Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

Hello everybody! Welcome back! So today we're making a Swiss roll cake decorated...

To look like Bob. I think he's an adorable character and this technique is...

Actually super super fun because we're not using buttercream or icing to...

Decorate the Swiss roll cake, we're actually decorating it with the...

Actual cake batter itself which is so much fun and if you're not a huge fan of...

Icing, this is the perfect recipe for you. So let's get started. So for the batter...

For the actual cake pattern for the cake, what you're going to need is: some flour,

Some confectioner sugar, egg whites, unsalted butter, vanilla extract, and red,

Green, brown, and black food coloring. For the cake batter, you're going to need:

Flour, sugar, some large eggs with the yolks and whites separated, salt, some...

Unsalted butter, vanilla extract, and blue food coloring. For the filling, you're...

Going to need some cream cheese, some unsalted butter, confectioner sugar,

Whipping cream, vanilla extract, melted dark chocolate, some fresh raspberries,

And some dark chocolate chips. So first things first, we are making the pattern.

So we're actually working backwards which is a funny order but it looks so...

Cool once it's all finished. Beat the butter with an electric mixer until it's light...

And fluffy. Add the sugar and beat until well combined. Add the egg whites and...

Vanilla extract and beat until combined. Then add the flour on low speed. Divide...

The batter into five bowls and dye red, green, brown, and black -- leaving the...

Remaining bowl white. Place the powder into piping bags fitted with small, round...

Piping tips. Place an image of Bob and the text on a Swiss roll pan and place a...

Sheet of parchment paper on top. Make sure the image is a mirrored image of...

What you'd like because it's actually going to be flipped once the cake is...

Baked. Pipe the colored batter onto the parchment paper filling in the entire template.

Then draw on white polka dots onto the remaining space. Pop the pan into the...

Freezer and freeze for 30 minutes. To make the cake batter, beat six egg whites...

And salt with an electric mixer until soft peaks form. Add half the sugar and...

Beat until stiff glossy peaks are formed. In a separate bowl, beat the egg yolks...

And remaining sugar with an electric mixer until they're pale and doubled in...

Volume. Gradually add the vanilla extract and butter and mix until well combined.

Add the flour to the batter in two additions, alternating with the egg...

Whites. Then dab the batter blue and gently fold to combine. Pour the batter...

Into the Swiss roll cake pan on top of the pattern. Gently smooth the surface...

And bake it at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for 13 to 15 minutes or until the edges...

Are golden. Dust a large sheet of wax paper with some confectioner sugar. As...

Soon as the cake comes out of the oven, invert it onto the wax paper. Peel off...

The top layer of parchment paper then place another layer of wax paper on top.

Then you want to invert it again so that the patterned side is facing down. Remove...

The wax paper and starting at one long end, gently roll the cake up, then wrap it...

In a kitchen towel and cool completely. To make the filling, beat the cream...

Cheese and butter with an electric mixer until it's pale and fluffy. Add the...

Confectioner sugar and cream and beat until it's well combined. Add the melted...

Dark chocolate and vanilla extract and mix well. Then fold the raspberries and...

Chocolate chips into the mixture to assemble it. Gently unroll the cake and...

Peel off the wax paper. Spread the filling onto the surface and roll the...

Cake back up again. Then wrap the cake in plastic wrap and chill in the fridge for...

Four hours or up to overnight and just slice it up and you are done!

So thank you all so much for watching! I hope that you liked this recipe. If you...

Have some other requests for future videos, make sure to leave them in the...

Comments section down below and if you'd like to see some more...

Recipe videos, subscribe to the Best Fiends Youtube channel, which is this...

Youtube channel! If you guys are looking for some other recipes, head on over to..., which is actually my personal channel, and I have...

A ton of other recipes there waiting for you. And I'm sure that you guys saw...

These adorable little goodies in the background of the video. If you guys...

Would like something for yourself, definitely check the description box...

Below and we will have a link there for you. So thank you so much for watching...

And yeah, we will see you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> Try Making This Bob Swiss Roll - Duration: 3:51.


Logan Paul QUITS YouTube - Deleted Japan Video Controversy - Duration: 2:29.

Logan paul has announced he is done with youtube for the time being after the negative backlash

over his suicide forest video was too much for him to handle.

More on this today on IO.

What is good logan paul loving, or hating, potatoes.

