Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 27 2018

The following program is brought to you by

Broadcasting from a US colony, my name is Andrew Mercado-Vazquez, and this is Puerto Rico Forward.

A program that takes a look at the economic and legal structures at play between the United

States of North America and Puerto Rico.

Now in past episodes, I've attempted to highlight how Puerto Rico's current status as a US colony

is the result of over a century of legislation and jurisprudence that time and time again

has resulted in the affirmation of Congress' plenary powers over the archipelago.

Since I've already discussed the legal origins of Puerto Rico's colonial status, I won't be covering that today.

However, for a review, head over to episode 2 of this program where I go into detail on how

the current political condition came to be.

To begin, let's discuss exactly why Puerto Rico's current status is so toxic for its

political and economic development.

Now, if you take a moment to read up on financial or economic news, more often than not you'll

stumble upon a few articles about some new trade treaty between countries, a new tax

increase or decrease proposed by a government, a change in interest rates proposed by a central

bank, the legalization or criminalization of a specific activity, and many other similar stories.

These stories will usually touch on the fact that it is states who are taking such actions

since they alone have the power to do so.

And when I use the term "state," I don't only mean within the context of a federalized union.

But rather at an international level as well.

You see, in a world where you buy your clothes from China and your cars from Japan, more

than ever states play an important role in shaping the economy through the use of their

power to implement economic and legal measures.

And to further understand the importance of the state and how it relates to Puerto Rico,

let's take a look at their defining characteristics.

Now on the topic of what defines a state, the greek philosopher Aristotle once wrote,

and I quote: "Every state is a community of some kind, and every community is established

with a view of some good...

But, if all communities aim at the same good, the state or political community - which is

the highest of all, and which embraces all the rest - aims and in greater degree than

any other, at the highest good."

End of quote.

Now if we accept this broad description as true, we find that a state -

within the international sense - is a community that maybe composed of other communities within it.

As such, the state is considered to be the dominant force.

And according to Professors Kenneth Newton and Jan van Deth, in order to maintain its

status, a state must be more powerful than any of the communities that it incorporates.

As a result, power is necessary for the development of the state but is far from sufficient.

Territorial limits, people and the concept of sovereignty are also vital for a state to be recognized.

Now let's look at each one of them.

The first basic element of a state is that it considers a certain geographic area to be its own.

This territory can vary greatly in size and characteristics.

However, the limits of said territory must be defined and it must be enduring.

The next element of a state is the concept of a people, which can be defined as a group

of individuals that share a common consciousness and identity.

As a result of them having the same things in common, these people form a collective entity.

The third and last characteristic that makes up a state, and in my view, the most important

for the case of Puerto Rico, is sovereignty.

Now once again I refer back to the writings of Professors Kenneth Newton and Jan van Deth.

They define sovereignty as, and I quote: "The highest power that gives the state freedom

of action within its own territory."

End of quote.

In other words, a state with sovereignty has that independence that allows it to use its

power and claim authority.

Now its important to point out that sovereignty is not synonymous to power.

While sovereignty is a form of state authority, power, as defined by Professor Ellen Grigsby,

is, and I quote: "The ability to influence an event or outcome that allows the agent

to achieve an objective, or to influence another agent to act in a manner in which the second

agent on its own would not choose to act."

End of quote.

Now although two states might be equals when it comes to sovereignty, ones power can be

greater than the other's.

Now if we apply the analysis to Puerto Rico, we see that it meets 2 out of the 3 defining

characteristics of a state.

It does have defined territory and it is in fact inhabited by a people.

However, the characteristic of sovereignty is absent due to Puerto Rico's colonial status.

As we have discussed in the past, from a legal standpoint, Puerto Rico belongs to - but is

not a part of - the US.

As a result, Puerto Rico does not have sovereignty of its own, but rather is under the US' sovereignty.

This, to be more precise, is the reason for which Puerto Rico can not be considered an

independent country.

This is why Puerto Rico is under Congress' plenary power.

It is, as a matter of fact, without sovereignty of its own.

The hindering impact this has on Puerto Rico's ability to develop a coherent, long-term economic

plan or policy is easily observed.

For starters, Puerto Rico is covered by the US Constitution's Commerce Clause.

Article 1, section 8 states that, and I quote: "The congress shall have power to regulate

commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes."

End of quote.

Now this clause was inserted into the constitution's text in reaction to the framer's legitimate

concern as to the possibility that some states of the union could develop legal mechanisms

that would act as barriers against capital and goods flowing from other fellow states.

If allowed, such measures would hinder national economic development.

This clause has provoked a slew of court decisions stemming from the early18th century to this

day that have given way to a slightly different variation of the Constitution's Commerce Clause.

It's the Dormant Commerce Clause.

Now this essentially means that states - including Puerto Rico - may not establish protectionary

measures that impede the inflow of non-local goods in favor of local ones.

The practical effect is that Puerto Rico, for example, cannot enact a law to protect

its own beef industry by imposting restrictions on the import of beef.

(And this is a real life example, by the way).

