Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 6 2018

Hey guys! Ashley Elizabeth here with AEHM artistry and guess what I just picked up

from Walgreens?! *WOOOO!

Well you already know cuz clicked on the video. But it's the new

Jordana Cosmic Glow Golographic Lip Gloss! Oh, aren't you excited? I'm excited!

So let's just dive right in, right? And I'll tell you guys all about it.

*Intro Music*

Alright so, I picked

these up over at Walgreens, like I just said. And they retailed for $4.99, and no

deals going on and bummer. There are six shades to choose from so

I'll show you right here, with that. So six shades to choose from. I picked up just

three because I didn't really prefer the other three of them. And I know you guys

probably want to see those swatches so Ill show the up closes of everything as we go

through. But I picked up one of them that like I was just dying for, and it was the

Galactic blue. That's really cool pretty one. I picked up a nice coral, chromatic

peach it's called. And then I picked up ....vio... no, iridescent purple. Really that's it?

Okay, iridescent purple. And the other three, there was a white shade that is a little

hit or miss sometimes there's too much white pigment in there and it looks a

little iffy iffy. And then there was two Pink's. Now I usually really like pinks

but I personally thought they were a little too "kiddish" looking, so I didn't

pick them up. And you know, sorry I wish you know if I got a whole PR package I

would show you all of them. But these will have to do. So if you're interested

in seeing these swatches both on my wrists and right on my little lips, then

let's do it!

Packaging is a little bit thicker, more acrylic filling...feeling**

than the other sweet cream mattes from Jordana, and the other one is it called black

pearl metallic. So those ones were a little bit smaller, more plastic-y

feeling. These ones feel a little bit better. they're really pretty and they are a

little bit bigger. And if you didn't know Jordana is actually owned by Milani

cosmetics and they are cruelty free! So one of those rare drugstore cruelty free

brands! That's enough, let's just keep, let's swatch it shall we!

Alright, just zoomed in and removed my lipstick. So let's get to swatches'. And I also

unwrapped everything. So this is...what did I say that's called...Galactic Blue.

This is the one I'm dying over, so let's try it first.

Okay, okay. Let's see what the little applicator looks like first of all. *Whoo

Alright, exactly like all the other Jordana lip applicators, which I actually

love because the tip is nice and pointed and then it has like almost a little cup

there on the doe foot to make for a nice easy application. All right so

let's...this looks like an Icee, a blue Icee this totally reminds me of. Let's see...

Whoa, oh oh. that's nifty. That's a nifty gifty.! Is it not showing up on

camera?! Okay, let's person I'm dying.

Oh my goodness. It's so purple, it's crazy. Dang it. I don't think it's coming up on

camera. I hope it's coming up on camera, I won't know until I edit! It's very creamy,

not sticky. Smells even better than the black pearl, like a vanilla undertone but

not artificial or weird smelling. Oh my gosh this is so cool! It's very 90s. This...

okay yeah, this is festival lips right here! Hello! Who's going to Coachella? Not

me, but if you are this is a perfect Coachella lip! It's not sticky. Dang, that

doesn't look as cool on camera. That is crazy shifty, it is totally

shifting purple and blue with the shine of pink!

That's something y'all just have to try on your own. You might have to just try

it. I want to see what this looks like over lipstick too, so we will try that

after I've done swatching these. There you can see that swatched on my wrist.

So on the wrist it looks a lot more blue but there is definitely a duochrome

shift. I hope that it's coming up but it's definitely shifting. I can see that

it's like a blue gloss with a pinkish purple glitter effect.

Dude, that is freakin cool!

Alright next let's do the Chromatic Peach.

Really pretty. So this one's like an orange gloss with it looks like pink

shimmer in it. Thats the thing too about... oh that's really cool...

the pink shimmer ones, I mean the pink one that you'll see, they didn't really like have

that like cool looking of a shift. They kind of just like silver flecks.

Dude this so this is coral! Coral Orange and it comes off pink! I'm hoping you

guys can see this. Just know in person, so glad I got these. I'm so

glad. Whoa you can tell when you do that.

That it's like woah. And I think on top of lipstick, these will be awesome.

We'll find out won't we? Watch this...


Alright so there is the chromatic peach so you can tell on my arm skin,

It looks way more orange than on my lips.

You can definitely pick up more of the pinky flecks of shimmer that are inside.

That is really crazy.

They come off super easy, not sticky at all.

But I can't say that they would be long wearing, cuz since they're not sticking

they might not be that long wearing. But does it feel nice to reapply, almost

moisturizing. So that's really cool.

Alright so, this one here is called

Iridescent Purple. That one's not so imaginative, but okay. Huh oh, okay.

That has a green shift to it. I was not expecting, whoa.

I was not expecting that at all.


That is crazy. This one's gonna look really cool

on top of lipstick too.

Use it as a lipstick topper. How's that sound?

That one has a lot more pigment, as you can tell. It's a darker color, very like

snake vibes, with the green undertones.

People are sleeping on this brand, I'm

telling you. Jordana, where's everybody at?

That's...whoa! That is holographic. Hello!

If you're looking for a holographic lip, here it is! Only $4.99!

Yeah that one shows up, obviously, way better. So more of a pigmented gloss.

You can see totally see that this os purple with a green shift in this one. That one

is no denying it. Really cool.

Oh my gosh, these are so cool!

Let me get a light...

Can you see the sparkles? Can you see it? Can you see it?!

I will show you the store ones, right here.

So you have Cosmic Opal. Which is that white shade. Looks like it would

just be like a little topper. It's like a little touch of shimmer to it.

I don't know white ones always scare me, that'd be too pigmented,

like I said. And you have Crystallized Pink. That one is kind of, is that more

Barbie pink. Very intense. Looks like in may have a cool, maybe shift, shimmer-shift,

to it. I like that pink better, than the Brilliant Fuchsia. Those just seemed

to off to me. It's not my favorite thing. But if you try them and you love, let

me know! And I'll go pick them up because I'm all about this formula! Really nice,

really pretty! Let's try these on top of some lipsticks. Let's do my NYX lippie

macaroon and that is in the shade a lavender.

Use something real crazy here, not gonna be perfect so whatever you guys.

Ok, let's do, obviously blue galactic, on that. Okay, okay. I've already filmed a couple

videos today and I get really kooky like after filming for a while, so sorry.

