Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018

So, it'll be fine.

This is Nancy. Nancy knew how to play to your strengths - how to play to your gifts, and she's the reason I do the work I do today.

This is my father Sid. He was an

iconic patent attorney. He inspired me to infuse happiness into everything that I do.

This is my dad Kevin. He inspired me, because he believed in me as a woman.

Who inspires me?

Who inspires me?

Who inspires me? My mother, Janine Spence.

Who inspires me?

Who inspires me?

My grandpa George.

Janet Steiner.

This one, Nancy.

My great-grandmother Patti.

And this group.



Of women here at NAWBO.

The speakers inspire me, because they show me what is possible.

How to boost my marketing efforts.

They challenge me to take risks.

They teach me innovative ways to connect with my clients.

And build a strong brand.

The corporate sponsors

inspire me, because their financial contribution to NAWBO shows us that they

believe in us, and they want us to succeed. So of course the first place we

go when we need the professional services is to our corporate sponsors.

And these women in NAWBO who have become my friends, mentors, encouragers, and

advocates, they inspire me because they are right in the trenches with me.

Completely understand all the demands of my time.

Give me a safe place to talk

about my struggles, and my successes.

Share ideas to help me grow my business,

and allow me to have fun and be myself.

My NAWBO friends and colleagues just get it.

This conference has taught me that I can start small, and light that spark,

because passion and purpose always starts with just one person.

I can be an inspiration right where I am.

Starting with those who look up to me.

and count on me and rely on me for those I serve and those I leave with in

and rely on me

for those I serve, or those I lead within my company and my community

I can inspire growth.

I can inspire knowledge.

I can inspire advocacy.

I can inspire change.

And that would make

my dad.

Regina Barr.

My mom.

My great-grandmother Hattie.

My dad.


My grandfather George.

And that would make Nancy very proud.

For more infomation >> How To Make Your Inspirations Proud: How To Become Inspired - NAWBO Phoenix, Arizona Chapter - Duration: 2:55.


Essayer de ne pas bandes - Duration: 2:01.

For more infomation >> Essayer de ne pas bandes - Duration: 2:01.


The Wall - Risk & Reward (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:05.

For more infomation >> The Wall - Risk & Reward (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 3:05.


GOD'S NOT DEAD: Easter song for Kids at Church, School & Home (WRIGHT IDEAS WITH SUSAN) - Duration: 2:03.

Welcome to Wright Ideas with Susan and Friends

Thanks so much for watching. Don't forget to like and subscribe. Bye!!!

For more infomation >> GOD'S NOT DEAD: Easter song for Kids at Church, School & Home (WRIGHT IDEAS WITH SUSAN) - Duration: 2:03.


BOX HILL Happy Valley | Best National Trust Walks England | What You Need To Know - Duration: 10:01.

Hello, we're at Box hill, it's raining, it's grey, and it's cold. This is a National Trust place so they

have a car park. The car park is not cheap.

Normally there'd be pay and display machine. So I would advise you to bring cash.

We've paid for parking all day and it was six pounds, but it is free if you are a

National Trust member so that's something to consider. Four pounds for four hours.

But we think we might be slow. Well speak for yourself...and I won't be waiting for you.

It's also really muddy. I'm looking at lots of people's feet and

some people look disgusting so goodbye! Hello wellies.

Okay so we just spoken to the very helpful National Trust volunteers which

are very prominent at the end of the car park, yes there in that little hut?... Hut!

They have advised us the route we wanted to do is about four hours long which

will probably take us into darkness so we don't want to be walking in the dark. We don't no.

So we're gonna come back and do that one. But they've advised the ones we

should probably do, which are about an hour and a half each, are the Happy Valley

walk, and the stepping stones but the stepping stones are under water,

but it's alright because we've got wellies on.

Okay let's go!

The first thing that we noticed is that this is definitely something for all the

family. If you're looking for wild adventures then on the adventure factor

scale we're looking at a 1 out of 10 I would say. It's very easy, it's very clear

exactly where you're going, and there's lots of dogs, lots of kids, there's lots

of people. So it's definitely something you can bring the kids along to and just

enjoy with the whole family. It's a nice new year's day walk. Yes. When you're hungover.

not that we are because we were actually quite good weren't we? Only a few drinks.

So box Hill is, as far as my research tells me, is on the North Downs, and you

have lots of butterflies here. I'm not sure we'll see anything today because it's

quite cold. And the beauty of it is that we're only half an hour away from home.

We drove here in half now. We live in Surbiton and so I think you can also get

train down here quite quickly out of London. I'm enjoying eating my hair.

Also really interesting looking cows. Weird. Weird looking cows.

