Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 6 2018

Where the wind blows morning dreams,

where the young day hesitantly rises,

one hears from afar our Division,

roar the heavy tanks, dull rumbles her tone.

Where the woods stand, we storm before

throwing clouds in the whirlwid,

even if the earth shakes, it will be peaceful,

because our Divison warrants.

Where the tank noise suddenly breaks,

draws the hard day of each face.

But until the end of the attak, we're overwhelmed by joy, yes joy!

Thunder drowned out the "Hurrah!", far in the Country.

For more infomation >> Girls und Panzer - Bellwall Academy - Duration: 2:00.


Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand - Duration: 14:59.

Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand

welcome welcome back what a lovely surprise to have you all here in fact

I'm so excited I want to show you all around Auckland. Auckland is where I was

born I'm from Auckland New Zealand let's take this map back here's New Zealand we

are very small very very small till the rest of the world

massive so New Zealand is in the South Pacific island all the way down the

bottom why this our pop is our neighbour is Australia and these are all the

islands of New Guinea Islands Fiji Tonga you an islands and so on but today I'm

taking you to Auckland this is where I was born

Auckland is our biggest city in New Zealand it's not our capital the capital

of New Zealand is wanted which is in the centre of New Zealand is Wellington

Auckland is the third biggest city area wise in the world all right so all the

red parts is Auckland in fact it's bigger than East Ham bull eastern bill

area wise it's smaller than Auckland and they have 18 million people in their

city Auckland population is 1.5 now Auckland's made up of four areas we got

North Shore we have West Auckland central CBD and self Auckland and we

have islands in a volcano there are 46 volcanoes located around CBD and through

the Auckland region they're all dormant so the new life so you can go there for

a holiday see it's perfectly safe right we have one active volcano in fact we've

got a few we've got one quart white island which is here white island it's a

volcano you can see the smoke of that ruapehu which is down here by the

National Park here and a few others right so we're gonna go there it's all

about Auckland today yeah now oakley has two bridges we have the

Auckland Harbour Bridge which is here we have the Green High Bridge which is here

or you can drive around which takes a few hours but you can drive around they

have a theory that you can put your car on but then it only goes to Waikiki why

here your Island now why he Island doesn't get much right

or can gets a lot of rain but time the clouds get over here is hardly any rain

so it gets pretty dry over here you can pretty much spin your whole holiday here

there's tons of stuff to do now walk them alone okay let me show you

around we have the waterfront and we have the Maritime Museum and here has

got the America's Cup boat in there or the old one

and all through here there's plenty of shopping this is Queen Street which is

in the center of Auckland that's for the CBD it's the center of it so you can

drive your car up and down there but these two roads are one-way right so you

come in and you go out so that right there is Nelson Street that one's Hopson

Street all this area through here is Auckland University of Technology all

through here so all this gray area all through here or down here so it's quite

big and it's the era Albert Park area and here is the art gallery so I'll

click on the art gallery here so this is the art gallery beautiful building I

used to go there quite a bit they have a look at the artwork

so you can go and handle with the arts and over here we have the Auckland

domain and this is the Oakland Museum and the Oakland Museum is massive it's a

beautiful building it's got lots of different levels in fact I've got I

think three or four pieces of my worker and there that I've done

all sorts of stuff

and this conference room here is these names that run along here I did all this

work I've done all this work here that's the entrance there I'm just trying to

see if I find any more photos even got a Mirai in there is lots of photos in here

this is good you've got dinosaurs yeah it's a beautiful Museum one of the best

in the world and and it's what it looks like it's very pretty

even got planes it's full of everything

lots of different things acts the same you look a quick look to see if I can

see any my stuff in there

nevermind lost more than look at okay that's the open museum so it's a you can

spend the whole day there or two and car now is a great place for shopping lots

of food places a little bit of an industrial area through here and there's

a swimming pool here called pine our baths it's all salt water comes in from

the sea and it's refreshed every day the back your car on here or packing it over

