Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018


Addis Ababa, who has a population of 3.38 million, is in the final stage of the listin.

the national income of only 41.6 million dollars, the capital of ethiopia, the biggest problem of addis Ababa's clean water and transportation

the population of Dakar, the capital of Senegal from western African countries, is over 2 million

the national income of 14.5 billion dollars is the capital city of agriculture and fishing is a significant problem in the supply of clean water in Dakar

For more infomation >> Dünyanın en fakir 10 Ülkesi ve şehirleri - Duration: 7:50.


🤧 Przychodzi Mag Azyn do lekarza... 🤒 - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> 🤧 Przychodzi Mag Azyn do lekarza... 🤒 - Duration: 2:19.


| Escape With Smiley | Coorg Diaries | One O Three Creations | - Duration: 5:13.

Hey Everyone ! :)

We're going to Coorg.

Say "Hi"

We're still in Bangalore.

And now we're leaving .

We're almost near Coorg now.

Half the way is done.

And now we're heading for CHAAI :D

It's very windy.

Chaai is done!

Now we're gonna hit the road again . . :D

Here we come Coooorg . .

Hi, Everyone

After travelling for about 6 hours

We are finally here in Coorg

And this is the place we're staying in

It's really very beautiful. :)

Now we're going for lunch.

And then we'll go to Iruppu Falls.

This is the local Fish Meal

And all time favorite Chicken Biryani.

We finally reached

We have only 10 minutes

Because it's gonna close soon .

We're really close now.

People are playing in water

I so badly want to go in the water,

But I cannot because we are already late

Because of Mr. VIVEK DAS :D

We're all set for,

Dubbare Elephant Camp!

We're still on our way to Dubbare (Elephant) Camp!

I don't wanna go back home :(

We're finally here in Dubbare Elephant Camp..

But guess what ?

We came really Late :D

So we cannot go in that boat!!

And see the elephants :((

So, this is the Golden Temple of Coorg.

It's also called the Namdroling Monestry.

Let's go inside. :)

Today is my luckiest day :D


See This!!! :@

All of a sudden, it started raining.

See my helmet.

So, we stopped here and we're having tea .

Now we're going back to Bangalore.


It didn't feel like I travelled for more than 750 km in total,

But if you ever plan a trip like this, to Coorg,

Then I would suggest you to take atleast

2 Nights,

Because it wasn't enough for us.

For more infomation >> | Escape With Smiley | Coorg Diaries | One O Three Creations | - Duration: 5:13.


Đừng Làm Nỗi Đau Thêm Dài | Hoàng Tôn F.t Rhymastic | Tập 4 Sao Đại Chiến - Duration: 3:03.

For more infomation >> Đừng Làm Nỗi Đau Thêm Dài | Hoàng Tôn F.t Rhymastic | Tập 4 Sao Đại Chiến - Duration: 3:03.


Почему мы не достигаем своих целей? Идите к своей цели! - Duration: 3:09.

For more infomation >> Почему мы не достигаем своих целей? Идите к своей цели! - Duration: 3:09.


20 EXERCICIOS PARA TER PERNAS GROSSAS EM CASA! Como Ter Pernas Grossas e Aumentar o Bumbum Em Casa - Duration: 3:55.

For more infomation >> 20 EXERCICIOS PARA TER PERNAS GROSSAS EM CASA! Como Ter Pernas Grossas e Aumentar o Bumbum Em Casa - Duration: 3:55.


Petite présentation de la carte graphique GeForce® GTX 1070 Ti Titanium - Duration: 1:02.

For more infomation >> Petite présentation de la carte graphique GeForce® GTX 1070 Ti Titanium - Duration: 1:02.


Click highlights from 2017 - BBC Click - Duration: 24:20.

20:17 the year of curious cats haunting Holograms and trigger-happy trekkers

hi there it's time to look back on the year in tech and as 2017 fades away we

could tell you about all the technology news that's happened the hacking the

launching the automatic driving but that would be just like last year and come to

think of it the year before that so we'd prefer to share with you some

unforgettable memories from our year on click as we've traveled far and wide to

bring you some extraordinary moments and we start with a personal highlights for

me back in October we traveled to Japan and we got rare access to see how robots

are helping with the dangerous task of cleaning up the Fukushima nuclear power

plants after its meltdown in 2011 scary now

I've worn plenty of protective suits in my time but they've always been to

protect the environment from my body

this time it's different

we're going inside unit five which is identical to the units which were

wrecked by the explosions as you can imagine it's really hot inside being

food it's a confusing jumble of walkways and machinery and it's difficult to

appreciate that somewhere in here is a seven storey high tank of water called

the primary containment vessel the PCV and now it's time to go right underneath

the reactor they think what happens after the meltdowns is that the molten

fuel just burns through the bottom of the PCV and came down here on to what's

known as the pedestal that's where they think the fuel is now it's difficult

enough getting around this place on foot now imagine trying to remote control a

robot through this after the whole place has been mangled by an explosion oh yes

and do it in the dark this is scorpion its mission was to hunt

for filth in unit 2 now time is of the essence for any Fukushima robot the

radiation will eventually damage and disable its cameras rendering it useless

but the entire mission can also be upset by something far more basic down this

ramp to film the molten fuel at the bottom but he got caught halfway down it

never made it so they didn't get any footage or any evidence of where the

fuel was in unit 3 the water's much higher so they had to think of another

way to get a robot into film what was going on and that's where the mini some

fish came in well actually that's where the mini some fish came

built to fit through this 15 centimeter pipe mini sunfish is a tiny underwater

robot with five propellers two cameras and four human operators 300 kilometers

away from Fukushima into Sheba's Yokohama R&D center Mike came

face-to-face with the star of the investigation after two months of

practice in a duplicate of the flooded pedestal in July this year mini sunfish

was successful in finding melted clumps of material that could be fuel debris on

the pedestal in unit 3 decommissioning the site could take 40 years and it may

cost 8 trillion yen

those little robots have a lot riding on their tiny backs

ever wondered what cats get up to when no one's there

meet Roxie and Zara who seemed agreeable to taking part in some gadget testing if

you've ever wanted to watch talk to or even play with your cats when you're not

with them then this could help once the device is connected to your home Wi-Fi

you can log in via the app anywhere you can get your phone online there's a

laser game to play snacks at the tap of an icon and a function to proudly make

and share videos and cat snaps

well this rather unusual looking setup works in quite a similar way there's a

camera so that you can see the cats remotely also the ability to give them

food wherever you are plus this toy which is apparently something that cats

might like to play with Zara and Roxie were possibly slightly intimidated by

the jolting of the feathery thing and the app was extremely temperamental

making setup a rather tedious experience the pet paste smart collar has been

around a little while now and is available for cats and dogs it allows

owners to keep an eye on temperature pulse breathing rate heart rate

variability and even the positions of pet is in so could be particularly

beneficial if there are health concerns or an injury to keep an eye on meanwhile

there seems to be a game of cat and mouse going on here

the latter played by a remote control rodent although it actually consists of

the mouse chasing the cat which probably says it all about my days filming

that was Lara with some pretty disinterested interviewees whether you

go you can't win a more now you know us will report from wherever we find a good

story and there have been so many great ones so many successful ones in Africa

this year back in June Dan Simmons went to Tanzania to see the first stages of

what could be a global revolution in education we're traveling a long way

from any town or city to visit some of the 200 children in Tata village in

northern Tanzania

I think they're gonna need more tablets

Tata is one of about a hundred and fifty villages in Tanzania chosen as the

testbed for the Global Learning XPrize within a few months 4,000 tablets will

be given out the challenge to teach seven to 11 year olds to read write and

do maths over the next year the most effective app will win 10 million

dollars the prize here though will be much more valuable older children can

walk up to four hours to get to and from school for younger ones like

seven-year-old Amina that's simply too far she's been lucky

she's one of those that's been chosen to take part in the XPrize challenge at the

