Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

hi everybody this is Johanna with moon water - ro and

welcome welcome to your January 5th now this is a daily reading and of course I

have to wish you a happy birthday if your birthday is today happy happy

birthday and if I could sing I I would sing you happy birthday but you don't

want that to happen so instead well first of all there's two things I wanted

quickly just want to there's a song I was hearing I'll get to that in a second

but I want to just explain first of all thank you so much

if you stopped by if you you know subscribe to my channel follow me on

Instagram or followed me on Facebook or giving me a thumbs up I don't want to

sound like a broken record because I know a lot of people say this but really

truly I know I was gone for a while and so I really appreciate you taking the

time out of your busy lives to even take a moment and and watch these videos or a

video so truly truly I appreciate it

before I forgot what I was gonna say okay I wanted to explain what I do in

these videos is I share some intuitive messages that I'm getting and then I

will pull two cards from the magical messages of the fairies and then two

cards from an I fell in love with the miniature addition the rider-waite deck

and I will look at the bottom the second card I look at the bottom once the card

flips out so you'll see how that goes now what I wanted to tell you is this

what I am picking up for some of you on January 5th I'm getting a lot of

information first of all and I don't I'm gonna date myself here

I am hearing I don't know if the song was from Burger King or McDonald's but

it goes you know I'm not gonna sing it but it goes you deserve a break today

so so get up get up on your way

at McDonald's we do it all for you I think that's I don't know what those are

the right words that is what I'm getting so what I get from that is some of you

are breaking something off you are ending something and beginning something

on the fifth or you're taking a break you're taking a step back so that means

to me like you might be going on a vacation you might have the day off and

you are totally relaxing and kickin back okay

some of you may be going to McDonald's for lunch I don't know there's you know

edits there's a message in that maybe there's a memory that you used to sing

the song with somebody and the fifth has some meaning for you in that song like

I'm seeing the golden arches maybe golden arches has some meaning for

you that's kind of what I'm getting for some of you I feel like you are creating

or possibly there's a legal situation going on this could be that you're

buying a new home and there's legal paperwork there could be like an

inspection or something and it may be I don't know I feel like the day might be

thrown off a little kilter at the beginning but then by the end of the day

I think something gets resolved like something concludes for some of you in a

positive way for others I feel like maybe the ball gets rolling it may not

conclude till spring I don't know why I'm getting spring but

the message for somebody like it or March because I get that some of you are

okay I'm hearing several songs I do have it there is a guy that sends me songs

all the time I'm getting Madonna express yourself and so I feel like some of you

and I'm hearing triumph fight the good fight so some of you might be fighting

in a way or in a legal way or doing a March or attending something in March

where you are fighting to have the right to express yourself or this could be in

a very small way like you know within like a subdivision community or like

something very big and global I didn't I'm not sure what this is it's you know

for whom this message even applies to but I do feel like some of you may also

there remember we had the five of swords yesterday we had the 10 of Wands I kept

seeing the 10 of Wands and then it showed up at the bottom of the deck feel

like some of you are like continuing that process where you're making a

decision to leave something behind let it go it could be that this new home may

be a new home for your job maybe you're gonna be creating a business out of your

home you're gonna be your own boss

it could be creating your own spiritual home mental emotional home could be a

new relationship you're ending something so that's kind of what I'm getting so I

feel like but I'm getting like express yourself or you know be be you and I

think what that card came out a couple days ago too

so let's just see what comes here but these are just some messages

I'm definitely getting travel whoo okay I don't want the whole deck to fall out

cuz that would not be good okay let's go with this one

holiday oh my gosh no wonder er I was like getting a break

today you deserve a break today the answer you're looking for can be found

during a vacation a retreat or a holiday getaway well yesterday what did I say

yesterday I said that I think I said yesterday I felt like some of you or

maybe in the day before that you are going on a spiritual retreat or some

kind of retreat and so and I've been talking about you know possibly I think

I said a break or leaving work like you have a decision whether or not you're

gonna stay someplace or go or but you're looking can be found during a vacation

or retreat so I was talking about taking a break

Wow see see how these messages just seem to him

well you know I mean it's flowing okay let's see what the writer wait and then

we're gonna look at the card underneath here and see what that has to share okay

so well you know what that card is kind of calling me that one that's kind of

hopping here let's see hmm oh my gosh the hair effect that is Wow

this is often my marriage card in my readings for me personally I know it can

mean many many many things it can mean it can mean legal matters it can mean a

higher authority it can mean governments it can mean institutions it can mean red

