Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

ਨਿਰਜੁਰ ਨਿਰੂਪ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਸੁੰਦਰ ਸਰੂਪ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਭੂਪਨ ਕੇ ਭੂਪ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਦਾਤਾ ਮਹਾਂ ਦਾਨ ਹੋ ॥ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਕੇ ਬਚੱਯਾ ਦੂਧ ਪੂਤ ਕੇ ਦਿਵੱਯਾ ਰੋਗ ਸੋਗ ਕੇ ਮਿਟੱਯਾ ਕਿਧੌ ਮਾਨੀ ਮਹਾ ਮਾਨ ਹੋ ॥ ਬਿਦਯਾ ਕੇ ਬਿਚਾਰ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਅੱਦ੍ਵੈ ਅਵਤਾਰ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਸਿੱਧਤਾ ਕੀ ਸੂਰਤ ਹੋ ਸੁੱਧਤਾ ਕੀ ਸਾਨ ਹੋ ॥ ਜੋਬਨ ਕੇ ਜਾਲ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਕਾਲ ਹੂੰ ਕੇ ਕਾਲ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਸੱਤ੍ਰਨ ਕੇ ਸੂਲ ਹੋ ਕਿ ਮਿੱਤ੍ਰਨ ਕੇ ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਹੋ ॥ ੯ ॥ ੧੯ ॥

For more infomation >> Pran ke bachaiya | ਪ੍ਰਾਨ ਕੇ ਬਚੱਯਾ | Golden Temple Kirtan | Non Stop Best Shabad Gurbani - Duration: 11:18.


KYK'den öğrencilere konforlu hizmet - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> KYK'den öğrencilere konforlu hizmet - Duration: 3:16.


Snow expected through morning, then SUB-ZERO wind chills on the way - Duration: 3:21.

For more infomation >> Snow expected through morning, then SUB-ZERO wind chills on the way - Duration: 3:21.


How to draw SOAP for kids - Duration: 3:53.

How to draw SOAP for kids

For more infomation >> How to draw SOAP for kids - Duration: 3:53.


Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E22 - Episode Review - Duration: 4:43.

Welcome to Ranger Reviews, a webseries where we look at episodes of the tv show, Power

Rangers and then discuss it!

Today, we're exploring the eighty second episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers as

well as the twenty second episode of Season 2, titled "The Ninja Encounter Part 1".

We begin at the park where all the teens are sitting together, but actually, it's not

all of them.

Like, Trini is straight up some dude in a wig.

Also, Tommy is wearing green suspiciously.

Somewhere else in the park, three color coded teens we've never seen before come up skating

to meet Mr. Anderson, a teacher from somewhere who has his child, Jacob, in the stroller

he's pushing.

Kim, Tommy, and Billy talks about how there's a ninja tournament happening soon, and they

see on a TV these overzealous, undefeated contestants.

Turns out, three people from Stone Canyon High, a place right outside of town, are coming

to be competing against them.

Zedd sees this, and he decides that this is the perfect opportunity to steal three skilled

warriors to have them work for him.

In the park, the cocky contestants are sitting on a hill while Mr. Anderson and talking his

baby like he's trying to buy it a drink.

Then, Jacob pushes the stroller, and it hits the contestants' bikes on accident, and

he puts Jacob back in the stroller, who then rolls away.

Time for the longest, most boring thing to ever happen in Power Rangers history.

The three colored coded teens, Mr. Anderson, and then Tommy, Kim, and Billy run after the

baby stroller which must be going down the longest hill in the entire world before Bulk

and Skull see it, and they join the chase too.

Also, people are actively jumping out of the way of the stroller.

Bulk and Skull end up in a bush when suddenly, the stroller is about to go of a cliff, and

Kim and the yellow shirt wearing teen flip into the scene, stopping it from going over.

For the record, we're now a full 6 minutes into this episode.

Mr. Anderson comes up, grabbing his child.

Tommy, Kim, and Billy introduce themselves to the others, who are named Rocky, Aisha,

and Adam.

Get used to those names.

Then, Bulk and Skull show up, and the six teens laugh at them for absolutely no reason.

Turns out Mr. Anderson is a teacher at Stone Canyon High, and Tommy asks if they're here

to watch the ninja competition, and Adam says "yeah, you could say that".

Obvious plot is obvious.

Zedd tells Goldar to go get the winner of the ninja tournament, and we see the backs

of Jason, Trini, and Zack walk by Tommy, Billy, and Kim before the tournament starts.

