Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 4 2018

Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL

Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL

Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL

Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL

Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL

Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL

For more infomation >> Caitlyn Montage #19 - Best Caitlyn Plays 2018 | Razmik LOL - Duration: 10:34.





It's happening, folks!

California might be on the path of being great again.

They've been hoarding illegal immigrants for ages, and it could all come to a close

sooner than we think.

Gov. Jerry Brown and his liberal Democratic leadership have placed public safety in harm

for way too long.

Every time an illegal immigrant criminal is protected under sanctuary status, the people

are then placed in danger.

California is like an apartment building overcrowded with illegal immigrant criminals and Hollywood's

sexual predators.

Almost sounds like a prison, right?

Throw in a few wildfires, and you've got a crazy movie that could write itself!

Too bad it seems like the California government already wrote the script.

Now things are changing.

Now Gov. Jerry Brown is facing prosecution and a force that can't be reckoned with.

If he has any morals or sense left, then he'll make things right by cooperating with federal

law and eliminating every sanctuary status that lingers in California and making the

streets less safe for everyday Americans.

California's Governor is about to get a knock on the door from Thomas Homan, the current

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director.

Homan straight up said that California "better hold on tight" the moment Brown allowed

the sanctuary state law to happen.

The point was made that the sanctuary city status might protect the criminals as they

illegally creep around our beloved American cities looking for another victim, but ICE

has plans to snatch them from their hideaways and send them packing.

It's time for the law to be followed, not turned into a joke, and Americans deserve

safety from harbored criminals who came to America illegally.

Fox News reports: "Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Director Thomas Homan said California "better hold on tight" after its liberal Democratic

governor allowed a sanctuary state law to take effect this week.

Neil Cavuto said that Gov. Jerry Brown claimed the law will protect illegal immigrants living

quietly in the shadows of society from law enforcement intent on "yanking them out

of there."

"I think it's terrible," Homan said, adding that Brown's action put politics

in front of public safety."

If Gov. Brown thinks he can protect all the illegal immigrant criminals and that's good

for Americans, then he's wrong.

That's not good for anyone except for those who break the law.

Imagine living in a city crawling with illegal immigrant criminals lurking by the wayside,

just waiting for the next victim to be at their mercy.

Some of the illegal immigrant criminals are involved in sexually related crimes that often

have children as victims.

Is that who Democrats like Gov. Brown wish to protect?

Those types of violent illegal immigrant criminals should be the first people deported.

Fox News continues: "There's no sanctuary from law enforcement,"

he said.

"California better hold on tight – they're about to see a lot more deportation officers.

If politicians don't protect their communities then ICE will."

Homan said illegal alien smuggling organizations will use the California law as a "selling

point" and that Brown "bit off a lot more than he can chew."

Homan said that Brown and other sanctuary-jurisdiction leaders may have violated 8 U.S. Code § 1324

– relating to "harboring certain aliens."

He said he hopes the Justice Department will look into whether officials can be criminally

charged under the statute.

According to text of the federal law cited by Homan, any person "knowing… the fact

that an alien has come to… the United States in violation of the law, conceals, harbors

or shields from detection… such [an] alien in any place" can face fines and/or up to

several years in prison."

Homan essentially suggests that Gov. Brown's activity could lead him to prosecution.

If liberal Democrat leader Gov. Brown is prosecuted and removed from office, then ICE could do

their work without facing any pushback from those who wish to harbor illegal alien criminals.

America has enough of its criminals, so why would anyone wish to contain more in their


This is the same Gov. Brown who made it possible for people to infect others with HIV purposely

and it's no longer a felony.

I believe Governor Brown is breaking the law, needs to be prosecuted, and the people of

California will suffer significantly from him being in charge.

The time has come for an actual change and to Make California Great Again.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! CALIFORNIA Gov To Be PROSECUTED! - Duration: 4:32.


PyeongChang Olympic Organizing Committee has long prepared for North Korea's participation - Duration: 2:11.

Bracing for the fast-developing inter-Korean relations,...

The PyeongChang Winter Olympics organizing committee says it's ready for North Korea

and a successful Winter Games.

Our Lee Ji-won tells us more.

North Korea's willingness to participate in the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics came

as a big surprise to many,... but the PyeongChang Organizing Committee and the Korean Sports

and Olympic Committee seem far more confident about it.

President of the organizing committee Lee Hee-beom said at a ceremony to renew the committee's

determination for the global sporting event, held at the PyeongChang Olympic Stadium on

Wednesday, that the organizing committee has been preparing for North Korea's participation

in the games for a long time,... and that these preparations are not just limited to

Pyongyang's athletes but to the whole team,... including the cheering squad and performers.

