Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

This time on Rad Rat Video, we talk about Shaun Palmer's pro snowboarder on Game Boy


Let's just do it.

[Music] Welcome back to Rad Rat Video, the channel

you can learn something new about skateboarding three times a week.

Every Monday Wednesday and Friday, we take a look at something in the skateboarding world

and every now and then we venture a little bit outside of that into snowboarding, BMX

and other things.

This time we're going to take a look at Shaun Palmer's pro snowboarder.

This was an impulse buy.

I saw this at the game store complete with the box and the manual and all that stuff

for like two bucks, so I figured it was worth taking a shot.

At least it would look good on the shelf.

But after a year of sitting there, I figured I might as well actually pop it into the Game

Boy and see if it's any good.

And as you might expect, it is not.

But I did want to show you something kind of interesting.

There's not a lot of enjoyment to be had out of this game, so you got to take what you

can get.

I wanted to show you Shaun White's picture in the manual.

Yeah, he's like 15 years old here.

So I thought that was kind of funny to see, knowing that he will become one of the best

snowboarders ever.

So it's kind of cool to see him in there… and at this point I'm just stalling because

I don't want to get into the game.

But let's just do it.

This is what the game looks like.

It's not very exciting, but you can't expect much more.

This is the Gameboy Color after all.

It's got 2 buttons, and no 3D capabilities, so this really isn't that bad.

You steer with the up and down buttons, which generally works.

But just like in 720, you actually have to turn if you want to go downhill.

You'll get stuck banging against a wall like this more often than you can imagine.

Right on the d-pad will make you lean forward.

I guess it should make you go faster, but it doesn't seem to do anything.

Back doesn't seem to do anything either.

But what about tricks?

How can they squeeze a decent trick system onto 2 buttons?

Here's how it works - the A button is crouch and ollie.

Just like you might expect.

If you tap it in the air, you'll spin 180.

Tap it a bunch of times to get higher spins.

Or, hit it in combination with a direction and you'll do a grab.

Left-right and right-left will be some kind of special trick.

The B button is for braking, and ALSO for slides.

Slides are technically automatic, but they don't work a lot of the time.

Hitting B in the air will make you turn sideways and then you'll lock into the slide a lot


You can do grinds like the wheelie and the nose 5-0.

This is just lazy.

I'm no snowboarding expert, but you know who is?

Shaun Palmer, Shaun White, or any of the other people in the game here.

Did you really think that a board with no wheels has a trick called a 'wheelie'?

Don't be stupid.

Uh, okay I guess some people call it that.

But that's not on a rail, so the point still stands!

So you've got grabs, spins and grinds.

Let's get into the freestyle mode of the career and see what we've got to do.

Pretty basic stuff.

High score, higher score, collect some letters, and…

9 ball, corner pocket?

OK, let's just work on some of the stuff I know how to do.

So I ride through the level, doing tricks and grinds and stuff, and…

I got nowhere close to the high score.

This is the first level, and I'm nowhere near the score I need!

What's going on?

Luckily, I have the actual game booklet, so I checked it out.

And you need to build combos with manuals.

Do a giant drop, land in a manual, then keep it going.

The manuals aren't worth any points, but they just allow you to link something together

and build your multiplier.

This makes some kind of sense in theory but it really doesn't work.

You tap up-down as you land, which you're probably used to from all the Tony Hawk games.

But a good amount of the time, it just doesn't work.

I can swear I'm doing it right, but it doesn't happen.

Also, you'll lose your manual if you run into things.

Considering how small the screen is and how little you can actually see at any given moment,

it's tough to avoid some of the stuff you run into, especially when you hit a downhill

spot, like I mentioned before.

But the worst part is that the manual will only last a couple of seconds before your

rider automatically lands it.

So you can't wait it out until the next jump.

You're always in a hurry to get out of that manual and jump on something.

There's very little you can do on flat, and you can't just ollie back into manual,

so you'll find yourself throwing your character at a rail that's too far away and messing

up your line.

Not that the grinds work very well anyway.

It's pretty common to be grinding a series of rails, or benches or cars or whatever,

and just not locking in on one of them.

You're obviously lined up right, and it should work without having to hit anything.

But so often, it just doesn't.

ect with, as if you're actually turning left.

Really weird.

You've got that little shadow under you to help you figure out how to line yourself

up, but it rarely helps.

After quite a bit of practice, I finally managed to figure out how to land some decent combos

and get higher scores.

I was able to get the first few levels.

But the last one wants 50,000 points!

I don't think I've ever gotten more than 20, and I was really putting everything into


With only 4 levels, the difficulty ramps up stupidly fast.

One of the other challenges is to collect the letters to SHRED.

SKATE letters work great in the Tony Hawk series, so why not here?

It's the same reason why collecting stuff always sucks in snowboarding games.

As soon as you pass it, it's gone.

There's no turning around and picking it up.

You have to have a perfect run, and that's it.

If the SHRED letters are pretty far down the level, it might take you a minute and a half

to get there.

If you miss, you start over.

That's all you can do.

And since the level looks completely bland and nothing stands out, they're easy to

miss, so you're guaranteed to spend at least an hour getting these.

So much of the game feels like it's just padding itself out to waste your time.

Another obvious example of that is the completion time challenge.

These are usually really close - a good run might get you a second or two ahead of the

time you need.

That means that you can't do anything else while you're going for the time - you can't

waste time doing tricks and risking a bail, or exploring to find letters and gaps.

So you'll spend at least a few runs trying to get that time.

The last thing here is the gaps.

And these can be pretty annoying.

Of course.

It just gives you the name of the gap, which is usually pretty easy to decipher.

