How To Location Track | Trace in Hindi | Urdu - Duration: 8:39.Aslam O Alikum
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Une boisson naturel pour nettoyer votre foie des déchets et toxines - Duration: 5:27.-------------------------------------------
SOLO VOITTO! Fortnite Suomi Battle Royale Gameplay ft. Aukku & Filmates - Duration: 10:08.
where did he go?
Shades of Blue - Harlee and Woz Face Off (Episode Highlight) - Duration: 2:23.-------------------------------------------
Wegirls 데뷔 임박! 그리고 새 멤버의 인사 Wegirls Debut COMING SOON! (+Introducing new member) - Duration: 1:40.We are Wegirls!
Hello StarMakers, did you all miss us?
Early September, we are finally beginning the promotion for our first debut album!
Due to performances, ad shooting and album prepping
our debut was very much delayed and we're sorry :(
And there's something different about us!
New members will be joining us
For our first album promotion, Wegirls unit members will be up first!
Rest of the members will remain as Wegirls Crew
and continue their individual broadcasting and activities
Our albums will continue to be released
and they will take part in those albums!
I bet you're curious about the new members at this point
Let us introduce ourselves!
Hey all, I'm Wegirls Hyeni
I'm the rapper of Wegirls, Ellie
I'm a new member, Nina
I'm Wegirls LeeYu
I'm the main vocal of Wegirls, Yehana
I'm Wegirls Jungah
I'm the short haired Eunah
I'm the cute maknae of Wegirls, HaL!
Until our official debut,
we will continue to show off our charm
so please continue to support us through Makestar, Youtube, instagram and our official social media accounts!
Let's end off with a fighting!
Tài Xỉu Bịp Công Chuyện Báo Rung Không Tan Mới Nhất 2018+2019+ Bán Đồ Tài Xỉu Bịp - Duration: 4:56.-------------------------------------------
கருணாநிதி எப்படி இருக்கிறார் வெளியான புகைப்படம் | TAMIL NEWS - Duration: 1:07.-------------------------------------------
Love Island's Ellie Brown kicked out in eviction shocker? - Duration: 4:50.Love Island viewers were asked to vote for their favourite girl and favourite boy at the end of last night's episode as yet another elimination day looms
While it remains to be seen just how many contestants will be kicked out of the villa, the islanders with the lowest votes are at risk of becoming ditched
At the moment, Ellie Brown, 20, is the bookies Betfair's favourite to go at 11/4, especially after she clashed with Georgia Steel, 20, yet again yesterday
The Geordie lass locked horns with Georgia over her treatment towards Laura Anderson, 29, and her controversial date with, 22, last week
In yesterday's episode, Ellie yelled at the barmaid: "Don't come back and say you're loyal when you're f****** not
"I think you're very hypocritical and I don't want you as a friend, but I'll be civil with you
" Georgia then said in the Beach Hut: "I will be civil, I'm not a nasty person. I'm definitely not intimidating and I definitely didn't mean to upset anyone
"Yes I'll be civil, but I think she's a nasty girl." Sexy lady Ellie Brown enters the Love Island villa This years Love Island is red hot
1 / 15 Grace Wardle, 25, is also the bookies favourite to be dumped tonight at 11/4
She has faded into the background in recent episodes, leading many viewers to question whether she's still actually in the villa
Out of the boys, Charlie Brake is also a favourite to go at 11/1, followed by unlucky in love Alex George at 10/3
Betfair Spokesperson Katie Baylis said: "Things have well and truly kicked-off amongst the girls now with the Ellie/Georgia/Laura feud the big talking point of the last few days
"While many backed Ellie's stance towards Georgia, the way she went about it hasn't impressed a lot of fans and she is the 11/4 favourite alongside Grace to go tonight from the girls camp
"While Grace hasn't done anything wrong, she hasn't really done anything at all and there seems to be no spark whatsoever with her and Alex which is why she's a favourite to go as well
" She added: "Georgia is next at 4/1 following the events of the last few days, but she may just sneak in based on previous loyalties
"For the boys Charlie is favourite to go at 11/4, while Alex is next at 10/3 with many punters thinking time is surely up for the unlucky in love doctor
" Viewers will have to sit tight until tonight to find out who's been let go. Love Island continues tonight at 9pm on 2
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JT de 8h du lundi 30 juillet 2018 - Duration: 1:09.Le JT de 8 Heures sur France 2 du lundi 30 juillet 2018 présenté par Nathanaël de Rincquesen propose un bilan de l'actualité en début de journée, à voir et revoir en direct et en replay ici
Pendant Télématin, le 8 Heures est une plage d'information qui propose des reportages et témoignages sur les événements de la nuit et donne l'agenda de la journée
Retrouvez chaque sujet du JT en replay découpé avec les élements de contexte à lire et partager
Sujets associés8 Heures
Markkinaviikko: Startup-sijoittaminen - Duration: 2:13.-------------------------------------------
Pixel Ripped 1989 PSVR Review | Distracting Your Teacher Never Played So Good - Duration: 5:09.-------------------------------------------
NERF | Theory of Everything 3 Layout - Duration: 2:12.
