Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

What Are UFOs and Where Do They Come From

UFO Theories

Extraterrestrial Hypothesis The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) is the

belief that UFOs are vehicles from other planets that contain intelligent life for the purpose

of visiting earth.

This being the most popular view among the public has been losing ground among those

that have given Ufology serious study and thought over a long period of time.

This is the perception that Hollywood has romanticized and advanced to the public but

is probably the least likely.

The chances of intelligent life climbing into to some type of space vehicle and visiting

earth are pretty slim.

Back in the 1930's this was the main theory put forward, since then physics and science

have advanced to the point of making this theory almost irrelevant.

It now seems that this is far too a simple explanation and in fact does not explain all

the strange things reported by witnesses.

The universe is not really as complex as one might think but it is full of things and knowledge

that man has yet to comprehend or experience so the simple Hollywood explanation is probably

far from realistic.

Conspiracy Theory A UFO conspiracy theory is any one of many

often overlapping conspiracy theories which argue that evidence of the reality of UFOs

is being suppressed by various governments around the world.

The prevailing thought is that earth governments, especially the United States and to a lesser

extent Russia are in communication & cooperation with ETs and even allowing for a certain number

and type of alien abductions.


As of 2012 portals have moved from theoretical to reality.

A NASA-sponsored researcher at the University of Iowa has developed a way for spacecraft

to hunt down hidden magnetic portals in the vicinity of Earth.

These portals link the magnetic field of our planet to that of the sun.The existence of

portals would go a long way in explaining the erratic and very short duration of many

UFO sightings.

Could it be possible that UFOs are only seen as they "uncloak" just prior to entering or

exiting a portal.

Since we know that portals exist between planet earth and the sun than it only stands to reason

that portals would exist between galaxies.

This would explain why we have not found anybody living in our immediate neighborhood.

Maybe there is an abundance of life in the universe but not in our Milky Way.

It could be they are traversing the galaxies using these portals or hyperlinks.

Wormhole Theory There is no observational evidence for wormholes,

but on a theoretical level there are valid solutions to the equations of the theory of

general relativity which contain wormholes . Because of its robust theoretical strength,

a wormhole is also known as one of the great physics metaphors for teaching general relativity.This

sounds very Hollywood but the idea of bending distance and time has been around for years.

In theory this works and as a practical matter it could explain the vast distances intelligent

life would have to travel to visit earth.

This moves the ETH "From Another Planet Theory" to a entirely new level.

Ancient Alien Theory This theory is gaining in popularity and it

proposes that extraterrestrial beings have been visiting earth since the advent of man.

It puts forward that early man was in direct contact with these entities even benefiting

from alien technology to build various pyramids and structures around the world.

There is some strong evidence that man was much more advanced than originally thought

or did have technological support from unknown resources.

Proponents suggest that this contact influenced the development of human beings and that man's

DNA may have an alien variant.

Due to mans lack of sophistication, knowledge and technology these aliens were misidentified

as religious deities or Gods and their technology were evidence of their divine status.

Early writings and scriptures,such as, Vedas Scriptures, various San-script writings (from

India, China, Pakistan) and even the Bible seem to confirm this hypothesis.

Biological Theory (Atmospheric Life Forms) When you stop and give this aspect of the

UFO equation some thought this really has to be true.

We know that life is tenacious, persistent and procreates just about anywhere at anytime

under almost any conditions.

Why should this aspect of life be any different in space or in the greater universe.

There are some laws that are truly universal,one of them is that life will find a way to flourish

even in the most adverse and unexpected circumstances.

To read about biological UFOs.

Quantum Physics Quantum Physics has been around since the

1920 but we are only just beginning to understand what it really is and what it means to mankind.

When the possibility of more than one universe was mention it was pretty radical stuff.

Even today quantum physics is just on the fringe of mainstream discussion.

It is always hard for us to believe in things that we cannot see or fully understand.

While at a glance this may seem like just another strange theory, it contains many clues

as to the fundamental nature of the universe and is more important then even relativity

in the grand scheme of things . Furthermore, it describes the nature of the universe as

being much different then the world we see.

Ronald Reagan (attempting to prove the existence of God) once said that he wanted to invite

20 atheist to the White House for a grand meal.

After the meal was devoured he was going to ask his guest if they believed that there

was a cook in the kitchen even though they never saw him/her.

Sometimes you just have to believe in things that you cannot see, feel or touch.

As Niels Bohr said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."

For an article on the top 10 ways quantum physics will change our lives.