"9 ball, corner pocket" obviously has something to do with a pool table, but you

don't really know what.

I have to grind one of these pool tables and knock the ball in, maybe?

Well, no.

After a few attempts, I figured out that you have to grind them all in one combo.

Although, because of the way the grinds work, that's easier said than done.

And you don't know whether you got it or not until you reach the finish line.

In this one, I had to grind 4 cars in a combo.

So I hit these 3, land in a manual and hit a forth one.


Not good enough.

You have to specifically hit THESE 4.

But it's not going to tell you that.

One level wants me to ride the lift.

I never figured that one out.

This one seems obvious though.

I have to do a 3 trick combo on a blowhole.

I found a hole with a tiny whale jumping around in it.

This has got to be it, right?

Well, I did a 3 trick combo, finished my run, and nothing happened.

If this isn't the blowhole, why is there a whale here?

Just to mess with you?

Just to purposely frustrate you and make you mad?

Why would they do this?

I'm assuming it is right, and it just didn't register for no good reason.

Let's try another mode to cleanse our palettes a little.

Here's the super pipe, which could be fun.

You get this half pipe that goes on and on, and then with about 15 seconds left, it will


I get what they're going for - if you bail, you don't get more time than if you had

a clean run.

But the graphics make no indication that you're getting close to the end, so it really sucks

when you're close to the next score limit and it just stops.

Of course, the whole mode sucks.

The controls are the same, for the most part.

You hold left or right to get speed coming into the wall.

Instead of ollieing, you just air out… to a completely random amount of height.

How could they mess this up?

I hold left or I hold right.

I either bail or land perfectly clean.

There's no real variation in here that would explain why I get 10 feet this time, then

don't even make it to the lip the next time.

But I think I figured out why.

This mode is just too boring.

All you use is the A button.

Try to do a couple of tricks in the same air, and that's it.

No manuals or grinds or anything.

If you got the same amount of air every time, then you'd get really bored.

So in a fun way to mix it up, they took out the predictability and control that you have,

and make it so you have to react to what the random number generator cooked up for you.

It's infuriating.

I don't think I did better than silver in any of these events just because of how frustrating

it is.

And they're long, so each attempt will really add up.

The last mode is the race.

These are weird.

Yes you can lean forward and backward, but that really doesn't seem to do anything.

If you can stay on the course, turning in the right spots, and if you can avoid all

the random crap in the level, you'll probably win.

But you never really know how you're doing until you cross the finish line because you

won't be close enough to anyone else to see them.

After I beat pretty much every challenge, I unlocked my first new board, which doubled

or tripled all my stats.

But there wasn't that much left to do.

There's this last level with the insane score total I'm supposed to reach, but having

a better board that spins faster really isn't that much help.

And going faster probably makes it harder.

You just can't react on time to the stuff that flies at you without memorizing the whole


And I'm not going to do that.

After you complete a couple of challenges, you might want to save the game and come back


It's a portable game system with a career mode that you can't beat in one sitting,

so of course you can save your game, right?

Well no, not really.

This game has a password system, and for those of you who might not remember that i will

describe how that works.

For most games where you had to save it, like final fantasy or Zelda or anything like that

on a cartridge, it would have a little battery and that battery would keep part of the cartridge

awake to remember or what you were doing, basically.

And that worked really, really well.

They last about 20 years.

If you still have your original Pokémon Red cartridge from back in the day, there's a

decent chance that it still works.

But if the publisher wanted to really cheap out, they would give you a password and so

what it is, is here they're outsourcing the saving into your hand and some paper.

Or in my case, taking a picture of the screen with my phone.

But for a lot of games it was really simple.

It was what stage you're on, how many lights you have, that's basically it.

So the password could be really short.

But look at this one.

It is not short at all, because you have to keep track of what levels you have unlocked,

what events you finished, what boards you have unlocked, which one you have equipped,

what character you've used, and all that kind of stuff.

So this password is just ridiculously out of control.

That may seem like a really small thing, but this game is frustrating enough as it is,

after a while you're going to want to take a break.

But every time you pick the game back up, you feel like you're being punished for it.

What else can you do in this game?

There's a versus mode!

But it requires a link cable, and a person you hate, so I didn't get a chance to try

that out.

There's also a free ride mode, where you can just do the same stuff without getting

any credit for it.

I tried out the superpipe here, and it's literally the same thing.

Except I think I got enough points for gold finally, but it just didn't matter.

I somehow did a 7 trick combo in one air.

I realized that I get more air on the right side of the ramp.

I tried turning around in the flatbottom in case that made any difference, and it didn't.

Oh well.

I went as far as I could in the career mode.

This last level is really hard, and really annoying.

Every time you restart, it shows you this self indulgent cutscene of the level to show

it off.

It's literally the same stuff as every other level, except there are caves that you have

to go through.

You crash into a wall, lose your combo, and then steer up to them.

I wouldn't be bragging about this design too much.

So that's Shaun Palmer's pro snowboarder on the Game Boy Color.

I don't know what you expected, or what I expected because I'm the one that actually

bought it.

But there's no reason to go back and play this 16 year old game at this point.

There is nothing to offer in this one.

I thought it'd be cool just to have all the like Activision O2 series all lined up on

my shelf, but by the time you see this, this probably sold on ebay for a penny and i'll

be happy to get rid of it.

You know, even if you see this, you know, sealed in perfect condition, brand-new looking

for 4 cents: don't even bother.

You're not doing yourself any favors.

You're not doing anybody any good by playing this game, so just leave it and let it fade

away into history.

Leave playing terrible skateboarding, snowboarding, etc type of games to me.

