Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

Film Courage: Gary, I sense from you such an open, abundance mindset.

Did you always think like this?

Have you always felt like things were unlimited?

That there was no…a lot of us just think in terms of a box (myself included).

And I don't see that from you.

I sense that you see endless possibilities and there's never a black-and-white answer,

there's a lot of grey.

Gary W. Goldstein: My world is entirely grey, there is no black-and-white.

And it is about endless possibility.

It's what you make of it.

And I came to Hollywood wide-eyed, with rose-colored glasses and by the way, I am still wearing

rose-colored glasses.

I will be the eternal optimist until the day I leave this life because it's a better

choice for me.

But when someone says no…the thing about moving to Los Angeles to try and get in the

film business, they spent years getting "No."

A lot of "no's," hundreds of "no's," thousands of "no's."

And a very rare instance, I might get a "yes."

But the "no's" still outweighed it.

It's interesting, there was a book by Jeff Olson called The Slight Edge and in that book

he talks about social science studies have proven that a child by the age of 5 has heard

the word "no" 40,000 times.

And that same child has heard the word "yes" 8,000 times.

40,000 "no's" - 8,000 times of "yes."

5 times the gravity holding that child down as the buoyant "yes" uplifting this child's

mindset and sense of possibility.

That's a formative time.

So they enter the first grade with that energy.

Quite a deficit there.

Imagine the possibility if that were reversed, how would that kid enter into his social environments?

But be that as it may, I see the world as endless possibility.

When someone says "no" to me, I've hear it so many times that I've gone deaf.

I am literally deaf to the word.

So to me, when you say "no" to me, I'm smiling and I'm excited.

Why, because it's the same as "yes."

I choose it to be the same as "yes."


I know that "no" is not "yes."

But what I do know is that the greater currency, whatever you are going to say yes to, it would

have been nice, it would have made me happy.

But the real win is my relationship to you, with you.

So if I can take that no and honor by saying fantastic.

First of all, I've taken all, you know people don't like to say no.

It makes them feel terrible and they feel guilty and this and that.

But if I take that away right off the table by going "Oh, my Gosh!

Great." and surprise them, well new rules, right?

So I can say to them "that's fabulous."

You have no idea the value you would bring to my life that you would honor me if you

would be my 3.7 minute mentor right now.

My 5 minute mentor.

If you can share with me why this is a "no" to you, I would be eternally grateful.

Now you've opened the door to them telling you the truth.

They are not going to say "no."

You've flattered them, you've honored them, you've made them smile, hopefully

made them laugh and you're being honest and they know that.

We know when someone is being honest with us.

And now out comes the thing called empathy and that thing called caring, so they'll

tell you.

And A) you will learn something important and B)

That ineffable thing happens.

We as two people have just bonded in an entirely higher context.

I've left the room with "no" and a friend.

A "no" and a closer relationship and a new mentor.

You do that a hundred times over the course of a couple of years, success is inevitable

because people who care about you, who are more successful will ensure that.

That's the way it works.

Film Courage: Have you had a "no" come back to you a year or two or three later (whatever)

and say "You know what?

Gary, remember we talked…"

There was no negativity, you kept it upbeat and it turned out there was something else

they thought of you for?

Gary W. Goldstein: How you approach people determines how they feel about you, not just

in the moment but ongoing.

I have had a lot of people over time come back with opportunity in a different form,

a different time, a different place, a different topic, a different project if you will.

And invite me into a conversation that was largely the result of earlier interactions

and those interactions left them with a positive feeling.

I didn't make them feel bad, quite the opposite.

And that's what success looks like to me.

Success looks like a string of pearls, human relationships that were dealt with well in

the moment because now people are talking about me behind my back, but in a good way

or thinking about me perhaps in a better way and then remembering me because of it.

And I think we all do that.

We like to do business with people that we like, that we respect, that we trust, that

we know how they're going to behave.

If I deliver bad news to you and come back in a positive way to me, I know that you're

the writer I want in a writer room at 3:00 a.m. in the morning when things are really

tough and getting ugly and I can count on you to still be a human being.

That does matter.

