Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

yo yo yo CPA strength here back with another video this one is really gonna

help you out I'm telling you this is I used to be a meth head now I'm a

certified public accountant 14 years ago about I was homeless on meth I was in a

mental institution that I actually never left me out of

really I just ran away and they had like let me outside so homeless mental

institution smoke breath 14 years later I'm a certified public accountant I have

my own business I exercise every day I mean I am Oh freaking cover myself up to

things it's cold here in South Florida but I'm jacked okay I got a nice body I

make money I got a YouTube channel I got a business I'm a certified public

accountant I don't really say all these things to

brag although I have been practicing my self confidence and I am getting there

so yeah I am kind of proud of myself I just saying I have all this now 14 years

ago I was addicted to methamphetamine

homeless you know couch to couch sleeping in washer and dryer rooms just

ended up in a mental hospital some of my friends like I don't even know what they

said but I was hanging out with a friend and then he was one of non meth smoking

user bless your heart Kenny and then I think he was talking to my girlfriend

and I ended up in a mental hospital and then the next thing I know I woke up in

some padded room and I was pissed off then they came with like a bunch of

Thorazine and hit me up all day so I'm speaking Spanish cuz I don't know why

when I get really really really messed up I speak Spanish is really bad 14

years basically I just want to let you know that you know if you found your way

across this video and you're like dude I'm the worst of the worst yeah I mean

I've been there and time they say time heals all wounds

I mean times the passing because now ok 14 years ago I say I'm a method I'm a

meth addict they say of course you are look at you ten years ago I used to be a

meth addict well yeah really okay five years ago I used to be a meth

addict seriously I don't know about that now

I used to be a meth that like people i I don't know it's like I almost have a

hard time believing myself I was now it's like I mean I'm one of the five

hundred thousand CPAs in America and I have a successful YouTube channel I'm

hitting all my goals I just I just want you to know that you guys that you can

do it if you're wondering like fuck because I know when I was going through

my addiction there was no YouTube there was I guess there was the internet it

was coming around like 2002 2003 yeah there was forget what I would do on the

internet a lot but I I want to tell you you know you stumble across me right now

and you're wondering can I make it yes you can one of my favorite is TD jakes

that you got a run to your future run to your future yeah I don't really have the

thing that to tell you howhow you're gonna find the strength to stop or want

but I can tell you that it's possible I'm living proof that it's possible now

math was just my main drug I done heroin all the opiates I could ever find I

don't know I don't really know what how I stopped in I him to articulate I just

guess I just wanted to basically I wanted to prove everybody wrong there's

no believe me but I believe in you so if you want to stop you can stop and get

some get some time under your belt and then one thing I want to say that one

day is fine one is awesome the first days the hardest

day this is CPA strength this is put some time between your addiction and

things can change I'm living proof of it anyways I'm out till tomorrow a juices

For more infomation >> From a METH addict to a Certified Public Accountant - Run to your Future - You can Change your Life - Duration: 4:38.


『LEGENDADO PT-BR』Paint Me - MAMAMOO『 CC 』 - Duration: 3:41.

For more infomation >> 『LEGENDADO PT-BR』Paint Me - MAMAMOO『 CC 』 - Duration: 3:41.


90 % людей сдаются в жизни именно из-за этого – 11 причин неудач, мешающих нам развиваться - Duration: 3:50.

For more infomation >> 90 % людей сдаются в жизни именно из-за этого – 11 причин неудач, мешающих нам развиваться - Duration: 3:50.


Розы под первым снегом - Duration: 1:33.

For more infomation >> Розы под первым снегом - Duration: 1:33.


The meaning of the Love in the Soufism YouTube - Duration: 3:42.

with the Name of Allah ...may the prayers be upon our beloved prophete Muhammad

so in the sufism the term Love is mentionned a lot

so what is the real definition of the Love for sufis Masters ?

in a authentic hadith Allah Taala says :

I was a hidden treasure

I wanted to be known

so I have created the creation and through me they have known me

so according to that hadith

sufis masters teach us

the origin and the purpose behind the creation is only Love

but at this epoque , Love has taken a lot of denominations

amont physicits is called the gravity

and the attraction wich keeps us on the ground is the manifestation of the Love

and the same thing for all the other basics attractions

for example the electrons wich revolve around the nuclear

also the rotation of the earth around the sun

and all the other basics attractions are the appearent manifestation of that Love

Allah taala has put the love in everything

sufis masters says that

even the low loves such as loving money ...