Lee said the specifics will be discussed through the government's talks with the North.

While the International Olympic Committee said that it's willing to cover all costs

for North Korean athletes through its Olympic Solidarity program,... the cost for the support

team will have to be discussed between the two Koreas.

There has also been growing speculation over the two Koreas participating in the games

as a single team.

And while Lee Kee-heung, President of Korean Sports and Olympic Committee, said that they

will keep all options open,... they will also make sure no South Korean athlete will have

to forgo their place after 4 years of hard work

Although Pyongyang's figure skating duo Ryom Tae-ok and Kim Ju-sik qualified to compete

at PyeongChang 2018, they lost their spots after failing to register by the participation


However, with the IOC's wildcard,... the figure skating duo, and Pyongyang's strong short

track, speed skating and women's ice hockey teams could be competing at South Korea's

alpine resort town next month.

Lee Ji-won, Arirang News, Pyeongchang.

For more infomation >> PyeongChang Olympic Organizing Committee has long prepared for North Korea's participation - Duration: 2:11.


আজ থাক কাল করবো, আপনি কি এইরকম ভাবেন | how to overcome procrastination | bangla motivational video - Duration: 5:16.

For more infomation >> আজ থাক কাল করবো, আপনি কি এইরকম ভাবেন | how to overcome procrastination | bangla motivational video - Duration: 5:16.



hi guys what's going on my name is Hudson Hernan and today I'm going to be

doing my first prank video on this channel so right now zali is at

dancing class so I have some sticky notes and we're gonna fill her room

her walls her bed and her floor with stickynotes so lets get into it

right now this is her room she's cleaned it up before she left and

when it comes in there's gonna be sticky notes everywhere

yeah sorry this is how much I have done on the wall its it she's about five

minutes away because my mom just texted me saying that she's coming

sorry this is the wall so far but I'm just gonna stop now quickly set up the gopro

for it and then we're just gonna see what her reaction is so let's do this

i set up the camera she is just walking up the stairs now

so guys I really hope you enjoyed that prank video I'm really sorry that she

came home early so I didn't get to very much but if you did enjoy make sure to

like subscribe hit that Bell and share with your friends if you have any

other ideas for pranks tell me in the comments below what I should do and tell

me who I should do it on so see you next time! time

For more infomation >> STICKY NOTE PRANK ON SISTERS WALL! (PRANK WARS) - Duration: 1:58.


Nhạc Chơi Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Lên Rank Thách Đấu ➞ Những Bản Nhạc EDM Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:00:07.


For more infomation >> Nhạc Chơi Liên Minh Huyền Thoại Lên Rank Thách Đấu ➞ Những Bản Nhạc EDM Gây Nghiện Hay Nhất 2018 - Duration: 1:00:07.


Mincarb TATA UNSW Remote Water Treatment Concept - Duration: 2:40.

The water genie is our remote water treatment solution

Designed for harsh conditions, the water genie produces water for small communities where access to reliable power is difficult

Our water genie is base around low energy technology at the heart of the product

The genie will remove fluoride at levels considered dangerous for drinking

The genie has capacity for 2 electrodes for redundancy

Filtration removes solids

UV disinfection

A custom fluoride sensor to ensure water is safe for drinking

high flow solar pump

and piping

The genie has a built- in solar array

We choose high quality panels conforming to Australian standards

Our energy management system is designed to meet harsh remote conditions

It has data logging capability to visualize usage

It is capable of connecting to the internet

The genie will tell you when it needs to be serviced

The genie features Endurogel batteries

filling occurs by dispensing points

Just place an NFC enabled device next to it.

The genie will dispense your water

The battery provides for night time use

and flood lighting

For more infomation >> Mincarb TATA UNSW Remote Water Treatment Concept - Duration: 2:40.


While Trump Tweets Support To Protesters, Iranian Regime Issues - Duration: 5:12.

While Trump Tweets Support To Protesters, Iranian Regime Issues Ominous Threat

Protesters continued to denounce Iran�s clerical regime on Sunday, even as government

officials promised to crack down on dissidents with an �iron fist� if the unrest does

not stop.

Tens of thousands of Iranians have taken to streets across the country to protest the

ruling clerical elite and its foreign and domestic policies over the past four days.

It is the largest mass demonstration against the regime since 2009, when then-president

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won re-election in a widely disputed election.

