Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

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For more infomation >> simple maggam work blouse designs | basic embroidery stitches | heavy designer blouse online - Duration: 2:14.


Kahey Ko Tujh | ਕਾਹੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਝੁ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਇਆ | Bibi Harroop Kaur - Duration: 22:09.

ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਪੁਰਖਾ ਜਨਮੁ ਵਟਾਇਆ ॥ "How have you changed the course of your life? (ਯੋਗੀ ਪੁਛਦੇ ਹਨ) ਪ੍ਰ. 27: ਕਿਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਦੁਆਰਾ, ਹੇ ਪੁਰਸ਼! ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਜੀਵਨ ਦਾ ਰੁਖ ਬਦਲਿਆ ਹੈ? ਕਾਹੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਝੁ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਇਆ ॥ With what have you linked your mind? ਪ੍ਰ. 28: ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਇਸ ਮਨ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਜੋੜਿਆ ਹੈ?ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਆਸਾ ਮਨਸਾ ਖਾਈ ॥ How have you subdued your hopes and desires? ਪ੍ਰ. 29: ਕਿਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਦੁਆਰਾ ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਉਮੈਦ ਅਤੇ ਖ਼ਾਹਿਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਮੇਟਿਆ ਹੈ? ਕਿਤੁ ਬਿਧਿ ਜੋਤਿ ਨਿਰੰਤਰਿ ਪਾਈ ॥ How have you found the Light deep within your nucleus? ਪ੍ਰ. 30: ਕਿਸ ਤਰੀਕੇ ਨਾਲ ਤੂੰ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ-ਪ੍ਰਕਾਸ਼ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਅੰਦਰੋਂ ਪਾਇਆ ਹੈ? ਬਿਨੁ ਦੰਤਾ ਕਿਉ ਖਾਈਐ ਸਾਰੁ ॥ Without teeth, how can you eat iron? ਪ੍ਰ. 31: ਦੰਦਾਂ ਦੇ ਬਗ਼ੈਰ ਬੰਦਾ ਲੋਹੇ ਨੂੰ ਕਿਸ ਤਰਾਂ ਖਾ ਸਕਦਾ ਹੈ। ਨਾਨਕ ਸਾਚਾ ਕਰਹੁ ਬੀਚਾਰੁ ॥੧੯॥ Give us your true opinion, Nanak.""||19|| ਹੇ ਨਾਨਕ! ਤੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਸੱਚੀ ਸੁਚੀ ਰਾਏ ਦੱਸ।

For more infomation >> Kahey Ko Tujh | ਕਾਹੇ ਕਉ ਤੁਝੁ ਇਹੁ ਮਨੁ ਲਾਇਆ | Bibi Harroop Kaur - Duration: 22:09.


【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】一休さん 仏様に失礼/The Little Monk Ikkyu Impolite to Buddha - Duration: 3:17.

Once upon a time, there was a little monk named Ikkyu.

Even the head monk of the temple was no match for Ikkyu's wit.

The head monk, however, always thought,

"I want to outwit Ikkyu some day. "

One day, the head monk hit upon a good idea, and said to Ikkyu,

"Come here, Ikkyu,

I was so careless that I forgot to put out the candle in the main hall.

It would be very disrespectful to Buddha if it causes fire,

so please go put out the candle."

"Yes, Master."

Ikkyu rushed to the main hall,

but the candle stand was placed too high for Ikkyu to reach.

Then, Ikkyu jumped up high and blew the candle out with his breath.

Soon Ikkyu came back to the room.

The head monk asked Ikkyu,

"Oh, thank you.

But how could you put out the candle in such a high place?"

"I jumped up and blew it off with my breath."

Hearing this, the head monk grinned and said,

"Oh, what a fool!

It is really rude to blow your breath on Buddha.

Never do such a thing again! Do you understand?"

For the first time, he scolded Ikkyu.

"Oh,I'm so sorry…"

The head monk was very satisfied to be able to put Ikkyu down.

