Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018


Happy New Year to all my subscribers!

I wish you a lot of inspiration!

And life energy to implement all your ideas!

Thanks for all your support, likes and comments! Its great to know that my efforts are valuable to someone.

There are a lot of plans ahead, I'll do more crochet dolls and small animals.

I'm really happy that you like my new "1 hour toy" rubric.

So, crochet with me, share photos of you works in my groups in and facebook.

There are links under this video.

And now, lets watch some recent works of my subscribers.

For more infomation >> Работы подписчиков 2017. Works of subscribers 2017. - Duration: 5:59.


Elif Episode 639 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 79 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:38.

I tis just something small, but I hope you'll like it, Mrs. Hümeyra.

Why wouldn't I?

Why did you trouble yourself?

Now I'm feeling ashamed.

I wanted to leave a memory.

I've spent so much time, thinking on what to give you.

Couldn't come up with a lot of things, but...

I can't believe it!

This is the golden pacifier!

This is such a coincidence!


I don't know if you're into these things.

I swear I am more than just "into" them!

I... I'm really surprised right now!


Well... I've been thinking about getting one of these,

in fact, I told Tarık about this.

Oh, really?

Believe me, I'm so glad.

-It seems like I had a hunch! -It does, really.

Thank you, so so much, Ms. Rana.

This is a great gift for me.

I really admire your kindness, Ms. Rana.

Everything is set, waiting for the baby.

But, this is like the missing piece.

My dear Tarık has been really busy all week,

he couldn't deal with everything.

I couldn't go out shopping,

I was planning to buy this next week, but you were faster than me.

Luckly I'm here today.

Sure thing! But you didn't need to bring any gifts.


Look who came to visit us!

Mr. Tarık?

For more infomation >> Elif Episode 639 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 79 (English subtitles) - Duration: 3:38.


Moto AME Amazonas - Ep. 136 - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> Moto AME Amazonas - Ep. 136 - Duration: 7:57.


АНБОКСИНГ NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy - Duration: 6:10.

For more infomation >> АНБОКСИНГ NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM Legacy - Duration: 6:10.


Vinyl Windows Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Vinyl Windows Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 1:16.

Vinyl Windows Arlington Heights IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?

Are air leaks and drafts from your windows adding unnecessary costs to

your heating and cooling bills?

Your windows are designed to not only improve your home's appearance,

but to also save money on your heating and cooling costs.

When shopping for replacement windows you have a lot of important

decisions to make..

Luckily, we're here to help!

We're certified local window contractors that can help guide you through

the window purchasing process according to your speci?c style and budget.

We also understand that installation, including anchoring, insulating and

sealing the window to the house to make it airtight and watertight, is as

important as the quality of the window itself.

If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new

replacement windows, give us a call today for a free, no-pressure in-home


For more infomation >> Vinyl Windows Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Vinyl Windows Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 1:16.


Ten Days in Tennessee VLOG - Day 5 - Duration: 8:13.

For more infomation >> Ten Days in Tennessee VLOG - Day 5 - Duration: 8:13.


How To Increase Your Vocabulary in Italian & English! (Video in Italian) - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> How To Increase Your Vocabulary in Italian & English! (Video in Italian) - Duration: 11:24.


What If Everyone On Earth Jumped At The Same Time? - Duration: 4:24.

What if Everyone on Earth Jumped At The Same Time

The weight of one whole person is daunting enough to me, let alone the weight of 7.6


As a world wide population, we're heavy….

But are we heavy enough to have any real impact on earth?


Welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, the channel that find answers to even your

quirkiest of questions!

You're joining us as we approach 250 thousand subscribers, next stop, half a mil!

Be a pal, if you haven't subscribed yet, then do it right now!

… Done it, good!

Well join us as we ask What if Everyone on Earth Jumped at the Same Time?

So, if you are a regular view of Life's Biggest Questions, you may have seen our video

asking what if the earth was hollow.

In case you didn't, you should know that the outer crust of the earth and everyone

on it makes up just 99% of the earths mass.

In other words…honey is heaaaaaavy, and even though the combined weight and force

of every single person on earth seems big to us, on a geological scale, we're pretty


The earth weighs weigh 6 sextillion 588 Quintillion tons, which is a lot.

It is very hard to calculate the weight of 7.6 billion people with any degree of accuracy,

but Live Science puts it at 316 tonnes….so…you can see there is quite the disparity there.

If we all jumped where we are right now on earth, very little would happen, other than

everyone getting some serious global synchronization points…..if we can all jump together at

exactly the same time, we can all learn to live in peace, right?

