Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

now we have to start all over

you almost feel like an outsider the

coaches are sympathetic but they still

have to coach and you're not there it's

a dark place

probably the darkest that's ever

you're saddened down and out and you ask

yourself why did this have to happen

it's in this moment that you find out

who you really are and what you're


most of us go through life without

plates on holding back not given all

that we have not sharing all of

ourselves most of us go to our graves


rather than release


because of past experience past defeats

past pain

we look back well it didn't work out


- probably won't work out


but tonight we were exposed for what we

are right now it means that what I did

didn't work tonight and I've got to

separate what I do from Who I am I feel

like we all have two battles or two

enemies going on one with the man across

from Rhea the second is with the man

inside of you I think once you control

the one inside of you

the one across from here really doesn't

matter I think that's what we're all

trying to do you aren't handed anything

you earn everything every single day

over and over again you have to prove it

you can use off the ground just your

hands and feet there you go little bit


a good effort you coming

there you go it's a good start a little

bit left a little bit left

good strength


that's it

you got morning in the man

the stigmas down the winters got nothing



keep trying to candies

be private

that's it that's it that's it keep going

don't quit on the heat oh yeah keep

driving keep keep your knees on the


that's your merriment no very best

a-prime b-prime

they no they don't

knees off the ground keep driving don't

quit till you got nothing left that's it

that's it that's it keep go

Mary keep

don't tell me I know I said by

Australian you negotiate with your

buddies the far more sleepy don't you

give up you keep going keep going come



it's in this moment that you find out

who you really are and what you're

really about


take responsibility to make your life

happen don't accept things just as they

are don't follow the crowd you want to

be different what would the Thoreau said

you can't the man doesn't keep pace with

his companions perhaps he's listening to

the beat of a different drummer let him

dance to the music that he hears however

measured afar upon that if your friends

don't understand you it's okay you're

listening to the beat of a different

drummer you've decided that you're not

going to allow your circumstances to

define you you've decided that you're

not going to allow the events for things

the people life determine who you become

you decided that you're not going to go

through life being a whiner being a

complainer that you're going to take

responsibility for what it is that you

want to create the greatest ability that

God has given humankind above the

animals is the ability to choose a dog

can't be anything but a dog a cat can't

be anything but a cat a human being has

the power to choose we can choose so

what mr. Washington did was he he helped

me to look at myself and he helped me to

look into the future what do you see for

yourself in the future what do you mean

mr. Washington what do you see for you

mr. Brown at that time I hadn't gotten

clear about that I was thinking only in

the moment as most young people do and

I'm asking you what do you see in the

future for you what brought you here

today what caused you to get up to

invest your time your energy your money

what cost you to buy a plane ticket and

fly in here to be at this event what is

it that you're looking for I'll never

forget one gresham

a speaker out of New York one of the

most powerful speakers I've heard in the

National Speakers Association and he

talked about it appeared in his life

when he was going across Europe trying

to find him

just travelling around the world and one

particular country soldiers woke up the

sleeping passengers and asked them three

questions number one where have you been

number two why are you here and number

three where are you going and that's

what I asked you where have you been

with your life what is your life given

to you how do you feel about your life

is it working

have you given it all that you can give

and I asked the question how many of you

if you had your life to live over again

most of us if we're honest we will raise

our hands it's me o me o lord standing

in the need of prayer yes Lord it's me

no I know I came up in some rough times

yes it's true I was born on a floor in

an abandoned building with a twin

brother yes I don't know my mother and

father no I've I've never seen them yes

I was labeled educable mentally retarded

no I don't have a college education yes

I was raised poor but we didn't know

that we were poor we had a lot of love

mama did what she couldn't what she had

mama did day's work she worked in the

M&M cafeteria you could look at my life

