Boogie Nights & Goodfellas: When Karma Comes Around - Duration: 12:29.This video was brought to you by MUBI, a one of a kind streaming service with hand-picked
cinema classics from all over the world.
Get your first month for free at www.mubi.com/filmradar.
"I like stories with good old-fashioned roots that obey the rules—you know, 'the gun on
the wall in the first act goes off in the third,' and so forth.
My favorite directors are the ones who know and embrace those rules, then pile something
completely punk rock on top of them."
That was a quote from Paul Thomas Anderson in an interview about his film "Boogie Nights".
And I have to say that I agree with him.
Often the best films aren't the ones that completely break the mold, but rather films
that know and embrace those that came before it, by delivering good old fashioned storytelling.
If we were to compare Anderson's "Boogie Nights" and Martin Scorcese's "Goodfellas" we can
find a lot of common ground.
They both follow the rise and fall of two young and ambitious men, who find themselves
a sense of belonging within a surrogate family, and whose greed and ego ultimately lead to
their own self-destruction.
But while they may share much of the same DNA, each film does plenty to establish itself
as its own unique film, showing us how a film can borrow many of its thematic or structural
elements and still maintain its own creative voice.
Act One: The Gun on the Wall In both Boogie Nights and Goodfellas, we start
with a young protagonist with a difficult life at home, seduced by a new world and all
of its possibilities.
There's a kind of romance happening, for the lifestyle, the community, and it's understandable
to see why.
From both Henry and Dirk's perspective, these people have it all, the women, the cars, the
house, the money, the connections, and they just want to get a piece of that for themselves.
Before long, they're more than just a participatory member, but a rising star whose come to earn
the respect of everyone who surrounds them.
They find something they're good at and embrace it, as Karen puts it in a line from Goodfellas,
"these guys aren't brain surgeons, they're regular blue collar guys" so they claw their
way to success the only way they know how, even if it means losing their real family
in the process.
But everything is working out for our protagonists, or so it seems at first glance.
Many seeds are planted in the first act of Boogie Nights that foreshadow the darker turn
the film will ultimately take.
At every point it's all kept light, even breaking for moments of levity despite the darker context
of some of the scenes.
Scorcese employs some foreshadowing of his own, if you can even call it that.
Mostly we just see character traits established early in the story that become important later
on, like Maury and Jimmy's money issues, or Henry's lack of empathy towards Karen.
But one scene in particular stands out as a great bit of foreshadowing.
Demonstrating Tommy's odd sense of humor and erratic, often violent behavior that we'll
see make a return in the next section.
The intensity builds and we're thinking that Henry might be in real danger here, until
he realizes it's all a big joke.
"I almost had him!"
But even when the scene quickly turns violent after the owner asks Tommy to pay his overdue
bill, the laughs only get louder.
Which brings us into Act Two.
Act Two: It's All Fun and Games...Until Someone Gets Hurt
The first act has gone quite well for our characters, the money is coming in, the family
bond still strong and everyone's happy.
They're living the dream, just like they always wanted, until around the half-way point of
each story, when the metaphorical gun on the wall finally goes off.
What started out as all fun and games has quickly turned into something completely different,
with what Paul Thomas Anderson would call "karmic debt" starting to be paid back in
This too is true for the characters in Goodfellas, though they don't seem to be as aware, until
it's far too late.
Despite everything that's happened, Henry and Karen are in shambles after she finds
out about his mistress.
Henry's drug addiction worsens and he lies to Paulie's face to continue his Pittsburgh
operation, and of course we all know what happens with Tommy's erratic behavior.
But even worse than killing Spider, Tommy took out a made-man, something that you just
don't do in the Mafia.
But Henry and the others still live in blissful ignorance, their karmic debt remaining unpaid,
and after successfully pulling off the biggest heist in American history, their egos remain
unchecked and life continues on as normal, for a time.
Until paranoia sets in and Jimmy and Tommy start taking out everyone involved in the
heist so they can keep the cops off their trail, and hold on to the majority of the
And even as the body count continues to climb, the lies, the betrayals, Henry still can't
see the downfall of everything he helped to create, at least not yet.
Act Three: A Sobering Wake-Up Call & Returning Home
Up until this point in both films, the characters have their taste of reality, but still continue
to live in denial.
Whether from pride or ego, or a desperate attempt to retain their old lifestyle, they
continue to make the same mistakes that led them down this darker path to begin with,
until they both receive a sobering wake-up call in a pivotal scene that perfectly captures
feelings of anxiety and paranoia of two sleep deprived drug addicts desperately clinging
on to what power they still have, with Dirk and Henry finally receiving some karmic justice
for their actions.
And in these scenes, Scorsese and PT Anderson are able to perfectly communicate these feelings
of Anxiety and Paranoia in their main characters to the audience through their deliberate choices
of cinematography, music, writing, and editing.
A fast moving camera vs. a slow methodical camera.
Fast cuts vs. long takes.
Diegetic vs. non-diegetic music.
It's these types of decisions that create a mood of anxiety and paranoia in Goodfellas
and utter dread and claustrophobia in Boogie Nights.
Immediately following these incredibly tense scenes that challenge Dirk and Henry more
than ever before, they return to the patriarch of their respective surrogate families, in
desperate need of their help.
