Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

It was just my best friend's 21st

birthday and she loves sugar cookies

so a fun gift idea to give to a friend

is to print out a cute photo of y'all together

and put it on a gift bag.

Photos that print out out of your HP

sprocket are stickable so you can

just stick them

and give them to your friends.

Select a photo you want to print out

and you are good to go.

It is that simple.

For more infomation >> Birthday Treats with Teala Dunn | HP Sprocket Photo Printer | HP - Duration: 0:43.


Basico de Contour 101 | Basic Contour 101 - Duration: 7:47.

Hello welcome to the channel

I am Saris if you don't know me

if you are my subcriber

thank you so much for coming back


starting with this topic

I'm in certain FB groups for women

of course

and one thing that got my attention

a comment or a question

a girl who wanted to know

how can can

for her contour not to be so noticeable

so I thought, ok, this is

a good opportunity

to teach you a technique

easy and fast

of how to blend your contour

to make it look more natural

two things before be start

if you are going to an event

at night I recommend

to first apply your foundation

and on top apply your contour

cream and powder

so you can seal it and make it last

now for a day contour

for work or for school

I recommend first to

apply your cream contour, underneath your foundation

and just mark it a little bit powder on top

of your foundation

that is my recommendation

for a day or night contour

but it depends on your preference

so now let's go to the technique

what are you going to need?

for my contour

my favorite product is this one

from wet n wild

it's a makeup stick

very easy to use

and very creamy and blends good

you can also use this one

this one is from L.A. girl

that the majority of the bloggers or MUA use

they use other brands too

but my preference is this one

from Wet N Wild , what else do you need?

you can also use a makeup sponge

or a beauty blender

or you can use a double fiber brush

like this one

or like this one, I prefer

this one because it's more narrow

then this one, that it's more rounded

it's more for foundation

this one is from CROWN brushes

and it's double fiber and like I said

it's more narrow at the end

so you can move it better


it depends on what you got or

you want to buy, those are my 2 suggestions

so let's pass

to the contour, I have already applied

my foundations and my concealers

so now I will apply my contour

once I did that

what I prefer ti use is the double fiber brush


because it blends out better the product

it moves it better

any creamy product

I mean you can also use the sponge

but my preference is the brush

so I'll start very important

from the side with less product

towards where there's more product

why? because if I start where there's more

and I end where there's less

i"ll bring down to much product

and it going to look heavy

so it won't look so natural

so always start where there is less

towards where is more so that way

the excess product you can drag it

towards there's no product

so it will look more soft and natural

so with double fiber brush

I will always make circular motions

and I'm not making to much pressure

also you can make upwards motions

so you can see how it's coming out

this makes it more soft

the blending process for the creamy product

it moves it more easily

and in my opinion it looks

more well no natural because this is

not a natural thing but at least it looks soft

ok, if you feel that it still looks heavy

you contour with the brush

you can take your blender

wet it a little and blend

but where it ends, light area

so that way you can soften more the area

so there it looks more soft

the transition

for the nose I do recommend the sponge

you can also use your finger

just drag it down

and a little bit upwards

so you can follow your natural lines

so there it is

once you blend it out, it's very important

that if you use a creamy product

you have to seal it with a powder

that way it wont fade out

during the day or event

and like I said if you applied it underneath

of your foundation, just mark it a liitle more

with a powder

always try to use a angled brush

and with the tip down

there is where I apply the powder

to seal the contour

I applied the rest of the products

like the blush

also you can apply your highlighter depending

also a setting powder or a translucent powder

or a setting spray like MAC or whatever

and done

there you have this technique

to blend out your contour

I hope it was for some use

and of course I invite you

to give ir a thumbs up, it helps a lot

this video and share it with someone

that wants to learn it

and also invite you too of course

to subscribe for more tips and tricks

for makeup and beauty

thank you for being here

I'll see you next time, take care ♥

For more infomation >> Basico de Contour 101 | Basic Contour 101 - Duration: 7:47.


Elif Episode 640 - Opening Scene (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:49.

How are you, Mr. Tarık?

Thank you... Ms. Rana.

Darling, sorry. We were in a deep conversation.

N-never mind.

Ms. Rana was thinking about visiting me lately.

For both meeting me, and congratulating the baby.

Yes. Today is the day!

Mr. Tarık, you're surprised to see me here, right?

In fact, I'm surprised to see you here.

Thought you were gone for the exhibition.

Well, Mrs. Hümeyra told me. That you're busy.

Ah, I'm sorry, forgot to say. Tarık cancelled his schedule, due to his work load.

I see.

Well, sure.

Business is important, yeah?

Mr. Tarık.

It is.

Please, why don't you sit down?

You first.


For more infomation >> Elif Episode 640 - Opening Scene (English subtitles) - Duration: 1:49.


Should I Study ANIMATION At University Or Teach Myself? - Duration: 4:00.

This is a channel where you can find stop-motion tutorials, hints, tips and short films and in this video

I'm going to be answering a question which I've had a couple of times since making this channel

Which is if I want to be an animator should I study animation at University?

Now it seems to be a battle that a lot of young people are having in their heads...

Do I go to university, spend a lot of money study animation, and get a degree in it?

Or is it something that I can teach myself and save a lot of money and potentially get a job faster.

I went to university to study animation,

and to be honest I didn't learn an awful lot from the course.

There's only so much that tutors can teach you and the rest of it is down to you you have to learn yourself

You have to practice to be a good animator the only way you're going to gain that

expertise is by animating so you just have to animate and animate some more and you have to have a real passion for it a

real dedication if you want to make it to a professional level and be able to work on maybe even

feature films! I always pride myself on being

honest and my advice to you if I was 10 years younger now

and I was thinking about University is I wouldn't go. There are so many resources now online. There are courses...

you can do where you can learn animation there are YouTube videos like the ones you'll find on this channel

which can teach you like basic principles, and you can read a multitude of books...

