Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

Title: Lunchtime Music and Lunchtime Music Playlist: Two Hours of best Lunch Music

For more infomation >> Lunchtime Music and Lunchtime Music Playlist: Two Hours of best Lunch Music - Duration: 2:05:51.





The Good Place - Did Michael Dupe Them Again? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:24.

For more infomation >> The Good Place - Did Michael Dupe Them Again? (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:24.


Viral Trump Just Posted a Hilarious Comparison of His Nuclear Bu - Duration: 4:24.

Viral: Trump Just Posted a Hilarious Comparison of His �Nuclear Button� to KJU�s

After North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un threatened the United States again during a speech televised

on New Year�s Day, warning that his �nuclear button is always on the desk of my office,�

President Donald Trump struck back in a way former President Barack Obama never would


�North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the �Nuclear Button is on his desk

at all times,'� Trump cheekily tweeted.

�Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too

have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button

works!� he added.

Look, and laugh:

That�s an example of saber rattling, an ancient tradition in which a military leader

displays his might (or saber) in a way meant to bewilder (or rattle) his opponent and remind

him who�s really boss. It was basically Trump talking smack to Kim in response to

Kim having first talked smack to him.

�The entire United States is within range of our nuclear weapons, a nuclear button is

always on my desk,� Kim had said during an annual address on New Year�s Day, according

to NBC News. �This is reality, not a threat.�

Were Obama still president, he would�ve just �tolerated� Kim�s rhetoric and

let him slide, because God forbid the leader of the free world act like a man with a backbone.

Not Trump, though. When anyone tries to hit either him or the country he leads, he always

strikes back, because he understands a simple rule most people learned in high school: You

never back down from bullies.

Of course, the �fake news� media never learned this lesson, which is why, after Trump

posted his tweet, they lost their minds.

Take CNN�s senior media correspondent, Brian Stelter, who dedicated the majority of his

Tuesday evening newsletter to accusing Trump of issuing �threats of nuclear war� and

questioning his fitness for office.

�There�s a word for this. Madness. This is madness. � We�re once again confronted

by questions about the president�s fitness. Questions about his health. It�s uncomfortable.

But it is incumbent on journalists to ask these questions and report out the answers,�

he whined.

Not surprisingly, not once in his newsletter did CNN�s top media guy point out that Kim

threatened us first.

This is CNN �

Then there�s Vice magazine, which ran a hysterical headline warning, �Trump Returns

From Golf Trip To Threaten Nuclear Annihilation.�

Oh, for the love of God.

Trump merely sent a cheeky tweet to an obnoxious �fat kid� who happens to be grossly underarmed

compared to the United States. Just as a reminder, were a nuclear war to theoretically break

out between the United States and North Korea, we�d live to see another day, whereas Kim

would be headed to the afterlife.

The fact is, Trump has been talking tough with Pyongyang for months, yet nuclear war

between the United States and North Korea has yet to break out. Nor will it ever break

out, I predict, because despite all his bravado, Kim knows better than to mess with Trump.

Kim knows full well the current president is nothing like feckless Obama.

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about Trump�s

cheeky response to Kim Jong Un�s empty threat.

What do you think about the liberal media's hysteria? Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Viral Trump Just Posted a Hilarious Comparison of His Nuclear Bu - Duration: 4:24.


Yasuo Montage - Best Yauso Plays Compilation 2018 | Razmik LOL - Duration: 10:34.

Yasuo Montage - Best Yauso Plays Compilation 2018 | Razmik LOL

For more infomation >> Yasuo Montage - Best Yauso Plays Compilation 2018 | Razmik LOL - Duration: 10:34.


head&shoulders グローバル ビーチプラスチック プログラム - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> head&shoulders グローバル ビーチプラスチック プログラム - Duration: 1:01.



For more infomation >> COVER LAGU BATAK 'MARDUA HOLONG OMEGA TRIO' Versi INDONESIA AKUSTIK - Duration: 4:01.


THE FALL | STAY A LIVE #1 w/trickydickie - Duration: 2:35:53.

For more infomation >> THE FALL | STAY A LIVE #1 w/trickydickie - Duration: 2:35:53.


Part 2- Coding the microbit - Duration: 1:14.

Click on "Andee" and drag "Andee Begin" into the "on start" block.

Now click on "Variables", drag "set item to" and drop it below "Andee Begin".

Once you drop the block, click on "item" and select "Rename variable".

You will see a pop up asking for the name of the variable, so let's called it "Hello World".

Click on "Andee", drag "Create Widget" next to "set Hello World to".