Let's see if that shifts at all, mm-hmm.

Slather it on. doesn't like shift that much anymore.

It just makes it glossy. I don't only see a shift anymore. Maybe if we do...let's

throw this crazy one on top here. Iridescent Purple.

Since that one had a little more

pigment to it.

Oh yeah, that's way cooler! Whoa that looks cool multi-ton.

Super wet looking gloss. Guys, for sure that's neat. Like I said I'm gonna go with my

first gut here...very festival.

Festival glosses on the cheap. Mm-hmm.

Let's do one more, I'm gonna do a nude lip with that peachy one on top. And see how that fares.

Alright I apologize, the Sun is going down as we speak. But I just popped on in

the Urban Decay liquid lipstick I think this one called naked. So let's pop on

the peach chromatic.

Well that's neat. Yeah you can tell way more.

That, you guys,

I'm loving. Cute! I like that color combo

a lot!

I'm just popping that blue galactic right in the middle, that looks

really cool. Really cool highlight effect.

Alright, thank you guys so much for

watching my quick little swatch lip video slash fYI video! Now you can run

down to your local Walgreens and see if they are there for $4.99! Super cool, like

I said, you guys are you sleeping on the Jordana brand because it is fabulous!

They just kind of might need to work on there's marketing and what is it called...

social media stuff! Because they're like not really ever there. But they're coming

out with stuff and it's good and I like it! It's just like, "Hello, let's connect!".

They need some more products because I think a lot of their products are just

lip products. And I've tried four lip products now, they're lip liner, sweet

cream matte,s black metal metallic whatever petal whatever, and then these

were the Jordana Cosmic Glow Holographic Lip Gloss and I'm loving it! Thank you

guys so much for watching, if you haven't yet please go down and hit that little

SUBSCRIBE button before you fall down the rabbit hole which is YouTube! And

click on another video, and another video, another video! You want to get notified

when I post new things too, right?! If you do click the button, if you don't care

then don't worry about it, you don't need to do it. Alright you guys, thank you so

much and have a great lovely day! XOXO

For more infomation >> Jordana COSMIC GLOW HOLOGRAPHIC Lip Gloss - Duration: 10:36.


NBA All-Star Daymond Green On Managing Money | Kneading Dough, S.1 Ep.1 - Duration: 6:43.


High school graduates, straight to the league.

I ain't waitin' for my knee to blow.

Yesterday I was needin' this dough.

Get it?

I was kneadin' this dough.

Drey, what up?

What's up?

As an athlete, you guys' life is flipped.

You guys make the most money you're ever going

to make at a very young age.

The fact is, most people are going through college

at that time.

But you at 23 are making decisions

of how to manage hundreds of thousands

and millions of dollars.

What was that like when you first got to the NBA?

Man, coming out of college, I was the second round pick.

So my first year salary was $850,000.

Now, in the grand scheme of things, that's a lot of money.

To make $850,000, you're still in the top what, 1% of America?

And so it's a lot of money.

My first year, I didn't hire a financial adviser.

I said, I'm going to do this on my own.

I want to learn how to pay bills.

I want to learn how money works.

And if I screw it up, I screw it up.

Because at the end of the day, I'm 22 years old.

I can't live the rest of my life off this $400,000

I'm going to take home anyway.

But I can teach myself about money.

Were there people and financial advisers and money managers

coming after you when you got in the NBA?

Absolutely, there were a ton of people coming at me.

And the one thing I didn't want to do,

and it may be frowned upon, maybe not.

I didn't want to go with a guy who had a bunch of league guys.

I wanted to go with someone who thought

bigger picture than just how to manage this NBA player's money.

I wanted to go with someone who's managing

the billionaire's money.

Because maybe they're doing something a little bit

different than I am.


As an athlete, you have to have a lot of ego,

a lot of toughness, because you're going to go on the floor

every night and compete with Anthony Davis and Big Cuz

and LeBron and Russell Westbrook.

That takes a lot of fire and ego to do that.

But then when you step off the court,

is it hard to put that ego down and come off as unknowledgeable

or ask questions about things you don't know about?

Well, not for me, and there's a couple of reasons why.

One reason is I don't ever want to go back

to where I came from.

As much as my mom and my dad did to make

sure I had a great life, and to make sure every need

that I had was met, times were still hard.

So I never want to experience that again.

I never want my kids to experience that again.

And my dad used to always tell me growing up, ask questions.

Well, in order to not be afraid to ask those questions,

you have to be comfortable with yourself,

comfortable with your own skin.

In the locker room, is there conversation about money,

investments, and I bought this?

Maybe within your locker room, but also as you

guys look at other athletes and other basketball players


The biggest competition in our locker room

when it comes to that type of stuff is the investments.

Of course, because you guys are in Silicon Valley.

And you guys are all meeting the VCs of the world.

They're in the front row of all your games,

those people in the tech business.


So that's big in our locker room,

and I'm fortunate enough to play on a team,

not only are we good in basketball,

but some smart guys.

We all talk about the investments that we have

and how they're doing.

Some of the startups you're trying to get into,

or you're looking at.

And you kind of just ask a guy like, hey man.

Deal you in.

Obviously it's known that KD's in Postmates.

He's doing very well.

Congratulations to KD.

And he kind of flexes his muscles on Postmates right now.

And it's good, fun competition, friendly competition.

And I think it's great to keep pushing guys

in the right direction.

As a man thing in business, I think about it.

I've talked to other men.

I talk to guys who are billionaires

who think about it, who go oh yeah, I got a number.

I got a number I want to hit.

It was like an ego thing, because for a man,

we live off ego, and that's kind of our scoreboard in life,

like what's your net worth?

Do you think about that now?

Is your new number like, what I want to get to?


Obviously the goal is always to get a million dollars.

Like man, if I could get a million dollars.

Yeah, and when you're coming from nothing, if you're like,

it's over.

If I get a million it's over.

I don't got to do nothing else.

I might just quit life and just stay home.

A million dollars.

Now for me, I want to be a billionaire.

That's my thing.

So I want to be a multibillionaire.

I don't have an exact number.

But I just want to be a billionaire first

and that's my goal, and I want to do that by the time I'm 40.

Tough task for sure.

But I think I can reach it.

And so every day, every decision I make,

is how is this helping me become a billionaire?

So along the way, getting there, you're

going to have to make some really good decisions, right?