There's a really good book called The Animator's Survival Kit, and it talks through all of the basics of animation

It's a really good one. If you haven't got that already

I'll put a link in the description

and if you've got self motivation and dedication just teach yourself. The thing that's going to get you a drop in most cases

it's not that degree that piece of paper means nothing the thing that's going to get you a job is your show reel and

The best way to have a good show reel is

to just animate and if you can do that on your own and you can learn from books and online

then I think that that's the best thing to do. However if your ambitions aren't to just become an animator

...maybe you want to become an animation filmmaker, and you actually want to make short films

specifically. Then sometimes University is good for that because you can then enter your films in the student category and you get support from your

University and they help you with distributing your films.

Maybe you already have a really good understanding of filmmaking you know how to tell a story and you just want something to

spring jump you into getting an award winning film University can be really good for that because if you

have got talent, and you make good films. They will help you and you can potentially win quite a lot of awards.

I know a lot of people that at University did really well because they were entering into festivals

constantly and so that if that is your ambition

then I suggest definitely do go to university because it will benefit you in a lot of ways.

But if you just want to be a good animator

and you're not that bothered with festivals at the moment, then just teach yourself.

Maybe look into local animation studios near you and try and get some work experience, and if you have already taught yourself stuff

and you've got a passion and maybe you've made yourself a show reel

Then you can potentially get your foot in the door that way and you save a bucket load of money.

Don't get any student debt and you're potentially...

earning at a much earlier age as well as learning the skill and craft that you want to learn it's like more like a self-taught

apprenticeship kind of thing.

But anyway, I hope that that answers your questions for those of you that were asking.

If you like this video, and you want more advice videos like this from me...

then do let me know in the comments. Normal tutorials should be resuming each Friday...

and you can expect a video on this channel every single Friday at 6 p.m.. GMT

I'm hoping to create a variety of content this year. Some animation tutorials, some top tips, maybe a bit of behind the scenes and...

occasionally a short film made by me... so you've got all of that to look forward to.

If you liked this video, please give it a thumbs up. If you're not already subscribed to the channel and you want to see tutorials...

and learn stop motion animation yourself, or maybe you just have an interest in the subject area...

please subscribe because it means a lot and it really helps my channel.

Thank you very much for watching. I hope you're having a fantastic week, and I will see you again next Friday.

For more infomation >> Should I Study ANIMATION At University Or Teach Myself? - Duration: 4:00.


VEGETA VS JIREN (PROMO) - Duration: 0:34.

For more infomation >> VEGETA VS JIREN (PROMO) - Duration: 0:34.


Freestyle Ice Skating: Circle Handflip Tutorial - Duration: 2:35.

Hey guys As I promised, here is a cool trick that you

can combine with the oldschool donut.

It only requires some basic stuff to know.

This is the circle handflip tutorial.

This year is pretty warm, there is no natural ice now, but I want to show you good quality

clips so I'll use my older recordings.

Fortunately this is not a technical trick, everything will be easy to understand.

On the ice you just need to be able to do a basic donut as prerequisite.

For further tips on that or other donut variations, check out my last video.

Additionally a cartwheel can help you, but that is also a basic move so if you want,

you can just go straight to the circle handflip.

You start with the donut.

In the beginning, it's fine to start from a low speed, it's possible even without the


The donut just sets this up, it doesn't have to be perfect.

You need the speed from it to transfer your momentum into a cartwheel-like flip in a low

position, without speed, the flip will be slower or low.

The most important part is when you're switching arms.

So if you slip during the donut, it's not a problem, but the transfer has to be confident.

Then: your arms should be under yourself, aligned with the rotation.

It's much easier on a rough ice once again.

On a slippery ice it requires very precise arm placement.

Which you still need on rough ice, but if you fail to do so, it will only result in

an off axis or low flip instead of a slam.

What really makes this trick cool is when you have enough momentum to actually leave

the ground for a short time and this way do a flip instead of a cartwheel.

Your arms should drive the movement.

Get a medium speed then your momentum will be able to keep your legs up even in a low


As you discovered landing the cartwheel on ice sideways doesn't work.

Both arms are on the ground so you need to use your legs to twist into the correct position.

At this point if you have the speed, it's possible to spring a little and leave the

ground this way adding style to the circle handflip.

After landing you can continue doing the donut or do something else.

All in all this is a pretty impressive trick comparing to the effort that it takes to learn.

I recommend trying it out.

In the meantime I'll work on another stops tutorial which will take a bit longer than


See you soon, have a nice icy day!

For more infomation >> Freestyle Ice Skating: Circle Handflip Tutorial - Duration: 2:35.


Easy Snack Pack Desserts | Food Network - Duration: 0:55.

For more infomation >> Easy Snack Pack Desserts | Food Network - Duration: 0:55.


Bout of Books 21 TBR - Duration: 5:51.

Hi everyone. I'm rincey and this is rincey reads. Today i'm going to be doing

my bout of books TBR. Bout of Books is a week-long read-a-thon that I have

participated in a number of times. It's probably one of my favorite readathons

that's out there because it's a week-long one. So I feel like there's

more opportunities for me to be able to spend a lot of time reading. But also

it's one where you basically just make your own goals. There are no real prompts

or challenges or anything like that. So you can really assess your own week and

kind of just figure out what you think is possible for you and maybe just push

yourself a little bit more. Usually what I do is I set maybe like a book goal

that I think is realistic for me to hit but I do like a giant stack of books

that I could potentially get to during the week. With these types of readathons,

I just like to make a big stack and then just grab from it and if

something's not working I can grab something else from the stack without

really spending too much time like deliberating on what to read next. So yes

I'm going to go over my giant stack of books. I do not expect to read all of

these books over the course of the week. But my goal is to finish three. And I'm

specifically going to prioritize first books that are going to fulfill prompts

for the read harder challenge. Because if you paid any attention at all to my

updates in regarding the read harder challenge, you may have noticed that I

didn't really fulfill it in 2017. And so what I always try to do at the beginning