here and cross over the bridge and enter it through this way it's a great place

to take the kids this road here it goes right around the waterfront this is

Mission Bay and they do a run every year it used to start from over the bridge

here we'll start from here but starts from here now it used to be ten

kilometers but now it's about eight and people up to ten thousand-plus wouldn't

run along here along this I've done it a couple of times end up and said hey yes

and it's called the round a bays run it's quite cool and this is a recce a

recce basin I've done a little walk around here but there's heaps of parks

all these green areas are parks there's a lot of them now in the centre of

Auckland we have Sky City Tower great place to go to a bit of Petronas oh yeah

here you can actually walk around the perimeter of it and they've actually got

a jump that you can jump off it and it takes you to the bottom like

free-falling I've sort of bungy jumping but not quite and it's scary I wouldn't

do it is there a better picture of it there we go why taking Rangers are in

the background beneath that is Casino restaurants and stuff like there yeah

and over over in this area here not Mary's Bay Ponsonby this is the oldest

part of Auckland a lot of houses here and there with a lot of money millions

sponson be thankful this area is every part of Auckland's expenses

yeah gralen whis mia and then we come into the open zoo so you've got the zoo

well we got here yeah this is really cool massive yeah so there we go so it's

the Auckland Zoo close out of that and right next door is Western Springs which

is a great place to take the kids you can walk right around the perimeter of

it there's lots of ducks geese and it's flat it's a great walk and over here we

have motet so if we go along here museum or transport so this is another museum

this one's got airplanes cars buildings right and you got two of them motet one

motet two so motet one is here and motet two is around here somewhere

this is point chef's this is all residential more residential for

ascender ahem Mount Elbert New Market is a nice shopping complex lots of shopping

and ramiro has its own shopping for here and ours Lee

three kings Royal Oak Mountain cleaning us Lindau II area down to only hunger

Hillsboro blockhouse Bay were coming into West Auckland now Evan Dale Kelston

Newland Glen Eden and Sunnyvale right this is West Auckland there's lots of

wineries through here lots of them this is the main road through West Auckland

called Lincoln Road it's a hospital here surgeries doctors or through him

residential through here schools Henderson Valley Road and Route side F

this is all industrial area for here and more shops and then residential over

here and then it sort of thumbs out to farm area through here we'll come back

to that area it goes up to Rhino II messy West Harbor

Hobsonville Hobson ball used to be a ear base but it's closed now so they put

housing there for no pie it's still an air base so you can see the runway here

and this is the green high bridge that goes over to green hive - nor sure all

this is residential down here they've got commercial sort of mixed in with

residential for a year and it's schools and there's a hospital here what's your

hospital Tecna Puna it's actually a lake Lake kukuku a whole Lake freshwater

there's saltwater this all comes from under the ground and then feeds itself

out to the sea Araki Birkenhead Northcote point so when you go over the

bridge you go this way and it goes down to Devonport the Devonport has a lot of

great shopping in here and if you catch a ferry across from over here all these

take you to different islands different islands like waikiki rangitoto yeah it's

pretty interesting and here there's some awesome things to go and see they've got

guns and caves and tunnels see you during World War two

they're all built out for defense because I thought they're going to be

invaded by the Japanese so they used to have guns and stuff there and all those

residential expensive area and there's shops free here and more schools

it looks like Britain in field son Enoch marine ebay Murray's Bay Browns Bay tall

Bay Pine Hill Albany right and it goes up to rock that finishes it it's a

border of Auckland right and if we go further up

welcome goes up to a little bit that's longer per hour

Stillwater saw the Dale Oh where are there some topples up there

red Beach okay we're going we're going too far up okay now if you go down to

West Auckland this is the white techie Rangers you can take a car round here

and does the loop and or you can go to one of the beaches so you go to Mira Y

Beach fearful speeches where they do most of the filming PR Beach Kerry Kerry

Beach this is Julio Beach this is a beautiful beach all that sand dunes that

or sand from there this is a very rough Beach rough Beach a lot of people have

had X as long here yes very rough fact the the other side

through here is karma than this side and tittering part of West Auckland and I

were down here we go to only hunger now this is the old bridge the old mangry

bridge and this is the new one this took over 15 years to make because of

disputes and strikes and all that sort stuff so yeah we're go into South

Auckland now I'm angry minimal hospital so there's another

hospital so you've got minimal hospital no Shore Hospital and my Tacori hospital

and well Green Lane hospital so there's four main hospitals and then we've got

private hospitals as well and pepper Tony Tony

Oh - Hulu East Tamaki Pakuranga Heights East mo kio said that deny yes

Flatbush goes down to manic l and weary

many wera takun denis and we got the all combo

tannic Gardens which is a pretty place to go and see

add more Airport another Airport there International Airport here which is very

very cool take a drive around there so city within the city master seat yes so

that's that's Auckland so there you go it's all fancy please subscribe if you

haven't already and I'll see you next time thank you and have a wonderful

wonderful day it's you later

Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand

For more infomation >> Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand - Duration: 14:59.