You're going to think things through the people you trust,

the things you invest in.

Is there something to this date that's

a business decision that sticks out

to you that's like, that was a great decision I

made to this point?

A couple of investments that I've made are like, all right,

those were great decisions.

I think the most important decision I've made

is just surrounding myself with the team that I have.

On the flip side, is there a purchase or something

you bought that you look back and go like, that was stupid,

why the hell did I buy that?

A $21,000 night in a club.

I woke up the next morning like--

Did you have a blast?

Yeah, I had a blast for sure.

I could've had a blast for $4,000, though.

So yeah, I woke up the next day, like what?

That's $21,000 I can never get back.

And one thing people don't realize is, they say,

that ain't nothing to you.

$20,000 is still $20,000.

I don't care how much money you have, it's still $20,000.

But there's a chance you drink too much

and the memories get erased.

I still remember, I remember that bill,

I remember everything like it was yesterday.

For more infomation >> NBA All-Star Daymond Green On Managing Money | Kneading Dough, S.1 Ep.1 - Duration: 6:43.


Top 4 Insane New Champion Concepts! - League of Legends - Duration: 12:12.

What's up guys it's me Jeremy!

So we're back again with another group of fan champion concepts, we know you guys really

like seeing these so as always we've been keeping our eyes open for any interesting


It doesn't take much introduction at this point so we'll dive into the first concept

in a second, but first we wanted to introduce our sponsor for today's video!

And as well this video is gonna be sponsored by LoLSumo which is a FREE app for both IOS

and Android.

Their goal is to help you improve in League of Legends by analyzing your games live and

also giving you some detailed stats of your own play.

I've been using it for a pretty long time now and it's proven to be useful for me, so

I'm happy to promote them.

They can help you pick out runes and masteries for any champion, while also giving you some

dynamic tips and item build recommendations live for your in game matchups vs your opponents.

It's a pretty useful tool that is really tailored to your individual play so I personally like

it more than other stat sites online that provide more generic advice.

They do have a pro version, if you want to take it a step further, but it's actually

completely free to use on both iOS and Android, so you don't have to take it from me, you

can check it out at the link in the description and decide for yourself if you like it or


Definitely check out LolSumo because it can actually really help you improve your game!

With that said, let's jump into these concepts, and as always we'll have links in the description

to the original posts.

And if you enjoy the video leave a like on it, or let us know in the comments below.

And be sure to subscribe for more videos!

The first champion we wanted to show off today is actually another dual-type champion kinda

like Kayn and Rhaast.

The concept is for Taim & Ma'Rid, and it was actually created by a professional character

designer at Ubisoft, Oussama Agazzoum.

As a concept it ties pretty heavily into arab lore, featuring an orphan slave child stumbling

upon on ancient artifact while being forced to dig for old Shuriman treasures.

What he found was a key-jar that contained a sentient being from the void called Ma'Rid,

so it's based on a genie-in-a-lamp type scenario.

In game, Taim takes on the appearance of a young boy living in the deserts of Runeterra,

holding Ma'Rid's cursed axe and carrying the key-jar on his back with Ma'Rid's

eye burning above it.

When Ma'Rid takes control, the eye shifts to the centre of the axe, and Taim takes on

a much more sinister appearance.

The main gameplay concept behind the champion is a struggle for control, with Taim fighting

for his freedom, and Ma'Rid fighting for control of his new vessel by pouring his power

into him through his veins.

It'd be a pretty interesting strategic niche in the game because Taim's gameplay would

have more of a slow, powerful melee focus, but he'd switch into more of a caster form

when Ma'Rid takes control.

As a melee champion, Taim's attacks mostly focus on using his axe weapon to crush enemies,

but he also has what seems to be a Nautilus-style drag ability and a slowing zone.

After being possessed by Ma'Rid, Taim gains the ability to burst people down from a distance,

and even hypnotize enemies kinda like Ahri's Charm, though these abilities are ideas rather

than being set in stone and there's a lot of other cool stuff that Riot could do with

a champion like this.

To be honest, we haven't even touched on the amount of detail that Oussama goes into

with this concept.

It's full of iterative artwork, gameplay concepts and even a short story written by

Nabil Luqman to bring Taim into the world of Runeterra.

Definitely check out the artstation link in the description and check it all out, cus

we barely scratched the surface of this one!

Next up is Thane, a champion concept by wang2dog, and once again it's really breaking into

some interesting new territory that Riot hasn't really done anything with so far.

The idea was inspired by a mix of Aztec, African and Chinese culture, and it features a kind

of demigod like character that wields two powerful clubs or hammers that uses his control

over lightning to crush his enemies.

Wang2dog described Thane as a tank/warrior/mage combination, and although that already sounds

a little crazy it does make us wonder if Riot would ever consider making more 'jack of

all trades' champions that aren't the best at any one role, but they could kinda

flex between all of them.

You could just say that Thane is made to be an AP Bruiser, and that fits his appearance

pretty well thanks to his obvious physical strength, but also all that energy pouring

out of his golden headdress.

One of the only issues we can see with this concept is that he does have a pretty similar

silhouette to Ryze, so some people might mistake him for a Ryze skin or something, but as long

as he always holds those two hammers it'd probably be fine.

Unfortunately there are no planned abilities for Thane because he was created for a student

portfolio with the FZD School of Design, but Riot could definitely make some cool stuff

happen with a character like this.

The use of lightning is something that's been covered pretty heavily so far in League,

but it would be really cool if Riot took some inspiration from this skin and went down more

of a shamanistic road, since that'd open up a ton of really cool options for referencing

more of Aztec or Mayan culture.

If you guys remember from a while back we talked about the possibility of a Totem champion

that allowed you to place down a totem and fire your abilities from it, and this is really

the kinda thing we'd like to see from this kind of concept.

Our third fan champion for the day is another Daemonstar creation, this time it's a marksman

concept called Jamiel, The Masked Archer.

He's pretty striking to look at, but there's really no clues to his identity so it'd

be interesting to see how Riot would be able to characterize a concept like this.

His gameplay has already been fleshed out by Daemonstar, starting with a pretty interesting

passive that makes him resistance to Silence and Blindness effects.

Having built-in protection to crowd control effects is pretty nuts, particularly for an

ADC, but at least they are less common effects so it's not like he can't be stunned or


On top of that, marksman champions are really squishy so he'd still be super vulnerable

to burst damage, and he has no mobility to speak of.