Now the matter of sovereignty is actually quite present in the development of Congress'

power to regulate commerce.

Professor Geoffrey R. Stone, while explaining the origins of the US Constitution, highlights

the importance of each state's sovereignty in the development of it.

And I quote: "To understand the Constitution and the surrounding debates on its purposes

and effects, it is useful to have some understanding of the Articles of Confederation which the

Constitution replaced.

The Articles were adopted shortly after the revolution in order to ensure some unification

of the states regarding common foreign and domestic problems.

But the overriding understanding was that the states would remain sovereign."

End of quote.

As we can observe, sovereignty is no small detail.

In my opinion, it's the backbone of any attempt by a populace to develop itself into a prosperous state.

Professor Stone's recounting of how the US Constitution came to be is a great example

of how states use their sovereignty as leverage when faces with a decision that involves their political future.

The already mentioned Commerce Clause is a prime example of this type of situation.

It wasn't until the then-independent states allowed it that Congress was granted the power

to tax and regulate commerce in the Constitution.

As we know, Puerto Rico's story is completely different.

As I said in the pilot episode of this program, the archipelago's sovereignty was ripped away

from it back in 1508 by the Spanish Empire and later handed over to the US in 1898.

For 510 years now, half a millennia (a little bit more), the people of Puerto Rico have

had their sovereignty sequestered by another country.

And of course, the issue of sovereignty is not only important to states at an international

level, as we've already mentioned, the states of the union are also recognized a distinct

sovereignty, separate from that of the country they formed.

Althought vast, state sovereignty can be explored through the US Constitution's 10th Amendment.

The US Supreme Court has had to interpret this text on numerous occasions, one of them

being New York v. United States.

In reaching its verdict, and quoting one of the Federalist Papers, the court affirms the

following, and I quote: "States are not mere political subdivisions of the United States.

State governments are neither regional offices nor administrative agencies of the federal

government...the Constitution instead leaves to the several states a residuary and inviolable

sovereignty, reserved explicitly to the states by the 10th amendment."

End of quote.

Now the point I am trying to make is that, be it a state within a federalized union,

or a state at an international level, sovereignty is the key.

And Puerto Rico doesn't have that key.

It doesn't have any sovereignty because it is neither a state nor an independent country.

It can not make the important decisions that any state would and should make, because it

lacks the most basic building block of any country or state: sovereignty.

So how do we fix this?

How do we get Puerto Rico's sovereignty back?

Quite simply: Puerto Rico would have to become a state or an independent country.

Under statehood it would have a voice and vote in Congress and would have all the extent

of sovereignty enjoyed by the 50 states today.

As an independent country, again Puerto Rico would regain its full sovereignty within the

same degree as any other nation-state.

For that to happen, the first step is for the US to renounce all claim of power or authority

over Puerto Rico in favor of the people of Puerto Rico, in regards to its ability to

decide - without any constraint whatsoever - its political status and relationship with the US.

After that, the next step would be for the people of Puerto Rico to be convene to a referendum

with the objective of choosing the legal process through which the various options of status

can be refined and elaborated in detail.

In my view, the mechanism most adequate for undergoing such a task would be the "Constitutional Status Assembly."

Now, once the basic structure of the Assembly is established, including its purpose and

limitations, the already mentioned referendum would take place.

And that would allow the people of Puerto Rico to accept or reject the Constitutional

Status Assembly as the method to be used to finally define Puerto Rico's status.

If accepted, another electoral process would take place.

This time, with the objective of selecting a number of delegates, each one aligning him

or herself with a specific status option.

Once formed, and each status option has proper representation, each one must be specifically

defined and developed as fully as possible within a limited term.

Put simply, the Constitutional Status Assembly's main task would be to articulate a definition

of each status' option with the representation of as many sectors of society as possible.

After all, it's not enough to simply choose independence, for example; one must be aware

of the repercussions of such a choice, both economically and politically.

This debate would eventually lead the Constitutional Status Assembly to choose a specific status

option through a majority vote.

Once a specific status option is defined and selected, the Constitutional Status Assembly

would form a negotiation commission that would be responsible of initiating and concluding

negotiations with the US government.

It's easy to suppose that such a negotiation would take quite some time to conclude and

would require many modifications to the initial proposal.

Both the relevant US authorities and Puerto Rico's Constitutional Status Assembly would

have to be consulted in order to approve or deny each proposed modification.

This back-and-forth would continue until, finally, a conclusion and specific agreement

would be formalized that would then be ratified by the people of Puerto Rico through another

electoral process, finally solving the Puerto Rico issue.

What I have just described is a very general overview of a very complex situation.

By no means do I want to give off the impression that such a life-altering process wouldn't

require extensive debate and regulation, along with the participation of numerous sectors.

The role of the international community would also need to be defined.

For example: many people believe that the UN should supervise the process so as to secure

further transparency...and actually I happen to be one of those people.

In fact, the UN Special Committee on Decolonization drafted a resolution calling on the US government

to provide a process that would allow Puerto Rico to exercise its right to self-determination.