Alternative Dimensions, Realms or Universes Theories with more than one dimension of time

have occasionally been advanced in physics, whether as a serious description of reality

or just as a curious possibility.

This theory is gaining momentum as more and more scientist believe in quantum physics.

If you believe like many respected scientist have come to believe that there are multiverses

(more than one universe) than it is not that much of a stretch to believe that beings could

be traveling between universes (dimensions).

This does necessarily mean that intelligent life forms are "time traveling" but they are

simply traveling between dimensions, realms or universes.

Hollow Earth Theory This theory proposes that the planet earth

is either entirely hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior


In the early 19th century an American eccentric, John Cleves Symmes (1779-1829), sought funding

for an expedition to enter the earth through one of two 4,000-mile wide polar holes.

Inside the Earth, he was convinced, a benevolent advanced civilization existed.

Though an object of derision to most people, some took him seriously, and the idea of a

hollow Earth was championed in a number of books throughout the rest of the century and

right into the next.Today, hollow-earthers believe flying saucers travel in and out of

the polar holes.

The people inside are descendants of Atlantis and its Pacific equivalent, Lemuria.

Earthlights, Ball Lightening Hypothesis

People have reported seeing ball lightning�a rare phenomenon that resembles a glowing sphere

of electricity�for hundreds of years.

Ball lightning often appears during thunderstorms and typically glows, spins, hisses, bounces,

and floats.

But scientists still can't explain what causes it, or even exactly what it is.

(although in 2006 Brazil's physicist Antonia Pavoa believes he recreated it in a lab)

Related to the balls of light hypothesis is the earthlights or earthquake lights hypothesis

which is based on the work of various independent researchers who have attempted to link UFO

sightings where geological faults and geomagnetic fluctuations occur.

Man-Made UFOs / Back Engineered Technology Governments and military have been attempting

to emulate the performance of UFOs for decades.

Pilots (especially since WWII) have reported that these craft have performed phenomenal

feats and are capable of speeds that far exceeds our current technology.

A good example of these efforts can be understood by reading about the AVRO Corporation which

mysteriously and abruptly closed their doors in 1962.

Follow this link for a list of the top 11 man-made UFOs that were made on earth.

Ever since the famous Roswell Incident of 1947 there has been serious speculation that

the US military has attempted to back engineer UFO technology.

In the event that the US military actually took possession of this type of technology

it would have been only natural to do so.

There have been claims by high ranking officials that other technologies were discovered at

the same time which include, night vision capabilities, lasers, bullet proof vest to

name just a few.

Follow this link for a list of 12 technologies that were developed in the 1950's and 60's

that may have had alien origin.

Other UFO Theories

TheoriesThere are other theories about where UFOs comes from and the reason we see them

but they are too numerous to go into here.

Some of those theories include.

Cryptoterrestrial Hypothesis - The belief that extraterrestrial intelligence is not

of our planet, but living among us.

Electromagnetic Hypothesis - Earths magnetic fields affect human perception (similar to


Geophysical Locations - Certain geophysical locations have a strong effect on human consciousness

(similar to earthlights).

Hoax - The theory that all UFOs are fake and perpetrated on the public intentionally, for

a short video on how to spot a hoax UFO sighting.

Mass Delusion - For multiple witnesses, sometimes thousands to have a false belief bordering

on psychotic, examples include Phoenix Lights and the Belgium Wave.

Misidentified Hypothesis - All UFOs are man made or natural.

Paranormal Hypothesis - Paranormal activity causes the human mind to materialize objects.

Phyccotronic Hypothesis - The belief that the UFO phenomena is the result of the manifestation

of the human subconscious.

Psycho-Social Hypothesis - This theory says people are a product of their social environment

and human behavior explains UFOs, such as, wishful thinking, hallucinations, misidentification


This is a one size fits all explanation.

For more infomation >> What Are UFOs and Where Do They Come From - Duration: 11:36.


The 5 MYTHS About Wheel Spacers - Duration: 3:18.

- Oh hey, didn't see you there,

Fuller again with Custom Offsets,

Custom Offsets TV on the YouTube.

These are the five myths about spacers.

So the first myth about spacers,

is people say they're gonna help fitment,

and some people say they're gonna hurt fitment.

Well, both people are right, depending on your situation.

So if you have a Toyota with

a really high positive offset,

you put a larger tire on there,

now it's rubbing on your control arm,

you do need a spacer, that's going to help push

that wheel outta there and then it won't rub.

Now you've got a Chevy with square wheel wells,

put a two inch spacer on your 12 wide,

and now your tire's gonna smash in to your fender

on the outside.

So depending on your application,

a spacer could help or hurt your fitment.