are also the appearent manifestation of that Love

in reality when we love something

even loving your spouse

in reality for the sufis Masters

you have just loved the secret and the wisdome of "I wanted to be known "

and all the links we find under different names

are only the love of tthe wisdome "I wanted to be Known"

in reality the Love is

all the links are only the God'sLove to all the creation

in the Book Hissab Ljoummal we find that

the term Lovewich is "Hub" in aarabic is divided into two letters the "H" and the "B"

the letter "H" refers to the number 8

and the letter "B" refers to the number 2 wich gives 10

sufis Masters says that

the number 1 refers to the owness of the God and the number 0 refers to the annihilation of the creation

in the book Hissab Ljoumal

the authentic hadith says " Fabi arafouni" translated by " through me they have known me "

"Fabi arafouni " refers to the number 92 in the book "Hissab Ljoummal "

the same thing with the name "Muhammad "

wich refers to the number 92 in the same book

so we can say in the hadith instade of "through me theyhave known me " we put " though Muhammad they have known me "

so the prophete Muhammad (pbuh) is the appearent manifestation of the Divine Love

and the reality of the universal love

through the Muhammadhoud Light

so we ask Allah taala to add us Light upon Light to get understanding

so that we can see only Him in everything , before everything and after everything

praise Lord Lord of glory and peace upon the messengers and praise to Allah

For more infomation >> The meaning of the Love in the Soufism YouTube - Duration: 3:42.


আন্তর্জাতিক খবর 4 জানুয়ারী 2018 ।ইরানে সরকারবিরোধী বিক্ষোভ । ইরান নিয়ে ঘোলাটে পরিস্থিতি মধ্যপ্রাচ্য - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> আন্তর্জাতিক খবর 4 জানুয়ারী 2018 ।ইরানে সরকারবিরোধী বিক্ষোভ । ইরান নিয়ে ঘোলাটে পরিস্থিতি মধ্যপ্রাচ্য - Duration: 12:05.


Essence Of Murli 05-01-2018 - Duration: 7:16.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 5th January 2018

( In today's Murli Baba inspires to imbibe elevated teachings. In Gita, its said, the stage of "stithpragya" is most elevated. )

( This is a stage when mind is not effected by praise or insult, highs or lows. Sweet Sweet Baba says in Murli of today.. )

Essence:Sweet children, here, you have to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect.

( This virtue is needed for each one of us to imbibe as we are in social field and we serve people. This virtue help create success in seva. )

So Baba says, here, you have to tolerate happiness and sorrow, respect and disrespect.

Remove the happiness of the old world from your intellects. Don't follow the dictates of your own minds.

Question:How is this birth even better than a deity birth?

Answer: At this time you children are eating from Shiv Baba's bhandara.

You earn a lot of income here. You have taken refuge with the Father.

It is in this birth that you make yourself happy in this world (lok) and in (parlok) the world beyond.

You give two handfuls of rice like Sudama did and claim the sovereignty for 21 births.

Song: Whether you are near or far, you are the image of my dreams

Essence for dharna: 1. This play is now coming to an end.

Therefore, remain beyond this old world. Make your fortune elevated by following shrimat.

Never perform wrong actions.

2. Earn and inspire others to earn an income of the imperishable jewels of knowledge.

Stay in remembrance of the one Father, become a worthy child and show the path to many others.

Blessing: May you be a lord of knowledge, an embodiment of knowledge, who travels to the three worlds with the vehicle of a divine intellect.

A divine intellect means a holy swan intellect.

A swan means one who is able to distinguish between milk and water, pearls and stones and to take the pearls.

This is why a holy swan is the vehicle of the confluence-aged goddess of knowledge, the embodiment of knowledge, Saraswati.

All of you are embodiments of knowledge and this is why you are lords of knowledge or goddesses of knowledge.

That vehicle is the sign of a divine intellect.

With the vehicle of that divine intellect, you can travel to the three worlds.

That vehicle is the fastest of all vehicles.

Slogan: To will all your powers to all souls is the most elevated service.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada.

The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 05-01-2018 - Duration: 7:16.


유니크한 남아공 카페 | Unique South African cafe vlog (EngSub) - Duration: 3:57.

There's like nothing around here, right?

Welcome to Africa lol

But there's a really cool and pretty cafe here.

It's quite a unique place.

Here's the cafe!

Let's go in

The name of the cafe is Karoo Cafe.

Karoo is then name of a big and famous desert in South Africa.

It's very beautiful. If you visit SA, come to the Karoo!