Now click on "Andee" and drag "Update Widget" into the forever block.

Don't worry about the error, this error occurs because the "Update Widget" requires you to assign a widget to it.

To fix this, change the variable in "Update Widget" to "Hello World".

Click on "Settings", "Project Settings" and select "no pairing required" in the menu.

This is to allow Annikken Andee to connect to the Microbit.

Lastly rename the project to "Hello World",

now you could download the hex file and drag it into your Microbit!

For more infomation >> Part 2- Coding the microbit - Duration: 1:14.


Part 3- Connecting microbit using Annikken Andee - Duration: 0:12.

On your mobile device, open the andee app

scan for device

select your Microbit

and there you have it.

For more infomation >> Part 3- Connecting microbit using Annikken Andee - Duration: 0:12.


House Coloring Page | Quick Drawing | Drawing For Kids | Draw For Kids Hub - Duration: 10:02.

House Coloring Page

Drawing For Kids

How to Draw House for Kids


For more infomation >> House Coloring Page | Quick Drawing | Drawing For Kids | Draw For Kids Hub - Duration: 10:02.


Replacement Windows Buffalo Grove IL 847-427-6200 Replacement Windows Buffalo Grove IL - Duration: 1:16.

Replacement Windows Buffalo Grove IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?

Are air leaks and drafts from your windows adding unnecessary costs to

your heating and cooling bills?

Your windows are designed to not only improve your home's appearance,

but to also save money on your heating and cooling costs.

When shopping for replacement windows you have a lot of important

decisions to make..

Luckily, we're here to help!

We're certified local window contractors that can help guide you through

the window purchasing process according to your speci?c style and budget.

We also understand that installation, including anchoring, insulating and

sealing the window to the house to make it airtight and watertight, is as

important as the quality of the window itself.

If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new

replacement windows, give us a call today for a free, no-pressure in-home


For more infomation >> Replacement Windows Buffalo Grove IL 847-427-6200 Replacement Windows Buffalo Grove IL - Duration: 1:16.


x86 Assembly - Part 28 | Local Variables and Arguments Passing - Part 3 - Duration: 7:42.

Hey Everyone, I am Vikram Salunke

and welcome to the x86 Assembly

this is Video number 28 and Part 3

of Local Variables and Arguments Passing

In this video we will see the remaining part

of C program in a Visual Studio

so, let's get started.

Now we are executing from function()

first the function() will set it's stack frame onto the Stack

so the function() will be needing EBP to point it's

stack frame

but currently EBP containing the main()'s

stack frame pointer

and we want to save that stack frame pointer

because function() is returning to main()

and it's function()'s responsibility

to give back main() it's own stack frame pointer back

so that' why the value from the EBP will get

push onto the stack

so the first instruction is push ebp

step into that

so the value from ebp got pushed

onto the stack

now from this point

i.e. 0012FF4C the function's stack frame

begin onto the stack

and we saw earlier

function() will need ebp to point it's

stack frame pointer

so the value from the esp i.e. 0012FF4C

will get move into the EBP

step into that

and that got done

so now EBP pointing to the function()'s

stack frame

and that is 0012FF4C

and from this address it will be all

function()'s stack frame

and in this stack frame

the function will save it's local variables,

it's registers etc.

as we saw earlier in the C program

the function() has 4 variables

int x, int y, int var1 and int var2

and for that it will need 16 bytes onto the stack

and 10h represents 16 into the hexadecimal format

to save all those 4 variables onto the stack

10 will get subtract from esp

and space will get allocate to store 4 variables

onto the stack

currently, esp is pointing to the 0012FF4C

and we will minus 10 from that

step into that

as we can see 10 got minus from esp

now C statement is arg1 will be moved into int x

for that value pointed by arg1 will get move into eax first

and after that eax will get move into the

address pointed by ptr x

so let's step into that

now eax contains value pointer by ptr arg1

next instruction is

eax will get move into the address pointed by ptr x

let's step into that

now eax got moved into address pointed

by ptr x

next instruction is arg2 will get copied into int y

for that value pointed by ptr arg2

will get move into ecx

and after that ecx will get move into address

pointed by ptr y

let's execute that

step into that

now ECX contains the value pointed by ptr arg2

and next instruction is ecx will get move into

the address pointed by ptr y

let's step into that

so the address pointed by ptr y was

0012FF48 and the value from

the ECX got moved into that address

next C statement is

program is defining new variable int var1

and setting value 3

for that 3 will get move into address pointed

by ptr var1

let's step into that

ok, 00000003 got moved into address pointed by var 1

next C statement is there is

new variable int var2

and that variable has a value 4

and the assembly equivalent is

4 will get moved into the address pointed by ptr var2

let's step into that

now 00000004 has moved into

address pointed by ptr var2

now function() is returning with var2

and as we have seen in a cdecl video

EAX register is responsible

to store the return value

so, the value pointed by var2

will get move into the eax

let's step into that

now EAX contains 00000004

because that is value of var2

now function() is ending here

and as we saw earlier

the function is responsible to clean up

it's own stack frame

for that value from ebp will get move into the esp

now just imagine esp is somewhat here

and ebp is here

and this is function()'s stack frame

and now function() is returning

so function() needs to clear this space

for that what it will do?