Jamiel's Q is is a pretty simple targeted nuke that can be used three times in quick

succession, or some arrows can be left unfired to shorten the cooldown.

His W is actually a melee attack that stabs the opponent with a dagger that silences them

for 1.5 seconds, kind of an interesting choice for an ADC with no mobility or ways to avoid


Jamiel's E is a Trap Arrow that roots the target champion, so we'd guess it works

kinda like a net.

The arrow actually over-penetrates too, and if it hits a wall it would leave a string

behind that slows enemies that touch it, making it a reasonably good CC ability for teamfights.

His Ultimate actually causes Jamiel to lose his iconic mask, attaching it to an enemy

for some AP damage, then pulsing to deal AoE AD damage around the masked target for a while.

It seems like Daemonstar's idea was to create a 'divide and conquer' style ADC that

wants to force enemies to split up using his Trap Arrow and Ultimate, but it seems like

you'd need to be really careful at protecting Jamiel because he's got almost no way of

dealing with threats by himself.

The last champion concept for today is Sigil the Marsh Warden by a whole team of artists

that we'll have to link to in the description, because they actually created a full website

featuring the champion concept, his background, his gameplay and even an intro trailer!

It's honestly really cool to see professional artists or developers creating their own League

of Legends concepts, and once again the quality of the concept really reflects that professionalism.

Sigil's appearance is that of a frog standing on two legs, wielding a staff and accompanied

by a little companion called Seren.

As a character, he is defined by his high mobility, staff and mystical powers that he

uses to be an effective ganker and counter jungler.

His passive is Seren's Collection, giving him true damage on his fifth basic attack

against jungle monsters.

This causes them to release a firefly that Seren will collect, empowering Sigil with

bonus magic damage on his auto attacks.

The passive also disables Sigil's ability to use basic attacks if he isn't holding

his staff.

This is important because Sigil's W allows him to throw his staff, slowing the first

enemy it hits and granting vision.

Sigil can reactive W to return the staff to himself and deal damage to the first enemy

it hits, or he can use E to jump to his staff and deal AoE damage.

If he hit an enemy, he gains a move speed buff, making W->E his main way of initiating

a fight.

Sigil's Q is Inner Fury / Pulse, and it allows him to slash two times with his staff

while walking.

It also interacts with his W, because returning the staff to his hand will silence Sigil's

target and deal extra damage.

If you aren't holding the staff when you active Q, you'll instead use Pulse, which

as the name suggests is an AoE ability that deals two pulses of magic damage around the


Sigil's Ultimate is Seren's Collect, causing Sigil to draw energy from his staff before

using it as a hoverboard, granting a move speed buff and draining fireflies per second.

Put together, this kit creates a highly mobile jungler, but it does lack any defensive abilities

so he'd be pretty squishy if he didn't snowball the game.

One of the coolest thing about Sigil is that the team created a backstory that ties in

really closely with another champion, Zac, but you guys will have to read the story for

yourselves on if that interests you.

Between his appearance, gameplay and lore, this is probably the most fleshed out and

polished champion concepts we've ever seen, so we really hope Riot gives it a look and

seriously considers developing him further.

That's just about all we've got time to cover for today's video, but make sure you

check out all the links in the description to these concepts for extra details that we

didn't have time to include.

Also make sure you guys take a look at one of our other fan champion concept videos—showcasing

the work done by this awesome community is so much fun, and maybe one day with your support

we'll manage to get Riot to put one of these fan champions into the game!

For more infomation >> Top 4 Insane New Champion Concepts! - League of Legends - Duration: 12:12.


Casual Outfit Ideas - Winter casual lookbook - Duration: 8:18.

Hi everyone.

Welcome to my channel.

My name is Connie.

I make Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle video and will e uploading every single Friday.

Today im gna share with you guys my favorite casual looks.

i don't remember how many but I filmed as much as i could

Since I quit my job after having second baby

Casual clothes is something that i wear every single day

And these looks are my go to.

I also think it would be perfect for school. If you are a student you are in the right place

If you liked the video please give thumps up and subscribe to my channel. Lets get Started

The first look is matching lounge-wear. These is something that I wear when I drop off my daughter to her school.

Most of the morning is hectic with 3 years old and 10 months old. Sometimes I don't even have time to change.

That's why I keep this set next to my bed and I can jump into in the morning ready to go.

The crop top makes it stylish and high wasted jogger is super comfortable.

Over all as you can see its really easy to put together you can layer if you live in colder place and just throw a hat if you are having bad hair day

I also think it can be good choice for camping or traveling.

For my second look I am wearing a ripped black jean with a black spaghetti stripe and oversized cardigan.

This look is very comfortable and I think look very cute.

All peaces are black but they are all different materials which I think it adds some dimension to the look.

The oversized cardigan has a ribbon detail which I think super chic.

I like to buy peaces that are different or have some accent like the cardigan or the ripen jeans because I think it changes simple outfit to a stylish one.

The shoes I wore is my Aldo slip on sneaker. I think the pointy toe matches perfect with this outfit.

Since it's sweater season I thought I have to bring sweater.

This sweater is one side striped, off shoulder with high neck. I love this sweater specially the detail

It looks good on almost anything.

I paired it with my legging which have leather panels.

As I said in previous outfit i like to buy clothes that have accent or details because it can change the whole look.

To complete this look I wore my over knee boots.

They are not really tall but they are not all the way flat. That is why i love these boots

For look number four I meant to wear a white t shirt on this look however I totally forgot to pack it and now I kinda regret.

Because I wanted this look to be more bright color and I think white shirt would have match beautify.

For jeans I am wearing ripped light jeans. They are so stretchy, high waisted and super comfortable.

I wore my bomber jacket. Bomber jacket in general look very good with any pants and very versatile because you can wear them in any season.

The one im wearing is very soft almost like silky feeling and natural color is easy to pair with anything.

I wore my 3-inch heels here. I am a very short person. In general, I wear high heels a lot.

3inch heels is something that I can get away easily but if you are a tall person or don't feel comfortable in heels you can switch it out.

Last but not least my favorite look.

I am wearing a long sleeve crop top and high waist leggings.

Which I think everyone have similar peace like this one.