I'm charlotte and I can already see some of you down there in the comments like wth

io running out of news ideas im sick of hearing about logan paul.

I promise this is the last logan paul video we are going to do for a while…because hey…he

announced that hes leaving youtube for the time being so there will be nothing to report


By the way, if this is your first time here and you need a place to get news on youtube,

look no further and subscribe to IO. Logan Paul, youtube's golden boy, announced

that he would stop posting vlogs because he is taking time to reflect.

Earlier this week he felt the wrath of the internet when he posted a video that showed

a suicide victim in japans suicide forest.

This is the first time he has stopped posting vlogs on youtube since he became one of the

biggest stars on this platform.

In the wake of the backlash, a petition has been started by britni hiatt

to delete logan pauls channel, so far it has 170 thousand signatures at the time of this


At this time the internet remains divided on whether or not to forgive logan paul.

His apology video is tied 1 million likes to 1 million dislikes, and has been viewed

almost 30 million times.

The apology video is not monetized, contrary to popular belief.

I'm going to add my personal opinion here and I feel as though he should have monetized

it and donated the proceeds to a suicide related charity.

He also refused to retweet suicide prevention hotlines when they asked him to.

Something tells me that this isn't the last time we are going to hear from logan paul.

He's probably going to wait until all of this blows over, and he'll be back.

The sad thing is, as disrespectful as this was, its probably not going to make that big

of a dent in logan pauls career.

Most of his diehard fans are sticking by him and supporting his actions, despite the fact

that logan told them not to.

Since the release of his apology video, his subscriber count is going up by 40 thousand

every day.

The way that logan paul could really lose in this situation is if his sponsors decide

to pull out.

Yes, fans are fickle, but if your sponsors decide to stop supporting you, there goes

a lot of your income right there.

So far there have been no reports of sponsors pulling out.

For now im going to respond to some comments about our video, logan paul wanted by Japanese


Kirit Ubhi – logan paul reminds me of the vegan lifestyle.

I just cant take it seriously.

OHHHHH DGO – Not only logan, youtube is responsible

for letting this be viral, they should have taken down this video before it went viral.

Yes I agree, we made a video all about youtube's part in this whole thing.

If you want to see some more coverage of this logan paul situation, check out either one

of these two videos clickable on the screen right now.

Don't forget to click the bell so you never miss an upload.

For more infomation >> Logan Paul QUITS YouTube - Deleted Japan Video Controversy - Duration: 2:29.


PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS DIE HARD SETTINGS - Best Graphics Settings for PUBG - UPDATE PC 1.0! - Duration: 6:28.

The effects setting in PUBG change the way how muzzle flashes are represented in game.

On low you will see this small muzzle flash, but on ultra the whole character will light

up and the muzzle flash itself will be twice as large.

Which one do you think will be best, or which setting will make it easier for you to spot

an enemy.

That is what this video is about, die hard settings are settings that allow you to see

your enemy more clearly while gaining a lot of extra frames.

But make no mistake, die hard settings are not the settings that give you every single

possible frame available.

Die hard settings are settings that will give you the ultimate advantage.

That is what this video is about, you maximising your skills and chicken dinners by taking

advantage of a few simple gameplay settings that everybody is allowed to change.

The best way to show you which settings are the best die hard settings, is to put our

friend buddy here in this bush.

He will become a master bushcamper today.

We will change all the settings, we will see what effect each settings has on buddy and

his bush, so focus on him and on his immediate surroundings.

I will also mention the frames per second that I am getting on this pc.

This info can be used as a reference so that you can have an idea about how much of a performance

gain each setting can cause on your own pc.

These frames are a result of a PC that has a gtx 1080 ti, an intel i7-6900k in 1440p.

The display mode in PUBG is set to fullscreen windowed.

Just for info, when I show you the settings that I am changing, you will see the resolution

is 1920 by 1080, this is a bug and this is not the resolution that I am playing the game


Anti-aliasing or AA aims to cut down on the pixelated, jagged edges you see in the game.

It makes everything look more appealing and realistic, but your frame rate will go down


To be more accurate, setting AA alone to very low gave me a frame rate of 86 per second,

and that's only two frames higher than when everything was on Ultra.

It mig ht be tempting to set this to very high because of how little difference it makes,

but that actually makes the objects around you blurry.

It's best to set this to Very Low to keep your surroundings clearly visible, especially

if you are in motion.

