Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 6 2018

How To Use Front And Back Camera At A Time

Dual Camera At The Same Time

Omfut tech

For more infomation >> How To Use Front And Back Camera At A Time || Dual Camera At The Same Time || Omfut Tech - Duration: 4:40.


Знаки Зодиака 2018. Чем Будет ВОЛНИТЕЛЕН 2018 год для Каждого Знака Зодиака - Duration: 5:34.

For more infomation >> Знаки Зодиака 2018. Чем Будет ВОЛНИТЕЛЕН 2018 год для Каждого Знака Зодиака - Duration: 5:34.


12 Day of Christmas (Christmas Carol) - Duration: 2:14.

Happy Epiphany

For more infomation >> 12 Day of Christmas (Christmas Carol) - Duration: 2:14.


【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】人魚姫/The Little Mermaid【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 5:55.

Far and deep beneath the sea,

there was a palace with walls made of corals and windows made of amber.

This was the merking's palace.

The king had six mermaid princesses and the youngest one was especially the most beautiful.

Her skin was delicate like rose petals, and her eyes were deep blue.

In the world of merfolks,

they were allowed to go up and see the human world when they turned fifteen.

The youngest mermaid always loved to listen to her older sisters who had already been there.

""I wish I could be fifteen right now, and visit the human world up above!""

At last, she turned fifteen and had a day to visit the human world.

The little mermaid was delighted and swam up and up.

The first thing she saw was a big ship.

""Wow, it's amazing how people can create such big things!""

The little mermaid followed the ship and looked inside through the deck.

There was a party.

She could see people in beautiful dresses dancing to lively music.

There, she saw a very handsome young man.

He was a prince, and the main host of this party.

He was celebrating his sixteenth birthday that day.

""What a wonderful prince"", the mermaid said to herself.

Night came, and she still couldn't take her eyes off the prince.

Then suddenly, the condition of the sea changed.

There were flashes of lightning and the waves rose higher.

""Oh, no! A storm is approaching!""

The sailors furled the sails quickly, but the storm was getting worse.

The ship tipped over, and the passengers were thrown into the rough sea.

""Oh no! The prince!""

As soon as the little mermaid found him, she carried him to shore.

He was unconscious.

""Prince! Please wake up! Prince!""

The little mermaid took care of the handsome prince as much as she could.

When she noticed, the day had already dawned.

Then, a young girl came running toward them.

"""Oh, no!""

The little mermaid was startled and hid herself in the sea.

The girl found the prince lying there, and called out to more people.

At that time, the prince opened his eyes.

""Thank you. You are the one who saved me, aren't you?""

The prince thought that this girl in front of him had saved his life.

The little mermaid went back to the palace sorrowfully.

But, she could not forget about the prince.

""Ah, what a sweet prince... wait... yes. If I turned into a human, I could see him again!""

So, she went to the witch, and asked her to turn her into a human being.

After hearing the mermaid's wish, the witch responded.

""I see, I see.

You want to be a human to see the prince again.

Yes. Of course, I, a great witch, can change a mermaid's tail into legs.

But, instead, your legs will hurt as if you are stepping on a knife when walking.

Moreover, if you cannot marry the prince,

you will never be able to turn back into a mermaid again.

Your heart will break and you will become bubbles of the sea.

Do you still want to become a human?""

""Yes. That will be fine, if I can be with the prince.""

""I understand.

Oh, one more thing.

As your voice is acclaimed as the most beautiful voice in the world of the sea,

in exchange for your wish, I will take your voice. ""

With the witch's magic,

the little mermaid turned into a human being and went to the world where the people are.

She visited the castle to see the prince.

""Wow, what a beautiful lady,"" he said.

The prince became fond of the little mermaid, and he treated her like his sister.

His heart had completely fallen in love with the girl whom he met at the shore.

He believed she saved him, and not the little mermaid.

Soon, the prince and the girl decided to marry, and they took a honeymoon trip by ship.

The little mermaid had failed to marry the prince.

The following morning, she threw herself into the sea.