start she's not seen a tablet before so she's not used to touching screens and

when it comes to reading she doesn't no more than one or two words in a sentence

but John who's with the project thinks the tablet will help her eventually to

read fluently so the problem is that there are about 60 to 100 million kids

who have no access to school because school is too far and then you've got

250 million more who go to school and who leave without ever having learned to

read or write a word and these are kids in Botswana in Boston in in in you know

in Brighton it doesn't matter kids go to school all over the world and they go

they don't learn and why is that and so that's the question that we're trying to

address you know in our greatest desire every single child on planet Earth has

access to a world-class education in the palm of her hand we're hoping to be back

next year to see how the teams get along but for now it's time to say goodbye

we've brought some biscuits to say thank you and suddenly the difficulties the

team will face when they arrive become clear with just 20 or so tablets per

village there simply won't be enough for everyone to take part to reduce

potential jealousy the tablets will be locked to only one the educational

software but everyone wants one our village mama has

been chosen to settle any disputes and the scheme's partners UNESCO will be

asking some other important questions about tablets - we are doing assessment

of the social and emotional impact of such learning because we expect quite

some criticism from their side we are engaging with the psychologists

anthropologists educationalists to try to understand what does it do to the

child's is that an option that is ethical because children go to school

they are socialized also it's not only the cognitive learning it's learning

much more is learning to be part of the group that was done in Tanzania next

we're off to Germany with Kate who's found an elevator that goes sideways

the picturesque town of Rockville Germany home to fearsome dogs chocolate

Fox buildings and a 246 meter tower housing the tallest observation deck in

Germany but this Cour isn't just about great views built by elevator company to

some group it has 12 lift shafts running inside it one is used to transport

passengers to the top the others to test the latest in elevator technology so our

inside the area is going is in the core of the tower and only a few people

really have the chance to see what we have built what is running there an

elevator without any ropes so this is something revolutionary instead of steel

ropes the cabin is carried by linear motors the same tech that drives Japan's

bullet train at 500 kilometres an hour as well as eliminating the speed and

height restrictions of today's tech this allows passengers to travel sideways as

well as up and down just like Willy Wonka's fantastical elevator in Charlie

and the Chocolate Factory behind the scenes behind the car we change this

exchanger 90 degrees get prepared for the horizontal movement while people are

entering and leaving and as soon as the doors close we can go sideways to the

next shaft and this is the most important thing that we come back to a

circulating system so reinventing the using this circulating pattern means a

lift shaft could hold ten or more cabins much more efficient than the single up

and down ride today's elevators are limited to and this will only become

more important when we start looking at elevators reaching perhaps a thousand or

more meters into this guy that was Kate going sideways and so are we now we're

off to the place where China makes the world's tech the city of Shenzhen where

last month I got exclusive pre-launch access to see how a new smartphone is

born they make loads of different types of phones in this Factory so to keep the

five tier secret from all the other workers everything happens behind the

blue shroud of secrecy are you ready thank you come in

welcome to production line 27 the phone starts life is just a tiny camera there

and then it's gradually assembled around this u-shaped

production line which means by the time it gets to the end it's a fully featured

phone just about there this is the reason China has come to

dominate electronics manufacturing a ready supply of a disciplined relatively

low-cost workforce each person here has one unique job which requires

concentration speed and precision a single speck of dust caught in the

camera lens and the finished phone will be rejected what I found most surprising

about this is it's all people I would have thought with this kind of high

precision job these phones would have been built solely by machines but pretty

much this is where an unlucky few phones are pulled off the production line to

chec extreme tolerance elsewhere other test phones escaped that big plunge but

instead are dropped 5000 times each others have their charging ports wiggled

and buttons pressed 10,000 times with the launch over 1 plus will nervously

await the first reviews and more importantly the advance orders and they

will decide whether these people will be joined by hundreds more or not

a fascinating glimpse behind the curtain there in China and now it's time to

leave Earth entirely for a few minutes to remember how the Kliq crew explored

the final frontier in VR virtual reality game Star Trek bridge crew brings

together up to four players each taking a different role on the bridge of a

starship oh my goodness mark

Wow we don't have time for sightseeing

though as we receive a distress signal from a stricken vessel if you transfer

the survivors here I don't know it's at this moment that the action takes a turn

which will appeal to Star Trek super fans its d5 one Cruiser so it's a

Klingon d-flat Cruiser yeah okay target it

it feels like it's social VRS it's best barely communication it's a must if you

don't have it you're not gonna complete the mission great for a team-building I

thought well actually their lives on the line for a minute get a couple of sticky

moments there but I think we managed to put it put it back and keep it together

as a crew the result was a successful mission now one thing we love to do on

clique is to look at how things might change significantly in the future and

one area that we think is about to pop onto the scene and possibly on so many

people's plates is lab-grown meat I'm talking burgers steaks and fish got a

taste for it well back in July Kat Hawkins visited the cultured food

capital San Francisco to see what's cooking I've come to this lab in the

heart of Silicon Valley to visit impossible foods they claim to have

invented the food of the future a completely meatless meat made entirely

of planets impossible foods found that the key ingredient that gives meats its

characteristic I&E taste is he a molecule found in most living things and

especially in animal muscle luckily it's also found in plants so this is your

magic ingredient right this is your plant face blows right it provides the

flavor the explosion of flavor you get the turn the difference the difference

between white meat chicken with a beef burger the company has recently flipped

the switch on its meatless meatpacking factory as it ramps up production this

will eventually make four million burgers a month and the next aim is to

move into chicken pork and lamb

but it's one thing being a scientist who is enthralled by food Tech and another

to be a chef using the ingredients produced on your carefully crafted menu

I think we're worried way too much meat in general so it's a good way to be as

close as possible to what meat looks and taste the impossible burger is now the

only one Rocco has on his menu and he sells 250 of them a week it seems like

at this stage it might be a novelty for Silicon Valley diners with money to

spend but of course as always the true test is in the tasting okay it's about

to happen

it's really good the texture is just like meat it doesn't taste like it makes

beef like mushrooms I know there's no mushrooms in there what comes across

talking to Rothko though is how important it is for his customers that

the flavor is close to me while still being ethical but why if you could serve

up actual animal flesh without a single creature being harmed

that's what several companies including this small tech startup in the heart of

Silicon Valley are working on they plan to grow actual fish from stem cells

Phylis foods takes a small sample of cells from a real fish and cultures it

up one cell can theoretically become one ton of fish meat but they're not there

yet will be on the market in three years with products that are a new version of

fish that people haven't had before and then in five to six years we'll have

steaks and filets just like the fish that you currently eat at a supermarket

just like what's inside of a fish that you'd normally see in the ocean

cat Hawkins reporting back in the summer now from California to the Netherlands

where Nick quack witnessed a dance with a new hologram effect today

choreographers and dancers of NDT are working with a new medium for artistic

expression they're taking two excerpts from the show called stop motion and

adapting it to include holographic projections it's a really but Reedy

almost an IMAX type experience without the need for gothic you know every

detail has been carefully crafted they're projecting a fallen white giant

and dust onto a black backdrop playing with the themes of light and dark and

destruction technology needs to embrace the art but not be sticking out or by

itself it needs to help is like a glove to the art to the suppression the

holographic illusion is created with the help of two very high-end projectors and

a special lightweight mesh screen by playing out videos on the front mesh and

back wall it creates an optical illusion of 3d

depth for the performers that's actually a really good rig to work with because

they can see the projections on this side whilst they're onstage performing

with other systems you don't really get that same wall tantaran position stand

by lighting music cue projection and action

after all that globe-trotting I have to say there's no place like home there's

no place like home there's no place like home there's no place like yep banks

voting systems and the NHS weren't the only ones to have been under attack in

2017 even in my own castle I am hands full with this lot we even

lost our first guest on the show sorry Ken and in 2018 we'll be going back into

battle again reporting from wherever we find the best tech from around the globe

and at home we'll see you next year

For more infomation >> Click highlights from 2017 - BBC Click - Duration: 24:20.