Every now and then, you will find yourself getting shot at while moving, especially if

you are out in the open.

If your surroundings are blurry, it will be a lot more difficult to see enemies from great


Setting the Anti Aliasing to Very Low will help you spot and keep track of your enemies.

This works so well that you can even see his ear now through this window.

With AA on ultra you cannot even see the outline of his ear.

Post-processing, filters the graphics that has been rendered to affect what you see,

In simple terms, it makes everything look nicer.

Setting this to Ultra might make enemies easier to see through windows, but this is an advantage

that you can also get by setting Anti Aliasing to Very Low.

If you look closely at the bushes around buddy in this clip, you will see that there are

dark spots that will allow enemies to blend in more if you set Post-processing to ultra.

These darker areas will make it very hard to see an enemy hiding in these bushes especially

if they are wearing dark colored clothing.

It also has the biggest effect on your framerate.

With everything else on Ultra, setting Post Processing to Very Low gave 19 extra frames

per second.

You cannot go wrong with having a higher frame rate and seeing enemies through leaves more

clearly, so set Post-Processing to Very Low.

Your enemies will think that they are safely hidden without realizing that your settings

are shining a spotlight on them, and that will allow you to catch enemies by surprise

and make some easy kills.

You might think that it's a good idea to let shadows fully render so that they look


In truth, there are plenty of drawbacks that come with keeping Shadows at higher settings,

and they far outweigh the advantages.

From medium onwards, shadows get a lot darker and enemies hiding in them become harder to


On Ultra, almost each individual leaf around buddy gets its own shadow, and this takes

a lot of graphical power.

Set Shadows to very low so that they become lighter and less precise.

This will allow you to spot enemies hiding in the grass or in dark areas.

You will also get 15 extra frames per second compared to having the Shadows on Ultra.

Texture Quality adjusts the clarity and the level of detail of a surface throughout the


On Ultra, you can see a lot of detail of our guy's clothes and the soil that he is standing


When textures are set to very low, the game will look a lot worse, but you frame rate

will increase by 13 per second.

A lot of us set Texture to Medium or Low, so that you can still gain a few frames without

making the game look too ugly.

In truth, the best visibility actually comes from setting this to Ultra.

That will allow each leaf to be rendered individually, and that will allow light to pass through

them and make the enemy hiding in a bush more visible.

The clothes that your enemies wear will have more details.

That will stop enemies from blending in with walls that have the same color as their clothes,

because the increased texture will make them stand out more.

This is an advantage that is definitely worth sacrificing 13 frames for.

The amount of grass, bushes, and leaves that are rendered at any given time depend on the

Foliage setting; or at least that's how it's supposed to work in theory.

Attempting to change the Foliage setting does not have any effect anymore.

As you can see, the amount of grass around buddy stays the same.

So set this to Ultra and leave it there.

Your graphics card will render objects in the environment depending on how far the View

Distance is.

This will dictate how far you can see objects on your screen.

Depending on the situation, setting the view distance to very low wins you one single frame,

so just keep it on ultra because it will come in handy someday.

We have gone through all the graphical settings, and we now know the ultimate die hard settings.

To summarize, set Shadows, Anti Aliasing, and Post Processing to very low, and leaving

everything else on ultra.

This will give you the biggest advantage and it will make spotting enemies much easier.

I started off having 84 frames per second and now I have 123.

That's 35 frames more plus I can now see my enemies more clearly..

And by the way guys the youtube likes and comments are very helpful to me.

If you think that this video is worthy, would you mind taking a moment to like and to post

a comment on this video.

If you haven't done so already, then make sure to subscribe.

This was FOG of GAMING, thanks for watching and I will see you in Battlegrounds.

For more infomation >> PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS DIE HARD SETTINGS - Best Graphics Settings for PUBG - UPDATE PC 1.0! - Duration: 6:28.


পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস বিভিন্ন জায়গায় বিষধর সাপ ধরার লাইভ ভিডিও -২৬ | BD Snake Channel | HD - Duration: 16:31.


For more infomation >> পটুয়াখালী রাজ্জাক বিশ্বাস বিভিন্ন জায়গায় বিষধর সাপ ধরার লাইভ ভিডিও -২৬ | BD Snake Channel | HD - Duration: 16:31.


