Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 5 2018


Use of cotton Q tips inside the external acoustic canal is strongly contraindicated, especially in divers.

Ear wax enhances water resistance of the otic skin

and carries antimicrobial agents, which can control external ear infection.

For more infomation >> PHORCYS UNDERWATER ACTIVITIES - EPISODE#48 - Duration: 12:36.


Herpes treatment | How to get caught and how to protect yourself from Herpes - Duration: 3:19.

For more infomation >> Herpes treatment | How to get caught and how to protect yourself from Herpes - Duration: 3:19.


Learning Jamaican Slang, From a Jamaican, in Jamaica! - Duration: 5:43.

hey guys it's Hashtag Zoe welcome back to my channel. so for today's video I have

Rushane here with me a.k.a. Tom Cruise and I mean so we're in

Jamaica right now beaches Ocho Rios All-Inclusive resorts and he's gonna be teaching me

Jamaican slang and different words and phrases that they say here

so without further ado let's go ahead and get started with the video! come on

so you know in Jamaica always saying yah man, no problem, alright

so I read you know I read come on the reggae and I mean dance hall fun you just

chill another stop in I mean so it's what you would think what you think when

you say like ironing yeah yeah okay so does that mean like with some things

like chill yeah yeah lit turn up and I mean and it's all come on the record as

you can see Jamaica's all under the reggae dust you're like Bob Marley and I

mean yeah just like you guys celebrate like Drake and all those guys now me

read about one in Jamaica alright llamando yeah alright so friends

and if you ask somebody a question come on say yah mon, come on say yah mon

right you be like it's like yes it could be yes could be no you'll be good

anything it could be anything okay yeah yeah Mon come on anything so it gonna

say no but you skip you're saying yeah yeah what you're saying now Yama I'm

talking about so thanks no watch the budget is that

your or our no that's not your kid be like yeah Mon are you gonna

do that yeah you see that is that Jamaicans is dialing it isn't catch okay

all right no problem is none okay have fun

I got no problem just a situation - no problem no problem

yes that so no problem is like friends and we don't want have no problem

that's mean everything go good friends and mom means something you just go deal

with the situation all right yeah yeah Mon so watch is no major is to pop pop

pop pop pop yeah hey say pop pop come on all right you know anywhere parties in

Jamaica yeah and a litt song player or hit

something we must be like pop up the fingers look

like hashtag zoe yeah when we do that now we like this we have to gotta play the song

again so back we're playing a song are you

gonna do it come on do it do it yeah we'll do it together come on ready

you see that so we aren Jamaicans then I another

thing though in Jamaica you see a girl over there all right fancy you see

you boy what do you call a boy over fancy and if he is cute or whatever he

says cute are we gonna do that okay we must be that girl did you make it yes

it yeah so that's how that's how they know yeah

so in it once you hear that sounds girls that come over to you all right

if I see a nice girl now or whatever you know I mean but I

mean looking good pictures and everything got for calling yeah

well look at that machine and I mean say mushy mushy or kitty

let me out come on to kitty yeah one okay all right I don't want like

this one it's kind of you know I mean but I'll keep it on a low key we're in

Jamaica now for incentive to see Jamaica Jamaica me and they want your like this

people along image of the equation or the approaches should give me what you

got well I said yeah yeah no no we don't do that okay what's it one one one one

one mine that's mean what's up log one each what's up all right

and the reply he's gonna give you midday I'm on that's me I'm here me me yeah

yeah yeah yeah so wha gwan mom one day among its mean I'm here killing

my girl right here all right so we got a prison Jamaica we say trouble

mother bad trouble mama dog naga dog my dog dog hold on

tight hold on trouble trouble Marga dog a good dog

mother dog turn around turn around and bite you see what did that

mean I watch it I'm a saying in Jamaican way trouble mother - mother dog don't

know what I'll bite you cats mean you know I mean you have your friends like a

good good friend they smile in front of you yeah yeah I'm behind your back you

see that no down your back no best friend yeah they try to sink you yes

like you for anything you trying to be famous and everything I mean and your

friends they receive it honor that's weird

watch which they're not going to tell you in from you three videos she do I

make no sense right so there's a man in front of your face girl and be anybody

try to bite you by the way guys watch my last video to see some of the stuff that

he just talked about in my life because I made a video on that so go check it

out link in description thanks so much for watching shout out Tom Cruise for

being awesome and helping me out with this video and we'll see you guys are

awesome guys in the next video bye guys skirt stir be yourself

Yah Mon

Beaches Ocho Rios All-Inclusive Resort Jamaica

Beaches Ocho Rios Jamaica

Hashtag Zoe

For more infomation >> Learning Jamaican Slang, From a Jamaican, in Jamaica! - Duration: 5:43.


Top of The TBR 2018 [CC] | The Book Life - Duration: 5:02.

Hey guys it's Sarah Jane welcome back to my channel today I'm going to talk to

you guys about the books on my shelves that I'm most excited to get to in 2018.

So I got the idea for this video from Joce from Squibblesreads I will link

her channel down below I absolutely adore Joss I had no idea about her

channel until the most recent round of Tome Topple when she came on as a host

and I absolutely adore her channel so please go check her out. She reads a

really wide range of books if you're looking for something new

check her out. So this video is a little bit different to my anticipated reads

video you will find a link down below this is a video where I'm talking to you

guys all about the books that I'm really excited to read I already have. So

without further ado here's my list I would absolutely love it if you guys let

me know it which ones you think I should get to first. I will add that some of

these books you won't have seen yet because I haven't actually got around to

filming my latest book haul. So the first book I'm really excited to get to is

forest of a thousand lanterns by Julie C Dao. One question one choice reigns

above all others is the price of the throne too high. I'm sold I'm sold.

This is a fantasy book it's a retelling of the Evil Queen and I'm just really

really excited because it sounds like a really great like villain origin story

and I'm just really really excited to read it. I'm really excited to read this

book because it's a different kind of fairy tale retelling so I'm very very

excited. Another book that I would really love to get to in the new year is Nevernight

by Jay Kristoff. Destined to destroy empires Mia is only 10

years old when she's given her first lesson in death. The red church is no

ordinary school but Mia is no ordinary student the shadows love her and they

drink her fear. This book sounds absolutely epic and I'd heard a little

bit about this book but I was really sold on it when I watched Catriona from

Little Book Owl talk about it and I'm just so excited to get to it. Can't wait!

The next book I'm super excited to read is the Falconer by

Elizabeth May. This story is set in Edinburgh in 1844 and it follows a

protagonist who seems to be leading the life of a lady and actually she's a Fae

hunter. She has brains charm wealth and a title

and drop dead beauty, but she only looks the part of an aristocratic young lady

she's actually leading a double life she has the rare ability to sense the... can't

pronounce that word, but the Fae race obsessed with slaughtering humans. Now I

know what you're thinking, Sarah Jane can you really handle your precious Fae

being slaughtered and yes. I can. The thing is while I love

the Fae I'm getting a bit sick of the same old same old so I'm really excited

to read this I've heard mixed things because I know Sian from readerarambles...

I don't know if she read it or if she just started it because Sian has this

habit of like starting books and then DNFing them but she wasn't really sold

on it so I'm keen to know what I will think. I think I said keem not keen but I

meant keen. Another book that I'm really excited to get to which has been on my

TBR for a very long time is the Raven king by Maggie Stiefvater. I really

really really need to read this I remember being at YALC in 2016 and I

really wanted to read this before I met Maggie Stiefvater.

so I took it to YALC with me and it didn't happen so then I just decided not

to pick it up which is totally ridiculous I need to finish this series

I know I really want to I just haven't got around to it so 2018 is going to be

the year of the Raven king. Another book that I'm very very very excited to read

is one dark throne by Kendare Blake. I've been anticipating this book for a long

time and let me tell you I absolutely love Three Dark Crowns and I wanted

this book so bad but I just haven't read it yet.