The resolution is titled: "Decision of the Special Committee of 20 June 2016 concerning Puerto Rico."

To read the full text of this resolution, please perform a Google search for the following

term: documenta/ac.109/2017/L.12 Before bringing this episode to a close, I actually wanted

to share with you some great news about Puerto Rico Forward.

Now you can find us on iTunes, on Google Play and Patreon!

For more information, head over to

As always, thank you for listening, thank you for your time, y que viva Puerto Rico.

For more infomation >> Puerto Rico Forward: How to Solve PR's Status Problem - Duration: 15:07.


#AQuemarropa | Viviane Morales | "Yo soy defensora de la vida" | El Espectador - Duration: 2:12.

For more infomation >> #AQuemarropa | Viviane Morales | "Yo soy defensora de la vida" | El Espectador - Duration: 2:12.


Injustice 2 Edición Legendaria Pronto?!? // Que Tan Real es la Legendary Edition de este juego?? - Duration: 4:00.

For more infomation >> Injustice 2 Edición Legendaria Pronto?!? // Que Tan Real es la Legendary Edition de este juego?? - Duration: 4:00.


AToyZ Jalan - Jalan ke Event Mainan Anak Laki Cadas | Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair | Dki Jakarta pt.1 - Duration: 11:20.

it's been a year... AToyZ back to..

Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair 14th Balai Kartini

this is the queue

welcome to channel AToyZ

i should buy a ticket

we should go to queue to buy a ticket

this is it... Jakarta Toys and comic fair 2018

this day i came little bit late

lets go

for more information about hot wheels review hot wheels indonesia, please kindly check on video description below

we already half way on Jakarta Toys and Comic fair 2018,

subscribe to AToyZ Channel to see the rest of Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair 2018

thank you

thanks for watching AToyZ Youtube Video Channel

don't forget to like, share or subscribe this video to be the first one to get notice

For more infomation >> AToyZ Jalan - Jalan ke Event Mainan Anak Laki Cadas | Jakarta Toys and Comic Fair | Dki Jakarta pt.1 - Duration: 11:20.


NTSB: transportation workers at fault for car vs train crash - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> NTSB: transportation workers at fault for car vs train crash - Duration: 1:36.


Striving for Greatness: Chapter Three - Making an oath - Duration: 3:40.

I'm Arden David-Perrot and I used to be a professional rugby player, but that's not

the only thing that defines me.

Finishing school after failing every year, I came back home, I came back to Porirua - really

with nothing.

I felt that failure in school meant that I would amount to nothing in life.

And so coming back here I kind of fell into the trap of not believing in myself.

All I had going for me was that I was a big enough kind of dude that I could probably

play rugby at some level and that's all I went on.

If you think about the guys that were coming up in this city man we were starting to produce

All Blacks, that had grew up in Porirua.

So it was a little bit of inspiration for me, guys like John Schwalger, Faifili, Serge,

Jerry Collins, Rodney - just gave me a little bit of hope that if those guys could do it

then maybe I could have a little bit of hope in myself that I could.

Maybe there was a little bit of something in me that was similar to them, maybe I could

find my own little bit of greatness.

Being asked to leave the college that I went to in town because I wasn't doing anything

in my seventh form year, being asked to leave and being told that you had to go find a job

with no qualifications, being brown and being from Porirua I was kind of stuck.

I was stuck in a rut and I didnt know what to do.

I spend a lot of time in this neighbourhood just drinking with my mates, and drinking

every night - trying to escape our reality.

Escape the fact that I had nothing to show for the last 17 years of my life.

The thing is you dont think about all the good stuff that you'd done up to that it was

kind of, that when you fail school its almost like you understand that you failed in life.

I think they weigh so much on doing well at school in New Zealand that when you don't

do well, it's kind of attached that you won't do well in life and so you give up.

In terms of my thinking - I was real depressed - school wasn't going right, family life was

necessarily perfect, real tough time happening with my family so my family is splitting up.

Experiencing some of the stuff that I had to when I was young in terms of my family...

So I made an oath to myself that while I wouldn't probably be the most talented rugby player

in Wellington, that what I could be was the hardest working.

As you know my oath paid off and I was successful in my ambition in terms of rugby, but what

happens when that all falls away?

For more infomation >> Striving for Greatness: Chapter Three - Making an oath - Duration: 3:40.


Zoom In, And Popcorn Is Just Bubbles - Duration: 1:47.

Believe it or not, popcorn has been a popular snack for thousands of years.

The very first corn domesticated by the ancient people of Central America wasn't flour corn

or sweet corn They started out with popcorn.

A few years ago, archeologists discovered popcorn cobs that were about 6000 years old.

They think this high yield crop helped fuel the rise of the Aztec Empire.

And the Aztecs actually had a special word for the sound of exploding kernels:

So … what's the science behind that pop?

Well, popcorn kernels are smaller and harder than flour corn kernels

They have these tough shells that surround a tiny pocket of soft starch and seal in moisture

Add heat …. and the kernels act like tiny pressure cookers.

