Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 2, 2018

Waching daily Feb 28 2018

An Exercise For Opening Your Spiritual Eyes

Are your spiritual eyes open?

Open Your Spiritual Eyes There is a universal will that operates twenty-four

hours a day that is FOR you and a will that operates twenty-four hours a day that is AGAINST

you. You�re familiar with the will that works against you. It�s that will that drags

you into internally and externally unprofitable, self-punishing moments. The will that works

for you is that which forever says, �Look up.

See that there is more to your life than what you presently embrace and that�s causing

you this pain.� Put even more simply, the will that wants to raise you up is the will

that makes it clear to you that there�s another will that�s trying to pull you down.

Were it not for that elevating will, you would never recognize the harmful one.

Please make the following substitution in your mind so that you have a clear picture

of what your new mind and new spiritual eyes can show you. If something is either for you

or against you, isn�t that the same as saying that something is either trying to pull you

up or pull you down? I want you to see clearly that the two words �for� and �against�

are connected to directions of the operation of a will.

If indeed it is true that there is a will that is trying to pull you down as well as

a will that is trying to pull you up, how do either of these wills come to have power

over you? How do they take hold of you to either pull you down or to help you up and


The fact is that you do have free will � in a sense. The free will you have is in the

choice you make to align yourself with either the will that is ascending or the will that

is descending. From now on I want you to picture a hand reaching from below to pull you down,

and another hand reaching from above to pull you up.

At any moment (even now while you�re reading this), your hand is either in the hand of

the will that is ascending, or it�s in the hand of the will that is descending � and

it�s your choice. Don�t fall for the lie that says, �No, it�s not my choice because

I have to get depressed, I have to get angry, I have to get frightened.� No, you don�t.

It�s the voice of deception that accompanies the hand from below that insists you have

no choice. In fact, you always have the choice.

Unfortunately, in the initial discovery � and misunderstanding � of these two wills, some

men and women fall away from their inner work. It happens when, of necessity, individuals

begin to feel the strain of two things pulling on them at once. It�s extremely necessary

for this to happen. Why? Because, if you don�t feel two things pulling on you at once, it

means that only one thing is pulling at you. And if you�re not already living in a higher

place, what do you suppose that one thing is? It�s the descending hand.

I receive countless letters, phone calls, and e-mails from students who declare �Since

I started studying your ideas my life has just fallen to pieces � everything is worse!

I don�t understand. Why is it this way?� Then they understand even less when to say

to them �Congratulations. That�s a great sign.� Their shock turns to comprehension

when I tell them �It�s great because now at least you know there is another direction.

Before you followed the descending hand without question. Now you know it�s possible to

go up, which makes you all the more aware of the pain in going down.�

Whether you see it or not (and the purpose of your studies is to give you the spiritual

eyes to see), this world is in the hands of the hand that is coming from beneath the earth.

Just think of all the acts of will that are occurring as they have never occurred before

on this planet where young children and adults commit unbelievable acts and then say, �I

have no idea what came over me.� I�m telling you what came over them.

Through years of abuse by a planet filled with people who don�t care, and through

years of refusing the tiny moments when their Father did place His hand in theirs, they

have reached the point where they can�t recognize the difference between the hand

that wants to pull them down, and the hand that wants to lift them up. And once you come

to the point where you can no longer tell the difference � you�re a goner.

But to know the difference costs something, doesn�t it? It means we have to work when

we would really prefer not to be bothered. We want to feel pleasure with no disturbance.

But that�s spiritual and psychological sleep. Christ said, �Watch. Watch. Watch,� meaning,

�Be awake. Be awake. Be awake.� When he cautioned people to �be awake� he was

telling them to see whose hand they were holding.

Your Father�s hand not only doesn�t let you go to sleep, but it lifts you. The hand

from beneath not only puts you to sleep faster and faster, but it puts you to sleep so fast

that one day you won�t even know that your hand was held fast in that descending hand.

That�s the truth. Work, work, work. Stay awake, regardless of what it seems to cost

you. Remember to do this exercise: Come awake every moment and ask yourself �In whose

hand is mine?� When you�re driving your car or sitting in a business meeting ask yourself

�In whose hand is mine?� The moment you become aware of yourself and ask the question

you will know which spirit just possessed you.

Now, here�s the problem: There are parts of our own nature that don�t want to ask

the question � that don�t want to know whose hand we�re in! Are you aware of this

defensive spirit in yourself? �I don�t particularly want to know right now whose

hand I�m in because I would prefer to believe in what it�s telling me � that what I�m

doing is good.� It�s not good!

Just do your spiritual work, open your spiritual eyes, and leave the battle up to your Heavenly

Father. Leave the battle up to Christ � to Reality � to Truth. Leave the battle up

to the Light and I promise you the fight will be a right fight and you�ll come out on

the right side of it � guaranteed.

For more infomation >> An Exercise For Opening Your Spiritual Eyes - Duration: 6:36.


QT2 Systems Pro Training Camp Day 1: Jesse Kropelnicki - Duration: 8:52.

