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Again, so, let's go ahead and get started.
And, those people online, welcome.
Are you going to do the Facebook Live?
Okay, we're going to be connecting Facebook Live, guys, so just hold on a second.
If you guys are new to me, basically I've had two near-death experiences.
The first one allowed me to understand who we truly are at our higher level, right.
Outside of our say physical beauty, experiences, people we know, family heritage, culture, and all
those things, so that's how we define ourselves, right.
That's how we define our lives.
But then, we're not as complete because that's only 1% of who we truly are.
So, that first near-death experience allowed me to pull away and see it from a different perspective.
I literally pulled out of my physical body, saw my physical body, and I go, oh, that's
just a small accumulation of who you are, right.
The grander perspective, the 99% that really is important to us, that's who I felt the
grandness -- it's like a universal beauty.
If you've multiplied any joyous experience that you guys have had, multiply that by about
a million times, and you'll come close to the grandness who you truly are, okay.
The second near-death, it was a drowning accident.
I went further, just to tell you the difference between what happens to me versus a lot of
people who have near-death experiences, so there's about over 800 near-death experiences
every day that happened in the U.S. alone documented, okay.
So, there's a lot happening, a lot of near-deaths in the world.
The difference between me cause there's very few people, there's hardly any at the
level that we're at in today's world, is that you've all heard the tunnel of light that people go through?
The introductory layer where your loved ones meet you or greet you.
And then, there's a layer where you review your life, and then there's other layers as well.
In this case though, I transcended through the tunnel of light, okay.
Most individuals don't come back.
Usually, you exit and go into that heavenly space as they call it, okay.
But, I did transcend through the tunnel of light, and I managed to make it back at that level when I was there.
There is no time, there is no space -- we're infinite individuals.
I call it the beautiful blue space or the universal database -- I'm a computer programmer.
So, I see everything as data or mathematics.
At that level, we have access to anything that ever was, is or will be.
And, that's how I get my abilities to help you say shift, as I can matter who
you are whether you're here in front of me, a loved one whatever.
I can tap into anybody and just read their storyline, okay.
And then furthermore, so I'm not a psychic although I have psychic abilities, intuitive abilities.
Way beyond that because those are at the material level.
And, I'll explain the different layers. I can edit your storyline. That's the importance, right.
It's different to go, oh, this happened to you at x day in your life, but let's change it, okay.
And then once you change it, it shifts your attitude the way you see life today.
And, it allows different opportunities for you to come in in your future events, right,
kind of like Einstein's theory of relativity, if you're familiar with that, probably not for a lot of you.
But basically, depending on where you are, depending on how you see your life today is,
allows different future events or different realities for you to come in.
Does that make sense to you guys, right?
Okay, so it's very scientific, it's not about being nice, or bad, or "I did this, so now I'm going to hell."
Again, that's not my belief system.
That's a lot of your belief systems that I just, as I just scan the group, okay.
In fact, you teach your kids that way as well.
If you did this, you're bad, if you did this, you're bad, you did this, you're bad.
But in reality, you're just propagating whatever your belief system is, and then look at your belief system.
Look at your life, where's it's gotten you, right.
Is that the kind of belief system that you want to send down to your kids, right?
Probably not, since this is kids with drug-type addictions and so on.
We'll talk about why some people get drug-addicted kids or, and by drug addictions, I'm not
talking about like illegal drugs or street drugs.
There're a lot of kids that are on ADD medicines, ADHD medicines, sugar, right, corn-type derivatives
and stuff that totally destroy them far worse than the street illegal drugs, okay.
So, we'll talk about that as well. Why they are like that.
Hey guys, how are you?
Hope you can hear me well.
I'm sorry, but we'll get a recording for you because this is recorded, hopefully, right? Yeah.
So if you can't hear me that well, just bathe in the frequency, guys, if you're
online, okay, on Facebook Live, because there's a lot of background noise, all right.
And, it'll be beneficial for you.
Even if you don't understand it, if you want to understand it, again, you can, we'll
get you the recording, alright, guys?
So, coming back to my abilities, alright.
Say, for example, you have the physical layer here, and people try to do exercise, they
work out, you know surgeries of any type, chiropractics, so those are the physical things that we do to stay healthy.
Or say we try to get a better job to make more money.
We try to get education to improve our lives, and we try to connect with somebody.
So again, those are the physical experiences that we do to improve our lives.