tape it can mean a boss it can mean you know spirituality remember us talking

about a spiritual retreat it can mean having to follow the rules

traditions morals it can be all-encompassing it's just

I mean it is the number five we have a number five on the fifth and yesterday

we had a number five and look it's in Reverse I feel like some of you are

wanting I'm gonna set this down because we're gonna look at the card that's

underneath here but something some of you are wanting to have a holiday

possibly remember how I said that you are wanting to be you that you are

wanting to set yourself free or have self-expression maybe that's why I

picked up Madonna express yourself because here sometimes we can't really

you know we got to we got to kind of follow the leader now it's great if

you're in this position Oh Nikolas just typed up here let me let me show them to

you because he hopped up here and that has some meaning because he's Leo the

Lion he's The Lion King um although really

he's the sign of cancer just like me I'm cancer also and he's a cancer isn't that

funny because I rescued him but anyway so I feel like the fact that he just

jumped up here is like you know get that inner spirit like that fighting spirit

that strength to you know fight for whatever cause or whatever it is that

you need to get through remember that ten of swords or 10 of Wands I'm sorry

yesterday and the five swords yesterday some of you are really fighting a battle

it could be a legal battle and it could be a legal battle you know that tenant

wands for me that push and pull do I stay do I go do I you know do I state

this job do I stay in this marriage do I you know what do I do to I stay in this

relationship this can have to do with the Union I'm

getting unions it could be obviously marital Union or common-law Union or it

could all to be unions like unions in the

workplace some of you I feel like just need a

break from work or from your boss so let's go ahead and a look it he's just

so cute this is Nicholas my cat he is a Tarot cat he is a very spiritual cat and

he often appears in my readings especially because I used to do my

reading sitting on the floor all the time so this is the first reading though

where he's appeared on my daily readings but when he he usually shows up for my

Leo readings I did my January monthly readings and I think he showed up out of

the 12 signs he doesn't like it when I'm up here because he can't visit me as

often there isn't enough room but the floor kind of like hurts my back like I

have an issue so with my l5 so I don't know maybe somebody has a lower back

issue with their with their l5 is what I'm hearing

so anyway I'm losing my train of thought here but oh but he shows up in my Leo

greeting for January okay let's see what's underneath winter well you know

what where I'm at we are in winter okay the answers to your prayers and

affirmations do it did I talk about affirmations or am I dreaming are fully

realized in the winter months well okay I know in different parts of the world

the weather is different I could be wrong I don't know if it's summer in

Australia right now here where I'm at in the US it is winter in it we're in the

middle of winter so I feel like some of this could get resolved by the end of

January 5th okay for some of you some of you

to process and it may take a little bit longer but but I feel like you know if

it is gonna take longer I feel like it's it's really talking about my winter not

your winter like if your winters five months out I don't really feel like it's

that far out but you know what whenever there's a season let me I like

this happened yesterday remember we got autumn did we get autumn so I'm gonna

look at the card next to it assertiveness wait what was that healing

look at that healing healed healer okay I accidentally saw that so I had a show

but assertiveness stand oh my goodness what what have I been saying express

yourself but you know stand up for who you are it says stand up for your

beliefs and only say yes if you really want to so this to me is not just

assertiveness but it's also maintaining those healthy boundaries ground yourself

and protect yourself because there may be somebody around you I'm hearing that

could be a little bit toxic okay and maybe they're overstepping their

boundaries and that's why this is in the reverse position so healing you are

going through a healing process you may even be going to see a healer or you're

starting to heal or you may be opening up a healing business and be in the

process of it okay and some of this healing may take place by going on a

holiday or taking a break from someone or something gosh we got all kinds of

messages going on here let's see what's underneath what is underneath look at

that the eight of cups often this indicates travel to me this

isn't eight oh my gosh leo we've had a theme of Leo I wonder if that's why

Nikolas jumped up here we've had several eight remember

yesterday autumn came up that to me is like eight you know fall is like August

September for me we have an eight here again August Leo that's why I think

Nicholas jumped up here you are learning your lessons you are healing emotionally