A SHOW ABOUT ART - 10 MINUTE ART CHALLENGE [Ep.3] - Duration: 7:48.

Hi, I'm Nick and this is a show about Art.

This show is all about your art and your creations.

Every episode is different but every episode will challenge you to try new things, learn

new stuff and become a better creator.

Oh, and let's inspire and encourage each other through it all.

Let's get into it!

Hey Artistic badass's!

Last week your artistic homework was to create a heart shaped artwork or create a t-shirt


Well, you awesome people handed in your assignments and I'm going

to present them right here, right now!

Let's check out your badass creations!

This geometrical heart was made by BillyArt who made it into a t-shirt print.


And this design by Rachel Ann Hall was so creative in the way that she used the heart

shape as the jacket hood.

I'll be sending Rachel Ann Hall the artistic badass sticker!

Keep up the hella good work guys!

Remember it doesn't matter what your skill level is as an artist, anyone can participate

in this challenges and you can use whatever materials you want.

Make a peanut butter and celery sculpture and I'll still feature it.

But probably don't do that.

Anyone can win the prize and anyone can get featured, just use that hashtag #AShowAboutArt

to enter!

But what are we doing for the rest of the episode?

Let's crank up the segment machine!

Today we have the 10 minute artistic challenge!

But what is this challenge you may ask?

This is an artistic sprint!

Imagine if you have to save the world but you only have 10 minutes; that's exactly

what this artistic challenge will feel like.

We'll be setting up a 10 minute timer on our phone and we'll see what we can draw

in that time.

This challenge doesn't take a lot of time to do and the artwork doesn't need to be


Let's just do the best we can and we'll try not to poke our eye out.

That's my motto for nearly everything in life.

You should write that down.

Okay, let's start that ten minute challenge now!

For the benefit of your power bills, I'll be speeding up my ten minute artwork from

10 minutes to 5 minutes!

I've done a quick sketch of an ice cream design I have had lingering in my head for

a few days now – it's a pretty light sketch though.

I think it's okay to do a light sketch before starting the 10 minute artwork challenge!

It's not cheating if you make your own rules!

Alright so, I'm going to start off this challenge with a new pen.

I've never used this pen before.

It's like this brush pen, and I probably should have tried to use it before doing this

ten minute challenge.

But yeah..

.I didn't really plan that out very well.

It was a learning experience because this pen.. instead of being a ballpoint pen or

fineliner that I usually use, this one was more like a brush in the way that you push

harder or at a different angle and you get a bigger brush stroke or a thinner brush stroke.

I said that really weirdly, again.

Yeah, I kinda really felt that when doing the eyes, that's why they look a little


And at first, I really wanted to start the challenge over again with a fineliner instead

of using this brush pen.

But I actually came to find that I liked the pen because it had a kinda cartoony and uneven

linework kind of feel that my art hasn't had in the past, so I kind of really liked

that character that the pen gave my work.

And for this cartoony style, I think it suited it pretty well.

For this colour, I'm also using some brush pens, markers kind of things.

I guess they're not really copic pens, but they're brush marker paint kind of watercolour..

I don't know what they are, I just use them..

I kind of just splurged when I went to an art store and they were having a half price

sale so I bought as many as I could.

Most of the good colours were already gone because someone already bought them.

I got this colour though so I'm pretty happy with that.

It was just like an ice cream.. strawberry ice cream kind of colour and I thought it

would go well with this one here.

I'm also using a blue there.

I thought it would go well as a tie colour.

I don't know how many people wear that colour blue tie but it kind of contrasted the colour


And the paddle pop, I didn't like that colour as much.

Yeah, I wasn't happy with that.

I should have used a different colour.

This purple that I'm using for the lips is a copic pen, I'm using this on watercolour

paper so it drains the ink really fast apparently.

I kind of noticed it a little bit, so I was a bit self conscious of using it because I

spent about 6 bucks on this copic pen and I don't want to use It all up on one artwork!

So I used it pretty sparingly!

I kind of liked it, it was actually the first time I've used copic pens in this test as


So this whole artwork was an experiment in using things for the first time.

No matter how you do the 10 minute challenge, no matter how much time you think you have

left, it goes so quick.

You wouldn't imagine how fast, especially when you have a timer on and you're trying

things for the first time.

The more you think you can do in ten minutes, the less you can actually do.

Did that make sense?

Probably not.

But what I'm trying to say is 10 minutes goes really really really quick.

Quicker than you might think.

So if you're doing this artwork challenge, I recommend that you do something that you

think will take about 5 minutes because that will probably take about 10 minutes here.

I had the phone next to me, so I kind of knew the challenge was coming to the end so I just

fixed up a few things.

Here's the final line-work artwork!

Let me know what you think of it in the comments below!

Not bad for ten minutes of blistering pace artwork!

I decided to turn my ten minute linework artwork into a tshirt design on Redbubble.

So I'm pretty much using the same method as I taught everyone in episode 2 of A Show

About Art (in the last one) I'll leave a link in the description to that if you want

to learn how to turn a traditional artwork into a digital print.

And here it is, finished.

I'm pretty happy with this and I think it'll look pretty awesome on tshirts.

Let's take a look at how they will look on some Redbubble products right now.

I think it'll look pretty cool.

Artist challenge.

Participate in this challenge with the hashtag #AShowAboutArt on Instagram and Redbubble.

Participants will be featured on the next episode!

So.. this is going to be really obvious…. but your challenge for this week is to do

the ten minute challenge.

Which you'll then use as a basis to calculate the distance between Jupiter and Saturn.

That's optional though.

Use a ten minute timer on your phone and it's okay to do a really light sketch before you


You can draw whatever you want for this challenge, but if you do need some inspiration you can

try drawing a flower, a skull, a forest, boat or something else.

Participants will be featured in next week's episode of a A Show About Art regardless of

skill level!

Just remember to use the hashtag #AshowAboutArt to Instagram and RedBubble so I can see it.

And that's it for this week, I look forward to seeing your ten minute artwork challenges!

Thanks for drawing with me, and goodbye for now, but not forever!

For more infomation >> A SHOW ABOUT ART - 10 MINUTE ART CHALLENGE [Ep.3] - Duration: 7:48.


A NEW CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:28.

Hi everyone!

First of all, I wish you a happy new year and I hope that you can all make you dreams come true this year

being healthy and surrounded by the ones you love.

That's the most important!

Now, going straight to today's topic: for those who follow us on instagram, you may have seen that

I am currently studying korean with quite a specific goal: passing the TOPIK test

TOPIK stands for the Test of Proficiency In Korean

After about 4 years leaning korean, I decided to finally take a step forward

by challenging myself.

So today I wanted to make a special video about the TOPIK.

I don't know if all of you know about this test

therefore I wanted to let you know more about it

and maybe some of you will eventually be interested in passing this test too.

To start with a global introduction of the TOPIK, as I told you it's a test which permits to certify one's level in korean

This test has been created in 1997 by the Korean government of education and korean culture

This being international, anyone from any part of the world can take the TOPIK test

Of course, I don't know if every country offers this possibility but still, it is possible to take the test in

North America, South America, Australia, Africa, Europe and of course Asia

About the language levels, it is almost the same as for the CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages)

meaning it goes from A1 level to C2 level

Of course, that is not what the levels are called like but the idea is the same:

there are two beginner levels (A1 & A2)

two intermediate levels (B1 & B2)

and two advanced levels (C1 & C2)

To go further in the details, the TOPIK test is divided in two parts:


Thus, we can say that it is a little similar to DELF and DALF (which are certificates for french learners)

DELF is for those who want to validate levels A1 to B2

DALF is for those who want to validate the two last levels: C1 and C2

For the TOPIK it is a little different.