The Iranian government warned protesters on Sunday they would face reprisal for the unauthorized


�Those who damage public property, violate law and order and create unrest are responsible

for their actions and should pay the price,� Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli

said, according to a Reuters translation of state media.

What began Thursday as scattered protests over Iran�s faltering economy quickly morphed

into a countrywide uprising against the regime�s endemic corruption and foreign interventions,

that many Iranians see as the root causes of the country�s economic malaise.

Demonstrators have called on Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to step down and even

shouted �Long live Reza Shah,� referring to the king who ruled Iran from 1925 to 1941

and was overthrown in the 1979 Iranian Revolution.

The demands break a political taboo in Iran, indicating a level of discontent that represents

the single biggest political challenge to the regime since the revolution, that created

the Islamic Republic.

Unlike the 2009 unrest, the protests over the weekend appear entirely spontaneous and

without direction from opposition leaders.

They have also extended far beyond Tehran, the country�s center of political gravity,

to smaller, more conservative cities throughout the country, suggesting widespread dissatisfaction

with the regime.

Iran has a dual system of republican and clerical rule, but the supreme leader rules for life

and is the head of armed forces.

The arrangement gives Ayatollah Khamenei more power over foreign and economic policy than

Hassan Rouhani, Iran�s current elected president.

Rouhani came into office promising to expand rights to freedom of expression and assembly.

He also said the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, which is thus far his main achievement, would lead

to better economic conditions as international sanctions were lifted as part of the agreement.

Those economic improvements have failed to materialize, with corrupt and incompetent

clerical hardliners mismanaging critical economic sectors such as imports and energy.

Joblessness is rampant � the unemployment rate in 2017 was over 12 percent � and prices

for basic staples like eggs and poultry have soared in recent months.

Anger over the sputtering economy sparked this weekend�s protests, however, political

grievances have sustained the resistance through an increasingly harsh response by the regime.

Demonstrators called for an end to clerical rule on Friday and Saturday and demanded the

government roll back its costly intervention in Syria.

�Leave Syria alone, give a thought to us,� protesters chanted, according to BuzzFeed

News correspondent Borzou Daragahi.President Donald Trump�s administration has issued

several statements affirming support for the protesters and calling for reform.

The State Department had harsh words for the Iranian regime on Friday, saying it has turned

Iran into an �economically depleted rogue state whose chief exports are violence, bloodshed,

and chaos.�

Trump himself has tweeted three times about the unrest.

He said on Sunday Washington would �closely� monitor the situation for human rights violations.

Big protests in Iran.

The people are finally getting wise as to how their money and wealth is being stolen

and squandered on terrorism,� Trump said on Twitter.

�Looks like they will not take it any longer.

The USA is watching very closely for human rights violations!�

A version of this article appeared on The Daily Caller News Foundation website.

What do you think?

Scroll down to comment below.

For more infomation >> While Trump Tweets Support To Protesters, Iranian Regime Issues - Duration: 5:12.



For more infomation >> ESCOVA ROTATIVA | RESENHA - Duration: 4:42.


Deep freeze keeps people inside, sick - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> Deep freeze keeps people inside, sick - Duration: 1:15.


COVER LAGU BATAK 'AUT BOI NIAN' Stevan Pasaribu - Duration: 1:18.

For more infomation >> COVER LAGU BATAK 'AUT BOI NIAN' Stevan Pasaribu - Duration: 1:18.


Try Not to Laugh Vine Edition - Duration: 11:59.

For more infomation >> Try Not to Laugh Vine Edition - Duration: 11:59.


New Windows Naperville IL 847-427-6200 New Windows Naperville IL - Duration: 1:16.

New Windows Naperville IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?

Are air leaks and drafts from your windows adding unnecessary costs to

your heating and cooling bills?

Your windows are designed to not only improve your home's appearance,

but to also save money on your heating and cooling costs.

When shopping for replacement windows you have a lot of important

decisions to make..

Luckily, we're here to help!

We're certified local window contractors that can help guide you through

the window purchasing process according to your speci?c style and budget.

We also understand that installation, including anchoring, insulating and

sealing the window to the house to make it airtight and watertight, is as

important as the quality of the window itself.

If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new

replacement windows, give us a call today for a free, no-pressure in-home


For more infomation >> New Windows Naperville IL 847-427-6200 New Windows Naperville IL - Duration: 1:16.


The ICRC'S Asian Assessment - Duration: 2:38.

Our top priority right now in Asia will be Myanmar, first because I think we are confronted

with an issue which is complex.