Education Cartoons for Children😍 Plural Nouns with IES for Kids First Grade. English Grammar Video - Duration: 2:57.

Education Cartoons for Children😍 Plural Nouns with IES for Kids First Grade. English Grammar Video

For more infomation >> Education Cartoons for Children😍 Plural Nouns with IES for Kids First Grade. English Grammar Video - Duration: 2:57.



For more infomation >> REVEALING THE 2ND BEAST OF REVELATION 13 - Duration: 28:33.


How to Draw Christmas Tree for Kids🎄 Step by Step Art Drawing. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 3:39.

How to Draw Christmas Tree for Kids🎄 Step by Step Art Drawing. DIY Coloring Pages for Children

For more infomation >> How to Draw Christmas Tree for Kids🎄 Step by Step Art Drawing. DIY Coloring Pages for Children - Duration: 3:39.


Ringtones for cell phones - Duration: 3:23.

One day my friend bought a Nokia 3310 and asked me to find him in the Internet the ringtone for him, because he couldn't find them anywhere for sale. After a short search I found hundreds of ringtones (ringtones for cell phones are written using special symbols from a set of letters and numbers when entering a phone which turns the melody). And then I came up with the idea: "why don't I sell these tunes"? The next day I went to work. A week later a booklet of 17 sheets of A4, folded in half, i.e., 68 pages, which was about 600 tunes. The first few copies I printed on a laser printer. Then began to print pamphlets on the risograph is the cheapest method of printing in quite decent quality (firms and private traders involved in replication on risograph, in every city). Having made 200 copies, I was engaged in sales. Because I am a man by nature lazy and didn't want to run to the shops and negotiate the purchase of my products, I did the following: put in the newspaper ad (on the search for energetic, etc. people), I was called, I explained to them that they are only required to go shopping city (shopping, trading in cell phones, cell phone accessories, stores selling printed materials, etc.) and to negotiate the purchase or take over the implementation of my brochures for which they received a percentage of sales. This work can be done at any free time, so people were interested. After that I only have to wait when I'll call my men and tell you where and how many copies to bring. One of the brochures I had a net profit of 10 rubles. So for a month I got net profit of about 10000-12000 rubles And this despite the fact that, as it turned out, we had 2 competitor. But my brochure was more spacious, comfortable and had a more attractive design. Now I have five brochures for different phones — Nokia (Nokia), Siemens (Siemens), Ericsson (Ericsson), Motorola (Motorola). The cost of one brochure, 6 p., the other four — 4 p. (they are thinner). Wholesale price — 20 R. I usually take five pamphlets, 50 to 100 pieces each, i.e. with a single purchase I get 2000-4000 thousand rubles. At the moment, my income amounted to about 26 000. I think in any field is not enough any literature, and each of you, if you think about it, can think of a topic for 1-2 pamphlets. So, I propose we unite. Since I have the experience of the designer-coder, you could bring your ideas to life. Ie you send me your idea (what to do pamphlet), I create a design, fill it in and send you in PDF or Corel Draw. You either go to the printers or print it on your home printer and distribute. "What is the meaning of this to me?" — you will ask. And so, that I will also distribute this ebook in your city. Thus, you will do it in your city, and I in his and we won't make each other competition.

For more infomation >> Ringtones for cell phones - Duration: 3:23.


Setting Reminders - January 3 - Duration: 0:55.

Hey, so one thing that I find when I do the daily vlog and make a lot of videos on my

main channel, which is what I'm trying to do, is that I don't focus on other things

in my life as much.

Which is fine.

There is a limited amount of time in the day and as long as I am like a good friend to

the people I am friends with, and a good family member, and a good wife to my husband, and

like live in a fairly clean apartment - I'm pretty happy.

As long as I don't ignore my day job, my relationships, I'm cool with that.

But it's 2:30 in the afternoon and I haven't eaten yet because I spent the whole day editing

and doing laundry and I just forgot to eat.


Um, which is a really unhealthy thing that I do all of the time.

So, I maybe have to rethink this or set reminders on my phone to eat.

Which I've done before, and it works out pretty well.

For more infomation >> Setting Reminders - January 3 - Duration: 0:55.


Drunk YouTubers on Helium? How to Watch YouTube at 2X Speed or Half Speed and Why in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:29.

Welcome to another episode of vidIQ Shorts.

60 seconds.

One topic.

Let's go.

Did you know you can speed up or slow down YouTube videos?