So myth number two is that eBay is just fine.

Well, let me show you, this is an eBay spacer,

that is not hub centric,

and all the lug studs got sheared off.

This is a bore spacer, it is hub centric,

and it's made of T-60-61 aluminum,

so it's really high quality

and your wheels won't fall off.

The third myth about spacers

is that you can just slap these bad boys on and run,

well, that's not always the case,

because in some situations, if your stud

is longer than the spacer you're putting on,

you won't be able to get that wheel to seat flush in there.

Now, in a lot of cases that means you're gonna

have to trim the studs

on your stock vehicles, so you can get this on,

bury the first nut in here, and then bolt your wheel up.

So if you want to know

what size spacer you can get away with,

without doing any trimming,

all you have to do is measure.

So if you measure your studs and they're an inch and a half,

just order inch and 3/4 spacer,

and then you don't have to do any trimming.

The myth number four is that math is hard,

and what do I mean by that,

is people write in and they ask,

if my front tires stick out two inches further

than my back tires, what size spacer do I need?

The answer's really simple, it's only two inches.

Now to find out how far that is sticking out,

you need to just take a straight edge,

go to your fender and then measure out

to where the edge of your wheel is.

If it sticks out two inches further than the back,

like I said, just put yourself a two inch spacer in the rear

and then you're all flushed up.

So myth number five is that you're going to die,

which I guess is true, eventually you will,

but it won't be from spacers if you do it the right way.

So again, it's all about the quality.

We only sell bora spacers for a reason.

The eBay spacers are not going to work for you.

The other thing is, you have to install them properly,

which means on a 1500, you're gonna torque the spacer

to the hub at 120 foot pounds,

and then the wheel to the spacer at 105 to 110,

then come back and re-torque that at about 500 miles,

to 120 foot pounds.

On the 2500s, you're gonna torque that spacer

to the hub at 140 foot pounds,

the wheel to the spacer at 120,

and re-torque again at 500 miles to 140 foot pounds.

I know that's a lot of numbers,

but trust me, it's worth it, replay it, watch it again.

Stay safe, don't let your wheels fall off.

Buy quality spacers.

So that about wraps up our five things we do.

Thanks very much you guys for watching.

Make sure to like us,

whether you're on Facebook or YouTube,

and subscribe on YouTube,

we're just about outta here,

but if you wanna see something else, let me know, peace!

(heavy rock music)


- Hey ready, Cobb?

Are you ready Jarrod?

- [Male Off-Camera] Two, one, action.

- Oh hey, didn't see you there.

Today's video is the five things, no, no,

Wheel me back.


You're gonna want spacers to put those wheels out,

so it doesn't rub like that,

and we have run out of space for this video.

- Yeah.

For more infomation >> The 5 MYTHS About Wheel Spacers - Duration: 3:18.


Reality TV Stars Who Are Poorer Than You Thought - Duration: 6:10.

The popularity of reality television proves that Americans are endlessly fascinated with

peeking behind the closed doors of the fabulously wealthy.

But behind the smoke and mirrors, nothing is as it seems.

Let's take a closer look to find out just how loaded these reality stars really are…

or aren't.

Janice Dickinson

While her status as the world's first supermodel may be up for debate, there's no denying that

Janice Dickinson has had a successful career both on AND off the runway.

She appeared on more than 37 Vogue covers, rubbed elbows with celebs, written 3 books,

and starred in a number of hit reality shows.

"You're all fat."

But despite decades of fame, Dickinson hit hard times in 2012 when TMZ reported that

she was evicted from the house she was renting in Los Angeles for falling 3 months behind

on rent.

In 2013, the New York Post reported that Dickinson declared bankruptcy, owing around $1 million

dollars for plastic surgery bills and back taxes.

Dickinson told Radar Online:

"I am upset and taking every step to pay everyone back and I feel terrible about it."

While there hasn't been much news these days about Dickinson's financials, she's still

a regular player on reality TV.

Hopefully, she's being a bit more careful with the cash she's making now.

Heidi and Spencer Pratt

Spencer and Heidi Pratt found fame on MTV's rich kid reality show, The Hills.

They became tabloid fixtures, villains by their own design in a scheme that Spencer

told Broadly was netting them "a million plus a year."

"You're the biggest poser in this town!

You know it, you're going to BURN for it."

"Stop it!

Spencer, Spencer, that's so out of line!"

But the rising popularity of more scandalous reality shows like Jersey Shore left Heidi

and Spencer scrambling to remain infamous.