The evil, dirty fighters are dressed in black while the challengers from Stone Canyon are

in white.

This fight last for a solid 5 minutes before the winners are announced to be from Stone


Bitch, that's not where they're from.

Turns out, the Stone Canyon High winners are Rocky, Adam, and Aisha.

Also, Bulk and Skull are handed Jacob by Mr. Anderson so he can clap.

The six hang out outside the Youth Center, and Mr. Anderson is leaving with Jacob, and

it looks like he's giving a ride to Aisha, Adam, and Rocky back to the other side of


Is everyone a damn orphan in this show?

Whatever, Zedd has decided to talk the three winners of the ninja tournament, and Goldar

appears before them, but before the other three can help, putties show up.

Goldar fires really bad effects the three, capturing them while the three Ranger teens

kick ass against the putties.

Goldar then kidnaps Mr. Anderson for absolutely no reason, leaving with them when Bulk and

Skull find Jacob alone in the back of the vehicle.

The Ranger teens win against the putties, and Bulk and Skull decide to babysit for now

until the Power Rangers show up.

When the teens do show up, everyone is gone, so they contact Zordon, and Tommy decides

to take this time to put his hair into a ponytail.

All six are in the Command Center now, and Zordon updates them on the situation, and

they see that Jacob is with Bulk and Skull, and Alpha says "he'll be fine for the

time being, I hope", like Bulk and Skull are going to kill a baby.

In a cave somewhere, Rocky, Aisha, and Adam are locked up with Mr. Anderson while Goldar

screams about how they're going to be evil and work for Zedd now.

Mr. Anderson gives this face, and honestly, same.

He's worried about Jacob.

Bulk and Skull try to feed Jacob, and Bulk says that he must be weird because he doesn't

want to eat, which is one of the only good things to come out of this episode.

Then two girls walk by, laughing at Bulk and Skull for no reason whatsoever while they

try to cheer up the kid.

Then, Aisha tries to pick the lock of the chains with her bobbypin, and it's to be



How in god's name was this a full episode of television that was approved to air?

Literally nothing happened.

Why is this even a part 1?

Why did no one just stop the stroller from rolling that ginormous hill??

How are we still pretending that Jason, Zack, and Trini are still around, and why didn't

Tommy just have his hair in a ponytail the entire time if he wasn't going to obviously

need it tied back for a recycled shot later?

The world may next know.

Will next time be even a tiny bit better?

Realistically, no, but until then, may the power protect you!

For more infomation >> Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - S02E22 - Episode Review - Duration: 4:43.


Bắc Kinh thành Bãi Chiến Trường sau Lệnh Trục Xuất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:44.

On this episode of China Uncensored,

did someone just drop a bomb on Beijing?!

Welcome back, Chris Chappell here.

What happened in Beijing?!

Did North Korea launch a missile?

It looks like a war zone!

What's that, Shelley?

Oh, I'm sorry, that isn't a war zone.

What you're looking progress!

I mean, not progress.

That sounds so self-serving.

What you're looking at is the Communist Party's deep, caring concern

for the welfare of the common people.

Funny how concern looks like wholesale destruction.

This is Daxing district.

It's home to many of Beijing's estimated 8.1 million migrant workers.

Just to give you an idea of how many people 8.1 million is,

it's like the entire population of New York City.

But all crammed into a city

with 3 times as many people.

Plus add terrible traffic and unbreathable air.

And if you think the living conditions

for the average New Yorker are bad...

well, you're right actually.

But for Beijing's migrant workers,

it's so much worse.

A million of them literally live underground.

On the plus side,

if things ever do go south with North Korea,

the migrant workers are already living in bomb shelters.

I can see the real estate agent trying to rent out this apartment.

An exclusive opportunity

to live three floors underground

in a historic air defense bunker.

It has high ceilings!

Spacious closets!

Washing machine in the building!

Truly a steal.

China's migrant workers travel from their tiny villages

in the economically depressed countryside

to big cities like Beijing to find work.

That means they don't have the residence permits

that would let them officially stay in the cities

and do things like send their kids to school.

Migrant workers have fueled China's economic boom.

And unsurprisingly

"Migrant workers doing construction and service jobs

are often poorly paid

and lack any semblance of workers' rights."

And many of their homes

are not exactly what we would call up to code.

That's why a massive fire broke out last month.

It killed 19 people

and made thousands of others homeless.