of the year is to like get a head start on the read harder challenge and try to

fulfill as many prompts as possible early on in the year while I have the

motivation to do so. So yes, that is sort of my focus for January. So I'm recording

this TBR video kind of early just because of the way my week is going to

work out. I know I won't have time or as much time later on to record. So I'm

currently in the middle of Trevor Noah's born a crime. I actually just started

it today and there's a chance that I will finish it before bout of books

starts but I don't actually think I will. um It's about an eight-ish hour audio

book and I'll probably only get through like half of it unless I spend a

significant portion of the weekend listening to it. So my first priority

will be like finishing that off. And that will fulfill the read a celebrity memoir

prompt for read harder. And then if I finish that on audiobook, I have a

Bollywood affair by Sonali Dev checked out as an audiobook

from the library. That will fulfill the read a romance novel by a person of

color, I believe is the prompt. And then I also have forests of a thousand lanterns

by Julie C Dao. This is the first book in the rise of the empress series. This came

out last year in 2017 and this was sent to me by a penguin teen. This would

fulfill the start a new-to-you young adult or middle grade series. Yeah I've

heard pretty good things about this one so far so I'm excited to check it out.

I know that it's a fantasy young adult series. I don't know too much about this

story other than it's like an East Asian inspired fantasy story and you are

following this character who is like supposed to become the Empress or

something along those lines but she has to do like evil things in order to do

that. So she's like unsure if she wants to fulfill her destiny in that way.

So yeah. It sounds interesting. I've been wanting to check it out. So yes, this

is definitely on the docket. And then if I finish that as a physical book, I also

have the beautiful ones by silvia moreno garcia. This does not fulfill any prompts

for read harder that I'm aware of but I checked it out from the library and it's

due relatively soon. It only has a two-week hold on it, or a 2-week loan

period on it and I'm not sure if there are holds on it. So I'm not sure if I'm

gonna be able to renew it or not. Silvia Moreno Garcia is like one of my favorite

authors. Signal to noise was one of my favorite books in the year that I read

it, still one of my favorite books. I'm constantly recommending it to people.

I read certain dark things last year, really enjoyed it. Each of her books

are very different from the previous book, which is one of the reasons why I enjoy

following her writing so much. This is only her third book that I'm aware of.

But yeah she always puts out something really different and this one is sort of

like a Regency fantasy sort of situation which intrigues me quite a bit. So yeah,

I'm excited to give this one a try and to see how this one fares with me.

And then I have a couple of ebooks on my Kindle that I am going to try to see if

I can squeeze in. The first one is truly devious by Maureen Johnson. This is

an arc that I got through edelweiss. It's Maureen Johnson's new mystery

series which I am super excited about. I read her previous mystery series the

name of the star and the follow-ups to the name of the star and really, really

enjoyed them. So I'm really excited to see a new mystery series from

Maureen Johnson. And then I recently got the e-book the lost ones by Sheena Kamal, I

want to say is the author's name. I didn't write down the author's name on

my post-it note. I recently just got it from the library. I've been on that hold

list forever. So if I have time I want to definitely read that one. I'm going to

read it relatively soon no matter what cause it's from the library and I know I'm

not gonna be able to renew it because there are other people on the hold list

for it. But yeah I've been hearing good things about that mystery and I know

that she has a second book coming out this year as well. So yeah, I definitely

want to give that one a read. So that way if I enjoy it I can keep going with the

series. So yeah, that's everything that I have on my TBR. Like I said, don't think

I'm gonna read all those books. My goal is three because I can usually read two

books a week. So I feel like if I read three books in a week, I'll be killing it.

And if I do more than that, that'd be amazing. But I don't really see that as

being very likely. But who knows? You never know what could happen. So yeah, let

me know down in the comments below if you are participating in bout of books.

Or if you've read any of these books and you think that they are potentially not

great for a read-a-thon, definitely let me know that as well. Because, you know,

there's no way to really know if these books are good for readathons in terms

of like really compelling stories or anything like that until you try them.

So yeah, that's all I have for now and thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Bout of Books 21 TBR - Duration: 5:51.


Supergirl 3x10 Extended Promo "Legion of Superheroes" (HD) Season 3 Episode 10 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:32.

She's trapped inside a mind prison.

Reign is still out there.

People are dying,

I have to wake up.

You were warned.

I don't like our odds without Supergirl by our side.

We have a literal Legion of Superheroes.

When will she wake up?

Supergirl returns with an all-new episode Monday January 15th on The CW.

For more infomation >> Supergirl 3x10 Extended Promo "Legion of Superheroes" (HD) Season 3 Episode 10 Extended Promo - Duration: 0:32.


New WWE Signing REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Jan. 2018 - Duration: 3:59.

Hello and welcome to the WrestleTalk News - I'm Oli Davis.

Mixed Match Challenge Announcements After the first intergender team of Alexa

Bliss and Braun Strowman was announced for WWE's Mixed Match Challenge earlier this

week, several more lady-man combinations have since been revealed.

First up, from Raw, Kurt Angle has paired Finn Balor not with Bayley - like both campaigned

for on Twitter (because Finn is only allowed one piece of fan service per month) - but

with Bayley's best friend forever Sasha Banks.

Leading Bayley to immediately call out the Raw GM:

"What da?

Kurt, you have some splainin to do REALLY ANGRY, LIKE SERIOUSLY, I'M VERY TICKED OFF

FACE EMOJI" Over on the Smackdown side, WWE has pulled

out some seriously big names.

They're just the wrong names, with their YouTube video announcing Charlotte Flair will

team with the long lost member of the Rhodes family, Bobby Rhodes!

I know what you're thinking: how dare WWE spell the former NXT Champion's name wrong.

Thankfully, they get it right in a Smackdown LIVE fallout video on their YouTube video,

correctly spelling it Booby Roode.