Dirk is forgiven and warmly embraced, welcomed back into the family, but Henry is turned
away, only given a bit of cash to help him with his troubles.
And this is where the two films really diverge.
In Goodfellas, the family has all but fallen apart, with most of the crew already dead,
and the few remaining unsure of who they can still trust.
So Henry enters a plea deal that will keep him out of prison, and get him into the Witness
Protection Program to keep his family safe, turning his back on the closest thing to a
family that he ever had.
But in Boogie Nights, the characters have suffered through the worst of it, and we see
something of a happy ending for everyone.
Reed performing his magic act, Buck and Jesse opening up their stereo store and welcoming
their first child into the world, Rollergirl goes back to school, with Jack and Dirk mending
fences and renewing their working relationship.
Both films can teach us a lot about the potential dangers of ego, pride, and selfish tendencies.
They each certainly have a lot to say about consequences, and how they may not always
be right around the corner, but one way or the other, karma is coming for you in the
It serves to comment on the importance of family, and that even if they're not blood
it doesn't make those connections any less meaningful, and that you should never turn
your back on them.
But most of all what I love about comparing and contrasting these two films is what it
can teach us about writing, how if you boil a story down to its fundamental parts, most
of the greatest stories ever told follow a similar pattern or structure, and these two
films in particular certainly have more in common than most, but you'd be hardpressed
to find anyone claiming that Boogie Nights is a carbon copy of Goodfellas.
Because while they are made up of many of the same ingredients, from its tonal balancing
act that mixes big laughs with extreme violence, sometimes even in the same scene, to their
similar protagonists whose character arc follows roughly the same path, or its overlapping
cinematic language like the infamous long-takes or the era appropriate pop soundtracks, they
both earn their place in the history of cinema as some of the finest works from two virtuoso
filmmakers at the top of their game.
And part of the reason Scorsese and PT Anderson excel as filmmakers is because they know how
to effectively harness Visual Literacy in their films.
Visual Literacy is the concept that directors use the camera in order to communicate deeper
story ideas and emotions to the audience.
But instead of words, the vocabulary and grammar of this hidden language is expressed through
the camera and everything else at the director's disposal.
To continue this conversation, click the link below to watch my video and learn more about
Visual Literacy and how directors Scorsese and PT Anderson used it to create different
moods in Goodfellas and Boogie Nights.
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Top 10 AMAZING Mario Kart Rainbow Road Tracks - Duration: 2:48.Top 10 AMAZING Mario Kart Rainbow Road Tracks
GREAT PERFORMANCES | The Chris Botti Band in Concert | Trailer | PBS - Duration: 0:21.If you enjoy jazz cool and hot standards and pop don't miss the sensational
Grammy winning trumpeter Chris Botti and his amazing band for the best in jazz
it's the Chris Botti Band in Concert on Great Performances
Funny videos 2018 🤰 People doing stupid things 😜 try not to laugh -p63 - Duration: 4:42.People doing stupid things
Harvest And Dry Homegrown Onions 👍 - When And How!😎 - Duration: 7:15.Onions, what can I say about them? Well, firstly they're one of those main crops
that you need to grow in order to be able to bulk out a lot of dishes these
days. Curries, casseroles, stews they all have onion as an integral part of the
recipe. Now earlier on in the year you saw us sowing these onions and they were
all sewn from sets and I did sets this year rather than seed because I didn't
have the time to get seed in. But in this episode we're gonna look at harvesting
and drying these onions. And in a later episode we will then look at stringing
these onions up, but that's all coming right up after this.
For those of you who don't know, I'm Tony O'Neil this is UK Here We Grow. If it's your
first time here, consider hitting that subscribe button and the bell
notification and you'll be updated every time we put up a new video. Onions, so
we're looking today at harvesting and storing these onions now you can tell that
these onions are ready to be harvested all the necks have flopped over or they've
bent over and the onions are already here now I did want to harvest these a
few days ago but we had torrential downpours for the last four days so
today is the first dry day that I've been able to get up here. But the idea
now is to start harvesting these onions, get them on the ground to dry now for a
couple of hours and then we are going to put them in a basket to dry very similar
to how we did our garlic, and you can see that episode up here. Now lifting your
onions is quite important in that you don't want to be pulling the onion, if
you pull the onion you're gonna damage it and it's not gonna store for you. So
instead get yourself a fork and put that fork down alongside of that onion and
then just praise on the fork while pulling on the onion very gently let the
fork do the work don't pull the onion out. Once we've got the onion out all we
need to do then is remove that soil from around the root system, and off the bulb.
and we can set them down on the soil to enjoy this glorious weather. So now that
I've got a few of these bulbs out I'm gonna get on with getting out the rest
of them and I'll set you up on a tripod for you to just watch what I'm doing.
So these onions have now been sat out here for about an hour or so just drying off
in the sun. And I've dug over those three beds that the onions were in and we've
already planted in some lettuce and some beetroot as a follow-on crop again
because both of those crops are quite quick and we're coming up to August now
so we have our onion here, and we still need to prepare this in a way all
these loose leaves now we want to be able to pull off or peel off down to the
last good leaf by doing this whatever's left of the onion don't worry if it's
taking off all the brown so whatever's left of the onion will provide you a
nice clean onion for later on, however, you have to be very careful here the
last thing you wanted to was scratch the skin underneath, because if you do it's
just not going to store. So we've got a nice clean onion now, and we are
literally just going to feed it through and like in the garlic video we're
storing our onions through the mesh just like this.