I am wearing my over sized teddy bear cardigan or jacket whatever you want to call this.

It is omg really soft and just like you are hugging a teddy bear. It is cozy, it is warm it is perfect

The sleeves are tighter at the end

which for a person like me with short hands it doesn't look long.

Most oversized clothes look long on the arm and I look like wearing my mom's clothes.

Also, not to mention oversized hoody. Omg how can this jacket get any better than that?

To complete this look I wore my boots the same one I wear earlier.

So that is it. I really hope you liked the looks and got some inspiration or ideas.

Please give thumbs up and subscribe to my channel. I upload every single Friday even tho this is only my 2nd video.

I also linked most items that I used in the description box.

If you are interested please go ahead and check that out. Thank you guys so much for watching.

I will see you next time. Bye bye

For more infomation >> Casual Outfit Ideas - Winter casual lookbook - Duration: 8:18.


McAfee, Secret Recordings, and Logan Paul | The BRINKdown - Duration: 1:42.

Welcome to the BRINKdown, where we're taking a look at the five biggest news

stories happening in the worlds of art, technology, and media this week. John

McAfee, the internet billionaire/cybersecurity expert/failed presidential

candidate and potential murderer recently had his Twitter account hacked.

After a series of tweets went out endorsing smaller and alternative crypto

currencies, McAfee was quick to gain control of his account back from the

hackers, saying that he did not endorse the products and went to save face for

his company by pointing out that they did not handle Twitter security. Dozens

if not hundreds of Android applications were found to be listening to you.

Applications on Google's Play Store were found to continue to listen to their

users through their microphones, even after the application had been closed.

The information gathered was used for advertising purposes. MoviePass is a

service that allows you to pay $10 a month and redeem it for one ticket to

the movies every day that month. The service has ruffled some feathers within

the movie industry with AMC's chain of theaters going so far as to say that the

pass is not welcome there. Two brothers in Italy just won the trademark to the

name "Steve Jobs." Their company will now sell branded clothing with the

name "Steve Jobs" on it as well as, of all things, possibly electronics including

Android smartphones and tablets bearing Job's name. YouTube star Logan Paul

recently found himself embroiled in controversy. While walking through

Japan's famed suicide forest, Logan Paul stumbled across a dead body, which he

proceeded to film, mock, and laugh at, and then uploaded it to YouTube.

So let us know what you think in the comments below.

Should there be consequences for Logan Paul, and if so, what should they be?

For more of the BRINKdown, like and follow us @BRINKmedia.

For more infomation >> McAfee, Secret Recordings, and Logan Paul | The BRINKdown - Duration: 1:42.


80/20 Mapping Your Real Estate Business and Life | AWV001 - Duration: 4:41.

- There's only two possibilities.

One, you become the victim,

and you are then reacting to everything.

Or, two, you end up in the hospital because you drive

yourself into the dirt.

- Hey guys, Alex Wang here.

And, thanks for watching.

Today, I'm gonna be meeting my buddy, Alex.

And, he's gonna walk me through what he calls

the 80/20 mapping.

How to reprioritize your lives

to be able to figure out what's important,

and what's not; what's urgent, what's not.

The 80/20 mapping might be a great tool for you guys.

You might want to check it out.

- Cool, so what is it?

What d'you call it?

It's 80/20 mapping?

- So, yeah, I like to call it 80/20 mapping.

- Okay.

- And the goal is to really separate the important

from the unimportant in your life.

But, it goes back to the 80/20 Pareto Principle

where we get 80% of results from 20% of our work.

80% of the work gets done by 20% of the people.

- Right.

- So, if we're gonna be that 20%, we wanna focus

on doing high yield things all the time.

I think the best place to start is really

to ask you, how do you think about your work day,

or, how do you think about your work flow?

What are kind of the categories or buckets

that you typically put things into?

- Lead and opportunity generation.

Property showing.

Client meetings.


Should we go to another page?

- Is there anything that doesn't fit into a bucket

that you're spending time on?

- Eating lunch?

- If you count that as work...

Again, this is a process.

- Okay. - It's not a one-time thing.

It's a continual process.

So, we talked a little last time about Covey matrix.

Covey matrix is just a two by two plot.

And, I'll write it out for you, okay?

You're gonna bring it to life.

- Okay.

- All we're doing here

is separating


from the non-important.

- (chuckles) It's so hard, everything's important.

Everything's urgent.

- No, but it's not, Alex.

That's the problem.

You've convinced yourself that it's all important

maybe as a way to motivate yourself to do it.

- Right.

- And, maybe it's important to the overall framework.

But, you have to distill down to what is actually

most important to getting the job done.

- Right.

What's important to being successful?

And, maybe it goes back to another discussion wholly

which is, how are you defining success?

Once you've defined that,

then all of this should be:

is it serving that goal or not serving that goal?

So, you're laughing 'cause you actually see the problem

that we've already encountered.

- (chuckles)

- You said these are the most important things you need

to do, they're all really important, and they're all

gonna take more time, with the exception of Kris.

- Yeah. (chuckles)


- It doesn't work, right?

There's only two possibilities.

One, you become the victim,

and you are then reacting to everything.

Or, two, you end up in the hospital because you drive

yourself into the dirt.

- Right.

- Those are the only two possibilities.

All of this should feed into you planning your time

to do more of what matters.

- Mm-hm.

- And if you're spending more time on things

that don't matter, then you are, by proxy,

omitting time on things that do.

- Right.

- And you've failed to realize the unimportance

of practically everything.

And so then, if you do that and you finish your week

and you've got nothing done that you planned to,

you've answered a really important question,

is, am I doing the right things?

And, the answer is "no".

- Mm-hm.

- If you're doing none of the things

that you've determined to be important,

then, either you've let your life become a victim

of the unimportant/urgent things,

or you don't know what is important

and you need to reevaluate.

- Right.

- We good?

- That's good. (chuckles)

Now I got homework to do.

- You got homework.

- Hey guys, thanks for watching.

That was Alex Wang blog, episode number one.

And you guys asked for the nitty-gritty,

behind-the-scenes, like, the real reality TV

real estate, whatever, in Silicon Valley real estate.

So, I'm gonna bring it to you.

It's coming to you live, and, thanks for watching.

Please subscribe below.


- Jason, you're important to me, okay?

Uh, not urgent, but you're important (chuckles).

