Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

Yasuo Montage - Best Yauso Plays Compilation 2018 | Razmik LOL

For more infomation >> Yasuo Montage - Best Yauso Plays Compilation 2018 | Razmik LOL - Duration: 10:34.


House Coloring Page | Quick Drawing | Drawing For Kids | Draw For Kids Hub - Duration: 10:02.

House Coloring Page

Drawing For Kids

How to Draw House for Kids


For more infomation >> House Coloring Page | Quick Drawing | Drawing For Kids | Draw For Kids Hub - Duration: 10:02.


Tampa Housing Market Predictions 2018 - Duration: 3:07.

Hi everyone. This is your Tampa Bay Realtor Lance Mohr and in this video I

want to do a prediction for the 2018 Tampa housing market. Now if you've been

following my channel over the years a lot of you know I'm not really into

predictions I don't like to do predictions but I just get asked the

question all the time how do you think the housing market is going to do in the

future how do you think it's going to do for next year so let me give you a

prediction and one I think the 2018 housing market in Tampa is going to be

like I think it's gonna be good a matter of fact I think it's gonna be real good

and there's two reasons why I say this reason number one is there's no reason

right right now that think it's not if you look at the statistics and you know

I do the statistics every single month so if you look at them there's really no

dip it's continually a seller's market prices are just continually going up

homes are getting sold it's real tight matter of fact we're on the in the first

week of January I cannot believe how many calls have gotten from buyers I've

never gotten this many calls in 20 years of real estate from actually buyers and

sellers to look for homes and list their homes so that's reason number one the

second is what I think is really probably the most popular reason and the

most known reason for the housing market and that's consumer confidence when

consumer confidence is good the housing market is really good when consumer

confidence is bad the housing market is bad and right now consumer confidence is

at an all-time high and I've been in business in the real estate business and

mortgage and real estate and actually even before that when I bought my first

home in California at 23 I've always followed the real estate market I've

always studied the real estate market and it's always heavily heavily gauged

on consumer confidence so I think it's going to be a really good year now of

course there's always you know the unseen things that we don't know that

could happened in the world but as of right

now I think the real estate market is going to be really strong and tamp I

actually think it's going to be really strong throughout pretty much the entire

United States it's going to continue to be a seller's market and you know I

don't know I hope this helps you this is just my opinion I'd be curious to see

what your opinion is if you think it's going to be a good market at an average

market a bad market what you think so leave your comments below if you have

any questions for me or if I could help you out don't hesitate to contact me and

I wish you a blessed 2018 both to you and your family have a wonderful day


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