheared off, so I can't use my right arm

at all. My bicep tendon is dislocated as well so, I I actually had this reflex to

go up and just scratch my eye today with my right hand and it didn't make it. It

didn't make it past right here. As you know, my garden is very cramped and the

walkways are literally about 14 inches wide, 16 inches wide, so

navigating in there with a camera. it's just not going to be possible. Even if

Erick does all the work on Thursdays, it's not going to be possible to cover all

that and do my Thursday workday videos, and all that. So this is a first step, I'm

surprised I'm even doing this. What I want you to do is please go back and

support my channel by watching my playlists, watching videos you've seen

before, seeing all the videos that you haven't seen. If you are on Instagram and

Facebook please follow me and if you're not, if you only do YouTube, I can still

interact with you directly. You can go to my community tab from my home page. When

you look at the home page, it says videos, playlists, community, and YouTube has kind

of upgraded this feature recently so that I can post a photo, I can post an

update, and you can respond, back and forth. Today is a number of firsts: I, this

is the first time I've put on makeup, since the accident, which was Christmas

Eve, the first time I've put earrings in my ears, the first time I've ever put

makeup on with my left hand. That was interesting, but Dolly assured me that

you guys would want to hear from me even in my banged up state. If you look around

my garden, it's green and lush and there's a lot growing. I mean, it's not as

lush as it is in the summer, but I have passion fruit vines and I've got kale

growing in my green stalk garden and I've got all of my,

I've got a huge succulent garden which I've never even done a video on all my

succulents. I planted green manure in a bunch of containers because I just

thought that will be so much easier to germinate. I just popped in the legume

seeds you saw that in my very last video of 2017. Actually I've got still got

eggplant and I've got a volunteer tomato that's

huge out there, and, boy, I just sounded very southern didn't I? I don't even need

to start seeds if I don't want to, but I really want some flowers and I would

really like to plant a few tomatoes and a few peppers, seed them and see, you know,

because I certainly hope in a couple of months I'm gonna be functioning. Anyway

thanks so much for listening and if you enjoyed this please give me that thumbs

up and let me know in a comment below your support. This is not the way that I

had planned for this beginning of 2018 to go, but life throws us these things

and, these unexpected things, and you just have to deal with it. I'm trying to find

the silver lining. I haven't found it yet, but I'm trying to be positive. Today a

friend of mine who fell broke her nose was unconscious in the hospital for four

days, she looked horrible, she sent me the pictures, she looked horrible, today she

sent me a picture how she looks today she had her hair blown dry her makeup on,

dark circles under her eyes, but, you know, I thought if she can do it, so can I. And

I know a lot of other people are suffering. I still haven't heard from my

Puerto Rico subscribers. I don't know what's going on, so I would love to hear

from you guys, and just hang in there with me through this recovery period.

I really, really appreciate your support. See you next time.

(music to end)

For more infomation >> Kaye's New Year Update | ABOUT MY ACCIDENT | Vlog - Duration: 8:39.


Little Sister Cuts My Hair! - Duration: 1:59.

*generic music plays* I'm gonna--I'm gonna cut Maria's hair

If mom's mad I'm sorry just chop it off right here

just chop it off right here ok

*sped up chatter and giggling* AHGHAGAHAGAHA

I feel so out of control right now!

*hyterical laughter*



ok I wanna do the other one

ok already your half looks weird

*hair cutting sound*

*sped up talking*

I mean you're doing good--just don't cut yourself

it kind of is hurting

*hair cutting sound*

lets see your new look...!

hahahah what the hell are we doing?

oh I feel so much better now

I need to like fix it so

see ya later

*same music as in the beginning plays*

For more infomation >> Little Sister Cuts My Hair! - Duration: 1:59.


Video captures rescue of goose trapped in icy river - Duration: 1:00.

For more infomation >> Video captures rescue of goose trapped in icy river - Duration: 1:00.


Ice Cream Crunch Tacos | Food Network - Duration: 0:47.

For more infomation >> Ice Cream Crunch Tacos | Food Network - Duration: 0:47.