I had a good lunch and now it's time to look around a bit more.

The weather is sooo nice

It's holidays now so everyone pretty much went to the beach

No one is here

So quiet

It's not only a cafe, but here's a nursery where you can buy plants too

It seems like its gonna rain but its really humid too

Good weather ~ I can be with my thoughts in silence lol

Come hang out here guys!

I had a good time!

Thanks for watching and see you in the next video! Bye!

For more infomation >> 유니크한 남아공 카페 | Unique South African cafe vlog (EngSub) - Duration: 3:57.


5 Most Expensive Things Owned by Lana Rose - Duration: 5:35.

Nearly 1 million of you have watched our original ftd fats episode about lana rose she's one of the fastest growing

Youtube vloggers in dubai and the sister of the famous vlogger mo vlogs as of 2017 her

Net worth is estimated to be three million dollars now with that kind of wealth she definitely had and still has some very valuable

Assets in her possession here are the five most expensive or valuable things owned by lon of rose how's it going. Guys

My, name is lera kenton and this is ftd facts

And don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and check out our other video on lana rose, where

We cover a lot more interesting facts, about her the link to that video is also down

Below now we're counting down now starting from number five

Okay, so number five let's talk, about her for sachi, watch so lot of rose she filled

A video with her brother at mole flogs and one of their

Fans sent lana rose offers as she walked in the fan mail episode and another fan mail videos she's gotten other

Expensive jewelry as, well as perfume and other

Expensive luxurious items but

No one really knows a total of exact value of the items when you combine her watch with

Them but it's estimated to be several thousands of dollars for sure now moving on to her paintings now

Yeah, she's actually really talented so as a professional oil painter lot of rose has made quite a bit of money

From the oil paintings and she sells them for

Thousands at a time

Now the more she becomes famous the more valuable her paintings can

Become so of course that makes them pretty expensive possessions to have right there

Oh, yeah, now, we have her white range rover mow

Vlogs and lana rose actually owned a white range rover sport, which has since been sold now

These things are worth upwards of a hundred and fifty thousand dollars this car is a beast for off-road driving

and it can go from zero to 60 in

4.7. Seconds it has a 5.0. Liter v8 engine and the car has a very luxurious interior as

Well as a dual screen, where the driver and the passenger can

View two different things at the exact same time now number two in this episode is her youtube channel and social media

Accounts at the time of film this lana, rose has six hundred and ninety one thousand four hundred

And three subscribers on her youtube channel and each video earns

About two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand views on average she has eight hundred and sixty

Thousand instagram followers and when it comes to facebook she's at

A hundred ninety-five thousand fat fans her daily views currently earned her an estimated one hundred and twenty dollars a, day

Which is about forty four thousand dollars a

Year, that's just from youtube, ad revenue then, factoring in the sponsors, who pay her through, social media

Which can

Range anywhere from five thousand to ten thousand dollars per post based on her follower count

So if she does let's say even ten

sponsorships in a single year that is fifty thousand dollars if

Those sponsors were at five thousand dollars each so you combine that with her forty four thousand dollars of youtube

Ad revenue that's ninety four thousand dollars annually

And that's some pretty good income for having like, absolutely no production team working on your videos for you now

And these are just very conservative numbers that these estimates are based on so it could be a lot more

So her online accounts are worth really a lot of money and at number one if you know

Anything, about lana rose you probably guessed, this her purple lamborghini now, while she was gaining a lot

More success lana rose bought a, white lamborghini

Huracan, and after that i guess she got really bored of the white color so she wrapped it in purple and it has a top

speed of

201 miles per hour and goes from 0 to 60 in

3.4. Seconds the lamborghini huracan, was named the supercar of the year in 2014

by, top, gear magazine so yeah this car is

definitely a sex

Beast but now if you, want to go out. And buy one of these with the upgrades included it's gonna run

You, about three hundred and twenty thousand dollars

Cha-ching but speaking of money this episode of ftd facts, is brought to you, by time,

Ten, bucks is a website where you can

join For free and start earning money on things that you do every single, day

Online from watching videos to taking surveys and polls to just viewing content

And sharing content on your social media pages the link is down, below, where you can


Time bucks com for free and yet you get money just for joining so yea you are

Welcome and don't forget once you join time bucks invite your friends invite your family

Yeah, it's a good time and yeah have fun making money online

So that's it for this episode on the five most expensive and valuable things owned by lana rose, be sure to follow

Me on instagram to keep up to date with everything going, on when i'm not filming videos and i'll see you guys real soon


Guys, and if you really enjoyed this video?

