Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 1, 2018

Waching daily Jan 6 2018

Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand

welcome welcome back what a lovely surprise to have you all here in fact

I'm so excited I want to show you all around Auckland. Auckland is where I was

born I'm from Auckland New Zealand let's take this map back here's New Zealand we

are very small very very small till the rest of the world

massive so New Zealand is in the South Pacific island all the way down the

bottom why this our pop is our neighbour is Australia and these are all the

islands of New Guinea Islands Fiji Tonga you an islands and so on but today I'm

taking you to Auckland this is where I was born

Auckland is our biggest city in New Zealand it's not our capital the capital

of New Zealand is wanted which is in the centre of New Zealand is Wellington

Auckland is the third biggest city area wise in the world all right so all the

red parts is Auckland in fact it's bigger than East Ham bull eastern bill

area wise it's smaller than Auckland and they have 18 million people in their

city Auckland population is 1.5 now Auckland's made up of four areas we got

North Shore we have West Auckland central CBD and self Auckland and we

have islands in a volcano there are 46 volcanoes located around CBD and through

the Auckland region they're all dormant so the new life so you can go there for

a holiday see it's perfectly safe right we have one active volcano in fact we've

got a few we've got one quart white island which is here white island it's a

volcano you can see the smoke of that ruapehu which is down here by the

National Park here and a few others right so we're gonna go there it's all

about Auckland today yeah now oakley has two bridges we have the

Auckland Harbour Bridge which is here we have the Green High Bridge which is here

or you can drive around which takes a few hours but you can drive around they

have a theory that you can put your car on but then it only goes to Waikiki why

here your Island now why he Island doesn't get much right

or can gets a lot of rain but time the clouds get over here is hardly any rain

so it gets pretty dry over here you can pretty much spin your whole holiday here

there's tons of stuff to do now walk them alone okay let me show you

around we have the waterfront and we have the Maritime Museum and here has

got the America's Cup boat in there or the old one

and all through here there's plenty of shopping this is Queen Street which is

in the center of Auckland that's for the CBD it's the center of it so you can

drive your car up and down there but these two roads are one-way right so you

come in and you go out so that right there is Nelson Street that one's Hopson

Street all this area through here is Auckland University of Technology all

through here so all this gray area all through here or down here so it's quite

big and it's the era Albert Park area and here is the art gallery so I'll

click on the art gallery here so this is the art gallery beautiful building I

used to go there quite a bit they have a look at the artwork

so you can go and handle with the arts and over here we have the Auckland

domain and this is the Oakland Museum and the Oakland Museum is massive it's a

beautiful building it's got lots of different levels in fact I've got I

think three or four pieces of my worker and there that I've done

all sorts of stuff

and this conference room here is these names that run along here I did all this

work I've done all this work here that's the entrance there I'm just trying to

see if I find any more photos even got a Mirai in there is lots of photos in here

this is good you've got dinosaurs yeah it's a beautiful Museum one of the best

in the world and and it's what it looks like it's very pretty

even got planes it's full of everything

lots of different things acts the same you look a quick look to see if I can

see any my stuff in there

nevermind lost more than look at okay that's the open museum so it's a you can

spend the whole day there or two and car now is a great place for shopping lots

of food places a little bit of an industrial area through here and there's

a swimming pool here called pine our baths it's all salt water comes in from

the sea and it's refreshed every day the back your car on here or packing it over

here and cross over the bridge and enter it through this way it's a great place

to take the kids this road here it goes right around the waterfront this is

Mission Bay and they do a run every year it used to start from over the bridge

here we'll start from here but starts from here now it used to be ten

kilometers but now it's about eight and people up to ten thousand-plus wouldn't

run along here along this I've done it a couple of times end up and said hey yes

and it's called the round a bays run it's quite cool and this is a recce a

recce basin I've done a little walk around here but there's heaps of parks

all these green areas are parks there's a lot of them now in the centre of

Auckland we have Sky City Tower great place to go to a bit of Petronas oh yeah

here you can actually walk around the perimeter of it and they've actually got

a jump that you can jump off it and it takes you to the bottom like

free-falling I've sort of bungy jumping but not quite and it's scary I wouldn't

do it is there a better picture of it there we go why taking Rangers are in

the background beneath that is Casino restaurants and stuff like there yeah

and over over in this area here not Mary's Bay Ponsonby this is the oldest

part of Auckland a lot of houses here and there with a lot of money millions

sponson be thankful this area is every part of Auckland's expenses

yeah gralen whis mia and then we come into the open zoo so you've got the zoo

well we got here yeah this is really cool massive yeah so there we go so it's

the Auckland Zoo close out of that and right next door is Western Springs which

is a great place to take the kids you can walk right around the perimeter of

it there's lots of ducks geese and it's flat it's a great walk and over here we

have motet so if we go along here museum or transport so this is another museum

this one's got airplanes cars buildings right and you got two of them motet one

motet two so motet one is here and motet two is around here somewhere

this is point chef's this is all residential more residential for

ascender ahem Mount Elbert New Market is a nice shopping complex lots of shopping

