Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

Rhône, Saône, Fourvière, Perrache station: there's no doubt we're in Lyon,

more precisely in the premises of Chemin de Fer Privé de la Mulatière whose windows face the confluence

of the 2 rivers.

Today we're visiting this club and discovering its large HO scale layout.

Welcome to Aiguillages!

La Mulatière is a municipality bordering Lyon, you may have passed the premises of the club without knowing it

as they're situated along highway A7, a few kilometers after exiting the Fourvière tunnel when driving south.

Several sources are accepted to explain the name of the municipality,

we're going to choose the one that suits us most: 'Mulatière' could come from the fact that,

as it is situated along the banks of the Rhône, a towpath was used by mules hauling boats on the river.

That's the version model makers chose.

In front of the former city hall, they reproduced the elected representatives as mules.

This joke is well received by the latter who know its origins.

On the fixed layout, the bridges of La Mulatière were reproduced

only a few dozen meters away from the real ones that we can see from the windows of the club.

They include a road bridge and a railway bridge.

Their story has been rough.

The first bridge that was built there was washed away by a flood less than a year after its opening.

It was rebuilt and seriously damaged about 10 years after, during the siege of Lyon.

A new one was built at the same time as the Mulatière tunnel in 1820

for a railway to connect Lyon to Saint-Etienne.

It's a mixed road/rail bridge that was also washed away by a flood in 1840.

Other suspended and temporary bridges were built without lasting very long,

as well as a new bridge that was dilapidated and overloaded at the beginnning of the 20th century

and road and rail bridges that were built between the 2 wars and that were bombed in 1944.

The Rhône is not a long and quiet river!

Thankfully, the story of Chemin de Fer Privé de la Mulatière hasn't been this tumultuous,

even though the club has to dismantle a layout before making a new one in its current premises

when the Aquarium de Lyon was built a few hundred meters from there.

We were a section of the CJC which is a cultural center for young people,

we were 4 train and model making enthusiasts, we had no room at home to make a layout

and one day we thought it would be nice to pool our talents and build a layout together

so we started making our first layout in La Mulatière at Paul Nas middle school that is behind the city hall

in 1981 we made a layout like this one with sceneries, a roundhouse, etc.

We were not using digital control, we didn't have the same technologies as we do now, but we had lots of fun!

That's how it started.

When the Aquarium arrived we had to move and the city hall found these premises for us, so we got here in 2000,

we carried out lots of rehabilitation works as unfortunately it was all degraded and squatted,

then we started building this layout with metal plankings and we started making the sceneries, laying the tracks,

as any other layout and then other members joined us, they said they liked our project and that's how we grew.

We were quite fast to build this layout as we were more experienced compared to when we made the first one

and also we got very talented people that helped us, including by working on the sceneries.

Of course we wanted to represent La Mulatière as we're here, that's our district with the city hall,

and as Lyon is our city we wanted to represent the most emblematic places in Lyon,

including Perrache and Fourvière with the funicular and the Gallo-Roman Museum.

There are several stations in Lyon, and Perrache, that is the closest to La Mulatière,

was chosen when model makers had to pick one to reproduce on the layout.

It's the closest station and to me it's the most beautiful as Brotteaux station doesn't exist anymore,

and as Perrache is between the Rhône and the Saône it looks nice with the rivers on each side,

there's Place Carnot behind it with its buildings that still exist thankfully and that are well known

like Brasserie Georges and château Perrache, to us the Lyon region was quite easy to reproduce.

A section of the layout is dedicated to this reproduction of Lyon, the other one represents an imaginary place

taking visitors from rivers to mountains in landscapes inspired by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.

It's completely imaginary, we still wanted to get the looks of the villages of our region, so golden stones,

we have an ocher village, and one with our HOm model, our metric line that is more inspired by Pérouges.

These 2 layouts are independent, which means trains leave from the Paris direction

and reappear in the Marseille direction, they leave again on the Paris side and reappear on the Marseille side

and actually in the meantime they travel around the layout twice by using different routes.