I'll take care of it and I will suffer through that for you.

So that's all for now.

Here are some more videos that youtube recommends that you might want to check out, and I do

a lot of other game reviews and lots of other skateboarding topics in general.

Tap my logo in the middle of the screen to subscribe and check out my website

to see what i've got going on over there as well.

Thank you for watching.

For more infomation >> Shaun Palmer Snowboarding on GameBoy Color - Skater Reviews - Duration: 12:21.


هنا يوجد الحل في دقائق👈 🍃 بالنسبة ل نعيمة الحامل ل9 ـسنوات بمدينة أزرو - Duration: 5:19.

pregnant woman

For more infomation >> هنا يوجد الحل في دقائق👈 🍃 بالنسبة ل نعيمة الحامل ل9 ـسنوات بمدينة أزرو - Duration: 5:19.


DEUS MANDA MENSAGEM A 1ª Geração a se libertar - Duration: 12:24.

For more infomation >> DEUS MANDA MENSAGEM A 1ª Geração a se libertar - Duration: 12:24.


Tome esta bebida durante 20 dias e adeus barriga caída sem plástica! - Duration: 2:11.

For more infomation >> Tome esta bebida durante 20 dias e adeus barriga caída sem plástica! - Duration: 2:11.


Top 15 VR Games 2017 (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PSVR, Windows Mixed Reality) - Duration: 10:39.

For more infomation >> Top 15 VR Games 2017 (Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PSVR, Windows Mixed Reality) - Duration: 10:39.


Marcos Nava - (É você que eu amo) - Duration: 4:07.

For more infomation >> Marcos Nava - (É você que eu amo) - Duration: 4:07.


CBC NL Here & Now Friday January 5 2018 - Duration: 1:02:32.

For more infomation >> CBC NL Here & Now Friday January 5 2018 - Duration: 1:02:32.


Cover Non ti scordare mai di me italien - Duration: 3:59.

For more infomation >> Cover Non ti scordare mai di me italien - Duration: 3:59.


Agrega Esto a Tus Pies y NUNCA VOLVERÁS a Sufrir de MAL OLOR en su Vida - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Agrega Esto a Tus Pies y NUNCA VOLVERÁS a Sufrir de MAL OLOR en su Vida - Duration: 3:34.


Life Observations: Dogs - Duration: 3:57.

There's something I noticed.

Dogs are the best.

It's always nice to come home to somebody that's always super excited to see you.

If only my wife would have the same attitude.

"You're home! Ahhh!"

It's a universal dog attitude to be excited by people -- as evidenced by doorbells.

What's more, they can never tell when the sound is coming from a television.

I always try to explain, "It was just the TV."

Like they speak English.

"Ah my bad man, I thought that was OUR doorbell."

Sometimes we do speak a different language to our dogs.

When I have a friend stop by it's "Hello dogs.

I hope you are well."

When I'm by myself it's a little different.

"These are my furken purpies, this is the purpie song.

Aw you give me keesis?"

I don't really talk like that to anyone else...

"Babe, come give me keesis"

I have two small dogs.

For the most part, they check most of the same boxes as big dogs.

They offer little in the way of physical protection, but when I need them

out of the kitchen, it's nice to be able to scoot them with my foot as opposed to trying

to wrestle a doberman. "Get out! Please!"

Regardless of size, you have to train dogs to not pee in the house.

It can be frustrating.

No! No! Bad!

But I have to remember that dogs are dumb.

They aren't thinking "This human is an imbecile, you know what he deserves... muhahahaha"

It's more like.


"Gotta pee."

It's hard to stay mad.

"You're still a good dog."

One time I was dog sitting for a friend's parents.

They had two Australian shepards.

The older one was named Red because he was kind of red, the other was named Richard because

it's funny to give people names to animals.

"So my parents keep the food in the cupboard,

their treats are next to the leashes, and funny story and it's only happened once, but

Richard can jump the back fence.

Alright, bye!"

Wait. What?

Maybe I could I train him real quick?

"No jumpy.

No jumpy over.


I thought, well it only happened once, so what are the odds it happens in the 2 days

I'm taking care of him?...

When I came the next day, my nightmare happened.

I was greeted by only one dog.

*whistle* "Richard?"

Not in the house.

I ran to the backyard and hopped the fence.



Out of context it probably looked weird.


"Honey get in the car"

I walked around the block "Richard?", drove around the neighborhood "Richard?"

I wasn't sure what to do next.

Do I call the police?

911 what's your emergency?

I can't find Richard.

Ok sir where did you see him last?

Pooping in the backyard.

Call the owners?

"Heeeey.. you had two dogs, right?"

But unfortunately, we never saw Richard again.

*sad piano music*

*record scratch*

Just kidding.

After about an hour of searching the perimeter of the house,

he appeared like magic at the front door.

A range of emotions came over me --

Happiness "Yes!"

Relief "Thank god"

and anger "You son of a bitch"

But it all came out as one noise.

Ahh haha grrrrrr hahaaaaaa

My immediate reaction was to lock him in the bathroom.. mostly so I'd know right where

he was for a minute.

Then I remembered, he wasn't thinking "I'll be better off taking care of myself then this

incapable human."

He was thinking "Weeeeeee"


You're still a good dog"

Lurve my furkin purpies, I lurve my furkin dawgs.

We go for walks and they go poop and they fetch my furkin bawls.

Yeeeeaaaaaah (Aroooooooo)

Furkin lurve my dawgs.

For more infomation >> Life Observations: Dogs - Duration: 3:57.


Lasting Change - Duration: 3:03.

What change do you want to make in your life that just isn't happening?