But if you've notice, none of those physical experiences or what you've done really satisfy that internal self.
Does that make sense to you guys, okay?
Just as an explanation, why are not more millionaires and billionaires that I work with, why are they not happy?
They're not as happy just like you guys are, okay.
And, many of you are trying to be in that success ladder.
If you had this much money, or if you had this much fame then you'll be happy.
But then again, there're a lot of people who don't.
There're a lot of movie stars who commit suicide.
You'd think they'd be perfect, right.
They have the perfect life. But, they're not.
Again, why is that, right? I'll explain that in just a second.
So, the next layer that people try to improve their lives is energy systems, okay.
So, what that means is physical energy systems of the body.
So, those are chakras, auras or psychic abilities, hypnosis, okay, brainwashing, right.
If you're in war, prisoners of war, they brainwash you. Emotional things that you do.
See other energy healings, like what do they call that?
Sound vibrations, right, you listen to certain frequencies, I forgot what they call it now.
Again, those are all physical...although they're at the higher level,
but they're all say mechanical energy systems of the body.
It's like electricity, okay, it's a physical space.
So, you step up a couple layers, the third and fourth layer, that are more like bridge layers.
And, this is the difference between stepping into your physical body, okay, and getting
into what really counts is your spiritual body.
So, the underlying foundation of what creates your body, okay.
That's the level I work at. I call that the fifth layer, okay.
At that level, again, it's your blueprint. That's what's created your life thus far.
So, that means that all your programming just like a smartphone, it already has been set in you, okay.
Your objective is to edit that programming.
So, that's what I do for you much faster, much easier.
So, if you come to me, whatever issue that you have, I can pinpoint it, and go, this
is the program that's running for you, and that's why your life is the way it is, okay.
Say, you have a back problem, or a neck problem, or whatever, sometimes we try to do it again at that lower level, the physical level.
But, the main reason you might have that back or neck problem might be at your frequency
level, or what really creates you, okay.
So, I'm not going to get into more detail.
There's a lot of podcasts that I have on that.
Let's get back to the kids. Okay.
A lot of times, again, in today's society, I come from the U.S., what we do is our food is not that fantastic.
We start to get distorted, right.
And, there're a lot of ways that kids can get distorted.
One, the main reason is that they eat improper foods.
Back in the early 50's, 60's, right, the governments decided that it was the fat.
it started with, I think, Truman, he had a heart attack.
I might be wrong on the name of the President.
He had a heart attack, so he wondered what was causing the heart attack.
Some scientists came up and goes well, he has too much fat in his body.
And then, the other one was, he's got too much sugars.
The government went towards too much fat.
They removed all the fat in the diet. That's why they have diet foods.
That's why people count cholesterol, and so on. That's not true.
They're finding out that that's the total opposite.
But, sad to say, there's a lot of mothers that don't take in fat, right, especially when they're pregnant.
So, the fetus basically starves, literally that's what happens.
And, that's why you have a lot of, again, ADAD, ADHD, autistic type kids because they're
not getting enough of a nutrition to really build their brain structure, their brain stem, all those things, right.
So again, those are the physical issues. I can help with that.
By the way, I'm not a doctor, medical practitioner or anything like that. I just tell you what I see.
I don't diagnosis you, but I'll tell you what you have, okay. Again, that's not a diagnosis.
I can just tell you what you have just like I see that guy's shirt is white. It's as simple as that for me.
If he has heart issues or whatever it might be, okay.
Other reasons why people have time, or are distorted and their kids get say into drug-type
issues, again, whether it's illegal drugs or any other type of drug like sugars, and so on, is of time distortion.
A lot of times, the mothers are afraid, they're abused and so on. They step out of their body.
Well, what happens when that fetus is in the woman, right?
That environment that they live in, they think that that's their natural environment, so they get time distorted.
So, they're always out of time.
And again, I'm not going to go into the science of that.
We just don't have time.
But, I do have a podcast about time distortion.
So, basically, the way I see frequencies is your spirit is around you, arm's length around.
Many people feel it through the work that I do.
They actually see their frequency, their real sense of self, okay.
And then, your body's a hologram created within.
So, your spirit is a projector projecting the hologram of your body.
Say, that projector is now shifted over, and then we feel say unaware of ourselves.
We feel disconnected from the world. We feel disconnected from other people.
Does that makes sense to you guys?
Time is a little distorted.
We lose track of time, or we're real anal on being on time.
Those are all causes or features of being time distorted.