You will always get hired over the slightly more talented writer if I don't trust that

to be true about them, but I do trust that to be true about you.

That's how we're wired.

For more infomation >> A Different Way To Handle A 'No' In Hollywood by Gary W. Goldstein - Duration: 6:25.


[SFM FNAF] Short School Stories |Parte 1| Mangle (Español) by FNAF LORD SFM - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> [SFM FNAF] Short School Stories |Parte 1| Mangle (Español) by FNAF LORD SFM - Duration: 2:14.


Come And Get My First Finger Tatto With Me - Ouch!!!!! | Avelina De Moray - Duration: 3:07.

hey everyone Avelina De Moray here, so today I did a really spontaneous thing

and got a fucking finger tattoo!!! I'm so excited. so I filmed it and thought you

could endure the pain with me yeah I hope you enjoy this. We are about to start

and Im nervous as fuck

thank you for watching I know it's really really short I am absolutely

loving this tattoo let me know I'm trying to get a good shot of it

yeah like up on the knuckle is a little grain so I think yeah there's some

bruising god it's hot here you will see more videos on my channel pretty soon if

you haven't already please click that subscribe button comment down below I

press the like button thank you for joining my channel and I will see you

guys in the new year say thanks for joining my mom's channel Steele,do you

like your present?

For more infomation >> Come And Get My First Finger Tatto With Me - Ouch!!!!! | Avelina De Moray - Duration: 3:07.


This Test Will Tell You What Animal You Are! - Duration: 8:56.


This Test Will Tell You What Animal You Are!


For more infomation >> This Test Will Tell You What Animal You Are! - Duration: 8:56.


COOKING WITH BELLA | Wok - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> COOKING WITH BELLA | Wok - Duration: 3:26.


Custom Windows Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Custom Windows Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 1:16.

Custom Windows Arlington Heights IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?

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When shopping for replacement windows you have a lot of important

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Luckily, we're here to help!

We're certified local window contractors that can help guide you through

the window purchasing process according to your speci?c style and budget.

We also understand that installation, including anchoring, insulating and

sealing the window to the house to make it airtight and watertight, is as

important as the quality of the window itself.

If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new

replacement windows, give us a call today for a free, no-pressure in-home


For more infomation >> Custom Windows Arlington Heights IL 847-427-6200 Custom Windows Arlington Heights IL - Duration: 1:16.


Metamorphosis | 1.10 | Advanced Reading in English - Duration: 7:26.

Sup– WOAH! my voice! what happened to my voice? *cough* *cough* Oh, there we go!

you need to start reading to be fluent! so do it with me, I do the hard stuff

like defining the words. you just need to click the three dots to read with me. and

repeat after me out loud to improve your pronunciation and speaking skills! the

review for today's video is on Patreon! and get yesterday's extra vocab video,

talking about some super cool winter expressions that you can actually use

all year, all year round! click here to become a patron and to support For Your

English! Thanks guys! back to the story –

"Now then" said Gregor "well aware that he was the only one to have kept calm. I'll

get dressed straightaway now. pack up my samples and

set off. will you please just let me leave? you can see" he said to the chief

clerk "that I'm not stubborn and I like to do my job. being a commercial

traveller is arduous, but without travelling I wouldn't earn my living, so

where are you going? into the office? yes? we report everything accurately then. it's

quite possible for someone to be temporarily unavailable to work, but

that's just the right time to remember what's been achieved in the past and

consider that later on, once the difficulty has been removed, he will

certainly work with all the more diligence and concentration. you're well

aware that I'm seriously in debt to your employer, as well as having to look after

my parents and sister, so that I'm trapped in a difficult situation. but I

will work my way out of it, again, please, don't make things any harder for me than

they already are! and don't take sides against me at the

office. I know that nobody likes the travellers, they think we earn an

enormous wage, as well as having a soft time of it! that's just prejudice, but

they have no particular reason to think better of it. but you, sir, have a better

overview than the rest of the staff! in fact if I can say this in confidence, a

better overview than the boss himself. it's very easy for a businessman like him to

make mistakes about his employees and judge them more harshly than he should.