and you could perhaps say that that my

life has been a failure but uh we had

happiness we we had each other

no I wasn't raised on Miami Beach no I I

don't I don't have

an exciting life like a lot of people

that you could look at me at different

stages of my development but here's what

I know that all of us can look at where

we want to go we look at where we've

been look at what brought us here and I

think that what brought you here would

cost you to show up is that you not only

want to make a difference in your life

but you want to make a difference in

somebody else's life I think that what

cost you to be here if you looked around

and and said hey if if by being here by

aligning myself with this organization

that's using television which is the

most powerful instrument we have on the

planet then we can touch some lives we

can change how people see themselves and

how they can reinvent themselves if this

will allow me to leave a legacy to make

a difference on on the consciousness of

young people and adults I'd like to be a

part of that it's a cause larger than


Kenny Rogers said a good life is

something to do someone to love and

something to look forward to and when

you have something to do when you have

someone to love when you have something

to look forward to and you get up in the

morning see people who have something to

look forward to don't need an alarm

clock because they have a reason for

being nietzsche said if you know the why

for living you can endure almost any how

so when you look at yourself and you're

looking to the future what do you see

what do you see yourself doing

differently who will be with you who

will be around you will it be a life or

contribution a life would prevent your

life of excitement what will be

different about you see whatever you see

it's important that you take

responsibility to become the kind of

person that can produce those results

who you've become up to this point has

produced what you have your earning

power your lifestyle the relationships

that you have

For more infomation >> Win the Morning to Win the Day | MORNING MOTIVATION (MOTIVATIONAL VIDEO 2018) - Duration: 10:30.


Tiruppavai part 21 || Devotionals || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 16:57.

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For more infomation >> Tiruppavai part 21 || Devotionals || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 16:57.


Einrunde ets2 - Duration: 25:49.

For more infomation >> Einrunde ets2 - Duration: 25:49.


LetterSchool Numbers 123 Song 1 to 10 apk handwriting Cursive Tutorial for Toddlers - Duration: 10:15.

LetterSchool Numbers 123 Song 1 to 10 apk handwriting Cursive Tutorial for Toddlers

For more infomation >> LetterSchool Numbers 123 Song 1 to 10 apk handwriting Cursive Tutorial for Toddlers - Duration: 10:15.


Minha Caixa #20 Presentes de Natal! | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 14:01.

For more infomation >> Minha Caixa #20 Presentes de Natal! | Cegonha Importadora - Duration: 14:01.


Goodgame Empire - Artifacts of the Shadow King - Duration: 7:09.

Hello everyone, I'm Breor, and welcome back to Goodgame Empire.

I'm just about to complete the Artifacts of the Shadow King commander equipment set,

and I thought I would share that achievement with all of you.

The set is the primary reward for completing the adventure quest chain "The King of Shadows,"

and can only be earned once.

There are ten quests to complete, and, though the requirements are relatively easy, you'll

need certain events to show up so you can complete them.

The requirements are as follows: Defeat 25 foreigner castles

Defeat 100 robber baron castles Collect 2,500 kahn tablets

Loot 2,000,000 resources Spend 3,000 kahn tablets

Defeat 50 barbarian towers Gain 30,000 glory points

Loot 4,000,000 resources Collect 15,000 gallantry points

Defeat 30 foreigner castles

As you can see here, I'm just about done with the tenth and final quest now.

My three remaining attacks are already en route… and actually they've just landed.

I'm sure you can also see how your progress can be delayed by the event rotation schedule.

If you're working on the ninth quest during the Battle for Berimond but fail to complete

it, you'll have to wait until the event returns the following month.

Do your best to check the forum to see what events are coming next!

This particular thread is always updated with the newest event schedules, thanks to board

moderator Angus, and I'll leave a link to it in the video description.

The quest chain and commander are available to all players above level 29, and the commander

is billed as a beginner commander.

I would have killed to have this commander back when I was level thirty, and, looking

at its attributes, I think it could even be useful for newer level seventies.

Even before receiving any upgrades at the technicus, the set offers +100% ranged and

+100% melee combat strength against NPC targets.