- [Narrator] I know it's not much earlier

than my usual 4:30, but I'm usually not ready for people

until like 6:00 a.m. and a coffee.

But to get out of the deep freeze

and go shoot a bunch of pro footage down in Florida,

I'll make an exception.

Bye, bye beautiful bike.

(mumbles) Trainiacs.

(dance music)

You're very smiley, that's too early, even for me.

(techno music)

Aisle seats for life.

(techno music)

It is hot out there already, Trainiacs.

I'm digging this.

I wanna says that it's

27 degrees cels..

Hey, a lake!

Goodness, look at this place.

So, we are here.

Clermont, Florida.

From today, Tuesday, until Friday.

We're doing work with Jesse Kropelnicki's

QT2 Systems Pro Team.

It's kind of similar to what we did in Scottsdale

a few weeks ago.

If you were there, we wanna see what pro triathletes

do at a training camp.

Meanwhile, we also get to do some podcasts with them.

Play a little bit of Jenga.

Tomorrow and Thursday, gonna see if I can get in

a little swim.

But for now, I gotta get in a run.

I gotta go out here and show off my bare chest.

Oh, also, I forgot my running shorts, so board short run.

(techno music)

Seriously, could this be anymore Florida.

(techno music)

Woo, nice.

5.4 kilometers in just over 27 minutes.

Nothing fast.

Recently learned that travel knocks the bejesus out of me.

So while I travel, I shouldn't be really

smashing myself in workouts.

Also, couple of interesting lessons.

One, bushes are an excellent place

to hide a shirt in Florida.

And two, it's hilly here.

Alright, lets go clean ourselves up

and go meet Jesse Kropelnicki and the gang.

And board shorts are not an adequate subsititute

for running shorts.

Jesse Kropelnicki welcome to the show.

- [Jesse] What's up man?

Glad you're hear. - [Narrator] Just showed up.

- [Narrator] Just showed up in Clermont about

an hour and a half ago.

Went for a run.

Apparently, it's hilly and sandy here.

I'm not used to this.

- [Jesse] It is weird.

People don't believe this is Florida.

You would never.

Wait until tomorrow, when you see the bike routes.

You're gonna be surprised.

- [Narrator] When was your first race?

I should know this.

- [Jesse] First triathlon?

- [Narrator] Yeah. - [Jesse] '97.

- [Narrator] '97? - [Jesse] Yup.

- [Jesse] I raced a sprint triathlon

in Harriman State Park in New York.

Which is where I grew up.

In 1997.

- [Narrator] Can you think back to,

say what happened in those first few races?

Lessons that you learned.

And triathlon changes everyone.

And you wouldn't still be in the sport

if it didn't change you in those first couple years.

- [Jesse] Yeah.

- [Narrator] What was it about traithlon

that changed you then?

That has allowed you to have this 70 person company,

coach 13 pros.

Multiple Iron Man wins.

All the accomplishments that you have.

What can you pinpoint back?

- [Jesse] I'm a firm believer.

Passion is an insanely powerful word.

And a lot of people I think in triathlon get that bug.

They do their first triathlon

and they immediately have a passion for it.

Anything that I've ever done,

I get probably overly passionate about it,

and then just dedicate to it.

- [Narrator] The QT, for anyone that doesn't know,

it's Quantitative Training?

- [Jesse] Quantitative Triathlon Training Systems.

- [Narrator] Quantitative Triathlon Training Systems.

- [Jesse] This is a little lesson history.

When we started in 2004.

I started Quantitative Triathlon Training Systems.

That just didn't quite roll off the tongue.

I still have the old kits we had.

That was like wrapped around

the body - [Narrator] I remember we were

talking about that in TVI - [Jesse] Yeah, exactly.

- [Narrator] Like yeah, it was going all the way

around the back. - [Jesse] Yeah, exactly.

Didn't quite roll off the tongue.

So I said this isn't going to work.

The domain name was way to long.

So I said, well what about QT Squared, right?

Two T Squared.

So I said let me see if QT2 Systems is

an available domain name.

And it was, so we got that.

And then I said, well hell with it.

Let's just name it that.

It's a lot easier.

Yeah, that's the background.

- [Narrator] And was the first thing

you came up with that race predictor?

- [Jesse] Yeah, yeah exactly.

The triathlon calculator.

That was one of the first things.

- [Narrator] Can you talk about that,

in terms of the QT, of the QT2.

- [Jesse] Yeah, sure.

Yeah I mean it's simple and complicated

at the same time, right?

And I had this discussion once already today.

The approach that we take.

The only thing that's consistent in it,

and what we educate.

I mean we got a staff of 45 people

we're educating all the time

with new training approaches, nutrition approaches,

sports psychology, mechanics.

Whatever it may be.

The only thing were really consistent in

is making sure we always identify and know,

at any given point, what the top 5 limiters are

for any one of the athletes that we work with.

And hopefully we've now educated and

developed tools and resources

for almost every limiter that's out there.