you are healing you are walking away from something there's been something

you know and I also got the back yesterday I feel like there's something

that may be difficult from you for you to walk away from but you were walking

away or at least you were you know you're walking away it's been a battle

but I feel like you're coming out look this red robe is up look and I know that

this could be very much a the Pope or a spiritual you know clergy or priests or

you know but it can mean different people or a boss it can be significant

figures but I also see this red robe is in Reverse and here they're you're I'm

looking at as you you're walking away but you're walking away like with

strength I mean it may be a struggle to walk away but this card isn't stuck in

the reverse remember I think I felt at the beginning of the reading that what

was maybe gonna be difficult at the day at the beginning of the day gets

smoother by the end of the day that's what I was was you know like your things

were gonna start smoothing you know it's it's not smooth sailing but something's

going to start moving in the right direction or you're

gonna start moving in the right direction that's what I'm getting

there's movement there's activity so Wow lots of strong beautiful messages here I

again holiday I mean you know moving this could be like I said an actual move

didn't I talk about buying a new house or moving so a lot of the messages are

being corroborated here in the reading so maintain those boundaries those

healthy boundaries you are in the process of healing so very beautiful

powerful magnetic reading again thank you so much for for watching take care

of yourself have a beautiful day and I will talk to you tomorrow again happy

birthday alright bye

For more infomation >> Daily Tarot Reading & Oracle Card Message January 5, 2018 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! - Duration: 19:14.


Batman All Scenes | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:01.

I'mma figure this out.

All right?

It's over, Deadshot.

I don't want to do this in front of your daughter.

Daddy, please. -Zoe, move!

Please, Daddy. Don't do it.


Don't do it.

All right.

Love you, Daddy.

Come on, Puddin'. Do it!

We have got company.

Batsy, Batsy, Batsy.

She's crazier than him.

And more fearless.

Stupid Bat, you're ruining date night!


Puddin', I can't swim!

But the Bat got her, too. She's in the same hole as Deadshot.

Exactly what you want.

This is crown jewels here, Mr. Wayne.

And you do understand my legal exposure.

If anyone knew what I procured for you.

Listen, I can keep a secret, okay?

What do you want?

People are asking questions about Midway City.

The kind of people who can get the answers.

And if they can get those answers, my head will be on a pike.

Consider yourself under my protection.

If you deliver.

Why, Mr. Wayne?

Just like to make friends.

That's the difference between us.

You believe in friendship. I believe in leverage.

Good night.

You look tired.

You should stop working nights.

You should shut it down,

or my friends and I'll do it for you.

For more infomation >> Batman All Scenes | Suicide Squad (2016) Movie Clip - Duration: 4:01.


蓁蓁 2018/01/04 今彩 2中一 参考 - Duration: 5:48.

For more infomation >> 蓁蓁 2018/01/04 今彩 2中一 参考 - Duration: 5:48.


S. Korean orders extra precautionary measures against AI virus - Duration: 0:43.

The Korean government will take extra preventive measures against Avian Influenza before next

month's PyeongChang Winter Olympics.

Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon says the occurrence cycle of the AI virus is getting shorter,

but added that AI cases have been found near Gangwon-do Province where the Olympics will

take place.

He said it's necessary to keep a close eye on poultry farms to contain the virus, in

order to have a problem-free Olympics.

He also backed government's efforts to contain outbreaks,... saying that in 2016 some 37

million birds were culled compared to just 670-thousand this winter.

For more infomation >> S. Korean orders extra precautionary measures against AI virus - Duration: 0:43.


KARAOKE | Bỏ Lại Phía Sau | Thái Trinh - Duration: 3:47.

For more infomation >> KARAOKE | Bỏ Lại Phía Sau | Thái Trinh - Duration: 3:47.


Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots reach $400 million - Duration: 0:41.

The Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots in the United States have both surpassed the

400 million dollar mark.

That means it's the first time lottery players in the U.S. have two chances to scoop jackpots

exceeding the 400 million bucks.

The Powerball jackpot has swelled to 460 million dollars and the Mega Millions jackpot stands

at 418 million.