Video: Bitterly cold weekend, but upper 40s on the horizon - Duration: 2:13.

For more infomation >> Video: Bitterly cold weekend, but upper 40s on the horizon - Duration: 2:13.


What is wrong? (13) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:30.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to say something and I'd like you to find the mistake.

Are you ready?

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.


Could you catch it?


Let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.

Did you catch it?


Let's try that again.

But this time I will you show you the sentence.

Are you ready?

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.


Did you catch it?

The answer is "I'm loving it" should be "I love it."

The reason is this verb shows emotion so it should not be in its -ing form.

Just like the world like.

You do not say "I'm liking it."

It should be "I like it."

Alright, so "I love it" not "I'm loving it."


So let's practice that expression together.

Please repeat after me.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I love it.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I love it.


So now you know how to say I love it.

So if you really, really love something that you are eating, like food.

Any kind of food.

You can say "I love it."

Not "I'm loving it."


So my name is Richard.

Please click like, subscribe, and share it with your friends and I will catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is wrong? (13) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:30.


Intermediate Chartplotter Navigation | BoatUS - Duration: 2:52.

Lenny Rudow here for BoatUS Magazine.

Today, we're going to follow up on our basic chartplotter video by doing a video on intermediate

chartplotter use.

Now, the first thing you need to know is how to make a route.

A route is just a collection of waypoints, which allows you to navigate in a way other

than in a straight line.

So you can go around, say, a point of land.

Let's see how it's done.

So let's start making a route.

On this unit, it's as simple as touching a screen to start an initial waypoint and then

press "new route."

Now, each time I touch the screen, it will make waypoints to take me on my route to get

my to my ultimate destination.

I can give the route a name, like the complex name 0001.

Now to get on our route, of course you have to navigate to it.

So we simply press "navigate," Route0001.

Now let's say I've navigated my route, and I'm getting a little hungry.

Would you believe this chartplotter right here can help me get lunch?


Even that info's in here.

If I say I want to go to Annapolis for lunch, all I have to do is zoom in on Annapolis and

these little icons pop up.

I put the cursor on one.

It tells me that's Chesapeake Harbour Marina.

But I don't know if Chesapeake Harbour Marina has a restaurant.

Let's see.

I can go to info, press on it, look at the services.

They have provisions, a sewer pumpout, a slipway, electricity.

No lunch.

Well I can back right out of there, look at the next icon and, hey!, Sam's Waterfront


I'm pretty sure they have lunch.

Now, wait a sec.

My boat has a deep draft, and before I can figure out if I can get to the cafe, I need

to know what the tide is.

Tide and current information is also in virtually every chartplotter these days.

With this chartplotter, all I have to do is pull up the main menu and I get right here

and, look at that, tides!

Here's my tide and current chart and you can see it names where this tidal station is.

Thomas Point Shoal Light.

The GPS knows exactly where I am, so it's picking out the closest tidal station to give

me my data from.

Well, I don't know about you folks, but I'm ready for some lunch!

Meanwhile, don't forget to head over to, check out our video channel, and be sure to

leave us some comments in the section below and let us know what other videos you would

like to see.

For more infomation >> Intermediate Chartplotter Navigation | BoatUS - Duration: 2:52.


しばらく旅行に行っていない人は自宅の庭を散策してみましょう - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> しばらく旅行に行っていない人は自宅の庭を散策してみましょう - Duration: 2:14.


Thoughts on Bitcoin and other Crypto-currencies - Duration: 1:00.

- Hi, Ken Mcelroy here.

With all the noise out there on cryptocurrency

and bitcoin, etc.,

here's what I think about bitcoin,

and what you need to understand.

It's not a company.

It's a currency.

It's like trying to catch a falling knife

or a rising knife, I mean that's all it is.

If you're trying to time something,

it is a little bit of gambling.

Now I understand it's sexy, things are coming out

all the time, and it's higher each day,

and whenever I've seen anything like this,

it always ends in disaster.