and ramiro has its own shopping for here and ours Lee

three kings Royal Oak Mountain cleaning us Lindau II area down to only hunger

Hillsboro blockhouse Bay were coming into West Auckland now Evan Dale Kelston

Newland Glen Eden and Sunnyvale right this is West Auckland there's lots of

wineries through here lots of them this is the main road through West Auckland

called Lincoln Road it's a hospital here surgeries doctors or through him

residential through here schools Henderson Valley Road and Route side F

this is all industrial area for here and more shops and then residential over

here and then it sort of thumbs out to farm area through here we'll come back

to that area it goes up to Rhino II messy West Harbor

Hobsonville Hobson ball used to be a ear base but it's closed now so they put

housing there for no pie it's still an air base so you can see the runway here

and this is the green high bridge that goes over to green hive - nor sure all

this is residential down here they've got commercial sort of mixed in with

residential for a year and it's schools and there's a hospital here what's your

hospital Tecna Puna it's actually a lake Lake kukuku a whole Lake freshwater

there's saltwater this all comes from under the ground and then feeds itself

out to the sea Araki Birkenhead Northcote point so when you go over the

bridge you go this way and it goes down to Devonport the Devonport has a lot of

great shopping in here and if you catch a ferry across from over here all these

take you to different islands different islands like waikiki rangitoto yeah it's

pretty interesting and here there's some awesome things to go and see they've got

guns and caves and tunnels see you during World War two

they're all built out for defense because I thought they're going to be

invaded by the Japanese so they used to have guns and stuff there and all those

residential expensive area and there's shops free here and more schools

it looks like Britain in field son Enoch marine ebay Murray's Bay Browns Bay tall

Bay Pine Hill Albany right and it goes up to rock that finishes it it's a

border of Auckland right and if we go further up

welcome goes up to a little bit that's longer per hour

Stillwater saw the Dale Oh where are there some topples up there

red Beach okay we're going we're going too far up okay now if you go down to

West Auckland this is the white techie Rangers you can take a car round here

and does the loop and or you can go to one of the beaches so you go to Mira Y

Beach fearful speeches where they do most of the filming PR Beach Kerry Kerry

Beach this is Julio Beach this is a beautiful beach all that sand dunes that

or sand from there this is a very rough Beach rough Beach a lot of people have

had X as long here yes very rough fact the the other side

through here is karma than this side and tittering part of West Auckland and I

were down here we go to only hunger now this is the old bridge the old mangry

bridge and this is the new one this took over 15 years to make because of

disputes and strikes and all that sort stuff so yeah we're go into South

Auckland now I'm angry minimal hospital so there's another

hospital so you've got minimal hospital no Shore Hospital and my Tacori hospital

and well Green Lane hospital so there's four main hospitals and then we've got

private hospitals as well and pepper Tony Tony

Oh - Hulu East Tamaki Pakuranga Heights East mo kio said that deny yes

Flatbush goes down to manic l and weary

many wera takun denis and we got the all combo

tannic Gardens which is a pretty place to go and see

add more Airport another Airport there International Airport here which is very

very cool take a drive around there so city within the city master seat yes so

that's that's Auckland so there you go it's all fancy please subscribe if you

haven't already and I'll see you next time thank you and have a wonderful

wonderful day it's you later

Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand

For more infomation >> Ultimate Tour Map Guide of Auckland New Zealand - Duration: 14:59.


What is wrong? (13) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:30.

Hello everyone and welcome back to ForB's English lesson video.

My name is Richard and today I'm going to say something and I'd like you to find the mistake.

Are you ready?

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.


Could you catch it?


Let's try that again but this time a little bit slower.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.

Did you catch it?


Let's try that again.

But this time I will you show you the sentence.

Are you ready?

This hamburger is so tasty.

I'm loving it.


Did you catch it?

The answer is "I'm loving it" should be "I love it."

The reason is this verb shows emotion so it should not be in its -ing form.

Just like the world like.

You do not say "I'm liking it."

It should be "I like it."

Alright, so "I love it" not "I'm loving it."


So let's practice that expression together.

Please repeat after me.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I love it.

This hamburger is so tasty.

I love it.


So now you know how to say I love it.

So if you really, really love something that you are eating, like food.

Any kind of food.

You can say "I love it."

Not "I'm loving it."


So my name is Richard.

Please click like, subscribe, and share it with your friends and I will catch you next time.

For more infomation >> What is wrong? (13) (Grammar Practice) [ ForB English Lesson ] - Duration: 2:30.