Next day, when the head monk was reading a sutra,

he noticed something was strange behind him.

He turned around to find Ikkyu sitting with his back to Buddha.

"Huh, he is just a child, no matter how good his wits are.

He must be pouting about being scolded yesterday."

The head monk thought and warned Ikkyu proudly,

"Ikkyu, look toward Buddha while we are reading a sutra. You are very impolite"

Then, Ikkyu replied as if he had been waiting for that.

"But master,

I'm afraid I would blow my breath on Buddha if I read a sutra with my face toward Buddha.

Didn't you tell me it is very impolite to blow our breath on Buddha?"

Hearing this, the head monk scratched his head and said,

"…Oh dear, you got me."

For more infomation >> 【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】一休さん 仏様に失礼/The Little Monk Ikkyu Impolite to Buddha - Duration: 3:17.


संक्षिप्त शब्द चिन्ह from book HINDI SHORTHAND ऋषि प्रणाली PAGE NO. 160 & 162 - Duration: 3:56.

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For more infomation >> संक्षिप्त शब्द चिन्ह from book HINDI SHORTHAND ऋषि प्रणाली PAGE NO. 160 & 162 - Duration: 3:56.



they travel the surface of some planet

they fly in its waters and its skies sail

but it's not a safari in the

planet earth but of an expedition

of astronomical proportions when the

humans we discover that we are not alone

how will our brothers and sisters be

cosmic to answer this question

to several astronomers and astrologers

recognized prestige have applied the

principles of evolution and physics

to five types of worlds that

we probably discover in the cosmos

these are the creatures that could

inhabit the


prepare for a safari

intergalactic and look at the eyes to

these extraterrestrial creatures

the universe extraterrestrial creatures the



an intergalactic sanctuary of thousands of

millions of galaxies and billions of


it could be no more than an aggregate

lifeless territory of outbursts of

gamma rays stars in combustion and

black holes

or there is life beyond the earth in

this cosmic paradise will seek us

extraterrestrial creatures pondering

the big question we are alone

scientists are still looking for

first signs of life beyond

our planet but many are

convinced that they are out there

waiting for us to find them

but what will be its appearance

with an interesting combination of

Earth science logic and theory

of evolution

graphic artists can give life to

some of these creatures

extraterrestrials and to face us

Face these creations

aliens we embark on a

imaginary safari through the

unexplored corners of the universe like

would a tourist in a zoo



our first stop will be the planet

hypothetical with him


but he is a strange planet

first of all it does not orbit around

a star like our sun but

around a little red dwarf one

movie star and they can have a

size five or six times smaller than the

of our sun

therefore the living area will be

much closer to your star


this habitable zone is a piece

essential of the puzzle that supposes

understand the evolution of life in

any other planet

the habitable zone of a solar system

that distance from the star where the

water can exist in liquid form in

the surface

this requires enough energy

thermal of the star so that there

liquid water and stay well the water

liquid is one of the elements

basic for life to emerge


but January in the habitable zone is

so close to the bright sphere of

gases in combustion that the severity of

its star makes the orbit of heron

the asynchronous pse the same thing that happens

between the earth and the moon from which

we only see one face of its surface in

every moment

this would mean that in a half of

hison he would be constantly daytime

and the other would be immersed in the

darkness in between opened a zone of

about 300 kilometers wide between

north pole and the south pole where

I would live in a constant twilight

mezzo that makes us wonder where

life would be found on that planet

the truth is that there would be life in all

parts but on the dark side they would be

adapted ways of life to live in

the darkness and on the illuminated side

we would find locations adapted for

live only on the site and in this

twilight zone we would find

creatures adapted to live in both

areas that can wander through both

sides of this world would control

really your own destiny with respect

where to go where to marry

in the coat photosynthetic organism

probably lichen in an environment

marine a red alga or a bacterium

gifted absorb infrared light get

energy from it and create food in

earth would be something similar to unican

Because it's cold

some musicians adapted to that environment

and there could be organisms that

feed them is lichen

represents January on the basis of a

very long food chain all

plays a vital role for the

survival of plant life up

the largest and most complex creatures

an example of a creature from the USA where

uses this lichen as a source of

food is the insect known as ey


the iphones are small and

strange creatures of the earth

we call metamorphosis the curious

ability of a creature to change

one way or another it always happens with

the butterflies the caterpillars that we see in

our gardens form a chrysalis

and months later they emerge as a butterfly

changhua paragraph to iphones

they also do it but in a very

strange they are like eels with suitcases to

each side of corpses sainz in a