More than 600,000 people have fled as we know from Myanmar to Bangladesh and I think it's

a situation which will last and I think we need to be aware of what is happening there

and being able to follow and really trying to do our work within the crisis so that's one.

Priority number two is Philippines, very important.

I think we should not underestimate what happens in Malawi and in Mindanao and I think we will

also focus in a country which is also prone to natural disaster.

Priority three, very important to us, is of course Afghanistan.

I don't think we will see a deal at least not in the coming months which will help the

people to somewhat find stability, so what we see is also more migrants crisis and maybe

that's the fourth priority.

The migrant crisis will continue to affect Asia.

And the fifth priority for us is of course what is happening or what might happen in

the Korean Peninsula.

We have a role to play, very specific, when it comes to connecting family together.

In war sometimes or in crisis your family links are broken and we are bringing them back together.

Technology is totally central to our work and I would say two types of technology.

First low-tech technology, we always forget frugal technology because I think that one

thing we always forget is that technology requires electricity and regular power, and

there's lots of places where the power is not a given at all.

So we need to build constantly and use really innovation to build very low-tech technology

which helps us to produce sustainable response that's very critical, especially when it

comes to health.

At the same time you have to be cutting edge, one of the biggest questions right now we

are working on is blockchain.

We have to master the question of blockchain because tomorrow, if you think two minutes

about that, you might be forced to migrate yourself.

Today it's very difficult to carry your identity, most of the time you will lose your

passport, your identity will not recognized in other country.

The big thing we are working on right now is how are we able to provide people

with technical, digital identity which will help them to have a continued access to health

for example.

But to do that you need to protect their data, protection of data will be one of the central

questions we will have to deal with.

And here, we have to be at the cutting edge of technology.

For more infomation >> The ICRC'S Asian Assessment - Duration: 2:38.


x86 Assembly - Part 27 | Local Variables and Arguments Passing - Part 2 - Duration: 6:22.

Hey Everyone, I am Vikram Salunke

and welcome to x86 Assembly

So, this is a video no 27

and this is a part 2 of Local Variables and

Arguments Passing

In this video we will execute our C Program

and we will analyse execution of assembly instructions

in Visual Studio, so let's get started

this is our C program

we already Built the program in a last video

so if you want to know what happens when

we click on Build or

when we click on Debug

then please watch my last video

now we want to Debug it

but before that we will set a Breakpoint here

then we will click on Debug

we will Right Click here and click on

Go to Disassembly

this is our Assembly code

these are our Registers

and this is our Stack

we will start the execution from main()

now currently ESP is pointing at

0012FF6C and that has value 00401328

that value is a return address of a function

who called main()

which is beyond our scope of program

so we will not go detail into that

as we saw in a previous video

EBP contains the stack frame pointer of that function

currently, EBP contains the stack frame pointer

of a function who called main()

and now that function called main()

so we will start execution from main()

now the first instruction in main()

is at 00401030 the first two lines

are responsible to setup a stack for a main()

for that we will push the old function's stack frame

onto the stack

after that we will move ESP into the EBP

and from that point the main()'s stack frame will begin

and main()'s all the local variables, arguments which

they are passing to another function will get stored

onto that stack frame

that's why the stack frame is very important

each function has it's own stack frame onto the stack

that stack frame contains that function's

local variables, registers and arguments that

needs to pass to another function

so, in this program the main() will have it's own stack frame

and the function() will have it's own stack frame

and main() will contain it's local variables,

it's registers, and the arguments which needs to

pass to the function()

and when we will execute from function()

the function() will contain it's own

local variables, it's registers etc.

first instruction is push ebp

EBP 0012FFB8

will get push onto the stack

let's Step Into that

EBP got pushed

after that esp will get move into ebp

esp is 0012FF68 that will get move into EBP

let's step into that

now ESP is into the EBP

and from this point

it will be main()'s stack frame onto the stack

as we saw earlier main() has 3 variables

int a, int b and int value

now the loader will allocate space

space for those variables onto the stack

int data types has 4 byte size

that' why for each variable

4 bytes will be allocated onto the stack

next instruction is subtract 0C from the ESP

now main() has 3 variables

each variable will have 4 bytes

so, the total space will be required

is 12 bytes

and 0C in hexadecimal represents 12

so, we will subtract 12 from the ESP

and using that instruction

the space will be allocated for 3 variables onto the stack

currently ESP is 0012FF68

let's step into that

as we can see we have subtracted 12 bytes from the ESP

and ESP is currently pointing at 0012FF5C

we have made space to store

3 local variables of main() onto the stack

next instruction is move 1 into the

pointer of a

now double word represents 32 bits

as we saw earlier for 3 variables

the space got allocated

and each space has it's own pointer

for variable 'a' the pointer will be ptr a

for variable 'b' the pointer will be ptr b

and for variable 'value' the pointer will be ptr value

now we will move 1 into the memory

where ptr a is pointing

let's step into that

as we can see

00000001 got moved onto the stack

and this was a location for ptr a

next we are moving 00000002 into

the memory allocated by ptr b

let's execute that

ok, 00000002 moved onto the stack

next C statement is we are calling function()

