Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018


Happy New Year to all my subscribers!

I wish you a lot of inspiration!

And life energy to implement all your ideas!

Thanks for all your support, likes and comments! Its great to know that my efforts are valuable to someone.

There are a lot of plans ahead, I'll do more crochet dolls and small animals.

I'm really happy that you like my new "1 hour toy" rubric.

So, crochet with me, share photos of you works in my groups in and facebook.

There are links under this video.

And now, lets watch some recent works of my subscribers.

For more infomation >> Работы подписчиков 2017. Works of subscribers 2017. - Duration: 5:59.


12 Days of Chelliko - Try not to laugh {Day 10} - Duration: 10:16.

What's up guys my name is Stefan and welcome back to "12 Days of Chelliko" today is Day 10

and we are doing the try not to laugh challenge. I'm here with Andrej : Andrej . Daniel : Daniel as always.

as always yes.And

right now we are going to do the try not to laugh challenge, but there's a twist like last year

we are going to slap each other we like slapping each other,

Okay, so I have a video here try not to laugh challenge funny cat and dog vines

I said that's really weird

and whoever gets the most amount of slaps you have to count your slaps though, Daniel : OK. whoever gets the most amount of slaps, Daniel : Yes.

Gets like a

harder slap

Let's start

Daniel : You get a slap. Yes, but I can relate to that that has happened to me a bunch of times, okay, let's continue.


Come here, the camera need to see this.


Daniel : Ouch. well I am not like trined to slap with my left hand

Okay do not run away. Daniel : Ouch. That hurt.


That's you.

Ok. Andrej : How many slaps do you have?

Three, Daniel : Four. that's three you have like two ,you Andrej : Zero. Zero. Ok .Daniel : Ok.

Let's continue.

That's you.

Daniel : Не.Don't.

Daniel : Okay.

Let's catch a breath. Daniel : Now I have three right?

Yes I have three too.

Three not four.

Daniel : You say three-two.

Daniel : Woah.


I'm just too funny. What can I say?

How many slaps do you have? I have four. Daniel : Three I think. Now you have four.

Okay. Daniel : I'm gonna revenge for that. We are like two minutes into the video and

we have like eight I have four, he has four that's like eight slaps. Andrej : I'm' almighty.

Yeah, yeah, I was almighty last year.

The phone is going to fall.

You're not,what did you say immortal?

It's the first slap.

Okay, we are going to do... Daniel : And need to hurt. Yes

We are going to do three more minutes from this video because it's taking too long

Oh, I know this one.

And I know this one too and last year I said are you looking at me.

That's a nice song you're playing.

Sorry. Daniel : Ouch,ouch.

Come here,closer.

Come on

two times in one video.How many slaps do you have?

Daniel : Five. Don't go far because you get out of the frame.You?

Andrej : Two. Me?Four.

Daniel : Five. NO!Four, you have five. Daniel : Yes.

Come on last year too you failed on that one.

That's him.

You're going to get a slap for that.

You're going to get a slap for that. Daniel : Why?

Don't touch,this one.

Give him a slap, you have six.

That's you.

Keep away from small dogs. That's what I said last year I remember.

Get in the frame , sorry that was the nose though. Daniel : My eye.

You're okay. Okay, we are going to do like 30 more seconds from this

Daniel : 25. Shut up.

It's your last slap.

Daniel : That hurt. How many slaps do you have? Let me just touch my phone

Daniel : Six or seven. You? Andrej : I think four.

I have four too,so you get the almighty slap come here,come in the frame. Daniel : No.

Daniel : Wait. Gotta crack my finger warm up that face.

Hit him hard.

Okay, so hopefully you guys have enjoyed this episode of "12 Days of Chelliko ". Don't forget to leave a like if you enjoyed it

It's not an episode,it's a day.

don't forget to leave a like if you enjoyed it,and also share it with your friends, subscribe right over there,check the last video out right over there

My name has been Stefan,his name has been Andrej,His name has been Daniel and we will see you all later.


STAY STRONG.Daniel : With no slaps.

For more infomation >> 12 Days of Chelliko - Try not to laugh {Day 10} - Duration: 10:16.


How To Increase Your Vocabulary in Italian & English! (Video in Italian) - Duration: 11:24.

For more infomation >> How To Increase Your Vocabulary in Italian & English! (Video in Italian) - Duration: 11:24.


DNASTY - Flow Interplanetário (DJ.Caique) [VideoClipe] - Duration: 3:25.

For more infomation >> DNASTY - Flow Interplanetário (DJ.Caique) [VideoClipe] - Duration: 3:25.


Nightcore - For You (Liam Payne & Rita Ora) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.

This video includes lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - For You (Liam Payne & Rita Ora) - Lyrics - Duration: 3:41.


Improving People's Lives Spotlight: Patrick DiMeo - Duration: 2:57.

When this manager asked me if I wanted to help with the Prostate Cancer Support Group.

So I didn't know any better, so I said yeah, that's fine.

So I started helping facilitate that in November of 1991.

And I've been doing that ever since.