I had it pre-ordered it arrived the day it came out but I just haven't had a

chance to pick it up yet well I have I've just picked up other things, but in 2018

I will be reading this Katherine for Queen just sayin team Katherine. Another

book that I'm really really excited to pick up is the Bitter Kingdom by Rae

Carson. This is the final book in the girl of fire and thorns trilogy I read

the first two books last year and I really really loved them I didn't love

them as much as a lot of other people seem to love them but I did really

really enjoy the story and I'm desperate to finish it.

My brain has gone completely dead and I can't actually really remember what this

series is even about. And the final book that I'm really really really really

really excited to read in 2018 is web of lies by Jennifer Estep. She might look

good but she's all bad. This is the second book in the elemental assassin

series this is an urban fantasy series and I really enjoyed the first book I

didn't really think much of it when I read it I was very much like I enjoyed

this but I don't know how I feel but I'm just so desperate to carry on with it

because Gin is badass she's a badass assassin and this was

just like comfort food when you love urban fantasy when you find an urban

fantasy series that you feel like you can just you know eat up it's just great

and haven't a really loved urban fantasy for a

long time so I definitely definitely want to continue on and read this in

2018. So those are the books that I need to get to in 2018 that I already have on my

shelves have you got anything you need to get to that has been on you a TBR for

a while let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't subscribed to

my channel and you would like to you that would absolutely make my day just

click the subscribe button and then click the little bell so that you know

when I upload. Thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys soon!


For more infomation >> Top of The TBR 2018 [CC] | The Book Life - Duration: 5:02.


Taffy Pulling at Salty Road | Food Network - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Taffy Pulling at Salty Road | Food Network - Duration: 1:55.


Blender Tutorial - Creating BB8 (Modeling) P1 - Duration: 15:02.

hello everybody and welcome back to another blender made easy tutorial today

we're going to be creating BB8 in blender as you can see in the render on

screen right now I'm gonna be showing you how to model bb-8 I'm gonna show you

how to texture it and then final render it out let's first start off by going to

the modifier section and go add modifier subdivision surface I should also turn

on my screencast keys for you guys there you go okay so with the

subdivision surface we're gonna turn all the view and the render to six now the

reason we're using a cube instead of like a UV sphere is because it'll be a

lot easier to UV unwrap later I have already created a texture for the UV map

so all you have to do is go into edit mode click you and smart UV protection

but don't worry about that right now in this video we're going to be actually

just modeling so once you've done that click smooth shading on the toolbar and

then you can press T to close that off okay so go into front view and then

press 5 to go on the orthographic view now it would be kind of hard to model it

by hand without a reference image so all you have to do is go to google and type

in bb-8 blueprint and you'll find all these different images that you can use

I personally like this one right here I think it looks pretty good

so you can just right click save image as and then open it up in a background

image in blender so over here you can press N and open up in the properties

panel scroll down to background images check that box and then go add image

click open and then navigate to where you saved it at mine is right here this

one once you've done that we can now start modeling and positioning so I'm

gonna move the cube over here and then scale it up probably around there looks

pretty good alright so once we've done that we can now start modeling the head

you can also press end to close off the panel so we have a little bit more room

press Shift Day we're gonna add in a mesh in then UV sphere delete half of

this UV sphere by going into edit mode make sure you're in wireframe by

pressing Z press a to deselect everything and then box select this

bottom bit and then press X vertices once you've done that we can now

position it so move it over here into place scale

down a little bit and then position it right around here oh right that looks

good now what we need to do is scale it along the X and the y but not the Z to

do this you can press s shift Z and that will go along the two axis just like

that and then maybe along the Z as well just a tiny bit and then drag it up

right around there looks pretty good you can go into edit mode box like that part

press s and just scale it inwards maybe scale the whole thing down just a tiny

bit you just want to get it roughly the size it doesn't really matter because

it's not too noticeable but probably around there looks good then you can

kind of take a step back and look at it that looks decent all right let's go

back into edit mode now with this bottom vertice row selected you can press e to

extrude and then Z and bring it down then you can go into wireframe and scale

it inwards until it's like the size of this bottom bit right here on the

reference image so probably we're on there looks good maybe I'll drag it up

then you can press F to fill in a face perfect okay so that looks pretty good

let's add in a subdivision surface to smooth out the head so go add modifier

subdivision surface not not solidify subdivision surface and you can bring

both of these up too to hit smooth shading on that as well then go into

edit mode I want this row to be a little bit sharper so I'm gonna hit ctrl R add

a loop cut right here and drag it up then I'll add a loop cut on this part

and drag this down so if we go out of any mode you can see that that's now a

sharp edge I think this one is a little too close so I'll drag that back there

we go that looks good and then I'll just go one more loop cut and drag that in so

this edge is now sharp perfect let's go in the front of you and see how that

looks not too bad what I might do is go into edit mode on it and just scale out

these rows of vertices just so it's a little bit more round so you can alt

right click on any row and that will grab the loop so alt right click on this

one and just scale it out just a tiny bit maybe I'll do the same for this one

just got out a tiny bit maybe this one up here there

we go I think that looks just a little bit better perfect alright so we have

the head and now the body let's do the antennas and then at the end we'll focus

on the eyes and then this little like knob sort of thing so for the antenna it

looks like this one is a cylinder and then this one is a cube so we'll do that

let's click right here press shift a we'll go to mesh and then cylinder I'll

scale this down I'll probably position it right around here and then I'll scale

it along the z-axis until it's the right size there we go go into edit mode I'll

select that top bit extrude by hitting II right-click and scale out then I'll

extrude one more time there we go I might want to scale this a

little bit down so it's more defined so I'll just all right click that s shift

to Z and scale that inwards there we go that looks pretty good for this one I'm

going to be using a cube so just press shift a we'll go to mesh and then cute

scale that down and then position it right where you want it to be so

probably here scale it along the Z right there and make sure this part is down so

it's like inside the head then right click on this face extrude right click

and scale inwards and then extrude up then at the top we can just bevel it out

so hit control B and drag it down a little bit Oh check it down right around

there and if you use the scroll wheel you can smooth it out so there we go

that looks good right there not too bad now for this it looked like there was

like some sort of face in between this kind of like inside it so how I'm gonna

do that is alt right click here and if you hit the I key that will inset the

face but if you only hit it once it's just in setting all of them together if

you do it twice hit AI twice it'll instead the faces individually so there

we go let's bring that in probably around there that looks good now let's

extrude inwards so press E then right-click then press s shift to Z and

scale that in look at that so we got some detail in

that looks pretty good now let's position it so go into side

view by hitting 3 on your number pad and if we look at this view right here it

looks like this one is further back and this one's probably right in the middle

between the edge and in the middle so I'll right-click on this and I'll drag

it back till it's about the length that's that's probably good right there

maybe a little closer here then go to edit mode right click on this bottom

face and drag it inside the head then right click on this other antenna and

drag it back and probably around there looks good yeah maybe this one a little

further back this way yeah that's fine right there it's not gonna be too

noticeable so don't even worry about it but there we go that looks pretty good I

would say now for the eye what we're gonna be doing is adding in a UV sphere

so press shift a go to mesh and then UV sphere I'll position it over here then

I'm gonna delete half of it so go into edit mode press Z and then box select

the bottom bit and press X and go faces next add in a circle so press shift a go

to mesh and then circle position it right here scale it out maybe probably

around there looks good go into edit mode and make sure you're in vertice if

you try to extrude with face mode selected it's not gonna work like I try

to extrude it doesn't do anything so make sure you're in vertices select mode

then press E and extrude out now before we go any more let's position it into

place so we can actually see the size and everything so I'll scale this down

I'll rotate it this way I'll position it probably around here we'll use this this