This led to some bizarre reality TV appearances, including leaving I'm a Celebrity, Get Me

Out of Here! after only one day, as well as Heidi's plastic surgeries.

"... my nose redone, I've had my own fat injected into my cheeks.

I've had my ears pinned back."

Heidi and Spencer also told Broadly that despite earning upwards of a million dollars a year,

they were routinely spending "$3,000 for hair and makeup," and indulging in $30,000 shopping


"Every single night we were taking 10 people to Wolfgang's CUT in Beverly Hills and ordering

$3,000 bottles of Screaming Eagle."

Spencer lamented:

"Nobody wants to break into our home anymore."

Living their lives like their fame would never end left them broke, and living rent-free

in Spencer's dad's beach house.

Todd Chrisley

Chrisley , Knows Best is a reality show about Todd Chrisley, a Georgia real estate king

who manages his business and his family with a comically intense level of neurosis.

"And now our main home is 30,000 square feet."

But there is more to Chrisley's real estate empire than meets the eye, and by "more,"

we mean what WSB-TV reports to be an alleged boatload of unpaid taxes.

People also reported that, according to the bankruptcy filing, Chrisley owed a staggering

$45 million against his claimed net worth of $4.2 million.

Somehow, it was discharged in 2015 with an agreement that Chrisley would pay a $150,000

fee, according to Radar Online.

However, Chrisley can't seem to shake his financial woes.

The Daily Mail reported in 2017 Chrisley only paid $80,000 of the $150,000 fee he owed.

It all adds up to serious questions about Chrisley's actual wealth, which doesn't seem

to be as abundant as his reality TV show and his palatial home make it out to be.

"I make millions of dollars a year."

Tori Spelling & Dean McDermott

You would think the daughter of Aaron Spelling would never have to worry about money.

But Tori Spelling has been plagued with financial worries since 2007... right around the time

she and her husband Dean McDermott became stars of their own reality show: Tori & Dean:

Inn Love.

An ongoing feud with her mother, Candy Spelling, led to Tori allegedly only receiving $800,000

of her father's reported $500 million estate.

Fast forward to 2014, when sources revealed to E! News that Tori and Dean had allegedly

plowed through $18 million and were now "living paycheck-to-paycheck."

In her 2013 memoir, Spelling It Like It Is, Spelling wrote:

"I grew up rich beyond anyone's dreams.

[…] Even when I try to embrace a simpler lifestyle I can't seem to let go of my expensive


Tori and Dean have since been sued twice by American Express over outstanding balances

totaling nearly $150,000, and according to Page Six, the couple reportedly had their

bank accounts "emptied" by the IRS in April of 2017.

US Weekly reports that Dean is now also facing a serious charge from his ex-wife over unpaid

child support.

Sounds like now might be a good time to call mama Candy.

Dennis Rodman

Over the course of Dennis Rodman's NBA career, he earned an estimated $30 million dollars,

and that's not counting endorsement deals or his paycheck for the 1999 classic, Simon


Like many athletes, though, Rodman was not able to hold onto his fortune, even after

appearing on reality shows like The Apprentice, Celebrity Big Brother, and Celebrity Rehab.

Celebrity Net Worth estimates that in 2017, Rodman was worth $500,000.

This was actually an improvement on his situation in 2012, where he was taken to court a third

time for failing to pay child support, while admitting to living a lifestyle that cost

him $31,000 per month.

In order to avoid jail time, Rodman negotiated the money he owed his ex wife down to $500,000.

His collaboration with PotCoin, the, quote, "digital currency for the cannabis industry,"

has also ended in something of a financial disaster.

If there isn't already a mythical anti-King Midas figure, Rodman seems like an appropriate


Alyssa Milano

We already know what you're thinking: Alyssa Milano isn't a reality TV star!

But while she's best known for her work on scripted shows like Charmed, she's also hosted

episodes of Project Runway All Stars from 2013 to 2016.

As of June 2017, Milano and her husband have sued her business manager, Kenneth Hellie,

alleging that his mishandling of their taxes, bills, and investments left them "with millions

of dollars in debt and their credit in ruins."

Hellie's lawyer responded by accusing Milano of frivolous spending, while Milano's lawyer

fired back, saying her clients, quote, "live a relatively modest lifestyle" and that it

was Hellie's negligence and misconduct that caused their current financial burden.

Milano claimed that Hellie's alleged covering-up of how bad her financial situation actually

was resulted in her turning down a role on the third season of Mistresses, which would

have paid her $1.3 million.

It's crazy to think that a star like Milano would need to take jobs just for the money,

but it does put her brief stint on reality TV into perspective.

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