When you do visit the technicus, you'll find that no piece stands out as being particularly

important, so you can all upgrade them evenly.

The weapon and the breastplate both offer additional glory from battles, so if you plan

on using this commander against the foreign invaders, pay them some special attention.

We all know the technicus is expensive, and I'm currently working on upgrades for other

more powerful commander sets, so I don't plan on upgrading my Shadow King commander

anytime soon.

Instead, I obtained a screenshot of the fully upgraded commander from a fellow player in

my alliance .

The maximum stats for the Artifacts of the Shadow King commander set are as follows:

65% wall, 65% gate,

35% moat, 45% travel speed,

40% glory, 15% flank space,

85% melee (100% against NPCs), 85% ranged (also 100% against NPCs), and

40% courtyard (55% against NPCs).

The fact this set receives extra bonuses against NPC targets might make you think it's only

good for attacking robber barons, but I don't think that's the case.

The set provides a higher glory bonus than the Armor of the Foreign Warlord commander

does, and its courtyard combat strength is very impressive.

And if you don't think 40% is impressive, I'll forgive you, since it's been a while

since we've had a commander that doesn't come with its own gems.

That plus-40% courtyard combat strength can be increased to 100% or beyond with the addition

of courtyard gems.

With four level eight courtyard gems added to it, this commander would have one percent

greater courtyard combat strength than my most powerful foreign warlord commander.

The foreign warlord commander also has no shortage of courtyard combat strength, by

the way, thanks to the beastly hero it comes with.

Using the Artifacts of the Shadow King against foreigners isn't a bad idea, and, if you

want to go that route, here's what I think you should add for gems.

If this is going to be your primary commander for foreign invader hits, and you'll be

using it against big foreign invader targets, apply four courtyard gems.

The reason for this is you'll encounter many defenders in the courtyards of these

targets, and therefore your courtyard combat bonus is going to be really important for

reducing your casualties.

You might worry about taking extra casualties on the wall compared to more powerful commanders,

and I think you will, but this commander already has a small flank-space bonus that is going

to help you out.

If you already have a better commander to attack the big foreign invaders, and you'll

be using this commander simply to clear out smaller ones, apply two courtyard gems and

two flank space gems.

Smaller foreign invaders have fewer defenders in the courtyard, meaning your commander's

courtyard combat strength isn't as important.

Instead, focus on minimizing your casualties on the wall using those flank space gems.

If you're a powerful player already who has plenty of commanders to use against the

foreign invaders, consider making your Shadow King a specialty commander for fighting small

foreign invader castles that defend the gate.

In this case, apply two courtyard gems and two frontal space gems.

If you decide to use the set against NPC targets like robber barons and nomad and samurai camps,

your choice of gems isn't as straightforward.

Take a look at this report of me attacking a samurai camp… going into the details of

this report, we can see that many of the casualties took place somewhere on the wall.

Indeed, if you decide to attack all three sections of the wall, there won't be any

defenders in the courtyard to fight, and so therefore your courtyard bonus just doesn't


Attacking all three sections of the wall against nomad and samurai camps does require more

tools, but, against certain targets, it can be a way to reduce casualties.

You want to attack all three sections of the wall when the camp has many ranged defenders

that can be neutralized with mantlets.

If you're the type of player who does attack all three sections, like I often do, you could

benefit from using only flank or frontal space gems.

If you generally attack only two sections of the wall, then I would suggest you use

at least two courtyard gems.

So I apologize if the last minute or so has been confusing, but I'll up put an image

now that should summarize everything I've said.

My purpose in making this video was to raise your awareness about this commander, because

it's actually not as weak as you might think it is, and also to remind you about how to

choose gems for your commanders.

As I said, most commanders we get these days come with their own gems, and we don't have

to think about it.

But, because this is a five-piece commander and you get to choose what gems you want to

use, there are a lot of possibilities.

Do you expect this commander to be the general workhorse of your fleet, or do you want to

specialize it for a particular purpose?

It's up to you.