And that's why I like to stick with assets.

Now could I make a lot of money in bitcoin?

Probably, but do I want to?

No, I want to invest in assets that produce cashflow.

I talk about cashflow versus capital gains, all the time.

It's no different than buying a house at one price

and hoping it goes up.

That's not a strategy, that's luck, that gambling.

So that's my position on bitcoin.

If you wanna invest, invest for the long-term,

and invest in solid assets that produce cashflow.

And if you wanna learn how to do that,

come to for a lot more videos.

For more infomation >> Thoughts on Bitcoin and other Crypto-currencies - Duration: 1:00.


Wolfenstein 2: Dangerously Mishandled Narrative - Duration: 13:26.

Art being used to spread ideologies and raise social awareness i s a tale as old as time.

Satire quickly comes to mind.

But even when this is not the artist's intent, movies, books, games, and plays usually have

a theme around which they revolve, a message to deliver, and art, being open to interpretation,

always runs the risk of becoming inadvertently political.

This game is no exception in which it does have a message to deliver, but that message

may not be as clear as you may have thought.

I'm bob the Hollow and this is Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.

[I got kids on the way and I'll damned if I'ma raise 'em in a world run by this nazi assholes.]

This reanimated IP goes all the way back to 1981, with the advent of Castle Wolfenstein.

Later, what was originally a stealth based action-adventure game transformed into Wolfenstein 3D

a series that has been quite influential in the establishment and evolution of fast-paced,

action-packed first person shooters.

And just like its predecessor, the new series' intended experience is to have fun.

With its high-octane, balls to the wall philosophy permeating all aspects of game design.

From gameplay to dialogue.

Through soundtrack and art style.

The new games do their best to live up to the long history of sprite-based nazi shooting.

With that in mind, it's only natural that the focus of The New Colossus would be on

gameplay, rather than narrative.

One could even easily forgive its strictly cinematographic storytelling.

But the topics that it covers, the coverage that it got, and the Video Game Awards nomination

for Best Narrative kind of put it on the spotlight.

You may start looking a little bit closer and notice that, right off the bat, the game

renders Blazkowicz' sacrifice irrelevant by having him survive the end of the first game,

that later it renders its own stakes irrelevant by having him survive a full beheading, and

that these two combined will make any future sacrifices completely meaningless unless his

head gets crushed, and at this point, to be honest, I don't think even that could stop B.J.

Then it becomes apparent that it remembers to be a video game when it comes to shooting

but it forgets to be a video game when it comes to storytelling, delegating that entirely

to cutscenes.

It doesn't seem to attempt, at any point, to integrate gameplay and narrative and sometimes

it even inadvertently makes bad use of this feature such as in the higher difficulty levels

that, in practice, make nazis a superior race.

Or the first section of the game, on a wheelchair.

Both The Phantom Pain and the Surge did a better job of making you feel powerless, one

way or another.

Here, you're just a badass on wheels.

And once you finish the game, you'll be left asking yourself "What?" as you realize that

this was just half a game...

OK, do you know those games where you must gather your forces, recruiting allies from

different factions and places, and then you can finally launch a full on attack against

the bad guys?

This game has only the first part.

If it had its own self-contained arc that would conclude in this game, and then clear

the way to the next one, then sure, that would alright.

But it doesn't.

I mean, they have Engel, the nazi psycho that decapitates you and is in turn killed by you

in the last cutscene, but she's more like a sidequest than anything else.

B.J. never made it his mission to seek revenge against her, especially since losing your

head actually made things better for you, and they just stumble upon the opportunity

to take her out.

No, the goal of the game was always to start the revolution, but it never started.

The best we got was to watch a call to action that, quite ironically, was indeed televised.

Again, all of this could be easily forgiven considering the intended response it was going

for but, again, the topics that it covers kind of put it on the spotlight.

Wolfenstein is not a deep commentary on serious issues but the issues are serious nonetheless.

War, terrorism, discrimination, freedom and freedom of speech...

It may look and feel like a simple, fun game with nothing more to it, but between Blazkowicz's

monologuing, his "debate" with Horton, Grace's speeches, and all the historical, political,

and social subjects being discussed in its otherwise simplistic narrative, the game does

have a message or two.

And how does Wolfenstein handle the delivery of its messages?

Well, just like Cinderella does.