Indeed, TOPIK I is only for the two first levels: A1 and A2

and the TOPIK II is for the levels from B1 to C2.

I don't know much about DELF and DALF.

I don't know much about how it goes for this exam, but let me explain more about the TOPIK.

For more infomation >> A NEW CHALLENGE - Duration: 10:28.


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MoKhamHom Music

ၽဵင်းၵႂၢမ်း မူဝ်ၶမ်းႁွမ်


For more infomation >> ၸၢႆးဝၢၼ်ႈၼွၵ်ႈ ၸၢႆးသႅင်ၸွမ်ၾႃႉ จายว้านน้อก จายแสงจอมฟ้า เพลงไตยเพราะๆ2018 HD - Duration: 4:38.


Эти 3 роли женщины главные в счастливых отношениях. Роль женщины в отношениях с мужчиной. - Duration: 1:04.

For more infomation >> Эти 3 роли женщины главные в счастливых отношениях. Роль женщины в отношениях с мужчиной. - Duration: 1:04.


Значение карты Шестерка Пентаклей. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 2:09.

For more infomation >> Значение карты Шестерка Пентаклей. Младшие Арканы Таро. - Duration: 2:09.



For more infomation >> COMMENT AVOIR UN DOS LARGE ET ÉPAIS !! - Duration: 4:52.


RollGolf 2.0 testdrive! - Duration: 3:45.

Hey folks! Great you're watching again!

I'm Milo!

This is the RollGolf

Let's test it!

I think a headlight fell out


The first rolls are a success!

I think a headlight glass fell out here

What a pity, but the rest was a success


Are we going to try a duo-roll?

We're going to do that!

We have two seats of course!

So let's see if we can do that with two people

I'm also secured

Here we go!

First duo roll!



Great, perfect! Don't chance anything

Another round?

Let's try it in this direction

That worked out well

It works perfect

Perfect indeed

Well folks, the car is not finished yet

It needs a propane installation

So it keeps running upside down

But.. the rest

It works well!

It's a rollercoaster without a track

You can say that again;

A rollercoaster without a track

I think it's a success!

Great folks! Thanks for watching and see you next time!

For more infomation >> RollGolf 2.0 testdrive! - Duration: 3:45.


Stubby Bob Lives! Huge Wheelstands! - Roadkill Ep. 72 - Duration: 35:53.

- [Steve] Keep a look out for

the exciting new series, Junkyard Gold,

hosted by me, Steve Magnante,

where we scour America's junkyards for automotive treasures.

This is a good one.

Premieres December 1st, exclusively on Motor Trend OnDemand.

(truck engine revving) - This time on Roadkill,

we're bringing Stubby Bob back from the dead!

(truck engine rattling) Oh, oh it's broke now.

Oh my God!

What did you do?

- [Tony] I don't think it liked the two-three shift.

(Finn laughing)

(engine revving) (tires screeching)

(heavy rock music)

(truck engine puttering)

- [Finn] This is it.

Stubby Bob is makin' a comeback.

As you'll remember, this is our

1950 Ford F6 two-ton dump truck.

I picked it up off a farm in Tennessee

and surprised Freiburger with it.

We cut four feet off the back of the chassis,

put a keg in for a gas tank, and Stubby Bob was born.

We kept the stock suspension, wheels, brakes, and engine,

and tried to road trip it but it sucked.

It didn't run well, the brakes barely worked,

and we basically let it sit around for a year

until Freiburger had the genius idea

to put a blown Big-Block Chevy in the back

and try to make it wheelie.

We put a junkyard 454 in backwards

and connected it to a Gearstar 4L80E

electronic overdrive transmission

and coupled that to a V-drive out of a boat

in the cab that connects the driveshaft,

and lo and behold, we've got a monster wheelie machine.

It's great because it does wheelies

but horrible because it has no seat belts,

no safety, and the stock suspension,

which I'm pretty sure broke when it slammed to the ground.

So now, Tony and I want to make Bob

a little more streetable, a little safer,

and then road trip it to the Eagle Field Drags

in Firebaugh, California.

And, of course, do some amazing wheelies.

(truck engine revving)

- Yo, this is a total stroke of genius, this truck.

- There it is. - I love this thing.

- This may be the only good thing in my life

I've built other than children.

- It's a terrible idea, beautifully executed.

- It really hurts me to look at it.

I got to be honest. - That's hard.

- The last time I was in this thing,

it folded me into a pretzel. - Yeah.

- 'Cause here's what happened, right?

Big wheelie, hard landing,

something up here broke.

Look at that rear shackle. - Oh, yeah, look.

It fully extended. - Oh, it bent it.

Oh, it's unrolled it! - Yeah.

That's insane.

This is balancing the entire weight,

this corner of the car,

(chuckles) on this little cup--

- [Finn] With a vertical piece of metal.

- [Tony] It's ridiculous.

- I wonder if it even runs.

- [Tony] It's a little worse for sittin', man, jeez.

- These are all brand new. - Everything is so crusty.

- There's no hope the battery's charged but give it a try.

- Nothin'.

Battery connected?

- Dude, there's no batter in here! (laughs)

- Guys, there's no battery in here.

- (laughing) The battery's gone.

It needs fixing.

- Yeah, if we want to do anything with this car

we got to put some hands on it, put some hours in it.

We need to tow this thing out of here in one piece.

- There's a car.

- Alright, after this we're even for the Firebird.

(Finn laughing) Completely even.

- [Tow Truck Driver] That's perfect.

- It's perfect, the guy said it's perfect.

- Good game, way to hustle. - Whoo-hoo!

(loud whirring)

(deep bass music)

- Oh goodness, that's awful.

So this things spends a lot of time outside

and either through the headers or through this scoop

it's gotten a ton of water in the oil.

It looks absolutely garbage.

That's not a good start.

I feel very confident about this.

- Dude, it's only a couple hundred miles.

We'll be fine. - That's the best part.

We build this thing to go and do wheelies in a parking lot,

let's drive it across California.

- Well, the best part about the Bob-build is

there's some serious engineering in here

and a lot of care and time in certain things

and then right at the end it was,

"Whoa, we're out of time, no seat belts.

"Let's go do wheelies." (Tony laughing)

(country guitar music)

- So we've got fresh oil and spark plugs in this thing.

I replaced a bunch of wrecked vacuum caps,

Finn put a battery in just because we figured

let's fire it up and make sure this thing still runs

before we try to drive it across the country.

Right? - Yes.

- Do it. - Okay.

Is there gas in it? - Is there gas in it?

(truck engine revving) It's doing stuff.

(truck engine revving)

- It's not trying to fire at all.

- Yeah, I haven't heard a burble or anything.

(truck engine revving) Nope.

You're not grounded on your ignition wire.

- [Finn] Ah, sweet.

(truck engine revving) - That's better.

- That was much better.

(truck engine puttering)

- Yeah!

Seems like they're all working.

- Yeah, you think I should

keep going? - Whoo!

(Finn laughs)

- Wow, that thing is loud.

How come we always get all the really loud cars?

- It definitely doesn't need mufflers.

I mean, 'cause the faster you go,

the further behind you it'll be.

- The sound? - Yes.

- It'll just fall behind us. - Right.

- We'll outrun it.

We'll outrun the sound, that makes sense.

(upbeat rock music)

Alright, so now the next big thing to deal with is--

- Safety? - Well, yeah.