So the authorities responded

by providing warm food, a place to stay…

…Haha, just kidding.

The CCP used it as an excuse

to kick everyone out of the neighborhood,

demolish all the buildings,

and leave them homeless on the streets of Beijing,

where the nighttime temperatures

were several degrees below freezing.

It's for the good of the people.

In some cases,

residents only got a few hours' notice.

"Word comes out you have to move,

and the machines are coming in

and destroying buildings."

"Why do you treat us like this?

It's not like we're foreigners.

We are Chinese.

Let's say you want us to move out,

to go back to our hometowns,

that's fine.

But give us a couple of days to do this, right?

One day is not enough."

I guess you'd call these people

the huddled masses yearning to be free.

And don't worry,

there were swarms of warmly dressed police officers around

to make sure everyone did as they were told.

And just to be clear,

these newly homeless migrants

aren't just the people whose homes burned down.

It includes tens of thousands of people in the surrounding areas, too.

In fact, Beijing announced a 40-day "safety" campaign

to clear out "illegal structures."

Because forcing the migrant workers out into the freezing weather

with practically nothing but the clothes on their backs

was totally about their safety.

It is absolutely not a pretext for the Party

to carry out a population control plan

they had announced in September.

Or the fact that the freshly evacuated real estate

is worth a lot of money.

Since, you know,

in China, there are no meaningful private property rights,

and local governments typically make about

40% of their revenue from land sales.

Fortunately for the homeless migrants,

they're not completely out of luck.

There has been an outpouring of support from people across the city.

Fellow citizens have donated food,

clothing, and temporary housing.

The people of Beijing really came together to help each other.

There's also an open letter to authorities

written by more than 100 scholars, lawyers, and artists

protesting the evictions.

People also protested the way

Chinese state-run media callously referred to the migrants

as Beijing's "low-end population."

So how did authorities respond to the public outcry?

By ordering the media to censor all references to the evictions.

And then authorities tried to shut down

local people's attempts to help the migrants.

Because you know,

they were making the Communist Party look bad.

But even though the Party is censoring TV,

newspapers, and even social media—

people are still going to notice

that something happened to all the migrant workers.

Like when no one is around to deliver their food.

"The ripple effect of the mass evictions

has swept the city—

fashionable restaurants without waiters,

airport ground staff and security personnel left homeless,

online shopping blocked

as Beijing delivery services are disrupted

by distribution warehouses suddenly bulldozed."

Chinese authorities have bitten off more than they can chew with this one.

This is just one of two huge scandals

to hit Beijing back to back.

The other one, we reported on last week.

There are allegations of sexual abuse

at an expensive kindergarten targeting the upper middle class.

According to Weiboscope,

which tracks censorship on Chinese social media,

"the level of censorship in recent days

was even higher than during

the politically sensitive Communist Party's five-yearly national congress in October."

Which is insane.

The Party Congress is one the most politically sensitive events there is.

And these scandals even have surpassed

that level of censorship.

Over the last couple weeks,

the CCP has managed to alienate

both the poor and the middle class of Chinese society.

Even the censors are complaining they can't keep up.

So what will the impact be?

For the migrant workers themselves,

the ones who can't find another place to stay

are mostly going home quietly.

There's not much else they can do.

Overall, it's hard to say right now

what the economic impact of this will be.

And remember,

Beijing typically sets an example for the rest of the country.

So probably we will see evictions in other cities

of more migrant workers—

a.k.a. the "low-end population".

And a nationwide campaign to evict migrants

could cause a national uproar...

or maybe just give real estate developers

more great business opportunities.

Look at this place.

So rustic!

So much open space!

Lots of light!

It's a steal.

So what do you think?

Has the Communist Party crossed a line?

Leave your comments below.

Thanks for watching this episode of China Uncensored.

Once again I'm your host Chris Chappell,

see you next time.

You know,

it's about time that the Chinese Communist Party

got their own eviction notice.

If you want to know why,

check out our website,

There'll you see loads of videos about what the Party has done,

plus half hour episodes

you won't see anywhere else.

So visit!

For more infomation >> Bắc Kinh thành Bãi Chiến Trường sau Lệnh Trục Xuất | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 7:44.


Scifi Short film - Conventuram - Duration: 10:12.

Please take whatever you want.

Just don't do anything to me and my baby plea...

Kill Hitler!

You would kill Hitler?

Yeah, you know, before he gains power

That would be murder.