We have a hidden station that creates the illusion of a bigger layout: a train leaves and shunts

while another one passes before it and the first train reappears once 2 or 3 trains passed it,

this way trains vary and it creates the illusion of a larger layout.

The fourth side of this layout is where visitors start discovering it

and where model makers create their trains.

In a corner, Vaise station and its workshops were represented.

Along the layout, several animated scenes were spread.

We wanted the public to interact with the layout, including children, during our open days

and we realized trains were nice by the most important part is the life that is going on around them,

we wanted to make this layout a large painting and we wanted people to feel like they could shrink and enter it

to take a walk in these sceneries, that's why we created these small scenes, to create a certain atmosphere

and there are some winks here and there, things we can't see in our daily life like the ghost,

but this is mostly for children and our goal was to have the public interact with the layout and have fun!

The layout covers a surface area of 50 m² in 3 rooms, and has 300 meters of track.

One of the reasons why the club chose its name 'Chemin de Fer Privé de la Mulatière'

is to be able to operate any kind of train without worrying about what could happen on the real SNCF network.

The club chose to be the owner of the structure of the layout without owning any rolling stocks.

Its members are free to bring whatever they want to see running,

and to build trains even if it means distorting reality a little bit.

I don't know a lot about the SNCF, I love trains and I buy things during fairs,

I dismantle them and I rebuild them while paying extra attention to details for locomotives, wagons, etc.

and I make trains we can't find in shops, also you saw boats, they're from Riva Aquarama,

I made them out of resin and then the chandlery is made of strings, pins, plastic,

recovered materials like these.

On this day, Jean-Claude also operated a train made for the shooting of a film

as well as one carrying helicopters.

I just made it to have fun, as it's quite rare to see trains carrying helicopters without tarpaulin.

But the point here was to see them.

During my career I did various things including aerial photography

so I reproduced the helicopter I used to make millions and millions of pictures for postcards etc.,

they're Belgian 47G, originally their scale was 1:72 but I changed it to 1:87 so it could match the HO wagons.

Other then this large fixed layout, Chemin de Fer Privé de la Mulatière also has HO scale exhibition layouts

that can't be stored in the premises of the club for lack of space, so we can only see them at exhibitions.

There's also a very active N section that Gilbert created.

It's a significant part of our activity, of course it's more recent then the HO section

but it's getting quite old as about 30 years ago I went to a meeting with various clubs

and I met a member of this club whom I asked if it would be interesting to join their N section

and he answered they didn't have one so I decided to still join the club, they agreed, I was accepted,

and some of the members were happy to join me in the creation of some N models,

little by little we started making layouts that we exhibited and that's how the section was born.

So we have an exhibition layout that we call 'Europe', it's about 7 or 8 meters long and 2 modules large,

and we got a layout that was supposed to be destroyed, it belonged to an engineer living near the German border

in the Lorraine region, he had a stunning layout but he was getting too old to exhibit it,

and this masterpiece was about to be dismantled so we got it and we're starting to exhibit it, little by little,

it has lots of small elements, it should reach 17 meters by 10 when it's done!

That's how important it is.

I'll show you the first section of this layout very soon in Aiguillages

as the members of the club already rehabilitated it and exhibited it for the first time in a long time.

Chemin de fer Privé de la Mulatière usually opens its doors each 3rd Saturday of the month

from 2 pm to 6 pm, you can check their website to confirm the opening dates.

Next week in Aiguillages we'll talk about 'Autour d'Axe les Thermes',

a layout made by the Rail Miniature Ariégeois club.

2018 will bring some novelties to Aiguillages: a new site on January 17th,

Aiguillonautes VIP are now called Aiguillonautes Première classe

and the newsletter is now an Aiguillolettre.

I'll tell you about some other changes at the end of January while lauching the Aiguilloton

which will allow you to confirm your support to Aiguillages

by contributing to the financing of the reports to come.