You've got a window here which would be a tight squeeze to get in. Think it looks

structurally unsound. We could look for the door... look for the door, look for the

door. Oh I think it was here and it was blocked in. I have solved the mystery but

it's got a tree stump in it so it must have had a big tree in

it... that's weird. What is the meaning of this? It has to be

some sort of lookout right? Its broadwoods tower on Lodge Hill and the tower built

around 1817 stands above Juniper Hall. That's juniper Hall down there I think.

that's the former Broadway family home.

It's a bit steep and a bit muddy so it's a little bit slippy. I don't know if you can see this but

those tree trunks are like orange. You did Geography. Why are they orange?

Guys if any of you know why there are orange tree trunks then put it in the comments

below. Getting a bit warm. A little bit of a... not a steep hill but just a long

uphill climb. Obviously not a problem for us fit young adventurers. We're still climbing

up I would say it's gone really quiet now.

so I'm guessing most of the people turned around at the steep steps and

just went back, and it looks like it's never-ending.

So you really know you've made the right choice with wellies when you come across

a sight like this.

Now I haven't ever fully waterproof tested these willies so let's just hope...

ok no that's just a bit cold, I thought it was wet, it's just cool.

Phew! Still dry. It looks like there's a nice little pub there, do you want to stop and

have a bite to eat Nicolas? No! No! he's pushing us on. Now hang on, is it that way or is it this way?

I just do as I'm told.

So are we lost Nicholas or we're just gonna.... Do we need the map? Or are you going to... Oh that's a good idea.

Here, so we've got to go down this way.

He is such a slave driver. I asked if we could have a nice sit-down: cup of tea -

er, eat our sandwiches, nice not a restful picnic on Year's Day, and what's he

making us do? Eat while we walk.

As luck would have it we are now able to

eat our lunch in "stile" - See what I did there - a bench has just appeared out of nowhere,

which is basically the universe's way of saying we should sit down and eat. this is

where the danger happens. It wouldn't normally be a problem its just cos it's slippy and it actually moves.

Ahh I got mud on my hands. Yeah, use the, use the emmm, bar.

Nicholas, I've got a question for you. What's the difference between an

amendment and an addendum?

An amendment is change. And an addendum is to add.

Okay, okay so we want to make an amendment to

what you've just seen. We showed you this lovely little bench that overlooks the

North Downs for the Happy Valley walk trail. Erm but it appears that we

actually took the wrong path so where Nicholas took over navigating and said

it's fine it's this way, in fact it was on the wrong route. It wasn't clear I

will say that in his defense but we ended up on the red route so the actual

viewpoint is on the red route not on the Happy Valley route. So we're just

adjusting now. We have also decided that we're not (ahhh)

going to stand our feet - we've also decided that we're not going to join the

two walks together that we wanted to do initially. The stepping stones will have

to wait for another video which I'm doing another day. We're just going to

finish the Happy Valley walk once we get back on track and that's because it's

muddy and it's cold and it's getting dark. Because we... obviously New Year's Day we

just got up a little bit later than we would normally (A lot later than normal)

well yes a lot later, we were 5 hours later than we normally would

definitely ready for the pub. Climbing uphill. Behind us is beautiful scenery. I have just put my

hat and scarf back on but I might need to take it off again in a second.

Nice butt. It's a great exercise for the thigh and the gluteus maximus. What's

that coming over the hill is it a viewpoint? Gatwick eight miles in that

direction. Nicholas? Yes? If I'm not mistaken that

signifies the end of that trail (You mean time for the pub?) that's what I mean!

First Box Hill hike. Cheers!

Join us again hopefully very soon for another one. See ya later!

Join the adventure by SUBSCRIBING!

For more infomation >> BOX HILL Happy Valley | Best National Trust Walks England | What You Need To Know - Duration: 10:01.


La Mouche - Alain Chabat (Animation) - Duration: 0:29.

That's a...

a car, a convertible

in the desert of...

Arizona, whatever.

Convertible (vrooom)

music (naaa)

and stuff.

Reverse angle


a fly.

The car (vrooom)

The fly (bzzz)

The car (vrooom)

The fly (bzzz)

At some point they meet


In fact the fly is 8m long

and smash the car.

The end

For more infomation >> La Mouche - Alain Chabat (Animation) - Duration: 0:29.


#Платья13 TM Sauliza Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> #Платья13 TM Sauliza Магазин женской одежды Feya - Duration: 2:06.


Help Us Make More Videos - Support Us On Patreon - Duration: 3:23.

Hello everyone, I hope you're all doing great.

As usual, I'll try to make this quick: If you're a regular viewer, you have probably

noticed that we've gone from four videos every month, down to just two.