On which direction to go, if that limiter exists.

That's kind of inherent in our approach.

That's at the core of what we do.

We have a protocol or some process

to access if this limiter exists,

and if it does go this way, if it doesn't go that way.

There's no really one answer to anything.

- [Narrator] What's it like being on the sidelines,

as a coach?

When you're.. - [Jesse] It's awful.

- [Narrator] If that's what your thinking,

because you're not thinking

about the physiology. - [Jesse] No, probably not.

- [Narrator] You're thinking about

what's going on inside their head.

Because that's what you've been focused on for

from the sounds of it, the entire year.

- [Jesse] Pretty much.

It's equal parts exciting and fun

as terrifying and miserable.

Equal, like dead equal.

- [Narrator] Yeah, it is.

- [Jesse] Depending on the race, right?

And where the athlete is coming into the race.

But the higher pressure races,

like the World Champs.

You just never know what your gonna get.

And you know it's a high stake, right?

You know whatever the athlete does at that race.

In their head, is gonna define them

for the next one year period.

That's a lot for you, as coach, to have to work with.

Or try and work with over the next one year period.

Just based on one day.

- [Narrator] Do you have a race that you think back to

most often?

That for one reason or another,

has stuck with you?

- [Jesse] As a coach, or?

- [Narrator] Yeah.

- [Jesse] Yeah, I mean that's easy for me.

As a coach, the first time you have a,

in my case, a pro win an Iron Man.

That's something you never forget.

That really plants a seed that makes you

want to do more of that.

Any coach that's worth a grain of salt,

is insanely competitive.

And I'm no different.

As soon as you get a taste of that,

you say I want more of that.

I'm not one of these people who switched college majors.

Because I made a decision when I was in

whatever high school that I wanted to be an engineer.

That was the path that I took.

I never took a single class that wasn't useful.

You know what I mean?

So I was like that.

I did my first triathlon.

I said this is awesome.

There's a lot of pieces to this.

There's mechanics, there's phsychology.

There's swim, there's bike, there's run.

There's nutrition.

I like the complexity of this.

And I've always had a passion,

if I really stripped it down to something raw.

I've always had a passion for trying to predict

real world events with science.

Even when I was an engineer,

that was what I liked to do.

I liked to try to predict

the way a structure would behave in the real world.

And this is very similar.

I think the complexity of triathlon,

after my first triathlon.

Got me excited and passionate about it.

And then just dedicated to it.

- [Narrator] There you go.

That is Jesse Kropelnicki.

One of the funnest names to say in triathlon coaching.

I didn't' realize this,

but apparently they have the most amateurs in Kona

for the last two years.

Learn something new every day.

Alright, the pros have a big day tomorrow.

So that means, we have a big day tomorrow.

Later, Trainacs.

Oh, and if you aren't yet subscribed.

Make sure you hit the subscribe button below,

because we have a whole bunch of pro training content

coming up over the next few days.

Okay, now rest up.


For more infomation >> QT2 Systems Pro Training Camp Day 1: Jesse Kropelnicki - Duration: 8:52.


Learn How to Crochet Waterfall Ripple Blanket - Chevron Afghan with Super Bulky Weight Yarn - Duration: 8:59.

Hi I'm Donna Wolfe from Today i'll show you how to make my

waterfall ripple blanket. By the way please subscribe to my YouTube channel

and like me on Facebook Instagram Pinterest and Twitter. I'm using four

cakes of Caron's chunky cakes yarn for the main panels and two skeins of their

Softee Chunky yarn in gray for the border. And an 8 millimeter hook. To begin chain

16 make 1 double crochet in the third chain from the hook.

Then make 5 more for a total of six. 2 3 4

5 & 6.

In the next chain make one double crochet, one chain, and one double crochet

then make 5 double crochet stitches. 1 2

3 4 and 5. We have 2 chains left. For our sixth stitch make a double crochet 2

together decrease.

To review we have a chain 2, 6 double crochet, a V stitch, five double crochet

and the decrease stitch counts as number six. Chain two and turn your work. Skip

that first stitch, make 1 double crochet in the next six stitches. 1 2 3 4 5 and 6.

In that top space make a double crochet, chain ,1 and a double crochet stitch. Then

make 1 double crochet in the next 5 stitches.

And for your 6th stitch make a double crochet two together. Chain two and turn

your work. Skip that first stitch and do your six double crochet stitches. One two

three four five and six, followed by a double crochet, chain one, and a double

crochet. Then do your five double crochet stitches. One two three four five. And a

double crochet 2 together decrease.

Chain two and turn your work. Repeat this process for a total of 54 rows or

however many you wish to make the blanket longer. You can make any number

of panels to make the blanket wider but I made five panels for mine. Now it's

time for the edging. Make a slip knot on your hook. Have your panel facing in this

direction. Slip stitch,

then chain three. Make another double crochet in the same space. We're going to

make two double crochet at the end of every row. Trace the rows with your

fingers if it helps. Two double crochet at the end of every row, next row, two double

crochet. Continue like this for the entire side. On the very last row near

the top do something different. Make two double crochet, chain one, two double

crochet, all in that corner. Skip two stitches, make two double crochet in the

next, skip one stitch, make two double crochet in the next,

make two double crochet, chain one, two double crochet at the top.