We have a playlist right here of recommended videos that you definitely don't want to miss be sure to come

Back here tomorrow for more videos, we post videos daily, so yeah i'll be seeing you sooner than you probably thought all right later

For more infomation >> 5 Most Expensive Things Owned by Lana Rose - Duration: 5:35.


Play Doh Flowers Disney Princess Dresses Ariel, Merida, Belle and Snow White - Duration: 12:38.


You're tuned to the "Toys +1"!

Today we making play-doh flowers dresses

for Disney Princess Ariel, Merida, Belle and Snow White

Kids, did you guess what flowers they were?

Write in the comments.

You're on the channel "Toy +1"!

Please, like 👍👍👍 and share this video!

Bye Bye! 😉

For more infomation >> Play Doh Flowers Disney Princess Dresses Ariel, Merida, Belle and Snow White - Duration: 12:38.


"I Want Out" - HELLOWEEN cover - Duration: 4:41.


For more infomation >> "I Want Out" - HELLOWEEN cover - Duration: 4:41.


10 ricette facili e gustose con il salmone affumicato - Duration: 7:26.

For more infomation >> 10 ricette facili e gustose con il salmone affumicato - Duration: 7:26.


Sức khỏe - 7 vi thuốc hỗ trợ điều trị tiểu đường ✔ - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Sức khỏe - 7 vi thuốc hỗ trợ điều trị tiểu đường ✔ - Duration: 3:59.


Rattling hubcap: Don't Ignore It - GEICO - Duration: 0:48.

Car noises to never ignore: rattling in the hubcap.

Some car noises are perfectly normal, but some are not.

Like a coin in a clothes dryer coming from your wheel when driving a low speeds.

So, what does it mean?

Well, each wheel has lug nuts, which secure it to the vehicle.

If one becomes loose, it could make a rattling sound inside the hubcap.

If the lug nut falls out, it could damage your vehicle or make it unsafe to drive.

So, don't ignore it.

Take it to a mechanic asap to tighten the lug nuts.

So the next time you hear this sound, now you'll know.


Saving people money on more than just car insurance.

For more infomation >> Rattling hubcap: Don't Ignore It - GEICO - Duration: 0:48.


RELAXING MUSIC FOR BABIES Classical Music Baby Brain Development Lullabies for Babies to go to Sleep - Duration: 2:03:08.

relaxing music for babies

baby relaxing music

baby relax music

For more infomation >> RELAXING MUSIC FOR BABIES Classical Music Baby Brain Development Lullabies for Babies to go to Sleep - Duration: 2:03:08.


Free In App purchase on Android Apps Games | NO ROOT 2018 - Duration: 5:38.

"Hey what's up you guys my name is "BURHAN", Many friends asked me

to do a tutorial of free in app purchase on non-rooted device so watch this video

till end". this channel ghost net promotes any illegal content all content provided

by this channel is meant for educational purposes only before editing make sure

subscribe to show you guys I have installed the favorite game of mine Ski

Safari 2 and I'm going to show you how to get in app purchase in this game for

free without root so let me show you the shop section of this game where I have

to purchase paid items for free as you can see this is the shop in this game

and every premium items required a lot amount of coins to unlock or you can say

purchase to unlock these items we need to purchase those coins but as I told

you this video is about how to get free in app purchase for free so you do not

need to worry about it

now let me show you this device is rooted or not I'm going to check it with

the help of root checker as you can clearly see this device is not rooted so

you have to download her app called lucky patcher this app is for both

rooted a non rooted device so I have already installed this app download link

is in the description section now I'm going to open lucky patcher after

opening lucky patcher select your target app so I'm going to select Ski Safari to

then select manure patches and then select on create modified APK file now

select APK results for in-app and LVL emulation after that you select rebuild

the app now it will take time to create a modified APK file of this game after

that we have to uninstall the current install game and install this modified

APK file of this game

I'm going to skip this part because this will take up to ten minutes now as you

can see it is done so what we have to do is we have to uninstall the original

game and install this modified apk file

this is the modified apk file saved in a specific file location see it carefully

after uninstalling original game you have to install it to save time I am

going to minimize this now let's go to the original game and uninstall

as you can see I have successfully uninstalled the original game now I'm

going to install the modified apk file of this game

now let's go to the shop and see what happened to this game

as you can see the value of every items is zero now you can purchase whatever

you want enjoy thanks for watching friends do not forget to subscribe more

interesting tricks will be operated soon in English language bye have a good day

I will see you guys tomorrow subscribe if you haven't already because

we do act and stuff my name is Rohan and I'm signing up

For more infomation >> Free In App purchase on Android Apps Games | NO ROOT 2018 - Duration: 5:38.