Storing them upside down allows all of the water to drain out of the neck, which
will help dry that neck okay? you'll have to excuse me I'm a little bit warm and as
you can see I'm sweating a bit. So we just need to continue doing that now
with all of these so we'll peel off all of these damaged skins on the outside
which will leave us a nice clean skin on the inside. Don't be afraid to peel off
the layer guys, and, it will leave us nice clean skins and these will turn brown
over the next few weeks, and once they are dried. I will show you exactly how to
string them up. Now quite a few people use a similar method as me and the
reason they use that method is because it works. When you're putting these into
to dry, guys, have them so that they're not touching each other. Don't worry if
you damage the leaves but try and get them all through that sort of mesh there.
Just play with them and they will all go through, there we go, and as you can see
we've got air flow around that. So I'm going to continue this and I'll come
back to you at the end. So there you have it guys, we've now got our onions cleaned
off so there's no split skins in these at all now it's a whole complete skin. And
that's we're looking for no disease and get in there then. Over the next few
weeks now all these will turn brown or red again, and we'll do the same
thing with the other tray we'll get them up in the drying rack and these necks
will eventually go all dry and brown and then we can get on with tying these
onions up which I will put in a later episode. We've left on the roots at the
moment because that aids in the drying process and the curing process of these
onions and later on when it comes to stringing these onions up we will remove
those roots, as well as some of the foliage that's on them. For now they're in perfect
shape in order to dry. so I really hope that this episode's has been of interest to you.
If you haven't already click that subscribe button and a bell notification
to be informed of when we put up more great videos like this.
How are your onions doing this year? Let me know in the comments section below.
And what variety are you growing? I'd be interested in to know how your
Onions have done in this incredible heat we have had this year. Anyway guys I'm
Tony O'Neill this is UK Here We Grow and remember you
reap what you sow. I'll see you in the next one. Bye, Bye!
Akú superschopnosť by si chcel mať? w/ A$AP Rocky & Chuck Norris Jr. (Titulky)| POULIČNÝ MAJK - Duration: 8:33.-------------------------------------------
19' May-Craft Repowered with a 140HP Suzuki by Atlantic Marine - Duration: 5:39.Hi, guys!
My name is Alfonso with Atlantic Marine
Today I'm going to talk to you about this 2005 May-Craft
This little guy right here got repowered, and as you can see the boat has been redone
It's in immaculate condition
If you come over here
Our captain today, his name is John
He's handling the boat today, so we're in good hands
If you look back here, this engine is on
It's currently in a forward gear
This engine comes with a six year warranty
It's 140HP
It comes with a 25" shaft
We put the new BayStar steering on it
We rigged the boat from head to toe
If you come over here, this is the analogue system
But, he upgraded it with the C-10 Multi-Display gauge
So what does that mean?
We put the controller
We put the key switch with the emergency shut off, and C-10 gauge which does the multi-functions
Really clean setup
This boat is doing close to 40mph
She's ready to go fish, have fun, sandbar, whatever you want
Visit our website at AtlanticMarineStore.com
Give us a call (305) 826-2202
Call us if you have any questions
You could call us if you already have Suzuki engines and just want to get them serviced
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Atlantic Marine
Please guys
Let's keep the water clean so we can keep enjoying this beautiful ocean
Let's keep Earth clean
Please, if you see anything, bottles, plastics floating around in the ocean
Pick it up
It doesn't hurt to pick it up and throw it away
This could be swallowed by a fish
This is just bad for the Earth, okay
Thank You
Maryland's Enchanted Forest Was Abandoned In 1989, And Now It's Slowly Being Devoured By Nature - Duration: 6:42.Maryland's Enchanted Forest Was Abandoned In 1989, And Now It's Slowly Being Devoured By Nature
Maryland's Enchanted Forest Was Abandoned In 1989, And Now It's Slowly Being Devoured By Nature
Maryland's Enchanted Forest Was Abandoned In 1989, And Now It's Slowly Being Devoured By Nature
ИНОСТРАНЦЫ СЛУШАЮТ РУССКУЮ МУЗЫКУ: МИЯГИ, ЭНДШПИЛЬ, МАКС КОРЖ, ЖАК ЭНТОНИ - Duration: 11:13.-------------------------------------------
Top 5 Moments from the Rise of TMNT Comic-Con Panel! 🙌 | #TurtlesTuesday - Duration: 3:45.Hey, I'm Kat Graham and I play April O'Neil
in the new Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Check out the top five moments from this year's Comic-Con panel.
Hot soup!
Oh yeah!
Um, excuse me, sirs.
Can you direct us to the local science-fiction convention
that we are currently dressed for?
Please welcome to the stage the amazing Kat Graham.
When I come to Comic-Con, I come to play.
[music playing]
What costume?
Get hyped, kids!
When I was six years-old, I actually uh...
Dressed up as my character, which is weird.
My mom sent me a photo.
And I got this of me as a six year-old
- with this outfit on. - The one you're wearing today.
That was a low blow!