Phim ngắn: TÌNH BẠN 10 NĂM CHỈ ĐÁNG THẾ SAO | TẬP 3 ( Tập Cuối ) - SaMy TV - Duration: 12:45.-------------------------------------------
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, - Duration: 5:57.elf Wochen vor der bayerischen Landtagswahl reist Andrea Nahles heute nach Bamberg, Erlangen und Fürth, um den Genossen Mut für den bevorstehenden Wahlkampf zu machen
Vermutlich wird sie eher Mitleid erregen. Nicht nur, weil sich Sozialdemokraten in Bayern seit jeher wie Komantschen im Apatschenland fühlen
Sondern auch, weil sich ihre Position in den vergangenen Wochen weiter verschlechtert hat
Getty Images Obwohl die CSU schwächelt, ist die SPD in den Umfragen inzwischen hinter die Grünen zurückgefallen
Gemeinsam mit der AfD liegt die Partei bei gerade noch zwölf Prozent. Geht das so weiter, könnte die bayerische SPD bei den Wahlen Mitte Oktober einen neuen Negativrekord aufstellen: als erster westdeutscher Landesverband mit einem einstelligen Ergebnis
Der Populismus und das Geld REUTERS Nach der überraschenden Einigung im Handelsstreit mit den USA ziehen Politiker und Beamte in Brüssel ein hoffnungsvolles Fazit: Selbst Donald Trump kann offensichtlich nicht dauerhaft gegen die wirtschaftlichen Interessen seines Landes regieren
Der US-Präsident musste im erbittert geführten Zollkonflikt einlenken, nachdem seine eigenen Anhänger die negativen Folgen seiner Politik zu spüren bekommen und mit Liebesentzug gedroht hatten: Farmer, die wegen der Vergeltungszölle keine Schweinehälften und kein Soja mehr verkaufen konnten
Autokonzerne, bei denen der Gewinn einbrach. Republikanische Politiker, die milliardenschwere Staatshilfen beschließen sollten
Merke: Nichts entlarvt Populisten besser als ein Blick ins Portemonnaie. Der Schrecken des Klimawandels DPA Nach Orkanen, Überschwemmungen und der aktuellen Hitzewelle haben Wissenschaftler eine weitere bedrohliche Folge des Klimawandels ausgemacht: Tropische Wetterperioden im Sommer lassen die Temperaturen derart steigen, dass sich in den Wäldern vergessene Militärmunition selbst entzünden kann
Auch heute soll es wieder sehr heiß werden, mit dem entsprechenden Risiko von Waldbränden und Explosionen
Was für gruselige Aussichten: Der Klimawandel ist nicht nur mit Plagen wie Gletscherschmelze und steigendem Meeresspiegel verbunden
Er bringt auch manchen Schrecken des Zweiten Weltkriegs zurück. Der Fluch des grünen Hügels LUKAS BARTH-TUTTAS/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock Es gehört zu den Ritualen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens, dass Politiker die Wagner-Festspiele in Bayreuth dazu nutzen, allerlei persönliche Botschaften unters Volk zu bringen
Angela Merkel besucht seit Jahren die Premieren, um den Bildungsbürgern des Landes zu signalisieren, dass sie eine von ihnen ist
Christian Lindner stellte vorige Woche seine neue Freundin vor. Dabei war der Komponist, dessen Festival heute mit dem "Fliegenden Holländer" fortgesetzt wird, selbst ein großer Verächter des Berufsstands