Well…there's a question for another day.

Our biggest chance at creating any impact from a global population jump would be to

redistribute our mass into one small space, that way, when jumped, we would exert a bigger

force on that area.

If everyone on earth stood shoulder to shoulder, we would all fit in a space of roughly 500

square miles, so a city roughly the size of Phoenix, Arizona.

If, in this space, we all jumped together, at a reasonably ambitious height of 30 centimetres,

according to Dot Physics, we when we land, we would propel the earth by 100th of the

width of a single atom….sooo….not really worth the hassle.

That movement, of course, would only be temporary, really not worth it.

Despite not doing much in terms of shifting the earth, if everyone did get together and

jump at the same time shoulder to shoulder, there would be a lot of damage on the ground.

As the bodies of jumpers hit the ground with their feet, the sound would be INSANE.

In fact, it would be louder than a jet engine, at an estimated 200 decibels, which would

shatter ear drums.

It isn't just people's ears that would suffer too… that many people jumping in

close proximity is bound to have adverse consequences.

To put it lightly, it would be chaos, people landing on other people, falling over, toppling

others…it is quite possible people would get crushed.

Sure, the force wouldn't move the earth, but it would still have an impact on the ground

in the jumping area.

This could register at 5 or above on the richter scale, which could cause structural damage

to buildings and transportation links.

The agreed jump spot would need to be in land, too, as if it took place by the coast it could

cause huge tidal waves that would flood the area.

Wherever the jump took place would be the area most effected, so it would be a good

idea also to stay away from cities, for fear of toppling buildings.

Buildings…so….if we were all in one place jumping, that means the rest of the would

be abandoned…spooky ghost cities everywhere….how would people even all get to this agreed jump

spot anyway?

Wouldn't transporting billions be a nightmare…how will we get them enough food and water…how

would they….you know what….at this point, let's just accept that this isn't going

to ever happen and move on with our lives without stressing over logistics.

So there is what theoretically would happen if we all jumped at the same time.

What would you like us to answer next on Life's Biggest Questions?

Let me know in the comments section down below?

Thanks for tuning in to this video!

I am Rebecca Felgate, if you want details for Our Patreon, they are in the description

box bellow.

Make sure you are hitting that like button so we know you enjoy our content.

I'll see you in the next video, but for now, stay curious, stay alert and never ever

stop questioning.

Still hungry for answers?

Why not check out our biggest What Ifs playlist and our Biggest Science Questions Playlist.


For more infomation >> What If Everyone On Earth Jumped At The Same Time? - Duration: 4:24.


Stunning! Former Obama Treasury Secretary Who Added $10 Trillion - Duration: 3:24.

Stunning! Former Obama Treasury Secretary Who Added $10 Trillion to US Debt Says Trump

Tax Cuts May Leave Country Broke

According to the government schedules of federal debt, the Obama Administration nearly doubled

the amount of US Debt during Obama�s 8 years in office from $10 trillion to nearly $20

trillion. In spite of this, the Obama team has the audacity

to scold the current Administration on fiscal responsibility.

The Hill reported:

Former Treasury Secretary Jack Lew expressed concerns about the new GOP tax law�s impact

on the debt, arguing that it is �leaving us broke� and could lead to cuts in social

safety net programs.

�I fear that the next shoe to drop is going to be an attack on the most vulnerable in

our society,� Lew said in a Bloomberg interview. �How are we going to pay for the deficit

caused by the tax cut? You�re going to see proposals to cut health insurance from poor

people, to take basic food support away from poor people, to attack Medicare and Social


�One could not have made up a more cynical strategy,� he added.

Lew, who led the Treasury Department during former President Obama�s second term, said

that the U.S. is in need of more jobs training, education and infrastructure, rather than

more debt at a time when the economy doesn�t need a fiscal stimulus.

According to government schedules of federal debt, the Obama administration increased the

amount of federal debt by nearly double from $10 trillion to almost $20 trillion. One government

report shows the Obama debt increase an astounding $9.5 trillion.

Never before in world history had the leader of a country added so much debt to its coffers.

The amount of debt Obama incurred (with nothing to show for it) was as much as all prior Presidents


The above report is based on fiscal year data starting on October 1st each year. When looking

at the actual daily amounts of debt on the books, President Trump actually inherited

$19.95 trillion of debt from Obama. In spite of headwinds from increasing FED interest

rates, President Trump increased the US debt by only $540 billion or roughly a third of

what Obama incurred in his first year in office. Obama averaged roughly $1.2 trillion in new

debt each year.