You're frustrated,

you're annoyed,

you think you should be better than this,

you should be beyond this,

and the change just isn't happening.

If that's you,

if you're stuck,

you need three different things.

You need a change of heart,

you need a change of mind,

and a change of influence.

This psalm, Psalm 51, has a title that shows what the psalm's really about.

It's where David was having that affair with Bathsheba

and completely covering it up.

And so he needed to have a change come inside of his life.

And David wrote this, about that change that happened, in verse one,

If you want change in your life, as David found out,

you first of all need a change of heart,

which is your confession to God

that God could blot out your sins, your transgressions, your wrong.

And you might hear this now and go,

"But I'm doing that. I've said, 'God, I'm so sorry. I don't want that past'

and it just keeps coming up."

Well, God's forgiven you of your past.

Now we need to change and work on your future.

That's the change of mind.

And that's in verse 10.

David wrote this,

Remember, that was step one.

A steadfast spirit, an unwavering spirit, a mind that wants to do

and focuses on what God demands.

In Philippians chapter 4, the Bible says,

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble,

whatever is right," then God says,

"think about such things."

Why doesn't God say, "Do them"?

Because God knows that where your mind is,

where your focus is,

that's where you're going to go.

So if you want to change, lasting change in your life,

you also need a change of mind.

And the final part then is a change of influence.

David was not making this confession,

a change of heart or change of mind,

until the prophet Nathan came to him

and he was his change of influence.

Look at your surroundings,

look at your friends.

Bad company, the Bible says, corrupts good character.

If that's true, which it is,

the opposite is also true.

Good company interrupts bad character.

They can help you to walk the pathway that God is designed for you.

If you want change,

lasting change in your life,

have a change of heart, a change of mind, a change of influence,

and the God, the Holy Spirit,

will bring change that you so desperately want.

When in your life have you seen that truth, good company interrupting bad character?

When people are being negative and it just takes one person

to have a different perspective, a gospel focus,

and all of a sudden it changes and shifts everyone's thinking.

Can you comment on that below

to give encouragement to others who need help right now?

And I'll see you tomorrow.

For more infomation >> Lasting Change - Duration: 3:03.


The War on Drugs – Debunked (The Inconsistencies of Drug Law) - Duration: 8:38.

Have you ever wondered why alcohol and nicotine are legal in most countries, while LSD, ecstasy,

and mushrooms are not?

If you haven't, then you may, as I once did, assume that there's good reason, but

what if I told there's not?

What I told you that the status of these drugs is almost entirely the result of economics,

cultural prejudice, and the uninformed whims of apathetic sold-out politicians (otherwise

known as 'politicians')?

My guess is that you'd likely be intrigue and compelled to hear more.

Well, this is exactly how I felt when the same rhetoric was presented to me just a few

weeks ago, because while I had experimented with many legal and illegal drugs, and while

I had long recognised that the reasons given for the banning of some drugs and the allowance

of others is inconsistent and contradictory, I had not realised the sheer scope and scale

of this problem, nor the extent of its ramifications… that is, until I met Dale Bewan.

Bewan is the author of the book Dropping Acid: A Beginner's Guide to the Responsible Use

of LSD for Self-Discovery, and he also happens to be one of my biggest patrons, and hence,

he's largely responsible for my being able to do this nearly full time.

Pretty awesome, huh?

Anyhow, as gratitude for his tier of support, he has suggested, worked closely with me,

and essentially educated me on the topic and importance of drug laws, and so without further

ado, this is 'The War on Drugs – Debunked'.

So let me begin by making the purpose of this video crystal clear: I'm not going to argue

that certain drugs should be legalised, because, to be honest, I simply don't know enough

about them to make such a case, but what I do know, and what I am going to argue, is

that drug laws are deeply inconsistent and hypocritical, and that the cost of this is

vast… it violates human rights, causes tremendous unnecessary misery, is extremely expensive,

and perhaps most importantly of all, it doesn't work…

Now I was going to clearly define what a drug is, but since not all drugs are illegal, this

doesn't actually matter… what matters is the classification system, because it is

the classification of a drug that dictates its legal status and punishment – and so

the most salient question to ask is why do drugs such as LSD, ecstasy and mushrooms tend

to carry such a severe penalty?

Is it because they're particularly harmful to the user and/or those around them?

Or is it perhaps because they're especially addictive?

Just what is it?

Well, as it turns out, depending on your country, the answer is either allegedly based on both

of these factors (as is the case with the U.S), or it's based on both of these factors

but under the word 'misuse', which is suspiciously susceptible to subjective bias

and selective enforcement (as is the case with the U.K).

And so, let us ask if it's true – are drugs really classified according to their

likelihood of causing harm and addiction (or to put it another way, according to their

potential 'misuse')?

Curious of this question, in 2010, the psychiatrist and neuropsychopharmacologist David Nutt,

published a peer-reviewed study in which he got the Independent Scientific Committee on

Drugs to classify drugs according to their potential harm, by evaluating factors such

as their fatality rate, physical damage, psychological damage, addictive properties, impairment of

mental faculties, criminal activity, and even their effect on the economy, and the results

outrageously contradicted (and still contradict) the classification systems of most countries.

For example, the study concluded that while the class A drugs heroin and crack cocaine

cause significant harm to the user and the those around them, the completely legal drug

alcohol causes far more than either of them.

And conversely, it concluded that the class A drugs LSD, ecstasy and mushrooms (which

to put into perspective carry up to 7 years in prison for possession) are almost entirely

harmless… now if this makes anything clear, it is that drug classification systems are

not based on harm potential.

And furthermore, they're not based on addiction (or 'dependency') either.