For more infomation >> 80/20 Mapping Your Real Estate Business and Life | AWV001 - Duration: 4:41.


Whole30 Crispy Chicken Strips | Food Network - Duration: 0:42.

For more infomation >> Whole30 Crispy Chicken Strips | Food Network - Duration: 0:42.


Dogs found left in the cold; Libre's Law being enforced - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> Dogs found left in the cold; Libre's Law being enforced - Duration: 1:03.


Project Hausbuch #1: Schiessen - Duration: 4:43.

Schiessen appears in several places in the Nuremberg Codex and I think that it is

quite a well-defined technical term involving the point, but distinct from

other thrusting techniques such as Winden or Mutieren.

The reasoning behind this conclusion can be read in the companion article on my

blog so feel invited to check it.

Schiessen represents the maximum reach a sword can have

which by definition means hitting with the point.

Upon moving upward, downward or sideways away from the schiessen position the range becomes

compromised, therefore against shortened positions

schiessen has a structural advantage.

Schiessen is structurally supported with the whole body and can withstand great

pressure coming directly from the front without breaking which gives it a solid pushing effect.

Shorten positions, such as Ochs, lack this capability.

Perhaps the importance of schiessen derives from the fact that a well-placed

thrust may stop the oponnent by triggering the withdrawal reflex saving

him from skewering deeper onto the point.

To ensure the desired range and push of schiessen, one has to lead the thrust with

both hands pushing in exactly the same direction.

Targeting the throat or breastbone ensures the pushing effect of schiessen and usually provides optimal

cover with the sword.

Letting one hand deviate results in bent or arched thrusts

that carry less force, lack the push and possibly do not penetrate at all.

To take advantage of the said benefits of schiessen, connecting with the point is a priority,

so one has to do it in a single tempo before moving the feet.

Schiessen makes one's sword easy to push around in binden, so it works best when the centerline

opens up, as in Zornhaw or after a parry. Making schiessen recklessly will leave

one vulnerable to a riposte.

The following example shows the disadvantages of thrusting without schiessen: shorter range and worse structure.

Reacting with schiessen against such a thrust is the quickest way to end the fight.

Schiessen without footwork is also a good reaction against a transition from

one strike to another, because it either

hits the opponent and perhaps stops or distorts his action or allows for

a reaction. In either case, it helps avoid a double hit.

Shortened thrusts either don't reach that far and let the opponent get nearer or require a step

which is slower and brings one even closer to the opponent thus making a double hit more probable.

If schiessen misses, one should shorten in order to defend and as soon as

the attack gets deflected - that's right! - schiessen again.

Basically, the same is true for extending with footwork.

According to the Codex, schiessen defeats

wide and long attacks. It indeed works very well against telegraphed attacks

allowing for wounding in the tempo of the swing and covering in the tempo of

the actual attack.

It is also efficient against attacks combined with

far-reaching footwork which tend to lower one's center of gravity thus giving

schiessen better leverage in case of binden.

Schiessen appears in four of the five master strikes described in the Codex

which suggests that it can be executed with different hand positions and not

always on the shoulder level. This shortening of the reach is always done

in exchange for better protection in a given context, as in the case of the

strikes of Twerhaw and Krumhaw.

Schiessen applied to Zornhaw and Schielhaw

have already been presented in great video analyses by the Slovak fencers from the

Trnavský Šermiarsky Cech, so here we'll only briefly visualize proposed

applications of schiessen in Twerhaw and Krumhaw as per the Nuremberg Codex.

I hope more on these two strikes will appear in my future videos.


For more infomation >> Project Hausbuch #1: Schiessen - Duration: 4:43.


THE FALL | STAY A LIVE #1 w/trickydickie - Duration: 0:30.

For more infomation >> THE FALL | STAY A LIVE #1 w/trickydickie - Duration: 0:30.


GonzaStail - Nos Quedamos Tranqui' - Duration: 4:36.

For more infomation >> GonzaStail - Nos Quedamos Tranqui' - Duration: 4:36.


Large fire engulfs home in Derry Township - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> Large fire engulfs home in Derry Township - Duration: 1:30.


Trello Overview - Duration: 8:58.

Hi everyone, this is Ro from the TechFairies

And I am featuring today this wonderful tool called Trello, so Trello is a project-based

0rganizational tool its web base. It's also available on mobile apps both for iOS and for Android

I really enjoy using Trello because it helps to keep track of

certain projects so for example we have just launched our

YouTube channel and we have some ideas here

featured on this list so what you're actually looking at is our board so this whole thing is our board

But this gray

rectangle here that is our list and all these little white cards are the the cards and

So you can physically move the cards over so for example Trello was over here as a video post

idea, and now I'm gonna be moving it over to this recorded part

recorded list here

Now if you notice that I'm hovering over this white card

I have this pencil icon here

So I can open up a card and I can add comments

I can upload files create checklists, labels, due dates and so much more once

I open up a card. So it'll tell you okay it's in the recorded list I can put a description

Which I edited and put in my referral link, shameless plug

There for you at Trello dot-com slash rojaimes slash recommend

And I'll talk about how free Trello is

Here's where you can add a comment you can add an attachment

The @ sign is so you can mention a member and so if there is somebody who you share the board with if you write

a comment and put their name in there, it's sort of like

Sending a message to them can add an emoji. That's important you can also add another card on there.

It will also show you every single bit of activity that you have done for this card here

You can add

members, labels, checklists, due dates, attachments

You for these actions here are for the card itself, but if you want it to move it. You could move it and you could

Designate it to another board or a different list and in what position you'd want it in you can copy it you can follow

So if you share this board with any other person and you want to follow this particular card

you will get notifications when

Something is altered on this car. It's a quick overview of a card. I also wanted to talk about

Power-ups so I believe that you get one powerup for

your entire Trello account and so in order to get more power-ups you do have to upgrade

So it is sort of like a freemium

however I

have so far seven months of Trello for free getting all the bells and whistles

And how did I do that? I did that by

referring others to use Trello so the minute somebody makes an account using my referral link I get

One month for free so I've had seven people


Join Trello therefore I have seven months free and now they give

You up to twelve so I haven't reached the twelve month yet, but I'm pretty sure that perhaps maybe

After the twelve months it will then restart itself, but hey

we'll see I do have to tell you that for having seven months free so far if

after the twelve months I would definitely pay for the subscription so

How do you get her your referral link well you would click on your picture here, and you would go to billing.