Cinderella is a timeless Disney classic story about hope and the power of love conquering


The problem is that, whether you realize it or not, Cinderella is also a story about acceptance

in the face of abuse and assertion of both sexist female stereotypes of conduct and the

subservient position that women should occupy relative to men.

Or how about they fix that with a story about a girl willing to literally fight for what

she holds dear, for reaching her full potential, for love and country...?

And... how about she gives up everything she conquered so she can be a "proper" wife to

her man?

How about what counts is what's in the inside as long as I get to transform you into whatever

it is that I want you to be and... also it doesn't hurt that you're rich and beautiful

and I get to live in a castle...

So yeah...

And I'm not saying they had a hidden agenda or anything.

I'm pretty sure they were just trying to make money out of cute cartoons for children but,

whatever family friendly messages they set out to deliver, these messages really got

lost in the process.

And we see that in Blazkowics' story too.

They had a few very clear, cookie cutter messages that they wanted to convey but through some

bad, bad decisions when it comes to their narrative, these messages simply lost their way.

Let's take a look at two of these messages, shall we?

Of course that a game that has nazis and the KKK for villains is going to feature prejudice

and discrimination at the forefront of its themes.

The problem is that this game does a very poor job at not perpetrating discrimination of its own.

It's one thing to have hordes of silent, faceless soldiers to shoot at and portrait them all

as objectively bad, especially if they follow the nazi ideology.

It's another thing entirely to portrait their entire race as such.

Back in the day, in a game like this, we would have no insight into the minds, the history,

and the culture of their society and their inhabitants, soldiers and civilians alike.

But long gone are those days and with the commonplace addition of

enemy banter and collectibles,

we're usually able to piece together at least some information on this regard.

Putting a face to the enemy and all those sharing their flag, without ever picking up arms.

They present the perfect opportunity to show that while most of them are justifiably killed

by the protagonist -it's a war after all

that they are still people and, more importantly, individuals.

Germans weren't all heartless monsters and if you don't want to explore that in your

story, if it would break up the pacing or kill the mood, well, fine!

But you don't have only cutscenes at your disposal, so please use your other tools,

like collectibles, to show us doubt and dissent among their people.

To show us that they are not all the same.

I mean, honestly, if you wanna talk shit about people who discriminate, then don't talk like they do.

And, yes, they do have Sigrun but, really, is that the best you can do?

One single plump, cartoonish, almost puppy-like character designed to make you feel sorry for her?

At no point does it feel like she represents any significant portion of the German people

in this world, instead it feels more like she's the odd one out, the anomaly, the only

example of an actual human being from her entire people.

And also, yes, I do realize it probably sounds very harsh of me, to be talking like this

about his game.

But I probably wouldn't be making this case if we were fighting aliens, or robots, or

some fictional country.

But we aren't.

Of course nazism should be held to account for the atrocities that it has done.

Of course it's so extremely cathartic to kick Hitler in the face that I died about ten times

in a row just to keep doing it.

But it goes without saying that you shouldn't judge an entire people by the lowest standard

that it has to offer.

Ok this should be an easy one, right?

Repeat after me: "Nukes are bad.

Nukes are bad, period."

How they managed to mess this one up really baffles me.

Despite what some people may think, this topic has never stopped being relevant.

And it seems especially relevant these days.

But nukes - are not the answer - for anything.

Now, of course you're free to disagree with me on this and, if you do

we can have a conversation about it.

But if you do agree with me then, like me, you may also think that it sounds like the

game is saying the opposite of that.

They could have focused on the horrors of the nuclear assault on Manhattan but instead,

they chose to frame it as coming in second in the admirable race for dropping the bomb.

To me, the message clearly sounds like "drop the bomb or lose the war."

Which is further intensified by the heroes' willy-nilly deployment of nukes.

Not everybody that plays this game will have a full understanding of the consequences of

nuclear war or the historic woes that it has already caused.

And this game does nothing to help them form a reasonable opinion on the matter, in a time

when not a month goes by without the threat of nuclear assault being thrown one way or

another, and international talks about nuclear disarmament generate controversy when, honestly,

there should be none.

People are more aware now.

Even if some people are being left behind, even if some others are taking a little bit

longer to catch up, I think that most people of this generation are a lot more sensitive

to social issues, politics, and the general state of affairs of this world that we live in.