The Obama team to criticizing President Trump on fiscal soundness is like Hitler telling

Pope John Paul II that he�s a sinner. Perhaps true but no comparison.

For more infomation >> Stunning! Former Obama Treasury Secretary Who Added $10 Trillion - Duration: 3:24.


Nightcore - For You (Liam Payne & Rita Ora) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - For You (Liam Payne & Rita Ora) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.


Carrie Underwood Spotted For The First Time Since Facial Injury - Duration: 1:40.

Country music star Carrie Underwood was spotted out for the first time since her dangerous

fall in November 2017.

Underwood made headlines in early January 2018 after a post-workout snap from December

2017 was discovered online.

The photo, shared by fan and Below Deck star Adrienne Gang, featured the two women posing


Posted on December 12th, the pic shows Underwood just over a month after her tumble down the

stairs outside of her Nashville home.

Underwood sustained several injuries from the fall, including cuts, abrasions, and a

broken wrist.

After canceling her performance at the Country Rising benefit concert on November 12th, Underwood

underwent surgery on her wrist.

However, Underwood shocked already worried fans when she announced that her fall may

have resulted in a major change in her appearance.

In a letter to her fan club shared in late December, the former American Idol winner

revealed that she'd injured her face during the freak accident outside of her home.

"In addition to breaking my wrist, I somehow managed to injure my face as well.

I'll spare you the gruesome details, but when I came out of surgery the night of my fall,

the doctor told [my husband] Mike that he had put between 40 and 50 stitches in."

As such, Underwood warned fans that she's "not quite looking the same."

However, judging by Gang's photo alone, Underwood still looks very much like herself.

Even Gang admitted, "I had no clue she was injured."

Speaking with Us Weekly, Gang added,

"I had no idea she got hurt prior to meeting her.

She had a wrist brace on, but I didn't think much of it until I saw the headlines after

I posted our picture together.

She looked great and seemed to be in great spirits."

Sounds like Underwood may just be her own worst critic.

Thanks for watching!

Click the Nicki Swift icon to subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Plus check out all this cool stuff we know you'll love, too!

For more infomation >> Carrie Underwood Spotted For The First Time Since Facial Injury - Duration: 1:40.


Trey Gowdy Just Obliterated the FBI Over Hillary Investigation — "Almost Everything Was Done Differ… - Duration: 2:57.

Trey Gowdy Just Obliterated the FBI Over Hillary Investigation — "Almost Everything Was

Done Differently.

Look everybody!

Trey Gowdy is here!

The GOP's mop-boy for the real heavy hitters (like Devin Nunes and Chuck Grassley) has

resurfaced to blast the FBI…after others had beaten him to it.

Appearing on Fox News' 'The Ingraham Angle' on December 29, Rep. Gowdy (R-SC) lamented

that his chairmanship of the House Oversight Committee investigation into Hillary Clinton's

criminal use of a private email server had ground to a halt because the Bureau and the

Department of Justice (in the Obama and the Trump administrations) had REFUSED to turn

over requested documents.

That was apparently all it took to shake Gowdy off the trail.

"An investigation is only as good as its access to documents and witnesses," he is

quoted by the Independent Journal Review (IJR) as saying.

Gowdy's mercurial commitment to nailing Hillary Inc. to the wall aside, he still does

offer up some great insight and fires off great questions.

On December 13, 2017, Gowdy was once again on Fox News, reports The Blaze, and began

to publicly voice his frustration with the FBI and DOJ.

Following the revelation that FBI agents Peter Strzok, Lisa Page and Bruce Ohr were political

hacks looking to bring down the President (a crime of the century that has been ignored

by the 'media'!)

Gowdy tells Fox host Martha MaCallum, "I'm still trying to figure out why three FBI agents

are discussing politics in the Deputy Director's office, because you're not supposed to discuss

politics on federal ground and FBI agents aren't supposed to engage in politics for

Hatch Act reasons."

Exactly a week later, Gowdy joined forces with Republican warrior Rep. Bob Goodlatte

of Virginia in sending a letter to the DOJ demanding that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe,

Chief of Staff James Rybicki, and F.B.I.

Counsel Lisa Page appear for questioning before Congress, reported Vanity Fair.

The former director of the FBI, James Comey, is still in Gowdy's sights as well.

Gowdy told Foxs' MacCallum in relation to Comey's grossly premature exoneration of


"If you have made the decision not to charge someone in May of 2016 before you have interviewed

two-dozen witnesses, before you have interviewed the target of the investigation, then you're

going to have to explain how you reached that decision not to charge."

You do indeed.