Ultimate HIIT Workout For People Who Get Bored Easily - Quick Sweat Fat Burning Circuit - Duration: 10:41.

what's going on guys Carlo Macapinlac here from

and in this video we're gonna be doing the ultimate HIIT workout for people who

get bored easily remember we post awesome workout videos like this every

week and you don't want to miss it so go ahead and like the video hit that

subscribe button below and prepare to get sweaty

all right welcome to another installment of our free video series go ahead and

start your clock right now so this one is the ultimate hiit workout for people

who get bored easily I have to admit I am one of those people and you know

that's why I created a workout exactly for people like you if you're watching

this video right now so it is gonna be done as an every minute workout and

every minute we are gonna do 30 reps we're gonna do five jumping squats 10

lunges and then 15 jumping jacks so lots of movement for this workout you know

you're definitely not gonna be bored and the good thing is is that there is rest

built in the workout because it is an every minute on the minute workout right

so we just finished round one here and we still have you know a few more

seconds to spare and then we're gonna start round 2 and then we're gonna talk

about each movement as we go here so if you're following

along start your next round right now so starting with your 5 jumping squats 10

lunges right here which is going to be your active recovery for this workout

active recovery just means that you're still moving but you know it's not as

taxing to the body while you're doing that specific movement and then 15

jumping jacks to finish off every round so for the jumping jacks just make sure


you guys are always pointing your knees out and you know moving your arms at the

same time alright this is round number three so for the jumping squats you

don't necessarily have to go too deep on your on your squat right we're just

looking for you know maybe like low enough around parallel level parallel

being your knees and then you're just gonna explode and jump at the top for

the lunges make sure that your back knee touches the ground and you stand all the

way to the top you know for both legs

and then another set of jumping jacks alright so we are just moving along here

hope you're keeping up with me if you are doing this with me right now if not

if if the reps are a little bit too much if you find yourself you know barely

getting any rest or going past the minute to do all thirty reps scale the number

back a little bit to something a little bit more manageable for you right so for

example instead of five maybe just do four jumping squats for the lunges

instead of ten doing even eight let's say and then for the jumping jacks you

know take it down by one or two reps as well and don't forget to breathe and

have fun you know that's very important you guys I know that's kind of

overstating that simple fact but hey you know you want to like what you're doing

here right if you're following along on any of our videos we try to keep it

short around ten minutes per workout you know that way you're not spending stupid

amounts of hours working out especially if you're busy or you know we're all

busy people here right?

all right so this is round five should be nicely settled in probably sweating

by now that's okay that's what we want and hopefully you're not getting bored

all right so I have a little whiteboard here to keep track of my rounds you know

if you're doing this at home if you have one of these whiteboards feel

free to do the same thing or you know just keep track of your rounds in one

way shape or form all right this is our round 6 so you guys real quick here you

know if you need any scaling option or movement modification for this

specific workout or any of the workouts that we do here at Newbie Fitness

Academy you can go ahead and just scroll down just below this video there is

gonna be a link for a free download it's called the ultimate bodyweight movement

cheat sheet that we have prepared specifically for you guys you know it's

gonna contain you know warm up and cool down video that you guys can do before and

after you know every workout and you know like we mentioned a while ago it's

gonna have scaling options and movement modifications as well so go ahead and

scroll down just below this video after you're done the workout and go ahead and

download our free cheat sheet

all right this is round seven if your legs are on fire from the jumping squats

I know how you feel stay with me we're almost done all right

last three rounds almost done here guys stay with me

all right if you need to take a quick sip of water feel free to do that

and we're gonna start our eighth round here quick transitions in between each

movement using the lunges as again your active recovery right this is where

you're gonna try and catch your breath

last two rounds we're almost done guys

hopefully you're not bored

all right guys one final round to finish it off all right let's make this our

best round or fastest round if you're doing this with me alright let's start

our last round right now last set of lunges

and then we're gonna finish up our workout with our last set of 15 jumping

jacks alright guys great job alright guys hope you had an awesome

workout and I'd love to know how you did so go ahead and tell me in the comments

down below now if you want to know how to properly

warm up and cool down and if you want safe and proper scaling options and

modifications for any of the movements and workouts that we do you can download

our free ultimate bodyweight movement cheatsheet just below this video and

I'll send it to you right away alright I'll see you in the next workout

For more infomation >> Ultimate HIIT Workout For People Who Get Bored Easily - Quick Sweat Fat Burning Circuit - Duration: 10:41.