The medium of video-games has also asserted itself as being as relevant to our generation

as any other art form, and is gradually becoming more influential with each passing year.

So, I think we really should start being a little bit more careful when dealing with

topics like this, even if it's (quote/unquote) "just a video-game."

And now I'd like to briefly talk about my last gripe with Wolfenstein's narrative.

And oddly enough, it's not about something they've done wrong, it's about something they

haven't done at all.

Yes, America is under siege, and I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about right now.

The way I see it, the United States and other countries are under siege by their own governments.

When the government stops representing the interests of its own people, then it's the

people's responsibility to fight back.

Some of you may have already started fighting, others may be slowly realizing that fact,

and others may completely disagree with my assertion and are probably going to scream

at me for it.

But, in any case, this game had a prime opportunity to say something on the matter.

In-game, America is literally under siege but it's framed only as an outside invading

force, it's never presented as something that can creep up from the inside.

There's no need to preach to the choir but that message could've been invaluable to those

whose eyes are yet to open, or the younger generation, not yet old enough to actively

participate in such things.

Like I said, it's not something they've done wrong, it's just something they haven't done.

The game is fun, even if the formula seems to be running a bit dry, I honestly enjoyed

playing this game.

But in today's world, even if you're making a "just for fun," "art as entertainment" kind

of game, you should be more conscious of the messages that you may be conveying.

Or maybe, who knows, take the time to make something that is as meaningful as it is fun.

It'll be your chance to make a difference.

It'll be your chance to make something that matters.

And people are gonna thank you for that.

Like I said, this is a conversation, and we're all free to have our own opinions.

I'm not bashing on the game just because, I'm just somewhat worried about its mixed

messages and quite sad for the wasted potential of its narrative and setting.

Whether you agree with me or not, let me know.

I'm interested in hearing what other people may think of it.

So, until next time. Cya.

Also, Set is an asshole to Max which objectively makes him an asshole too.

For more infomation >> Wolfenstein 2: Dangerously Mishandled Narrative - Duration: 13:26.


[ENG] 180105 [EPISODE] BTS @2017 MMA - Duration: 22:11.

(Lyrics in this video translated by Nara, Teekay, Mary, Hyeeun & Lim)


All this isn't coincidence

The both of us are who found destiny


Yeah, I wonder why God Keeps making us feel lonely

Oh no no no no no

Even though these wings sprouted from pain

They're wings that face the light

Even if it's hard and it hurts

If I can fly, I'm going to fly

Please walk with me, please fly with me

So that I can reach the ends of the skies

Because even if it hurts this much, if you and I are together

I can smile

Ayy you never walk alone

I can feel your hand that I'm holding, your warmth

Ayy you never walk alone

Feel me, you're not alone either

Come on Crawl crawl crawl crawl it

like it like that

Baby Walk walk walk walk it

like it like that

Baby run run run run it

like it like that

Baby fly fly fly fly it

like it like that

Even if this path is far and dangerous

Will you walk it with me?

Snowflakes are falling

I'm getting further away little by little again

I miss you, I miss you

I miss you, I miss you

Please stay there

We'll be together forever


All this isn't coincidence

The both of us are who found destiny


La la la la la

It isn't coincidence


Whether there's something at the end of this road that we walk alone

I want to try treading it

Even if I'm tired or in pain at times

I'm fine because I'm by your side

Because if you and I are together

I can smile

Even though these wings sprouted from pain

They're wings that face the light

Even if it's hard and it hurts

If I can fly, I'm going to fly

Can you hold my hand

So that I won't be afraid anymore?

Please walk with me, please fly with me

So that I can reach the ends of the skies

Because even if it hurts this much, if you and I are together

I can smile

Ayy you never walk alone

Feel me, you're not alone either

Come on Crawl crawl crawl crawl it

like it like that

Baby fly fly fly fly it

like it like that

Snowflakes are falling

I'm getting further away little by little again

I miss you, I miss you

How long must I wait

How many more nights must I stay up

So that I'll be able to see you, able to see you

So that I'll be able to meet you, able to meet you

Please stay there

For more infomation >> [ENG] 180105 [EPISODE] BTS @2017 MMA - Duration: 22:11.


Future Prices: Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum ($ETH), Ripple ($XRP), Tron ($TRX), EOS ($EOS), Qtum ($QTUM) - Duration: 18:23.