Skip one, two double crochet, skip one, two double crochet, then make your corner

stitch here. Two double crochet, chain one, two double crochet.

Now go back to making two double crochet at the end of every row. Here's what mine

looks like. At the other corner make your two double crochet, chain one, two double

crochet again.

Skip two, and two double crochet. Skip one, and two double crochet. Make two double

crochet in the next. Skip one, two double crochet, skip one, two double crochet. Then

finish your beginning corner with two double crochet, chain one, and slip stitch

to the corner. You can leave a long tail end to sew the panels together. You can

use whatever method you wish to join the panels together. And this is my finished

waterfall ripple blanket. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. Like and

comment on this video. And please visit my website at

For more infomation >> Learn How to Crochet Waterfall Ripple Blanket - Chevron Afghan with Super Bulky Weight Yarn - Duration: 8:59.


Ketlen Vieira Will Ask For UFC Title Shot With Win Over Cat Zingano - MMA Fighting - Duration: 5:24.

Ketlen, you have a big fight ahead of you now against Cat Zingano.

How is you camp going for this fight, a fight that can change your career and even make you a title contender?

My preparation is very intense, especially in the physical aspect and jiu-jitsu.

My team is working hard in order to help me put on a great fight. They tell me I'm getting ready for a war, not a fight.

What are your thoughts on this match-up?

What do you think she's going to try to make sure you don't dominate her like you did in your last fight?

Cat Zingano is a bit unpredictable. She moves forward all the time, always going after the win

and that's what we're focused and working on, trying to counter and catch her when she's not expecting.

Sometimes she exposes herself too much, so we're focusing on the physical aspect.

I think that age is not a huge factor, but it is a factor that will help me recover quickly in between rounds.

You impressed everyone by submitting Sara McMann in your last fight.

Do you think that jiu-jitsu is the best way to win this time?

It's a similar fight. We knew that Sara McMann was strong, especially in the first round, and then she starts to fade.

My coach 'Dede' told me before the fight that we would probably lose the first round, but we would come back in the second and third because she would slow down.

That will probably happen again. She will come explosive in the first round, aggressive.

The fact that she hasn't fought in almost two years, I can use that to my advantage and get another win.

How do you prepare mentally to enter a fight expecting to lose the first round?

You get in there thinking 'it's highly likely that I will lose the first round'?

I had to remain calm. And since 'Dede' told me that before, it was no surprise.

I had watched her fights before and she's strong in the first round, so I had to learn to trust my coach.

He always believed in me. I say that he believes in me more than I believe in myself.

I'll be confident for this fight because I know that what he says is 99 percent what's going to happen.

This division needs contenders. Are you going into this fight thinking 'if I win, I'm the one to fight for the belt'?

For sure, I think that excites me, but I'm trying to stay focused on Cat Zingano.

It's a dream. I always wanted to get in the UFC, but not only to fight and keep my job, but to fight to become a champion.

I believe I'll possibly become a contender, especially now that Amanda (Nunes) might move up in weight.

I think it's a big possibility, but my team and I are trying to stay focused on this fight first. After we win, in the Octagon, I will ask for a title shot.

What do you think of Amanda's decision to call out Cris Cyborg?

She has said many times that she wasn't interested in moving up in weight, and now she's actively asking for it.

Are you surprised, or you think that makes sense in this era of money fights?

In this era of money fights, I think it does. She wants that.

If I recall correctly, she said on TV a while ago that she didn't want to fight Brazilians. I don't want to either, but I respect Amanda.

She was the first Brazilian woman to become UFC champion, but between her and my dream, my dream comes first.

If one day we meet, I'll always respect her, but I'll give my all for my dream. Man, I think we have to fight for our ideals.

She's aiming something by challenging Cris Cyborg, but I believe there are other challengers and other girls that deserve an opportunity to fight for the belt.

But if she wants that, that's one less step for me to move up the ladder.

If they do fight, who do you think wins?

Look, MMA is an ungrateful sport, the best and better prepared fighter doesn't always win.

But in theory, I think that Cris Cyborg is a better fighter than Amanda.

If we look at Amanda's last fight, she fought Valentina Shevchenko, who's not a natural bantamweight

a small fighter who didn't even cut weight to fight at 135, and had a hard time twice against her.

Now she's fighting a featherweight with big knockout power, and I think it's a tough fight for her. But if she chooses that, she can't change her mind.

For more infomation >> Ketlen Vieira Will Ask For UFC Title Shot With Win Over Cat Zingano - MMA Fighting - Duration: 5:24.


[Zhao Yun] Ep. 17/18 - "Battle after Battle" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 25:32.

For more infomation >> [Zhao Yun] Ep. 17/18 - "Battle after Battle" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 25:32.