But the most heartwarming Mixed Matchka Challenge

announcement, perfectly timed for Rusev Day yesterday, was Aiden English revealing Rusev's

tag team partner in the form of song: Lana, a real-life married couple that WWE have ignored

the existence of for almost a year.

Which Lana celebrated by posting: "The band is back together @RusevBUL It's

a #RavishingRusevDay" Support WrestleTalk!

Give Us A Subscribe!

Which reminds me… it's time to reveal WrestleTalk's new subscriber slogan.

Because the other one, quite frankly - THE DRIVE TO 5...hundred thousand subscribers

- runs out of steam half way through.

And what better way to reveal it, than by paying homage to the aforementioned Shakespeare

of Song Aiden English.

Out of nowhere, WrestleTalk struck Hitting YouTube like a truck

To 500k (subscribers), to 500k (subscribers) Support WrestleTalk or we'll come after

you And politely ask that you do

500k Day (subscribers), for 500k Day (subscribers).

We're on the way to 500k (subscribers) day!

New WWE Signing Revealed?

We're also rapidly approaching WWE's Royal Rumble on January 28th, which will include

the first ever women's Royal Rumble match.

And with the recently announced 30 participants to fill, WWE might be signing some new talent

to debut in the contest.

Candice LaRae is one of most popular female wrestlers outside of WWE, competing for PWG,

CZW, and being one half of The World's Cutest Tag Team with Joey Ryan.

She is also the real-life wife of current NXT wrestler Johnny Gargano.

LaRae worked with WWE last year, reaching the Mae Young Classic's quarterfinals over

the summer, but has continued to wrestle on the independent scene.

This could all be set to change very soon, though, as the latest Wrestling Observer Newsletter

is reporting that although she hasn't been signed by WWE yet, she is "going through

the process", and was backstage at last night's NXT tapings in Atlanta.

Chris Jericho has shocked the wrestling world once again!

Click the screen now for more great wrestling videos.

For more infomation >> New WWE Signing REVEALED?! | WrestleTalk News Jan. 2018 - Duration: 3:59.


PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS DIE HARD SETTINGS - Best Graphics Settings for PUBG - UPDATE PC 1.0! - Duration: 6:28.

The effects setting in PUBG change the way how muzzle flashes are represented in game.

On low you will see this small muzzle flash, but on ultra the whole character will light

up and the muzzle flash itself will be twice as large.

Which one do you think will be best, or which setting will make it easier for you to spot

an enemy.

That is what this video is about, die hard settings are settings that allow you to see

your enemy more clearly while gaining a lot of extra frames.

But make no mistake, die hard settings are not the settings that give you every single

possible frame available.

Die hard settings are settings that will give you the ultimate advantage.

That is what this video is about, you maximising your skills and chicken dinners by taking

advantage of a few simple gameplay settings that everybody is allowed to change.

The best way to show you which settings are the best die hard settings, is to put our

friend buddy here in this bush.

He will become a master bushcamper today.

We will change all the settings, we will see what effect each settings has on buddy and

his bush, so focus on him and on his immediate surroundings.

I will also mention the frames per second that I am getting on this pc.

This info can be used as a reference so that you can have an idea about how much of a performance

gain each setting can cause on your own pc.

These frames are a result of a PC that has a gtx 1080 ti, an intel i7-6900k in 1440p.

The display mode in PUBG is set to fullscreen windowed.

Just for info, when I show you the settings that I am changing, you will see the resolution

is 1920 by 1080, this is a bug and this is not the resolution that I am playing the game


Anti-aliasing or AA aims to cut down on the pixelated, jagged edges you see in the game.

It makes everything look more appealing and realistic, but your frame rate will go down


To be more accurate, setting AA alone to very low gave me a frame rate of 86 per second,

and that's only two frames higher than when everything was on Ultra.

It mig ht be tempting to set this to very high because of how little difference it makes,

but that actually makes the objects around you blurry.

It's best to set this to Very Low to keep your surroundings clearly visible, especially

if you are in motion.

Every now and then, you will find yourself getting shot at while moving, especially if

you are out in the open.

If your surroundings are blurry, it will be a lot more difficult to see enemies from great


Setting the Anti Aliasing to Very Low will help you spot and keep track of your enemies.

This works so well that you can even see his ear now through this window.

With AA on ultra you cannot even see the outline of his ear.

Post-processing, filters the graphics that has been rendered to affect what you see,

In simple terms, it makes everything look nicer.

Setting this to Ultra might make enemies easier to see through windows, but this is an advantage

that you can also get by setting Anti Aliasing to Very Low.

If you look closely at the bushes around buddy in this clip, you will see that there are

dark spots that will allow enemies to blend in more if you set Post-processing to ultra.

These darker areas will make it very hard to see an enemy hiding in these bushes especially

if they are wearing dark colored clothing.

It also has the biggest effect on your framerate.

With everything else on Ultra, setting Post Processing to Very Low gave 19 extra frames

per second.

You cannot go wrong with having a higher frame rate and seeing enemies through leaves more

clearly, so set Post-Processing to Very Low.

Your enemies will think that they are safely hidden without realizing that your settings

are shining a spotlight on them, and that will allow you to catch enemies by surprise

and make some easy kills.

You might think that it's a good idea to let shadows fully render so that they look


In truth, there are plenty of drawbacks that come with keeping Shadows at higher settings,

and they far outweigh the advantages.

From medium onwards, shadows get a lot darker and enemies hiding in them become harder to


On Ultra, almost each individual leaf around buddy gets its own shadow, and this takes

a lot of graphical power.

Set Shadows to very low so that they become lighter and less precise.

This will allow you to spot enemies hiding in the grass or in dark areas.

You will also get 15 extra frames per second compared to having the Shadows on Ultra.

Texture Quality adjusts the clarity and the level of detail of a surface throughout the


On Ultra, you can see a lot of detail of our guy's clothes and the soil that he is standing


When textures are set to very low, the game will look a lot worse, but you frame rate

will increase by 13 per second.