Kill one to save millions.

Believe me, many people would if the oppontunity were presented to them

Yeah I know, but

world war 2 is insignificant in the history of time.


Besides, have you not heard about the butterfly effects?

Well yeah, I mean

if it turns out worse

and i really doubt what anything could be worse than a fucking world war

I just go back again and prevent myself from killing him.

Hm OK.


assume you do get a happy ending

then what?

I don't know

kill Bin Laden maybe.

You are a fucking psycopath!

Stop the car, I want to get out.

I love you.

I love you too.

Don't do it!

Oh my god.

Trust me on this Jonah

Do not press that button.


It was a mistake.

It was not meant to be built

But it worked!

Do you not hear me? Step the fuck away!

No I won't, I won't

I won't

But if you are here, that means I've already done it.

You have no idea what we've done.

No idea!

It doesn't matter

This happened and will happen

J, just remember to tell me

to save the lizard, leave the cat and kill the bunny

I... J, keep it together, we talked about this

this is one of the scenarios that's expected to happen

Now, what did I say?

Save the lizard

leave the cat and kill the bunny.

So what happened?

Variables can be changed.

The constants stay the same and become new variables at each convergence point.

And then new constants are declared.

I can fix it, i just...

You can't fix anything unless you can travel between convergence points.

I'll find a way.

How old are you?


I'm you two years later

I've done everything you are thinking

I've done everything you're planning to do

This occurance is a constant

Do you have any idea how many loops have been created by delaying this.

One loop every zepto second.

J, we have to do it now!

Do it, J!

You can not be killed!

You are the constant!

Killing you means merging the loops, she knows that!

Do not fucking move!

Do not move, J!

Why are you not listening to me?

I, I am telling you!

Because you and me...

we are the variables.

I guess we are...

Oh my god, what have you done!


I don't understand

why are we still here if Jonah is...


what happened to Jonah?

For more infomation >> Scifi Short film - Conventuram - Duration: 10:12.


METAL HUNTERS : Best Of Metal 2017 - Duration: 24:31.

For more infomation >> METAL HUNTERS : Best Of Metal 2017 - Duration: 24:31.


Daily Tarot Reading & Oracle Card Message January 6, 2018 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Duration: 14:18.

hi everybody welcome to your January 6 daily reading and yesterday's reading

with a bit long so I don't like to try and control the amount of time the

readings are but I know you're busy people so I don't want them to get too

long but what I do in these readings is I share any intuitive messages that I'm

getting at the beginning and then I pull two cards from one well sometimes I've

been pulling three from the magical messages of the fairies and then of

course I pull today it's from the writer Tarot the writer wait death but it's the

miniature Edition that I have just fallen in love with and I'll pull two

cards there if it's your birthday today happy birthday and you know it's

interesting because yesterday I believe I was well I I know I picked up on that

you deserve a break today song and then we pulled the holiday card but you know

what dawned on me I was getting express yourself I believe yesterday was from

Madonna like I was picking up on Madonna songs and holiday was one of her big

songs to I think was back in the 80s or something and we pulled the holiday card

a Nicholas just jumped up here like he did yesterday so just want to give you a

shot of him Nicholas are you gonna say hi okay so anyway but what I'm getting

for you I see festivities and I see travel so some of you may be traveling

on Saturday to go to you feel like this is a wedding so and if it's your wedding

congratulations if you're getting married but I feel like somebody is

celebrating now could be you're celebrating your birth

if it is your birthday or you may be going to somebody's birthday I'm even

getting a child's birthday this could even be a baby shower or a wedding

shower but I feel like there's some there's celebrations some of you are

going to so regardless what the cards say but I also see projects like some of

you are working on building something and maybe this has to do with the home

remember I think didn't we I don't know there was something about a home my gosh

I just can't remember anymore but I feel like projects or building something and

and possibly there goes Nikolas just tossed the cards out like that okay and

I'm being drawn to this card right here so I think I'm gonna Bowl that and I'll

just pull the card right after it I don't know he just came and knocked

these so I think that's what we're going with today okay he pulled the cards for

us so and then with these I'm just going to shuffle these but I do feel that yeah

there's like something's being built I'm definitely picking that up and I'm gonna