[Zhao Yun] Ep. 18/18 - "Epilogue" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 25:03.

For more infomation >> [Zhao Yun] Ep. 18/18 - "Epilogue" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 25:03.


Trailer - The A Word - Series 2 - BBC First - Duration: 0:31.

Ground control to Major Tom

Get down here now

I'm not the same


No one's the same

It was never gonna be easy, we knew that

It seems to me you didn't know it enough

Just when did you think talking about feelings was a good idea

Oh I don't. I just do it to annoy your Dad

Just keep pretending

I am pretending

Let's just go along with it now, shall we?

For more infomation >> Trailer - The A Word - Series 2 - BBC First - Duration: 0:31.


[Zhao Yun] Ep. 16/18 - "Happy Go Lucky" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 8:24.

For more infomation >> [Zhao Yun] Ep. 16/18 - "Happy Go Lucky" | DYNASTY WARRIORS 8: EMPIRES - Duration: 8:24.


Reseña a Here's the Plan - Este es el Plan de Fernanda Frick - cortometraje de animación 2017 Chile - Duration: 2:25.

For more infomation >> Reseña a Here's the Plan - Este es el Plan de Fernanda Frick - cortometraje de animación 2017 Chile - Duration: 2:25.


CHARLOTTE TILBURY Hollywood Flawless Filter Review+Demo! Red carpet makeup in a highlighter? - Duration: 3:41.

Hey guys welcome back to my channel so today I have for you a review and a demo of the new Charlotte Tilbury

Hollywood filter, it is a kind of hybrid

Primer slash glow you can use it all over your face on the high points

You can use it alone if you want to under makeup over makeup

It looks like an absolutely fantastic

product now it's said that Charlotte was inspired by social media filters and

kind of that filter effect that the stars all have when they're on camera and

She wanted to bring that to everyone it does come in seven shades. I picked mine up at Nordstrom you get the typical

30-mil and it is

$44 now the color that I did pick up is too light

And this is what the bottle looks like just like this and it does have a doe foot applicator

Let's get started so I prepped my

skin with the Laneige water Bank moisturizer and giving this it goes plus the elta MD UV

Clear my favorite sunscreen. No I went ahead and used the

Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood filter on

The high points of my cheeks kind of under my eyes around my forehead a little bit above my Cupid's bow and down my nose

And I patted it in with my fingers a little you know

rather than patting it in with my fingers, and then I went ahead and

followed that up with

Clay to PO the foundation, and I got it in color

Oh 20 and I used two damp Beauty Blender took off that in now, I think the glow is absolutely beautiful

this product is

paraben free talc free fragrance free gluten-free nut-free alcohol free not tested on animals

Made in Italy when off-camera and checked it in a regular mirror

And I will say that

It's super glowy like it is. No joke glowy it does contain mica, so it's real

you know in your face, and it also contains some oil I

definitely think that if you are normal anything oily or

Normal like even if your combo this won't be for you. You will not like it

However, if you are dry like me you might love it


Attached my makeup put a little bit of actually Charlotte Tilbury film star on the glow on I have a little bit of my Lumiere

Powder and I definitely just think that it my face looks kind of radiant

But in a really nice natural way, so I really really enjoyed this product quite a bit

I think that you get a lot from your money for a

Primer that you aren't even going to apply over your entire face most of us aren't going to do that

I think that this is gonna last a really long time the seven shades that it comes in go from fair to dark

I'm enjoying this quite a bit you guys so I picked mine up like I said at

Nordstrom you can also get it from the Charlotte Tilbury website, but I highly encourage you to stop into Nordstrom and request a sample

Certainly if you are anything like I said earlier then normal

And it's a shot you guys. This was a fantastic product from Charlotte Tilbury

thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up, and if you're not subscribed to my

Thank you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed this video give it a thumbs up subscribe to my channel if you haven't already

And I will see you in the next video

For more infomation >> CHARLOTTE TILBURY Hollywood Flawless Filter Review+Demo! Red carpet makeup in a highlighter? - Duration: 3:41.


Tips for Using Temporary Wallpaper - HGTV - Duration: 1:10.

For more infomation >> Tips for Using Temporary Wallpaper - HGTV - Duration: 1:10.


A Cool Winter Day At Volcano Bay; Fun, A Little Sun, Ride Reviews, Park Tour, Krakatau Drop Slides - Duration: 22:29.

Gma and Gpa Adventures goes to Volcano Bay. Right lane says Volcano Bay.

Okay, so just stay in the parking. Follow the blue signs with the white lettering.

Prime Parking is $30. General would have been $20, and after 6:00 pm is free.

And that's the only way to get to Volcano Bay.

You can't drive there directly and park in their parking lot. You park in the

big parking lot by City Walk and shuttle over. So, Donna's crazy about going,

even though it's not the greatest weather. We're here already. It didn't

take very long, just five or six minutes to shuttle over. And they do bag check

right before you go in. There's a walkway to Volcano Bay or you can take the

escalators. The Waturi. This is the Waturi culture here. Volcano Bay - we made it!