"Ein politischer Mann ist widerlich", schrieb er einst an seinen Schwiegervater Franz Liszt, "ein politisches Weib aber grauenhaft"
Verlierer des Tages. RONALD WITTEK/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock . ist Mario Draghi
Der Präsident der Europäischen Zentralbank muss heute die jüngsten Inflationsdaten der Statistiker entgegennehmen; seit Monaten schon liegt die Teuerungsrate an der Zielmarke von zwei Prozent
Eigentlich müsste Draghi jetzt Signale aussenden, dass er seine Politik des billigen Geldes bald beenden wird
Doch dann fallen seine Ankündigungen wieder so vieldeutig und widersprüchlich aus, dass die Finanzmärkte eher von einer Fortsetzung des bisherigen Kurses ausgehen
Offenbar orientiert sich Draghi lieber an seinem berühmten US-Kollegen Alan Greenspan: "Wenn Sie glauben, mich verstanden zu haben, dann habe ich mich falsch ausgedrückt"
DIE LAGE - der kompakte Nachrichtenüberblick am Morgen: aktuell und meinungsstark
Jeden Morgen (werktags) um 6 Uhr. Bestellen Sie direkt hier: Alle Newsletter Die jüngsten Meldungen aus der Nacht Treffen mit US-Präsidenten: "New York Times"-Verleger Sulzberger warnt Trump Hamiltons Triumph in Ungarn: Auf gute Geister verlassen Reaktionen auf getöteten Eisbären: "Das ist kein verdammter Touristenort" Die SPIEGEL+-Empfehlungen für heute Neue US-Strategie: "Nicht der Klügere gibt nach" Rudolf Augsteins Unterstützung für Rudi Dutschke: "Ernsten, roten Dank" Ärger um Seehofers mangelnden Arbeitseifer: Minister mit begrenzter Laufzeit Neue Labormethoden: Warum die grüne Gentechnik nicht des Teufels ist Führungschaos: Verriet diese Frau das Erbe der Krupps? Bildung: Warum das Turbo-Abi gescheitert ist Beziehungsglück: Eiserne Liebe Ich wünsche Ihnen einen angenehmen Start in die neue Woche! Ihr Michael Sauga
BAU CUA 2018 3D, LUẬT CHƠI BẦU CUA 2018 3D LÀM THẾ NÀO - Duration: 6:50.-------------------------------------------
TOP 6: Czech Republic of 21. Century in Space - Duration: 5:01.Hello, Magion satellites and Vladimir Remek's flight know a lot of people
Today I will show you 6 Czech projects
whch are associated with astronautics. I chose
already done projects and projects in final phases
Let's get started
6 - SWA/PAS - SOLAR ORBITER launch 2019
A goupe of cosmic physics of faculty of mathematics and physics of Charles University (MFF UK)
has done for Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
desc of detectors for block of spectrometers
of protons and alfa particles which we call PAS and it's a part of SWA experiment
5 - Flame deflector and chassis - for Ariane 6 launch pad
Czech Republic do 2 things for Ariane 6 launch pad
Company MCE Slaný constructs a flame deflector
This company usually makes bridges and metal constructions.
Deflector will be 24 m below the surface. And it has 630 tons.