pull this part a new career so your work focus is shifting in a positive new and

successful direction oh how beautiful is that okay we're gonna look at the card

underneath it so I'm gonna put this here so maybe that's why I was getting birth

or you know building or expressing yourselves so and look at these

wonderful colors

I'm just getting like the rainbow I'm also getting the colors of like the

chakras so I wonder again if there's something about something about healings

coming up again I wonder some of you are doing I think this came up yesterday I

could be wrong where I was getting healing or chakra work maybe it was the

day before somebody possibly doing some kind of spiritual work or even opening

up their own business in those areas but there's definitely a new career that is

is in development and look at all this green because remember us talking about

growth and you know maybe that's why I was picking up on the birth or children

because for me it's the birth of something new

Green is like the new beginning like something is developing it may even be

something that you're green at so you're going to be learning a lot I'm seeing

the page of Pentacles oh I'll freak out if the page of Pentacles shows up here

so let's see let's look the first part over oh wow the Wheel of Fortune is here

so things are moving for some of you I do feel like this is very indicative

once again of traveling traveling sorry I couldn't get that out I also feel that

some of you may be launching a website or a blog or a vlog so that could be

what the new career is about I feel like you are getting the information out

there once again writing is definitely coming

up and some of you I feel like you may even be studying or possibly going back

to school so that and and it may not it could even be on line

studies so it doesn't necessarily mean you know something that you know like a

four-year college or something like that but that's going to help you bring about

this career situation because I feel like there's communications going on and

I'm getting something online or maybe you're launching your own website

something like that it may also be that some of you are going to be you know

it's like you are writing and traveling is another thing that's coming across

the only thing number three is of significance so it may be that you're

forming a partnership it may be it's you and two other people

let's see what's underneath here oh my gosh Holaday okay well I've been

speaking of traveling for some reason the guys told me to mention Holliday

again cuz I was you know picking up on Madonna song and they said to emphasize

Holliday the song she used to sing and here it is again is this the answer

you're looking for it can be found during a vacation retreat or a holiday

getaway so some of you may get inspired for a new career or taking a break from

what you've been doing is going to spark something you might meet somebody in

your travels or while you have this break it could be in love it could be a

partnership it could be somebody that you meet that kind of opens you up or

you know expands your awareness that you know you just get very creative and

inspired and you take a leap of faith and start to

something new into something new let's see what this card is oh so we have the

seven of Pentacles okay so this is really kind of a time you know break has

very much come up as a theme and of course holiday so I feel like you've

really been investing a lot of time and energy into something and so this is

kind of sitting back literally he or she is kind of observing like you are taking

a break a little rest period to see how things are going like to see how you

know reaping your rewards and I feel like there's some rewards to be reaped

because this is in the upright position things are moving forward this is also

assessing a situation so it's kind of sitting back the other thing I'm getting

to is and usually this is how I look at this card see this is something that you

have been really working at for quite a while you've been putting a lot of time

investing a lot of energy possibly even a lot of money remember I was talking

about growth and growing and the birth of something new again we've got new

career here well we've got this little pentacle here it's kind of off to the

side and so I feel like some of you are possibly contemplating do I continue on

this path or do I start something new and possibly do I do both so I think

that this is a period on the six and it's the weekend

some of you may even be working on the weekend it could be that you're doing

this new career on the sixth or you're starting it you know you're doing it on

the weekends now like you're starting to develop this path so you may continue

doing both it's going to be different but it's time you know you're

contemplating what direction to go in direction is so you're you're deciding

like kind of what kind of what's my next move and for some of you I feel like

you're going to start some of you are just going to you know jump in full

force and start something new and some of you I feel like you might hold off

and maybe do a little bit of both and for some of you you're taking a break

you're on holiday you know you definitely aren't holiday you're you're

contemplating you're kind of going within when I look at this card I feel

like it's you know it's very spiritual I don't know it's just kind of like

turning it over to a higher power you might be in the meditative flow just

letting things happen you know kind of going with the flow of things that's

kind of the message that I'm going your focus is shifting and you know I'm

getting like the affirmations positive affirmations there may be news because

I'm seeing this also as not just new I'm hearing news news travels fast news may

be coming in you may be hearing news very soon about a new career or about a

new job and it may be also that you may be

moving or getting information collecting information about you know what

direction to go in in terms of of work because we do have

Pentacles here which often represents work to me and we have career here so

these are just some messages that I'm getting again have a beautiful day and

happy birthday again if it is your birthday and enjoy your holiday enjoy

your break thank you so much for watching and I will talk to you tomorrow

all right bye

For more infomation >> Daily Tarot Reading & Oracle Card Message January 6, 2018 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Duration: 14:18.