In case you're wondering what I intend to use my commander for, after I get it upgraded

at the technicus, which will eventually happen, I plan to put frontal space gems on it and

use it for clearing out small foreign invaders.

I'll let you know how that goes, and if it turns out to be a bad idea, I'll let

you know that as well.

For more infomation >> Goodgame Empire - Artifacts of the Shadow King - Duration: 7:09.


San Diego Realtor | Seller's Want Video and Youtube End Cards | Sell Faster with Video - Duration: 6:05.

So everyone you're gonna see the significance of these in just a minute

First let me say thank you to all my new subscribers and to all my older

subscribers who have helped build this channel. To this point you're going to

get three things out of today's vide.o First thing, I'm going to continue on

with my promise to combine some of the shorter clips that I've done, that we're

mostly manufactured for Facebook. At the intermission I'm going to answer a

question for Cheryl and then at the end please stick around for the end, I'm

going to show you how I came up with an idea to use a youtube end card, that will

direct you to another video. Now this video is not going to promote me. I think

that one of the most important things in growing a community is that you think

about utilization of this tool for everyone including your friends and

affiliates. Okay let's get to the first video, intermission, the next video and

then end cards one more thing for Realtors.

AKA Casey Neistat that with the sunglasses I think the reason is he wears them is

no one gets to see his eyes move or track off of the screen, so that he has a

greater presence in front of the camera. I think that's his trick but me I don't

really care most of the things that I want to professionally do is video have

to do with real estate not this. This is really just something to teach myself

how to do different edits compose and get the story out for items that would

not normally have a story. This blackberry now can you imagine trying to

watch a YouTube on that, not gonna happen. I found this really nice brush, make

myself beautiful scissors I'm going to use this and try and use it as a cutting

tool. We'll see if I can work that into an editor great stuff found these in my

toolbox pyrotechnics. You got to love the pyrotechnics. what do you figure we could

catch with this? Hmm all this is good everyone should push try something new.

Think outside of the box okay on to the next segment and it's probably gonna be

a little bit more about organization and where I'm gonna go with some of the rest

of the cleanup you have a great day and we'll be talking to you soon. Here to

that memory card area you know right into that area where all the memory goes

I'm a clean that real good. I hope you enjoyed that first segment, I

actually the second ones my favorite but so onto Cheryl's question do you think

sharing how to's with readers is going to bring you business in this vlog ? Well

Cheryl the way that I look at that is I have a lot of videos out there all of

them address that we utilize video Matterport and address specific

websites, for each one of our clients irrespective of the cost of their home. I

think that when you share this kind of information you establish your position

in the Realtor community that you're willing to help others. I think that a

large amount of your personality and the truthfulness of who you are comes out in

video. So will it bring me business by directly indirectly can we lay a numeric

correlated figure to that? I can't say but I really enjoy doing this for you

guys. Let's go to the third segment and then don't leave before the end cards

you really gonna like this. Hey everybody you may notice the incense burning and

wondering why. Well here's a reason one of my friends told me that I may be

ignoring a spiritual aspect of the transformation of this space and I

didn't really think so because everything that I touched and saw, either

took me forward or back. It's a process that I've really enjoyed. I'm gonna, I'm

looking forward to finishing this spot, and I think about odd things when I'm

doing this like Icarus remember Icarus? He was the guy with the feathers and the

tar wings and tried to fly to the Sun. Well some people would say that that

means that you're not supposed to go where you don't belong. Amazing

well to me it just meant improve. So why don't we take the wings that I have and

fly over one of these piles that I got to get rid of. So that I can move on to

the next step.

If you're not using video yet and you want to try just go for it. The worst

thing that's gonna happen is that you're not gonna like it and you'll try again.

So we are at end card time all you have to do is go down into that corner and

start that other video. Now of course it's not for me I promised you it wasn't

for me I'm trying to demonstrate to everyone that you can use this tool and

share with your friends and affiliates. Go up into the corner and subscribe if

you'd like to. I wish you all the very best and let's end it the same way

Realtors can do anything, including share their affiliates.