Once you go to billing

It will say well for me. It'll say you got Trello Gold and you can click on where it says Trello

Gold here, and then you are taken to this page here

And it'll say share Trello

And and roll gold so for example every person you get to join Trello will give you a free month of Trello

Gold up to 12 months, so I'm assuming once my 12 once are up

I am gonna have to start paying for it, but you do get the ability to enable three power-ups per board

Stickers which are important, customize your board backgrounds

emojis, larger attachments and so much more if they give you four different ways to share your

Referral link I am going to post mine in the description box so that way you can have it and please

Give me another month of Trello for

Free cuz that's amazing I love it, but I want to show you about

The power-ups here, so let me just go back

Here, and I'm gonna go here to where it says show menu

So currently I have three power-ups that I'm using and I have a calendar powerup

Google Drive and more

Oh, yeah, that is my

My goodness my customized fields one, so let me show you what the powerup menu looks like

You can see if all these power-ups, so if you're someone who uses

Dropbox. Dropbox, is there. If you use Evernote, Evernote is there.

Giphy you can add gifs to your your cards if you have GitHub, Google Drive, Google

Hangouts you can enable that as well

And so it allows all these different power-ups, so I use the calendar one

And so it enables you to have a calendar view of all your due dates, so

for example I haven't had any due dates yet because we just

barely launched our YouTube channel however

for our blog board here in

The summer anyway we did have some due date, so it was nice to go to the calendar

function and be able to switch over to month or week and see what was due

For our blogging schedule one that I use the Google Drive one

That is our

Power up and what it looks like if it looks like this

so I

Can have it

linked straight to my Google Drive

And I can attach items for my Google Drive straight here to the attachments now

You Trello is a great tool to use for project management.

I use it in my classroom as well. I want to show you that board here

Here's my

Teacher one you know to buy prep and planning. I have a template for

My blogging board that I will share in

the description of this video so you can have that as well

I really like let me go to this one here. I have created a checklist here that I

sort of borrowed from others

That will also be within the template there that sort of helped move

our blogs along

Making sure that we have everything that we need

within there, so

when you do

Make your account make sure you use a referral link please

Know that you can go here and

Copy the board if you want it the template of the blogging board you will use the link

That I will put into the comment section, and then you will hit copy board and you will get your own Trello board


Thank you for watching make sure that you like and subscribe to our Channel and Happy Trello-ing!

For more infomation >> Trello Overview - Duration: 8:58.


President Trump - Animated video - Duration: 1:27.

Statistically speaking, the deadliest job in America is president

Out of the 44 men who've held the post, four of them have been assassinated in office

However, now, America has new president

and his name is Donald John Trump

The greatest of them all

As candidate his campaign slogan was make America great again and make Mexico pay for it

And that is exactly what he intends to do

Donald J. Trump is the 45th President of the United States

He believes that the US has an incredible potential

and will go on to exceed anything that it has achieved in the past

I would build a great wall and nobody builds walls better than me believe me,

and I will have Mexico pay for that wall, mark my words

But mr. Trump, you're not a nice person

We don't need nice!

That's true, but actually I am

For more infomation >> President Trump - Animated video - Duration: 1:27.


134. Паста с креветками а-ля по-японски: очень просто, очень быстро и ароматно - Duration: 3:39.

For more infomation >> 134. Паста с креветками а-ля по-японски: очень просто, очень быстро и ароматно - Duration: 3:39.


T$F - Diabla (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:18.

For more infomation >> T$F - Diabla (Audio Oficial) - Duration: 3:18.


Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate Spoons (Tree Shape!) | Hot Chocolate Stirrers | RECIPE - Duration: 1:55.

For more infomation >> Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate Spoons (Tree Shape!) | Hot Chocolate Stirrers | RECIPE - Duration: 1:55.


How to communicate your aesthetic goal and expectation to plastic surgeon - Duration: 6:26.

Hi, this is Dr. Hourglass, and welcome to another video in our channel Superhourglass.

Today we are going to discuss: How to communicate your aesthetic goal and expectations to plastic surgeon?

In this channel, we will discuss everything you need to know

for you to get the hourglass shape you've always wanted!

Welcome back!

Communicating your aesthetic goals and expectations to the plastic surgeon can be a daunting task

for some patients.

In order to achieve your desired aesthetic results, you must be sure to clearly tell the surgeon

what you are looking for and why you want to undergo the particular surgery.

The initial consultation is your opportunity to discuss with the surgeon how the specific aesthetic flaws

in your body are affecting your life or self-esteem and what you expect from the surgery.

However, before going for a consultation, make sure to ask yourself why you are considering the surgery

and whether your aesthetic expectations and goals are realistic.

During the consultation session, you must share your goals and expectations with the surgeon up front

and without being nervous.

Plastic surgeons are compassionate, and they know aesthetic flaws in your body are causing

emotional pain for you.

In order to help ease the pain and boost your self-esteem, they must know your desires and

the improvements you expect as a result of the surgery.

For example, if you want to achieve the hourglass figure, you should tell this clearly to the surgeon.

The surgeon will then examine your body and health before telling you whether the desired results

can be achieved with the specific intervention.

There are many patients who undergo plastic surgery for all the wrong reasons.

They may have a lack of understanding of plastic surgery, or they may not have done their research,

which is why they misunderstand the purpose of most procedures.

For example, many patients want to undergo liposuction to lose weight, whereas, the fact is that liposuction

is not a weight-loss method but purely a body contouring surgery.

Communicating your aesthetic goals to the surgeon will also prevent you from taking bigger risks

for unreasonable goals or for the wrong purposes.

In my practice, I always give patients enough time to tell me the problems they are facing in life

as a result of the aesthetic issues and what they expect the procedure will do for them.

If the goals and expectations are unreasonable or unrealistic, I tell this to the patients clearly.

For example, if you aim to mimic each and every aesthetic feature of a certain celebrity

through plastic surgeon, it is simply not possible.

In this video we discuss: How to communicate your aesthetic goal and expectations to plastic surgeon?

In the next video we will discuss: How much fat can you inject in the hips?

Remember to comment below, share this video, like this video, and subscribe to our channel

for more information, here at the Super hourglass channel, only on YouTube.

Also, you can log on to our website,

for more information about your procedure and to see amazing surgical results.