Top Con Giáp Có Duyên Với Tiền Bạc Nhất Tháng 1/2018 - Duration: 13:23.

For more infomation >> Top Con Giáp Có Duyên Với Tiền Bạc Nhất Tháng 1/2018 - Duration: 13:23.


姐姐嫁給了飲料!日本最怪飲料 鰻魚可樂 木村完熟番茄 木村靜岡麝香哈密瓜 木村靜岡草莓 |瓦特阿攸 Water不是水 - Duration: 6:21.

For more infomation >> 姐姐嫁給了飲料!日本最怪飲料 鰻魚可樂 木村完熟番茄 木村靜岡麝香哈密瓜 木村靜岡草莓 |瓦特阿攸 Water不是水 - Duration: 6:21.


소리아라|먹는 보석 '코하쿠토' |Jewelry Candy Eating sounds - Duration: 27:19.

For more infomation >> 소리아라|먹는 보석 '코하쿠토' |Jewelry Candy Eating sounds - Duration: 27:19.


Improve Your Single Leg Dribbling - Soccer Exercise - Duration: 3:28.

Hi my name is Jason from Best Soccer Tricks dot com and I'll be showing you guys

a simple exercise to improve your single leg dribbling. So this drill consists of

going through the cones using only one foot. So I'll demonstrate it slowly, it's

basically just pushing the ball out and then bringing it back in, pushing it

out, bringing it in, pushing it out, bringing it in, pushing it out, bringing it in and then

finishing with a sprint. This can help you guys in a game, when let's say there's

a defender on one side and you have to move forward so you just have to push the defender

and then you can sprint back.

So remember to use both feet even if with your weaker foot it's difficult.

If you practice it often it's going to become easier. So I'll show you guys with my left.

[Soccer player doing a dribbling drill]

I'll redo it again with my left.

You can keep your arm up so, it's like if you're blocking a defender. So when you

go on the game we're going to do the same thing, it's going to become natural.

Here it goes.

[Soccer player doing a dribbling drill]

And I'll finish off with my right, to do the soccer drill.

So, there's a defender here,

[Soccer player doing a dribbling drill]

You can also add another variation, it's the same thing using one foot but

instead of pushing it with the inside just use your soul to roll, push it out

roll, push it out, roll, push it out... And sprint!

So I'll show you guys a bit faster.

[Soccer player demonstrating a drill]

Now, I'm going to do it with the left.

[Soccer player demonstrating a drill]

At first, it's not important with the speed, it's just getting the technique

right and then slowly slowly, you're going to do it fast.

So, I'll show you one more time.

[Soccer player demonstrating a drill]

I hope you guys like this simple drill to improve

one leg dribbling. This can easily apply in a game situation. So remember, keep

your arm up at first do it slow, don't be afraid to make mistakes, just keep

practicing and keep your head up.

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[Best Soccer Tricks

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At least 17 dead from winter storm in eastern U.S. - Duration: 1:41.

At least 17 lives are taken by the winter storm engulfing the East Coast of the United


The anomalous cold front has continues to impose its presence since it developed around


Cho Sung-min has the full story.

The death toll from the severe cold weather has risen to at least 17.

According to Reuters, the latest two deaths were reported in Houston, Texas.

Emergencies were declared Wednesday in multiple southeastern states, including Florida, Georgia,

North Carolina, and Virginia... states that rarely experience serious winter storms.

In fact, it's been reported that the snowfall these states are getting is the heaviest in

nearly three decades.

Parts of Florida have seen snow for the first time in 28 years.

Charleston, South Carolina has received more than 12.5 centimeters of snow, which is close

to a record for the state.

Schools in the southeast were closed and airports canceled more than 2-thousand flights on Wednesday

and Thursday.

Forecasters predict the snow storm that hit the southern U.S. could pick up momentum as

it moves up the east coast... and turn into a so-called ''bomb cyclone," which can bring

coastal flooding and drop up to more than 30 centimeters of snow.

Warnings have been issued from the gulf coast of Florida's "Big Bend" region to the northern

Atlantic coast.

As the storm moves up, it is expected to leave more than 20 centimeters of snow in Boston

and at least 15 centimeters in some parts of New York.

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said the city is well prepared for what's to come,... and is

planning to use around 40,000 tons of rock salt and 700 pieces of snow removal equipment.

Cho Sung-min, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> At least 17 dead from winter storm in eastern U.S. - Duration: 1:41.


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