She was buffeted by the waves, and felt herself gradually becoming bubbles.

At that time, the little mermaid saw something beautiful floating in the sunlight.

She noticed her body getting lighter and lighter like the air

and gradually rising into the sky.

""I wonder where I am headed?""

Then, she heard a clear voice.

""Welcome to the world of Air Fairies.

You will be one of us now and protect all lovers in the world.""

She rose up into the sky with the wind as one drop of tear fell from her eye.

For more infomation >> 【絵本読み聞かせ英語朗読:字幕付き】人魚姫/The Little Mermaid【Japanese Fairy Tales in English】 - Duration: 5:55.


Маша открывает куклы ЛОЛ сюрприз, сравнение LOL Мультик про истории игрушек Маша и Медведь masha - Duration: 10:04.

For more infomation >> Маша открывает куклы ЛОЛ сюрприз, сравнение LOL Мультик про истории игрушек Маша и Медведь masha - Duration: 10:04.


How to Download & install Font for Photoshop | For Banner | YouTube Channel Art | Graphic Designing - Duration: 3:26.

SK Hassan Creations (Your Online Computer Institute)

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go to Photoshop file location as shown in the video

Paste all the fonts

After pasting right click the mouse and install all fonts.

After installation of these then go back to downloaded font folder and install rest as same process!

Like and share the video.Ask your question or problems in comment section. subscribe to my channel like my Facebook page.

Click on links to watch the videos or also visit my channel and watch videos

For more infomation >> How to Download & install Font for Photoshop | For Banner | YouTube Channel Art | Graphic Designing - Duration: 3:26.


10 Strangest Laws in Russia - Duration: 5:30.

Russia is a very large and popular country

especially in recent years with the media frenzies that have been started over different rules and laws in

Russia in this episode I'm sharing with you ten of the strangest

Surprising and just plain controversial laws in Russia. How's it going everybody?

My name is Leroy Kenton, and this is FTD facts and before we continue

Don't forget to hit the like button on this video and click that subscribe button and then that Bell

notification to keep up to date with our daily videos

So starting off in this episode of right away you may want to be careful what you say about anybody in the government

so Russia's new Criminal Code actually expands the definition of treason and now if you are a critic of the

Government that can actually turn you into a traitor so be careful what you say about the government

Also as of July of 2014. There's a law that came into effect that bans the use of

profanity in theaters and films and in other media and like bloggers in Russia

They're actually forbidden to use any sort of profanity at all

And yeah, if you're found guilty you face paying some fines now

Did you know that it is illegal to drive a dirty car in the city of chilla Binks so guys yeah?

I hear this driving our dirty car can get you a fine of upwards to 2000 rubles. That's about

62 dollars u.s.. There's also another rule in Russia where the

Patronym can only be placed

immediately after the given name of somebody

So let's just say for example if your name was Ivan Ivanov Ivanovich that would be completely unacceptable

and if you're not familiar with grammar and just like me I had to like just google it before I filmed this video a

patronym or a patronymic is actually the

component of a personal name based on the given name of a person's father or other female

Ancestor and probably you ladies out there that love lingerie well check this sale and important production of lace

Panties is completely

Prohibited so like allegedly like lace underwear for women does not comply with the technical requirements

that were adopted in Russia now probably one of the most controversial laws in this episode is the

Anti-gay law now this law prevents a distribution of non-traditional sexual

relationships, and now it's said that Russia passed this law in order to keep the idea of non-traditional sexual relationships away from

minors now this law makes it illegal to equate straight and gay relationships as well as

Distribute any sort of material that is on gay rights?