and you're also well aware that we travellers spend almost the whole year

away from the office, so that we can very easily fall victim to gossip and chance

and groundless complaints. and it's almost impossible to defend yourself

from the sort of thing. we don't usually even hear about them, or if at all it's

when we arrive back home exhausted from a trip. and that's when we feel the

harmful effects of what's been going on without even knowing what caused them.

please don't go away, at least first say something to show you grant that I'm at

least partly right!" Gregor just gave this impassioned speech,

but the clerk is obviously bugged out – he's freaking out – by Gregor! if

something is arduous, it requires a lot of effort! it's strenuous and exhausting

and demanding. we don't get a "D" sound here we get,

aruous. arduous. very arduous diligence is continual, persistent care and effort.

the adjective is diligent. so if you are diligent it means you are a hard worker,

you're putting in a hundred percent of the effort. Gregor says that people

expect that he has a soft time of it, as a travelling salesman. a soft time means

an easy time. it's not very common. what is common is the adjective "softie". if

you're a softie it means you're weak. they have no particular reason to think

otherwise – particular means specific. they have no specific reason to think

anything else. to do or say something in confidence, means to do it in private, to

assume that someone will not share that information, so Gregor is saying hey

you're the best person at work, and I'm telling you this in confidence! don't

tell anybody else! and lastly, if something is groundless, especially a

complaint or an opinion or some information, it means it is not based on

fact. there's no evidence no proof for it. so if someone makes a groundless

accusation against you, there's no proof! it's as out of thin air – it's a lie

probably! and back to the book – but the chief clerk had turned away as soon as

Gregor had started to speak and with protruding lips only stared back at him

over his trembling shoulders as he left. he did not keep still for a moment while

Gregor was speaking, but moved steadily towards the door without taking his eyes

off him. he moved very gradually as if there had been some secret prohibition

on leaving the room. it was only when he had reached the entrance hall that he

made a sudden movement, drew his foot from the living room and rushed forward

in a panic. in the hall, he stretched his right hand far out towards the stairway

as if out there there were some supernatural force waiting to save him.

Gregor realized that it was out of the question to let the chief clerk go away

in this mood, if his position in the firm was not to be put into extreme danger.

that was something his parents did not understand very well. over the years they

had become convinced that this job would

provide for Gregor for his entire life. and besides, they had so much to worry

about at present that they had lost sight of any thought for the future.

Gregor though, did think about the future. whoa! so I think Gregor might be getting

ready to attack. to try to keep the chief clerk in the house, we'll find out! but

let's talk about the chief clerk, because he is trying to get out of that place!

they described his lips as protruding. if something is protruding, it's sticking

out, so his lips, like this, or something like that, aah! and he was trembling. you

tremble out of fear, like this! AAH you can also tremble, kind of like

shivering from the cold. and the way that the chief clerk was leaving, it was kind

of like there was this prohibition, meaning a ban, not allowing something to

happen. because he was leaving so slowly, because he's scared of Gregor, this giant

bug, that for Gregor has seemed like he was not allowed to leave, he was

prohibited. to prohibit is the verb here. but as soon as he got one foot out of

the door, he moved with panic. means with fear, anxiety, dread! and we do things IN a

panic. and all of this from Gregor's point of view, seemed to be supernatural.

when we talk about the supernatural, we're talking about all the things that

exist beyond the understanding of science. see, when we talk about ghosts or

zombies or laws of nature that don't agree with physics or the sience that we

think controls everything in the universe. and Gregor, for good, reason is

worried about his position at the firm. a firm, most often a firm is a law firm,

where lawyers work. but a firm can also be another term for a company, although

much more common when talking about a legal practice. keep on studying with the

Fluency Book Club podcast, listen to that. also get free audio books to listen to,

ebooks and emagazines, all of that stuff's under the video! and that's it! *cough*

oh no it's stuck! Noo! Oh well... these videos are possible thanks

to awesome awesome awesome patrons! become a patron ,support For Your

English, and get a lot of really cool shit!

For more infomation >> Metamorphosis | 1.10 | Advanced Reading in English - Duration: 7:26.