There's several reasons for this, but for the most part it has to do with money, or

rather the lack thereof.

The way we produce our videos requires a lot of time and effort, but also money.

Our aim is to produce the best tutorials possible.

From day one, the main idea behind this channel was to take subjects that's quite complicated,

and then break it down to make it as simple as possible.

We know that people don't want to waste their time watching a one hour video where

someone just rambles on about their life.

People want short, logical and straight to the point videos.

As I always say: I'm not here to waste anyone's time.

We're going to continue making these videos of course, so don't worry.

However, we can only make videos as long as we have the money required to do so, and the

fact of the matter is that it's been rather quiet on our Patreon account lately.

As I'm making this video now, there's currently just eleven Patreons supporting

this channel.

Time is money they say.

As of late, I've had to turn down paid work in order to get the time to make these videos


As you can imagine, turning down money in order to spend money instead is not an ideal

situation in the long run.

We have a few supportive patreons, which have been with us for a long time now.

I can't express how much your support means!

But as I said, unfortunately, what we get in doesn't match what's going out.

We could really need some more Patreons to support this channel.

Especially in light of the ongoing youtube ad boycott.

You might think that one dollar won't make any difference, but the fact of the matter

is that every little bit helps.

If you like the content we put out, and you'd like to see us make more of it, then you can

help make that happen by supporting us on Patreon.

You can pledge as little as 1 dollar pr month, and again, every little bit helps.

As a Patreon, you get access to samples, templates, some behind the scenes stuff, as well as early

access to all our videos before they are published on YouTube.

If you don't want to use Patreon, you can also donate directly, using our paypal address.

All the links are in the description bellow.

Last but not least, I should point out that we also have a few gigs set up on Fiverr.

Starting at just 5 dollars, you can get professional feedback on your track, mastering and so on.

If you've seen my video about honest feedback, then you know how important it is to get unbiased

feedback on your tracks.

Everything earned on Fiverr goes right back into our youtube channel, so you can help

yourself and support us at the same time.

That's all I wanted to say.

Hopefully I haven't wasted too much of your time.

Have a great day!

For more infomation >> Help Us Make More Videos - Support Us On Patreon - Duration: 3:23.


porque soy asi..... - Duration: 0:22.

For more infomation >> porque soy asi..... - Duration: 0:22.


ok, mabye SOME 4K - Duration: 1:21.

Hey guys Tangerine here, remember this video I did last week info card right

here for that this is kind of a part two to that video I said I wasn't gonna be

doing any more 4k but projects if you follow my Twitter which you should go

you'll know notice I posted this tweet about this many hours ago and I was

contacting DJI to send me maybe one of their I think it's called the spark

since I have no money I have like a hundred bucks so I really can't afford

anything I heard about some companies working with small youtubers such as me

this is a great tripod for vlogging please buy it if you want a vlog if

you're like a beginners person do I look like Casey Niestat yet? I have about 20

minutes of footage just to sit doing at it on and i-it's it's gonna be a real pain in

the pooper

My naim jeff

do I look like cancer?

For more infomation >> ok, mabye SOME 4K - Duration: 1:21.


Maitel's Vlog // Short Film - Duration: 4:40.

Hi :)

This is your favourite Maitel, here with:



Hi :)

This is your favourite Maitel, here-

I'm Malina!

No >:(

You have to wait, until I finish my sentence!

Hi :)

This is you favourite Maitel, here with-

I'm Malina!

Let's try again, okay?

This is your favourite Maitel, here with:


We're going to go-

Did I do it right?



Stupid Airplane. We have to wait...


Welcome to Maitel's Vlog.

You have to speak louder!

Welcome to Maitel's Vlog!

Louder! Louder!



Hey :)


Hi :)


Nice to see you Zalisa!

Ähm... It's Zaliza, thank you.

By the way: We got a butler.

Okay... you got a servant...

Growley, help Maitel with her suitcase.

Who puts up a picture of airplanes??

Hey guys! I'm Maitel ;)

I'm a vlogger!

Hey, where's my camera??

I don't know... How should I know?

You have it in your hands! Give it back to me!

Oh... Okay.

Sir "fucking" Growley!

Isn't this a weep of a suprise for you?


Enough! Enough! For once: Shut. Up.

And you: Make yourself useful! Put the oven on.



How am I meant to know?

This... is Malina ;)


Whe're vlogging here... Malina! Attention!

No! No! No! No!

Good Evening!

Ähm... What are you doing??

Just going in the toilet!

No... No. You really don't want to go in there...

The fuck happened here!?


You guys... Thank you for watching...