A lot of us set Texture to Medium or Low, so that you can still gain a few frames without

making the game look too ugly.

In truth, the best visibility actually comes from setting this to Ultra.

That will allow each leaf to be rendered individually, and that will allow light to pass through

them and make the enemy hiding in a bush more visible.

The clothes that your enemies wear will have more details.

That will stop enemies from blending in with walls that have the same color as their clothes,

because the increased texture will make them stand out more.

This is an advantage that is definitely worth sacrificing 13 frames for.

The amount of grass, bushes, and leaves that are rendered at any given time depend on the

Foliage setting; or at least that's how it's supposed to work in theory.

Attempting to change the Foliage setting does not have any effect anymore.

As you can see, the amount of grass around buddy stays the same.

So set this to Ultra and leave it there.

Your graphics card will render objects in the environment depending on how far the View

Distance is.

This will dictate how far you can see objects on your screen.

Depending on the situation, setting the view distance to very low wins you one single frame,

so just keep it on ultra because it will come in handy someday.

We have gone through all the graphical settings, and we now know the ultimate die hard settings.

To summarize, set Shadows, Anti Aliasing, and Post Processing to very low, and leaving

everything else on ultra.

This will give you the biggest advantage and it will make spotting enemies much easier.

I started off having 84 frames per second and now I have 123.

That's 35 frames more plus I can now see my enemies more clearly..

And by the way guys the youtube likes and comments are very helpful to me.

If you think that this video is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to like and to post

a comment on this video.

If you haven't done so already, then make sure to subscribe.

This was FOG of GAMING, thanks for watching and I will see you in Battlegrounds.

For more infomation >> PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS DIE HARD SETTINGS - Best Graphics Settings for PUBG - UPDATE PC 1.0! - Duration: 6:28.


পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস বিভিন্ন জায়গায় বিষধর সাপ ধরার লাইভ ভিডিও -২৬ | BD Snake Channel | HD - Duration: 16:31.


For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস বিভিন্ন জায়গায় বিষধর সাপ ধরার লাইভ ভিডিও -২৬ | BD Snake Channel | HD - Duration: 16:31.


How Cell Towers Work: Hands-On! - Duration: 9:28.

For more infomation >> How Cell Towers Work: Hands-On! - Duration: 9:28.


Education Cartoons for Children😍 Plural Nouns with IES for Kids First Grade. English Grammar Video - Duration: 2:57.

Education Cartoons for Children😍 Plural Nouns with IES for Kids First Grade. English Grammar Video

For more infomation >> Education Cartoons for Children😍 Plural Nouns with IES for Kids First Grade. English Grammar Video - Duration: 2:57.



For more infomation >> REVEALING THE 2ND BEAST OF REVELATION 13 - Duration: 28:33.


How to Draw Christmas Tree for Kids🎄 Step by Step Art Drawing. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 3:39.

How to Draw Christmas Tree for Kids🎄 Step by Step Art Drawing. DIY Coloring Pages for Children

For more infomation >> How to Draw Christmas Tree for Kids🎄 Step by Step Art Drawing. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 3:39.


Despicable Deadpool #290 Review - Duration: 2:52.

Written by Gerry Duggan Penciled by Scott Koblish

Cable tells Deadpool he needs a safe place to make a call so they head for Wade's safehouse,

in an abandoned subway station.

He dials up Old Man Cable, a less fortunate version of him from the future.

Telling him they need to talk in person, the old man directs him to the junction box - 67

years from now.

They walk the tracks and Belle shoots them back to the future.

They arrive in the nuclear winter of 2084, quickly attacked by vampires.

They start blowing them away until one recognizes Deadpool.

The vampire tells him Blade blamed him for Shiklah and Dracula's courtship, a little

toss to a dozen or so issues back.

Finally they get to Penn Station, now a safe house for the hundreds of versions of Cable

from alternate timelines where they all essentially converge.

They enter the room and Cable reminds Deadpool to keep his mouth shut.

Before they board the train, Deadpool asks why they can't just kill one of these Cables.

He explains that Stryfe has to have THE heart from HIS body.

The extra precautions are because the donor heart he takes must suffer no consequences.

Finally they make landfall in a boat's hull among crates and other storage.

They climb up to see the last living Cable, taking a cruise to see the heat death of the


As he complains about being the one to give up his heart, Wade shoots him in the head

and starts the carving process.

Cable hates the fact that in the end, it's Deadpool who kills him.

They return to the present with the heart in a pillowcase, and abandon ship.

The issue wraps with Cable telling him he plans to face Stryfe with the merc with a


If it's Cable's heart he wants, he's clearly getting back into the cloning business.

We'll have to wait for that though, as this issue is left to be continued.

So as the cover clearly reads, Deadpool does in fact kill Cable.

Although it wasn't the present version, who also happens to have his own series which

I review as well, it was some version of our favorite time hopping mutant.

I mentioned the other day about how I used to go back and forth on this series - one

month it was good, the next bad.

Maybe I've just worked up a tolerance for it though because now, I love it.

Gerry Duggan continues the mastery of this character and I don't know if I could trust

anyone else to be in control of him.

This particular issue was no exception.

I give it a 10/10.

If you like this video, there's hundreds more like it, spanning several current and classic

story arcs.

Click the boxes here for more playlists.

This video is also accompanied by my blog at

You can also follow links to my facebook or twitter pages, as well as a link to this very

issue for sale on my ebay page by clicking below.

For the Nerdiest Kid You Know, I'm Sam Terito.

Thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> Despicable Deadpool #290 Review - Duration: 2:52.