We get into healthcare for our own individual personal reasons.

Both of my parents have had different types of cancer, have passed away from that.

When you see patients, you know that this is affecting them.

And just because of who we are as humans, we have this natural caring instinct.

And so as a male, I understand how this can affect you in a variety of ways.

So every day you come in even though you're relatively doing the same thing to a degree,

each patient is different.

And they have their own story to tell and however else that is.

And they deserve the equal treatment.

So I don't treat people the same, I treat them individually based upon what's going

on with them.

And so when you go through them and you can see they're nervous, they're scared, they're

anxious, they're afraid – all of those.

And then as you walk through them and you talk with them, and you see the way that their

shoulders just ease, and they're confident about themselves when they go, that's a great


And they say, you know what, I was really scared and I was hesitant to even come but

you made it seem nonchalant and I was able to open up and discuss these issues that problems

that I didn't even realize I had, that we addressed.

And this has really helped me out, tremendously and now I'm able to be back to who I am than

anything else.

So that's a really cool feeling knowing that.

Hope to me is confidence.

It's providing information.

Our role as nurses at the James to patients and their families, letting them know here

is a scenario where you're at.

This is information that what you can do to help yourself back.

And so what they listen to and follow through with this and they're able to get some type

of normalcy back into their lives, that's what we're here for.

Different stages.

If they're a stage one or stage four, hope is a different thing for each one of them.

All right, so sometimes stage four cancer patient, it's I just want to make sure that

I can get to my grandson's graduation or my granddaughter's wedding.

All right, and if we can do that, that's awesome.

If it's I want to get back to work so I can be normal again, then that's what that is.

So that's our job is providing to each individual patient, what can we do to help them inspire

hope to get back to what they want to do, then that's what's gratifying.

For more infomation >> Improving People's Lives Spotlight: Patrick DiMeo - Duration: 2:57.


腦殘?美網紅探訪日本「自殺森林」卻驚見屍體!狂拉近嘻笑…網砲轟刪帳號! - Duration: 2:56.

For more infomation >> 腦殘?美網紅探訪日本「自殺森林」卻驚見屍體!狂拉近嘻笑…網砲轟刪帳號! - Duration: 2:56.


12 Days of Christmas - GTA V Online - Should you - Buy a Security Room - Duration: 1:18.


Should you buy the security room in your facility.

Well, for starters you can use the cameras inside and outside of your facility to see

what going on.

You can also refill some of your ammo there for free as well.

You get to refill ammo for your sticky bombs, special carbine, Combat PDW, .50 cal pistol,

and assault shotgun.

If you bought the optional security room, you can also refill ammo for your mini gun.

These weapons will respawn every 5 minutes so if you don't want to pay for ammo this

is a good way of getting some.

You can also call level 3 mercenaries on a player on the terminal on the desk looking

into the hallway.

If you don't have a gun locker, buying the security room will give you a gun locker to

customize your loadout.

So with that said, I would say that if you have a couple million to spend on your facility,

then sure go for it.

However, if you don't have a lot of money to spend then you can do without it.

It's just another cool edition to your facility.

Anyways if you like the video, like it, dislike if you dislike and subscribe if you want.

My name been Sky and I hope to catch you in the next video.



For more infomation >> 12 Days of Christmas - GTA V Online - Should you - Buy a Security Room - Duration: 1:18.


Welcome to GS Marketing Group's Sales 24/7 YouTube Channel - Duration: 1:37.

Hi, Dave here for GS Marketing Group.

Welcome to our YouTube Channel.

Here you'll find information on the importance of YouTube as part of your marketing efforts.

You'll also discover some great ideas on how to leverage the tools within YouTube effectively.

Of course, you'll also learn how GS Marketing Group and our Sales 24/7 program can help develop your YouTube Channel to work as an online salesperson,

and become a primary source for content for your customers and prospects.

In fact, according to Forbes, "90% of customers report that product videos help them make purchasing decisions."

Another interesting fact from Forbes is that "YouTube is not simply a website; it is a search engine.

YouTube's user-friendliness, combined with the soaring popularity of video content,

has made it the second largest search engine behind Google."

GS Marketing Group has a 30-year history of helping companies in their marketing efforts.

And not since the advent of the website, has a technology platform revolutionized the way companies promote themselves as YouTube has.

So whether you already have a YouTube Channel that needs to be improved or are completely new to YouTube, GS Marketing Group is here to help.

If you have questions or need more information on Sales 24/7,

view our videos, give us a call at 800-859-3970 or visit our website at

For more infomation >> Welcome to GS Marketing Group's Sales 24/7 YouTube Channel - Duration: 1:37.


FREE Domain Authority Checker Tool - Duration: 3:01.

For more infomation >> FREE Domain Authority Checker Tool - Duration: 3:01.


Top 5 Things You Should never Do At Disneyland - Duration: 3:46.

Disneyland is the most magical place on earth.

Where characters from our favorite Disney movies come to life and we get to test our

spirit of adventure on some amazing rides.