How to get rid of localized body fat deposit-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:39.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Stars Bodies.

Today we are going to discuss: How to get rid of localized body fat deposits.

In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know

for you to get the hourglass shape you've always wanted.

Welcome back!

One of the common problems many people face is the development of stubborn fat pockets

in localized areas of the body.

Fat deposits in any area of the body can affect your overall body profile and definition in negative ways.

The fat pockets make the body look poorly contoured.

The condition often affects the quality of the patient's life by resulting in lower self-esteem.

The common body areas where stubborn fat deposits grow are the abdomen, sides, love handles,

upper back, thigh, calves, arms, and face.

Unfortunately, these fat pockets are immune to exercises and diet, hence named stubborn fat deposits.

The only reliable, effective, and quicker way to get rid of localized body fat pockets is liposuction.

Liposuction is one of the most common plastic surgery procedures used by hundreds of thousands of patients

each year in the US to contour their bodies.

In my practice, I normally advise my patients to first try exercises and diet first to get rid of the fat pockets.

If diet and exercise fail to deliver the desired results, it means the fat deposits are stubborn.

Only then do I recommend my patients liposuction.

Like all other plastic surgery procedures, liposuction is a major operation.

It entails many risks, which is why patients should use it as a last option and only if the benefits

of the procedure are greater than the risks.

Liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia.

However, if you want to remain asleep throughout the surgery, general anesthesia may be used.

During the surgery, a tiny incision is placed in the target area.

The surgeon then introduces a tumescent solution into the area to minimize the bleeding during the surgery.

A hollow tube called a cannula is then inserted into the area through the incision.

Under the traditional method, the cannula is moved back and forth to dislodge the fat cells

from the surrounding tissue.

Modern methods like the ultrasound-assisted liposuction and laser-assisted liposuction

uses ultrasonic waves and laser technology to melt the fat before removing it from the area.

The liposuction cannula is connected to a suction pump or special syringe.

After dislodging or melting the fat, the suction pump or syringe is used to remove the fat from the area.

The same process is repeated on each target area until the body is properly contoured.

The incisions are then sutured and closed.

In this video we discuss: How to get rid of localized body fat deposits.

In the next video we will discuss: Are the results of liposuction permanent?

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Super hourglass channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> How to get rid of localized body fat deposit-Dr.Hourglass - Duration: 6:39.


*NEW* SUPER EASY SEMI SOLO GTA 5 MONEY GLITCH.. (unlimited money) - Duration: 11:31.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel

I hope each and every single one of you had an excellent Christmas and Happy New Year's to you all so today

I'm back with another GTA 5 video today's at GTA 5 video will be about

duplicating cars and a semi solo unlimited money glitch

This glitch is currently working right now

and I do want to state that this is working on the Xbox one the ps4 and

The PC as I tested on all those consoles, and it is all working now

I do want to make this very clear. You will be needing a couple of things in order for this glitch to work now

You'll require a friend hold it right there before you guys go around thinking

I'm quitting right now all that one friend needs to do is started a job

You join him he quits the job and boom he's going to be done

That's all he needs to do start up any job any random job

You go and join him he quits the job and there you go

that's how simple it is so you will also require a

facility that is filled with free allergies and one elegy retro custom and an

MOC that has a vehicle storage with a free elegy inside or a

CEO office with a garage to store the car and a custom auto shop and

Finally you're going to be needing a friend who's gonna help you for like 15 seconds now before we get started

I would like to thank all of you for the support that I have received on my channel as we start off 2018 with 4,000

888 subscribers before we get started I would like you to all to go ahead and drop a like right now

Subscribe to my channel and turn on post notifications to never miss any of my uploads and without further ado

Let's get straight into today's glitch

So as you guys can see the elegy retro custom in front of me, that's a car

We're going to be making duplicates of and you want the rest of your facility to be filled with free allergies