The super-heated water inside actually

liquifies the starch.

The temperature rises.

The pressure builds.

And then:

The liquified starch froths out cooling and solidifying in a fraction of a second

If you take one kernel and look at it very, very closely

under an electron microscope

You can see that it's made up of starch bubbles

that were formed by the expanding steam

This is popcorn magnified 250 times


This is Skunk Bear, NPR's science show Subscribe to our channel, and check out our other videos!

For more infomation >> Zoom In, And Popcorn Is Just Bubbles - Duration: 1:47.


Police impersonator robberies - Duration: 0:59.

For more infomation >> Police impersonator robberies - Duration: 0:59.


ROMANCE CRINGE STORIES #5 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:00.

• From unnecessary pick-up line explanations to fumbling compliments, the Planet Dolan

crew re-enact some of the best true stories from our subreddit about the dumbest things

we've said when trying to be romantic.

I'm Hellbent and today I'll be your narrator.

Number 10 was submitted by TheRealGTStryder Zaraganba

There was a girl Zaraganba liked when he was in 4th grade.

One day, he decided that he was going to tell her how he felt about her.

When he walked up to her, instead of asking, "Want to go on a road trip in an RV, then

maybe go somewhere alone," he accidentally asked, "Want to ride on my big dick… and

go somewhere alone?"

They stood there in silence, but then started laughing their asses off when Zaraganba explained

what he meant to say.

They ended up going on that road trip.

Number 9 was submitted by Grimflintlock SaltySquid

SaltySquid and his girlfriend were being flirtatious.

She said something, and he tried to think of something to say in return.

Eventually, he mustered up the courage to say what was on his mind, which was, "I

gotta tell ya something crazy, so lube up that eyehole love, 'cause I'm gonna fuck

your mind.

Er, I mean…!"

She gave him a confused look and said she didn't understand.

SaltySquid said, "Goddamn it, I messed it all up!"

She laughed and said that she understood.

To this day, they continue to laugh about it, though it doesn't make it any less embarrassing.

Number 8 was submitted by Ok_memes Tolop

Tolop was a shy kid growing up, and would sit by himself at lunch.

One day, out of nowhere, a girl, Spincess, sat down next to him and asked, "Is this

seat taken?"

Tolop started panicking, so being the shy and dumb kid he was, he tried to flirt by

saying something like the "Did you fall from heaven?"


After fumbling around with it in his head, he ended up saying, "When flies get fruit

from hell."

Spincess looked at him, dumbfounded.

She walked away and didn't talk to him for a year, but two years later she became his


Number 7 was submitted by punkie120 Spinalpalm

When he was in 6th grade, Spinalpalm had a crush on a girl, PrincessProton, who was in

his class.

At that time, he didn't know what a lesbian was so he asked his big brother, who then

said, "you."

The next day, Spinalpalm asked her out.

Instead of saying, "Do you want to go out with me," he said, "Do you want to go

out with a lesbian?"

As he asked her, he pointed to himself.

Everyone laughed, but it ended up working out – she said 'yes' and they've been

together ever since.

Number 6 was submitted by KiwiCatMustKillWCute Cidius

In 4th grade, Cid had a crush on a girl.

One day, at recess, he handed her a drawing he did of her as a princess, which she thought

was very impressive.

He said nervously, "I think you're the princess of this town."

Then, he corrected himself by saying, "Even though this is a democratic country.

I guess you could be the President, but only boys can do that."

Then, he covered his mouth and blushed.

He apologized, but his crush just laughed.

They ended up dating during fifth and sixth grade, but the relationship ended when she

had to move away.

Number 5 was submitted by Charlotte3128 Doopie

Doopie once had a crush on a boy for three years, and was always really shy when talking

with him.

She would fumble her words and end up saying something awkward.

The day before Christmas break, they were playing a 7th versus 8th grade volleyball


While headed toward the stairwell after the game, Doopie saw that her crush was walking

behind her.

She decided to praise him on what a good job he did during the game.

Instead of saying, "Hey, you did pretty well in the volleyball game," Doopie ended

up saying, "Hey, you, uh, fuck, you did good in the gay me!"

Trying to correct herself, she said, "Shit, that's not what I meant.

I tried to say that you did game in the good, and have a nice time in breaking Christmas."

A lot of people would joke that he was gay, too, so it was extremely awkward.

Number 4 was submitted by KatKAtSMAT MKyleM

When MKyleM was in 8th grade, he had a huge crush on a girl in his class.

Since it was nearing the end of the school year, he decided to confess his feelings for


He tried to say, "I love you like bees love honey."

Instead, what came out was, "I love you like strippers love money."

His crush stood there, shocked.

Everyone in the cafeteria laughed while MKyleM just stood there.

He ran into the bathroom, with his friends following him.

After graduation, he found out that she had been dating a high schooler.

Number 3 was submitted by DRG_Lancer Pringle

Not too long ago, Pringle and his girlfriend were watching anime.

He felt like trying to be romantic, so seeing how they liked anime he tried to make a reference

from something out of Berserk.