I don't know if you know this, but you're kind of a softie.
That really hurts my feelings!
You have a point.
Well, my first exposure to the Turtle's universe in general
was through an old bad guy by the name of Tiger Claw.
Your skills are nothing compared to mine!
So I thought, well there's no way they're going to ask me to play Splinter.
I've already expended all my Japanese voices.
So how do you go--
How do you go from being Tiger Claw
to putting Tiger Claw in the laundry.
Wash him with hot water and dry him a little.
And then suddenly, Tiger Claw become Splinter!
Very strange!
Nice try.
It's like if Danny DeVito and Mr. Miyagi had a baby
and then that baby was the New York pizza rat,
and the pizza rat went to college with Yoda.
And that's the new Splinter.
OK, what's the plan?
- Solve the city's rat problem? - Hey now!
I am standing right here.
And you have some exciting announcements.
You guys wanna hear some exciting news?
She's a bit of a crime boss.
Not unlike the Kingpin or Java the Hutt.
Unleash the flavor!
We had eyebrows raised, but we watched these old commercials
with Johnny Rotten called Butter, British Butter.
I can't believe it's not butter!
And to say that he killed it is an understatement.
This guy was amazing in the booth.
Ah-ha! I feel the rush of your delicious energy!
Tah-dah! Mezmeron has arrived!
I am Warren Stone.
Former number one news anchor and
the greatest foe of the Teenage Mutant
Loser Turtles!
Oh. That's inspired.
It's a big deal to be part of this family.
It really is.
I put a claw of April.
Turtles has a tendency to stack it's villains on a pyramid.
And we thought it would be really fun to
as well as having a big threat that's in Baron Draxum,
but spreading out those villains to have a bit more lethal playground.
Yeah, it's a rogue's gallery. To have something funky to happen
every episode doesn't necessarily have an expected conclusion.
What's up?
Oh man.
That's me, the orange guy!
That's me!
I feel scared.
Like four walking Petri dishes.
You know what the craziest thing is?
They didn't mean to come in here. They're going to the Dragon Ball Z panel
and they're just lost.
They are lost.
- Cowabunga! - Cowabunga, baby!
Norwegian Bliss Family Ocean View Cabins - Duration: 3:32.today's video is brought to you by CruiseLine.com and shipmate app did
you know you can research and both your excursions right in the shipmate app
click on explore choose your port and browse excursions by destination it's
super simple to read reviews from real cruisers and book your activities right
in the app welcome to Norwegian lists outside cabin 5 1 3 8 while this cabin
is called a family oceanview it is also an accessible cabin this
cabin is very large and can accommodate four to five people the l-shaped vanity
features several drawers and a rolling chair something you don't find in all of
the staterooms onboard here's a look at the accessible restroom area
storage in this cabin is exceptional with a variety of shelves drawers and
closet space perfect for a longer voyage or a larger family
the large picture window offers a direct view to the sea
just next door is stateroom five one four zero another great option for a
the room is divided by a privacy curtain our favorite feature of this room is the
bathtub a rarity on cruise ships the dual faucets and ample storage are a
nice touch heading back to the living area you'll
see a couch that converts to a bed plus a plumbing style bed on the ceiling on
the left you'll see the vanity and flat-screen TV area
and now a quick look at the mini-fridge hair dryer and storage options the stool
under the vanity converts to a small table perfect for room service thanks so
much for watching these cabin tours be sure to check out our Norwegian bliss
vlogs and subscribe to cruisetipstv for more content until next time we'll see
you on the high seas
I Trained With Brain-Enhancing Headphones To Become Stronger - Duration: 5:03.- Joshua. - Yo.
- Did you see the email that I sent you?
- No. - Check it out right now.
- Let me check, let me check.
Brain zapping headphones?
What? - You should do this thing.
(energetic music)
- So, Becky showed me this pair of headphones
that Navy SEALS, pro athletes,
and even, musicians are using
to electrically stimulate their brains
to improve their performance.
Halo Neuroscience created this pair of headphones
that sends electrical pulses
to stimulate your motor cortex.
The claim is that this can help you get faster,
stronger, jump higher, and et cetera.
I don't know how that works, but I gotta find out.
I decided to work on improving my vertical leap.
I came to Altus Health, here in Santa Monica,
to get trained by this guy.
- Hey, I'm Paul Vincent, and I'm the co-founder of Altus.
We work with a lot of professional athletes,
and we manage every aspect of our client's wellbeing.
- So, for this, he's gonna put me through all the drills,
the warmup, and then the actual measuring
of my vertical leap without the headphones.
- And the other one up.
(intense music)
Yes, yes, yes.
Now, we're gonna look at your squat mechanics.
The amount of force you put into the ground,
that builds up, action potential.
And then your body releases that stored energy
and then you're off. The power.
- You maintain the power throughout.
- Exactly.
This is where you lose a lot of the force
or power going up.
People like me just kind of come off the ground.
Really good man.
Okay, this is good!
- Okay man, this is it. - Alright.
- Nice.
Not bad.
- 18 point five inches.
- So 18 point five is my vertical right now.
- I'm not sure the recruiters are going to be calling today.
(laughing) - Thanks Paul.
Some of the guys you train to do this-
what's like a really good one that they go for?