For more infomation >> San Diego Realtor | Seller's Want Video and Youtube End Cards | Sell Faster with Video - Duration: 6:05.


How Do You Actually Understand Language? - Duration: 3:18.

Beep Boop Bop, Zero Zero One Zero One.

Oh, my bad.

I meant to say "Hey there and welcome to Life Noggin."

Isn't it awesome that you can hear, see, or feel words and get an understanding of

what someone is trying to tell you!

I love words, especially ones like soliloquy, kumquat, Ronkonkoma

Words are just a part of this wonderful thing called language and I'm super curious where

language comes from in the brain!

We're gonna find out with the help of my good friend Reina Scully

Reina: Hello!

First off, what is language?

Language is the expression of human communication through which things like beliefs, behaviors,

and knowledge can be shared, explained, or experienced.

It's based on a system of conventionally used signs, sounds, gesture, or marks that

can convey meaning within some sort of group or community.

As such, language is a little different from speech, which is more simply just a verbal

means of communication.

Reina: But where does language come from in the brain?

To help us figure it out, let's look at what happens when you hear a word and want

to say it yourself.

Generally, to speak the heard word, the information must first get to your primary auditory cortex.

Your posterior speech area comes into play,

including Wernicke's area, which we'll talk about more later.

The information travels to Broca's area and eventually ends up in your motor cortex

so you can say the word yourself.

It's similar for speaking a word that you read, but your primary visual cortex is involved.

Wernicke's area seems to be super important to your comprehension of sounds and language,

as damage to it can lead to something called Wernicke's aphasia, where a person can lose

the ability to understand language.

They can often still speak clearly, but what they say is often confusing and empty of content.

This is typically referred to as "word salad".

Blocko: Broca's area seems important to language as well, but moreso on the end of generating

articulate speech.

When it's damaged, it can lead to Broca's aphasia, which can make it harder for a person

to speak.

They can typically still comprehend language, but have difficulty replying in ways that

are coherent or grammatically correct.

Beyond these parts of the brain, language might also have something to do with a gene

called FOXP2.

This gene appears to be essential for the development of the speech and language regions

of your brain and it seems to influence language development.

Mutations in this gene can even lead to language and speech disorders.

REINA: And to all my bilingual friends out there, I've got some pretty cool news for you.

A recent study found that language shapes how the brain perceives time and that people

who speak two languages fluently can think about time differently depending on the language context

It's evidence on how language can creep into our senses!

What language you speak might also have an impact of what's going on inside your brain.

It sure is interesting how many different languages there are in the world!

Let me know the ones you know down in the comments!

Bonus points if you can speak robot.

REINA: or Japanese!

Make sure you check out Reina's channel on YouTube!

Not only is she an amazing friend of mine

but she makes incredible videos about Japanese culture

and all the events going on in her life

so if wanna watch more check out Reina's channel.

and tell her Blocko sent you!

As always, I'm Blocko and this has been Life Noggin.

Don't forget to keep on thinking!

For more infomation >> How Do You Actually Understand Language? - Duration: 3:18.


Live Stream To Facebook Using OBS - Duration: 5:03.

Today in this video I'm going to show you guys how to live stream to Facebook

using OBS. OBS is open broadcast and it is a free program you can use to

live stream to your Facebook so let's get started.

The first thing you're going to want to do is head over to the OBS site. Let's

get that up here. And because I'm doing this, I use OBS open broadcast software

as a screen capture also, it is actually running right now so I'm not going to be

able to go live. but I can show you what you need to go live.

You can go to

It's available for Windows, it's available for Apple, and it's also

available for Linux.