reference image right here this third on and I'll scale down rotate it up

probably around there looks good yeah and then you can right-click on the UV

spirit and just drag it back a little bit more let's cut up maybe alright so

for this part right here this circle what we're gonna do is select this top

bit right here do you select the bottom and then go extrude so I've screwed that

out next box select these two vertices right here you can see those two

then going to front of you again and press G and then position it at this

angle so it's like that maybe right there looks pretty good so we have this

sort of small detail in it that looks good next I'm going to grab let's see

yeah let's go into the edge select mode and we'll just grab a couple edges right

here so this one and this one I'll grab this one and this one

I'm skipping every other one I'll grab this one and that one and these two at

the end hit extrude and then Z twice so it locks it to the normal z axis and

I'll just drag it right there perfect there we go we got some detail into this

part now but it looks pretty bad because it's completely flat so let's add in a

solidify modifier so go add modifier and solidify I'll drag the thickness up oh

wait that's on thickness this is the thickness I'll drag it out this way and

then I'll set the offset to one so it actually goes inwards instead of out

because if the offset is set to negative one you can see it's going out and this

is going in so I want it to go in next hit smooth shading on this outer guard

or whatever it is then go add modifier right here and edge split this will just

make it look a lot nicer then add a solidify another solidify a subdivision

surface to the eye so go ahead and modifier subdivision surface we can

change both the view and the rendered to two and then we'll hit smooth shading

let's take a look at that that looks pretty good let's go into front view

again make sure everything looks good we'll move it out of the way yep that

looks pretty good now let's position it so going to top

view by hitting seven and let's position it right in front right here you can hit

R and if you hold ctrl you can look at the bottom left corner you can see us

going in increments of five that is what control does if I let it go it just goes

like that so I'll hold ctrl and go 90 degrees then I'll position it inside so

I'll position it right there you can go in the front view and look at the

reference image and kind of position it like that so it looks like it's right

there going to side view and then drag it inwards

maybe rotate it this way a little bit let's take a look at that that looks

pretty good I want it to be a little lower though so what I'll do is I'll

grab both of these rotate it this way and drag it down just a tad let's take a

look at that there we go we got the eye let's press shift-z to see how it looks

not too bad the next thing that we're gonna be modeling is this little knob

our turn thing kind of looks like a volume thing so let's press shift a

we'll go to mesh and then circle let's position it over here and scale it down

so for this let's just go into edit mode with vertices select mode on scale it

down a little bit more I'll zoom in on that as well

okay so let's extrude right-click and scale inwards and then we'll drag it

down because as you can see in the front view it kind of looks like it goes

inwards just a little bit maybe and so from here we'll go extrude along the Z

well maybe not that's a little high up and then I'll drag it inwards

let's take a look at the reference image one more time so then it goes out and

then it goes back in kind of so from here we'll go extrude we'll scale it out

right here now then I will go extrude Z and scale inwards and I'll just round

off this top bit so scale C and scale just like this just rounding it up and

then at the end I'll press F there we go that's not too bad then for this edge

right here I'm gonna alter right-click it and then go extrude Z and just drag

it down so it looks good but currently the normals are totally messed up so

we'll go into edit mode select everything and go control in and that

will flip the normals and make them look good now if we zoom in on this knob you

can see that there's little small indents right here kind of that's what

they look like so an easy way to do that is go into edit mode make sure you're in

face select mode alt right click this edge loop and I twice like we did before

scale it inwards and then you can hit extrude and right click then press s

shift Z and scale out there we go we got this small amount of

detail and I think it looks pretty good let's look at the thing right here yeah

everything else looks good we'll go smooth shading on that it's

mâche ting and then we'll add in a edge split so go edge split and there we go

we got a little knob perfect let's go in the front view and then position it over

here so right click on that move it over this way and rotate it like that you can

double tap R to give it this sort of rotation or free rotation sort of thing

scale it down and then position it just drag that go into top view and then drag

it through rotate this way a little bit let's take a look

not too bad kind of looks like it needs to rotate this way though it's kind of

hard to rotate and position things when it's on a Hebe sphere but just try your

best look at different angles just like that rotate along the Z a little bit

there we go it kind of looks like this is a little tall so what I'll do is all

box select this part these like that deselect that Rico press g ZZ and just

drag that back just a tiny bit yeah I think that looks a little bit better

let's take a step back and look at it there we go not too bad I'll save that

by hitting ctrl s I'll save it to my desktop I'll just call it bb-8 tutorial

there we go let's brush shift Z not too bad that

looks pretty good so that is it for this part thank you

for watching and in the next part we will texture and give the materials and

do some rendering so thanks again for watching and I'll see you in the next


For more infomation >> Blender Tutorial - Creating BB8 (Modeling) P1 - Duration: 15:02.


😍Como fazer o marido vir para cama😜 I Dhieily Gularte - Duration: 7:36.

For more infomation >> 😍Como fazer o marido vir para cama😜 I Dhieily Gularte - Duration: 7:36.


How to Beat Unfair Mario - Duration: 18:40.

Yo, what's good YouTube? How's everybody doing? Hope y'all having a good day

It's ya boy, GooseIsland, and I'm back to give you another YouTube video

How's everybody's 2018 doing so far? I know mine is going to a good start. Ya feel me?

I can't say the same for Logan Paul

I'm pretty sure you guys have heard about the situation with Logan Paul. If you having you know you've been living under a rock

Just saying. If you haven't though, you know there's the internet you know saying. I'm not finna speak too much on it...

Mainly because it has nothing to do with me and that's not what this video is all about

Ya feel me?

All I know is that Logan Paul took the first L of 2018

Like we're on the first week and niggas don't know how to act

It's really crazy, man. It's really crazy

But enough about that

As you all know, or if you guys don't know, I play a little bit of video game on the side

You feel me? Get to know ya boy

Ask somebody. Your boy knows how to throw down with the games.

And, since I have that expertise on gaming I feel like it's time to...

...probably bring my expertise on to YouTube

There's this popular game that's going now call Unfair Mario. I know you guys have seen it already.

You know Markiplier, Fine Bros...


And Lenarr, you feel me?

They've been playing it. You know they've been having some difficulty they've been raging, but I know how to beat it

So this video, I'm gonna tell you guys or show you guys how to beat Unfair Mario

Now it may seem, you know, you may be scared at first...

But you know, once I show you the step-by-step...

Y'all will know how to beat the game

If you want more videos like this, you feel me, leave a like

If you feel that this will be helpful to others, you feel me, share it with your homies

And if you're new to the channel, subscribe. You won't be disappointed

Now enough stalling. Let's get into the video


So first up this to automatically -- it just say "Start the Challenge"

Now it may be daunting when you look at the screen...

But as you can see...

Ain't no problem cuz the word Mario is all in colour, as you can see. So don't fret just start the challenge

Play the game. There's 10 levels to the game, OK?

So get to those 10 levels and you complete the game

Let's start with Level 1

So now what you want to do is you want to move the arrow key

OK. Alright, so...