DISGUSTING! Swatting Incident; Intel Screws Us Over; Diablo 2 Bot Free? Overwatch Nerfs - Duration: 19:38.

hey folks this is rhykker with a gaming news wrap-up video where we discuss the

happenings of the week feel free to check out last week's episode and make

sure you have subscription notifications turned on to be alerted of new episodes

this week's topics include the big intel fiasco an update to last week's Apple

story a swatting incident that resulted in an innocent man dying a horror game

from a few years ago becoming a movie followed by our Diablo coverage and then

our overwatch coverage I'll put timestamps in the video description

below if you want to skip ahead to different topics now starting with the

intel story this is something that affects most of us your computer is

basically either running an Intel processor or an AMD processor and for a

while now Intel us had by far the majority of the market share but that

might change after this a serious design flaw in Intel chips has recently come to

light and this affects millions of computers that have come out within the

last decade Intel said in a statement based on analysis to date many types of

computing devices with many different vendors processors and operating systems

are susceptible to these exploits basically this flaw creates a security

vulnerability and optimistically this vulnerability could be leveraged by

malware and hackers to more easily exploit other security bugs but in the

worst case scenario this could be exploited to steal all your passwords

and this isn't just a hypothetical threat because ever since it came to

light some coders have gone to work on producing proof of concept programs to

show how this could actually be exploited this is a huge screw-up from

Intel that is leaving Microsoft scrambling to update their operating

system to fix this there currently exists a beta version of the Windows

patch if you want to go update immediately otherwise this will be

pushed to you pretty soon and I do encourage you please do keep your

systems up to date unless you're a very advanced computer user and you know

exactly what you're doing keep your computer updated a lot of malware a lot

of hacking all of this relies on using an updated software that still has

security vulnerabilities so you can save yourself a lot of headaches resolve a

lot of computer trouble just by keeping your system up-to-date now good news if

you're running AMD CPU AMD is not vulnerable to this

exploit now the story doesn't end there the fix that is coming out comes at a

performance cost without getting anywhere near technical the reason that

this exploit exists is because there's something using what is sort of a

shortcut in passing data along so the fix is to remove this shortcut which

thus slows down performance and according to BBC comm quote experts have

said that the fix could slow down the performance of computers by up to 30%

but Intel played this down saying that quote for the average user performance

impacts should not be significant and will be mitigated over time end quote

end quote according to the registered CEO UK the fixes to this exploit will

see a performance hit of 5 to 30% depending on what task the computer is

doing and what model the processor is for instance more recent Intel chips

will cope a lot better but the good news is that game performance shouldn't be

impacted too much here we've got early reports from beta users who are doing

benchmarks and finding there are negligible performance differences on

both new and old CPUs when it comes to gaming but these reports also suggest

that virtual machines are likely to see the biggest performance impact up to 30%

some benchmarks are reporting for the newest CPUs about a 2 to 4 percent

performance drop and for older CPUs like the 4690k we're seeing a range of about

a 1.5 to 13% drop with about an average of 5% drop so the performance drop is

certainly there but it's not nearly as dramatic as the original 30 percent

prediction so the bottom line is that this won't really affect most users this

is still a terrible thing that happened but it will be worse to have all your

passwords stole and then to get 5% for your FPS in your games now I wish the

story ended there but it actually doesn't because it seems that Intel knew

about the security vulnerability as of June when Google told them about it and

a little bit more than a month ago the CEO of Intel Brian krzanich

sold off 24 million dollars worth of Intel stock and he actually sold off as

much of the stock as he legally could as he contractually could because his

employee agreement states that he must maintain at

X amount of stock now no surprise after this security vulnerability became

public Intel stock dropped in price but Intel claims that the stock sell was

unrelated to the vulnerability that they had already been planning to sell the

stock but the stock sale plan was only put in place in October which was still

months after they knew about the security vulnerability so basically what

we're seeing here is something that looks an awful lot like insider trading

that is trading stock acting on knowledge that is not available to the

public ie he knew that Intel stock would

plummet once the security vulnerability would go live so he's selling off the

stock now while it's still high insider trading is illegal and Intel is trying

to claim no it wasn't insider trading this was planned this was all that's all

part of the plan now to further dig down the conspiracy rabbit hole here we

actually have a theory from reddit user bard Finn who claims that there's no way

that Intel didn't already know about this exploit from years ago if this is

something that has affected Intel computers for at least the past decade

decade and a half that given the the billions of computer reports they must

have gotten that all the crash logs someone must have noticed something at

some point he then points out that Intel's largest customer is actually the

US intelligence community and he believes that they wanted to ensure that

this vulnerability remained in Intel computers which is the vast majority of

computers around the world presumably so the NSA could spy on people he further

points out that the last time a major CEO in the tech sector refused to play

ball with US intelligence things didn't go so well we're talking

about Joseph nachio who was a CEO of Qwest Communications International who

ended up being convicted of 19 counts of insider trading and Nacho's defense team

claims that these charges were filed by the US government in retaliation of his

refusal to give customer data to the NSA but what do you folks think about this

crazy story do you believe this is some kind of NSA conspiracy do you believe

Intel was just somehow really incompetent do you believe the Intel CEO

was selling off the stock in anticipation of the plummet sound off in

the comments all right we're now just in a quickly

updated story that we brought up last week about Apple deliberately slowing

down older iPhones Apple issued an apology and is quote reducing the price

of an out of warranty iPhone battery replacement by fifty dollars from

seventy five dollars down to twenty five dollars for anyone with an iPhone 6 or

later whose battery needs to be replaced and they're doing this worldwide until

December 2018 now here's the thing what constitutes a battery that needs to be

replaced we have reports of people who have experienced slowdowns have gone to

try to get their battery replaced Apple tests it and says hmm eighty-five

percent health can't replace the battery it seems their threshold is eighty

percent battery life but the slowdowns are being experienced above 80 percent

we have reports from people who had battery health too high to be replaced

by Apple still managing to somehow get their battery replaced reporting that

they saw an improvement in performance if you're an Apple user what's been your

experience with all this is Apple winning back any points for offering

these reduced cost replacement batteries sound off in the comments alright on to

now a story that I I hate that this is a story that happened we had to call of

duty players who got into an argument over a two-dollar wager these imbeciles

start threatening to swat each other and if you don't know what swatting is

thankfully it's a little less prevalent than it was a couple years ago but

swatting is when you basically call in the police to someone's house so that a

SWAT team shows up in full tactical gear prepared for a situation in which

they're expecting a gunman or some kind of serious dangerous threat that

requires heavy weapons so one of these two idiots actually goes through with

the SWAT threat and the SWAT team shows up because they have to take threats

seriously there's no over the phone lie detector

to discern a real threat from a fake threat and the police assume that most

people aren't freaking morons who call in fake threats so we have police

officers who in this case are expecting a homicide and hostage situation show up

at a house again just just doing their job a 28 year old man answers the door

his name is Andrew Finch and it's not exactly clear what happens now

but one of the police officers discharges his weapon Andrew Finch is

taken to hospital where he is announced dead so which of these two call of duty

players was Andrew Finch as it turns out neither of them the idiot who called the