Some people don't even say see us because they really don't see...
because miscommunication happens at a much deeper level, right.
You might say something, people don't hear you.
You might even get to the point where people don't even see you.
They run into you because, oops, I didn't see you.
Again, that's how some individuals are time distorted to that extent.
Does that make sense to some of you here?
I'm kind of sensing this front group here.
So, as a note, guys, you might be feeling a little different right now.
Does that make sense to you?
That's because I'm working on you.
Just shifting you even as I talk. We'll get into those deeper states.
Other reasons, again, there's a lot of kids who have fantastic abilities,
but those fantastic abilities is like a fire hose, right.
They just can't handle those abilities. They're so powerful.
They get stepped into say realities that are just too powerful for them.
It scares the hell out of them.
They don't know what to do, so they get scared.
Again, they jump out of their body basically, or say the time reference of where they should be.
Kind of like you see something scary, you hide in the closet, right.
So, basically, they see or sense something scary.
They hide away or try to get away, okay, from their physical self. Obviously, you can't.
But again, it distorts you, right.
So, again, intuitive abilities, you don't know how to use them will distort you, right.
Other reasons, obviously, straight out reasons, abusive family life, and so on.
What do we do?
You step out of your body again.
They're all really time distortions, or time disconnects for our kids.
And then, you grow up that way, okay.
And, just to let you know and just to give you an example, if you've ever, sorry,
if you've ever experienced or seen somebody who's been abused, say like rape, right.
Have you ever seen that they have a blank stare in their face, right, or they explain
that they just like, I just left my body, right.
Some of you probably have experienced that first hand from what I'm seeing.
Does that make sense to you?
They totally just leave their body, right.
Their spirit protects themselves by leaving their body, and then the physical body takes the abuse.
Well, if that happens over and over and over and over again, you get used to leaving your body.
So again, you're not in real time, okay.
So, those are the real causes.
And again, people who start getting into like Prozac or mind distorting drugs because you know it's
sad, but even in the U.S. today there's millions of kids who are on antidepressants.
Do you guys know that?
It's really one of the only countries in the world that their kids are antidepressants.
That's actually a pharmaceutical issue, right.
So, they can make more money if you're starting out kids with antidepressants because those
antidepressants usually, you have to take them forever. Right?
So again, it's just another market for this pharmaceutical.
I'm not going to get into that, but what happens for people who get on antidepressants,
it really doesn't benefit them because of the time separation, right, your spirit is here.
You're pulled out.
That's why you have distorted.
You get on antidepressants or drugs or whatever, they make you feel like connected, that's why you do that.
But then, you need more and more and more to stay connected, right, because if you get off of them.
You feel that separation.
So, what I'm talking about is like you're spirit basically disconnects you from a physical
form even more, and that's why there's a lot of suicide in those antidepressant drugs,
right, some of the side effects.
Again, that's why.
Scientists though can't figure out, it's like "It should be an antidepressant, it should
"make you feel happier. Well, why are people getting the opposite effect?" That is exactly why.
Their spirits start to separate from their identity of who they are here, okay.
Anything, any issue that you have, any lack that you have is not because you need more
money, you need better sex, you need more drugs, you need a better partner, you need anything like that.
Again, it doesn't work, guys.
I've seen it all from people who make a lot of money to a little money, to being happier, whatever, or healthier, right.
It really is a time connection for you.
And, I know that sounds strange or unromantic, so on, even finding complete true love.
It's a time distortion, okay.
And, in this case, again, we're working with kids with say drug-type addictions.
What I'm reading a lot of people, whether you're online or here, again, with a lot of time distortion.
So, what we're going to do is we're going to do a meditation, okay.
Now, if you guys want to stand up, that's fantastic.
If you guys want to sit down, I prefer you to stand up because it disconnects you
from the reality that you think you are in, okay.
It really pulls your spirit back into your body.
So, again, if you can stand up, if you're at home, if you're online.
Stand up if you're on Facebook Live, okay.
And, I'm going to pay special attention to these cute little kids here.
And again, guys, as a reminder, to the kids, again, I'm not dissing the parents.
I have six kids of my own, okay, don't listen to your parents as much as you should.
All right, guys.
Straight out, right.
Just think about it, guys.
Look at their lives.
If you're not liking the lives that they're running, right, why should they be telling you
how to run your life?
And again, I'm not saying that to diss you.
I'm not saying that to disrespect your parents. Always respect your parents, okay.