Pringle leaned over to his girlfriend's ear and said, "My love for you is like a



They sat there for a bit in silence, since what he had just said sounded very dumb.

Then, Pringle had the fantastic idea to finish his line by saying, "Do you want to be making


Fuck Berserker!"

She busted out laughing and called him stupid for thinking that would work.

Well, it just so happens that it DID work…

Number 2 was submitted by RainOnMars Melissa

When she was in 5th grade, Melissa fumbled a lot with her words.

One time, when she was chatting with her friends, her crush, Nixxiom, walked up to her and asked

if he could have her cheese stick.

Melissa mumbled, "Yeah, I love you too.

Er, I meant yeah, you can have my please frick… wait, no, no, no.

I meant, can you kiss my mouth… mother frick!"

When Nixxiom asked what she had just said, Melissa mixed up her words even more and said,

"Yes, you can kiss my mouth hole!"

Her friends stared at her for the longest time, but Nixxiom sat down and kissed her.

It was the best screw up Melissa ever made.

Number 1 – What was the dumbest thing I've ever said while trying

to be romantic?

For more infomation >> ROMANCE CRINGE STORIES #5 | Dolan True Stories - Duration: 9:00.


Best of Dardoch - Duration: 10:26.

Steve Arhancet: "I believe Dardoch has the components to be one of the best players in North

America. You're gonna see him as one of the NA rising stars."

Travis Gafford: "What really defines Dardoch?"

"Um I'm just a dumb 17-year-old kid who played too much solo queue and got lucky."

What's up guys, my name is Colin McNeil for theScore esports.

Dardoch is a name that comes with some baggage. His attitude is

confident to the point of being cocky. But if you're gonna talk a big game you

better be willing to back it up on the Rift and Dardoch has no trouble doing

just that. So while he's killing it with his new team in the spring split, we

thought it would be the perfect time to bring you the best of Dardoch.


Rivinton: "Lee Sin, or Lee Sin?"

Dardoch: "Rengar."


Dardoch: "Yeah, pretty much I wanted to make Worlds and Immortals didn't really care too much about it.

So I wanted to join a team that would get me there."


Gafford: "So no more Dardoch. What's the whole back story. Give me, from start to finish

Dardoch joining the team, day-by-day, how everything went all the way up to this week. We've got about 30 minutes."

Huhi: "No comment."


Ovilee May: "So Echo Fox is the fourth team that you've played with in the NA LCS.

What makes this team different from the rest?"

Dardoch: "I think we're hella good."


Dardoch: "I don't necessarily think anybody's better than me.

And I don't think I'm necessarily better than everyone."


For more infomation >> Best of Dardoch - Duration: 10:26.


The new 2018 AUDI A6 Sedan | Review - Duration: 14:26.


you have probably seen our video three weeks ago

where we drove to Audi

here we are

here we are, let's see what's going on here

we have to put the camera away now

what we do here is available to you on?


28th of February

that was very confidential until now

you will see in a minute what's going on here

Claus is in front of the camera today

because someone from Audi films for us today

I wasn't allowed to

we weren't allowed to bring our own camera, because it is that confidential

until the date when we can release this video

what are we doing here?

we will have a look at the A6

preparing for the studio

we are in a studio today

where do we go?

behind the curtain is the car

I have to make it exciting

and it is still covered

there it is, yes still covered

let's reveal the car okay?


let's make it more exciting



here it is

This is the new Audi A6

and we are allowed to present it

before the world premiere starts

let's have a closer look at it

but first we'll show you a few scenes of the car

So we have a 3.0l engine that runs on petrol

which is the top model

it's the only engine for the car that runs on petrol

then we have 3x Diesel engines

a V6 Diesel, another V6 Diesel with more power output

and a straight 4-cylinder Diesel

with 204HP

In comparison to it's predecessor the whole car is

7mm longer, 12mm wider and 2mm taller

trunk space remains the same

an important technical feature that we should mention too is the dynamic all wheel steering

that is something that you probably know already

the rear wheels turn in the same or opposite direction of the front wheels

it depends on how fast you drive

it reduces the turning circle of 1.1m

which is a lot

from 60km/h the rear wheels turn in the same direction as the front wheels

that causes a better stability when you drive fast and switch lanes

quattro is standard

on all engines but not on the 4-cylinder

but there you can still have the option to add it

then the rear axle is activated when necessary

what else is new?