And I suggest trying to download it first and just use it for basic

recording. I'm not going to do a full tutorial on it because that can actually

take quite a while. And I want this video to be telling you how to broadcast not

how to use the software. But once you get it downloaded and are familiar with it,

you're going to do some settings. And let me pop it up here for a second so I can

show you how to do the settings. Okay, I have it over here in the little window

as you can see. And I have a display capture, which means it's capturing my

screen. And a lower third, which means I put a little overlay down here this is

my name and my website. And you'll see it as down over in this area. And as you can

see right here I am already recording. Otherwise it has start streaming and

start recording or stop. And let's go into the settings. And the first thing

you're going to do is go in to the general settings, and make sure that

these two boxes are clicked. Automatically record when streaming. Keep

recording when streaming stops. That's what I always do that way I have a

little buffer at the end so I can trim it to what I want. You don't have to keep

this one. But the automatically record when streaming is important that way it

saves a copy.

And the whole reason that you want to do this is because, when you go live on

Facebook you're going live, it compresses it to a small size. If you plan on

repurposing this content, over on, say like YouTube or Vimeo or into another

platform, it's gonna be a smaller size. It's not going to be evenly, it's not

going to be the normal 1280 by 720. So after you make sure you click

'automatically record when streaming', go down here to video. And make sure that

your size is where you want it. Now I like to record mine in HD.

So it's 1920 x 1080. And you can't change it once you start going so you

need to make sure that's set ahead of time. And the very last one is a stream.

Now when you get to stream right here you're gonna have several options. And

you can actually down click on the service here. You can see Facebook live.

You down click and you pick what stream you want to do it. You can live stream to

YouTube, to Twitch, several, but Facebook live is what we're talking about here.

Now, one thing you're going to need is a stream key. And if you're on a computer a

lot of times a stream key can be kind of hard to find. So I'm going to show you a

really easy way to find it real quick. And here it even says get

set up. Use OBS, Wirecast or XSplit, And then to you connect to live stream. So

when you click on this button right here, 'Create Live Stream', I'll go ahead and do

that, it it gives you a temporary live stream key that's only good for so

long. So after you use that live stream key, it won't be valid. So make sure you

get it right before you go live. Let me click over there. And it's loading. And

see, now it gives me the stream key which is right here. Now once you take this key,

and you go back and enter it on the other thing, once you start streaming,

you're still not live. You'll need to come back to this page, go down to the go

live button once it once it's streaming. You can hit this go live button and

you'll be live. Pull the streaming back up. And the settings back up.

And that's where that key is gonna be is right there. And that's that's basically

it. If you have any questions, my name is Diana. Feel free to drop a comment down

below. And also you can find me on Facebook. And you can find me on YouTube.

Alright, thanks a lot. Bye Bye!

For more infomation >> Live Stream To Facebook Using OBS - Duration: 5:03.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Morality and Ethics Cannot Enchance Your Perception - Duration: 12:22.

I know largely where some cultures have been cultured on morality and ethic all

starving in thou shalt not just because I say thou shalt no will you stop

you will also tell somebody else thou shalt not and you continue to do it

because if in this mine I want you to understand the nature of this mine these

things have been said without understanding nature of a human being

how he is made right now a simple experiment for all of you next 10

seconds thou shalt not think of a monkey

anybody successful so this is the nature of the mind if you say this should not

happen only that will happen in your mind in this mind there is only addition

and multiplication there is no subtraction and division forcefully you

cannot take over one single thing from this mind

can you can you anybody know that is not the nature to mind without understanding