Like... Subscribe... and...

Alright you guys... Thanks for watching!

Like, comment 4 subscribe for more wacky content! ♥╣☼•☼╠♥

For more infomation >> Maitel's Vlog // Short Film - Duration: 4:40.


1st Quarter Rotating Bonus Categories (Jan to Mar 2018) | Chase Freedom, Discover It & Citi Dividend - Duration: 4:45.

Hi there, it's Ernest from Trip Astute. In this video, we're reviewing the new

quarterly bonus categories for the Chase Freedom, Discover It, and Citi Dividend


(light chiming music)

It's that time again to review the new categories for our rotating bonus

credit cards, specifically the Chase Freedom, Discover It, and Citi Dividend

card. I'll go through each one and share the new bonus categories. Before we go

through each card, I want to let you know that we put together a wallet size cheat

sheet that you can download for free from our website. If you're like me and

you can't remember the categories, this should be helpful. I'll include a link in

the video description below. For the Chase Freedom card, we're ending the

fourth quarter bonus categories of Walmart and department stores. Starting

on January 1st until the end of March, you'll earn 5% on purchases from gas

stations, internet, cable, and phone providers, and all purchases made by

mobile payments, including Apple Pay, Android Pay, Samsung Pay, and Chase Pay.

I was a bit disappointed by Chase's bonus category last month, especially

since they have offered Amazon purchases in the past year in the fourth quarter.

However, I think this quarter's bonus categories are pretty solid.

Most of us drive, use a mobile phone, or have an internet connection at home, so

this is an easy way to maximize your earnings with your daily spend. For gas

stations, keep in mind that the bonus only applies to standalone gas stations.

Fuel purchases from other stores like Costco, Sam's Club, or Walmart do not

count toward the 5% bonus, and the fine print says that truck stops, boat marinas,

oil and propane distributors, and home heating companies are excluded. Also, for

the internet, cable, and phone expenses, keep in mind that the bonus only applies

to the service. Any equipment expenses for payments made in the store won't

count toward the bonus. So, if you were to buy a phone at the wireless provider's

store, it will not count toward the bonus. To be honest, I'm super excited

about the mobile payments being included as a bonus category. I've been using

Apple Pay on my phone at more places, and I find it easier and faster than using

my traditional cards. It seems like more retailers are accepting mobile payments

too, so this should be an easy way to earn extra points or cash back. For the

Discover card, we're ending the fourth quarter bonus category of and

Target purchases, and entering a first quarter with a 5% bonus category on gas

station purchases and wholesale clubs. Like the Chase Freedom, there are some

restrictions. The fine print says that gas stations affiliated with super

stores or supermarkets may not be eligible, and purchases made with tap-and-

pay systems or virtual wallets may not count as well. So if you're using an app

or a fob to pay for gas, the charge may not be coded correctly to get the bonus.

Lastly, Citi Dividend users are ending the fourth quarter bonus category of

Best Buy and department store purchases and for quarter one 2018,

will be receiving 5% at gas stations and for car rentals. Keep in mind that Citi

also states in the fine print that non-standalone gas stations may not qualify,

and any car rentals that are not booked directly with the rental company (for

example, with a travel agency or site) may not qualify either. Make sure you log in

and activate the bonus for these cards. While you can wait until March 14th to

activate your Chase Freedom bonus category since Chase will award the

points retroactively, you're better off doing it now before you forget.

Unfortunately, Discover and Citi won't award you a bonus until you activate it.

So do it now so you don't miss out. I've included links to these cards below in

case you're interested in applying. As of January 2018, the Chase Freedom is

offering a $150 bonus and Discover is offering a cash back match for the

entire year, so it's pretty lucrative. Also, in case you're wondering about the

Citi Dividend card, it's no longer available for new applicants.

Just a reminder too that Trip Astute does get a percentage if you use our

links. It doesn't cost you anything extra, but it helps us to continue building

content for this channel. If you enjoyed this video or found it useful, please hit

the "like" button and consider subscribing. Also, sign-up for our newsletter on our

website for weekly travel news, updates, and giveaways. Until next time, travel

safe and travel smart.

For more infomation >> 1st Quarter Rotating Bonus Categories (Jan to Mar 2018) | Chase Freedom, Discover It & Citi Dividend - Duration: 4:45.