Balcony Makeover (Room Tour) 🌿/ 베란다 인테리어 (룸 투어) 🌿 - Duration: 2:53.

For more infomation >> Balcony Makeover (Room Tour) 🌿/ 베란다 인테리어 (룸 투어) 🌿 - Duration: 2:53.


Trump's Handling 2018 Just Like 2017 — By Dropping Truth Bombs O - Duration: 1:26.

Trump�s Handling 2018 Just Like 2017 � By Dropping Truth Bombs On The New York Times

President Donald Trump doled out some wisdom for The New York Times� new publisher in

a series of Tuesday tweets.

Trump has maintained a contentious public relationship with TheNYT while simultaneously

to sit down with the paper for extensive exclusive interviews throughout his tenure as a candidate

and while in office.

Sulzberger is the sixth member of his family to hold the post since 1896 and recently authored

a note to readers on his vision for the paper.

The new publisher decried rising �misinformation� and admitted � trust in the media is declining.�

For more infomation >> Trump's Handling 2018 Just Like 2017 — By Dropping Truth Bombs O - Duration: 1:26.


John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> John Cessarich's Complete Forecast - Duration: 2:14.


🌞прогноз руны дня на сегодня 5 января 2018 года #рунныймаг - Duration: 3:35.

For more infomation >> 🌞прогноз руны дня на сегодня 5 января 2018 года #рунныймаг - Duration: 3:35.


Whoopi Goldberg Says Trump Is INSANE And PARANOID For Believing In The Deep State! - Duration: 3:35.

Whoopi Goldberg Says Trump Is INSANE And PARANOID For Believing In The Deep State!

Most of us know Whoopi Goldberg from the movies Ghost and Sister Act and the fact that she

is Academy Award Winner, but apparently, now she decided to give that up and starts attacking

Republicans for all the wrong reasons.

She focuses on President Trump and his family, but in a matter of fact, she can keep her

irrelevant comments to herself.

"Both the current guy in the White House and his son have been tweeting about the so

called 'deep state' which is a conspiracy theory which government employees loyal to

Obama and Hillary are working behind the scenes to derail his presidency.

Now does this seem a little odd?" – she states.

"Let me tell you the danger of that.

You've remember PizzaGate?

Where they put out this insanity that there was some sort of — thing happening, selling

of children out of a pizza joint in Washington.

According to them I guess she [Hillary] was sitting there with Bill and counting the kids.

Someone got shot because of this insanity.

Do you understand that?

When you have insane theories like this, people get hurt," – she continued claiming.

Her co-host was also in the mood for spreading nonsense, so she added to her comments.

"I wonder if the president really believes this.

I've been joking about it.

This is the first I'm hearing about this deep state.

If you're playing to the conspiracy theorists in your base or 46% of Americans, that makes

sense," – states Sunny Hostin, co-host to Whoopi's show.

"If you're the President of the United States and you are paranoid enough to believe

there's some conspiracy against your presidency and you have nuclear warheads at your disposal,

shouldn't we all be a little bit concerned about this?" – she finished.

Watch the video:

The best thing for Whoopi do to is to stick to her acting career in movies, because this acting on the

show is just starting to feel a little too much.

Maybe if she had some knowledge on this subject she would've been talking relevant things.

what do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> Whoopi Goldberg Says Trump Is INSANE And PARANOID For Believing In The Deep State! - Duration: 3:35.


Flag and anthem of China - Duration: 0:50.

Arise! Ye who refuse to be slaves!

With our flesh and blood, let us build a new Great Wall!

As China faces its greatest peril,

From each one the urgent call to action comes forth.

Arise! Arise! Arise!

Millions of but one heart,

Braving the enemies' fire!

March on!

Braving the enemies' fire!

March on! March on! March on! on!

For more infomation >> Flag and anthem of China - Duration: 0:50.


Draft Beer - How To Design A Custom Built-In Kegerator In Commercial Bar Design - Duration: 3:24.

So how do you adapt a standard under bar beer cooler to become an 8-faucet

draft beer system with remote tower? In this video, I'm going to show you how to

turn a kegerator into a fashionable, remote, air-cooled draft beer system. Coming up!