Safety and this front suspension.

I just want to see what it does up here.

We're going to lower it down.

That should get us where we have to go

and we'll see if it's flat.

(loud creak)

Like nothing but hopes and dreams held that together.

(laughs) It's crazy. - It's level again.

- Does it look better? - Oh, yeah.

- That was my one big concern is

that the whole frame was bent.

- [Finn] I bet we could go down

two dragstrips with this now.

- [Tony] Oh yeah, now it's good.

(electric guitar music)

Two eight-feet pipes.

- Would you say a 60-degree bend?

- With a 60-degree bend in 18 inches.

- The bend is 18 inches from the end?

- I think so, I think that works good.

- Bob's already proven to have the ability

to stand straight up on the trailer hitch.

And the trailer hitch is the only thing

that keeps this truck from falling over backwards.

And I really don't trust it to do that every time

you get a lead foot behind the wheel and do a wheelie.

So, we're going to build not a full roll cage

but just a roll bar.

We're talking fall-guy-truck style.

And it'll be a simple main hoop

that goes up just above the cab,

a down bar and it'll have an X in the middle

so that if the truck goes over backwards

we should be relatively safe.

In general, this is all that's going to save Tony and I

from a lifetime of pain and suffering.

These are called widow-maker wheels.

These are split rims that actually

clamp together and bolt together

in the middle of the rim.

And they routinely blow apart and kill people,

so I want them off and I want them away from me,

as quick as possible.

(loud drilling)

(loud clanking)

- Alright.

It's coming.

There it is.

- Right about now, you're wondering

why did we take this out and what is that doing there?

Well, it's simple.

This is rusty.

- And it's got a super wonky bolt pattern,

giant drum brakes that don't do anything.

The bolt pattern means we'd have to run

those murder wheels, which we don't want to do.

- Yep. - And it's got a bunch

of broken string packs.

- Yeah, yeah, this is junk.

It really is junk.

And that is after-market parts that are much lighter

and designed for a vehicle that is much lighter,

but because our engine is in the back

we think this will work and actually ride better,

steer better, and stop better.

After yanking the entire front end off the truck,

we found out each wheel weighed a 130

and the complete suspension weighed 400 pounds.

- [Tony] The idea is that you'll put

wheels and tires on the axle, roll it underneath,

lower the front end down, and under weight,

tack everything together once you've measured it

and it's all perfect.

So, that's what we're going to do.

- Hey, it's supporting it.

- That's not so bad. - It's supporting it.

Dude, that's awesome.

(country rock music)

- How do I open the hood on this thing?

Oh, that's cool!

- [Finn] In terms of safety,

Bob has always been a disaster.

We needed to install seat belts,

which meant we had to build a harness bar.

We needed headlights, which means

we had to re-wire the truck. - Boom!

- [Finn] Even the seats were modified.

They've always been flopping about the cab,

so tony welded them directly to the floor of the truck.

We spent hours all in the name of keeping us alive.

- [Tony] A race car now.

- This feels so much safer right here.

- Yeah, that's pretty good, huh?

- Yeah.

(groovy music) (power tools whirring)

Steering adaptor, done!

Here's where we're at.

New axle is in the truck and right now

I'm connecting the old steering,

which moved forward and backwards to turn the wheel,

to our new knuckle, which moves left to right

to turn the wheel.

And I'm converting it using a rod end,

some misalignment spacers,

and a little bit of ingenuity here.

This should work.

It steers. - Sure does.

- [Finn] Alright, so this is party mode.

- This is party mode.

Party mode is here,

I'm going to do a-- - Where's get serious mode?

- And then get serious mode

I'm thinking is going to be here.

What do you think? - Yeah, that'll do it.

(country rock music)

Yeah. - What do you think of that?

- Not bad. - Not bad?

Good job.

How's it ride?

Look at that. - That's not bad, really.

- We're going to be so comfortable.

- I mean, when you combine that

with the fact that there is no suspension in the back,

there's a happy medium

between pain and suffering and paradise.

- Oh, man.

(Finn laughs) Honestly,

I'm terrified of this truck,

absolutely. - I'm

really excited about the wheelies,

just not the road trip. - Not the driving, nope.

Alright, buddy. - Godspeed.

- Yeah, we got this. (Finn laughing)

(truck engine revving)

- It turns!

Let's go on an adventure.

(truck engine putters) (car alarm blares)

- (laughing) Car alarm!

Let's see, does it stop?

We have brakes. - Pretty good.

(truck engine revving) (indistinct talking)

- Dude, the front end is so much better!

Oh wow, I think it picked the front wheels up.

- Jesus Christ!

- Alright, I'm going to get out of the car

and see what happens.

Yeah, it pulls left.

Oh, oh there's all the cops.

I'll try to be casual. - Oh shit.

(truck engine revving)

Alright, that dude just gave me the horns.

- Was it a cop? - The cop was like,

"Hell yeah!" (Finn laughing)


- [Finn] It is so loud even with these on.

- Yeah, it's got a real mid-range throb.

- Imagine how loud it is for the person next to us.

- [Tony] Oh, I figure they're just mad at us.

- [Finn] Yeah, they're trying to hear their music

right now and they're just like, "What the hell?"

(truck engine revving)

(upbeat rock music)

- Yeah, the heat coming in this track is unreal.

- The steering wheel is so hot I can barely hold it.

Wait a minute, we can go in the carpool lane.

- Oh yeah, of course.

(truck engine revving)

(truck engine revving)

- Whoa, whoa, whoa.

(Finn coughing) - Sorry.

(Tony coughing) - We're cruising along

and all of a sudden

I felt huge spray on my back and the battery exploded.

And then we couldn't breath (coughs).

Pulled over and jumped out.

- Alright, I'll push.

Then we'll get going and we'll just go

all the way to the bottom.

(upbeat groove music)

- [Tony] Do I stick it over here

or what do you think? - Yeah, actually,

just pull over by the wall.

That's probably our best place to work on it.

Now we got all kinds of room between us

and cars that want to run us over.

We were greedy.

We protected our junk and our toes

up here with a trans tunnel but

we didn't actually put a tunnel

where the battery and the trans are next to each other.


poor battery.

Our battery didn't quite explode

but it did puke its guts out.

So we're going to take baking soda,

neutralize the battery acid.

We bought another battery,

we're going to put it up front.

We're going to hook six-foot-long cables into the truck,

bolt them to our old ones,

wrap them in electrical tape, and keep on truckin'.

- [Tony] Alright, battery tunnels are tight.

I put a touch and toe-in into the front end.

- Nice work.

Look at you turning lemons into lemonade!

- Just figured I had a couple minutes.

- Battery blows up, (Tony chuckling)

stuck on the side of the road--

- Alignment. - Let's give it an alignment

while we're here.

I like it.

- Shall we?

Yeah, how do you plan on applying this?

- Liberally.

- Just ghost the whole thing? - (chuckles) Yes!

- That's probably good.

I don't know what's worse.

- We're going to get pulled over. - Sulfuric acid.

- I wonder if they'll think

our cocaine load-- - They're going to go,

"Oh my God!"

- (laughing) They're smuggling.

(country guitar music)

(truck engine revving)

- Oh!

- There it is.

- [Finn] Oh, it isn't so bad.

- [Tony] Yes, we only have 175 miles to go.

- Is it really only 175?

- That's what it says. - Oh, we're fine.

She runs like the wind.

Your turn.

(truck engine revving)

That was gnarly.

Felt like the V-drive broke but the motor shut off.

- It might have locked.

(various traffic sounds)

Did it pop out of gear or the axle?

- It's possible.

But why did the motor shut off?

- Hold on, let me check the fuel pump,

make sure it's running.

It's runnin'!

- Let's pop the cap off and make sure the rotor still spins.