and passing 2 arguments 'a' and 'b'

now as we have seen in a cdecl video

when one function calls another function

and pass some arguments

those arguments will get push onto the stack

from right to left

in the right there is variable 'b'

in the left there is variable 'a'

so, 'b' will get push first

after that 'a' will get push

next instruction is

we are moving value pointed by ptr b into eax

step into that

as we can see

the value was pointed by pointer b was 00000002

and that got moved into EAX

next instruction is we will push that EAX

onto the stack

step into that

that got pushed onto the stack

next instruction is

we are moving value pointed by

ptr a into ECX

step into that

so, the value pointed by ptr b was 00000001

and that got moved into ECX

next instruction is we will push

that ECX onto the stack

step into that

0000001 got pushed onto the stack

after that main() is calling function()

when one function calls another function

the next instruction's address will get push

onto the stack

because when that function will finish it's execution

it can return to the calling function

using that return address

so, the next instruction address is 00401051

that will get push onto the stack

and after that EIP will point to 401000

to begin execution from function()

let's step into that

as we can see the return address

got pushed onto the stack

and EIP is now pointing to the 00401000

that's it for this video

the remaining part of this program

we will see in the next video

so, stay tuned

Thank you :)

For more infomation >> x86 Assembly - Part 27 | Local Variables and Arguments Passing - Part 2 - Duration: 6:22.


Vikos Gorge / Greece-has-Soul / Katerina Soldatou / Extreme Aerial Dance - Duration: 10:45.

Three weeks ago I saw Katerina on television.

She was being interviewed for her project "Greece has Soul" that takes place in different locations in Greece.

The Reporters asked her which was the next location she had in mind.

And she said "The Rio-Antirio bridge and another place which is my dream but I won't tell

But the reporters insisted and fortunately she revealed it. The "Vikos Gorge"

I jumped up my seat and instantly searched the web in order to find some kind of contact

and immediately after she got outside the studio I called her on the phone

and told her "Katerina it's time your dream come true".

"We are doing this in Vikos"

Watching Katerina in videos all around Greece was nice

but being part of the whole process and near the action was such a unique experience

that made me feel complete and full of energy.

Unbelievable experience

the special thing about the attempt in the Gorge wasn't only the location and it's surroundings

but mostly the people.

They gave me so much love and protection.

I wasn't feeling frightened nor cold because I was surrounded by so much love.

Today we are happy because our mission was a success

and the weather helped us.

Which wasn't the story yesterday making Katerina's attempt very difficult.

The wind was extremely strong pulling the silks up high in the air.

The silks might seem to be light but in reality they are very heavy.

when I tried to pull them up I realized how hard it must be for her to control them.

We finally made it and everything went well.

The Rigging wasn't easy, we had to tight the ropes from one side to the opposite side with the help of the drone.

But at the end everything went well.

We are very happy and satisfied!

And we got lost. Now we have to find a way to get back.

Somewhere around our way back, we got lost.

But it's not that difficult. We have to go over five ridges.

We have to go that way Vassili.

We had an awesome experience with the Greece has soul team.

In a different, beautiful , poetic way they were diving, flying inside the Gorge.

What we experienced cannot be easily described in words.

What happened was so beautiful for every each one of us living here

and for people that would like to travel here.

All these images make you want to come and experience this place.

All these activities are wonderfull beacause they're totally harmonized with nature.

All these activities do not harm the environment

instead they highlight the beauty of nature with a different point of view.

And of course we appreciate that the GHS team supports our campaign

to stop petroleum extraction in Zagori.

It's true, there are still some trying to drill petroleum

in times were people are embracing renewable energy sources in order to protect our climate.

There are people who don't understand

that national parks, geoparks, tourism, nature, future

and sustainability of humanity are inconsistent with petrol.

Antonis, Katerina is going down.

I feel so complete .

I have so many things running through my mind right now,

so many images in my head,

many hugs, the big heights , the wind, the cold, hot.

I am so full of emotions.

I feel so complete, complete, complete.

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