the fundamental nature of the mind the moment you say I should not do this I

should not do that that will rule you from with it

why are you looking at what you should not do now I am not trying to teach you

positive thinking people who try to teach positive thinking they all ended

up in suicide or your neurotic conditions I'm not talking about

positive thinking or negative thinking all these things are coming because we

have no clarity of vision the only way the only and only way you can know life

is by enhancing your perception what you perceive you know the rest is just

imagination in seven hansung your perception you mentioned yoga the whole

science of yoga is only towards this to enhance your perception you definitely

have heard the symbolism of the third act what the third eye means to be able

to see everything a thoughtless eye and eye without memory right now your two

eyes are loaded with memory if we erase all the memory in your mind right now at

least 30 to 40 percent of the things around you you cannot

do you notice on your wellness for example you're driving on the street

hundred people are standing somewhere on the sidewalk you just look like this a

friend of yours is there in this crowd of all these hundred faces will look

like a blur but your friend's face stands out have you noticed this ever

because your your vision is largely aided by your memory at least thirty to

forty percent of what you're seeing right now you will not be able to see if

we take away the memory from your mind so these two eyes are loaded with memory

so because it's loaded with memory its littlest if I look at this person if I

have known this person yesterday and she'd be nice to me and say oh she's a

good person if I look at this person and yesterday

he did something I did not like I say oh he's not nice this is loaded with memory

cannot see what is there it sees as the memory accumulation is so to develop a

vision which is thoughtless with simplices which simply sees everything

the way it is your perception is enhanced only when your perception is

enhanced you know like if you have morals and ethics and values they will

come in handy and society to some extent but they will never clean you up it is

you know the more people talk about moral values within themselves they're

more disturbed they are you will see they become lifeless and joyless because

you're trying to enforce something people always think everybody has a

tendency to do bad things and you have to fix them no they have a tendency

wanting to live how will your life happen at its fullest if you don't throw

them away they will try to find all kinds of ways to do it

you know 20% of our time energy and resource is spent in the

prisons in India and also a little bit here

people always ask myself ooh we are all waiting for you why are you spending so

much time with these criminals I don't see any criminals all I see is

everybody's in pursuit of their happiness the man that you caller the

criminal pursues his happiness for more vigorously than you that's all the

problem is in pursuit of your happiness you will need to stand in a line he

wants to jump the line that's all he is doing because he can't wait yes sir that

is that is the person who becomes a criminal isn't it because he cannot wait

in the line because he's effervescence what happiness is so big that he can't

stop if he has to bash you in the face and take it he will do it because he

wants to be happy so desperately everybody is in pursuit of happiness why

is it I know it's even enshrined in the

Constitution of this nation pursuit of individual happens if you are in pursuit

of something obviously you have a direct

you tell me where the joy happens to you or misery happens to you does it rain

upon you or does it come from within you

does it does happiness rain upon you or misery rain upon you or does it come

from within you it always comes from within you

situations situations happen around us it is our response to those situations

which either makes us miserable or joyful right now do you see hello

do you see even if you're not listening to me do you see me use your hands and

so where am i man you've got it wrong you know I'm a mistake from South India

now this light is falling upon me and reflecting going through your lenses

anyone could imagine the retina you know the whole story where you see me right

now within yourself where you hear me right now within yourself where have you

seen the whole world within yourself have you ever experienced anything

outside of yourself the whole gamut of human experience is happening within you

at least what's happening within you must happen the way you want it isn't it

what's happening around you will never happen 100% your way and I'm glad it is

so because if the whole world happened your way well I would I'm glad it's not

happening your way a little happens your way a little happens my way little

happen somebody else's way it's fine but at least what's happening within you

must happen your way isn't it if what's happening within you happen your way

would you keep yourself blissful or miserable

you must you'll right now I'm gonna bless you

you're not making a choice if you had a choice of how to be within yourself

would you choose at most pleasant missile unpleasantness for yourself what

you want for your neighbor may be debatable but what you want for yourself

is definitely highest level of pleasantness isn't it when you are

feeling utterly Pleasant if I meet you I am sure you're a wonderful person but if