Now I'm going to hop inside this hot pink elegy because I'm gonna transform this elegy into a retro custom

And don't forget to take note of this license plate as the duplicated elegy will have the same license plate as as free

Elegy now all you're gonna want to do is grab this elegy outside of your facility

Next you want to get out of your vehicle and head back inside your facility and boom you're practically done

50% of the glitch already

Once you head back inside your facility

This is when the glitch actually does begin you are required to have a heist preparation ready

So you can go ahead and click the launch button

Meaning that you are ready to confirm settings and all that kind of stuff to begin the glitch

Now a quick little recap so the first step was to drive out a free elegy

Have the car you want to duplicate inside the facility which in my case is the elegy retro custom

once you drive out of the facility

Get out of the car and go back inside your facility because you will be losing that car from now

What do I mean by that the car will transform into the new car that you want to duplicate over?

meaning that it is going to turn into a retro custom as

You can see I am back inside the facility and all I want to do right now is go all the way to the heist

preparation room

Take note of the batman emblem inside the white circle remember this for later

So once you're inside the heist preparation room you want to press right on the d-pad once you press right on the d-pad

Start up the set up any set up it does not matter now

Once you do that you want to stay on this screen where the screen is divided into three sections

settings players and details

And this is one you want you to tell your friend to go ahead and start off any random job

So now your friend will need to hit the pause button go to the online tab scroll down to jobs

Click on play jobs. Then rocks are created and he can pick any mission captures

It does not matter, but here's the catch he has to make sure that he is the host of the job

And he is the only one in the job nobody else

Once your friend loads in as the host of any job

He goes to your gamer card and invites you to the game you go ahead and press the Xbox home button

Once you receive the invite and for me it took a couple of seconds

But as you can see I got an alert screen saying are you sure you want to join a different GTA online?

session at this point you want to go ahead and tell your friend to quit the job and

Once he is back on land and he can walk around he tells me that he has left a job

and I just go ahead and click confirm or the a button and

Then I should back out and receive a second alert saying unable to connect a session the session may no longer exist

so essentially he invites you to a job that he is hosting you receive the invite and once you receive the invite he leaves the

job And then when you go to accept the invite you're essentially going nowhere

Now just to prove to you guys that the glitch is working as you can see in the white circle my emblem is gone

This signifies that you have done the glitch properly this glitch will allow you to drive any car inside your facility

And now we can go ahead and start duplicating cars

Now as you can see we're going to hop inside the car that we want to duplicate which in my case is a

retro custom

So now I'm going to drive my elegy retro custom and Park it over here

Next to the yellow exit and block off the driver door once you block off the driver door

How do you know that it worked if your character exits the vehicle from the passenger side?

So now you want to go and block the passenger side door so go ahead and hop into any vehicle

Inside your facility I used a bike because it was faster to move around however

You can use any of the other free allergies and do not worry you will not be losing this vehicle

The vehicle you'll be losing is a vehicle you drove out earlier

That is a vehicle that will be turning into the retro custom, so as you guys see

I hop inside the bottie and we're gonna drive all the way down towards a retro custom and block off the passenger side door

Once this is done

Carefully walk around back to the driver's side and stand in the yellow circle you want to click the Y button and you will

Teleport from inside your car to outside

You want to make sure that when you teleport from in and out of your car that you are teleporting directly?

inside the yellow circle

If not just reposition your car and make sure that the passenger side door is also blocked

You want to go ahead and click the a button and the Y button at the exact same time

You may need to do this a couple of times as you can see it

Took me a couple of tries, and you actually see yourself spawn in the car

And then you go out and exit the facility now once you do that you will actually spawned outside with the new

Vehicle, which the free elegy just transformed into an elegy retro custom boom there you go

we just transformed that hot pink free elegy that we drove out earlier into a retro custom as

You can see this retro custom has the exact

Same license plate as that hot pink LG did that we drove out at the beginning what you want to do from now to actually?