So for all the bloggers out there that get more than three thousand daily visitors and want to remain anonymous

Because of maybe the content that you're posting while it guess what you're not allowed to do that in Russia

regulations that pass in 2014 actually require

blogs that have over 3,000 daily visitors to actually register as a media outlet and give personal data and

Information so if you want to remain anonymous just make sure that your daily visitors don't exceed that number

Now here's an interesting one President Obama like the former US president. He's actually banned from entering

Chechnya so Chechnya is a small Russian Republic and the former US President Barack Obama is actually really banned from entering the country

The president of Chechnya posted on Instagram that the ban of President Obama was in response to how the u.s.

acted in countries like Iraq in Syria

This one's kind of funny, but it comes in no surprise so all means that poke fun at political figures

Well of course that amir putin is definitely bad and outlawed in russia

Yeah, putin wasn't happy when he saw that clown face meme of himself. No they didn't go too

Well, and the final strange surprising and controversial law that I want to share about russia

Is that yoga has been and in several parts?

Why well apparently the officials feel that yoga?

actually promotes the spread of new religions and

Cults and they want to really limit the types of religious cults and movements that pop up in Russia

Yeah, so that was pretty strange pretty

Surprising a lot of them now before I leave guys this episode of FTD facts is brought to you by Graham early

Calm Graham Lee of course is a world leading software in improving your written English skills

There's hundreds of spelling and grammatical errors loaded in Graham early that will

Autocorrect as you type so click the link down below and install Graham relief for free and start improving your written English now

Don't forget guys

You can also follow me on instagram the link to my social media are below in this video description and be sure to leave any

suggestions on future FTD fax episodes that you want to see

If you endure this video well, here's a playlist of more videos that we recommend for you

You can learn more about Russia or the different countries and places all around the world be sure to come back here tomorrow

For even more videos, thank you guys so much for watching you've been awesome. I'll see you real soon

For more infomation >> 10 Strangest Laws in Russia - Duration: 5:30.


From Colombia to New York's Winter Storm - Nostalgia. By TRAVEL TEAM CHANNEL - Duration: 5:19.

Hi guys.

I'm back to New York, and back to posting videos in my channel.

Here we have videos about traveling information in general, and we have Vlogs about our personal

lives as "forever foreigners".

This is a Vlog entry about my return to New York, and what it means for me.

I'm going to get a bit personal and nostalgic here, so if you prefer the happy Rosana, please

watch the videos about How to make Colombian cocktails, How we celebrated Thanksgiving,

or any of the others, really.

So, I started my week in Colombia, drinking coffee, eating Uchuvas, laughing and… saying

good bye to my loved ones.

Well, the week is almost over now, I'm back to New York, and I'm trying to put my soul

together and appease my heart.

I'm facing the dilemma that all of us who don't live in our home country face at some


I feel that I lost a part of myself forever, that I won't feel whole ever again…

What I miss from Colombia the most is the human connection, the physical proximity,

the friendliness, the happy environment…

I miss being loved, truly loved, and the opportunity to express myself and my feelings without


I left my brother in Colombia, and that hurts so bad.

Now, I'm back to New York, freezing.

It's really cold here… and it's not only because of the winter storm ("bomb cyclone"),

or the "blizzard-like" conditions.

It's because I left a part of me over there.

And, when I'm there, I miss things from here as well.

What I miss the most from New York when I'm in Colombia

is the organization, the practicality, the variety of time saving solutions, the opportunity

to do everything online, the ton of cultural events…

I want to be in both countries at the same time.

Have all my people in the same space.

Have the "latinidad" and the political correctness mixed together.

I want the impossible: so I'm human.

But, this is the price we pay for adventure, for novelty, for cultural experiences, for

life lessons.

And I pay the price happily, if there is room for paradoxes.

As Oberyn Martell said "It is a big and beautiful world.

Most of us live and die in the same corner where we were born and never get to see any

of it.

I don't want to be most of us".

I will try to get rid of this nostalgia… there is a Juan Valdez cafe here in New York,

and my passion and my laughter will warm my soul up.

My Colombian strength will get me through this storm and many more yet to come.

And the certainty that I'm loved, even from a different country lights up my heart.

What about you guys?

Have you faced this dilemma?

What do you do to feel better?

Please let me know in the comments below.

This is all for now, and see you guys next week.

If you would like to join our travel community, please don't forget to subscribe and follow

us in Facebook.

We post videos in English and Spanish.

Until next time.


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