Hope you enjoy the video!

For more infomation >> Future Prices: Bitcoin ($BTC), Ethereum ($ETH), Ripple ($XRP), Tron ($TRX), EOS ($EOS), Qtum ($QTUM) - Duration: 18:23.


Logan Paul Sings Too Late To Apologize in his Apology Video - Duration: 1:31.















For more infomation >> Logan Paul Sings Too Late To Apologize in his Apology Video - Duration: 1:31.


Henna Tattoo DIY Art - Duration: 3:50.

Welcome to my channel.

I'm Michelle from Mascara to Midnight.

And this is not me.

This is my daughter, Ashlea.

Hi, Ashlea!

Ashlea has Thriftology.

And I will link that video above.

But today we are going to do henna.

She is a henna tattoo artist and I thought it would be fun to show you some of her styles.

Stay tuned.


This is the quintessential show your makeup, do a duck face pose.

For more infomation >> Henna Tattoo DIY Art - Duration: 3:50.


এটি আপনার সফলতার পথে সব থেকে বড় শত্রু || social media addiction in bangla || motivational video - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> এটি আপনার সফলতার পথে সব থেকে বড় শত্রু || social media addiction in bangla || motivational video - Duration: 5:21.


Gui Jogando Minecraft - Duration: 1:38.

For more infomation >> Gui Jogando Minecraft - Duration: 1:38.


4 Steps To Make Money Online - By Tai Lopez - Duration: 3:45.

Mr. here in my garage Tai Lopez has mastered the way of

making money online owning multiple super cars and living a rock star

lifestyle ty has been able to create a high standard of living for himself

through selling items online in this video I will align the four steps ty

uses to make over $100,000 a day from his online businesses step 1

find common household items to sell many people believe that to be a successful

online merchant you must sell innovative items however this simply is not the

case - I recommend selling common goods like

candles and books as these are the most sought-after items since they are used

on a day-to-day basis for example ty has taken his own advice and has recently

created a business selling glasses called SWA knees also by selling common

items you avoid the challenge of convincing buyers of the benefits of

your products since they are already using them in their own lives step 2 use

Shopify click funnels or Amazon to sell your goods now that you have chosen a

product you must find a channel you can use to make sales while it is entirely

possible to sell through your own personal website gaining enough traffic

to make sales can be difficult instead it is advised that you leverage the

pre-existing traffic of sites like Amazon or harness the power of click

funnels to drive sales therefore step 2 is to sign up for a

shop buy click funnel or Amazon account and create an e-commerce shop that will

host your products which can then be seen by the millions of users on these

sites step 3 connect your accounts to a credit card processor and business bank

account once your shop is set up you need to ensure you can collect proceeds

from your sales to do this you must set up a credit card processor to start for

people who are new to online business a processor like stripe offers a low-cost

method of collecting payments and services like PayPal can offer extended

services for more intermediate users what's your payment processor is setup

you must open a business bank account doing this allows

you to transfer the cash that is collected on stripe or PayPal into

physical currency finally opening a business bank account will be required

for tax reporting purposes if you decide to incorporate you newly founded

business step for white label your products and dropship then the final

step in making money online as explained by Tai Lopez is to white label your

products and dropship them white labeling involves sourcing the products

you want to sell and putting your own brand label on them which the suppliers

can do for you once this is done your products are now complete and ready for

sale well many people who sell online store hundreds of items at their house

or in their garage drop shipping offers a more flexible and hassle-free way to

sell online once purchase orders are placed at your ecommerce store you can

then notify your supplier to ship your products directly to the end-user

effectively eliminating any storage fees that normally come with selling physical

products once it goods are received and the payment is finalized step four can

be repeated over and over generating you hundreds if not thousands of dollars a

day thank you for watching this video if you enjoyed this video please hit the

like button and if you're new to the channel please subscribe for more

informative content

For more infomation >> 4 Steps To Make Money Online - By Tai Lopez - Duration: 3:45.


Trump Puts Obama to Shame Again, Shatters 14 Year Manufacturing - Duration: 4:25.

Trump Puts Obama to Shame Again, Shatters 14-Year Manufacturing Record

Impressive gains in domestic manufacturing during the final three months of 2017 led

to U.S. manufacturing performing at a level not seen since 2004, the Institute for Supply

Management revealed this week.