Now while there is a lot of limits your allowed to push at Disney there are somethings you

should never do and that's what were going to talk about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- Whats your favorite thing to do at Disneyland?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe to this awesome

channel if you havnt already- we bring you guys awesome videos 6 days a week.

And Don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments

what other top 5 lists you like to see me do.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 things you should

never do at Disneyland.

Coming in at our number 5 spot--Wait for the nighttime parade- Paint the night is disneys

nighttime parade and its absolutely amazing.

There are awesome floats- so many lights- wonderful effects and all your favorite Disney

characters are there.

People love the parade so much that guests will start to stake out a spot on the parade

route 2 hours prior to the parade.

And just sit there waiting for the parade to start.

I made that mistake the first year I went to Disneyland because I didn't know any

better and I wasn't about to miss this amazing parade.

But the next year I realised something that is such a time saver- so im gong to share

that with you guys.

If you go to look for a place to sit further back in the park- near where the parade ends

there are so many places to sit.

So basically if you go to the end of the parade route near the ride it's a small world about

10 minutes before the parade starts youll have a lot of choices on where you want to


Also if you don't mind missing the parade then this is the perfect time to head to the

most popular rides.

Since almost everyone watches the parade the lines for the rides are pretty much non-existent.

In at number 4--height requirements- whatever you do don't try to cheat the height lines.

As im sure most of you know some of the rides at Disneyland have minimum height requirements.

And even if youre too small to get on the ride youll still want to go on it.

But those height requirements are there for everyone's safety.

So don't try to get around them.

If a person tries to go on the ride but they arnt tall enough they could fall out of the


I know the pain.

Im short im only 5'1 . but I never went on a ride I was too small for and im still

here today.

So yeah make sure you follow the rules and just remember one day youll be tall enough

to go on all the rides.

At number 3--standing all day- yeah obviously standing all day in the hot sun isn't the

best idea.

I know youre at Disneyland so your all excited and want to do as many things as possible

and your minds telling you to go here- there and everywhere but you need to listen to your

body as well- which will eventually tell you that you need to take a break.

During mid-day it's a good idea to take a break.

Maybe go to a restaurant and grab some food or just sit in the shade for a little bit.

This way you arnt going to burn yourself out and youll have energy to stay there later.

Because one thing you don't want to miss are the fireworks and water show.

They are absolutely amazing.

Coming in at number 2--bringing a selfie stick- yep theres no point in bringing a selfie stick

because its just going to get taken away from you before you even get to enter the park.

Selfie sticks are actually on the list of prohibited items on the Disneyland website.

So really its your fault for not checking that.

The ban is simply a safety issue.

This ban was actually enforced after a guest on the California Screamin roller coaster

took out there selfie stick mid-ride and triggered an emergency safety stop.

Some other things that arnt allowed are- drones- folding chairs- large tripods- and remote-controlled


And at number 1--Fast pass- its extremely important you don't miss your fast pass


So a few years ago employees were more relaxed and they would accept expired fast passes

at any ride.

You were able to go up and use them at a later time then issued on the pass- just so long

as it was the same day.

But oh man have times changed.

More recently every fast pass ticket has a time window printed on it.

So make sure you get to the line before that window pass expires- otherwise youre not going

to be able to use it.

Well there you have it that's our list of the top 5 things you should never do at Disneyland.

Thank you so much for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Things You Should never Do At Disneyland - Duration: 3:46.


Jim Renacci--Candidate Spotlight - Duration: 2:21.

Hi I'm Jim Renacci.

I'm a businessman for 30 years, running for the Republican nomination for the Ohio governor

in 2018.

My role model really comes down to my faith in God.

But in the end, I look to my grandparents as inspirational, I look to my mother and

father as someone who taught me the value of a hard days work.

When it comes to transformational people, I look to Ronald Reagan.

And in the end I'm always going to look back to our Lord Jesus Christ.

The greatest accomplishment I have was actually being able to live the American dream, not

only for myself, but bringing others with me.

It's so important, when you look at the American dream, that it's not just about you: it's

about the others you bring with you.

My parents used to always teach me that when you climb the ladder, make sure you bring

others with you and I'm so proud to look through Ohio to see so many people who have also been

able to live the American dream as I was over the last 34 years.

I've taught my children the same thing my parents have taught me, which is: the value

of a hard days work, once you give somebody your word, you can never take it back.

My father used to tell me that all the time, when you give somebody your word, you can't

take it back.

But the most important thing is, if you do the right thing, it's going to work out for

you, it's also going to work out for a lot of people around you.

So doing the right thing is always important, working hard, is another trait as well.

Well Ohio 34 years ago became my land of opportunity.

I came here as a poor kid, with very little money in the bank, started my first business

and was able to live the American dream.

So I will never forget Ohio as giving me that opportunity when I was growing up in Western

Pennsylvania, I saw Ohio as this great land of opportunity.

That's what it is. That's what it's been for me.

It's something that I'm never going to forget.

It's one of the reasons I'm running for governor, is because I want to make sure that our children

and grandchildren have that same opportunity that a 24 year old kid did 34 years ago.

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