Hey Rick Uzubell again from Cabaret Design Group, where I share my personal ideas

and tips on bar design, draft beer system design and product reviews. If you're new

here, consider subscribing and please check-out the show notes and links in

the YouTube description below. Now let's jump into the show!

The picture you see here is that of a kegerator, which is a commercial beer cooler with draft beer

towers and faucet handles. When it comes to kegerators, not much has changed over

the years, but that's becoming a problem in light of the emergence of craft beer.

Although this style of bar equipment is reliable, it hasn't been good for

commercial bar design because traditional kegerators are 29" deep,

which doesn't conform to the world of 24" under-bar equipment.

The other problem is that they don't have fashionable, multiple-faucet beer towers.

Not to worry, because I have an idea for you!

Consider the following design example of a hotel bar. Although glycol draft beer systems are the best

investment of any draft beer system (refer to my earlier blog posts, listed below),

sometimes they aren't the best solution for a hotel bar design, which

often entails limited locations for walk-in coolers and therefore extremely

long trunk lines and many physical obstacles. If you want to serve eight-to-ten

varieties of craft beer and desire remote draft beer towers, but don't want

to invest in a glycol draft beer system, consider the alternative we used for

this bar design. I turned to a little-known bar design secret, adapting

a standard built-in back bar cooler. This type of cooler is 24" deep, can

handle eight brands of beer and is readily available. For this application

I used the following bar equipment: 1). A Glastender LGT8, 8-faucet beer tower,

and secondly, a Glastender BB84 back bar cooler.

It's very important to note that the beer towers shown in this application

need to be designed for an air-cooled system; glycol towers simply will not work.

Also needed are the tubing and regulators for connecting eight brands

of beer and a CO2 gas cylinder, to complete the process -- the same as any

draft beer system. The Owner chose to have the draught beer towers remotely-mounted

to the front bar top. This means that the kegerators shown here will act

as remote air-cooled draft beer systems, which is feasible, given that the beer

towers are only five feet from each kegerator. To achieve this, some

4" Schedule 40 PVC will be necessary to act as the beer shaft. Although no

companies are currently marketing the idea of off-the-shelf built-in

kegerators with remote towers, you can purchase anyone's built-in back bar

cooler and incorporate the above concept. Perlick and Beverage Air manufacture

similar coolers and those cut sheets can be found at the end of this post.

For more infomation >> Draft Beer - How To Design A Custom Built-In Kegerator In Commercial Bar Design - Duration: 3:24.


JOAO03B PLAYS | COCONUT CURUMBA(watch the end without laughing - Duration: 8:44.

For more infomation >> JOAO03B PLAYS | COCONUT CURUMBA(watch the end without laughing - Duration: 8:44.




Barack Hussein Obama did a lot of pardoning in his eight years in office, especially in

his final thirty days, leaving the biggest traitor for last.

In all that pardoning, he ever sent a patriot free but was sure to release commune the sentences

of hardened criminals and enemies of the state.

It seemed like a deliberate middle finger to America, especially since most of the people

he pardoned went on to commit preventable crimes, and take more from society they were

never entitled to.

There's a time and a place for pardoning and one of the major differences between President

Trump and his predecessor is how and what they use it for.

Trump proved with before with pardoning Arizona's much-loved and respected Sheriff Joe Arpaio,

and now he's doubling down on this effort in a major way.

While Arpaio faced a prison sentence, major traitors to the nation, Hillary Clinton and

her right-hand woman Huma Abedin, continue to walk free having committed far worse.

It's safe to say that Obama won't be happy about Trump's latest pardon, which means

is a great move for America.

We're jailing the wrong people when the country's biggest criminals continue to

be free women – but they have now been put on notice.

The Daily Mail reports:

A former sailor who spent a year in jail for taking classified pictures aboard a submarine

has fallen on hard times, but hopes that a pardon from President Trump could turn things


In 2009, at age 22, Kristian Saucier took six photographs inside the classified area

of the U.S.S.

Alexandria, a nuclear submarine and eventually pleaded guilty of unauthorized possession

and retention of national defense information.