particular moment they approach some

vegetable form of life and closes on

themselves forming a shell when

that shell opens up now something comes up that

we have never seen before

absorbs hydrogen from water

separating it from the oxygen inflate a

small bubble and they go away from the


the breeze makes them ascend to a

great height

scatters them across the planet towards

twilight zone and it falls as if they were


when the six men hit the ground

immediately build a burrow

where they usually live

but at the same time that there are

they dig to the ground in search of food

they are also hunted from above by

one of the next links in the

food chain

the nickname pin is one of the most

interesting about this world are some

small and strange creatures whose

eyes encompass all their surroundings so

can perceive any movement

behind them the twilight zone of heron

he would be a dark and cold place

due to the low light it receives from its

star and the players and also their

6 portions

they will have developed big eyes like

owls and other nocturnal creatures

here on earth but most of

the creatures of Leonel have developed

another interesting adaptation with the

orbit around a class star


most of the light emitted by the

class stars m is infrared a

light that is really heat what

we feel when we open the oven


that's what these creatures would see on

heat that the bodies give off in the

the world that surrounds it

they wanted something very different from what

we see ourselves perceiving signs of

heat on the dark side of the planet

gives one great advantage one of the

older links in the chain

US food on it

the flea

by their sense their movements and the

way they act together they look like

the jackals of the plains of africa

they move emanated they are hunters

predators creatures be and

unpleasant that surround the nicknames

to hunt them and feed on them

they have a strange ability

besides seeing the things he sought

with normal normal eyes

on that planet he has a second pair of

smaller eyes that allow them

perceive signs of heat from the

creatures that live in the dark zone

in which it is always tonight

these are just some of the creatures

that could live on a planet like

it was him but at least for now they are not

more than products of our



we scientists can imagine the

life in other places but we do have

examples we have a reference point

and it is the planet earth

therefore study life in the

Earth provides us with information

very valuable that we can use to

look for life in other places we can

study a variety of

ecosystems and observe the challenges that

pose see what those

challenges of the living beings that live

in them and how we can apply those

early extraterrestrial life

to understand how they can be applied

these principles we must continue

our imaginary safari

intergalactic we leave the surface of

eronel and we travel a distance of 300

22 light years through the cosmos to a

new solar system and the planet

hypothetical ag 143


AG 143 is bigger than Earth

much larger than the earth and in a

beautiful ring system to your

around but the most important thing is that

it is a gigantic dry desert

with a gravitational field three times

more powerful than we feel here

on earth a human being who passed

approximately 80 kilos on earth

would weigh about 240 kilos on the

beam surface that 143 certainly its

life forms are well adapted to

it but as of life aguilar del

astrophysics center of the university

from harvard

I think the best way to foresee

adaptations of complex ways of life

extraterrestrial is to observe the variety

of creatures that have evolved to

avoid the various ecosystems of

our own world


we meet at the zoo

North Carolina because of all the

zoos of the country this one is very special

tie is big and wide and its environments

simulate the different environments that

we find on our planet is a

wonderful example of the variety of

life forms of our planet


Aguilar believes that among the variety of

earthly life forms the creatures

that support a structure

extremely heavy on the model

perfect to understand evolution

in attachment 143 when we talk about an animal

adapted to a heavy environment a world

more serious

this is what we have to study we can

see some legs that can hold a

huge body of course they would have to

be further down closer to the ground

but it is a perfect example of what

we would see they would be lower creatures and

compact will be as heavy as this one and

adapted to a planet with a serious

much more intense


although life forms of aje 143

they have certain characteristics

comparable to those of creatures of the

earth does not look like anything we can

find on our planet


and if one day a space probe

profoundly detected life outside of

our solar system

what an extraterrestrial would look like

to better understand these creatures of

other worlds and how could there be


Scientists believe that we must first

understand some basic concepts

about the physical environment where it could

originate life

when observing planets that orbit

distant stars

the scientists start from two

factors the first one is the distance that

separates it

that determines how much energy

will determine whether or not there will be liquid water

second its mass the size of the

planet that determines its severity and what

type of organisms could harbor