as you can see Audi gives all their new models a bit more edged shape

we have many new edges on the car that look different to the predecessor shape

the car looks a litte bit wider

and it looks definately sporty

and we also have a light animation. Just like on the A8 and A7

while opening and closing the car

the big single frame front grill has many assistance devices and cameras installed

like the distance control over here

then we have a regular camera for a surrounding view and

to see what's happening in front of the car

then there is a night vision camera installed in the Audi logo

we'll have a closer look at that later in the interior

at last there is a sensor for autonomous driving

something that might be important is

there might be customers who don't like those black sensors

you can order the car without them, but then you don't have the certain functionalities of course

but when you

put your focus on the look of the car

and you want the grill without "holes"

then those straight elements go through in one line

without the black sensors

if you wonder what happenes when you order just one of those assistance systems

then they put a fake sensor in it to make it look symmetrical

let's have a look at the side

it really looks sporty

we have the shoulder here, that's how I call it. And it's position is very low

that means the car looks wider

in comparison to a flat surface

the fenders stand out a little bit

due to these edges

so it looks even wider

and you can also

order the wheels in 21"

which is the biggest option

that provides a massive look

I prepared a sketch for you

no, actually Audi did that

come on, let me hold that

yes please

Here you can see a comparison of the rear view between the A8, A7 and A6

what's the difference?

the Audi A8 has a light stripe over the entire rear and a chrome moulding

or however you call that

the A7 has the light stripe only

and the A6 has the chrome moulding only

maybe we should take about the

exhaust pipes

yes, there were a lot of discussions on the SQ5 video last year

when we uploaded that video and different Audi models had that too

and here we don't have real exhaust pipes either

you cannot see the actual pipe

why did they do it like that?

that has a specific reason

maybe you like it and maybe you don't like it

it actually has no technical function

but there are surveys to determine what customers want

and the result was that there are more people who like those fake exhaust pipes

they don't want a rear with just nothing


we have a fake exhaust pipe and the real exhaust is underneath the car

as you know that from other Audi models

I'd say let's get in the car


we have lots of functions to try out in the interior of the car

I love those technical features

and the A6 has lots of them so let's have a look

please have a seat

I'll have a seat

somebody will turn off the light in a second

to see what kind of light we have inside, because that is pretty cool!

let's turn that light off too okay?

let's begin

pretty dark

seat goes forward automatically

you can see many lights glowing in the car

in many different colors

we have those light stripes that I call direct light

and you have that indirect light as you can see here for example

you can see it underneath the door handle

in case you don't like the color, you can adjust it to whatever you want

and this is something that we try out now

that menu is called lights & vision

and then

I'll try out some colors

now I've chosen red and you can

adjust the intensity

you can make it brighter or darker

you can also adjust it individually

like that. Now you can adjust the contour

for example

let me try purple

there are so many colors

my favorite color at the moment is mint of course

as you might know

and of course the...

indirect light

let's make a contrast


with a little bit of orange


as you can see there are two different colors

and I thinkg Audi did a great Job on that

look at the glowing quattro sign

that is not the only thing that is glowing

a real good idea is this which should be in every car

have a look over here

even the

seatbelt clip is glowing

that is the best invention



since the invention of the wheel

there is even more glowing like here on the virtual cockpit

you know that from different models

where are many display options

now you see the night vision camera and Claus will walk in front of the car

you can see that the camera also zoom in on that a little

and the object that is in front of us is glowing as well

you can recognize somebody or an animal really good

bless you

in case an animal runs in front of your car you can see it really good

that's it for now from the glowing parts, let's turn on the lights again

another real cool feature is the 3D view

first you need to... some beeping..

we can look onto the car from above

I mean, it looks like that

actually it is a result of a blended image of all cameras that are installed on the car

looks like there is a drone above us who films us

this is the front view to see what's in front of the car

but then there is the 3D view which is really cool


that view is a live product of all cameras installed on the car too

but it looks as

if there were

many cameras hanging around the car

here you can see Claus' feet

that is really nice isn't it?

especially for us women who cannot park at all

(Rumour! :D) especially for us women who cannot park at all

especially for us women who cannot park at all

I want to say something about all the stackers

here you have some typical cup holder

and this is really good, please give me the key

here you go

we also have a key holder

that means

in a car with keyless-go

the key is not sliding around in one of the stackers

in case you don't have it in your pocket

and you can recharge your phone

without a cord

you just place it here and it recharges

and you also have some slots for SD-cards, SIM and USB

they are glowing as nice as the seatbelt clips


you also find it in the back of the car

there is a touch display

to adjust the AC

and USB too where you can recharge your devices or transfer media to the car

the dashboard looks really nice, because it is made of leather. Same on the doors

I also like the wooden parts here

not everyone likes that but I'm sure they have different materials to choose from

the car comes with a Bang & Olufsen sound system

which has a 3D sound

we do not only have speakers that comes out of the dashboard

we also have speakers in the A-pillar

and we also have in the rear

these are bigger speaker so passengers in the back can enjoy the sound too

there are actually no more buttons and you can control it on the touch displays

as you might know from my last video

where I presented the A7

the Drag & Drop function which means

I can personalize it how I like it

When I want this button

to be over here

demo effect


I can drag it to another position

wherever I want

That is also really cool:

the key signal is transferable to up to 7 different android devices

and you can open the car with your phone

and close it too

and you can park the car with it while you stand outside

right! Not only into a parking space, but also into your garage

the car also recognizes the person who opens the car

That means

you can set up the car for 7 different persons

In case I get in the car with my phone and the car knows me

then all adjustments of the car are already made

like I had them before

we look pretty good with those white socks don't we?

can you see them?

okay guys, thanks for watching

and I hope you liked the double presentation of us two

that was new to us as well

2 in front of the camera

usually I'm behind the camera

For me it was interesting what Claus told me

maybe I should do your job in the future?

okay guys when you like this video, please hit that like button

and don't forget to subscribe to my channel

see you next time

well, see you next time! Bye!