Now, after being released from prison, his house is in foreclosure as he tries to make

ends meet as a garbageman, Fox News has learned.

"We're really struggling," he told the network Tuesday in a new interview.

"We can't pay our electric bill.

Bill collectors are calling every day, I make only half what I used to make."

The president sparked renewed interest in Saucier's case by tweeting about it on Tuesday.

"Crooked Hillary Clinton's top aid[e], Huma Abedin, has been accused of disregarding

basic security protocols," Trump wrote.

"She put Classified Passwords into the hands of foreign agents."

"Remember sailors pictures on submarine?" Trump asked, referring to Saucier.


Deep State Justice Dept must finally act?

Also on Comey & others."

Following that Tweet, Saucier got a renewed hope in life after he has suffered the full

wrath of the law for how he mishandled low-level class information.

What he did, pales in comparison to what Hillary and Huma have gotten away with for years.

This is the reason pardons are in place.

Hopefully, the other end to this major statement made by the president is that Hillary gets

the long overdue sentence for how she grossly mishandled high-level and extremely sensitive


Saucier told Fox News on Tuesday that the tweet renewed his hope for a pardon, Mail

Online continued.

"We're hopeful with that tweet today," he told the network.

"He mentioned me quite a few times when he was campaigning and said it was a double

standard how Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin were handled."

Mail Online has more:

The former sailor spent a year in a Massachusetts federal prison for his crime.

His lawyer, Ronald Daigle, told Fox that he believed Saucier was a 'political pawn'

to be made an example of, as two other Alexandria crew members were caught taking photos at

the same locations and were punished, but never prosecuted.

"Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin flagrantly mishandled high-level information, making

it available to a pedophile, and they get away with it," Saucier said, referring to

Abedin's estranged husband, former Rep. Anthony Weiner, who's serving jail time

for sexting with a minor.

On Friday, the State Department released a cache of Abedin's emails that were stored

on Weiner's laptop, including at least five emails determined to be classified.

A total of eight pages had been classified at the 'confidential' level, the third

most sensitive labeling the U.S. government uses.

Saucier said he believed Abedin should be prosecuted.

"She should be put through the same legal system that went after me, and unfortunately

I didn't have near the legal resources that she does or Hillary Clinton does, so they'll

be able to mount a much better defense than I could, but even still, they should be charged

the same as me," Saucier said.

It's only fair that Saucier is exonerated given the fact that Private Bradley Manning,

who began to transition from male to female in prison after being locked up for deadly

treason, was sent free by Obama – which never should have happened.

Traitor transgender Chelsea Manning (aka.

Private Bradley Manning) became a free man after having served just seven of his 35 years

sentence which was commuted by Barack Obama commuted.

It's clear that Democrats don't care about classified information being leaked, which

this traitor was convicted of, only for it to be forgiven and forgotten as our former

Commander-in-Chief's final act in office.

This treason is definitely a distant memory for Bradley Manning who jumped right back

into life and has already started posting selfies on social media.

What do you think about this?

Please share this news and scroll down to Comment below and don't forget to subscribe

Top Stories Today.

For more infomation >> BREAKING…HE'S GETTING PARDONED!!! - Duration: 5:23.


Kali Ghaghri | Himachli Folk Songs | Live Performance | Anusha Joshi | USP TV - Duration: 4:22.




Sohni sohni Shimle ri sadka jinde

Haye chhail chhabiliyaan sadka jinde

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho... Haye

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho...

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho...

Udi jaa o kaga mera leyi ja saneha

Udi jaa o kaga mera leyi ja saneha

Leyi ja saneha, ho...

Sundi saas nanand diyan jhidka jinde

Rondi-rondi jo dudha nu ridka jinde

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho... Haye

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho...

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho...

Saun mahine aaiya barkha bahara

Hawa pani sogi-sogi thandiya phuhara

Thandiya phuhara, haye...

Aadhi raati jo dwaar mera khadke jinde

Kale badra cho bijli gadke jinde

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho... Haye

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho...

Kali ghahgri le aaya ho...



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