During the off-season Volcano Bay is open from 10:00 to 5:00 .

Hi! Hello! Ok, Stanley, put your finger on the scanner. There you go. I have to put a little Island Magic in here. There you go.

Your TapuTapu, sir. Thank you. Yes, it really is called TapuTapu!

Thank you. Appreciate it. What Stan's doing right now is he is linking his credit card

his TapuTapu which is like the app for Volcano Bay. It kind of looks

like Disney's invention of the MagicBand. And on it right now it says,

"Visit a ride totem to get a return time". So, I guess you go to the different rides

and then it gives you a time to return to each one. And there's a set of lockers to

the right or left as you come in. We're going to the ones to the right. Because

of the kind of day it is all of these say, "Ride Now", which is good. Pretty much

everything is a walk on today, so that's the advantage of going during the winter,

on an off day where it rained this morning and it's going to be overcast. That's a

pretty amazing sight. And here we found the restroom, showers, and lockers to rent.

To rent one, hold your TapuTapu to the tap point below.

And it says, "Insert credit card to make purchase". Locker 26 opened, and it gave us an all

day rental. So when you come back to get your stuff out of your locker, you're

gonna take your TapuTapu and touch the locker, the tap point, and it opens. Pretty easy!

There's Krakatau. We're trying to figure out how to get to it. And they

said it makes a circle. Okay, so you just keep following the circle around like

they said at the very beginning of the park and then probably look for the

signs that say where to get on at. Okay, the sun is trying to shine. Stan's gonna

be my guinea pig today, because I don't do water slides, right Stan!

Krakatau Aqua Coaster.

Here's the backside of Krakatau with some of the water slides coming out

of it. OhYah, OhNo drop slides.

Are you a strong swimmer? Yes. Ok. The six foot is on this side.

And if you wanted to try the four foot one, it's on the other side. Yeah ,we wanted to try all of them.

Well, he does. Okay, so he had to touch his TapuTapu.

There he is! And then he swam over here. Okay, so which one did you do, Stan?

The six foot. The purple one. And that was the six-foot? What does it mean by six foot? You have a

six foot drop from the edge of the slide to the water.

Okay, what do you think about it. It says this pool is ten foot deep, so you

definitely have to be able to swim to get up out of it. You go under pretty far

when you land. So now he's going to do the four foot one.

Okay, I think this is him coming because I can see his swim shirt. And there he

comes. And that pool again is 10 foot deep and he had a four foot drop on this

one. And then you swim over to the steps. What'd you think?

It was fun!

Now what was the name of it that one - OhNo? Yeah!

And this is the Kala and Tai Nui.

Two more drop sides that come out of the volcano.

And we're going out to the one that goes at the very beginning, Ko'okiri.

We saw you drop. So, how did you actually get up into that volcano? It's a lot of stairs!

Okay, so now he's going to do these two water slides. And they're

called Kala and Tai Nui.

What did you think about that one? It was fast. Even faster than the Krakatau body slide one, Ko'okiri?

No, I don't think that fast! It twists and turns, and let you go straight out, you know. Wow! So, it kind of shoots you out instead

under. So, go do Tai Nui. See how you like it. We're making Stan really burn

off some calories today. This is the one he's coming down now. It's called Tai Nui.

And there's Stan! He made it! So, what did you think?

Did you like it? Was Tai Nui as windy as Kala? It seemed a little faster.

And there's a hundred and ninety-one steps going up there. Oh, that's a lot!

That's probably why your heart is beating hard. Yeah, yeah. That one had I think more

water in your face than Kala, the blue one.

And he's been wearing goggles, which they allow, right? Yeah so I

can see better. That way I don't have to worry about my contacts. But all those

big ones are thrill rides, you know. But a lot of steps. So you're gonna get a work out.

You just lift it up, and it will ask you for your four-digit pin number.

Ok, it;s approved, and you get this nifty receipt with my name on it!

So, Stan, how much did the cup costs for the where you get the you get free refills all day? Free drink refills and free Icee's.

It was $14.99. I think that's pretty good.

Just one drink is $3.51.

And you can use it at the other parks, too.

Stan, how's your Coke? Refreshing!

She said something about you could use machines - Coke Freestyle - that have over a hundred

different sodas or drinks. There's the refillable mug. Really it's a cup.

You can use it here. It's free refills on the day you buy it.

Then you can use it in all the parks. You can use it anytime, I guess. You get

like cheaper refills.

And it's a good souvenir, right? Yeah! Cheers!

There's Stan out there.

This is a beautiful volcano. It looks like a real volcano. We've seen Volcanos in

Hawaii, and this looks like an actual real volcano.

There are several restaurants in Volcano Bay. This is the Kohala Reef. It's just

straight out from the volcano, from Krakatau. And it says it's a restaurant

and social club. Tastes of the islands. Coconut Curry Chicken. Mango Barbecue

Pulled Pork Sandwich. A Pepperoni Pizza. Looks good. Has a little bit everything.