しばらく旅行に行っていない人は自宅の庭を散策してみましょう - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> しばらく旅行に行っていない人は自宅の庭を散策してみましょう - Duration: 2:14.


Logan Paul Sings Too Late To Apologize in his Apology Video - Duration: 1:31.















For more infomation >> Logan Paul Sings Too Late To Apologize in his Apology Video - Duration: 1:31.


এটি আপনার সফলতার পথে সব থেকে বড় শত্রু || social media addiction in bangla || motivational video - Duration: 5:21.

For more infomation >> এটি আপনার সফলতার পথে সব থেকে বড় শত্রু || social media addiction in bangla || motivational video - Duration: 5:21.


Mesha Rashi Vara Bhavishya (January 8 to January 14) in Kannada - Duration: 1:01.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Weekly Horoscope


For more infomation >> Mesha Rashi Vara Bhavishya (January 8 to January 14) in Kannada - Duration: 1:01.


Trump Puts Obama to Shame Again, Shatters 14 Year Manufacturing - Duration: 4:25.

Trump Puts Obama to Shame Again, Shatters 14-Year Manufacturing Record

Impressive gains in domestic manufacturing during the final three months of 2017 led

to U.S. manufacturing performing at a level not seen since 2004, the Institute for Supply

Management revealed this week.

The institute reported �its index of national factory activity jumped to a reading of 59.7

last month, the second-highest reading in six years, from 58.2 in November,� according

to Reuters.

�A reading above 50 indicates growth in manufacturing, which accounts for about 12

percent of the U.S. economy.�

The survey�s category for new factory orders likewise increased by 5.4 points to 69.4,

a high not observed since January of 2004, Reuters reported.

Tim Fiore, the chairman of the ISM manufacturing business survey committee, was ecstatic.

�With a report like this, I can�t do anything but smile,� he said to The Kansas City Star.

I understand his sentiment.

U.S. manufacturing is on fire right now, with 16 of 18 manufacturing industries having expanded

in December alone, according to the Star.

In addition, the Federal Reserve confirmed �factory output in November had increased

at an annual rate of 2.4 percent,� and the Census Bureau revealed that �(t)hrough the

first 10 months of the year, factory orders have risen 5.6 percent,� according to the


But I thought the media swore to us that manufacturing could never be revived?

�Manufacturing Jobs Are Never Coming Back,� a writer on FiveThirtyEight predicted a couple

months before the presidential election last year, taking aim at then-GOP presidential

nominee Donald Trump�s promise to revitalize America�s ailing industries.

And remember what then-President Barack Obama said?

�(W)ell, how exactly are you going to do that?

What exactly are you going to do?

There�s no answer to it,� Obama said during a PBS town hall event that June, also taking

aim at Trump�s promise.

�He just says, �Well, I�m going to negotiate a better deal,'� Obama added.

�Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that?

What magic wand do you have?

And usually the answer is, he doesn�t have an answer.�

Come again?

Trump�s magic wand was �deregulation,� and according to sources on both the left

and the right, it�s worked like a charm, spurring across-the-board job creation, including

in the manufacturing sector.

Breitbart further notes that the latest ISM report comes amid an increase �in domestic

business investment, a rise in American household spending and an improving global economy.�

This isn�t just winning, folks � it�s common-sense winning, i.e., the sort of winning

America could have easily experienced between 2009 and 2016 had Obama stopped parroting

faculty lounge liberals and started listening to the men and women who actually understand

how businesses and jobs are created in this country.

For a man with such big ears, you�d think he would�ve been a better listener.

But apparently not.

H/T Bloomberg, American Thinker

Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know your reaction to the boom

in U.S. manufacturing.

What do you think about the left's predictions being proven wrong?

Scroll down to comment below!

For more infomation >> Trump Puts Obama to Shame Again, Shatters 14 Year Manufacturing - Duration: 4:25.


Javana Singhiya | Himachli Folk Songs | Live Performance | Anusha Joshi | USP TV - Duration: 3:30.

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Singhiya javana bolo tere naina de lobhi

Javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Chandi ri teri bandukati daadhi

Laani sunehri makhi

Laani sunehri makhi

Maas khaya tere kongu ae kajle

Lahu piya teri aakhe

Duji dharo de goru

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Laaa... aha...




Eki dharo de bakari singhiya

Duji dharo de goru

Duji dharo de goru

Ori dendi meri guthi ri kangani

Tu be reke ri joru

Javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

Singhiya javana bolo tere naina de lobhi

Javana singhiya

Haaye-haaye javana singhiya

For more infomation >> Javana Singhiya | Himachli Folk Songs | Live Performance | Anusha Joshi | USP TV - Duration: 3:30.


Meena Rashi Vara Bhavishya (January 8 to January 14) in Kannada - Duration: 1:07.

Bhavishya Darpan 4U Youtube Channel

Weekly Horoscope


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