This thing will deflect flames, that have a velocity 3 times bigger than sound
That flames will have temperature of 3500-3700 degree Celsius
Company UNEX from Uničov will make chassis
For mobile service tower for Ariane 6 launch pad
4 - IME-HF and IDEE-A - TARANIS satellite - launch 2019
Institute of Atmospheric Physics of Czech Academy of Sciences makes a device for
recording detailed waveform measurements of fluctuating electric fields in the frequency range from a few kHz up to 37 MHz
They call it IME
IME form 2 parts a French antenna (BF) and Czech recording device (HF)
A groupe of cosmic physics MFF UK will also do with IRAP
a spectrometer of energetic electrons - IDEE
TARANIS satellite form French Space Ageny CNES
will study impulsive energy transfers from the Earth's atmosphere to the ionosphere
3 - Microaccelerometers - 3 SWARM satellites
3 SWARM satellites have been launched 11/22 2013 on top of the Rockot launcher
Czech Republic made microaccelerometers
These devices measure very small and slow accelerations
Czech Aerospace Research Centre made these things
2 - WAM - Russian surface platform Exomars 2020 - launch 2020
WAM instrument is part of Russian system MAIGRET on Russian surface platform in Exomars program
This device will measure electromagnetic waves that are coming from possible sparks in Mars storms
and waves that are coming on Mars from space
1 - VZLUSat-1 - Czech Aerospace Research Centre- in orbit
2U cubesat - VZLUSat-1 is project of Czech Aerospace Research Centre
private companies and universities. VZLUSat is technological satellite
that will test technologies. One of the experiments is a mini roentgen telescope
which is opened from 2U cubesat's body.This nanosatellite has 2 kg.
VZLUSat-1 has been launched from India on top of PSLV rocket 6/23 2017
In space VZLUSat was delivered with 30 other satellites includes a Slovak satellite SkCube
Thank you for your attention
Home and Away: Will Colby escape Ebony's house of horrors? - Duration: 3:49.After luring him to her house, Ebony has Colby right where she wants him – the two have been playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse for weeks now
Ebony (Cariba Heine) is out for revenge on Colby (Tim Franklin), after he was forced to shoot her brother Boyd (Steve Le Marquand) to defend Dean (Patrick O'Connor)
In last week's episodes, Ebony sent messages to Colby claiming to be his missing sister Bella
Tracing the messages back to Ebony, Colby was determined to catch the Summer Bay villain in action
The police officer arrives at the mysterious house to discover a room plastered with Bella's missing posters
In Monday's dramatic episode, he finds himself trapped in the room. When it becomes clear that there's no way to escape, he's forced to come up with a plan B
Colby attempts to disarm Ebony by calling her real name, Lisa. He tells her that if she lets him go, she won't be blamed for Hazel's (Genevieve Lemon) death, given how poorly her mother had treated her
It almost works, until he inadvertently brings up Boyd's death. Ebony then flies into a rage, pouring petrol under the door
As a desperate Colby tries to escape, Robbo (Jake Ryan) has been listening to the horrifying ordeal the whole time – having called him
Unable to stop him from going to the address, Robbo asked Colby to stay on the line so he could record what was happening
Just as Ebony is about to light the petrol, Robbo arrives and attempts to talk her down
Feeling betrayed by Robbo and blaming him for her mother's death, Ebony snaps and drops the Zippo lighter she was holding
Will the place go up in flames? Read more on Home and Away in this week's issue of New Idea, on sale now
Hydro Jet Plumbing Placentia CA 800-538-4537 Hydro Jet Plumbing Placentia CA - Duration: 1:19.Hydro Jet Plumbing Placentia CA. Are you sick of having your drains or sewer line clogged and having to pay a plumber every
6 months to come clear it out?
Hydro jetting is a long lasting solution to the problem of drain obstructions and tree
roots intruding into sewer lines.
We have a state of the art high pressure water jetter that cleans out grease, sludge, tree
roots or any other blockages in your pipes.
While conventional snaking only pokes a hole in the clog, water jetting cleans out the
entire surface of the pipe.
We are trained experts in sewers, drains, and septic systems.
We'll stop your problem at it's source and keep your home safe.
To get a better view of what's going on, our technicians can do an in-pipe camera inspection.
If your drain is blocked and causing issues, emergency service is available.
Give us a call today, we'll get there fast!
Om Nom Stories | Candy Prescription | Episode 4 | Kids Channel Cartoons - Duration: 1:39.Candy Prescription Om Nom
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