I wish you an excellent year 2018!

For more infomation >> Le réseau Ho du Chemin de Fer Privé de la Mulatière - Duration: 18:41.


{130} Blackoff Mask Ft. Brother in law (1st English Video) Subtitulado 😉 - Duration: 6:36.

For more infomation >> {130} Blackoff Mask Ft. Brother in law (1st English Video) Subtitulado 😉 - Duration: 6:36.



As promised yesterday, we have finished validating the potential fix for the Jäger glitch. The fix works, and we are in the process of preparing a build to be deployed next week. We do not have an exact date for this deployment yet, but are targeting earlier in the week. Unfortunately, for our console players, there are aspects outside of our control that prevent us from being able to deploy a patch at this point in the year. As a result, we have included the fix in our next scheduled patch (Mid-Season Reinforcements). We are planning to begin the TTS testing for 4.2 next week.

For more infomation >> FIX JAGER GLITCH - RAINBOW SIX SIEGE - Duration: 1:13.


5 Life-Changing Products From Beauty Editors - Duration: 6:13.

- It does not matter what time you put this shit on.

It's gonna still look good.

And that's what I need in my life.

(light music)

- One of my most life-changing products

is this flower velvet lip chubby,

(laughs) which is a really weird name,

from our lord and savior, Drew Barrymore.

If anyone doesn't know, she has a beauty line

called Flower that's sold at Walmart and a bunch

of drug stores, so all of the products are super affordable.

So I tried this little crayon.

It kind of reminds me of the old Clinique chubby sticks.

It's, essentially, that kind of model.

And it comes in a bunch of different colors.

This is called berrymore, which is obviously

for Drew. (magical music)

And it goes on pretty matte,

but it's not really drying at all,

and it lasts for a really long time.

I've tried a couple of the other colors of this.

I love 'em just as much,

but this is just the one that,

if they ever discontinue it, I'm gonna

need to go find Drew Barrymore and demand

the formula for it, because it's too good.

(upbeat music)

- A lovely woman by the name of Robyn Rihanna Fenty

came out with a makeup line.

And she has these awesome foundations.

It's a 40-shade range, which is like super dope.

I had to wear Fenty for a project that I was

working on, and I was like OMG,

it really is amazing foundation.

And you're probably wondering why I have two.

So here's the deal.

This is shade 420, and this is a good

shade for like all over my face when I'm

being lazy and just want to do something

quick and slayful.

And this is shade 430.

So when I feel like I have a little bit more energy,

I will create a little bit more dimension.

You know what I'm saying?

And really, you know, release that on 'em.

I didn't do it today, because it was a lazy day,

but I would do 420 in the center of my face

and then 430 on the perimeter.

Also, it just looks really good all throughout the day.

It does not matter what time you put

this shit on, it's gonna still look good.

And that's what I need in my life,

'cause I want to look good all the time.

(upbeat music)

- Super excited to tell you about my secret weapon

for clear and beautiful skin.

It's called Atoi.

It's a skincare company that was started by this lady.

Her name is Tova, and she is, like, my favorite

person in the world.

I met her at an indie fair earlier this year,

and just when I saw her, I was like this

is who I want to be when I'm older.

And then she just started talking about her product

and her skincare line.

There's different ones for different skin types.

But this is the one she gave me.

And my face felt so smooth and bright and alive,

that I was just like I don't care if it's

gonna take me 30 minutes to wash my face every night,

I'm gonna start using this product for at least

a week to see if I notice a difference.

And I definitely saw the difference.

I feel like my skin just kind of threw up

all this like crap.

The way it works is kind of like a jelly extra cleanser,

and you put it all over your face.

And then you're supposed to wipe it off with a cotton.

You're not supposed to wash it off.

And I know double cleansing is a thing.

It's not like a new discovery,

but it was a discovery for me,

so it definitely changed the way I clean my face.