The study (and other studies, all linked in the description) evaluated addiction potential

thoroughly, and concluded that while heroin and crack cocaine are easily the most addictive

drugs, meth, alcohol and nicotine are all fairly equivalent, and yet two of them are

legal, while one of them carries up to 7 years in prison for possession!

And conversely, they concluded that LSD, ecstasy and mushrooms are less addictive than even

the class C drug Khat…

And so what this all means is that the assertion that drug laws are based on potential harm

and / or addiction is… well… bullshit!

It's complete crap, and the general population's approval of one drug and disapproval of another

is little more than indoctrination.

Now I could conclude here, since I've made my case, but in my research I found a few

really fascinating related avenues, and since you're a curious bunch I've decided to

tersely share them with you.

The first is more of an answer to question that these studies raise – that being, "if

drug laws are not based on harm and addiction potential, then what are they based on?"

And the answer, as alluded to in the intro, is a combination of economics and politics.

In short, marijuana was banned to alienate and vilify Mexicans (so that Harry Anslinger

could keep his 'untouchables'), LSD was banned to alienate and vilify hippies (because

they opposed the Vietnam war), and ecstasy was banned to alienate and vilify youths partying

and being promiscuous (because old people were… jealous).

The second avenue is that quite fascinatingly, in 2001, Portugal decided to treat possession

and use of small quantities of all drugs as a public health issue rather than a criminal

one, and so rather than issuing jail time and criminal records (like the rest of the

world) they have issued small fines and referrals to treatment programs – and the result has

been outstandingly positive.

And the third and final avenue is that because the War on Drugs focuses on drugs rather than

drug users it ignores the most fundamental of market forces… supply and demand.

To quote my current favourite YouTube channel, Kurzgesagt, "If you reduce the supply of

anything without reducing the demand first, its price goes up.

This might lower sales for many products, but not for drugs – the drugs market is

not price-sensitive – drugs will be consumed no matter what they cost, so the effect is

to encourage the production of more drugs and recruitment of more traffickers, which

increases availability."

As it unfortunately stands, "we are putting people who are not well is a situation that

makes them feel worse, and hating them for not recovering."

Anyhow, to conclude, the 'War on Drugs' is an abomination, because it's based on

economic and political subjectivity rather than scientific objectivity.

The truth is that whether we're interested in taking drugs or not, we all ought to insist

that drug laws be reformed, because as it stands, good people who're consuming harmless

and non-addictive drugs are being snatched from their families and put in prison, while

others, who're consuming harmful and addictive drugs, are doing nothing to stop this.

As always, thank you kindly for the view, an extra special thank and a super thank you

to Dale, both for suggesting and collaborating with me on this video, and of course, for

your support – which is largely responsible for my being able to create videos nearly

full time.

On behalf of us all, thank you Dale.

You're helping us spread reason and rationality in a world lacking in both.

Oh, and on the topic of Patreon, due to me failing to announce a winner of the monthly

giveaway last month (sorry, by the way), for this month I'm going to announce two.

The first is Jocelyn Gingras, and the second is Ken Klavonic - congratulations!

You've both won a copy of Bewan's book that's been signed by Bewan himself, and

of course has a little thank you note from me too.

Thank you both so much for your support.

For more infomation >> The War on Drugs – Debunked (The Inconsistencies of Drug Law) - Duration: 8:38.


Belongings | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 5:12.

(eerie music)

- Well, here she is.

It's a little rougher than the pictures,

but you got a hell of a deal and it's a really nice house.

- Well, it's bigger than I thought (laughs).

- Here's the key.

You're not gonna disappear on me, are you?

- What?

- Well, the last owners abandoned the house.



(eerie music)

(knocking on door)

Can I come in?

I know this is difficult, but you know we promised

each other that we'd try our best, right?


I really need your help unpacking.

I'm coming in.

I wonder where my baby has gone?

Could she be here?









(breathes heavily)

Okay, okay.

I need a phone, I need a phone.

Lily, Lily?


(eerie music)

(dramatic music)

(eerie music)

(phone rings)

- Hello?

(faint speaking)

Yes, I do remember you.

(faint speaking)

Oh, I have a house for you.

It's just been vacated and it's fully furnished.

(eerie music)

For more infomation >> Belongings | Short Horror Film | Crypt TV - Duration: 5:12.


Cyber DIVA - Let's Start the Day with Music [RJKuker Original Mix] - Duration: 3:37.

Hey for you who just keep sleeping

Good morning and just wake up

We should make a beautiful day

So I will give you coffee

Outside is so warm and lovely

The birds are sing happily

So let's go and be productive

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Hey for you who just keep sleeping

Good morning and just wake up

We should make a beautiful day

So I will give you coffee

Outside is so warm and lovely

The birds are sing happily

So let's go and be productive

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Hey for you who just keep sleeping

Good morning and just wake up

We should make a beautiful day

So I will give you coffee

Outside is so warm and lovely

The birds are sing happily

So let's go and be productive

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Hey for you who just keep sleeping

Good morning and just wake up

We should make a beautiful day

So I will give you coffee

Outside is so warm and lovely

The birds are sing happily

So let's go and be productive

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Let's start the day with music

Hey for you who just keep sleeping

Good morning and just wake up

We should make a beautiful day

So I will give you coffee

Outside is so warm and lovely

The birds are sing happily

So let's go and be productive

Let's start the day with music

For more infomation >> Cyber DIVA - Let's Start the Day with Music [RJKuker Original Mix] - Duration: 3:37.


Taliyah's day out | League of Legends - Duration: 5:43.

For more infomation >> Taliyah's day out | League of Legends - Duration: 5:43.