I make you when you're angry frustrated miserable with something you could be a

nasty person it's a good tone is this true for every

human being so why is it that we have never tried strive to create a joyful

humanity we are trying to create a good with humanity who's miserable miserable

people will naturally share their misery with the rest of the world and that's

all they're doing we doesn't matter what kind of models

you give them what kind of ethics you give them when you are physically

miserable won't you rub it off on somebody you will so the greatest

insolence to see that people do the right things is that we have to invest

in making human beings into a joyful effervescent life oriented human beings

now it is natural for them to be pleasant it is natural for them to do

the right things whatever sustains life around them at

least if you are joyful you tell me this if you had a choice to work and live

with people would you choose joyful people a miserable people joyful people

I want you to please please please remember everybody else is as buying for

the same thing everybody around you is aspiring are the same thing that's the

best thing you can offer when you're joyful

do I have to tell you don't kill that person thou shalt not kill til I tell

you you will not take you will not do those things all this is because there

is a certain and so lack of joy and completeness

within you to fulfill that you have to do many miserable things in pursuit of

happiness if you are in pursuit of your happiness and I am in pursuit of my

happiness both of us come this way and meet like this head-on right now two

types of businesses are meeting like this

if you meet like this initially out of your morality out of your ethics you'll

say please go outside if they don't you in shock if they don't you will shout if

they don't you will shoot don't underestimate yourself if something

really stands in the way of your life you want to get rid of it one way or the

other isn't it if you are joyful by your own nature you will do what's needed

naturally you're not you should not be in pursuit of happiness you must be an

exhibition of joy only then you will see how manic humanity will be on the right



For more infomation >> Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - Morality and Ethics Cannot Enchance Your Perception - Duration: 12:22.


NRI Q&A, NRI Bank Accounts For Mutual Funds, January 4, 2018 - Duration: 6:25.

This NRI Q&A video will discuss the appropriate NRI accounts for investing in mutual funds in India

How should an NRI choose between an NRE and NRO account to invest in mutual funds

NRIs hold two types of rupee denominated banks accounts in India: NRE and NRO

NRO is a nonrepatriable account. NRE account is a fully repatriable account

If you invest in mutual funds from NRO account then the funds have gone from your non-repatriable account

So, any redemption of the investment and dividends will go back to the same linked NRO account

If the mutual fund investment is done through Non Resident External or NRE account, being a fully repatriable account, all redemption proceeds and dividends will come back to NRE account

You can repatriate those proceeds from the NRE account at any point of time

There is no restriction of making mutual fund investments from either of the accounts

For more infomation >> NRI Q&A, NRI Bank Accounts For Mutual Funds, January 4, 2018 - Duration: 6:25.


Russell Crowe Movies List - Duration: 1:59.

Russell Crowe Movies List

For more infomation >> Russell Crowe Movies List - Duration: 1:59.


Funny baby song Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Exercise Song for Children Family fun - Duration: 1:36.

Head,shoulders,knees and toes

Funny baby song

For more infomation >> Funny baby song Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes Exercise Song for Children Family fun - Duration: 1:36.


被選亞洲最美 子瑜害羞一笑...「呆萌神回應」笑翻全場 - Duration: 2:47.

For more infomation >> 被選亞洲最美 子瑜害羞一笑...「呆萌神回應」笑翻全場 - Duration: 2:47.


Новогодняя, Новогодние Красивые Песни в Мужском Исполнении,ПОСЛУШАЙТЕ!!! Дмитрий Осипов - Duration: 3:41.

New Year's Beautiful Songs

For more infomation >> Новогодняя, Новогодние Красивые Песни в Мужском Исполнении,ПОСЛУШАЙТЕ!!! Дмитрий Осипов - Duration: 3:41.


How to make a Diy Rollercoaster out of Cardboard at Home - Duration: 5:04.

WelCome to My Channel


For more infomation >> How to make a Diy Rollercoaster out of Cardboard at Home - Duration: 5:04.


World's Top 10 Highest Paid Models in The World 2018 - Duration: 3:32.

World's Top 10 Highest Paid Models in The World 2018

For more infomation >> World's Top 10 Highest Paid Models in The World 2018 - Duration: 3:32.


Amazon Alexa GEICO Skill - Duration: 0:49.

Alexa, ask GEICO when my next bill is due.


Alexa, ask GEICO to send my insurance ID cards.

Send them by email.

That's it for now.


Alright then, thanks for being a GEICO customer.


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