How I edited Alex Wassabi & LaurDIY LAUREX MONTAGE Winning Video (and overcame my anxiety) - Duration: 6:28.

hey what's up you guys and gals pals and asian pals I really need to find an

intro that doesn't involve so much activity so I decided to answer the

uneditable question you guys keep asking me and that is what editing software do

you when editing softened some sort heading some venture fencer whatever

being soft venture but in software do you use the answer to that question is

faith trust in rice I mean pixie dust I mean Adobe Premiere I mean what I don't

know what I'm saying anymore if you're new here welcome to my channel where I

try to incorporate my heritage is every single video bring shame to the family

name I also had to do a massive ton of jump cuts for the aurochs video if you

don't believe me well then

is that enough jump cuts for you do you believe me now no yeah I wouldn't trust

a guy who you only know through the internet even distraction

okay that's enough I'm sure every youtuber has this many jump cuts in

their videos right someone help me jump cuts will be the death of my mental

stability hi hello I have crippling anxiety and rather talk to a camera than

actual people I'm forever alone and ice cream is my only friend that did not go

how I expected it to be okay sorry I'll get to the meaty juicy

part of this video that sounded wrong never mind d- hi youtube will totally

provide me a stable future and job mm-hmm

anyways what's the deal with psychics right it's not like they can predict the

future of the entire relationship secret childrens eating oh well I eat cool

literally this was my current mood when I was editing this but just a little bit

more muted and confined sorry it's 2:00 a.m. and everyone's asleep so I have to

silence my cries for help I mean Lauren screaming there's also several moments

while editing this video that my existential crisis decided to kick in

yeah I can spend six plus hours editing a video for a war ixora can study for my

organic chemistry finals yeah moral of the story I barely passed my organic

chemistry class for the sixty nine point five I'm currently waiting for the

beating of my Asian parents but I think they've given up on me being a doctor at

this point actually I think my entire family has disowned me at this point

thanks Lorax Thank You Addison thielemann OMG that's my name oh my god

he said my name but when Alex announced the aurochs

contest I knew I was in for a lot of work so that's when I realized I had FBI

NSA stalker abilities deep within me just waiting to be realized

speaking of fire did you know that Alex talked about fire involved number 389 of

my lore explains where Lauren talked about it and number 42 no oh yeah saying

what kind of crazy stalker does that just kidding I made those numbers up or

do Dawg you should really try to distance yourself from them but but

Lorex though they already think you're hella crazy that's taken out of context

like who was talking to me again establish this last video I'm the voice

inside your head oh yeah shame wish promo click the eye to eye actually wait

no don't cook that I need a high audience retention time now you're

probably gonna click we love a good reverse psychology why that okay to it

how are you if you're new here this is my twin say hello - hi twins don't you

dare say he's not my twin like it's 2018 now we should all be dumb being rude and

offensive right well there's always 2019 you know it's

good that you're making this video it seems to be the only thing that's

getting views besides so I'm Nellie I don't care about the views then why are

you making this video because I've officially ran out of ideas and I've

already failed my New Year's resolution of 28 but it only been like a week of 28

yep ain't nobody got time to work out one and hustle harder empty

iisuperwomanii I ordered this and I'm still waiting for it to come in well

that further adue together in 2017 we scheduled something with Warren and

Allie oh my god that's me again go watch it and go support her if you haven't

seen it yet but I spent an entire month warranty on this warrants video four

hundred and twenty hours to being thats only 17 days I'm one of those Asians

that can't do math throughout that months of editing I basically lost all

communications with anybody that I knew I was so consumed in the editing process

that I literally became the definition of an antisocial human just kidding I

was never so sure to begin with why else do you think I'm talking to a camera he

has a point but the only time that I actually escaped the trance of editing

was when the TV said wasabi three times and I was like well I - mind you it was

2:00 a.m. in the morning with all the creepy spirits come out at first I was

like bring out the stage I don't play with no demon I ain't about to miss with

that dingdong foolishness pack your bags I'm boom oh it's literally below

freezing nope I'm leaving bring a blanket ho but then I was like maybe

they're just a friendly spirit and just want some tea the drink kind not the

Windy Williams kind I kid matters I don't have either one that's probably

why nothing else weird happened after

that besides the bathroom lights flickering

but my house is super old it always does that but shout out to all the music I

used for the Horrocks video just kidding it was NCS I hope that my

little audacity experience didn't make your ears bleed

oh now it's almost the end of the video which means you're probably gonna lose

interested me now that I've said that I do some sort of jump cut he was so

off-topic I can never stay on top you should know by now that I'm entirely

random I don't stand topic and I'm a DD Oh Edison makes a lot of sense I've said

Spencer so many times throughout all my videos that it basically should be my

middle name by now maybe Spencer has been my middle name all along I'm just

now telling you Edison Spencer Stillman wait are you serious that smells ok

that's gonna leave for some interesting paperwork down the line he monetized

because of my initials cool now if you'll excuse me since I'm making videos

every single Friday I've gotta go work on my dis track for slime and other

stereotypical youtuber things I be a panda and I'll see you guys in this as

in pandas are black and white and Asian and just accepting of everybody

I don't know this outro sound is better when I set it in my head oh and just so

this is not a quick beta both um no it did help a lot with my anxiety just look

see now I can defeat it wait whoa whoa anxiety as a ball are you serious right


For more infomation >> How I edited Alex Wassabi & LaurDIY LAUREX MONTAGE Winning Video (and overcame my anxiety) - Duration: 6:28.