Save the vehicle is call over your MOC, or drive it to your office garage


suggest driving it to the office garage because it is easier in my opinion so as you can see I'm making my way down to

my CEO office

I'm going to enter any garage, which I know has a free spot available

I want to drive my retro custom inside the garage and you should get the animation of the elevator bringing your car up

Once that is done

You will see your character exit the vehicle and now what you want to do is enter your vehicle once again and once your characters

Inside the vehicle hit right on the d-pad this will bring you up to your custom auto shop

Now all you want to do is go ahead and buy a new color for your license plate because it only costs

$200 and it is the cheapest thing to upgrade in

Doing so you are tricking the Rockstar servers by registering this vehicle as a new vehicle instead of registering it as a dirty

Duplication and then once you have purchased a new color scheme for your license plate you want to back out and exit to ground

Once you have successfully exited to the ground with your duplicated elegy retro custom

You have a couple of options you can return it back to your garage and store it or

You can sell it for the purpose of this video

I went ahead and decided to sell this duplicated vehicle to prove to you guys that this glitch honestly works

So I decided to drive my elegy retro custom to Los Santos customs


You guys can see the duplicated elegy retro custom sells for a whopping

Nine hundred and four thousand four hundred and seven dollars

and it only took me ten minutes to do so I went ahead and decided to sell it I

Quickly put my money into my bank account so that nobody can steal it off me and that is the glitch

Now one more tip I have is that every time you successfully duplicated a car or even sold a car

I advise you to find a new session because it will seem kind of fishy if you sell

Multiple cars on the same session, which may cause you to get banned

Before I go I would like to give a shout out to the guy who helped me with this glitch the link to his Instagram

Page will be down in the description of this video

I really do hope this glitch does work for you guys as it is January 4th

2018 and it is still working to this day be sure to drop a like on this video

subscribe for more GTA 5 content and turn on post notifications to never miss any of my future videos

And I will see you in the next video peace

For more infomation >> *NEW* SUPER EASY SEMI SOLO GTA 5 MONEY GLITCH.. (unlimited money) - Duration: 11:31.


BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL! ||JOTACE|| - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> BIENVENIDOS A MI CANAL! ||JOTACE|| - Duration: 3:09.


TWICE - Female Superstars MV - Duration: 5:02.

Trying to let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I send you a sign, send you a signal

I must let you know

Listen boy

My first love story

My angel

and my girls

my sunshine

Hey boy

Make 'em whistle like a missile,

bomb, bomb

Every time I show up,

blow up uh

Don't you look into my eyes and lie again

I'm sick of being alone

Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb

I'm thinking hard all day because of you

But I still don't know what to do with you

Baby, baby, baby, baby

Everyday I only imagine

Without asking, I talk in a casual way and call your name baby

But we don't even know each other

Beautiful no matter what I wear

Just the two of us in the mirror

having a fashion show show

This time for sure, sure

I'll be the first to talk, talk

But it's only in my head, always only in my head

I don't plan on breaking down

I don't plan on falling down

I won't lose, I won't lose


Yah yah yah boombayah

Yah yah yah boombayah

yah yah yah yah

Boom boom ba boom boom ba oppa

Let me see

how you gon treat me

I ain't no easy

Think about it GFRIEND

Let me see

how you gon treat me

I ain't no easy

No need for that gold key or get lucky

If you truly mean it everything's going to be okay

Oh no, you're already here

Could you please wait a moment

You pop in when I'm alone

Shake me right out of mind

Now is the perfect show time

Make it yours

Dang dang when the clock strikes would you come to me

Turn round round will only make you fall asleep

Knock knock knock knock, knock on my door

Knock knock knock knock, knock on my door

Phone bell rings like every other day

Please give me a break

My battery's running out

It keeps ringing and ringing

The phone might blow up any minute

Here we go

I have felt the danger

The plot that twisted caught everyone in surprise

I was lowkey, that's the old me

Now there's top ten honeys tryna phone me

To float their big eyes, breathe and raise their fist and stand firmly

Wake up papi papi

Baby you better come get me

I'm like TT

Just like TT

You don't know how I feel

You're so mean, you're so mean

I'm like TT

Just like TT

Tell me that you -

Baby hold me like I'm going to burst

Stop thinking, what's so hard about this

Kiss me like it's a lie

As if I'm your last love

Can't cover it up, can't cover it up no

I love you, love you

Can't cover it up, can't cover it up no more

I love you, love you

Can't cover it up

Can't cover it up

Heart that's growing

Boy I can't cover up

Right now

I just wanna dance the night away

In the beat that my city has made

I'm falling deeper

In this moment, I feel the real me

I just wanna dance

One, two, three, four

Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr

For more infomation >> TWICE - Female Superstars MV - Duration: 5:02.