Tiruppavai part 20 || Devotionals || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 28:03.

Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.

Please Share and Subscribe Our Channel Or Interesting Videos.

For more infomation >> Tiruppavai part 20 || Devotionals || MusicHouse27 - Duration: 28:03.


Squealing under the hood: Don't Ignore It - GEICO - Duration: 0:53.

Car noises to never ignore: squealing under the hood.

Some car noises are perfectly normal, but some are not.

Like a squealing noise from under the hood when you start your car or when you accelerate

on the highway.

So, what does it mean?

Well, your car has either a series of belts or a single belt, called a serpentine belt.

This drives your power steering pump and other parts.

Over time, the belt can become stretched or warm and may make a squealing noise.

If the belt brakes, your car could become unsafe to drive.

So, don't ignore it.

Take it to a mechanic asap.

Belts are easy and inexpensive to replace.

So next time you hear this sound, now you'll know.


Saving people money on more than just car insurance.

For more infomation >> Squealing under the hood: Don't Ignore It - GEICO - Duration: 0:53.


Engine clicking noise: Don't Ignore It - GEICO - Duration: 0:50.

Car noises to never ignore: clicking while turning.

Some car noises are perfectly normal, but some are not.

Like a snapping, popping, or clicking noise when you make a turn.

So, what does it mean?

Well, your car's drive train has an important feature called constant velocity joints, or

CV joints.

Over time, the rubber boot around each of these joints may crack, and the joints can

get damaged causing a clicking noise.

It could leave you with a broken axle and an unsafe car.

So, don't ignore it.

Take it to a mechanic asap to replace the CV joint.

So next time you hear this sound, now you'll know.


Saving people money on more than just car insurance.

For more infomation >> Engine clicking noise: Don't Ignore It - GEICO - Duration: 0:50.


How to Make Plantain Pancakes (Breakfast Recipe) | Plantain Pancakes-2018 - Duration: 3:08.

How to Make Plantain Pancakes (Breakfast Recipe) | Plantain Pancakes-2018

Hello friends welcome back if you're a returning viewer welcome

If this is your first time stopping by if you're not subscribed yet, please feel free to hit that red button and join the family

Today, I'm making plantain pancakes I had never heard of these or eaten them

But a friend of mine asked me if I could make them for her because she saw them somewhere

So I figured I'd give it a shot and you guys are coming along with me for this experiment

I'm using two very ripe plantains I decided to cut out the center part because I didn't want black specks in my pancakes

But I was like it doesn't really matter anyway

I'm cutting them out

Then I'm going to cut up my plantains and get them ready to go in the blender with the rest of my ingredients

one and a half cups of all-purpose flour

1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder one and a half tablespoons of melted butter

one teaspoon of vanilla and one a couple of evaporated milk

like I said, I'm going to pour all that in my blender and

Get to blending oh

Maybe I should have told you I'm using two eggs

I'm using two eggs my dad makes these pancakes with my niece and nephew, and they're not american-style pancakes

So I imagine that's what my Geryon pancakes are like so I'm going to try to make it that way

I've blended my ingredients and look at that beautiful smooth batter. That's what you want, and now we can get to fry

As you know I love my cast iron

so I am melting the remaining 1/2 tablespoon of butter and my pan on medium heat I

Will be frying the rest of my pancakes with oil

I'm using my 1/4 cup as a measuring tool, and I'm just going to pour that into the center of my pan I


Swirl it around a little bit so that my pancakes are not too thick

And then I'm just gonna watch for the bubbles and then once I see the bubbles that means it's time to flip mm-hmm

There we go if necessary give you a pancake a gentle tap

All right, and then just cook the other side and get get it onto your plate

So that's all the oil I'm going to be using to fry all of that batter in order to control how much oil I use

I use this brush to brush my pan, and then I just continue frying, so just watch again as I do this

Pour your batter on give it a swirl watch for the bubbles and then flip

It's full and there are pancakes I didn't show you the plantain I use so there it is well

That's not the one I use, but that's how ripe it was yeah, but our pancakes look beautiful

They taste okay to me

but I'll let my friend comment down below and tell us how they were I

Did add some sugar to the last four so if you want a really sweet you can do that? I'll see you next time

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