- They're getting 20s, 22s. - Oh.
How do you think theses headphones will be able to
help like prime me to do better?
- Everything is controlled by this one central processing
unit- the brain. - Yeah.
- So if you can stimulate from the origin
I think it will help empower that performance.
(upbeat music)
- Alright so here we go in the bathroom at my gym.
I got the headphones, we're about to try these things out.
I gotta get the primers- these little things wet first.
(running water)
All of these little guys have to be dark gray
so I gotta get them all wet.
Hopefully I don't get electrocuted.
Here we go.
Let's try this.
Alright here we go.
This is pretty crazy.
So they're on right now.
The neuro priming has already started.
You don't hear anything
but I can feel this kind of itchiness on my head.
So I've got about 20 minutes of this of a warm up.
And then we're going to do warm ups
and kind of stretch and get loose.
And then we're going to get into some exercises
and see if I feel any different doing those.
And we're going to keep trying for the next week
and see what happens.
(upbeat music)
I feel stronger.
My endurance is up.
I feel like I can keep going through set
after set after set.
(upbeat music)
These headphones seem to be working.
Alright so here we are back at it.
I'm here with Paul again.
I've been training for a week with the headphones
working with the drills and the stretches that Paul
gave me to do. - Nice!
- I got stronger.
I don't know if it's- - Something's going on.
- Something's going on, yeah.
So I feel like the headphones definitely helped me
feel stronger and helped me to be more
focused when I'm working out.
So let's see if this works.
Jump time.
- Alright man here we go!
(whispers) - Here we go.
- Let's see some good stuff.
That's good.
So last time you were at 18 point five.
- Okay.
- This time, drum roll-
(drum roll)
- Yeah! - Two and a half.
- Two and a half inches!
- That's good- - That's a big improvement.
- That's a big gain.
- That's huge! In just one week!
- Dude- - Wow!
- That's good. - Awesome!
- Is it the headphones or is just the fact that you
were working on this stuff.
In general practice is going to improve you no matter what.
I can genuinely say from using those headphones-
yo, I'm a believer.
These headphones work.
Paul once again thank you so much brother.
- Yeah, awesome.
- I think I'm about ready to try out for the NFL now.
- Let's do it. - Right?
- Let's bring it. - Yeah.
(upbeat music)
- Hey Unsolved is on a new channel!
And now your part?
(in unison) Subscribe here.
- That was my part.
Research shows chemical, depression link - Duration: 1:01.Researchers say they've found a link between low blood levels of a chemical and depression, opening the door for potential
new diagnostic tests and treatment. A recent study showed lower levels of an animo, acetyl-L-carnitine (LAC), in the
blood of people who have depression, compared to those who don't. In fact, they found the lower the levels of the
chemical, the more severe the depression. The findings build on previous studies done in mice, which also showed a link
between LAC levels and depression. LAC is naturally-produced in the human body, involved in metabolism and
energy production. It can also work with DNA to change how certain genes are expressed. LAC is available as a dietary
supplement, but the study's authors warn against going out and buying it as a depression treatment until they can conduct
more research. Experts say if further studies prove LAC is indeed a biomarker, or a measurable indicator of disease
in the body, it could be used to screen for and treat severe and medically-resistant forms of depression. The CDC says
around 16 million U.S. adults are affected by the condition each year.
A New Name and Channel! - Duration: 5:53.Hello, my name is Rylun Worden, also known as RY PIRATE 2000 on Xbox Live and formerly
I bet you were expecting some LEGO version of myself or Mega Blok, Halo Spartan, I don't know
talking to you right now.
But here I am in the flesh, because I want to give personality back to my channel and
it never really had much of it, so you know, here I am, this is the guy behind the camera.
Anyway the reason why I'm making this video is because five years ago my channel started.
It's my five year anniversary right now woo!
And the reason being is that I want to really come back to YouTube and take it seriously,
because the last time I was very consistent in uploading videos and having as much fun
as possible was 2015, that's a little weird that it took me a while to get back into this,
but I'm back and I'm ready to make a lot of videos again
LEGO stop-motion, animation, gaming, video skit things. I'm back to do all that stuff
and the first thing I thought had to be done was changing the channel name.
Now I bet you're wondering why would I ever change RY PIRATE 2000?
Well one I bet you didn't know it was pronounced that so that's you know part of it.
I've told friends for years what my channel name is, and none of them know how to spell it
or pronounce it, even after I just said it.
So I'm going to change it to something so much easier: Cutlass Creations it's great
it still has that pirate theme to it, even though I don't do anything piraty,
like at all.
I really got to do more LEGO pirate videos, I've had ideas I'm going to get to it one
Anyway so with this new channel name I'm bringing in a new upload schedule because I really
didn't have one like at all, I just kind of made it and released it.
So first off Wednesdays, every other Wednesday there will be a normal video.
Like what my channel is known for, built on, it's foundations, it's going to be a LEGO
stop-motion, a Halo video game skit, a 2D animation, 3D, some random short, skit that
has no continuity between them, you know, one of those kind of things.
And those videos are awesome to make and they will be released on Wednesdays, okay?
On Fridays will be my-
a weekly mini series shows like Halo Reach Shorts.
I remember that show because it had, two, three maybe three fans for it, and I want to
bring it that back.