The Powerball draw is set for Wednesday night, and the Mega Millions draw happens late Friday,

local time.

New U.S. tax rules will be applied.... meaning the winner or winners will have to give almost

50 percent of their new found wealth straight over to the IRS.

For more infomation >> Powerball and Mega Millions jackpots reach $400 million - Duration: 0:41.



what's up guys just recently I got back from Las Vegas where I did a sky jump

that you can watch right here as well as the Grand Canyon trip. I went there is

my friend Joenna. We visited Grand Canyon Skywalk and a few more canyons I

really liked it I hope you enjoyed the video if you liked it give it a thumbs

up if you want to see more travel videos like this click the subscribe button I'm

publishing new videos every week and let's go to Grand Canyon

And this is Las Vegas it's 6:30 in the morning I'm ready for my ride to Grand

Canyon West let's see how it goes

we are in the middle of nowhere, just small gas station and desert around it

no hospitals no restaurants nothing by the way some people live here in the

desert, one hour from Las Vegas the land is pretty cheap so they just take

trailers move them here and live. What about that?

For more infomation >> ALMOST FELL OFF THE GRAND CANYON - Duration: 4:13.


Korean film 'Along With the Gods' viewed 10 million times since Dec. 20 release - Duration: 0:45.

Korean fantasy blockbuster "Along With the Gods: The Two Worlds" surpassed 10 million

viewers on Thursday, becoming the 16th Korean film to reach the milestone.

The film's distributor Lotte Entertainment said the film had reached a cumulative audience

of 10-million-one-hundred-98 as of 12 a.m. Thursday, just 16 days after the movie was

first released.

Only 2014's 'Roaring Currents' reached the milestone faster, taking just 12 days.

'Along with the Gods: The Two Worlds' is the second film released in 2017 to reach 10 million

viewers, following "A Taxi Driver," released in August.

The movie has topped the local box office for over two weeks since its release on December


For more infomation >> Korean film 'Along With the Gods' viewed 10 million times since Dec. 20 release - Duration: 0:45.


Pyongyang and Seoul talks more than merely a tactic: 38 North - Duration: 2:25.

North Korea's attempt to engage with South Korea is more than 'just a tactic'... according

to North Korea monitoring website 38 North.

The U.S.-based website said that North Korea's statement on Wednesday hinted that the North

is serious about talks.

Cha Sang-mi has more.

U.S.-based North Korea monitoring website 38 North said on Wednesday that Pyongyang's

attempt to restore South-North dialogue is a lot more than "just a tactic".

The analysis comes after Pyongyang announced on Wednesday its intention to open an inter-Korean

communication channel.

Robert Carlin, former chief of the Northeast Asia Division at the U.S. State Department's

Bureau of Intelligence and Research, wrote that Pyongyang's so-called "initiative" to

potentially reopen South-North dialogue is about more than just attempting to draw Seoul

away from Washington.

Carlin gave nine reasons why Pyongyang's move is a serious one.

He first talked about the messenger of the statement, who wasn't just a "spokesman",

but the chairman of North Korea's Committee for Peaceful Reunification, which Carlin suggested

added weight to the message.

Moreover, that the announcement was delivered "upon authorization" of Kim Jong-un shows

that the leader has publicly authorized the statement.

Carlin also pinpoints how Pyongyang addressed South Korean President Moon Jae-in by his

full name and proper title, which he added is a clear sign of respect.

Furthermore, casting a positive light on President Moon's instructions, the North demonstrated

a willingness to not just respect but deal with him.

Carlin also points out how the statement included Kim's personal response to President Moon.

Kim's personal instructions to "promptly" carry out (quote) "substantial measures with

the South Korean authorities out of a sincere stand and honest attitude" is another sign

of opening up.

And Kim mentioning the dispatch of a North Korean delegation to the 2018 PyeongChang

Winter Olympics as the "first meaningful and good step" towards inter-Korean relations

suggests there could be more.

Carlin casts light on the overall positive vibe of the announcement, as well as the unusual

proposal Kim Jong-un had made in his New Year's address.

Cha Sang-mi, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Pyongyang and Seoul talks more than merely a tactic: 38 North - Duration: 2:25.