Remember to log on to our Hourglass TV for more information about your surgical procedures.

On Monday we have Bootyman for everything related to buttock enhancement procedures.

Tuesdays: Wonder Breasts where we discuss topics related to cosmetic breast surgery.

Wednesdays we have Star Bodies. If you want to have a star body log on to our Hourglass TV.

Thursdays: Hourglass OR you're going to see me doing live surgeries with before and after pictures.

Also Shoddy where we discuss cases that require cosmetic surgical revision.

And Friday SuperHourGlass for topics related to have that Hourglass figure that you want.

And finally live broadcast surgeries every day of the week on Facebook live, Periscope and SnapChat.

All these and more in the Hourglass TV!

For more infomation >> How to communicate your aesthetic goal and expectation to plastic surgeon - Duration: 6:26.


Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny) - Duration: 22:15.

All right so i realized, this has absolutely nothing to do with gaming but here are crunchy gaming

Give, me that fuckin quality content man out in the elements look at this shit

So we're gonna, do some snow removal it's a. Typical canadian, bullshit

because i just figured you know, what

Some people just don't get winters. Like, this you don't get to see, what it's like so?

Figure what the hell, so i'm just gonna take

You, guys, through it so basically i'm a short, man i'm only, five five so i can get lost

I'm not joking you can, stick, my hand way down

keep sad

can't really visualize it

- 28 celsius not fahrenheit bullshit

Holy, fuck, do we get dumped on last night vacuum a bud

Huh, so hard

Seriously, my dog gets lost that's a tunnel through

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Typical Canadian Winter Bullshit And Fun In The Snow! Cold As Fucking Balls Out Here! (Funny)

Bit my, dahlia nap

We'll film and i'll fucking shovel the driveway

You know what i got a better idea fuck?

All they ever go, oh

Moment rodents all full of fucking snow dust

We have very eliza much

Based upon this bitch of the night otherwise

For some reason when you, do that it doesn't freeze him

Stay alive this goes out, we all got?

Golden over best movie


Your face wash mindy

You're, probably wondering

How, do you avoid getting frostbite in like

- 29. Celsius plus, well

If you're, one will sacrifice some of your dignity

problem solved

What she left she went to run, with the wolves

She tackled, me up and then she just she took off she gone she gone

Are you full-flavored are you sir flea playfully


Stop beating me awesome fucking right into, my, eyes and i can't see. Jack shit. Oh fuck

I'm more of a long-distance guy myself

ah hold on the teeth actually not that bad though i

Don't know, some people might find this just some shitty old cold snowy fucking floor bullshit but


If ever get lost in the bush how, to find your way home is just take a sample, oh?

Yeah, we need to go west ha ha

As if that would even work


don't see something funny i

need to find a good tree to do this though i

Am about to get covered, oh, yeah dusty

Wow tree breaking on my side of my face

Wide and oh, my phone duck


get on the sled


true canadian

true canadian, no need gloves



video game

So slippery on this ladder


You know falling off this ladder

Typical and canadian nonsense gonna shovel your roof off

Right you would love this

No it's like purely sliggoo, cute it's, like cold enough to get a frostbite where you can easily get a sunburn

yes i

Was trying to explain, people in germany that, they just they

they've got a kick out of it

Because it's usually pretty cloudy, they're all winner

I lost you

Is there a limit you thought you could go

We're gonna have a good old-fashioned canadian campfire or it promises storm snow


I'm gonna wet a lot of frickin cooking, stick and i couldn't even find, my car. By myself jesus fucking

And we want to get a life you?

Need, to find them not gonna get drinks and snow

All right so

When i make our stick now, and finish it up

Oldest tree in the book


Yeah, that's good to cook, on right there bo no i got a cooking sticker right from scratch

Also pro tip number two if you, ever come to canada, and get stranded in the winter this might actually save your life

Little tip bring a tallboy because you're probably, whoa, you're probably in for a long fucking, day

she stay cold

I don't know, feels like, you're solving all the world's problems with. Your chip, gas me so

Won't even charge for that one so first thing we're, gonna do?

Take, this, banana

that up

And you can just throw the peel in the fire because wow

Compost basically we're gonna do is stick the banana on like so


We are simply going to

Don't fuck all this use a machete

Just poke, some holes in it sit, some little holes if you're, worried, about the sanitary or

Yeah, the sanitary nature of the machete if it's dirty just stick in the fire but

Burn it just want to poke some holes in the banana

See you got some slits there

You, fucking guessed it ah it's just, some maple, syrup that i pretty much just

Lather that shit on man just fucking get it on see that maple, syrup i do speak

I'm not gonna, lie i'm never done

He could just do hot dogs and marshmallows i guess if you

Really, wanted you

Never cooked a banana, before so

God, damn it that's look, good though

Maple syrup, oh banana, phone the 10,000 second rule cuz its release no

these pictures actually fucking really good i

Thought of this idea as a peer joke?

All the nikah syrup, aha

all right, well

Next, we try apple?

Whoops, felon fell on my phone, oh?

Yeah, we got half an apple, same idea

I'm gonna

I'm gonna set it on top like that

offers stabbing

yeah, that was

That's steaming baked apple with, syrup slathered all over just dab in the snow

oh, my god

Actually just tastes like that candy apple but, like warm, oh?

and that's why, you gotta cut it

All the way around?

Make a bunch of little holes and because the syrup just didn't just enveloped inside

Completely, honors i've said, this already, buddy i've actually, never tried this before

Not on normal canadian thing but

so, oh

Yeah, yeah, yeah beer and syrup

Shit is another fact?

Thirdly, very simple concept

This will actually really me appeal to you vegans

Just get a fresh patch of snow


Well i'll show, ya?

Sierra flavor we're actually strawberry fuck you

All the strawberries actually, my, new favorite?

You can, use a, bowl if you take one of these. You feed them throw, this in the mix you want

and you basically just pour some on the snow and here

Are you, saying like, oh?

Well you're probably the same people that need, big macs for breakfast

There, we can, even mix and match if you want to

Fucking linda's frozen shut

Vanilla ice towering me no vanilla

and of course y ou g favorite syrup

Fucking delicious yeah you can use a, bowl if you want

Also at brain freeze, oh, oh?

We do that all the time thanks lucas for showing without

Casual stroll and evening


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