It's always fun, I voiced all three main characters, so it's actually not ridiculously hard to
So I'm going to be bringing that back along with some other mini series, that will be
announced later.
I just don't want to give away everything here.
Anyway and more importantly on Mondays, starting two weeks from now I will be releasing shows
that are released by season, which means that this season 1 of the show will be released
weekly during its run.
So in two weeks expect a teaser trailer for the show and in three weeks I guess you can
look forward to the pilot!
To the show I've always wanted to make on this channel.
Anyway besides those I've decided that unlike myself five years ago I will actually be active
on social media, and what I mean by that is that I've actually didn't have really any
of that stuff starting out, so now I've actually decided that hey let's get a Twitter account,
let's get Snapchat, let's get Instagram, let's get Facebook.
I've tried the Facebook page thing, I was bored and I didn't bother to actually update it
but now it's going to be updated because darn't I actually want a little name recognition
I got 1000,000 views on a video once, that's sadly my proudest achievement on YouTube and
I want a little more because I love being on YouTube, I love having all these videos
being made, and I would like a few more people to see them, just because they're fun to make
and I want to spread my ideas or whatever.
Anyway so what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be active on Facebook,
Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter.
They're going to pretty much have the same stuff on it so choose whatever platform you
I'm just going to be active because all these because I feel like this is going to be a
great way to keep the community up to date and actually build a community
because I don't think I have one.
Any how I'm also going to be launching very soon a website of www.cutlasscreations.weebly.com
it's long but it's free.
And this website is designed to organize all my content so it's easier to read, it's got
trivia, behind the scenes videos that will be released a week after the video are released
on this channel, which means that look forward to all this new content
and by all this I mean like an extra-
I'm just making a video along side the actual video, and adding more
descriptions on how I did everything, but hey you never know what you want with videos.
And I'm also going to have a few other community features that will hopefully, just be a good
hub for my content.
And with all that said I'm just going to bring back a remaster of my very first video
lego mob of the dead.
You might have spotted that I've always wanted to make a remake of this and the fact that
Black Ops 4 is making a remake of Mob of the Dead.
I'm going to make LEGO Blood of the Dead.
I remaster of my original video with possibly something more added onto it.
That will be released next Wednesday.
You can actually go on your-
my social media now if you actually want to get some updates on it.
But essentially that's what's going to be going on right now I'm just glad that the
few of you that actually want to view this video are here to know what's going on with
Cutlass Creations because I'm glad that you want to actually check this out.
Thank you for tuning in and
I'm not going to say the old outro, it's stupid
Hey I'm just glad to be here.
Okay um look forward to all those videos!
Red Dead Redemption 2 - OMG IT'S TRUE! RDR2 EXTENDED PREORDER BONUS! NEW RDR2 NEWS & INFO! (RDR2) - Duration: 3:44.Red Dead Redemption 2 - OMG IT'S TRUE!
(RDR2) 0:00:00.000,0:00:03.149
hey what's going on everybody my name is RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2
0:00:01.530,0:00:04.650 Zack do you guys can call me hazardous
RDR2 0:00:03.149,0:00:05.940
thank you so much for tuning back in to RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS
0:00:04.650,0:00:08.519 my channel and welcome back to another
RDR2 NEWS 0:00:05.940,0:00:09.840
red dead redemption - video here on the RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 INFO
0:00:08.519,0:00:11.519 channel today I hope you're all having a
RDR2 INFO 0:00:09.840,0:00:13.019
fantastic day and thank you so much for RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 PREORDER
0:00:11.519,0:00:14.849 all your support on my channel recently
RDR2 PREORDER 0:00:13.019,0:00:16.080
you guys Rock in today's video we're RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 PREORDER BONUS
0:00:14.849,0:00:18.090 gonna be talking about rock star
RDR2 PREORDER BONUS 0:00:16.080,0:00:19.680
extending the time that players have so RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 TREASURE MAP
0:00:18.090,0:00:21.570 they can digitally order Red Dead
RDR2 TREASURE MAP 0:00:19.680,0:00:23.580
Redemption - and still receive their RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 TREASURE MAP PREORDER
0:00:21.570,0:00:26.130 treasure map preorder bonus reward in
RDR2 TREASURE MAP PREORDER 0:00:23.580,0:00:27.630
the game come release October 26th I RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEW INFO
0:00:26.130,0:00:29.010 talked about this in a video last week
RDR2 NEW INFO 0:00:27.630,0:00:30.869
and I was trying to say how it was RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2 NEWS AND INFO
0:00:29.010,0:00:33.450 highly unlikely that this was a mistake