For more infomation >> The new 2018 AUDI A6 Sedan | Review - Duration: 14:26.



Hey, what up, guys?

It's Mairo Vergara here.

And today, I'm going to answer the question,

is it possible to learn English without going abroad?

Without going to the U.S.?

Is it possible to learn English living in Brazil

and only in Brazil?

And the answer is definitely yes!

It's 100% possible to learn English in Brazil,

without going the U.S., without going to England,

Australia, whatever.

If you live in Brazil and you don't have the means,

the resources to go abroad,

don't worry, you can learn English.

A lot of people like to preach this idea that

if you really want to learn English,

there's no other way besides going to the U.S.

You gotta go to the U.S.,

there's no way in hell that you're going to learn

English here in Brazil,

all my friends that know English have been to the U.S.,

and that's how they learned.

This is just a huge bull shit preached by people

that weren't able to put in the necessary amount

of time, they didn't learn the language,

and now, they just want to drag you down into their

little black hole of just lazy asses, you know?

Just put in the time!

If you want to learn English,

actually, you just need two things.

Number one, a good method for learning the language.

Because if you're studying with a shitty method,

it's not going to cut it, it's not going to work.

So, number one, a good method.

By the way, I have a surprise for you,

regarding a good method, just stay with me,

watch the video 'till the end.

So, number one, a good method.

Number two, you need to put in the time,

you need to study every day.

And a lot of people, "No, no, you go to the U.S.!"

Ok, if you are a lazy ass,

and you're not able to put in the time here in Brazil,

you're not able to study one hour a day here in Brazil,

don't fool yourself! Don't kid yourself!

Don't think you're goign to go to the U.S.,

and there, just because you are in the U.S.,

there, over there, you're going to magically be able

to become able to put in one hour,

two hours a day.

If you're a lazy ass here in Brazil,

you're going to be the same lazy ass in the U.S.

So, just delete this idea from your mind,

that you need to go to the U.S.

As I was saying, you need dedication,

putting the time, study every day.

Don't think about when I'm going to be fluent.

Just study English every single day,

30 minutes a day, one hour a day, whatever.

Dedicate, put in the time, make it happen.

Another very important advice.

As you study every day,

try to not compare yourself with your friends

or people that are already fluent in the language.

Just try to be better when it comes to English.

Just study every day,

and make sure you are making progress,

make sure that your English today is better than

it was yesterday, and yesterday your English

is better than the day before yesterday.

And as long as you're making progress,

it's just a matter of time until you reach

fluency in the language.

Now, to end up the video,

maybe you're goign to ask me,

Ok, Mairo, so where do I begin?

I need a good method, I have dedication.

I'm going to put in the time,

I'm going to study every day.

Where do I find a good method?

So, what you should do is,

I'm going to provide you with the link here

in the description to download my eBook,

which is called,

"Como Aprender Inglês - O Guia Definitivo."

Which is basically a guide on how to learn English.

So, what are you going to do?

You click the link, you download the eBook,

you read it, just apply the methods from the eBook

on your daily routine.

You do it every day, and you're going to learn

the language.

That's it, peace.

Download the eBook, don't forget it.

For more infomation >> É POSSÍVEL APRENDER INGLÊS SEM SAIR DO BRASIL? - Duration: 3:26.


Del otro lado del espejo: la dura realidad de las mujeres atacadas con ácido en Colombia - Duration: 3:28.

For more infomation >> Del otro lado del espejo: la dura realidad de las mujeres atacadas con ácido en Colombia - Duration: 3:28.


Miles mueren en el país por falta de donantes de médula ósea - Duration: 1:01.

For more infomation >> Miles mueren en el país por falta de donantes de médula ósea - Duration: 1:01.


Dos hermanos hispanos convirtieron su sueño americano en algo más que un restaurante - Duration: 3:15.

For more infomation >> Dos hermanos hispanos convirtieron su sueño americano en algo más que un restaurante - Duration: 3:15.


Black History Makers of Tomorrow honors exceptional high school seniors - Duration: 1:19.

For more infomation >> Black History Makers of Tomorrow honors exceptional high school seniors - Duration: 1:19.


Pre-Oscars 2018 Phantom Thread. Lady Bird. Call Me By Your Name. - Duration: 8:12.

Hi everyone! I'm Mariana. Welcome to my channel.

And we've arrived to the last video in the series of movies nominated for the Oscar.

If you missed the first two, they're linked in the description box.

I'll start talking about Phantom Thread by Paul Thomas Anderson.

This movie is about a dress designer from the 50's.

Who is very well established in the fashion world.

He's considered a genius for his designs. Everybody wants his dresses.