John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 4:02.

For more infomation >> John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 4:02.


Oil companies flooded by calls for fuel deliveries - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Oil companies flooded by calls for fuel deliveries - Duration: 1:30.


Productive Day - January 2 - Duration: 5:06.

Morning. It's 8 AM on a Tuesday morning and I am somehow already about an hour behind schedule.

So I have a lot I want to do before I go to work and I work at 10:30 so - let's start

[laundry sounds]

So I have the laundry in the washer right now.

I can do exactly one load before I have to leave for work.

And I have half an hour to get ready.

I always like to have one passive task and one active task going at all times.

Passive tasks are things that machines can do for me - laundry, dishwasher, stuff like that.

Active tasks are things that, you know, I have to actively do like shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face

Next time you see me I will have done all of those things.

[coffee sounds]

Alright, I showered, I have moisturizer on my face after washing everything because my skin is super dry during the winter.

so i have to be really really good about this.

...But it does make me look all shiny and greasy.

But, to be fair I did just put oil on my face and that's just going to sit there while I edit yesterday's daily vlog. breakfast.

Let's also eat breakfast because breakfast is good.

I got quarters for laundry on my way home from work.

I'm just going to film this inside because with the windchill it is -6 degrees Fahrenheit outside.


Let me start by saying that health is very important.

Let me add onto that by saying that I got Wendy's.

Apparently not taking a break during a 5-hour shift, while legal, kind of sucks.

They gave me the option to take a break too I just didn't feel like it.

So, food it is! Also, the Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger has lettuce and tomatoes on it so guess who's eating their vegetables!

and fruit? both? Leave me your opinions on tomatoes in the comments.


For more infomation >> Productive Day - January 2 - Duration: 5:06.


Ceiling of doctor's office collapses when car hits building, official says - Duration: 1:42.

For more infomation >> Ceiling of doctor's office collapses when car hits building, official says - Duration: 1:42.


The Survival of Hicks and Newt - Accounts of the Earth War - Duration: 13:21.


"I don't want to hear about it, Bishop.

She's alive.

There's still time."

"In nineteen minutes in this area there's going to be a cloud of vapor the size of Nebraska."


Don't let him leave!"

"We ain't going anywhere."

"It's okay.

We're okay."

"I knew you'd come."


It was on the fourtieth floor, Ward C of the Fieldcrest Home medical high rise where Hicks

and Newt would reunite, thirteen years after escaping LV426.

The Corporal's return to Earth began with several months in quarantine, waiting to be

cleared into the general populace.

Medtechs had tended to his wounds, though injuries sustained from the acidic blood expelled

on his face left him scarred and disfigured.

Parts of his memory were erased- that is - whatever parts weren't voluntarily erased from an ensuing

collapse into alcoholism.

During his quarantine, there were no visitors.

Pain, loneliness, and isolation followed Hicks in the years he was reinstated into active

duty within the corps.

Former comrades, fearful he may somehow be infectious from alien blood, avoided contact.

The Acheron mission had left Hicks haunted, and he was riddled with guilt over those he

couldn't save.

"I was one of the "lucky few."

Go marines, by God.

I keep remembering Acheron.

Drake, Vazquez, even that ass, Hudson - they were okay.

Okay, well, they were buddies.

And I let them all die."

Drunk and disorderly conduct, brawling, public intoxication- all became habitual: A sterling

record prior to the Acheron mission became tainted with repetitive infractions after

his return.

But still there was use for him.

After being in holding after further misconduct, Hicks was released to recieve a disc containing

video footage of the Coast Gaurd Probe ship Dutton.

The crew, on a routine mission to clear "floaters" from entering into Earth's atmoshpere, encountered

an abandonded cargo vessel, The Junket; its pilot pod ejected- blood, bullet and acid

holes, and dead bodies within the ship.