That was a warm-up

That was a warm-up you see

I'm just playing around, you feel me? This ain't...

This thing...

Let's try again

OK. So see, what happened was I should have lifted with my legs instead of with my back. You feel me?

Let's just try that again


Ight let's go.


What in tarnation?

This is all part of the process, you feel me? You gotta make mistakes to succeed

OK, so I'm trying to jump and it's not making me jump. I don't know why

By the way, this is what you shouldn't do. This is what you shouldn't do. This ain't even me

I'm just showing y'all what I shouldn't do so that y'all can get the gist, you feel me? Let's try again

Let's try again. One more, from the top

One moment...

I need some milk pronto, cuz this will take a while

Yes! Alright. 'Pass the Blocks Underneath'

Ight fash--

We're gonna get through this together. Bear with me

I didn't even -- I wasn't even on top. I wasn't even on top and it was like...

"You touched it. *laughs* Go down"

See the key here is to gain your composure, because if you start acting in a rage you'll never finish the game


Who made this game? Who made this game?


So I'm trying to find out who made Unfair Mario and the game developer is "Unknown"

It's "Unknown" who made Unfair -- when I find you...

We're boxing. NO QUESTION!

It didn't even let me jump

Why isn't it letting me jump? Let's try it one more time

I was too scared. I was too scared

Bro I stopped


So close

I keep forgetting. Don't worry guys. It'll all be over in a minute

You WEREN'T supposed to jump




We haven't made it past the checkpoint

Yes, "WE". You're part of this too. You're watching this aren't you?

See what happened was...

My computer's lagging so when I'm trying to, like, jump it wants to duck; and when it wants to duck...

You know it jumps. So, you know, you can't blame me, the player. You blame the developer. You blame my computer

Now that was definitely lagging. You can't blame me

No, no, no, no. Aye, you thought


You know what I should do? When I get up there, on the count of three...

I jump like I never jumped before. We're gonna try that. WE'RE gonna try that

You were supposed to JUMP


Alright. Let's go ahead.


I didn't even have to jump

All you gotta do is just walk under. OK. "Pass these blocks underneath." "I mean these ones"

You knew exactly what you were doing



Nah, lemme stop that dabbing. This dabbing stuff is like --

Leave the dab in 2017. But nah, let's get back on it, cuz we just reached a checkpoint. We didn't even clear the game yet


I know y'all laughing like, "Dang, he just did that dance, and he just fell to his death"


Oh no. I don't wanna get hit

That was your plan this whole time

Not even fretting, cuz we reach the checkpoint

Don't stand by the edge cuz you die

I KNEW it. Let's get it


Where was my... where was my finesse? My finesse is gone. MY FINESSE IS GONE

I jumped that time. Y'all saw me. Y'all saw me. I jumped that time. This game tweaking

I don't know what drugs this game is on


I've had enough


Aye, you already know how I rock

You already know how I be

See? This is how you beat the game, you feel me?

With trials and tribulations comes hard work and success

And that's what you have to realize in this game. When you play Unfair Mario don't expect to win

Look. Just look how many deaths I got. I had ZERO DEATHS

Zero DeaTH

Let's look at it again

BAM! Zero deaTH. Look at the screen. If you don't believe what's on the screen...

I don't know what to tell you. You ready for level two? ARE YOU READY FOR LEVEL TWO? Let's get it

Watch out

Okay, so the screen is lying; it's not forty seven deaths. What is death? Never heard of it. Let's continue



Take the five out you still got zero deaths. Let's get it


I didn't even -- OK

I'm trying to escape

Tell you what...

Let's get to the checkpoint and then the game -- Let's get to the checkpoint...

When we get to the checkpoint...

We'll stop right there

Oh I see...

I most definitely see

Ooh. You saw that? Aye!

They never catch me lacking out here, bro. I'm telling you

You saw that? Like I said, I'm not caught lacking out here. You know me. Watch out for your boy


Don't even... don't look at me. Don't look at me. DON'T LOOK AT ME



Forget it. Forget it. Forget it. Let's just stop right here. Let's just stop right here. Let's just stop right here

Well, that would do it for today's video

I hope you guys enjoyed it because I had fun making it. Pretty much, you should get the gist of it

You feel me? Just touch the green flag, and you beat the game, you feel me?

Uh, you know it may have seemed like I didn't... *phone dings*


Anyways, the levels are super quick and easy you feel me don't mind those... *phone dings* OH MY -- you know what...

So yeah, man if you really enjoy the video let me know that in the comments below. Comment down below...

What's your worst part of the game you feel me? It's at the spikes is it...

The sinkholes? Is it...

Those big old brick cinderblock thingies? You feel me?

Let me know in the comments down below

If you truly like this video, if you wanna -- if you love this video...

Show it some love. Hit the Like Button, for the culture. Like I said, comment down below your favourite part of the video

And you know if people need help on this Unfair Mario game, you feel me, share this video with your homies

You feel me? It can really help them a lot. Share it with your family, friends, or whoever wants to play this game or just people...

Who don't want to play this game. Come on man. Show this video some love

Also, you know, if you want to be notified with all of my videos, you know, click the bell icon...

So you'll be notified with every single post. And the only way to do that is to subscribe to the channel. Come on.

Subscribe. Join the family. Join the community. We have a great time on here

Also follow me on my social media, for the culture. I got my Twitter. I have my Instagram. I have my Snapchat.

It's lit. I'm lit. We finna get lit together

Once again, I hope you guys have a good 2018. It's ya boy GooseIsland

I love each and every one of you. And until next time, I'll see you in the next video

For more infomation >> How to Beat Unfair Mario - Duration: 18:40.


Fenrir, the prophecy of the beginning of the end - Duration: 11:58.

You are one of those who tattoo themselves wolves because they think that it gives them a certain air

of rudeness or those who in their social network profiles tend to be

pseudonyms such as lone wolf Pérez Díaz good if you feel

identified with the previous questions and the image of this mythical

animal let me introduce you to the most terrible of all and by far the most

recognized the abhorrent Fenrir though let me warn you something, the beginning of his

story may leave you more of a feeling of

It is a shame that it is because of the foregoing that we will know it in great detail.

that you can get a much better idea about this mythology through

of this video that we will call Fenrir the prophecy of the beginning of the end

Already from the first stanzas of the Völuspa, a völva warns Odin that at

this in Járnvidr, among the litter of beasts will emerge one, destroyer of the moon

in the form of troll. It is from here, in the beginning, that the prophecy affects

the ears of the father of wisdom making noise throughout his

history; but how was Fenrir born?

It is said that not happy with his faithful wife Sygin, Loki, sometimes took off

towards Jotunheim, in search of love affairs. In one of those times heading east

I spend some nights with the giantess Angrboda, from this relationship three

monstrous children: the greatest was the wolf Fenrir, the second was Jormungand the

Largest of the snakes and the third was a daughter named Hel.

When the gods heard that the father of lies, he fathered these

children, they were alarmed, they then discussed what to do with them in Urd's well, in

where the three Norns warned them: His mother is evil, said Urd, but his father is worse

said Verdandi, you can not expect anything good from them, but the worst, said Skuld,

they will only harm and endanger everyone, they will participate in the

killing, they all said in unison. Listening to this the gods agreed that

Loki's children, they had to be captured. At the urging of Odin, a

group of gods crossed to Jotunheim at night, burst into the hall of Angrboda

and they gagged and bound her even before she had rubbed her eyes.

They then kidnapped their children and took them back to Asgard.