《晚吹 - 書到用時》第48集 – 雜技(主持: 王貽興, 劉翁, 譚凱倫) - Duration: 22:45.

For more infomation >> 《晚吹 - 書到用時》第48集 – 雜技(主持: 王貽興, 劉翁, 譚凱倫) - Duration: 22:45.


South Korea makes case against proposed U.S. restrictions on washer imports - Duration: 0:52.

A South Korean government and business delegation appeared before a public hearing in the U.S.

on Wednesday, to make its case against proposed import restrictions on large residential washers.

They said the safeguard measures would violate World Trade Organization agreements and that

it could lead to increased import controls around the world... adversely affecting U.S.

exports as well.

The measures recommended by the U.S. International Trade Commission would affect LG and Samsung

washers and include a 50-percent tariff above a 1-point-2 million unit quota, and a zero

to 15 or 20 percent tariff on units less than that quota.

The move comes after a safeguard petition was filed by the U.S. manufacturer, Whirlpool.

President Trump will make a final decision by February.

For more infomation >> South Korea makes case against proposed U.S. restrictions on washer imports - Duration: 0:52.


[Live Stream] PUBG Massacre setting enabled - Duration: 2:28:57.

For more infomation >> [Live Stream] PUBG Massacre setting enabled - Duration: 2:28:57.


Two opposition party lawmakers arrested on bribery charges - Duration: 1:38.

Two sitting opposition party lawmakers have been arrested on a string of charges during

the former Park Geun-hye administration.

It's the first arrest of incumbent lawmakers since a change in government in May last year.

Kim Min-ji reports.

Two sitting lawmakers from the main opposition Liberty Korea Party were arrested early Thursday...

on charges of bribery and receiving illicit political funds.

The Seoul Central District Court issued arrest warrants for Choi Kyung-hwan and Lee Woo-hyun

saying that they may destroy evidence and present a risk of flight.

Choi,... who known served as deputy prime minister and finance minister during the Park

Geun-hye administration,... is accused of taking 93-thousand U.S. dollars from the country's

intelligence agency back in 2014.

The political heavyweight is also known as a close aide of the now-jailed former president.

Lee -- a two term lawmaker -- is suspected of accepting illegal political funds from

local businessmen in return for favors and a city council member seeking his influence

to win a mayoral candidate nomination.

The two face disgrace... as it marks the first arrest of sitting lawmakers under the Moon

Jae-in administration since it took office in May of last year.

Prosecutors will have the next 20 days to question them,... although both have flatly

denied the charges.

The arrest warrants were requested in December,... but arraignment sessions were delayed... as

they had been immune from criminal prosecution or arrest while the National Assembly was

in session.

Kim Min-ji, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Two opposition party lawmakers arrested on bribery charges - Duration: 1:38.


Turkish President voices support for Iran amid anti-government protests - Duration: 1:47.

Turkey has voiced its support for Tehran as anti-government protests have spread across

Iran over the past week.

The vote of confidence came after the presidents of the two countries spoke on the phone to

discuss the unrest, as well as other issues.

Ro Aram has the details.

Turkish media reported Wednesday that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told his Iranian counterpart

Hassan Rouhani that Ankara valued Iranian stability and security.

It was the first regional support for Iran as anti-government protests turned violent

over the past week, resulting in more than 21 deaths.

Rouhani reportedly responded by saying that he hoped the demonstrations would be over

in a few days.

Erdogan also reiterated that Turkey backs Rouhani's statement in which he upheld Iranians'

right to protest but urged them not to violate laws.

The Turkish president also reportedly described critical comments made by the leaders of the

U.S. and Israel against Tehran as "hackneyed and meddlesome."

European nations have also expressed similar sentiment, saying the issue should be dealt

with through dialogue.

Turkey and Iran have seen relations improve recently as they work together to try and

end the conflict in Syria.

Meanwhile, Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards have deployed forces to three provinces to

put down the anti-government rallies, describing them as "the new sedition."

The deployment comes as thousands of Iranians took part in pro-government rallies in several

cities on Wednesday morning in a state-sponsored show of force against the unrest.

The threats of force and even execution, however, did not stop demonstrators from taking to

the streets to rise against the clerical elite, especially the country's supreme leader.

Ro Aram, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Turkish President voices support for Iran amid anti-government protests - Duration: 1:47.