The Coast Guard's protocal was to destroy such floaters, and the Dutton's crew followed

through, but the vaccuum of the blast pulled in what they believed to be a parasite.

The creature, unmistakably to Hicks as a Xenomorph, broke through the Dutton's airlock, killing

the crew before its own injuries expelled its acidic blood, breaching the hull and resulting

in the ship's destruction.

Hicks observed, "The ship exploded, taking the alien son of a bitch with it.

But proof of the one meant there were more.

What was the old phrase?

Where there's smoke, there's fire.


The fires of hell.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened.

That's why the marines never kicked me out of the corps.

They knew it, too."

Hicks was ordered to meet with Colonel Stephens, accomponied by by Dr. Orona, a geneticist

and civilian advisor to the USCM who had a particular interest in the Xenomorph species.

Orona, aware of Hicks' history with the aliens, believed he would prove useful in the government's

proposed mission to journey to co-ordinates transmitted by the Dutton that could possibly

be the homeworld of the Xenomorph.

Hicks was offered a position aboard the USCSS Benedict, second-in-command to Colonel Stephens.

His proposal was simple: "You seek redemption.

I seek.. specimens."

While Hicks face his chance for redemption, Newt's experiences back on Earth were dire.

She dreamed of monsters.

The dreams tortured her to the point of what seemed to be madness.

At Fieldcrest Home, she was under constant supervision, with the doctors unable to make

any progress -- not so much helping her as they were containing her.

She was treated with a myriad of heavy drugs constantly, often left near-catatonic, left

alone with her thoughts.

"I'm staring at the cieling.

Tranked again-- thoradin.

I think.

The one that makes you feel like you're suffocating.

I relive the past again and again.

I was born on a terraformer transport in deep space.

My parents named me Rebecca, but everyone called me Newt.

Our new home was a desolate rock christened Acheron.

My parents had volunteered for the mission in the romantic spirit of the old earth pioneers,

but there was little romanece on that cruel world.

The wind and the cold meant nothing to the aliens.

They waited, dormant, until the time was right.

I was the only survivor.

I was found by a marine rescue team and returned to earth.

The doctors lost interest in me when I didn't respond to their treatments.

Bad dreams?


Can't eat?


Talk out of turn?


I'll never make it.

Everything's slipping away.

The doctors can't figure me out, I didn't do anything - I just don't "get along."

Is that crazy?

I didn't ask to be born out there.

Nobody warned me about the risks.

Some see space as a panacea-- uncounted worlds with untold riches.

They look to the heavens and see the joy of opportunity.

I look into space and see the cold void of hell.

My only escape.

" Newt's nightmares stretched on endlessly,

becoming routine.

Then one day, there was a change.

She received a visitor.

A man, one side of his face scarred, sat in the chair two meters away from her.

He wore a military uniform.

"Hello, Newt.

I had to see you."

It was as if somebody suddenly slammed a fist into the side of her head.

The jolt rocked her physically.

Newt jerked and stared as a memory they'd tried to take away from her swam to the surface

like a whale needing air.

It was him!

The man who'd always saved her in her dreams.



How they treating you in here?"

"You—you're real!"

"Last time I looked, yeah."

"You—you look… different."

He touched the scars on his face.

"Colonial Marine surgeons.

Buncha butchers."

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"They told me you were in this place.

I figured I had to see you, once I found out you were having the dreams, too."

"About the monsters."


I don't sleep that well myself.

Haven't since Acheron."

"It was real, wasn't it?"

"Oh, yeah.

It was real.

They had me, I'm in as long as they keep reactivating my secrecy clause, but you were

a civilian.

They decided to wipe you, but it didn't work, least not all the way."

Newt slumped, but at the same time felt a sense of relief like none she'd ever known.

It was real!

She wasn't crazy!

The dreams were memories, trying to get out!

Hicks stared at the kid.

Well, she wasn't really a kid anymore, was she?

Turned out to be a nice-looking woman, even in the hospital whites and obviously stoned

on whatever they gave her.

He wasn't sure why he'd come, except that maybe she was the only other person who would

understand the dreams he kept having.