(truck engine cranking)

- Nope, nothing. - It doesn't spin?

- It doesn't spin. - Oh. (laughs)

We lost a timing chain or a gear on the distributor.

- Here, crank it again.

(truck engine cranking)

- Nothing. - It's definitely

not spinning? - I'm gettin' no pump.

- Timing chain's gone. (Tony sighs)

Easiest thing to check is pull the distributor right now.

- It's not bad.

- Alright, timing chain's busted.

- Yeah.

It wouldn't be a Roadkill

road trip without a ridiculous breakdown

and this one really hurt.

We were flat out stranded.

We were still 90 miles away from the event

and there was no way to fix the truck

on the side of the road.

We had to put it on a tow truck and haul it to our hotel

and wait for daylight to really assess the damage.

(funky music) (indistinct talking)

(loud clanking)

- Oh, it sheared all three bolts off.

This is new levels of destruction for Roadkill.

- So we're into the timing chain now.

Finn theorizes the bolts weren't properly tightened

and they broke off but we're still missing a dowel pin.

So, basically the crankshaft

wasn't connected to the camshaft,

which we already had figured out.

We're going to go ahead, get everything bolted back up,

put on a new chain and gears and see what happens.

(rock guitar music)



No drilling, no easy outs.

- I have to turn this bolt into a dowel for a camshaft

and there's no electricity in the parking lot

so I'm in our producer's little bathroom.

Mission accomplished.

We got a dowel now.

It's going to work.

(truck engine revving) - Oh yeah.

It's spinning.

- I like it. - Why not?

- [Finn] It didn't move.

- Ow.

- [Finn] There we go.

Another quarter inch, maybe?

My hands.

Really close now!

(upbeat jazz music) (indistinct chattering)

(truck engine revving)

- (laughing) Let's go drive.

(truck engine revving) (guys laughing)

So we're cruisin' along,

headed to Eagle Field Drags where there's a party happenin'.

- Yeah, we love parties.

- We were very excited about that.

- Yeah. - And all of a sudden

my feet got wet and I look down

at the gauge and it was at 250

and I thought, "Ah, hell, here we go."

- That's too much, yeah. - That's too much.

And we pretty much have figured out

we have an air pocket in the cooling system

and our solution is going to be to

do something we shouldn't do

and that's to back our car into the ditch.

- So that we can get the fill high enough,

completely above the whole engine

'cause the motor sits pretty high in the back

and with where the radiator is,

we're not able to get rid of that bubble.

So, we're going to (tongue click).

- Yeah, and then when we're all done

we're going to try and bonzai our way

back onto the shoulder without

swerving into oncoming traffic.

- It's a great idea. - Do not try this at home.

- I love it, alright.

- You're good.

(truck engine revving)

(guys laughing)

Hey, those front brakes work great!

This feels familiar.

(truck engine revving)

- Good? - I think so.

(truck engine revving)

(rock music)

We're here!

This is Eagle Field, this place is awesome!

And I believe Bob has only sat here overnight,

so it shouldn't spontaneously have combusted.

It should be ready to run.

- We're going to fire it up.

You're going to do the first wheelie run

down the track in conservative party mode.

- And then we'll go raging-alcoholic party mode.

There's a guy here who's 80

and he's done wheelstands forever

and he's still doing it at 80!

- Yeah. - So, we can't suck.

We need to be good at this.

We need to un-Roadkill

this program right now. - Alright, let's go, let's go.

(triumphant music)

- [Tony] I think you got to go for it.

- Alright! - It's going to go.

It's going to hang it up pretty good.

- [Finn] Okay.

- Just try to steer it straight.

You got a plan in your head? - Put the wheels in the air.

Everyone's got a plan 'til they get punched in the face!

- Exactly.

Alright, ready? (Finn laughing)

- Yes. - Alright, buddy.

High five.

Good luck. - Yeah.

- You got it. - Hug my wife.

- [Tony] Fire this thing up.

(truck engine revving)

(dramatic orchestral music)

- Whoo!

- [Finn] Alright, baby!

Let's see what you can do!

(truck engine putters)

Oh no (laughs)!

Kiss that U-joint goodbye!

- No!

(dramatic music) (green truck engine revving)

- [Tony] What happened?

- [Finn] I think the V-drive's junk.

Yeah, it's the V-drive.

You can feel it.

- It's that small input shaft.

(funky groove music)

- Well, haven't exactly gotten

to test all our new mods out

because on the very first pass, I grenaded the V-drive.

And it wasn't the gears that came apart.

It was the little, tiny, itty-bitty input shafts

that just twisted, broke the keyways,

and beat the hell out of the driveshaft.

And we pulled the V-drive out of the car.

It's junk.

- [Tony] Alright, alright.

- [Finn] Yeah, that's not comin' apart.

- So after an hour of messin' around

looking for other V-drives,

we can't find anything that's brand new.

So, I'm saying we should take this thing over

to where there's a local hangar with a torch.

Torch this bottom shaft.

Try to straighten out the best we can.

And then we're going to weld the drive flange

back onto this input shaft

and hopefully we can at least get

some wheelies out of this truck before the end of the day.

(groovy jazz music)

So, we're starting with the output shaft,

which is severely bent, and we're just trying

to torch it until it's red hot.

We're going to bend it back into position

and then we will try to weld back the input shaft,

which is totally sheared off to this drive flange.

Neither one sounds easy.

- Starting to glow now. - Alright.

- [Finn] Yeah, hit it.

(loud clanking)

- Ah, it is so much better. - It's crazy red.

And now's the time to weld it 'cause that thing's hot.

So let's take it right now. - Alright.

- That might be the first time

we ever blacksmithed on Roadkill.

It went pretty good.

Tony got that thing almost perfectly straight.

So, we're going to tig weld the coupler to the shaft

and then pray to God that all this

heat-treating didn't

basically make that thing so soft

that the first time you hit the gas pedal

it twists and breaks in half like the top one did.

(blues music)

- I wouldn't try this at home. - It's working, though.


Rotate it some more.

It's actually penetrating, too, which is blowing my mind.

- This thing's spinning pretty good.

- Thank god for preheat.

The input shaft is now our issue.

Part of the shaft is inside of the pulley,

so we're trying to press this thing out.

- Is it goin'? - Yeah, I think it's goin'.

Yeah, keep going.

- That's hot. - Yeah!

- Watch out, that'll go

to the center of the Earth.

So, here's our V-drive.

Input shaft up here, broke that clean off.

Output shaft, twisted it and bent it.

We torched this.

Tony hammered it straight,

then we tig welded the coupler right to it.

We couldn't do that here,

there wasn't enough room or shaft

to tig weld that back on.

So, our new friend here turned it down on a lathe,

we hammered it back on and now

he's going to stick weld this thing back together.

- Yep. - In an airplane hangar

on a Sunday.

Setting records here on Roadkill!

- It's going to be awesome. - Yeah.

- Just give me one wheelie, just one good one.

(upbeat country music)

- [Finn] Little higher.


- Oh yeah, we got plenty of engagement.

- Alright, well, we just fixed the V-drive.

We've never had a real successful test

of Stubby Robert and yet, despite that,

we're going right to party mode

because the sun's going down,

the track's going to close soon, and we only get one shot.

- Yeah, and we like to party.

- (laughs) We like to party.

- Alright.

Sleep a little easier. - Yes.

- That's all. - Less cowbell.

Got it. - That's all.

- [Finn] Phew.

Alright, so, lean soft,

do a good wheelie,

but the wheelie bars are about two feet off the ground.

So, yeah!

So, I don't exactly know what to do!

So, I'm just going to send it! (laughs)

(truck engine revving) (indistinct talking)

Alright, here we go.

I'm not going to foot it on the converter

'cause I don't want to break the V-drive.