it will point the ESP to the EBP

and automatically those

stack will get clear

let's step into that

now ESP has moved to the 0012FF4C

and that is a value of a ebp

now when one function returns to another function

it has to give back

old function()'s stack frame pointer back

in this case

function() is returning to main()

and when we started function()

we saved, main()'s stack frame pointer onto the stack

and now we will pop

that stack frame pointer back to the EBP

let's step into that

that got popped

after that function() will return to main()

and when function() will return to main()

it will take the return address

saved by the main()

and that is 00401051

and that will get move into EIP

and EIP will begin execution from 00401051

let's step into that

now EIP is returned to the 00401051

and we are executing from main()

now main() passed 2 int variables

as an argument form to the function()

so, as we saw in a cdecl video

it is a caller's responsibility

to clean up it's own stack frame

and in this case

main() is a caller and function() is a callee

to clean up the stack

8 bytes will get add into the ESP

and those 00000001 and 00000002

which passed as an argument form

will get clear from the stack

let's step into that

that got done

and now ESP is pointing 8 bytes below

and that means those values

got automatically cleared from the stack

and as we saw earlier the value returned

by the function() will get saved

into the new variable

known as int value

eax contains the return value

from a function()

and we will save that into the address pointed by value

let's step into that

the return value got stored

onto the address pointed by value

now main() is returning with 0x11111111

for that those 0x11111111 will get move

into the eax

let's step into that

those 11111111 got moved into the EAX

and now main() is ending here

main() has some local variables

it will use the same trick

which we saw in a function()

that EBP is pointing at stack frame pointer

and ESP is pointing at top of the stack

and it has some local variables and registers

now to clean up the stack

ESP will be moved to EBP

and automatically those value

will be get cleared

step into that

as we can see the local variables

got cleared from the stack

next instruction is pop ebp

we are giving back stack frame pointer

of a function who called main()

now EBP contains the stack frame

pointer of a function who called main()

and now main() is returning

main() will return to the

function who called it

for that it will take the

value from the stack

i.e. 00401328

and it will put that value into EIP

and EIP will begin execution from there

let's step into that

as we can see

we have returned to that address

but this is beyond our scope of program

so we will stop here

so, that's it for this video

I am trying to explain as easy as possible

still if you have any further doubts

you can contact me on following hadles

in the next video

we will see the same C program

but in an animation format

do watch that video

then your understanding will get more clearer

Thank you :)

For more infomation >> x86 Assembly - Part 28 | Local Variables and Arguments Passing - Part 3 - Duration: 7:42.






It's likely that the only reason that Hillary Clinton wanted to become the President of

the United States was to keep her most sinister secrets silent.

She knew that if Donald Trump beat her to the position she was doomed, which is probably

what she was really upset with after her devastating loss.

It took a year for Trump to hand-deliver his promise to the people of holding "crooked

Hillary" accountable.

That seems to be the case now at the conclusion of the "Butcher of Benghazi's" worst

week ever.

Earlier this week, Trump took to his typical place of snowflake-melting announcements to

put a message out there to Hillary and her right-hand helper, Huma Abedin, that the treasonous

pair probably didn't take too seriously.

He tweeted what can be seen as a "premonition" about a pardon he's soon to make on behalf

of U.S. Sailor Kristian Saucier who was jailed for a year over handling low-level classified


Saucier's life has since been ruined following his release, while Hillary still arrogantly

walks free, despite mishandling extremely sensitive information, funds, and the entire

situation in Benghazi.

It's definitely looking like time is up for this crooked woman and it will be her

nemesis who ensures it.

2018 could be the worst year for Hillary of her life and she deserves it.

Her secrets weren't safe with Trump in office and the investigation isn't over.

In fact, it resurfaced now in the new year when Trump's DOJ reopened what she thought

was long since closed and forgotten about.

Unfortunately for her, they found what they've been looking for we've suspected was there

all along.