"Why did you come?" she asked.

He pulled his thoughts back to the young woman on the other side of the thick, clear plastic


"They found what they think is the homeworld for those… things," he said.

"They're sending me there with some troops."

A few seconds went past.

"To destroy it?"

Hicks smiled, but it was a sour expression.

"To collect a 'specimen.'

I think MI wants to use the things as some kind of weapon."


You can't let them!"

"Kid, I can't stop them.

I'm a corporal."

And a drunk and chemhead brawler, he added mentally.

"Take me with you," she said.

"You don't mean that.

I shouldn't have come here."

"Can't you see?

They're killing me.

I'm not crazy.

The memories are real.

You can tell them.

They're trying to convince me everything I remember is an illusion but you know the


Tell them.

You saved me before, Hicks, do it again!

They're killing me in here with the drugs, the therapy!

I have to get out!"

The visitation was quickly terminated, both Hicks and Newt were escorted away.

The last thing Hicks could hear was Newt's screams for help.

As training began, Hicks shifted his focus to his bitter hatred of the alien.

But every moment brought him back to the memories of Acheron.

Even his new team reminded him of the old squad.

And his thoughts kept coming back to Newt.

He kept an eye on her.

Pulling a few favors, he accessed Newt's files on Fieldcrest's security mainframe.

12 Hours before mission launch, he saw the latest update.

Newt was scheduled for a full lobotomy.

Hicks, conflicted, left the base and made his way to the institution.

His mind racing.

"Why'd I see her in the first place?

Maybe I just wanted someone here to remember me when it was over - Christ, I don't know...

There was a time when living and dying meant something to me.

My old Squad: Hudson, Vasquez, and the rest- faced Hell itself to rescue a scared little


Now they wanted to destroy her.

Jesus, my friends died to save her.

Newt was the only thing left of them.

He infiltrated the floor, taking out any security that stood in his way, armed with explosives

to blow a way out, and "quote" borrowing a Jet Rescue rescue ship to make their way back

to the base.

Hicks recalls, "The ship had been designed for High-Rise

fire rescue.

But I remember what Sargeant Apone used to say: Marines don't quit.

They adapt.

By the time they traced us back to base, it would be too late.

One of the joys of taking a suicide mission, I suppose-- reprimands and court maritals

lose their sting.

For years, the general public had been fed this image of the marines as "Intellectual

Warriors", -- a college diploma in one hand, an M90 rapid fire in the other.

I guess it's more comforting to imagine the national defense system in the hands of a

stiff eyed, emotionless martinet than some scared teenager with a skin problem.

After a while, the marines themselves bought the the myth.

Big mistake.

Soldiers have the same wants and desires as everyone else.

Sometimes they do things not because it's right or wrong, but because they must.

For instance, nobody expects a marine corporal to smuggle an unauthorized passenger avoard

a top-security military flight.

Maybe that's why it was so easy."

Hicks had secured Newt, along with his new squad of grunts, and the USCSS Benedict cleared

for take off on its mission.

13 Years had separated them, but Hicks and Newt were together once more.

To help each other.

To find answers.

To survive.

It was unclear how their mission would succeed once they arrived at the Alien homeworld,

but little did they know, there would be a new challenge to face now that Operation Outreach

was now in effect.

The Earth War is one of the most crucial events in the Alien extended universe.

Over time, its narrative has been obscured.

Revisions made.

Names changed.

There are claims that challenge its very existence.

The purpose of these accounts is to tell the best possible truths of the war, and the events

that followed.

As always, Thank you very much for watching.

If you enjoyed this video, please make sure to give it a like, and you can also subscribe

for all the latest videos from the channel A very, very special thanks goes out to Weyland

Yutani Executive EmYaruk, part of the Patreon Hive.

If you'd like to join the hive and support the channel, check out my Patreon page for

exclusive posts and contests.

In the meantime you can catch up with Alien Theory over social media- follow @Alien_Theory

on Twitter, and @AlienTheoryYT on Facebook and Instagram for more.

And until next time, this is Alien Theory, signing off.

For more infomation >> The Survival of Hicks and Newt - Accounts of the Earth War - Duration: 13:21.


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