An act of Venezuelan comedy is not true. Odin had no doubts about what

what should be done picked up Jormungand and threw it into the ocean that

surrounded Midgard, the world of men, threw him through the air crashing

against the surface of the water and it sank to the bottom of the sea

then he took a look at Hel and threw it into the mist in the dark

arid of Nilfheim, the world beneath the worlds and as he fell he heard the

Odin's decree, that he should take care of the dead with the condition

in addition to her sharing any food she had with whom

I came to her. At the thought of Fenrir, Odin decided that

It would be better if the gods themselves watched over him. At first it did not seem

different from any other wolf and all the gods agreed that

there would be no harm in letting him wander through the green and golden fields

of Asgard. Now, of all the gods

only Tyr, the son of Odin, was enough

brave enough to face him alone and give him large quantities of meat to

keep it quiet. With the passage of little time, the gods did not take in changing

of opinion about Fenrir when they saw him grow day by day and more when

Urd, Skuld and Verdandi, renewed their warnings saying that the wolf would cause

the death of Odin. Then they agreed that since they could not kill then there

and then smear the sanctuary of Asgard with his evil blood, they had to trap it

and chain it, then the gods made a powerful chain of iron links

and they called it "Leading". Several of them approached Fenrir,

They showed him the chain and asked him: Are you as strong as this chain? The wolf

inspected "Leading" and said: it's certainly strong, but I'm certainly more

strong. It was all he had to say while he let the gods roll up

The chain around your neck body and legs. They finished, the wolf growled,

and then he stood his huge legs filled his lungs with air and then

He flexed all the muscles of his body making the links

of "Leading" will be separated. The gods wasted no time in making another chain,

it was "Dromi" and twice as strong as "Leading". The links were

so big that no man could have moved them. If you can break this

chain, the gods told Fenrir, you will be

recognized by your strength, in the 9 worlds. Fenrir looked at "Dromi" and thought that

he looked immensely strong, but he already thought that he had also returned

even stronger since he hurt "Leading".

Nobody gains fame without risk, he said, and the gods surrounded him with this

neck the body and legs.

They finished? he growled at the wolf and shook himself so that there was a terrible jingle,

noise and grinding. He turned around and arched his back and hit the chain

against the ground, he tightened his muscles until

were as hard as the iron links of "Dromi" and stood up another

once and plunged its claws into the ground. He tensed and tensed and suddenly, "Dromi"

broke into hundreds of separate links. The shrapnel flew in all directions

after this the gods were scared and thought they could not chain Fenrir,

but Odin said that if someone can make a chain that does not break

that would be a dwarf and sent to the brilliant "Skirnir", the messenger of "Freyr"

to the world of the dark elves, Svaltarfaheim.

"Skirnir", fell under Midgard through dark, wet and dark caves.

There he found Nar, Nain, Niping and hundreds of other dwarves, each one so

terrible as the next and promised them gold and more gold, if they could

tie Fenrir. In the gloom, the eyes of the dwarves shone like

fireflies; they whispered, they planned and they went to work.

They made a necklace as soft and flexible as a silk ribbon and they called it "Gleipnir".

When he returned to Asgard. All the gods thanked Skirnir for going to

this mission. But what is it done? Odin asked,

touching shackle, six things Skirnir said: the sound that a cat makes when

moves, a woman's beard, the roots of a mountain, tendons

of a bear, the breath of a fish and saliva with a bird.

The gods were amazed, but also skeptical of the power of Gleipnir.

If you doubt it as I doubted it, said Skirnir, remember the cunning of the

Dwarves, after all have you ever thought

Why does not a cat make noise when it moves? And why does not a woman have

beard? You can never prove that the mountain does not

has roots, but many things that do not seem to exist, are simply in

the custody of the dwarves. Then a large group of gods approached

Fenrir and for the third time they invited him to go out with them to Lyngv Island, and

middle of Lake Amsvartnir. There the gods showed him Fenrir

the chain and challenged him to prove his strength against her. It's a little more

strong as it seems, said one, it is as well interwoven as the words

of a good poem, said another, but you, Fenrir, can break it.

The wolf looked at Gleipnir, this tape is so thin, he said, that it would not gain fame by

break it, looked at Gleipnir again, if on the other hand, cunning and magic have

formed then, I prefer that you stay it, they will not roll it in my legs.

In response to this, said a god, before you have destroyed the huge iron chain

and if by chance you can not break it, another said, we free you again; can

trust in us. Fenrir showed his teeth, to the gods

They did not like his appearance, if you can stop me, he growled,

It will be a long time before I can expect your help, I do not want to be tied

with this tape, but I also do not want to be accused of cowardice;

so while the others tie me, one of you put your hand in my mouth

as a sign of your good faith. Tyr looked one by one to all the gods of that

company; all the gods there looked at each other and not

they said nothing in the same way that all gods

to him, wondering what to do. Then Tyr slowly raised his arm

right and put his hand in Fenrir's mouth. Immediately the other gods

They tied Gleipnir around Fenrir's neck, body and legs, until all his

extension sold out. Fenrir began to fight against her, tried to patiar,

shrug, shake, shake, roll; but the more he threw, the more

tight it became Gleipnir. Then Fenrir growled and clenched his teeth. Tyr, the most

brave of the gods, he writhed and cried out unable to endure so much pain

the other gods laughed they knew that Fenrir was tied at last, except Tyr, the

only one who lost his hand. The gods tied the great chain

called Gelgja, until the end of the silk ribbon and a huge rock called Gjoll

and they definitely fixed it. The gods led the Gioll a kilometer and

halfway towards the earth, then they found the great Thviti rock and placed it on top of

Gjoll to hold her. Fenrir shook himself and fought, gritted his teeth, swallowed hard and

He opened his vastly blood-stained fauses.

Then one of the gods drew his sword and drove the point hard into the ceiling

from Fenrir's mouth and pressed the hilt against his lower jaw.

The wolf was gagged and bound. Their howls were terrible and the saliva,

it came out of its jaws. A long time after the great winter and the

to be the skies sunk in absolute darkness,

the earth shook violently the mountains fell, which allowed

that Fenrir, finally be released. He opened his snout in such a way that his

his jaw was digging the earth and the top of his bite consumed the

sky, devouring everything that was in the way.

Do not think that the end of the myth reaches here, do not despair, the end of the

Fenrir's story, I will narrate it in an upcoming video that will dust off the

Nordic apocalypse, that is, the so famous Ragnarok, and no, it does not look like anything

to the movie inspired by marvel. So stay tuned for the next

videos and if you liked, move the cursor to the subscribe button,

I like it, and if you are affectionate, share. This was, Logomaquia.

If you liked the video,

Give thumb up and share, upload videos every week.

If you like the content, you can follow me

in my social networks, found a little lower than the description of the video.

And do not forget: contemplate the past to understand the future.

This was, Logomaquia.

For more infomation >> Fenrir, the prophecy of the beginning of the end - Duration: 11:58.


Top 10 Stupid Superhero Powers That Are Actually Powerful - Part 2 - Duration: 6:23.

Welcome back nerd squad, my name is Roya Destroyaa and this is Top 10 Nerd.

By definition, superheroes are supposed to besuper.

But every now and then we come across a few special cases that make us wonder if the ÒsuperÓ

should be there at all.

However, for some of these powers, you gotta thing outside the box, because they may be

powerful, but in other ways.



In the number 10 spot WE HAVE JUBILEE.

Those disappointed that she wasnÕt in part 1, it was totally just because we were saving

her for the part 2.

Jubilation Lee is an Xmen member who realized she had the ability to generate pyrokinetic

blasts when she was running away from mall security one day.