And I don't even wear foundation that much

anymore, 'cause I feel like I've gotten my

skin to a place where I'm confident enough

to be like these are my freckles and this is my skin.

And I think they look great thanks to this.

So I would recommend everyone to give

this cleanser and toner a try, and then let

me know what you think because this

is my favorite discovery.

And, also, if you ever get to meet Tova,

you'll know why I'm in love with her.

(upbeat music)

- So my life-changing product that I want

to tell you guys about is this.

This is the Sugar SPF tinted moisturizer for your lips.

And this is in the color tulip,

and I'm actually wearing it right now.

This is one of my favorite things,

because I have a lot of issues finding

a really nice lipstick because my lips

are always very dry.

I hate this season right now because everything is matte,

like, everything is matte right now.

So it just completely dries out my lips,

and it's awful, like, completely awful.

So I like to use this a lot because it's

super moisturizing, and it has a little bit

of SPF in it.

It just glides on really well, really easily,

and it's nicely pigmented.

It's not too over the top.

It's just enough.

One cool feature about this, you know,

when you have it in your bag, and it opens

automatically, and now, suddenly, you have lipstick

all over inside of your bag?

Well, this is actually kind of a twist

and then come off, and that's a really cool feature.

And this isn't the only shade that this comes in.

Fresh has a ton of different shades that

comes in this style of lipstick.

So it can go for all, all shades of people.

(upbeat music)

- Today I want to talk to you guys about CLE Cosmetics'

CCC cream, triple C cream.

There is, apparently, something called microcapsule

technology in this product and, also, the big

kicker is there is SPF in it, SPF 45,

which is really awesome, because that's just

one less product you have to put on in the morning

on top of all the other junk you're putting on your face.

It's just like a really cool, all in one product,

and it's got really good coverage,

which, if you're like an old wisen crone like me,

you want really thick coverage.

The other cool thing about it is it comes

out of the tube white.

As you mix it, it turns into the color

of the foundation that it's gonna be,

which is kinda cool.

It's just like a nice one and done,

like, if you don't feel like doing a lot

of steps in your makeup routine,

you can put this on and do you eye makeup and go.

And now I'm covered in makeup, so.

(upbeat music)

For more infomation >> 5 Life-Changing Products From Beauty Editors - Duration: 6:13.


How to make a Wireless Earphone (DIY) - Duration: 3:20.

For more infomation >> How to make a Wireless Earphone (DIY) - Duration: 3:20.


Trump is right He's a gift to the media and Twitter - Duration: 5:13.


is right: He's a gift to the media and Twitter

President Trump is right about at least one thing: No matter what he does, America cannot

stop talking about him.

One thing that is fairly undeniable about Trump � love him or loathe him � is his

understanding of how to manipulate the media and to perpetuate a symbiotic relationship

with the press.

During a post-Christmas interview with the New York Times, Trump noted that �newspapers,

television, all forms of media will tank if I�m not there because without me, their

ratings are going down the tubes.�

And while newspapers and television channels certainly existed before Trump�s presidency,

since the moment he announced his bid for the presidency Trump has dominated every inch

of the news � and our nation�s discussions about current events � in a way that is

genuinely unprecedented.

For each of the last four years, my firm Echelon Insights has analyzed Twitter conversation

about current events, looking at the political issues that got people talking the most.

In 2014, topics like Black Lives Matter, the Middle East, and Ebola were prominent in the

national discussion, with mentions of then-President Barack Obama making up a relatively small

slice of the discussion on news twitter.

From the moment Trump announced in 2015 that he was running for president, he became the

number one topic in current affairs conversation in all but a handful of weeks out of the rest

of the year.

This was a level of dominance he would not cede to any of his presidential opponents

at any point in 2016.

Discussion of Trump in 2016 dwarfed discussion of Hillary Clinton, of Barack Obama, of almost

every other major news story that emerged that year.