The institute reported �its index of national factory activity jumped to a reading of 59.7

last month, the second-highest reading in six years, from 58.2 in November,� according

to Reuters.

�A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12

percent of the U.S. economy.�

The survey�s category for new factory orders likewise increased by 5.4 points to 69.4,

a high not observed since January of 2004, Reuters reported.

Tim Fiore, the chairman of the ISM manufacturing business survey committee, was ecstatic.

�With a report like this, I can�t do anything but smile,� he said to The Kansas City Star.

I understand his sentiment.

U.S. manufacturing is on fire right now, with 16 of 18 manufacturing industries having expanded

in December alone, according to the Star.

In addition, the Federal Reserve confirmed �factory output in November had increased

at an annual rate of 2.4 percent,� and the Census Bureau revealed that �(t)hrough the

first 10 months of the year, factory orders have risen 5.6 percent,� according to the


But I thought the media swore to us that manufacturing could never be revived?

�Manufacturing Jobs Are Never Coming Back,� a writer on FiveThirtyEight predicted a couple

months before the presidential election last year, taking aim at then-GOP presidential

nominee Donald Trump�s promise to revitalize America�s ailing industries.

And remember what then-President Barack Obama said?

�(W)ell, how exactly are you going to do that?

What exactly are you going to do?

There�s no answer to it,� Obama said during a PBS town hall event that June, also taking

aim at Trump�s promise.

�He just says, �Well, I�m going to negotiate a better deal,'� Obama added.

�Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that?

What magic wand do you have?

And usually the answer is, he doesn�t have an answer.�

Come again?

Trump�s magic wand was �deregulation,� and according to sources on both the left

and the right, it�s worked like a charm, spurring across-the-board job creation, including

in the manufacturing sector.

Breitbart further notes that the latest ISM report comes amid an increase �in domestic

business investment, a rise in American household spending and an improving global economy.�

This isn�t just winning, folks � it�s common-sense winning, i.e., the sort of winning

America could have easily experienced between 2009 and 2016 had Obama stopped parroting

faculty lounge liberals and started listening to the men and women who actually understand

how businesses and jobs are created in this country.

For a man with such big ears, you�d think he would�ve been a better listener.

But apparently not.

H/T Bloomberg, American Thinker

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know your reaction to the boom

in U.S. manufacturing.

What do you think about the left's predictions being proven wrong?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Trump Puts Obama to Shame Again, Shatters 14 Year Manufacturing - Duration: 4:25.


🌞Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 6 января 2018 года#рунныймаг - Duration: 2:23.

For more infomation >> 🌞Прогноз руны дня на сегодня 6 января 2018 года#рунныймаг - Duration: 2:23.


Javana Singhiya | Himachli Folk Songs | Live Performance | Anusha Joshi | USP TV - Duration: 3:30.

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Singhiya javana bolo tere naina de lobhi

Javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Chandi ri teri bandukati daadhi

Laani sunehri makhi

Laani sunehri makhi

Maas khaya tere kongu ae kajle

Lahu piya teri aakhe

Duji dharo de goru

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Laaa... aha...




Eki dharo de bakari singhiya

Duji dharo de goru

Duji dharo de goru

Ori dendi meri guthi ri kangani

Tu be reke ri joru

Javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Singhiya javana bolo tere naina de lobhi

Javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

For more infomation >> Javana Singhiya | Himachli Folk Songs | Live Performance | Anusha Joshi | USP TV - Duration: 3:30.


New Windows Buffalo Grove IL 847-427-6200 New Windows Buffalo Grove IL - Duration: 1:16.

New Windows Buffalo Grove IL. Are you in the market for replacement windows for your home?

Are air leaks and drafts from your windows adding unnecessary costs to

your heating and cooling bills?

Your windows are designed to not only improve your home's appearance,

but to also save money on your heating and cooling costs.

When shopping for replacement windows you have a lot of important

decisions to make..

Luckily, we're here to help!

We're certified local window contractors that can help guide you through

the window purchasing process according to your speci?c style and budget.

We also understand that installation, including anchoring, insulating and

sealing the window to the house to make it airtight and watertight, is as

important as the quality of the window itself.

If it's time to enhance the beauty and value of your home with new

replacement windows, give us a call today for a free, no-pressure in-home


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