Plenty of souvenir and gift shops.That's Krakatoa Katy's. Can get sunscreen, and

t-shirts, and hats. Beach towels. Water shirts, rash guard. And there's this guy.

He kind of runs the place. Yeah, I think it looks good.

This is really a good time to go. I mean it's decent weather really. It's in the mid-70's, the water is

heated to 80 degrees, and there are no crowds!

It's really hard work. You have a hard job. It's not busy today, so we're not needing our TapuTapu to reserve

a place in line. But if we did, when our ride time came up we would be alerted on

our TapuTapu. And you can reserve your place in line using your TapuTapu by

walking up to the ride kiosk and holding it up to it. We've been here a couple

hours and all the rides are still, "Ride Now". Dancing Dragons is an outdoor bar.

It gives you a good view of Krakatau and the wave pool. So it's gonna give you, I think,

a photo of you in front of Krakatau. Okay, so use it on the reverse side of the

totem to start taking it. So, I think we're gonna get a photo of us

in front of the volcano. Donna used TapuTapu so it's blinking. Good, so you're ready

to pose. Then you put in an email address and that activates your photo account.

I'm sure you can buy those.

Here we are in front of the volcano. The volcano is going off. There it is! The waves are about to start

in the wave pool. See...Volcano!

That's cool!

Hello! Which way is the bathroom? I don't know.

Hey you, kid? Yeah. Yeah, you, kid! Yeah.

He must mean her. She's the young one!

Scooby Doobie, bah doobie hoobie.

We're gonna check out the Ice Cream Kona. A Waturi Beach Blend. Ice cream served in a cup.

And a waffle cone, toppings. There's a Waturi Fusion with banana blue raspberry, orange, and

strawberry. You were gonna share, right? Yes, we'll share. I hate to share, but I guess I will. We're gonna get one with chocolate, banana, and coconut in it.

This is our lunch. This is called the Waturi Beach Blend. You can have up to four

choices of flavors of your ice cream. Oooo, looks good. Yum! yeah and so then it just swirl the

It just swirls the flavors up in layers. Chocolate, banana, coconut, chocolate, banana, coconut. Oh, awesome, that is so cool!

Alright, so that'll be $5.85.

I'm making Stan take the first bite. This is a blend, it's like

chocolate, coconut, banana; chocolate, coconut, banana.

Good! Yeah, I like that!

What do you think about it Donna? It's really good. You're not getting it back! Hey!

There's several beach areas with real sand you can sit in and relax

and get some sun. You can see Krakatau from about anywhere. These are the

two-story cabanas. This is off-season. It was $250, but it's a

higher price for the higher cabana. It's just a beautiful area around here. And

coming in the winter, it's just so not busy. It's still a lot of fun if you

pick the right day.

This is the Bambu Jungle. It's a restaurant. Rain forest flavors.

Island Chicken Salad. Karika Chicken Sandwich. Chicken Tenders. You can get a

Quinoa Edamame Burger, Belly Burger, different burgers. Bambu Burger.

This is the Maku Puihi ride entrance. Looks like a family raft slide.

There's a couple of slides here.

Like they told us at the front, the park just makes a circle. You just keep

walking in around either direction, and you'll see everything. Here's part of the fast

lazy river. Don't know if you'd really call it a lazy

river, but it keeps you moving. This one has rapids and waves, so not

your average lazy river. But they do have a lazy, lazy river. This just isn't it.

And you have to wear a life preserver. There are no tubes on this one. So Stan's gonna

go on it and then at the end of this we're gonna interview him and see what

he thought about the not so lazy river. It's called the TeAwa Fearless River.

Well, they do have a handicap chair, where handicapped kids could get down in it.

A pretty good clip!

So what did you think? You just got off of it and I told them you were gonna

ride it, so what do you think? That's fun! Really strong jets that pushed you.

So should you not do it unless you're a strong swimmer?

Oh, no. It doesn't matter because you have the vest. You can bob along.

And it just pushes you along. There was one place where

over by the wall, it shoots out a big wave of water. A big gush of water, you

could get it in front and get pushed. It's fun. It's pretty fast.

This is Whakawawai Eats. And it features Tastes of the River. Hawaiian Pizza, Jerk Shrimp, Mac and

Cheese, and Foot Long Hot Dogs. And Coca-Cola Freestyle machines. So I

interviewed the lady at the counter and she said they're more known here for

having hot dogs and mac and cheese. The other places more that we last went to

is was known for their burgers, and then the very first place we went to she

said they have the biggest variety of food on the entire park.

And so that's the only place you can get their famous barbecue. Good to know!

Here we have Taniwha Tubes. And it's nice because you don't have to carry your tubes up to the top.

They have a conveyor belt and of course the tubes are free. You don't pay extra

to get tubes.

Of course, it's nice and tall, so there's a lot of steps to get up there. But that's

about any waterpark.

The ride is worth the climb.

I mean it's 73 degrees right now but the wind is blowing which makes it feel like 63 so,

yeah, it's doesn't feel really hot.