BULLY Beta - Weapons Dealers (Analysis) - Duration: 6:35.

(Intro Music)

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...

... to a brief, but very juicy installment of 'Beta Bully'!

In today's video we're gonna be having a look at one of many unfortuately cut features from the game.

Namely the fact that Jimmy could purchase weapons from various cliques and non-cliques.

As a lot of you know, all the cliques in Bully stick very close to a format.

You have one clique leader. One bisexual male. One female (not counting the Bullies).

And one member who's second in command to the clique leader.

Which also does not count the Bullies for an unknown arbitrary reason by Rockstar.

Something you may not have known is that every clique in Bully was supposed to have two weapons dealers who would sell weapons to Jimmy.

While it remains unclear how this would've played out, it is possible that the clique members would've approached Jimmy.

Just like when someone asks him to run an errand.

While no HUD elements remain of this feature, there still exist 30 unused voice lines which were meant to be used when offering weapons to Jimmy.

With the addition of 30 more voice lines which were meant to be used when getting paid.

Each clique in the game had 2 weapons dealers while the non cliques, oddly enough, had 3.

The Preps had Bryce and Justin.

The Townies had Clint and Duncan.

The Bullies had Ethan and Tom.

The Jocks had Juri and Luis.

The Greasers had Vance and Lefty.

The Nerds had Donald and Fatty.

... and the non-cliques had Constantinos, Grodan, and Lance.

I think Rockstar initially had intended for this feature to be introduced during the mission 'That Bitch'.

More specifically during the part of the mission where you can either buy or steal stinkbombs from Fatty.

This is backed up by the fact that, as I mentioned, Fatty was supposed to be one of the 15 weapons dealers in the game.

There also exists a PA voice line by Miss Danvers where she informs the students that selling fireworks on campus is prohibited.

Miss Danvers: Your attention! Selling fireworks on school grounds is strictly prohibited and probably constitutes TERRORISM!

If this line has anything to do with this feature, then it is possible that Jimmy was able to buy the Volcano 4000 from the weapons dealers.

So why did Rockstar remove this feature from the game?

I believe the reason for this feature getting cut is two fold.

For one, it would've made the game look even more like a school shooter upon being announced than it already did.

Because, as a lot of you know, Bully's reputation was already in the shitter way before release for many many reasons...

... but one reason in particular kind of stands out.

(Singing) But do you recall, the most infamous jackass of all?

Second of all, it is kind of redundant to buy weapons from other characters when you can already make, find, and buy them from stores anyway.

Not to mention that you can already beat people up to get their weapons anyway, so why even bother paying them?

It's like, you can either do a bunch of tedious shit like lawn mowing or paper routes to earn enough money to buy weapons...

Or you can simply just steal them.

In the end it simply became one of many features that were not worth the controversy they could've contributed to.

Now it is pretty sad to see such a neat little feature go to waste, but it might've been for the best.

I mean, after all... Rockstar really wanted 'Bully' to be rated...

Kid: T for Teen!

Yeah... Thank you, Kid-who-never-appears-in-the-game-outside-of-this-one-trailer... Thanks.

Thank you for watching this year's first installment of Beta Bully. I hope you guys had a nice and comfy New Year's Eve.

Anyway, that's it for this video. You folks, as always, stay classy and Happy 2018. Peace.

For more infomation >> BULLY Beta - Weapons Dealers (Analysis) - Duration: 6:35.


IDIOT PROOF. - Duration: 5:23.

Hi! I'm Jake and you know what I love about you?

Well let me count the ways. You're beautiful. You're talented.

You're courageous. You're smart. And that goes to the next one, which is that you're not an that is a - it's a DONG that's something you can do online

before DONGing let's watch NASA's video of the moon photobombing earth.

It was taken on July 5th 2016 by NOAA's Discoverer satellite and these

images were taken over a period of about four hours. The poor earth just wants to

be shown and appreciated but guess who doesn't care? The moon! Thanks for nothing

moon! Besides... y'know... all the things you do

You know moon! You're not the only thing that matters in the sky! mapper!