But in 2017, Trump�s command of our collective attention has not reverted to the sorts of

levels we might expect from an incumbent president if we are using Obama as the baseline.

Instead, Trump was tweeted about 10 times as much as Obama was tweeted about during

his last year in office.

Including Trump as a topic of conversation in our analysis absolutely drowns out all

other issues, and Trump himself is the top topic throughout the year with few exceptions,

such as when stories like the solar eclipse or Charlottesville, Va., topped the headlines.

Even in our analysis that excluded this year�s tweets specifically mentioning Trump, the

top issue of the year was the Russia investigation, and issue deeply linked to Trump and questions

about the actions of his campaign and transition team.

Even when we�re not talking about Trump, we�re talking about Trump.

Of course, Twitter is Trump�s medium of choice for getting his message out there.

Political tweeting has increased sixfold on the platform since 2015 and that no doubt

is driven in part by Trump�s use of Twitter to drive the news on his terms.

(In the words of my colleague Patrick Ruffini, �Trump may be keeping Twitter afloat.�)

But Twitter isn�t the only place seeing a potential Trump effect.

The traditional news media gave more coverage to Trump during the campaign than they did

to his opponents, and covering Trump has not proven to be bad for business.

CNN has proudly noted that 2017 is their most watched year in total day ratings, and MSNBC

has seen large gains in the era of the #Resist movement.

While newspaper circulation numbers continue to fall, major national newspapers have reported

significant increases in subscriptions, especially digital subscriptions.

While it seems profoundly unlikely that President Trump�s full prophecy will come to pass

� that the news media will cover him favorably in order to preserve him as a topic of coverage

� it is undeniable that Trump�s ability to utterly flood the media with his message

has been a powerful political weapon in his arsenal.

News consumption is on the rise, discussion about current events is on the rise.

Will 2018 be the year everyone gets tired of talking about the same thing over and over?


Yet we are two and a half years into the Trump era and there�s been no sign of it slowing.

The topic we spent 2017 talking about was a pure stream of Trump, Trump, and more Trump.

Don�t be surprised if 2018 plays out the same way.

For more infomation >> Trump is right He's a gift to the media and Twitter - Duration: 5:13.


[ENG] SNUPER FILM E22 THREE MUSKETEERS IN JAPAN 삼총사의 일본 릴리스 - Duration: 5:04.




Hello we are gonna greet as a trio now! Hello we are Snuper....

We have to take this out.

Ahh we have to do it?

Understood. Today, there's only 3 of us so we have to do it due to lack of manpower.

We shall do it with my friend, PIKACHU~

Today, shockingly, there's a lot of people here at Gimpo airport.

Right, today is a bit..

The waiting time was pretty long.

There's of lot of people leaving the country as a group, that's why.

*The trio while heading to the stage for talk show*

So we have come to Japan, and for the first time!

It's just the 3 of us.

Woosung is right here.

We are attending the event as trio.

How do you feel?

Very.... weird...

Very.... You asked why?

We have a talking segment today too right?

We have to chat, but..

Are you confident?

We have to talk... and this is the last talk show we have for now.

But I have no idea what to say.

Rather than dunno what to say, I dunno how to express myself.

The 3 of us have to fill in for the other 3 who are not here.

Again, we felt the importance of the other 3 members in this situation...

Woosung... is praying...

He's definitely not sleeping.

Woosung is praying that the other 3 members can achieve great results on "The Unit"

He's praying a lot. *LMAO*

Even if there's only 3 of us, we will do our best to fill in for them!

There's something I felt disappointed today.

Today is 17th of November, the day of our 2nd anniverary since debut.

We have to be separated like this makes me sad and disappointed... :(

We usually have to party on days like this...

Right!! We have to party and destroy it!!

Ahhhh it's so disappointing!!

I would be cooking CHOP CHOP CHOP

Yeah we would have set it up nicely~

Without a care for diet we would have destroyed the party!!

We are almost at the venue now. We will do well and return!












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