And for this same reason, his attitude is a bit irritating

because he has too much on his head.

So let's say he's this way because of that.

But, I didn't like him.

This character is performed by Daniel Day-Lewis

This is supposed to be his last movie,

so that was the main reason I wanted to watch this movie.

Because it would be his last performance.

I hope he regrets this decision and ends up making more movies.

Because he's a great actor.

And, in this movie, that's obviously no exception.

He acts, impeccably, as always.

In this story, he meets his new muse.

Who moves in with him, works form him and have a strange relationship.

In general the whole movie is weird.

A bit slow.

Well, very slow.

Actually, I'll be honest.

I went to see this movie at 11 pm.

And I was falling asleep.

There were a lot of times where I was starting to nod off.

Because, as I said the movie is slow and I went in quite late.

The story didn't got to me, ever.

I didn't empathize with any character.

This movie is not for everyone, and I consider myself part of this "everyone".

I didn't enjoy it. I didn't get anything from this story.

You're not going to watch the story, but the character development.

This is why it feels slow.

Out of the nominees this is the one I liked the least.

I know there are some who are loving it. But it wasn't for me.

Maybe if I had watched it less sleepy.

I think the surest Oscar it has is the one for best costume design.

Because being a movie about dress deigns

it should have amazing costumes throughout the movie, and it does.

There are so many dresses that were what woke me up a bit.

It was like "I want that" dress, and then fall back to nodding off.

Yes, it has a cool costume design.

Very 50's. I think that in that time they used to dress so glamorous.

And I would love we went back to dress like that.

That's all I have to say about this movie.

It's my point of view. As I said it's not for everyone

but, give it a chance and make your own judgement.

This is just my opinion.

Now I'll talk about Lady Bird by Greta Gerwig. Performed by Saoirse Ronan.

This movie was all I wanted it to be, and more.

This movie is mainly about Lady Bird's relationship with her mother.

But it all shows us the relationships with her friends, boyfriends, father, brother.

Everything that involved being 18 years old.

And how you're trying to fit in society.

How you're trying to adapt because you still don't know who you are.

And that's why you're trying to test all the possibilities

and find yourself.

The director achieves to portrait exactly how you felt at this age.

I felt super identified.

I enjoyed very much this movie. It was like visiting my 10 years younger self.

And the nostalgia. I ended up crying.

It covers a lot of situations. And I think she wanted to add even more.

But they didn't fit in the movie anymore.

I think the selection of the scenes where the necessary ones.

There were no left overs and nothing missing.

For me it was perfect. I loved every second of this movie.

And I could re-watch it a thousand times.

It's funny, nostalgic, it makes you cry. It's perfect.

For me it was perfect.

And the last movie I'll talk about is Call me by your name by Luca Guadagnino.

This movie...

It's been a long time since I watched a movie that made me feel those butterflies.

And the need to scream "KISS ALREADY!"

To feel that tension and emotion from when you were in that horny age.

In this movie we see a family formed by father, mother and son.

The son is 17 years old.

And they're spending their summer vacations somewhere in Italy.

They rent a room to a guy.

Not as young, a young adult 24 year-old guy.

He is American.

And he arrives with a great attitude, very confident.

And Elio, the son from the family,

finds his attitude a bit annoying and rude.

Starting with, Oliver, the guest that just arrived,

stays in his room, he doesn't come down to eat, pays no attention to his hosts.

So he feels that's kind of rude.

They start to spend some time together with the friends he has in Italy.

And in this outings you start to notice the tension of how they attract each other.

How Elio feels confused and doesn't know how to deal with these new feelings

and these new sensations.

Having 17 years old where his hormones are all crazy.

And that makes it even more confusing.

And this poor guy doesn't know what else to do.

At least Oliver has 24 years old, so he can guide him a little bit through this path.

In this movie I couldn't stop screaming to the screen for something to happen

I was getting hot already, just by seeing them.


I forgot his surname.

The actor who plays Elio

Is amazing.

He has some scenes where he's just laying down.

But you can see in his face and his attitude what's going on in his head.

He is VERY talented.

These performances leave you without breath.

How can they convey so much and really make you feel what they feel

without doing anything?

Another reason I loved this movie was that,

personally, I love the movies with warm colours.

Where they're on vacation, in summer, enjoying life, drinking some wine.

They make me feel so relaxed, as if I'm also on vacation.

Watching this movie was a complete hedonist moment.

And I would love to watch it again any time I feel like I need to relax.

But also to feel something intense.

I haven't read the book from which it is based on.

And I think, I think,

They could make a sequel.

There's an opportunity to have a sequel

because, apparently, the book has more parts, more sections.

So, they could make a sequel and even a trilogy.

I don't know. I hope they do because I'd love to watch those.

And we're done! Those were the 9 movies nominated for the Oscar.

This Sunday is the ceremony for the Academy Awards.

I already have my predictions, if you'd like to see a video of those, comment below.

So get your popcorns ready

and cancel any plan for that day, because it's time to see the Academy Awards.

Thanks for watching this video, see you in the next one. Bye!

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