Yes, she can make fireworks!

But before you brush this off as a lame but pretty ability, imagine all the hours of entertainment

you could provide your friends.

Oh, and also, thereÕs a reason fireworks tell you to stand way back when you set them


That stuffÕs gotta sting.

Coming in at number 9 is TOMMY MORLOCK.

Another character in affiliation with the X-men, Morlock also had a bit of an unconventional

ability, at least in terms of offense.

She had the ability to flatten herself out and become 2 dimensional, no thicker than

a sheet of paper.

While this isnÕt going to win any battlesÑI mean itÕs no wonder the morlocks didnÕt

all survive the mutant massacreÑit would certainly be very useful defensively, you

would be able to escape into just about any small space.

And you would also be able to retrieve everything youÕve ever dropped behind the couch!

Next, at number 8, we got FROGMAN.

Oh yes, another jumping hero.

But Frogman, who was introduced in Marvel teamup #21, is not your average jumping superhero.

Okay, maybe he kind of is, but Eugene PatilioÕs suit isnÕt just kind super creepy to look

at, it has another use.

The suit contains internal padding, which grants him the ability to bounce off surfaces.

So you can throw him around, throw him off a cliff, try and get rid of him all you want.

HeÕs just gonna bounce right back.

Make fun all you want, he proved invaluable to a team of Jessica Jones, Ms Marvel, and

Hawkeye in the spider island storyline.

In the number 7 spot, is COLOR KID.

Ulu Vakk is a Legion of superheroes reject, who instead joined the legion of substitute


Now, you may pass over the ability to turn any object a different color.

But Color Kid has proved his offensive utility time and time again, such as when he changed

the color of a kryptonite cloud to blue to attack Bizarro.

Plus, he could make a killing doing clothing alterations and hair dye jobs.

Just a spit second and your visual wantss are met.

And as we all know, money is power.

Coming in at number 6 we have GOLDBALLS.

Yes, you heard me right, gold balls.

He just woke up one day and decided that would be a great superhero name that no one would

make fun of.

Anyways, Fabio Medina is yet another Xmen member who seems to have drawn the short end

of the stick.

His signature ability is shooting golden bouncy balls at his enemies.

Well, this ability has come in handy before, such as when he is taking on the Sentinels.

We all know how annoying and how much it hurts to be hit in the face with a ball.

Also, thereÕs no such thing as boredom when you can conjure up your own balls to play


Jesus lord this guy is just full of opportunities.

Next up, at number 5 we got SKATEMAN.

Every once in a while I like to take a little foray into the lands outside of DC and Marvel.

Because there are some so called gems.

For example, exhibit A: skateman, the star of his own little series.

Billy MoonÕs only superpower per say is that heÕs a really good roller skater.

DoesnÕt exactly make the villains quake in their boots, but combined with his martial

arts abilities, he is actually quite the skilled and fast fighter and can take out many baddies

at once.

As long as they donÕt actually have any superpowers themselves.

Up next at number 4 is RED BEE.

The original red bee, Richard Raleigh who debuted in Hit Comics #1, gets a lot of flack

for being the bearer of a stupid power.

He controls trained bees, and he even has a favorite named Michael that he keeps in

his belt buckle for special occasions.

Yes, theyÕre just bugs, but seriously, this could do some harm.

Especially to someone who is allergic to bees.

Have you ever met someone who will willingly walk through a swarm, even with protection?

I think not!

In the number 3 spot we have ZEITGESIT.

Debuting in x-Force #116, Zeitgeist has a distinct ability that none of us would admit

to wanting, but all of us can probably agree it would be pretty powerful.

In more than one way.

Axel Cluney discovered his talent during a date.

He was making out with a girl o nthe beach, when suddenly he threw up on her.

And not regular vomit, but highly acidic vomit that could burn through steel.

A powerful ability offensively, but also useful if you want to deter people from speaking

to you.

Sometimes you just want to be left alone, and nothing says leave me alone better than

vomiting acid!

Coming in at number 2 is GIN GENIE.

I think I have found my new fave with this one.

The stupidest of powers at first thought, Rebecca Parker, who debuted alongside Zeitgeist,

has the ability to generate seismic waves and blasts in proportion to the amount of

alcohol she drinks.

So the drunker she gets, the more powerful her abilities are.

If this seems totally dumb to you, let me remind you that her teammates consist of an

acid-spewing weirdo and a green blob called doop.

This girl is gonna be sloshed 80% of her short life.

And finally, in the number 1 spot we got SQUIRREL GIRL.

Here she is, finally, for those of you bugging me!

Love you all.

So Squirrel Girl comes off as this totally strange and useless superhero.

Her main power is her squirrel physique and ability to communicate with the bushy-tailed



However, Squirrel Girl proved her prowess time and time again, one famous instance being

defeating Dr. Doom, who is a more than competent villain.

With a horde of squirrels.


I do not like squirrels.

I think their tails are creepy and they always think theyÕre better than us cuz they can

climb trees.

News to you squirrels, I am so over it.

IÕm not over it.

So those were the top 10 stupid powers that are actually powerful part 2.

Sometime sitÕs nice to have lists we can throw stuff in for fun, donÕt you think?

Let me know in the comment section down below what power you wish you could have, letÕs

get creative here.

My name is Roya Destroyaa, thanks for watching, and donÕt forget to subscribe so you never

miss another nerdy list!

For more infomation >> Top 10 Stupid Superhero Powers That Are Actually Powerful - Part 2 - Duration: 6:23.


Top 10 Rarest Viruses Found In Humans - Part 2 - Duration: 6:46.

Hello friends, I know a lot of you have an obsession with sciencey things and youre in

for a treat.

Today, were gonna be taking a look at some viruses that are quite hard to come by these

days - youll be glad they are when you hear about the horrible symptoms they can cause

- my name is Danny Burke and this is the top 10 rarest viruses found in humans part 2.

Coming in at the number 10 spot we have Hantavirus.

This virus usually begins in rodents and is often transmitted to humans through mice feces.

So if you didnt know already, stay away from mouse poo.

It first gained attention in 1993 when a healthy Naitive American man in the US died from the

virus just a few days after saying he had a shortness of breath.

Since then, 600 people have died from it in the US - so its pretty rare.

However, there have been reports from South America of the virus being transmitted from

human to human - so perhaps staying away from mice feces isnt enough anymore …

Next up at number 9 we have Rabies.

Now, I know what youre thinking, Rabies?

Ive heard of Rabies?

Thats not rare!

Well its a lot a rarer than it used to be.

The viral disease causes and inflammation in the brains of mammals.

Its spread to humans when an infected animal scratches or bites them although saliva can

also transmit it too.

The most common infections in humans come from dogs and bats.

Rabies kills about 17,000 people a year but 95% of those occur in Africa and Asia.

Thanks to vaccination and prevention programmes around the world, more and more countries

are become rabies free.

At the number 8 spot we have Hepatitus A. This is caused by the Hepatitus A virus.

Symptoms last 8 weeks and include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, fever and abdominal


These symptoms affect about 1.4 million people a year which isnt that much compared to how

bad it used to be.

For examples, in the US alone, the number of cases dropped from 117 thousand a year

to just 11 thousand in 2013.

There is still work to be done in developing countries though.

Next up at number 7 we have Smallpox.

In the 20th century alone, Smallpox killed 300 million people.

Its been one of the deadliest viruses humanity has ever known.

Thanks to a massive international effort, the World Health Organization declared that

smallpox had been eradicated in 1979.

Since then, not a single person has died from it.