RDR2 NEWS AND INFO 0:00:30.869,0:00:34.829
because Microsoft and Xbox did the same NEW RED DEAD REDEMPTION 2
0:00:33.450,0:00:36.660 thing when they leaked the Red Dead
NEW RDR2 0:00:34.829,0:00:38.070
Redemption two special editions before
0:00:36.660,0:00:39.690 Rockstar officially announced them as
0:00:38.070,0:00:41.640 well the only difference is that with
0:00:39.690,0:00:43.260 the special edition leaked Rockstar came
0:00:41.640,0:00:45.149 out the next day to officially announce
0:00:43.260,0:00:46.860 it in their news wire whereas this time
0:00:45.149,0:00:48.239 it took them over a week and I think it
0:00:46.860,0:00:51.390 was just because of the newly released
0:00:48.239,0:00:52.829 after-hours DLC for GTA 5 online so
0:00:51.390,0:00:54.629 before we end of this video if you guys
0:00:52.829,0:00:55.949 enjoy and found today's video helpful
0:00:54.629,0:00:57.420 and the information helpful definitely
0:00:55.949,0:00:58.680 drop a like also guys if you are new to
0:00:57.420,0:01:00.030 the channel and enjoy all these daily
0:00:58.680,0:01:01.109 Red Dead Redemption 2 videos and
0:01:00.030,0:01:02.550 livestreams please feel free to
0:01:01.109,0:01:04.019 subscribe and check out the Red Dead
0:01:02.550,0:01:05.430 Redemption - playlist I have link down
0:01:04.019,0:01:07.170 in the description let's jump right into
0:01:05.430,0:01:08.460 this so like I said Rockstar announced
0:01:07.170,0:01:10.110 that they're extending the time players
0:01:08.460,0:01:11.880 have to digitally pre-order Red Dead
0:01:10.110,0:01:13.530 Redemption - and still receive the bonus
0:01:11.880,0:01:15.810 treasure map reward when the game
0:01:13.530,0:01:18.180 releases in October but how long exactly
0:01:15.810,0:01:19.799 do players have well according to their
0:01:18.180,0:01:21.509 Twitter Rockstar mentions players have
0:01:19.799,0:01:23.070 until August 15th and they mentioned
0:01:21.509,0:01:24.810 this on all their social media if you
0:01:23.070,0:01:26.130 guys head over to the Rockstar Games
0:01:24.810,0:01:27.509 Twitter you could see their tweet where
0:01:26.130,0:01:29.549 they say the deadline to get the
0:01:27.509,0:01:31.409 exclusive treasure map with any digital
0:01:29.549,0:01:33.540 pre-order of Red Dead Redemption - from
0:01:31.409,0:01:35.970 the PlayStation Store or Microsoft Store
0:01:33.540,0:01:38.310 has been extended to August 15 to 2018
0:01:35.970,0:01:40.320 now they mention this again in their
0:01:38.310,0:01:41.759 Twitter I hope this clears up the air
0:01:40.320,0:01:43.649 for anyone who is wondering if they
0:01:41.759,0:01:45.270 digitally pre-order from Gamestop or
0:01:43.649,0:01:46.890 physically pre-order the game they won't
0:01:45.270,0:01:48.720 be getting this treasure map you need to
0:01:46.890,0:01:50.610 preorder it digitally from the
0:01:48.720,0:01:52.049 PlayStation Store or the Microsoft Store
0:01:50.610,0:01:53.340 because basically when you digitally
0:01:52.049,0:01:55.380 preorder it from either of those two
0:01:53.340,0:01:57.270 retailers you essentially are going to
0:01:55.380,0:01:58.710 receive a code a download code for the
0:01:57.270,0:02:00.149 game and you're gonna receive a download
0:01:58.710,0:02:01.740 code for the treasure map as well and
0:02:00.149,0:02:03.119 that's how you'll be able to unlock it
0:02:01.740,0:02:04.860 in-game I think this is a good thing
0:02:03.119,0:02:06.210 that Rockstar extended the time players
0:02:04.860,0:02:08.039 have some people are saying this is
0:02:06.210,0:02:09.330 because of a lower pre-order numbers and
0:02:08.039,0:02:10.830 some are saying it's because of the lack
0:02:09.330,0:02:12.480 of gameplay and that Rockstar is trying
0:02:10.830,0:02:13.260 to make up for it I personally think all
0:02:12.480,0:02:14.489 of that is wrong
0:02:13.260,0:02:16.319 this was rockstars plan all along
0:02:14.489,0:02:17.909 they've done it before in the past and
0:02:16.319,0:02:19.439 they're doing it again right now they
0:02:17.909,0:02:21.000 wanted everyone to pre-order by July
0:02:19.439,0:02:22.709 31st and now that it's been revealed
0:02:21.000,0:02:24.209 players will have an extra two weeks to
0:02:22.709,0:02:25.530 pre-order the game digitally and still
0:02:24.209,0:02:27.090 receive this treasure map pre-order
0:02:25.530,0:02:28.920 bonus this will entice some of those who
0:02:27.090,0:02:30.360 felt restricted by the time limit to
0:02:28.920,0:02:32.190 finally go ahead and pre-order the game
0:02:30.360,0:02:33.599 it's a smart business move for sure and
0:02:32.190,0:02:35.190 that is just rockstars way of doing
0:02:33.599,0:02:36.329 things with unreleased games but that
0:02:35.190,0:02:37.799 wraps up what I want to talk about in
0:02:36.329,0:02:39.090 today's video let me know what you guys
0:02:37.799,0:02:40.349 think down in the comments if you
0:02:39.090,0:02:41.519 haven't pre-ordered the game yet well
0:02:40.349,0:02:42.780 your pre-order now within the next two
0:02:41.519,0:02:44.010 weeks or a most of you who haven't
0:02:42.780,0:02:45.420 pre-ordered the game just yet are you
0:02:44.010,0:02:46.620 guys still waiting for gameplay thank
0:02:45.420,0:02:47.909 you so much for watching thank you for
0:02:46.620,0:02:49.560 all the support recently and welcome to
0:02:47.909,0:02:51.720 all the new subscribers I have another
0:02:49.560,0:02:53.340 upload going on the channel right after