when we think about biology

evolutionary we tend to imagine a

nature of red teeth and

claws Darwinian competition between

organisms species and others but

we forget that it is the physical environment what

that really shape life

the intensity of gravity the

temperature pressure composition

of the atmosphere if there is

atmosphere and all that

the laws of physics do not vary

when we travel through space

therefore understand how

the creatures on earth evolved

has allowed scientists to imagine

what forms of life could appear in

other worlds like the hypothetical planet

make that 143 ag 143 orbit around

a bright star of class f

only 10% of the surface of this

world is covered by water and the

scarce liquid h2o that falls in the form of

rain accumulates in bags under the

sand the environment cast 143 is hot

arid and the sun shines very intensely

it is a class star f

It is brighter than our sun and its

ultraviolet emissions would be very

intense therefore the organisms

they will have to be protected from some

way either by the atmosphere or by

your own means

these protections can adopt the

shell shape or other type of

thick covers that absorb the

intense ultraviolet radiation but the

creatures of aje 143 would develop

also other physical characteristics

exclusive of this world is really

interesting to imagine how it could be

life on a planet with more serious

with respect to microbes could not

make a big difference

the differences could start at

notice for example in the ways of

lives that live on the ground and have

to stand up

damn gravity can not even get up


however another consequence of a

severe severity could result in a

unusual fan of creatures in the

anje surface 143

or more exactly a little bit above

the surface the atmosphere of the earth

it consists of 79% nitrogen a 20

percent oxygen and 1 percent

of other gases that stays in its

place because of the attraction

gravity of the earth but in a

planet as aje 143 greater gravity

would cause a much more atmosphere

Perfect dense to lift the flight

it could also assume a proportion

much greater oxygen

we believe that a couple of hundred ago

millions of years the earth lived a

period in which the concentration of

oxygen was greater for a while and

what the fossils show us are

giant insects to the huge

giant flying organisms

if we think about it, they had more

oxygen for your metabolism more

energy to do things would be like

use an oxygen bottle and notice

that you have more energy

that's how those organisms would have felt

with a denser atmosphere and a

higher oxygen concentration

iag 143 titles would be

full of great flying creatures

that could stay in flight all the

time you need to be an example

it could be the sargal

this creature lived most of

your life plowing through the atmosphere in search

of the few water bags that

they dot the planet when they go out

find one of these bags not only

would descend to drink but also

to hunt any creature that

I could have reached this oasis

a creature like the mobile amx to

first sight we could confuse a

mobile and with a starfish has

some arms bones with which

they move through the desert

the curious thing about these arms is that

They have long tentacles that

probes the sand in search of valuable

water bags that could hide and

more curious even if it is strange

creature finds a large bag of

water begins to collect the water as if

I was taking it out of a uaw bag and

increases in size more and more

storing the water as a


adapt to locate and store the

Water is crucial for survival

be in the middle of a desert to hundreds

of kilometers of any kind of


would be a death sentence for almost

any creature on earth

the same thing would happen to living beings

on the hypothetical planet AG 143

that's why the cops live mainly

near water tanks to not

get away too much from this valuable


the cops are the creatures most

strange of aje 143 are low and robust

a mouth resting on three legs on a

platform that has scales under it

they move on the sand sliding

the viper of the desert and the strange

ability to chemically detect if

your company is near or not in the kazan

around the banks of streams and

small lakes and if they discover their

prey they decide suddenly they stay

motionless and camouflage resulting almost

invisible wait for some

hapless creature comes out slowly

of the water and suddenly I have found

your dinner

the way the cops move

slipping through the surface

like a snake on the grass is

another evolutionary characteristic caused

by the intense gravity of the planet

slide on scales instead of

lifting the legs would be a lot

easier to any creature

also offers a stealth advantage

about their prey

you may have never heard I denied a

Felix but the food chain

continues on ax 143 and nothing is to

except in these pools lurks a

Silent but lethal creature chosen

students during our examination of the

food chain in aje 143 we have

seen the challenges that must overcome

the creatures of a world with a shortage of

water on its surface and a seriousness

greater than that of the earth

but what would happen if the conditions

of the planet were the opposite

would happen on a planet with a

amount of water suitable for

development of life but also with

a much smaller gravitational force

the answer could be just over

our heads in the heavens of the