Its mission is to create the first comprehensive digital survey of the

entire southern sky. Since the survey started in March of 2014

Skymapper has generated about a hundred megabytes of data per second every clear

night of survey operations. The survey will end in 2019 and by the looks of it

now it will be pretty impressive. You can search around for coordinates or

objects. You can also change the type of sky survey to see new data it has stars

and galaxies to a sensitivity of 1 million times fainter than what the

human eye can see. Let's count all the stars! Ready? 1! 2! 3!

2028! Message to 2028! Is there anything you really want to tell someone? Anything

weird you need to confess? Any 10 year goals you want to make? On this site you

can write something that will be kept locked until 2028. You can choose to add

password but if you forget it then you can say goodbye to your note forever.

But if you do remember it than all the messages will be released on the 1st of

January 10 years from now. But don't spend that decade

waiting around! Take a funky road trip with Make My Drive Fun. This website that

uses totally up-to-date jargon will give you some groovy places to stop along the

way. Enter an Origin city and a destination so if I want to casually

commute from Los Angeles to New York City well I can do that. Look at all

these stopping points! Each one is less than twenty minutes off your path so you

can still make good time. Now come take a funky drive with me to the next

Friday the 13th with next Friday thirteen dot C O M

Hey it's April the 13th and after that July 13th!

Whoa! Now it's September 13th 2019.

Sidenote friday the 13th one of my favorite slasher movies series it's wonderful would recommend.

Channel the energy from that mind-blowing revelation to create art on

Voxsculpt! Click and hold to make a hole that goes all the way through to the

other side or just drag around to make indents. You can adjust factors like the

color of the paint, whether or not your magical formation casts a shadow, and the

style of it. Right clicking allows you to rotate around without changing what it

looks like. I started drawing a llama but then it turned out to be green inside so

I made this! Side note this is a llama and this is an alpaca they are not the

same animal, which is a common MYTH-conception. On this site you can scroll

through a plethora of things that people have generally gotten wrong.

For example Bulls do not hate the color red. If you click on the source of this

information you might have to do a little digging but you'll eventually see

they are colorblind. You can choose among categories up here like health or

food and find out things you never wanted to know like how the five-second

rule doesn't actually work. Side note: Michael Stevens has a Vsauce video about

the five-second rule. Link down in the description. It just depends how

contaminated the surface you drop it on is. So I'm gonna go brush my tongue, but

first check out this Jam! This site uses voice commands, so turn on the microphone

and get chatting about moozik. Try commands like add soulful drums.

The layers are guitar drums bass and keyboards so you better get commanding

so you can create something soothing to the ear like this:

oh I love it love it anyways I'm out of transitions. I can't think of a good Pun..

Net Square Hoop Shot. Let's go for the one player game. All right,

what are the genotypes of the parents if 50% of the pea plants are short.

Nailed it! Now time to make the shot. Click Click

booooo. I missed. So to be successful I guess you have to be smart and athletic

but you have all the good traits so I'm not worried.

Speaking of athletics answer this question about bike tracks for me:

Suppose you come across the segment of bicycle track in the snow like the one

shown above is there any way to tell what direction the bike went? Yes, it went

to the left? No? Yes, it went to the right? And the answer is no. You can answer this

and take other lessons on solving crime on which was nice enough

to sponsor this episode. But that's not all, it offers courses on problem solving,

science, and math. It's a really cool website that we all use here at Vsauce

and on DONG so I'd highly recommend checking out and if you do check it out

you get 20% off for the first 200 people who sign up. So go check out that link at

the top of the description, have yourselves a wonderful 2018... I say that

is if I'm not going to see you again. I probably will. I don't know. We'll see if

Hannah lets daddy... daddy rope out of the studio. Why is it everyone laughing?

It's what Hannah calls me. It's weird. I don't know why.

And as always, thanks for watching.

For more infomation >> IDIOT PROOF. - Duration: 5:23.



For more infomation >> ¡NUEVA CARTA LEGENDARIA el *FANTASMA REAL* vs TODAS LAS CARTAS LEGENDARIAS..!! Clash Royale [BySixx] - Duration: 10:05.


Wolf Pups Nursed by Two Mothers - Duration: 2:25.

[Narrator] It's late June, and the pups

are growing bigger and stronger.

They're starting to spend more and more

of their day outside.

Blackspot barely leaves, and remains

faithfully by their side.

And, she's even nursing the pups.

She could only do this if she'd had

pups of her own, somewhere out on the tundra,

before she joined the pack.

But where are her pups now?

And where is her mate?

It's clear that a deep and meaningful bond

runs between Snow White and Blackspot.

Why else would they share life's special gift?