Just going to get it rolling and I'm going to punch it.

- Here we go.

(truck engine puttering)


Come on!

- [Finn] You've got to

be kidding me, man! (Tony screaming)

All that work.

All that work.

(Finn groaning)

- The weld broke. - Let's go.

- The input. - Buddy!

- [Finn] I didn't spool it at all!

- I know.

We worked so hard.

- [Finn] Talk about a kick in the nuts.

We had the opportunity to make Bob wheelie

in front of a thousand people

at the Eagle Field Drags and we ended up sucking wind.

The event was over.

We left.

Two weeks later, we bought a brand new V-drive

and we went back to the scene of the crime

trying to redeem ourselves in front of

a large crowd of zero.

So here's what happened, right?

Our dump truck rear end has about,

oh, that much slop in it.

The driveshaft's got to spin that far

before it actually engages that and turns these,

which is what hammers the V-drive and breaks it.

- So you think all that shock, boom, twisted them up?

- Junk. - 'Cause they were destroyed.

- So, our solution is not to fix the problem, the rear end.

It's to replace the V-drive with a much newer,

much more expensive unit built for a Baja trophy truck.

This actually has splined input and output shafts

that are a larger diameter and according to Slim,

the guy who we bought the original V-drive from,

that will make up for this crap.

So, that should work and we should be able

to do wheelies now. - Let's do it.

- Hopefully more than once.

- More wheelies is better wheelies!

(truck engine revving) (heavy rock music)

You didn't think we'd leave you with no wheelies

in the whole episode, right? - Never!

We didn't work this hard to quit.

Alright, pumping the brakes. - Whoo!

(truck engine revving)

(loud explosion)

Oh my God.

- [Finn] There's no way.

I think the rear end came out of gear.

- Alright, get out.

- [Finn] Dude, you're not going to believe this.

It broke the U-joint.

The V-drive is fine, we need a U-joint.

The U-joint broke because it was hollow inside.

But hours later we found a solid one

and we're back in business.

(truck engine revving)

- Oh no. - What the?

- [Finn] Shit.

- [Man] Your driveshaft twisted in half.

- [Finn] Oh, dude!

- Alright, it's take two here at Eagle Field

and this is like a bad dream.

We have now destroyed the drive line

in Stubby Bob for the second time.

We all flew back out with an upgraded V-drive

and we thought we were ready to kill it.

And then it exploded on the first run

because there's now slightly smaller U-joints in there.

And then we got new ones, put it all back together,

and Finnegan ripped on it

and it tore the driveshaft in half.

So, this thing has done zero wheelies

since we started workin' on it

and has boned us complete failure three times.

- So, we're hanging out at Eagle Field

having an average day and driveshaft twisted in half.

- All by itself. - Serious carnage.

Spontaneous, I don't even know how this happened.

And we're sitting there going,

"Oh my God, now we need a driveshaft,"

except it's Saturday,

all the drive line companies are closed.

- And we're in the middle of nowhere.

- Yeah, nowhere, nowhere.

- 30 miles in every direction.

- We make a new friend, Wes,

who just happens to have, believe it or not,

a Stubby Bob of his own.

A 1950 Ford F6 two-ton dump truck

sitting in his backyard with the driveshaft.

So we're going to cut this up,

we're going to weld our yoke onto his piece.

And tomorrow-- - We will do wheelies.

- We will do wheelies!

Or somethin'.

(rock music)

(dramatic orchestral music)

(truck engine revving)

- You didn't really think after all that work

that we wouldn't be wheelie-ing this thing, would you?

- Whoo!

(truck engine revving)

(guys laughing and cheering)

- I want to go further!

- You can't see anything! - No (laughs)!

(truck engine revving)

- (laughs) It's still working!

- Oh my God! - It's still working!


- Alright! - Hell yeah!

- We're going to do that again but I'm not lifting.

- It's real high! - Oh, dude!

- Oh, yeah! - It's up there!

- Whoo!

Oh boy!

- [Finn] Okay, you ready?

(truck engine revving)

(triumphant orchestral music)

(cheering and laughing)

(truck engine revving)

(truck engine revving)


I need to see it! - Oh my God!

- Yeah! - Whoo!

- It's not broken, either! - Whoo, whoo!

That was amazing! (Finn laughing)

- Yes! - Yes!

- [Tony] Look how far away we are!

- Dude! - Oh my God!

- How far it it go?

It was really far!

It stood up like this and it just got going!

(laughs) (Tony cheers)

Oh my God, that was amazing!

- Hell, yeah! - It's still good,

You could drive it.

- I'm in!

- Here's the key to more distance.

We are tapped out in a second.

- Yeah. - So once it's up there--

- Knock it off a gear? - Go for third.

- Oh, yeah, that sounds good!

(Finn laughs)

(upbeat rock music)

(truck engine revving)

(loud clanking)

- Oh my God!

I don't want to say it but apparently once again,

Tony breaks everything.

Jesus! (chuckles)

What did you do!

- [Tony] I don't think it liked the two-three shift!

(Finn laughs)

We did some kick-ass wheelies! - Dude, we did!

- Oh, my God! - We did!

- [Tony] What a good day!

- Well, admittedly when we built Bob the first time,

we didn't think it would work.

So the engine wasn't designed to be vertical.

- Yeah. - Which is why it tried

to fall out and the driveshaft fell out.

Not 'cause you broke it. - That's true.

- Yeah.

So we'll be back with Bob again later,

doing even better and more epic wheelies.

- Yeah, this thing is the best.

It's the best!

Wheelies are my new favorite thing.

- Oh, dude, forget drifting.

- Yeah.

Just wheelies. - Dump truck wheelies.

- I'm going to turn all my cars into wheelie cars.

- There you go.


Those wheels are kind of cambered!

- [Tony] You ready to hit the drift circuit?

- It's not a drift truck!

(boys laugh)

- [Tony] This is the biggest win Roadkill has ever had.

We busted our asses,

built something amazing, destroyed it in the process

and achieved glory that most humans

never get to witness in their lifetime.

I can't wait to bring Stubby Bob back

and make it even better.

(truck engine revving faintly)

- [Freiburger] Support companies that support Roadkill.

Buy your speed parts at

- I learned about something today that's really important,

it's really cool.

It's called a plain bagel with butter.

Apparently it's fantastic,

I'm going to try one in a minute.

This is what I'm talkin' about.

So you're saying this is just a plain bagel

toasted with butter. - Mm-hm.

- Mm.

- Can you believe it's not butter?

- That is good!

I can't--

So this is just a plain bagel

toasted with butter.


It's so good.

For more infomation >> Stubby Bob Lives! Huge Wheelstands! - Roadkill Ep. 72 - Duration: 35:53.


Excavator Cars and Trucks for Kids Learn Vehicles with Play Doh Surprise Eggs Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:10.

Excavator Cars and Trucks for Kids Learn Vehicles with Play Doh Surprise Eggs Toys for Kids

For more infomation >> Excavator Cars and Trucks for Kids Learn Vehicles with Play Doh Surprise Eggs Toys for Kids - Duration: 11:10.


Dota 2 Cheaters: Zeus with AUTO farm, MAPHACK + denying! - Duration: 8:23.

For more infomation >> Dota 2 Cheaters: Zeus with AUTO farm, MAPHACK + denying! - Duration: 8:23.


【Vlog/Sneaker】AIR MAX DAY this year is AIR MAX 270? - Duration: 3:49.

Hey !! What's up YouTube !!

Thanks! It is SOSHI-Muzic!

Yes, today it is today, It will be a while ahead, but there are big events in March, right?

It is also becoming the ending song of today, right?

I think you all know if you like sneakers, March 26th is "AIR MAX DAY".