However, there are still two samples of the virus left - one is held by the US and one

by Russia.

The purpose is to study them in a safe laboratory.

This makes it an extremely rare virus - although its thought that Iraq, North Korea and France

also have their own samples …

Coming in att number 6 now we have the Lassa Virus.

This one is carried by a species of rat in West Africa.

However, its also airborne which means people get infected just being around rats fecal


Its pretty lethal, with a 15-20% mortality rate, causing about 5000 deaths a year in

west africa.

Symptoms include fever, chest pain, facial swelling, bleeding and even deafness.

Researchers are looking to eradicate this virus with drugs that tackle the early stages

of infection …

At number 5 now we have Rubella.

This virus is highly contagious and its symptoms are most brutal in fetuses during a mothers


A fetus with Rubella can develop deafness, blindness and severe brain damage.

In adults its usually just a skin rash and cold like symptoms.

An outbreak in the US in the 60s caused 11,250 abortions, 2,100 stillborns and 20,000 babies

born with defects.

In 2015, Rubella was declared eliminated from the Americas although it still affects 120,000

children a year in the rest of the world.

Next up at number 4 we have Polio.

Historically, this virus has been a global problem, affection millions of people over

the years.

It doesnt cause any visible symptoms in most people but in 1% of cases it leaves sufferers

with permanent physical disabilities.

Of those people, about 5 - 10% of them die when the muscles involved in breathing stop


Since 1988, cases of Polio have dropped 99% and just 3 countries, Nigeria, Pakistan and

Afghanistan, still report cases of the virus.

Coming in at number 3 we now we have Mumps.

This virus causes a contagious diseae that causes the salivary glands in your cheeks

and jaw to swell up.

Symptoms included headaches, muscle aches, fatigue and loss of appetite.

Sometimes, it can cause more serious problems such as a swelling of the brain.

Right up to the 1960s, this was a serious problem in countries such as the US - an outbreak

in 1964 affected over 212,000 people.

Today though, thanks to vaccinations, Mumps affects just a few thousand people in the

US with other countries reporting similar rates.

At the number 2 spot now we have Hepatitis B. As you might expect from the name, the

hepatitis B virus is related to the hepatitis A virus.

It causes a quick sickness involving vomiting, yellow skin, tiredness, dark urine and abdominal


Its transmitted via infected blood or other bodily fluids.

Thanks to a vaccination that became available in 1982, the virus has become a lot rarer

than it used to be although it still kills over 750,000 people worldwide every year.

And finally at number 1 we have the Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever.

This is pretty deadly virus with outbreaks seeing a 40% fatality rate.

Its transmitted to humans through bites from ticks that have previously bitten infected


It can also be transmitted from human to human through blood.

Symptoms include fever, muscle ache, dizziness, neck pain, headaches and sensitivity to light.

The virus still affects many people across Africa and Asia but is limited in where it

can travel because of the ticks it needs for transmission.

Its frequency drops sharply the further north you go.

Will we ever be able to stop viruses altogether like we did with Smallpox?


Some people think that viruses will always adapt and its a war we simply cant win.

Im optimistic though.

What do you guys think?

What do you want to see next on the channel?

My name is Danny Burke, thanks as always for watching and Ill see you all in the next video

For more infomation >> Top 10 Rarest Viruses Found In Humans - Part 2 - Duration: 6:46.


What If Winston Churchill Was Assassinated? - Duration: 4:48.

What If Winston Churchill Was Assassinated?

Sir Winston Churchill is largely considered to be the saviour of Britain during World

War two, which may be true, but he was also responsible for many other feats, and not

all of them good.

Churchill is a fundamental figure in history, but what would have happened if somebody had

stopped him in his path to power.

Hello and welcome back to Life's Biggest Questions, I am Rebecca Felgate and today

we are asking What if Winston Chruchill was assassinated.

Churchill had a long political career, serving as a member of parliament for decades and

Prime Minister of the United Kingdom on two occasions.

In the end, he died at the ripe old age of 90.

The outcome of an assassination a man so pivotal in history would totally depend on when and

how he was killed.

Churchill is best known as a stern war leader in Great Britain, who could deliver a rousing

speech when needed.

He would not negotiate with Germany and Hitler at any cost, which led to the Battle of Britain

and the Blitz.

Had Churchill not been around to make these decisions the British experience of World

War two could have been very different.

Had another leader negotiated a peace deal instead of literally sticking to their guns,

like Churchill did, Germany may won the war, becoming a huge world wide superpower, allied

with Britain but by now more powerful.

Germany would have been the main influencer in Europe and would have remained allied with


This probably would have heightened tensions with the United States, who could have found

themselves in a cold war type situation with Germany, or even the next victim of the Germanic

Empire's expansion.

Who knows.

Speaking of the United States, Churchill, who was half American himself, was very influential

in Washington.

When Churchill stayed with President Roosevelt for three weeks in December 1941, they forged

a strong friendship.

Churchill pressured Roosevelt to join the war and was even said to have been happy when

Pearl Harbor was bombed as it forced the President's hand.

It is possible without Churchill, the strong relationship the UK and America has now may

not have been truly forged.

Churchill's British American relations extended beyond World War Two, with the Brit arguably

painting the backdrop for the Cold War.

At the Yara Conference in 1945, Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin met at the controversial

decision was made to divide Germany into East and West, communist and non-communist.

Without Churchill, who knows what decision would have been made here….but the cold

war began in that room with those three men.

Churchill would go on to drum up anti-communism sentiment in America and the UK with speeches

like his famous Iron Curtain one.

Churchill developed Operation Unthinkable, but decided not to act on it.

This was a planned world war three on the eve of world war two and would have involved

attacking the Soviet Union.

Had Churchill been killed around this time, it is possible his successor, keen to forge

an identity of their own, would have initiated an attack.

One of Churchill's biggest achievements was assisting in the establishment of the

NHS in 1948.

This allowed access to free healthcare for poor families, still reeling from the war.

He also assisted in getting people back to work and rebuilding Great Britain after the

wounds of the war.

However, on the flip side of all of Churchill's great achievements, like many political leaders,

made mistakes, too.

He essentially created Iraq and shaped the middle east; his influence can be felt in

a lot of tensions in that area of the world today.

He has also been criticised as aiding tensions in Palestine and starving Indian's in his

pursuit to keep the empire strong.

On top of that, he arguably stalled peace between Ireland and the United Kingdom with

his deployment of the reputably brutal Black and Tans.

From a historical stand point, Sir Winston Churchill is a treasured British Politician

who enjoyed the biggest state funeral ever put on when he died in 1965.

Depending on what point he had been assassinated, some or none of the things we have talked

about may never have happened, which would have had more than just an unprecedented butterfly

effect on the world we know now.

Wow, so that was a difficult question for me to answer as the level of speculation on

how much he really changed history is so open to interpretation.

What do you think the world would have been like if Churchill was assisinated?

Let's continue this discussion in the comments section below.

Thanks for tuning in to Life's Biggest Questions!

I am Rebecca Felgate – I'll catch you in the next video but for now, stay curious,

stay alert and never ever stop questioning.

If you're still around watching our glorious end screen, here are two video recommendations

for you – What would happen if Theresa May Was Assassinated and what would happen if

Kim Jong Un was Assassinated.

Assassination station!

For more infomation >> What If Winston Churchill Was Assassinated? - Duration: 4:48.





Did the Food Pyramid Make Us Fat? - Duration: 5:06.

- In 1988 Oprah pulled out a red wagon full

of greasy animal fat to show her audience

how much weight she had lost.

