Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 6 2018

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Weekly Horoscope


For more infomation >> Kumbha Rashi Vara Bhavishya (January 8 to January 14) in Kannada - Duration: 1:06.


Makara Rashi Vara Bhavishya (January 8 to January 14) in Kannada - Duration: 1:08.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Weekly Horoscope


For more infomation >> Makara Rashi Vara Bhavishya (January 8 to January 14) in Kannada - Duration: 1:08.


Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny) - Duration: 22:15.

All right so i realized, this has absolutely nothing to do with gaming but here are crunchy gaming

Give, me that fuckin quality content man out in the elements look at this shit

So we're gonna, do some snow removal it's a. Typical canadian, bullshit

because i just figured you know, what

Some people just don't get winters. Like, this you don't get to see, what it's like so?

Figure what the hell, so i'm just gonna take

You, guys, through it so basically i'm a short, man i'm only, five five so i can get lost

I'm not joking you can, stick, my hand way down

keep sad

can't really visualize it

- 28 celsius not fahrenheit bullshit

Holy, fuck, do we get dumped on last night vacuum a bud

Huh, so hard

Seriously, my dog gets lost that's a tunnel through

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Bit my, dahlia nap

We'll film and i'll fucking shovel the driveway

You know what i got a better idea fuck?

All they ever go, oh

Moment rodents all full of fucking snow dust

We have very eliza much

Based upon this bitch of the night otherwise

For some reason when you, do that it doesn't freeze him

Stay alive this goes out, we all got?

Golden over best movie


Your face wash mindy

You're, probably wondering

How, do you avoid getting frostbite in like

- 29. Celsius plus, well

If you're, one will sacrifice some of your dignity

problem solved

What she left she went to run, with the wolves

She tackled, me up and then she just she took off she gone she gone

Are you full-flavored are you sir flea playfully


Stop beating me awesome fucking right into, my, eyes and i can't see. Jack shit. Oh fuck

I'm more of a long-distance guy myself

ah hold on the teeth actually not that bad though i

Don't know, some people might find this just some shitty old cold snowy fucking floor bullshit but


If ever get lost in the bush how, to find your way home is just take a sample, oh?

Yeah, we need to go west ha ha

As if that would even work


don't see something funny i

need to find a good tree to do this though i

Am about to get covered, oh, yeah dusty

Wow tree breaking on my side of my face

Wide and oh, my phone duck


get on the sled


true canadian

true canadian, no need gloves



video game

So slippery on this ladder


You know falling off this ladder

Typical and canadian nonsense gonna shovel your roof off

Right you would love this

No it's like purely sliggoo, cute it's, like cold enough to get a frostbite where you can easily get a sunburn

yes i

Was trying to explain, people in germany that, they just they

they've got a kick out of it

Because it's usually pretty cloudy, they're all winner

I lost you

Is there a limit you thought you could go

We're gonna have a good old-fashioned canadian campfire or it promises storm snow


I'm gonna wet a lot of frickin cooking, stick and i couldn't even find, my car. By myself jesus fucking

And we want to get a life you?

Need, to find them not gonna get drinks and snow

All right so

When i make our stick now, and finish it up

Oldest tree in the book


Yeah, that's good to cook, on right there bo no i got a cooking sticker right from scratch

Also pro tip number two if you, ever come to canada, and get stranded in the winter this might actually save your life

Little tip bring a tallboy because you're probably, whoa, you're probably in for a long fucking, day

she stay cold

I don't know, feels like, you're solving all the world's problems with. Your chip, gas me so

Won't even charge for that one so first thing we're, gonna do?

Take, this, banana

that up

And you can just throw the peel in the fire because wow

Compost basically we're gonna do is stick the banana on like so


We are simply going to

Don't fuck all this use a machete

Just poke, some holes in it sit, some little holes if you're, worried, about the sanitary or

Yeah, the sanitary nature of the machete if it's dirty just stick in the fire but

Burn it just want to poke some holes in the banana

See you got some slits there

You, fucking guessed it ah it's just, some maple, syrup that i pretty much just

Lather that shit on man just fucking get it on see that maple, syrup i do speak

I'm not gonna, lie i'm never done

He could just do hot dogs and marshmallows i guess if you

Really, wanted you

Never cooked a banana, before so

God, damn it that's look, good though

Maple syrup, oh banana, phone the 10,000 second rule cuz its release no

these pictures actually fucking really good i

Thought of this idea as a peer joke?

All the nikah syrup, aha

all right, well

Next, we try apple?

Whoops, felon fell on my phone, oh?

Yeah, we got half an apple, same idea

I'm gonna

I'm gonna set it on top like that

offers stabbing

yeah, that was

That's steaming baked apple with, syrup slathered all over just dab in the snow

oh, my god

Actually just tastes like that candy apple but, like warm, oh?

and that's why, you gotta cut it

All the way around?

Make a bunch of little holes and because the syrup just didn't just enveloped inside

Completely, honors i've said, this already, buddy i've actually, never tried this before

Not on normal canadian thing but

so, oh

Yeah, yeah, yeah beer and syrup

Shit is another fact?

Thirdly, very simple concept

This will actually really me appeal to you vegans

Just get a fresh patch of snow


Well i'll show, ya?

Sierra flavor we're actually strawberry fuck you

All the strawberries actually, my, new favorite?

You can, use a, bowl if you take one of these. You feed them throw, this in the mix you want

and you basically just pour some on the snow and here

Are you, saying like, oh?

Well you're probably the same people that need, big macs for breakfast

There, we can, even mix and match if you want to

Fucking linda's frozen shut

Vanilla ice towering me no vanilla

and of course y ou g favorite syrup

Fucking delicious yeah you can use a, bowl if you want

Also at brain freeze, oh, oh?

We do that all the time thanks lucas for showing without

Casual stroll and evening


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