It's done through the settings button within the video on your desktop screen.

Let's get the fun stuff out of the way first, slow down any video to half speed to make

the presenter sound like they're drunk.

And I'm pretty sure you can guess what it sounds like at double speed.

So obviously there is fun to be had but what practical benefits are there?

Well, if you're wanting to watch a very long video, say a lecture or a podcast where the

visuals aren't too important you can speed up the video to 1.5 or double speed and you

should be able to follow it if you concentrate.

Playback speed can also be adjusted on mobile devices through the three dots in the top

right of the screen so have a play either for fun or practical use.

Want us to cover a topic in 60 seconds let us know in the comments below and to start

using vidIQ tools to help you get more views in less time download the chrome extension

for free.

Like, subscribe and enjoy the rest of your video making day.

Bye for now.

For more infomation >> Drunk YouTubers on Helium? How to Watch YouTube at 2X Speed or Half Speed and Why in 60 Seconds - Duration: 1:29.


PJ Masks Puzzle for Kids😎 Jigsaw Puzzles Video for Children. PJ Masks Picture Jigsaw Puzzle - Duration: 2:44.

PJ Masks Puzzle for Kids😎 Jigsaw Puzzles Video for Children. PJ Masks Picture Jigsaw Puzzle

For more infomation >> PJ Masks Puzzle for Kids😎 Jigsaw Puzzles Video for Children. PJ Masks Picture Jigsaw Puzzle - Duration: 2:44.


Mutual Fund Q&A, January 5, 2018 - Duration: 8:42.

Raghu Nandan asks two questions. He asks which has better returns FD or arbitrage funds for investment of two years?

He also wants recommendations of recently launched ELSS with "low NAV"

Bank deposits and arbitrage funds give almost same returns. But for arbitrage funds, there is the advantage of equity fund taxation

For more than year investment, there is no long term capital gains tax whereas you have to pay tax for FD interest at the applicable rate

However, you have to recognise the higher risk involved with an equity fund like an arbitrage fund

High NAV is irrelevant when buying mutual funds. What matters is the growth of the NAV. The NAV of your ELSS has to grow well regardless of whether the NAV is high or low

BR has invested in regular mutual funds scheme and wants to covert them into direct plans

This can be done after redeeming the existing investments

Anil Sah wants to become a mutual fund advisor and he has cleared the NISM exam

Please visit the AMFI site. You will get handholding you need

Greek Amigo is planning to buy through SIP Axis Long Term Equity Fund, Aditya Birla Sun Life Tax Relief 96' and Tata India Tax Savings Fund

The first ELSS we have recommended and the third one has performed decently well

Mehula Savaliya asks us what is MF Utility

MF Utility is mutual fund transaction platform developed by AMFI

Share Bazar wants to know about the tax treatment when lot of transactions happen in the bank due to deposits and withdrawals from liquid funds

Tax has nothing to do with number of transactions in mutual funds. It depends on the period you stay invested

Amit Belwal wants to know about gold ETF

It is like buying an ETF. You need to buy it through a demat account

For more infomation >> Mutual Fund Q&A, January 5, 2018 - Duration: 8:42.


Selena & Justin Heads to Church after Hot Pilates Session | New Year's trip to Cabo - Duration: 1:40.

Hit the subscribe button and press the bell icon to get more take videos

Selena Gomez heads to church after hot Pilate session with Justin Bieber Selena

Gomez headed to church last night. Just hours after sweating it out at a private hockey

with Justin Bieber the two recently returned from their New Year's trip to Cabo

And it seems they're focused on fitness and faith in

2018 the come and get it songstress and JP are going strong, and she doesn't care that her mom doesn't approve

Selena is avoiding her mother as her rekindled relationship with Justin intensifies as selena and Justin

Continue to rebuild their relationship. They have been spending more and more time together and things are getting serious

Selena is committed to making things work with Justin this time around, but it is not always easy

relationships take work and Selena feels that her mother's often critical words about Justin don't help things at al

Mandy strong opinion of her daughter's situation only makes the Lena feel guilty when she just wants to be happy

Selena is dedicated to Justin and for now it is easier for her to keep her distance from her mom who she feels is

often very judgemental with her relationship

Selena has asked her mom to back off with the commentary about

Justin and she is hoping that her mom can give her space to follow her heart without feeling judged sisters


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