in our intergalactic safari we have

seen as reputable astrobiologists

they use current terrestrial science

to raise hypotheses about the

size the shape and behavior of

the creatures of an imaginary world with

a severity much greater than that of the



but what would happen if the severity

was much weaker to find out

we will leave behind the intense gravity

of ax 143 to direct us to another

planet located 89 light years away from


gpc in 925 gpc 925 is smaller than

the earth 50 percent


although it has many similarities with

her but being smaller her


It is also less


the star around which it orbits is

colder than our sun and because of

that's a combination of icy areas

and photosynthetic green plants that

appear between some bodies of water are

it would look a lot like the northern part of

our planet to the northern taiga of

Canada and Greenland


the environment of the gps 925 would be very

homogenous in this world not

we would find deserts and very few

mountains would be a cooler world and

better preserved than our own

planet but equally beautiful this

world would generate more life forms

large and elegant

I look two meters imagine what would be

my height in a world with half or a

third of severity or what aspect

would have a redwood in a world with

less serious

these gravitational effects would give

place to different characteristics in

the beings that inhabit the surface

also in a world like boss in 925

great part of the beings that inhabit 100

on their surface they would not do it in the

own surface


we meet in him daily in these

trees inhabit the descendants of

The dinosaurs

this is what the dinosaurs left

when they disappeared these birds have

evolved to fly your bones

holes can join and close the pens

these birds were destined to govern

the heavens but with a gravity less

intense we would see that they have reached

govern the planet because of the scarce

gravity in it would be very easy to fly

on the ground numerous agencies have

flown in different ways

the bats extend the membranes

who possess the fingers to create the

flying squirrels spread their fur

so I can plan

but not all dgpc creatures 925 are

similar to others on earth what

flirting are the creatures of the air more

strange that we can imagine

imagine similar floating sacks

to lungs swollen with

Very long tentacles that

dragged across the field and advanced

floating on the landscape and its heat

interior would raise the temperature of the

air inflating your sacks would look like

It's jellyfish that float in the air and

just like jellyfish and karim ziani

they would catch anything that ran

on the floor before them see the

needs up and down the wind

as a group of psychedelic jellyfish

surpasses our imagination and without

But here they are very common here

even life on the surface

would go beyond the limits of science

as we know it

to get an idea of ​​this world

think about the tax laws seem long

heaps that you leave six eight or ten

meters in the air a large number of

them with a bulb at its end this

way subdued by the wind but most

surprising is that they are not plants are

animals with roots that stand up and

slowly travel the surface of the

planet and they return to fix themselves to the ground

while they are rocking in the wind they await the

step of any creatures

when one appears its top

it shoots like a frisbee and it

dig into the side of the creature

the supa is in its shell in its

hair and gets caught immediately

when they move and reach an area

new they alight and begin to cross over

new is simply part of their

seeds through these little discs

that they throw through the air

every time they notice that something is coming in

this planet and plants and herbs that

they do similar things but there is nothing

of that size and size sacha next

and the idea of ​​plants that look

animals and animals that look like plants

make this world a very place

weird and that happens

creatures like the kings taxi the leagues

they would enjoy an adequate amount

of water in chief in 925

but what would happen in a world where

there would be even more water


much more specifically on a planet without

solid ground some an aquatic world



since we embarked on our

intergalactic safari

we have seen the amazing life cycle

of the ceipoms or january in the strange

aspect of the polis sell 143 kilos

float in boss 925 all the

hypothetical life forms of these

imaginary worlds has been created by

scientists based on our

knowledge about the development of

life on earth


but how would these originate

creatures in these strange and distant

planets the requirements that we consider

necessary to originate life is based on

the life that we know chemistry that

as we believe leads to the origin and

evolution of life is the chemistry of

carbon in aqueous solutions or

aquatic so water is needed

liquid carbon and nitrogen nobody

you need some kind of energy because

life even microbes need

food some kind of metabolism

that's why a source of

energy sunlight works

pretty good but it's not the only one

even on earth

for hundreds of years the

scientists believed that sunlight

it was the only source of energy for the



but in the last new decades

discoveries showed that they were



it was once believed that servants

temperatures that the water reaches

around hydrothermal vents

from the bottom of the sea were incompatible with

of life.