There he is - yay!

What did you think? These are really good. On this side, were the more intense ones.

Faster, I guess. That blue one, especially, I've never ridden one like that.

It has really tight turns. I actually feel like G-forces.

You know pushing you around! That would scare me to death.

It's totally enclosed. The green one, it's open air for part of it. They're fun.

Oh, and it takes your picture on the ride too. Oh, that's cool! You can look at it at the front of the park at the kiosk to see if you want it.

It says remember to smile on TaniWha.

So it reminds you if there's going to be a photo taken on that ride so you remember to smile.

Are you cold now? Yeah, I am now! The water is warm though.

This is the actual real lazy river ride right there. Okay, watch this thing. It sprays people. Oh, cool. That was happening on the other

one, and I didn't know what they were doing. You can make it do that with

Your TapuTapu. That's cool, that you could spray people. I like those eyes! I could do that all day!

Let's wait for some people to come. So there's where you press your TapuTapu on it.

It shows like people are coming by in the inner tube and you're spraying them.

Get this kid down there. I think he wants it. Yeah, I don't think he knew how it happened but he was happy.

Where you going next? The real lazy river.

Kopiko Wai, The Winding River. So we're gonna see what he thinks about it.

I think you can wear a life jacket or you can get on a tube. So what do you think?

Oh, I like that. He said it's only about a quarter of a mile. Yeah. It's nice, and wide; relaxing. But there's there's no way that

you won't get wet on that. You will be like sprayed on.

Okay. There's different fountains and a waterfall. They said something about a cave. Yeah, the cave

is really cool. It's darker in there. There's some mist and music, lights.

Cool. When you come out of it then there's a big waterfall that you have to go

through. You're gonna get wet. Yeah, I like all the waterfalls. The theming and stuff.

Yeah this is a little kids section. Okay this is the Tot Tiki Reef and Runamukka Reef.

And swim diapers required for diaper aged children. So we're gonna go

over to Tot Tiki first. So I don't see any tots here but this would be age

where it would be toddler. So as soon they could walk, to like three or four he

said. There's little fish that spray the water and they can run in between

the lights. If they do, it makes the fountains go higher. So that's a really

cool area. And there's a tiny waterslide for them to come down. And a

little pool at the end of it. And then it looks like stairs up here where they can

actually just go up and do some water slides

up there too for kids.

There's some of them playing over here today.

Cool, it's like a big rock that has water like there's maybe it's a tiny little volcano.

And they can run up there and dump water on people. So here's their little waterslide area.

Cabana guests only. So there's the refrigerator back here. Ceiling fan. Checkerboard table. This would be a long couch.

So they can sit with their kids and take a nap. That's really convenient. There's some little tiny

beach chairs. And then there's the TapuTapu thing over there that they could

actually order food and they bring it to their cabana. So that's really cool. Honu ika Moana. That's probably not right. We know Moana - we got that part right.

We're gonna see if you can do

single line rider because I am not getting in the water today.

Will they put him with somebody? Of course.

Okay so they're gonna put him with some other riders cuz yeah you can't ride by yourself.

He's gonna do this blue one now. So now he's busy climbing the stairs again. Bless his heart.

Well he's coming down smiling so it must have been fun. Was it fun? I was like I

wonder how much height they're gonna make on that first really big one right

there, but you only went maybe half way up. Yeah it feels like you're going

really high. Yeah that's a lot of fun. There's two of them like that. Wow!

How many slides are in the volcano?

Well there's three drop slides, you know where you just get in the tube, kind of

and they shut the door, and you cross your arms, cross your ankles, and then the

floor drops out. And you know the one you go just straight down and it's only

about ten seconds. And then there's two other slides and they crisscross and turn.

But the entrances to those are more or less towards the front of the volcano.

Which would be on this side, the end the entrance side of the park.

So if you have problem doing stairs would you not want to do it. No! There's no

elevators. You can rent a towel for the whole day and then you would put it

right back here. And then for the cabanas it says it includes a lockbox, a

refrigerator, upgraded furniture, a limited amount of water bottles, small snacks,

towel service and a server. We're gonna do our photos.

And do the TapuTapu there. It shows the ones we took at the kiosk and some

of the ride photos. Pretty cool that it does those automatically. Catches you

right as you coming off a slide. Okay this is the end of our day at Volcano Bay.

It was fun! This just goes to show you can do a waterpark in the winter in

Florida. Just pick the right day and the right weather and it's not that bad.

A little cool maybe when you're not in the water but it's still fine. When you leave

you turn them in right here to someone like this nice lady.

TapuTapu return. Have a safe trip home. Thank you. Have a good day. Bye. I had a great time.

Slides were fun. So if you're in this area at Universal

or even Disney, try out the waterpark. Find a good day and come and enjoy it.

For more infomation >> A Cool Winter Day At Volcano Bay; Fun, A Little Sun, Ride Reviews, Park Tour, Krakatau Drop Slides - Duration: 22:29.


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