The Washington Examiner reports:

The Department of Justice has caved to pressure from the White House and is reportedly reopening

the investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's use of a private

email server.

According to the Daily Beast, there is a new effort in the department to get new details

on how Clinton and her aides — including former top aide Huma Abedin — handled classified


The effort will look at how much classified information was on her private email server,

and how that information got there.

President Trump has continually questioned if and when the Justice Department would reopen

its investigation into Clinton.

He tweeted on Dec. 2: "Many people in our Country are asking what the 'Justice'

Department is going to do about the fact that totally Crooked Hillary, AFTER receiving a

subpoena from the United States Congress, deleted and 'acid washed' 33,000 Emails?

No justice!"

Last week, conservative group Judicial Watch won a lawsuit against the State Department

and released emails showing that classified information was on the computer of Abedin's

then-husband Anthony Weiner.

The FBI previously investigated and declined to criminally prosecute Clinton for her use

of the email server.

But Trump and his supporters used the email debacle as a rallying cry throughout the campaign.

The findings from a separate Justice Department's inspector general probe into how the FBI handled

the email use is expected to be released sometime this spring.

It was only a matter of time before he reopened it since so many questions remained that deserve

to be answered so justice can finally be served.

Hillary's impending arrest isn't only a massive move for Trump's presidency, her

countless victims her suffered the fatal wrath of her crimes deserve to see this in their

lifetime too.

The best case scenario would be for things to go from bad to worse with her fate simultaneously

with Saucier getting the pardon he deserves.

Saucier has suffered a horrific life since being released from prison for much less than


He can't get work other than a garbage man after being a hero for our country and is

about to find himself living on the streets.

Meanwhile, Hillary carries on making millions at speaking engagements she shouldn't have

the opportunity to do.

As Prissy Holly for Freedom Daily reported earlier this week, "Thanks to the America-hating

traitor that led our country for two terms, America's enemies were able to operate right

underneath our noses.

Several weeks ago, Judicial Watch revealed that Hillary and her Muslim Brotherhood pet

Huma Abedin removed five boxes of "Muslim files" from the White House, after the duo

falsely claimed the box contained "personal materials" that were "unclassified"

in an effort to get Obama's dirt permanently removed from the White House.

But the time for terrorists running the White House is now over."

It's clear that Democrats don't care about classified information being leaked as long

as it's Hillary doing it and not a sailor.

They would prefer that he be tried with treason for much less than Hillary who has a lifetime

of crimes that are about to come to light with the reopening of this investigation.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING!!! TRUMP REOPENED HILLARY CASE!!! THEY FOUND IT!! - Duration: 4:51.


Tampa Housing Market Predictions 2018 - Duration: 3:07.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and in this video I

want to do a prediction for the 2018 Tampa housing market. Now if you've been

following my channel over the years a lot of you know I'm not really into

predictions I don't like to do predictions but I just get asked the

question all the time how do you think the housing market is going to do in the

future how do you think it's going to do for next year so let me give you a

prediction and one I think the 2018 housing market in Tampa is going to be

like I think it's gonna be good a matter of fact I think it's gonna be real good

and there's two reasons why I say this reason number one is there's no reason

right right now that think it's not if you look at the statistics and you know

I do the statistics every single month so if you look at them there's really no

dip it's continually a seller's market prices are just continually going up

homes are getting sold it's real tight matter of fact we're on the in the first

week of January I cannot believe how many calls have gotten from buyers I've

never gotten this many calls in 20 years of real estate from actually buyers and

sellers to look for homes and list their homes so that's reason number one the

second is what I think is really probably the most popular reason and the

most known reason for the housing market and that's consumer confidence when

consumer confidence is good the housing market is really good when consumer

confidence is bad the housing market is bad and right now consumer confidence is

at an all-time high and I've been in business in the real estate business and

mortgage and real estate and actually even before that when I bought my first

home in California at 23 I've always followed the real estate market I've

always studied the real estate market and it's always heavily heavily gauged

on consumer confidence so I think it's going to be a really good year now of

course there's always you know the unseen things that we don't know that

could happened in the world but as of right

now I think the real estate market is going to be really strong and tamp I

actually think it's going to be really strong throughout pretty much the entire

United States it's going to continue to be a seller's market and you know I

don't know I hope this helps you this is just my opinion I'd be curious to see

what your opinion is if you think it's going to be a good market at an average

market a bad market what you think so leave your comments below if you have

any questions for me or if I could help you out don't hesitate to contact me and

I wish you a blessed 2018 both to you and your family have a wonderful day


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