0:02:51.720,0:02:54.510 this so make sure you guys stay posted
0:02:53.340,0:02:56.609 on the channel and I'll have that video
0:02:54.510,0:02:58.200 up later on today thank you guys so much
0:02:56.609,0:03:00.389 for now drop-leg if you guys enjoyed and
0:02:58.200,0:03:01.739 found this information helpful subscribe
0:03:00.389,0:03:02.879 to the channel if you guys are new and
0:03:01.739,0:03:04.560 enjoy all these daily Red Dead
0:03:02.879,0:03:05.700 Redemption 2 videos and livestreams also
0:03:04.560,0:03:07.230 don't forget if you want to win an
0:03:05.700,0:03:08.730 ultimate edition copy of red dead
0:03:07.230,0:03:10.079 redemption - and be sure to enter my
0:03:08.730,0:03:11.700 giveaway the links and rules are down in
0:03:10.079,0:03:13.920 the description and also follow me over
0:03:11.700,0:03:15.150 on twitter at hazardous HD TV so I can
0:03:13.920,0:03:16.319 talk with you guys in real time over on
0:03:15.150,0:03:17.489 there aight we don't want all my videos
0:03:16.319,0:03:18.900 are going live so you guys can be the
0:03:17.489,0:03:20.250 first ones to watch i hope you all have
0:03:18.900,0:03:22.440 a fantastic day and i will see you guys
0:03:20.250,0:03:25.459 in the next Red Dead Redemption - video
0:03:22.440,0:03:25.459 adios amigos
0:03:36.210,0:03:39.379 [Music]
Red Dead Redemption 2 - OMG IT'S TRUE!
(RDR2) Red Dead Redemption 2 - OMG IT'S TRUE!
Construct 3 Tutorial - Collecting Items & Adding to the Inventory - Duration: 4:54.Many games allow you to collect items and add them to your inventory for later use,
or just to increase your score as you find them.
Today, we're going to look at how to collect items, and keep track of them as you play
the level.
We'll be using a platformer style game for this example, but this applies to any type
of game where you're collecting items.
Here is what we'll be building.
We've got a little dinosaur character to play with, and when he collides with the mushrooms,
they are added to his inventory.
To start off with, I have the layout and the player movement setup.
The first thing we need to do, is add the mushroom objects to the layout.
I have the images I'll be using saved as png files, and I'll drag and drop each of them
onto the layout.
When you drag and drop an image onto the layout, Construct automatically creates a new object
for you, and names it after the file name.
I'll change the name of the orange mushroom to mushroom 1.
I'm going to place the mushrooms on the ground in front of the player, but I want to add
another mushroom_1 to the layout.
You can pull out another instance of the object from the project panel, or hold down control,
and click mushroom_1, and drag a copy out.
Dragging a copy out can be a lot faster, especially if you're selecting multiple instances, and
duplicating the item many times.
If I preview the layout by clicking F5, our dinosaur can only run behind the mushrooms.
He doesn't collect them yet, because we need to set that up in the event sheet.
Let's switch over to the event sheet.
What we need to do, is check and see if the player has come in contact with a mushroom,
and if they have, we'll destroy the mushroom, and add it to our inventory.
Go ahead and click on Add event.
We're going to use the Player object, and we're going to test for collisions.
Under the collisions category, select on collision with another object.
When you hit next, you can choose the object we're going to be colliding with, which will
be mushroom_1.
Right click and copy this event, and paste it below.
Double click on the 2nd event, and change the object to Mushroom 2.
The next thing we need to do, is destroy the mushroom sprite, since we've collided with it.
So, let's add an action, using the mushroom that we collided with,
scroll down, and choose destroy.
Add an action to the 2nd event, select mushroom 2, and choose destroy.
At this point, if we press F5 to preview the game, we can destroy the mushrooms as we come
into contact with them.
Nice, we're almost there.
Last, we need to add them to our inventory.
An inventory system can be done in many ways, but for this simple example, all we're going
to do is create a couple of variables on the player object.
Select the player object in the Project panel, and click on Instance Variables
in the Properties panel.
Click on add new instance variable, and change the name to mushroom_1.
Go ahead and leave everything else as is, and hit OK.
Add another variable, and call it mushroom_2, and click OK.
Now, under the collision events, we can add to these variables, increasing our inventory.
Add another action, this time using the Player object.
Scroll down to the Instance Variables category, and choose Add to.
Since we're colliding with mushroom_1, we want to increase the mushroom_1 variable by 1.
Right click the add to action, and copy it, and then paste it under the other collision
Double click the new action to edit it, and change the instance variable to mushroom 2.
That's it.
To see our instance variables increase, we can debug the layout,
and select the player object.
Under Instance Variables, you can see the values for mushroom_1 and mushroom_2, and
as we collide with them, they are added to our inventory.
In the next video, we'll take a look at how to show these values on the screen, displaying
the mushroom variables like a score.
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