Whatever is in their past, something powerful

compels Blackspot to care for Snow White's pups,

and treat them as her own.

Having two females nurse the same litter

is exceedingly rare.

It's a behavior that's never been filmed before.

It's no wonder the pups are thriving.

(soothing music)

But this happy arrangement of the pups

having two mothers will prove to be even

more significant as the arctic Summer wears on.

For more infomation >> Wolf Pups Nursed by Two Mothers - Duration: 2:25.





Top 5 Times The World Almost Ended - Duration: 4:07.

Over the last few million years our world has come very close to ending.

Yes it is a terrifying thing to think about and that's what were going to be talking

about today.

Hey youtube im court mcginley and welcome back to the most amazing top 5.

Before we get started I want to know- if you knew you only had one day left on this earth

what would you do?

Let me know your answers down in the comments.

And before we get started I just want to remind all of you to please subscribe to this awesome

channel if you havnt already- we bring you guys awesome videos 6 days a week.

And Don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up and let me know down in the comments

what other top 5 lists you like to see me do.

Alright without further a due lets get started on our list of the top 5 times the world almost


Starting off at our number 5 spot--Computer chip announces nuclear war- Back in on June

3rd in 1980 at 2am an air force staffer was working late when he noticed a nearby screen

which usually read out "0 incoming missiles" read out "2 incoming missiles" Then the

computer began announcing 220 incoming missiles.

So of course alarms were sounded- Bombers caring nuclear bombs began to take off throughout

the country.

But luckily before any missiles were fired someone realized the hundreds of missiles

wernt showing up on the radar screens.

The alarms were then cancelled and the bombers landed.

Imagine someone with a hot head was in charge and just started to retaliate by firing missiles

without looking into anything.

Yeah that would've been a disaster.

It took 3 days of investigating before they found out that a little computer chip was

malfunctioning inside the computers- which caused the display to show 2s instead of 0s.

Yep this tiny glitch could've destroyed the planet.

In at number 4--2012 solar storm- You guys may remember the summer of 2012 when we were

being informed a massive cloud of hot plasma erupted from the sun and went through our

planets orbit.

Yeah fun times.

Now as terrifying as this sounds we were actually incredibly lucky.

Later NASA realized just how bad this could've been had it happened a week earlier.

We would have experiences radio blackouts- GPS errors- and fried safelights.

Basically a worldwide blackout.

We basically would have been sent back to the 17th century.

So that would mean no electricity mixed in with new planetary problems.

Yeah people would have been freaking out.

There would be rebellion and anarchy for sure.

At number 3--Spanish Flu- The Spanish flu was a severe and deadly strain of avian influenza-

a viral infectious disease that killed millions worldwide from 1918 to 1919.

This was one of histories deadliest disasters and it actually killed 10-40 percent of those

infected by it.

The influenza pandemic infected more than 500 million people.

It ended up killing off 3-5 percent of the entire globes population.

This ended up being the most deadly infection ever as it killed more humans in one year

than Black death did in 100 years- and killed more in 24 weeks than AIDS did in 24 years.

Coming in at number 2--Bonilla Comet- This one takes us all the way back to 1883 when

a Mexican astronomer named Jose Bonilla saw an interesting object shooting across the


Over the years due to curiosity this event was actually re-examined.

Which actually turned out to be not the best ideas because its now believed that this comet

came within about 400 miles from our planet and it turns out it was huge- a few billion

tons to be more exact.

And it also turns out it could have killed all life on our planet.

Yep turns out the existence of the human race came down to just a bit further of a distance

from New York to Pittsburgh.

Yeah this comet was that close to hitting our planet and destroying it.

And at number 1--Mass extinction- now this list is called 5 times the world ALMOST ended.

But the crazy thing is that the world technically has already ended 3 times.

For example- About 450 million years ago when the earths temperatures dramatically dropped

which created the ice age.

Which ended up wiping out 80 percent of all species on the planet.

Then 250 million years ago massive levels of volcanic eruption across the planet caused

the most damage- basically wiping out 97 percent of all life.

Then 66 million years ago we all know about the asteroid that killed off the dinosaurs.

As scary as all these events were if they happened once they could happen again.

And on that uplifting note that's our list of the Top 5 Times the World Almost Ended.

Thank-you guys for watching and ill catch you in the next one.

For more infomation >> Top 5 Times The World Almost Ended - Duration: 4:07.


Elif Episode 640 - Ending Scene | Season 4 Episode 80 (English subtitles) - Duration: 2:40.

Who is that?

I'll get the door!

Sorry... you are..?


You're kidding, right?

Really, didn't you recognize me?

It's me.


Sü- Süreyya?

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