but scientists have discovered

recently that the areas around

these fumaroles are perfectly

adequate to house a flourishing

underwater community instead of the sun

these creatures receive their energy from

heat the gases and minerals that

expel these sources

These mates life forms are known

as extremophiles the existence of

extremophiles expands the limits of what

what we think and what we know what

can organisms do

in other words if we look at the

different environments that we find

here in the earth

there are extremely cold and

extremely hot to acids and

alkaline almost anything that

we can imagine and we find life in

almost all of them the fact that there is

life on earth is largely due

to our position in the solar system

scientists used to believe that

only life could arise on a planet

within the habitability zone there

too close to the sun because the water to

boil and gymnastics far away because it

would freeze just what is necessary to

dispose of a liquid ocean in the

that could form be of today we know

that that conception is wrong

today we believe that even in the moons

frosts of planets like jupiter is

possible that life comes

europe is a moon of jupiter that is

ice cover but under the ice

there seems to be a gigantic ocean

maybe stable for billions

of years that contains liquid water

that caused a stir among the

physical as there may be liquid water

so far from the sun

hence the concept of flexion of

dizzy mary's bending of europe

is caused by the immense size

immense gravitational force of jupiter

that cause the movement of ice in

its moon which generates heat

when the lower layers and isolated

they get warm enough

the ice melts creating oceans

if we add organic compounds

that is believed to exist in Europe

we get a slightly altered recipe

but very feasible to create life

this brings us to our next

stop in our intergalactic safari

we leave behind the silos of ax 143 and

its creatures to travel 72 light years

even a hypothetical gas giant

called had a plan urgently e is

surrounded by eight moons usually not

we would lose time congeniar g

it's a gas giant and we do not think that

there can be life in these worlds the

world that we are interested in is your moon have

Hervás is approximately twice as

big that mercury is a very world

similar to europe the moon that orbits in

around jupiter a match

imagine a planet is covered in 12

euros and a large ice area

amount of ice that covers all this

planet lacks soil on which

walking from the oceans could be

full of life

given the constant attraction of her

the G

most likely they have boiled

I have an intense geothermal activity

that could be a source of energy

crucial to the origin of life


near the surface of anievas a

small amount of light could

filtrate to the water through the

thinner ice layers some

creatures could have developed


this could mean an advantage but

It also makes them vulnerable to certain

defense techniques

here is a cunning expert in evasions

He loves voice for us light is only

light but think of him he loves voice a

small creature almost gelatinous that

nothing innocent by the water if it approaches

something that considers a threat

throws a bright flash of light

bright around him with that

deny any creature that comes near

and slips away that looks a lot like the

cloud of ink from a squid an octopus

soon it is surrounded by bright lights that

they look like fireworks you hear

uses light as a mechanism of

external protection genes

but the creatures that live in the

oceans to much greater depth

would develop other methods of

survival is the case of the fwa lina

the dens look like a cross between a

Very rare spider and a very crab

strange but they have a capacity

peculiar do not perceive your world through

of the eyes but not through the

ears most perceive it through a

electric field that generate around

of their bodies can extend this

field to perceive everything that moves

around you perceive what you

surrounds how this field affects


the most interesting thing is that once you

they have looked at something they consider a

prey wait until each

more time

and suddenly flash


they give off a big electric shock

that stuns his prey throws a

tentacle and the trapa to collect the

house using electricity after

see the enormous challenges that these

creatures would have to overcome in a