It was pretty gross.

But it became her highest rated episode ever.

Back then fat was the enemy.

It was increasingly being seen as the root cause

behind America's steady rise in obesity and diabetes.

So when the food pyramid came out in 1992

it was intended to help Americans fight back

by officially recommending a low fat diet for better health.

But decades later the fallout from the food pyramid

may have accidentally made our diets less healthy.

And quite possibly made the obesity

and diabetes problem even worse.

This is the story of how we got the food pyramid so wrong.

To address America's mounting obesity, diabetes

and heart disease problems in the '80s,

policymakers looked to what had worked before

on a different public health menace: smoking.

Back in 1964,

the Surgeon General's Office published a landmark report

that established a link between smoking and cancer.

In the following years rates of smoking fell dramatically

and tobacco related cancers started declining.

It was a watershed moment in public health

and the report was widely credited

with helping to save millions of lives.

So to try and recreate some of that success,

in 1988 the Surgeon General's Office published

a 700 page report to help fix our diet.

The Surgeon General boasted that the depth

of the science was even more impressive

than the legendary smoking study.

It was the first time officials identified the reduction

of fat as the number one dietary priority.

And when the USDA food pyramid came out

four years later it reflected that.

Fat was crammed into the tippy-top

along with a warning to only use it sparingly,

whereas a host of carbohydrate-rich foods

occupied the pyramid's wide bottom layer.

The message it sent was simple and clear:

carbohydrates good, fat bad.

The food pyramid spread far and wide.

It was in schools, on posters,

in our homes, and on our minds.

It was the most widely adopted guideline

for healthy eating in the history of the United States.

Over a decade after it came onto the scene

a Gallup survey found

that 82% of Americans believed the pyramid was the basis of

a sensible, healthful eating plan.

But despite the pyramid's notoriety

and years of educating the public about nutrition,

Americans didn't seem to be getting any healthier.

Obesity and diabetes were continuing to climb.

So what was going on?

Well, first of all it turns out

that the food pyramid's use fat sparingly caution

was an oversimplification from the start.

Research today makes a pretty strong case

that not all fats are created equal.

And some fats are actually good.

In fact too little good fat could actually

be leading to heart disease and obesity.

The very problems the food pyramid

had been developed to prevent.

And the problems with oversimplification didn't end there.

The wide bottom of the pyramid gave many the impression

that eating a diet with lots of carbs was good

without distinguishing between complex carbs

found in whole grains and oats

and simple carbs found in things

like white bread and baked goods,

which your body quickly turns into waist-expanding sugar.

The pyramid's authors actually knew this at the time

but they thought keeping their guidelines simple

was important so they left that part out.

And the decision proved to be a fateful one.

The pyramid's low fat, high carb recipe

would end up contributing to a low fat diet craze

that was about to sweep the nation.

Sensing the growing anti-fat sentiment

in the '80s and '90s the food industry responded

by developing thousands of reduced fat products.

Yogurt, chips, meats, cheeses, and cookies.

By 2005 low fat and fat free products

were a 35 billion dollar market.

the largest segment of the diet food industry.

But there was a catch.

When food manufacturers took out the fat

they had to replace it with something

that still made it taste good,

which almost always meant adding extra sugar

and carbohydrates.

Compared to the late '70s, today we eat

around 60 more pounds of grains

and 30 more pounds of sweeteners every year.

At the same time, we're eating

up to 400 more calories per day.

In recent years there are signs

that perspectives are changing.

In 2015 the official dietary guidelines eliminated

its limits on cholesterol.

And the American Heart Association

has gradually revised its guidelines

and moved away from its strict guidance to lower fat intake.

The bottom line is that nutrition is complex.

And despite collective efforts of some

of the planet's best minds the science

of nutrition is still young and evolving.

The number of annual studies on obesity

and diabetes alone has risen

from about 1,000 in 1960 to 44,000 in 2013.

It's likely that more than a million articles

have been published on dieting over the last 50 years.

Given all the complexity

perhaps the food pyramid's greatest mistake

was in its inception because an oversimplified,

one size fits all recommendation

is a pretty surefire recipe for getting things wrong.

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to see new episodes of Wrong.

For more infomation >> Did the Food Pyramid Make Us Fat? - Duration: 5:06.


Recursos para evitar la depresion durante las fiestas - Duration: 2:19.

For more infomation >> Recursos para evitar la depresion durante las fiestas - Duration: 2:19.


¿Qué puede llevar a una mujer a sufrir de depresión postparto o cometer delitos por la pérdida de un - Duration: 3:26.

For more infomation >> ¿Qué puede llevar a una mujer a sufrir de depresión postparto o cometer delitos por la pérdida de un - Duration: 3:26.


¿Cuál es la diferencia en el proceso de reinscripción para el TPS entre hondureños y nicaragüenses? - Duration: 1:49.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuál es la diferencia en el proceso de reinscripción para el TPS entre hondureños y nicaragüenses? - Duration: 1:49.


Boiler Installation Bexleyheath Kent | Boiler Fitting Bexleyheath | MultiPlumb Boilers & Heating - Duration: 1:17.

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¿Cuál es la importancia de cerrar ciclos y cuál es la mejor manera de hacerlo? - Duration: 3:16.

For more infomation >> ¿Cuál es la importancia de cerrar ciclos y cuál es la mejor manera de hacerlo? - Duration: 3:16.


Sea Smart Promotional Video 2 - By Octopi Media - Duration: 3:23.

I'm Dr. Elaine Leung

I'm a marine biologist and founder of Sea Smart

an organization that focuses on youth ocean education

I've been working as a marine biologist for over 15 years

all around the world including

Antarctica, Hawaii, Alaska

all over Canada and the sub antarctic of New Zealand


We run after school programs, in class workshop

and summer camps at the beach

to get kids really excited about our oceans

and empower them to be environmental champions

For the summer camps

they get to really experience what the ocean is all about

But with the after school program

they have missions and challenges that they have to do

It's definitely different

but they're both all about ocean conservation


We use really fun interactive games and activities

to get kids excited about our oceans

So as an example to teach them about sustainable seafood

and fisheries impacts

we use real fishing nets to catch them

so they can experience entanglement and bycatch

We also teach the kids about plastic pollution

and to help them realize how much plastic ends up on our beaches

we get them to do beach clean ups

We even have competitions

for which kid can collect the most cigarette butts

It's really cool and unique

and the competition part is

we get to clean up cigarette butts

and the person who won

would get an ocean explorer shirt

We teach kids

about all the cool animals who live in our oceans

and we'll take them on field trips to the beach

where they can really get their feet wet in the world of marine biology

they can flip rocks and look around for all the cool animals

that live underneath the rocks

When the kids present the ideas

we've been trying to get across to them in their own words

I think that's the coolest thing

The coolest activity I've done here

is looking for all the seaweed types I can find

There is; rockweed, green seaweed I think

red seaweed, sea moss

Well I didn't know sharks were actually fish

Don't throw the cigarette on the ground

because there's lots of chemicals

that can pollute the ocean

We always tell our students

that one of the responsibilities of being in our programs

is that you also educate others

and spread the knowledge of what you've learned

during our programs

So we get our kids to develop ocean awareness projects

So in pairs, they will work on a project

it can be anything from a poem, to a skit

to even a song and dance

where they teach others about what they learned

and about the oceans and how we can protect it

Dr. E is so passionate about teaching students

so passionate about the ocean

she has so much to teach us

and it's amazing

<i><b><u><font color=#00000000></font></u></b></i> I really like how she can teach us everything about the ocean


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