DILAL COSTA - SADEEM - سديم - Duration: 0:38.

For more infomation >> DILAL COSTA - SADEEM - سديم - Duration: 0:38.


How to make Winter Knit Crochet Blue Silver Ice Hat - Right Hand Korean Subtitles Translations - Duration: 9:43.

hi guys this tutorial is going to be a crochet hat I am using ice yarn here is

the yarn label we will be using a size J eight millimeter crochet hook we will be

making a chain of 63 you can make the Hat larger the multiple is three so what

you would do is increase by three but the size I made in this tutorial is

working with sixty three chains so you will continue working in increments of

three if you want the Hat larger than you would increase to sixty six sixty

nine seventy three continue on if you want to make a larger hat with this

pattern and it is a forgiving pattern if you don't get it exact and you end up -

a loop or something like that on the crochet hook you can fudge it a little

bit and then working closer together instead of skipping the chains as I've

done further in the video so it'll make more sense as we go along but I'm going

to go out ahead and finish this on around what we are going to do is work

our first chain one and then skip one two chains work a double crochet in the

third chain work a chain one and we will be ending up with nine loops on our hook

so it's going to be a lot of loops so we'll go backwards to the beginning

that's our first loop second third and fourth and what I'm doing is wrapping

the yarn over each time we end up with nine loops on our hook so then I'm going

to skip one two stitches in the third I'm working a double crochet

work a chain and now I'm working backwards

I'm skipping one chain and then working back into the other chain so you can see

we have three loops on our hook I'll do that again yarn over and then put it

through the loop wrap the yarn over pull through wrap the yarn over your hook put

it through the loop yarn over pull through yarn over the hook put it

through the chain yarn over pull through yarn over the hook put it through the

chain yarn over pull through we have nine loops I'm just going to count here

just to make sure they're all squished together here one two three four five

six seven eight nine so we wrap the yarn over pull through

all nine loops chain to secure and we'll do this all the way around skipping one

two chains and in the third working a double crochet now I'm going to skip the

center chain and go backwards like this and end up with nine loops on the hook

yarn over pull through all nine loops chain to secure skip one two stitches

and work a double crochet in the third chain and then we'll go back skip the

center chain and work the nine loops on the hook

and I'm going to continue doing this all the way around this is what it looks

like and then I'll come back and we'll go on to the next round okay this is

what I have completed so far we are back around to the beginning and I'm working

my last secure there and joining with the first stitch just like that now I'm

going to turn on every round we will chain on every round we are working the

double crochet chain one and then we go back and work the puff stitch here the

diagonal puff stitch and once we get through with that first round then it's

a little bit easier and smoother going so then we will go over here to work the

double crochet chain one and then we go back right here and work the puff stitch

and then it gives it that cool little diagonal look right there I think that's

really neat looking like that so we go over here and work the double crochet

chain and then we go back and work the puff stitch we end up with nine loops on

our crochet hook pull through all nine loops chain to secure and you will

continue for the length of the Hat I have completed 11 rounds and used three

balls of the ice yarns soft start color now what I'm going to do at this point

is decrease and so we are going to just continue with it facing us no more

turning I'm working a chain one and working a half double crochet in the

same stitch and so what I'm going to do is go over here and work one half double

crochet in each stitch around all the way around and this is going to decrease

the top of the hat and you can see how it's starting to curve in and pull shut

there I am back around to the beginning and going to join with the first half

double crochet right here like this now you can see how much I have decreased

here I am going to stop right here and sew the top shut the rest of the way

I've just cut off a little bit of extra tail right here and so the Hat is

reversible so you can use either side for the front side of the Hat so I'm

going to pull it like that and then what I'm going to do here is weave my yarn

between each one of these stitches and then start easing it shut so I'm just

going to kind of go around like this and through these stitches and then

tug it tug it pull it whatever you want to call it start pulling it shut like


now you can see here I've got it pulled shut the whole way like this and so what

I want to do is make a couple of knots here in the top of the hat and this

would be a pretty hat too if you wanted to go on ahead and and make a Oh a pom

pom ball a yarn pump oh I'm making my knots here I once saw it across a couple

of times because I don't want it coming apart I did a lot of it took a lot of

time to make this when it takes a little extra yarn and a little extra time it's

nice and heavy and a very thick hat I just love how this turned out and how it

works and this yarn is so pretty with all this glitter in it I just love this

yarn and so it will make a really nice hat and this completes the Hat the Hat

on the left is a crochet Bob Marley hat you can type into the google or youtube

search crochet geek Bob Marley hat and it will come up the Hat on the right is

a Tunisian crochet beanie hat I've also called it a thermal reversible so you

can type into the Google search or youtube search crochet geek Tunisian hat

and it will come up and the reason I named it that was because the thermal

reversible it reminded me of those thermal

underwear so those of you who've grown up in cold weather you're gonna know

what I'm talking about with the thermal underwear and that look

and that's kind of what it reminded me of I want to thank you guys for watching

please subscribe if you're new leave a comment in the comment section below

share this video with your friends give the video a big old thumbs ups thank you

so much for watching I will see you the next time

peace love and avocados

For more infomation >> How to make Winter Knit Crochet Blue Silver Ice Hat - Right Hand Korean Subtitles Translations - Duration: 9:43.


MY BULLET JOURNAL JOURNEY - Part 1 - Duration: 13:41.

Hey guys, and welcome to my first ever Bullet Journal video!