police got the address wrong so this is a completely innocent man who had

nothing to do with this situation who is murdered due to stupidity now the idiot

who called him the threat has been arrested but it's not clear what he's

been charged with he's 25 years old so this isn't just boys will be boys and he

has a history of swatting people and before his arrest he was actually

interviewed on YouTube where he showed quote a lack of remorse for what

happened and he said he doesn't believe he should be charged with murder as he

didn't pull the trigger now I don't want to discuss whether the police should be

condemned or not for shooting Andrew Finch obviously they made a terrible

terrible mistake that cost a man his life and that should have never happened

but the full responsibility in my opinion Falls to the idiot who knowingly

called in a fake police threat just just the fact that swatting exists and that

it's something associated with gaming culture just it disgusts me in the best

case scenario swatting uses up police resources and police time time and

resources that could have been spent preventing real crimes in the worst case

scenarios swatting terrorizes victims family roommates living with the victims

neighbors results in the destruction of property from forced entry

possibly losses pets who flee the house and as we've unfortunately seen can

result in death there's nothing funny about swatting and I believe there

should be no forgiving and is zero tolerance towards an act of deliberate

deception towards the police with the intent of sending storm troopers to raid

someone's house and hold them at gunpoint

I hope this idiot and everyone who perpetrates a swatting goes to prison

the only way to stop swatting from existing anymore

is for swatters to get caught and locked away for years

on to lighter news an official movie poster for Slender Man has been revealed

you remember Slender Man right that creepypasta meme from years ago

Slender Man first appeared almost a decade ago in 2009 and a popular video

game came out in 2012 with its sequel coming out in 2013 and basically no

one's cared about Slender Man since yet somehow in May of 2016 it was reported

that Sony Pictures has started development of the Slender Man film and

it's gonna release in May 28th 2018 it's a cool poster and I love the mythos of

Slender Man but you think this is a case of just being too late I'm certainly

curious about it but if you want to capitalize on the popularity of Slender

Man that window it's closed I think I'd still want to see the movie though how

about you folks do you still care at all about Slender Man is it to passe the

movie will likely be terrible but you know all right on to Diablo news the

darkening of Tristram event has started it kicked off January 1st with the

precursor event temporal cultists could be found throughout the game who drop

pages and if you accumulate all seven different pages you unlock a special

cosmetic portrait the portal to the Diablo 1 rift opened up on January 3rd

and the event will run throughout the month of January you can check out this

video here for a guide on how to get all the cosmetics available throughout this

event now with 2017 having come to a close we have one redditor to be ruined

that's that's his name who brought up an interesting discussion topic on the

Diablo 3 subreddit he posted something of a Diablo 3 Year in Review

highlighting all the things that we got in Diablo foo this year and asking what

do people expect to get for 2018 in 2017 we got the Diablo 1 anniversary event we

got the 64-bit client version of Diablo 3 which this is an engine overall this

is a huge deal we got the armory to save our builds we

got the crafting materials tab we got primal items we've got challenge

rifts we got the necromancer we got two new areas we've got a huge balanced

overhaul and I know some people feel like Diablo 3 gets nothing no love at

all but I mean when you stop to think about it the game actually got quite a

bit this year 2017 was good year for the game and yes yes I

know path of exile this and that too free expansions yada yada that's awesome

that's great but you're comparing two different business models here path of

exile profits more from new content and Diablo 3 does path of Exile was designed

to keep earning revenue based on releasing new content Diablo 3 wasn't

give in Diablo 3's business model I feel we got quite a bit this year now whether

that business model was an inferior choice to path of exiles business model

is another discussion entirely so all that said what are you expecting for

Diablo 3 in 2018 and our final Diablo topic here is actually about Diablo 2 R

editor mr. Griffin is reporting that ever since the latest ladder reset which

is like the launch of a new season in d3 he hasn't seen a single bot or any

evidence of bots he further says that people using map hacks are getting

banned on a regular basis now I remember back when I play Diablo 2

bahding and map hacking were rampant and I think that was the case throughout the