Let us hope that if Comey is ever again questioned he is not allowed to weasel out of saying

what he knows like McCabe.

Comey needs to be the ethical person he so often tweets about and tell THE TRUTH!

Stay on them Gowdy, every minute of every day!

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Trey Gowdy Just Obliterated the FBI Over Hillary Investigation — "Almost Everything Was Done Differ… - Duration: 2:57.


How AI Could Revolutionize Coffee - Duration: 6:55.

- There's 14,000 cups of coffee drank every second globally

and the coffee business is becoming very high end.

We pay four, five, ten dollars for a cup of coffee

but really the price to the farmer hasn't changed.

The fair trade system often isn't applied fairly,

honestly, to the farmers that produce the goods.

So at Bext360 we're really trying to give a clear picture

of what impact your purchase at a coffee shop

will have on the people that actually produce that coffee.

So we've developed a technology that incorporates

machine vision, artificial intelligence

and blockchain payments to bring the largest

unautomated system in the world to modern technology.

Like most people on the planet,

coffee, it is just a part of my morning routine.

Let's go, come on.

These are some that my girlfriend brought back

from Rwanda recently.

The things I love about coffee is just kinda knowing

the story where the coffee came from.

I can picture where the hard work's being done

to harvest this and it's also providing me with

something that I really enjoy every morning.

I'm Dan Jones, I'm the CEO and founder of Bext360.

This is our Bext cup my daughter made.

My passion is really with technology

and the developing world, trying to think of ways

that technology can really have an impact.

I lived in Congo from 2008 through 2015

and one of the projects that we worked on

was a conflict-free sourcing initiative

for minerals in Eastern Congo.

We actually built a small robot that could

do the analysis of minerals at the point of collection,

and what we found was that the artisanal miners

almost trusted the machine more

than they trusted people in some sense,

because a lot of these economies are very corrupt

and they really would like to see a digital readout

of what the quality of their minerals were.

So we started to think of how could we marry that

with technologies that are being developed from

artificial intelligence for blockchains.

So all of that kind of infrastructure made it possible

to really automate these antiquated supply chains.

And that's why we started Bext360.

The blockchain is a really amazing technology

that can serve in many realms,

especially in the developing world.

When many people think of the blockchain

they think of Bitcoin.

- Bitcoin is just kinda the first implementation

of blockchain technology.

- Blockchain really is a system in which

transactions are recorded globally across

the whole network,

tens of thousands, potentially, of servers,

so there's an immutable record that

that transaction occurred.

Our team started thinking about how we could expand

that type of technology to other commodities

and coffee was just a natural fit.

About one in 60 people get their livelihood

because of the coffee supply chain.

25 million directly and 100 million indirectly.

And they feed this massive system of coffee drinkers

all over the world.

At Bext360 we're focused on this idea

of conscious consumerism.

Consumers themselves wanna know the social impact

they have but there really is no

system in place to ensure the consumer

that the coffee that you're purchasing

actually doesn't have a negative impact

on the farmers themselves.

So we're really focused on implementing technologies

that can improve how we source

and provide traceability for these critical

products that come from the developing world.

The blockchain provides a level of truth

that's above most systems that are in place today.

It can give you that record which can never be changed.

Welcome to Bext360, I'm going to show you the process

of why we're building the robots we're building.

We've developed a small robot that could do

the analysis of coffee at the point of collection.

If you were harvesting these in Nicaragua or in Congo

or in Uganda, you would harvest about 30 kilograms

of these a day so what we're analyzing with our robot,

and we can go take a look at it,

is, we're basically,

as a farmer, you would come to our collection center

where our robot is,

you would place your goods in this hopper.

What our system does

is it images every single coffee cherry.

We're looking for the size, the color,

and ultimately we're trying to be able

to do density as well.

It determines the quality of that coffee

and then based upon that we tell them

what the price is we're gonna pay them.

As soon as they agree to sell their coffee

using our machine then we make a digital payment

using the blockchain immediately to them.

It immediately pays not only them

but the owner of the machine, the bank, the co-op,

landowner, taxes, whatever it needs to do

and it does that using the blockchain.

The other piece is giving immediate feedback

to the farmer themselves so we can say

these are when you should pick your fruit,

this is the point when they are worth the most.

They can really focus on the highest value

products as it enters the supply chain.

We're square on my side.

Now we have it mobile so we're ready to take it

and put it in a trailer and take it out to California

and put it in the coffee farms out there

so we can actually test it in the field

with live cherries and live green coffee.

So we're here today to really increase

the efficiency of the machine.

- How soon can you do parchment?