Yes, it's only taken me 6+ months of running both a YouTube channel and an Instagram account

called "canadianjournaljunkie" to finally make a video about journalling! [laughs]

So just a quick primer for those who don't know, the Bullet Journal system was created

by Ryder Carroll; the simplest way and the quickest way I can describe it to you is to

simply quote his website, which is "The Bullet Journal is a customizable

and forgiving organization system.

It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all

of the above.

It will teach you to do more with less."

Essentially, Ryder Carroll came up with the original Bullet Journal system as a way to

get organized, and then over the last few years the planning and creative communities

have just run with it.

If you google "Bullet Journal", or it's nickname, "Bujo" - B-U-J-O - you will

find a million different articles, Instagram posts, YouTube videos and Pinterest pins with

a million different ways to use your journal.

Some people tend to be purists, and say if you aren't using every piece of the original

Bullet Journal system, in the way that it was intended, then you're not really bullet


And others say if you decorate your Bujo, and you don't take a minimalist approach,

you aren't really bullet journalling.

But both of these arguments are ridiculous, because as I quoted just a second ago, the

creator of the Bullet Journal himself has said that your journal can be whatever you

want it to be.

It can be fancy, it can be plain; it can follow the original system to a tee, or not follow

it at all; it can take you a year to fill it up, or you can fill it up in a week.

You can do whatever you want!

So as far as my personal Bujo journey is concerned, I first heard about it in the summer of 2016,

and I decided to give it a try - I always need to be more organized, and I had been

wanting some sort of a journalling outlet for my thoughts and my feels [laughs].

So I tried it out, but I had some trouble sticking with it, which I will get into.

And it wasn't I discovered the creative side of bullet journalling that I really fell

in love with it.

I was really into scrapbooking about 10 years ago, but unfortunately that all fell by the

wayside just due to various life events.

And I don't really have much to scrapbook about right now, but I had still really been

missing having that physically creative outlet in my life - making things with my hands rather

than digitally.

So once I started seeing everyone's massively beautiful and creative Bullet Journal layouts,

I thought that maybe being more creative with my journal could give me that outlet I had

been looking for.

So I got really into it, as you can tell; I've-- I'm on my third journal now.

And eventually I started to regularly spam my personal Instagram account about it, but

I think that started to get really annoying for the people who didn't care [laughs],

so I decided to make a separate Bujo account.

Initially I had called it "canadian.bujo", but once I decided to make this YouTube channel,

I changed the name to "canadianjournaljunkie", because the terms "Bullet Journal" and

"Bujo" have been copyrighted by Ryder Carroll, and I didn't want to run the risk

of getting dinged.

And then somehow I got sidetracked off of talking about my Bullet Journal, and have

just ended up making haul videos and getting really into crafting [laughs].

But I have to say, I would not have found the crafting community here on YouTube, and

learned about the different ways that you can papercraft outside of scrapbooking and

cardmaking, if it wasn't for getting into creative bullet journalling in the first place.

And I do still use my Bullet Journal!

Like I said, this is my third one here; this is the one that's in progress.

So, after that long-ass introduction [laughs], I thought I would walk you through all of

the peaks and valleys of my Bullet Journal experience.

It can be really difficult sometimes to stay motivated to use your Bujo, especially when

you use it as a creative outlet, and you see all of the gorgeous, seemingly flawless spreads

on Instagram and whatnot… but trust me, most people's journals don't look like

that! [laughs] Mine certainly doesn't!

So here, I will show you…

So my first Bullet Journal was a softcover, dotted, A(5) size Moleskine.

Again, if you're new to the community, the preferred journal size is typically A5, and

the preferred page style is dot grid, but you can use whatever you want - you can use

lined, regular grid, blank, whatever.

A5 dotted is just what a lot of people, myself included, prefer, but you can use whatever

works for you!

So this particular journal covers the summer of 2016, and then I fell off the wagon until

January of 2017, so that's in here too.

A lot of people like starting new journals at the beginning of a new year, but unless

I'm right at the end of the book, I feel like that's a massive waste of paper and

waste of money, so I don't do that.

So as you can see, I decorated it with some Pokemon stickers, due to my Pokemon Go obsession,

especially in 2016 - and I'm weird, I decorate my covers when I'm finished the journal;

I don't know why, I just do - and I labelled it with stickers from my Leuchtturm, which

is the journal I got into next.

And as you can see from the spine, um...

Leuchtturm stickers don't really like Moleskine spines, apparently! [laughs]

I'd say this first journal is where I learned a lot about my journalling style, including

my journal preferences… for starters, I learned that I really don't like Moleskines


The paper is very prone to ink bleeding and ghosting, which drives me crazy, and the softcover,

at least, made it really hard to journal in bed and things like that.

This might be a little awkward - this book does not lay flat, which is something else

I don't like - so I have to keep one hand on everything to show you.

So on the first page here, we have the contact information page, which as you can see, I

did not fill out with any seriousness…

Next up is my Index, which was very short-lived, because I started a new one later in the journal

when I rebooted it in January…


This was my first attempt at a collection, and as you can see, it was a major fail, because

I never actually put anything in it.

[laughs] Again, if you are new to bullet journalling, collections are where you can group a bunch

of stuff together, be they to-do lists, brain dumps, or in this case, lists of books you

want to read.

Collections can hold whatever you want them to hold, and they can be really fun to put

together, and you can get really creative.

But you also have to actually put stuff in them, which…

I did not do, here… uh, moving on!


This is another failed collection: "Movies and/or TV Shows to Watch".

It has one movie on it: "Fruitvale Station", and I... still haven't…

watched that.

And as you can see here, this is what I mean about the ink bleed - not only can you totally see

what's on the next page, but it actually bled through to the page before it.