majority of Diablo twos life so this is very surprising to know that all of a

sudden Blizzard has implemented ways to put a stop to it is really acting to

prevent it I know today a lot of people complain about bahding in Diablo 3 but

botting had much more widespread repercussions in Diablo 2 bahding

controlled the entire economy so this is really interesting news and certainly a

hopeful sign for the chapel franchise in general on to overwatch news nerfs

inbound we've got word from principal designer

Jeff Goodman that nerfs are coming to the PTR the test server to

chunk rat and heavy nerfs to mercy junk rats concussion mine will now deal less

damage to targets further away from the explosion Center but has firm mercy oh

boy closer does not know what to do with mercy now Mercy's Valkyrie form no

longer makes resurrect instant it no longer grants a bonus charge of

resurrect the speed boost that guardian angel receives has been decreased by 50%

and the duration of al curry has been reduced from 20 to 15 seconds what are

your thoughts on these mercy changes does Blizzard just need to leave mercy

alone disposal need to revert mercy to what she was before all the tooling

started does bozer need to take mercy in a different direction is the problem

simply that no character should have a resurrect

ability let's hear your thoughts also this week we got a Happy New Year video

from the overwatch team we learned about a bunch of intentions and development

processes going on on the team for instance they're currently working away

on hero 27 and one thing that was emphasized is that what's more important

is that they get the hero fun and playable and ready for release

rather than focus on reaching some arbitrary release deadlines so while

heroes have been releasing on a regular pattern an almost predictable pattern so

far it's possible we may have to wait a little bit longer for the next hero we

learned that the new map Blizzard world will be releasing very soon

we learned that the new New Year event this time year of the dog

will be expanded upon relative to last year's New Year event the uprising event

will return and be expanded upon as well we learned that a ton of new content

will be added to a base loot box not just in these special event loot boxes

that all the Blizzard world skins will be added to base loot boxes they're so

nice and we learned that Blizzard really wants to work on telling and expanding

the lore and story of overwatch also in overwatch news season 8 of competitive

has started that is all little tidbit brought up by redditor lady lion a new

fara voice line seems to now be in effect in the game this was heard on the

map temple of Anubis Farah says peace be upon you Khalil

now Khalil was ferry's squad commander in her background lore comic he was

killed on the temple of Anubis now this voice line has apparently been

in the game for a very long time monste almost a year but this is the first time

that anyone has reported actually hearing it appear in game so was it just

a bug that it was never hurting game before or is there some specific reason

why Blizzard has suddenly turned it on we'll find out soon or possibly never

and we're gonna finish off overwatch news with just some cool stuff going on

in the world of overwatch starting with this fan-made map called Cairo

made by a Joseph Laurent a now he gave us a preview of this map a couple months

ago I believe we covered it in a video but now it is fully finished he says

that it took him about two months to finish we saw another map from him in

the past a map called favela and that took him two weeks to finish but it was

a smaller map and also he was able to work on that one

full time whereas this one he was busy with school stuff as well it's

exceptionally well made it looks like it could be a real overwatch map and good

news for mr. Lorent a year Jeff Kaplan himself commented saying

amazing work we'll be in touch do I smell a job offer on to our next

cool thing here we've got some fan art by Griego TD cough this his Jesus name

sounds like dick off this is soldier 76 in the Warcraft universe it is such an

amazing piece of artwork I love it I'd love to see this skin then we have this

art produced by extreme II ghost the overwatch crew as x-men we've got

Deadpool Reaper Cyclops 76 rogue onna apocalypse fist storm Farah tour purine

tracer Jubilee gambit Genji Nightcrawler Lucy Oh Symmetra mystique Jagger hard

beast Winston Jean Grey mercy and professors and yadda and many many more

do go check that out I'll have links in the description to all these things we

covered today and then lastly we've got by mr. volt triple 7 a mercy staff a

fully functional while ok sorry not fully functional but a semi functional

emergency staff it doesn't actually heal you but it has moving parts it has an

LED display that'll change the display from healing to damage boosting it's

just a really cool prop I'm sure some cosplayer out there would love to get

their hands on that and that's gonna wrap up our video for today do remember

to leave a comment talking about any and every story that we've covered thanks

for watching special thanks to my twitch and patreon

supporters for making these videos possible if you enjoy what you see on

this channel and will like to support me we've got backer rewards on patreon

behind-the-scenes stuff monthly hangouts and more if you enjoyed this video

please share it check out these other videos and subscribe to join rikers

raiders for more gaming coverage

For more infomation >> DISGUSTING! Swatting Incident; Intel Screws Us Over; Diablo 2 Bot Free? Overwatch Nerfs - Duration: 19:38.


Ringtones for cell phones - Duration: 3:23.

One day my friend bought a Nokia 3310 and asked me to find him in the Internet the ringtone for him, because he couldn't find them anywhere for sale. After a short search I found hundreds of ringtones (ringtones for cell phones are written using special symbols from a set of letters and numbers when entering a phone which turns the melody). And then I came up with the idea: "why don't I sell these tunes"? The next day I went to work. A week later a booklet of 17 sheets of A4, folded in half, i.e., 68 pages, which was about 600 tunes. The first few copies I printed on a laser printer. Then began to print pamphlets on the risograph is the cheapest method of printing in quite decent quality (firms and private traders involved in replication on risograph, in every city). Having made 200 copies, I was engaged in sales. Because I am a man by nature lazy and didn't want to run to the shops and negotiate the purchase of my products, I did the following: put in the newspaper ad (on the search for energetic, etc. people), I was called, I explained to them that they are only required to go shopping city (shopping, trading in cell phones, cell phone accessories, stores selling printed materials, etc.) and to negotiate the purchase or take over the implementation of my brochures for which they received a percentage of sales. This work can be done at any free time, so people were interested. After that I only have to wait when I'll call my men and tell you where and how many copies to bring. One of the brochures I had a net profit of 10 rubles. So for a month I got net profit of about 10000-12000 rubles And this despite the fact that, as it turned out, we had 2 competitor. But my brochure was more spacious, comfortable and had a more attractive design. Now I have five brochures for different phones — Nokia (Nokia), Siemens (Siemens), Ericsson (Ericsson), Motorola (Motorola). The cost of one brochure, 6 p., the other four — 4 p. (they are thinner). Wholesale price — 20 R. I usually take five pamphlets, 50 to 100 pieces each, i.e. with a single purchase I get 2000-4000 thousand rubles. At the moment, my income amounted to about 26 000. I think in any field is not enough any literature, and each of you, if you think about it, can think of a topic for 1-2 pamphlets. So, I propose we unite. Since I have the experience of the designer-coder, you could bring your ideas to life. Ie you send me your idea (what to do pamphlet), I create a design, fill it in and send you in PDF or Corel Draw. You either go to the printers or print it on your home printer and distribute. "What is the meaning of this to me?" — you will ask. And so, that I will also distribute this ebook in your city. Thus, you will do it in your city, and I in his and we won't make each other competition.

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