AIR MAX DAY is the day when the first model "AIR MAX 1" of the AIR MAX series was born, NIKE holds an event every year, Last year (2017) was 30th anniversary, and various models were released.

There was also release of vapor max of new product, it was a year that showed excitement, A new model will also appear this year, celebrating 31st anniversary.

Here it is

It is AIR MAX 270.

There were various leaks so far, Detailed image appeared at overseas sneaker information site, "Sneaker News".

This time it appeared AIR MAX 270 "Triple Black".

In 1993, "AIR MAX 270" which adopted 270 degrees of visible air appeared, renamed "AIR MAX 93" at the time of reprint.

This work will be wearing a new design with a pair that will be a successor.

The entire upper is covered with a contemporary mesh pattern and a slip-on structure is adopted.

The biggest feature of this work is the visible air mounted on the heel.

With the design that the cage and cushioning are integrated, it emphasizes the functionality by protruding the airbag greatly behind.

We are finished in a sporty design with various special processing.

Sneaker News reports that this year's AIR MAX DAY (March 26) will be released, The selling price is $ 150.

We do not know the selling price in Japan yet.

The shape of the visible air changes rapidly and I am very interested in what comfort is simply.

If you look at this picture you can understand well, is it only me who feels that outsole is similar to "TUBULAR" of adidas?

Although it is a box, if it sees closely, it is good to have the special AIR MAX logo and it is a special specification, is not it?

Just such a model can not be helped material of the upper, but it is cold in the winter.

Summer is good, but ...

Everyone who is seeing this model of this time. Are you there? Is it none? Come in the comments column by all means.

Also, since we have linked all the resources checked this time in the video description field, Please check it!

There are also parts where details are not known, such as about AIR MAX DAY, I hope to introduce somewhere if I understand it.

Yes, today

About AIR MAX 270 whose release is rumored this year at AIR MAX DAY

Please Subscribe My Channel !!

For more infomation >> 【Vlog/Sneaker】AIR MAX DAY this year is AIR MAX 270? - Duration: 3:49.


Sadhguru 2018 Meditation - How Yoga Works and a Simple Experiment - Duration: 11:51.

let me do a simple experiment with you shall we what you do is keep all the

fire fingers together keep it facing down gently placed upon your thigh don't

press it gently please don't close your eyes right now I will tell you what to

do we will do this eyes closed but right now you must observe with us closed

placing it like this just inhale and exhale slightly deeper than normal

maile exaggerated breath as you're doing this I want you to observe how the air

is filling up in your lungs or in other words where is the maximum expansion and

contraction it will be some change you hold it like this and as you're doing

this breath without breaking the rhythm of your breathing when I say switch just

turn it over again when I when I say switch get back in these two positions

something about your breath will change I want you to notice what is the change

if you have to notice this what is needed is one thing is your spine should

be addict I should be closed you must be focused on the breath and

your breakfast should not be up to your throat please close your eyes breathe

slightly deeper than normal the where is the maximum expansion and contraction in

your body

switch burn your hands over

touch again

we've open your eyes you notice some difference between these two can

somebody say what this way this way what okay

so what's happening is for those of you who did not notice just take one breath

you will know when your hands are facing down you will see the maximum expansion

and contraction is happening in the lower lobe of the lung so you will

notice it largely in the diaphragm region if you turn it around it moves to

the middle lobe of the lung so you will notice it higher up in the chest just

take one breath and see noticeable just turning your hand over just the way you

breathe is altering itself not just a breath the very way your life energies

function is altering itself simply because you turn your hand over how many

times in a day do you do this unconsciously whatever anybody asks you

will see in India whenever they speak at least an English language when they say

no it is never a single no no no no no no no you've never heard anybody saying

yes yes yes yes yes have you heard that now no no no no no no now you getting

your energies into turmoil and hoping to be peaceful life does not work like that

unless you do the right things right things will not happen to you it's as

simple as that I'm sure all of you are successful enough to understand at least

in your business you know unless you do the right things the right things will

not happen to you isn't it there is another level of people who believe they

can do idiotic things and tell a prayer and everything will be okay I'm sure you

evolved out of that you understand with your

unless you do right things right things will not happen I am saying the business

of your peacefulness joyfulness whatever even here it is true unless you do the

right things the right things will not happen even in this as it is true in the

objective world it is true in the subjective world unless you do the right

things right things will not happen to you on a certain day a man fell into the

septic tank I want you to visualize yourself right up till here in filth

desperately tried to come out could not

those who visualize could not come out after some time he started shouting fire

fire neighbors heard the fire call and they call the fireman fireman came

rushing they looked all over the place no fire then at last they found this man

they pulled him out and they asked why were you screaming fire where is the

fire the managers retorted if I said shit shit would you come unless you do

the right things right things will not happen to you this is true with the

outside this is true with the inside accidentally some good things may happen

anything may happen now right now what success means is your life is moving a

little faster pace then what it would be if you are not so successful okay

suppose you sat in a car you don't know how to drive and just by chance you did

that and it started moving anxiety yes or no you don't know what driving means

the car started moving anxiety or no as it picks up fear as its picks up speed

fear it picked up enormous speed terror that's all that's happening

that's all that's happening people go on philosophizing no because I'm doing this

because I got money I'm disturbed because I'm wealthy I'm disturbed

because I'm successful and stressful because my job is like this I'm

stressful now your job is not stressful your family is not stressful the world

is not stressful you just do not know how to manage your mind it's as simple

as that one who cannot manage his own mind when he tries to manage thousand

people's minds around him he'll go crazy that's all that's happening management

is driving people crazy because they do not know how to manage their own mind

essentially management means you're trying to manage thousand or ten

thousand minds around you which will naturally drive you crazy why should it

not it should but the fundamental principle of life it should drive you

crazy isn't it and it is successfully so it is not a question of the content of

your life it is not a question of what's happening in your life it is just that

your mind your body your chemistry your energies nothing taking instructions

from you right now so because of this simplest aspects of life have become

ultimate goals ultimate peace there's no such thing you feel peaceful here you

know what it means to be otherwise you'll never know you think in heaven

you're going to be peaceful all your sort of people have gone and every

generation of people can you imagine not you here you have to live with only one

generation in heaven a million generations you think you can live with


if all of them are piled up there is that the place to go it's a place to

avoid with one generation with few people around you if you cannot exist

try living alone and see you'll go crazy so the problem is not of life it is just

that you've been given a phenomenally sophisticated gadget you have not paid

attention as to what you could do with it simply blundering through life and

all kinds of things are happening this is a phenomenal gadget not a simple one

it can do miraculous things right now most human beings are using it in a very

minimalistic way about three years ago the cellphone companies in India did a

survey and they came out with this result that 97% of the people are using

only 7% of the cell phone's capabilities

now we are not talking about your smartphone we are talking about the dumb

phone 97% of the people are using only 7% of the cell phone's capability so if

they take away 90% of the software 97% of the people will not even notice it

3% complaints you can always handle isn't it maybe they took it away every

time they gave you a discount you don't know what they have done now if this is

the case with a simple gadget what do you think is the percentage that you're

employing in this phenomenal gadget don't guess it's too low it's too

minimalistic if a few people maybe some of you old enough to have seen the first

television in India all right early 80s you were sitting in your house eyeballs

popping watching your one channel wonder and suddenly it went boo boo Boop then

you run up on the roof of your house with a bunch of aluminium tubes

doesn't work doesn't work then slowly if you get it to this place suddenly the

whole world again pours into your sitting room isn't it

just a bunch of aluminum tubes if you just learn as much as to sit right

understand just hold yourself right you can download the whole cosmos because we

have not prepared this for that we are trying to get bits and pieces of

information from all over reading this reading that and confusing the hell out

of ourselves and all this knowledge is not bringing well-being for sure isn't



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