But start to understand why they might be saying some of the things that they're saying.
It might be out of fear. It might be out of extreme religion. It might be again out of control.
So, as long as you're aware of it, okay, you should listen to them, but as long as
you're aware of why they're saying some of the things that they're saying, you'll
start to learn from that pattern because it's not the situations that you're in, guys,
you start to learn from that pattern, and then you start moving forward or moving on.
And then, you get a better life than your parents because that's what you kids want, right.
Or, do you guys want to have the same life as your parents? No?
I'm seeing all of you go "No."
I don't want to swear, but "Hell no!" for a lot of you, okay.
That's nice, right, that's a good space to be, okay.
When we're young like you kids, right, we see that separation because we see the beauty.
Basically, that's when you were little kids, and I'll bring you in because it's easier for you kids, right.
I'll bring you into that beauty.
By the way, the frequency that I generate for you, it's really identical say to the purest
form of nature that you can get into.
If you were in the jungle, it's the same exact frequency.
It's unadultered, okay, that's why it's so pure and that's why it's so powerful for you, okay.
Little kids, babies, animals, they have that attraction, right, that's why because it's
just, they're so present, you see that beauty.
No matter how ugly the kid is, by the way, you see that beauty in them, no?
Just a joke, okay, guys? All right?
All kids are really cute.
So, let's go ahead and take a nice deep breath in.
Just noticing where you are, noticing your environment, noticing the space around you, right.
There's a lot of noise. There's a lot of distractions in here.
But, as if you were walking down by the booth, a lot of people get into those deeper states.
Why do they do that?
Again, I pull you into that presence so strong.
Beautiful breath in, nice and strong.
Again, starting to notice the sounds around you, right, the sounds that are really far
away, sounds that are closer, sounds that are even closer yet.
And then, there's my voice.
You might even hear certain conversations around you.
Say you might pick up certain words around you.
Again, just notice the different layers, right.
Just like any distraction, successful people use any distraction,
any emotion to always help them ascend higher, okay.
That's what we're going to do.
Always help you ascend higher and higher, okay.
No matter, say what you've grown into, or out of.
Beautiful breath in, nice and strong.
This time connecting to the group as you pay attention to your body.
Again, noticing your legs, noticing your hips,
in reference to the sounds that are coming around you, right, again space-time.
We can go even deeper as you become aware of your hips, your lower back, your mid back,
noticing the lighting, whether your eyes are open or closed.
Again, noticing the lighting, right, there's lighting coming from the windows, lighting coming from above.
As I continue to work on you, generating those frequencies encapsulating you.
All you have to do is pay attention to your neck, your chin.
Paying attention to the sounds around you.
If you've noticed, sounds around you are kind of fading out, blending away, even focusing
my voice which allows me to help you go deeper yet by becoming aware of your shoulders, your hands, your fingers.
Breath in again,
asking ourselves, "How do I connect to the Pure Source even stronger?"
Again, that question, "How do I connect to Pure Source even stronger?"
There's nothing religious or nothing spiritual by the way.
You've noticed many of you, whether you're online or here, feeling really different,
kind of wondering what's going on.
Again, that's your real self coming through.
Some of you might be experiencing memories that you've say hidden.
And, it's a great time to say let them go.
Again, since most
issues of drug, and so on,
again, no matter what type of drugs,
foods, drugs, whatever the kids have, young adults have, or adults come from time distortion.
Let me just say center you guys, okay, bring you completely into time.
And then, we'll play around with time.
Just to show you how time distorts.
So, let's go ahead, take a deep breath in.
Some of you, especially, the younger kids are a little scared.
That's fine.
Again, just noticing where you are.
That's your zero point, exactly where you are here.
Again, noticing your hands,
noticing your arms,
noticing your shoulders.
Again, this is your zero point, exactly where you should be.
Let's take you even deeper, all right, by slowing down time, or disconnecting you from time.
And, noticing your breath, we'll count down from 13.
So, it'll take me about 13.
By the time we get to zero, again, being totally aware of where you are.
Strong breath in.
9, really stepping down…
Slowing down time for you…
Even slower…
and zero.
Again, just noticing where you are.
And, let's see if I can say shift you out of time.
To the left of you is your past.
To the right of you is your future.
Right, front, behind, above, below is different realities in this time frame.
So, just be aware of where you are.
And, I'll just say push you over say to the left.
So back into your future.