aquatic world

we still have one last factor left


when the inhabitants of the earth

discover life in the cosmos or some

way of life have decided to show themselves by

end to the human race could not be treated

of a biological entity

instead of blood and carbon meat

it could be made of steel and silicon


a machine


as we get closer to our

last stop the hypothetical planet

galileo we discovered three great

craters on its surface

the collision of an asteroid with a

planet capable of harboring life would be

catastrophic but galileo is different

when we get closer we see tiny

mechanical creatures hovering over their

surface although so far our

trip has studied an imaginary corner

of the universe full of creatures

biological of all shapes and sizes

some scientists believe that a world

extraterrestrial could be a land of

synthetic machines such as gaia leo

the doctor seth shostak of the institute

seti whose mission is to search

extraterrestrial intelligences

I think when we discover life more

beyond the earth our relative

cosmic could be steel and silicon

instead of flesh and bone

the extraterrestrials that have reached

the ability to build a radio

transmitter and emit so we can

listen to those probably have given

also the next step and that step

it could be the development of machines


scientists say that for

better understand the origin of a planet

full of this type of machines not

we have more to study evolution

of intelligence here on earth

specifically artificial intelligence

we could say that intelligence

artificial is the science that allows

make babies from scratch instead

to use the traditional system

science and engineering try

conform a mind through the

understanding of its operation

we have not yet achieved

we have not built thinking machines

but the people who work in this


they think it's likely to happen inside

of twenty fifty or a hundred years to

means it is possible that within hundreds

or maybe thousands of years

we are combining them with our

machines we must realize that

in the next centuries the machines

they could become smarter

that we always exist the danger

that our creations do not

lock in zoos throw us away

peanuts and make us dance like

we have made bears dance

in both

but instead of merging with the

machines humans we could

become machines someday and

once the processors surpass the

human brain capabilities

the most sophisticated programs could

grant these beings an insurmountable

Advantage over us

if there were artificial intelligences

directing and thinking brains a

million times faster than the

human brain

theoretically they could perform the

thoughts of 10,000 years in three

days and a half to reach similar

achievement would require huge amounts of

Energy (%

once all the resources are exhausted

Usable from galileo

these little robotic creatures

known as josé valls could

build a planetary highway towards

{0}{/0} {1}       {/1} {2}Space: U$ 0.50{/2}

then other gadgets called

fishermen are fishermen would have access to

an almost unlimited amount of energy

for your survival

think that the earth only uses one

small fraction of the energy of the


if the sun was headquarters this size

the earth would be the size of a

head of a pin compared to

we absorb it more than a tiny

percentage of the sun's energy for

Harnessing your energy could

build a hypothetical structure

called tyson sphere around the

sun or any other close one

Tyson's sphere is a gigantic wait

that is built around a star

to absorb all your energy

this way you can absorb all the

that it emits without suffering damages during the

process when the energy has been

fully seized the fishermen are

fishermen could dismantle the sphere

and push towards the next battery



if the scientists are right

this rebellion of the machines could

even happen on one more planet

close to ours

every year that passes, new

scientific advances that broadens the

limits of what we know not only from

ourselves but also of life

in the universa out there there is a world


or maybe many waiting for us

let's discover

and if we finally get to find

life elsewhere in the universe

the immense number of stars we

ensures that we will discover a vast

Colorful and diverse range of shapes

life and many more creatures

extraterrestrials that no one can



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