- By this time next year at least

or in the spring we'll be able to sort whatever

attributes you really want.

We're trying to develop this transparency so that

people at every point of the supply chain can know

the impact that they have on the world

through their purchases.

We can then determine the overall payment

that's been earned by the farmer for producing

such a great coffee.

In markets like Africa, corruption is obviously prevalent

in all different steps and sizes of harvesting a product.

Applying technologies, like the blockchain,

enable us to provide that data so that

if there is corruption in the system it gets rooted out.

Providing more transparency to supply chain

is a good thing.

We're trying to make sure that

the value chain becomes more fair.

And that's really what's driven me over the last

20 years of my career,

trying to think of ways that technology can really

have an impact in the developing world.

For more infomation >> How AI Could Revolutionize Coffee - Duration: 6:55.


Improving People's Lives Spotlight: Patrick DiMeo - Duration: 2:57.

When this manager asked me if I wanted to help with the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

So I didn't know any better, so I said yeah, that's fine.

So I started helping facilitate that in November of 1991.

And I've been doing that ever since.

We get into healthcare for our own individual personal reasons.

Both of my parents have had different types of cancer, have passed away from that.

When you see patients, you know that this is affecting them.

And just because of who we are as humans, we have this natural caring instinct.

And so as a male, I understand how this can affect you in a variety of ways.

So every day you come in even though you're relatively doing the same thing to a degree,

each patient is different.

And they have their own story to tell and however else that is.

And they deserve the equal treatment.

So I don't treat people the same, I treat them individually based upon what's going

on with them.

And so when you go through them and you can see they're nervous, they're scared, they're

anxious, they're afraid – all of those.

And then as you walk through them and you talk with them, and you see the way that their

shoulders just ease, and they're confident about themselves when they go, that's a great


And they say, you know what, I was really scared and I was hesitant to even come but

you made it seem nonchalant and I was able to open up and discuss these issues that problems

that I didn't even realize I had, that we addressed.

And this has really helped me out, tremendously and now I'm able to be back to who I am than

anything else.

So that's a really cool feeling knowing that.

Hope to me is confidence.

It's providing information.

Our role as nurses at the James to patients and their families, letting them know here

is a scenario where you're at.

This is information that what you can do to help yourself back.

And so what they listen to and follow through with this and they're able to get some type

of normalcy back into their lives, that's what we're here for.

Different stages.

If they're a stage one or stage four, hope is a different thing for each one of them.

All right, so sometimes stage four cancer patient, it's I just want to make sure that

I can get to my grandson's graduation or my granddaughter's wedding.

All right, and if we can do that, that's awesome.

If it's I want to get back to work so I can be normal again, then that's what that is.

So that's our job is providing to each individual patient, what can we do to help them inspire

hope to get back to what they want to do, then that's what's gratifying.

For more infomation >> Improving People's Lives Spotlight: Patrick DiMeo - Duration: 2:57.


#4 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) deel II: EFT methode met opstartzin - Duration: 8:45.

For more infomation >> #4 Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) deel II: EFT methode met opstartzin - Duration: 8:45.


12 Days of Christmas - GTA V Online - Should you - Buy a Security Room - Duration: 1:18.


Should you buy the security room in your facility.

Well, for starters you can use the cameras inside and outside of your facility to see

what going on.

You can also refill some of your ammo there for free as well.

You get to refill ammo for your sticky bombs, special carbine, Combat PDW, .50 cal pistol,

and assault shotgun.

If you bought the optional security room, you can also refill ammo for your mini gun.

These weapons will respawn every 5 minutes so if you don't want to pay for ammo this

is a good way of getting some.

You can also call level 3 mercenaries on a player on the terminal on the desk looking

into the hallway.

If you don't have a gun locker, buying the security room will give you a gun locker to

customize your loadout.

So with that said, I would say that if you have a couple million to spend on your facility,

then sure go for it.

However, if you don't have a lot of money to spend then you can do without it.

It's just another cool edition to your facility.

Anyways if you like the video, like it, dislike if you dislike and subscribe if you want.

My name been Sky and I hope to catch you in the next video.



For more infomation >> 12 Days of Christmas - GTA V Online - Should you - Buy a Security Room - Duration: 1:18.


Como ajudar o Ludoviajante | 2018 - Duration: 3:10.

For more infomation >> Como ajudar o Ludoviajante | 2018 - Duration: 3:10.


Welsh Corgi Pembroke | Topi The WelshCorgi | Lam nhi | Welsh Corgi Pembroke Charmant Part 117 - Duration: 4:03.


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