President Moon vows support and efforts to revitalize shipbuilding industry - Duration: 2:03.

South Korea's shipbuilding industry suffered tremendous losses last year.

It's an uphill climb to reclaim former glory.

And President Moon Jae-in and government officials made a trip on Wednesday to a construction

site of new vessels that's looked to boost the sector.

Hwang Hojun reports.

It was his first visit to an industrial site this year.

On Wednesday, President Moon Jae-in went to the shipyard of the Daewoo Shipbuilding and

Marine Engineering Company, located on the southeastern island of Geoje-do.

He inspected an ice-breaking LNG tanker under construction, and then the President offered

some encouragement to the workers there... who are toughing out the shipbuilding industry's

worst-ever recession due to a drop in global orders.

(KOREAN) "I believe in the strength of our shipbuilding

industry, which has world-class technology and competitiveness.

Proof is in the fact that we've built the world's first ice-breaking LNG tanker with

our own technology."

( , . LNG .)

President Moon delivered the speech on the deck of the new tanker, called the Vladimir

Rusanov after a Russian adventurer, which is slated to set sail on Thursday for a month-long

sea trial.

The South Korean President pledged to provide the shipping industry with the government's

full support to overcome the slump by helping local shipyards secure more orders for LNG

carriers and by increasing the government's own orders for ships for public use.

He said the government will pursue measures that will reinforce the shipbuilding industry's

competitiveness, by supporting the development and implementation of environmentally friendly,

self-driving technologies, which according to the President, will become new growth engines.

President Moon called for special measures for "innovative growth of the shipbuilding

industry" before the end of the first quarter.

According to a Blue House official, the state-of-the-art LNG tanker will play a significant role in

trade and commerce on shipping routes in the Arctic, which will eventually advance President

Moon's New Northern Policy of expanding Seoul's diplomatic horizon with Eurasian nations.

Hwang Hojun, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> President Moon vows support and efforts to revitalize shipbuilding industry - Duration: 2:03.


Winter storm hits eastern part of U.S., causing at least 12 deaths in four states - Duration: 2:00.

A freak winter storm is slamming the eastern part of the United States,... causing at least

twelve deaths in four different states.

Park Ji-won has more.

An intense storm... packing strong winds and heavy snow... is hitting the northeastern

U.S., dumping piles of snow on the region.

The storm caused more than 27-hundred flight cancellations this week,... and CNN reports

that at least twelve people have died this week from the cold in four different states.

Six deaths have been reported in Wisconsin, four in Texas, one in Missouri and one in

North Dakota.

The National Weather Service forecasts that upto 40 centimeters of snow is expected to

fall in parts of New England.

"Snow covered roads, high winds, and the fact that this storm will bring two to three inches

of snow per hour will make driving hazardous and we are urging the public to please stay

off the roads tomorrow unless absolutely necessary and to use public transit."

The southeastern U.S. is also being affected by strong winter gusts and record snowfall.

Georgia has issued a state of emergency for coastal counties,... and South Carolina's

governor warned people to stay indoors.

"So don't drive if you don't have to.

If absolutely necessary, then drive, but otherwise don't.

And don't put the emergency personnel at risk because if you go out and something happens,

that means someone's going to have to come get you and that puts everybody at risk and

also takes them away from other tasks they need to be doing."

The stormy weather even brought snow to Florida on Wednesday... the first time snow has accumulated

since 1989.

Florida State University and Florida A&M University temporarily closed due to the severe weather


Park Ji-won, Arirang News.

For more infomation >> Winter storm hits eastern part of U.S., causing at least 12 deaths in four states - Duration: 2:00.


South Korea's FX reserves mark US$389 bil. in Dec. 2017 - Duration: 0:38.

South Korea's foreign exchange reserves hit a new record again last month on the back

of the recent weakness of the U.S. dollar.

The Bank of Korea says Seoul's foreign exchange reserves marked 389-point-3 billion U.S. dollars

as of the end of December, up two billion dollars from the previous month.

The central bank said that the recent depreciation of the U.S. dollar increased the value of

non-dollar currencies when converted into the greenback.

As of end of November last year...

South Korea was the world's ninth-largest holder of foreign exchange reserves.

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