Now, to be fair, I was using a Sharpie for a lot of this journal, not knowing that Sharpies,

like all alcohol-based markers, bleed through EVERYTHING, regardless of paper weight.

So part of the reason for how bad this is, is because I was using the wrong type of marker.

So keep that in mind - unless it's a Sharpie Pen, do not use Sharpies in your journal,

because it will bleed like crazy!


This was my first attempt at a Goal/Habit Tracker, which is another popular item to

put in your Bullet Journal.

I covered up what the goals were, because some of them were a little bit private, but I

clearly gave myself way too much space for goals, and I didn't have that many to track!

I do still do some goal and habit tracking in my journal, and you'll see that later.

On this page I had a daily Gratitude Log, but for me it was more like Gratitude/General

Good Things That Happened.

This is also something that's very popular within the Bullet Journal community.

I've long since changed the format on this, that's something that happens a lot when

you do it regularly-- do journalling regularly: you do end up changing how you do things.

And then after that, I pretty much just journalled in here.

I didn't really have any need to use my journal as a planner, so I just did a lot

of rambling instead.

[laughs] You can see that down here that I eventually figured out that using a ballpoint

pen would get rid of some of my ink bleed issues, and it did…


I did some weight tracking on this page; nothing fancy.

And then more journalling, which I've covered up and clipped together because it's all

private stuff.


Now we've moved on to the August 2016 goal and habit tracker… as you can see it dawned

on me not to take up two pages with it.

But as you might be able to see - I don't know if it'll show up on camera - but even

using a ballpoint pen in this journal makes for a lot of ghosting.

Again, it might not show up, but you can see there's a white line, and then a dark line,

a light line, and then a dark line, and that's-- the dark lines are where there's writing,

and that's with a ballpoint pen, so...

I was just always really unhappy with the paper quality in the Moleskine.

I know some people love it, but it wasn't for me.

Again we have a gratitude/positivity list on this page, followed by some more private



September Goals, which judging by how empty this is, I clearly wasn't very good at keeping

up with! [laughs]


September positivity…

So here - I sort of have it marked like journalling - but I had started to plan out more creative

layouts for October, but then I ended up falling off the wagon before I actually made any of them.

There's some more October planning here…

And then we're moving into January planning, when I decided to get back into Bullet Journalling.

A bit more planning here, and then this is the fresh start at the beginning of 2017.

And by this point here as well, I was so fed up with the bleeding and ghosting in this journal

that I ended up doubling up the pages and taping them together - I don't know if that

will show, but I've got Scotch tape on all the corners, and I think later I Scotch taped

them in the middle-- oh, they're in the middle too!

Again, you probably can't tell, but… yeah, I taped the pages all together because the

ghosting was just SO BAD, and the bleeding was SO BAD, it was driving me crazy.

The good things was that because Moleskines don't come with page numbers, you get to

put your own in; that allowed me to stick the pages together without throwing off the

numbering system, so that was a positive.


Here we have my second, also barely used Index [laughs]… getting a little fancier with

the styling…


Here I actually filled out a Movies & Shows collection, and it goes on for quite a few

pages, actually…


This is my "The Last Time I…" collection, and it's to keep track of things that you

only do, like, semi-regularly, like switching out your toothbrush, or backing up your phone

or your tablet or your computer, that sort of thing.

It's for stuff that you don't do regularly enough that you might remember when the last

time was you did it.


We got some weight tracking again… and this is where I started experimenting with daily

layouts - I tried doing some of the goal and habit tracking on each day, rather than in

a separate chart, and I also gave myself some space to try out some of the "Rock Your

Handwriting" prompts.

"Rock Your Handwriting" is a monthly challenge which allows you to practice your handwriting

or your hand lettering and whatnot in a creative way with different prompts to answer; I will

link the site for that below as well.

Oh and I also tried tracking good stuff in the daily layouts as well, and I also left

myself space for a brain dump if necessary.

And I realize now that two pages per day, on opposite sides of the page, is more than

a little unwieldy! [laughs] Oh, and this right here is where I first started to experiment

with washi tape… don't experiment with washi, kids… it's the gateway drug to crafting…




So after many pages of dailies, I started making a weekend To Do List, which really

did help with getting things done, and I eventually incorporated that later into my journalling



This was where I started doing normal two-page spreads for my days, rather than having it

broken up over two sides of the same page, but it's still way too unwieldy and takes

up way too much space!




Another To Do List, and then ALL!

of the bleeding on this side, because apparently I still hadn't gotten the memo on Sharpies. [laughs]


Evidently I decided to go back to the chart for tracking at some point during the month,

and once again gave myself way too much space for it.


Ah okay, this is why I went back to the chart - to shrink my daily layouts down to one page

a day instead of two, which makes sense.




Here we have another collection - "Stuff I Want/Need To Buy".


Changed up my font style up a little bit for my dailies… and you will see this font a lot,

because it's the only hand lettering I can do so far, and I still screw it up a lot. [laughs]




And then we come to the end of January, and there's a couple of blank pages... followed

by a little bit of planning for my next journal, and figuring things out there… and yeah,

that's it!

So that was my first hot mess of a Bullet Journal [laughs]... and this video is already

WAY longer than I thought it was gonna be, so we're gonna have to continue this in part two!

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a big thumbs up.

Please subscribe if you haven't already, and I will see you guys in the next one.

For more infomation >> MY BULLET JOURNAL JOURNEY - Part 1 - Duration: 13:41.


How To Uninstall WordPress From cPanel - Duration: 2:10.

For more infomation >> How To Uninstall WordPress From cPanel - Duration: 2:10.


BEST OF 2017 + SESTŘIH/MONTAGE - Duration: 3:02.














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