Again, how far back did you go? What memory did you see?
If you've noticed, it's not really a memory, you go actually, say, relive that memory.
Right you sense it in your body complete.
Again, different than memory.
Some of these kids might not be feeling good.
Be aware of that.
They're not exactly sure what's happening to, again, for the younger kids.
It's totally fine.
Noticing your breath.
Bring you back into the present moment.
Again, by noticing your feet.
Again, notice how the present moment feels, maybe more real to you, more in time.
I can push you into other realities in this time frame.
So, let's go ahead and do that.
Nice deep breath in.
Again, noticing how you're feeling.
Again, although you might be physically here.
Whether you're here or online.
Again, not feeling as solid, where did you go?
Those are all the possible realities for you.
For most of you anyway who are in tune.
Some of you are too scared.
So you stay here.
It still works on you by the way.
It just takes a little longer.
Strong breath in again, nice and deep.
Again, bringing you back where you're supposed to be -- physical body connected completely to spiritual body.
Again, probably more solid this time.
And, so we can go into the future, again, it's just one aspect though, just to warn you, okay.
Basically, the future that most people go to is directly related to where they've been.
So, what that means is if you don't change anything in your life, you'll go down this path.
Objects always go in a straight line.
It's just the laws of physics.
Let's go ahead, take a deep breath in.
So, depending on where you are right now, or the life that you've led, just push you into the future.
Again, it's not a memory, you're actually going to live it.
You can go five years, 10 years, whatever you'd like.
Again, whether you liked it or not, that's one of the possibilities.
It doesn't mean that it's written in stone, right.
Let's pull back where you are, nice deep breath in.
Noticing where you are, noticing your feet, noticing where you are right here.
Right now, noticing my voice.
Really pulling you back, again, feeling more presence within your body,
nothing's really changed, but again, more solid.
So if you shifted your life like started to become awakened, right, started to know who
you really were.
Push you into another future, again, it's possible for you.
Push you into another future.
If you were of a more awakened being, okay.
So, we'll count down from 3.
Again, just pushing into a higher level of being that you are that right now.
Again, notice how you're feeling, notice
That it's beyond physical possession, although you're abundant, again, that's very minimal.
That's that 1% is a bigger expanse of you.
So, that's where you want to be, okay.
Again, that's just one of the possibilities.
And, you can see it, and many of you can see it.
That's a higher possibility or probability of you accessing it, okay.
You start to become awakened.
Let's pull you back in, back to where you here in the present moment, okay.
Again, what does that have to do with drugs and getting addicted, and all that thing.
No matter if you're a young kid, old kid.
Because if you're perfectly centered where you are,
you won't need anything distorting you.
You'll move away from anything that distorts you.
Whether it's... the cereals you eat, anything else, right, sugars, drugs, prescriptions, your parents, whatever it is.
Again, you'll be protected from that space.
As a note,
as I continue to work on you, you come back more into the present.
And really being here, even if you're kids, you start to release say the pattern of the family lineage.
So, you might feel good, all right, so just be aware of that.
Some of your parents will latch on to you more if they are those suffocating
parents that love the hell out of their kids, okay.
So, just be aware to that.
All right, your parents will latch onto you more.
Again, be aware, so they can't like, well, come into you, okay.
Again, they'll go, well, I'm doing it out of love. I'm doing it to protect you, and all that.
Don't buy into it.
Deep breath in, nice and strong.
Your parents,
right, start to, you'll start to.... Sa,y all the weaknesses that you have, okay,
will reflect back upon you, so you'll see them in your kids, okay, that's you.
Those are the things that you have to work on, especially with younger kids.
So, be aware of that.
Let's go ahead, take a deep breath in, noticing where you are.
Noticing your feet,
noticing your hips,
noticing your spine, your head.
Opening your eyes whenever you're ready.
Coming back here again even more. How are you guys feeling?
A little different.
Does this reality look a little different to you?
Again, nothing really changes, it's just that you're more aware of being here, okay,
which allows you to sense what's around you,
which allows you to disconnect from stuff that's not good for you.
Make sense to you guys, okay?
There's a lot of information on my website.
There's a free podcast that you can go to say to understand the mechanics or the science behind how this works.
Thanks for being here. You guys can replay this for your kids on the background.
Again, it will still be just as powerful.
All right, guys, again, thanks for being here.
And then, notice what you notice.
All right, see you guys later.
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We do a lot of Facebook Live.
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