Thứ Hai, 30 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

Fitness for Kids Park Workout Kids Exercise Episode 9

Hazy chambers, welcome back to another video in today's remember to be our local park where you can have fun and get fit

I love the monkey bars at our Park. I

Like to skip every other part

Whoa, not only can you go across the monkey bars you could use them to do pull-up

Well, I'm gonna be on this thing Logan's gonna be on that and we're gonna see if we could do five pull-ups ready set


down up

Say yeah, we good

Three four

Five. All right now Logan and I are going to do a race on the park obstacle course

Course before we do it

I have to show you it

So we first start here and then we make our way over this block log here now

I'll show you the way I have to go and then Logan I

Have to go on this turtle go back and forth ten times


Go up here on this ladder go up

And then down the slide

Wow, okay

Then Logan this is his route goes back and forth ten times as well on this horse

And he has to go all the way up there

Then he

Also goes on the slide


Okay, there you go up and over this rock wall here, but I won't do it because I'm underweight

That's cheating

Then we have to go up on this log here

Go and the worst can happen when you go like this hey

Drunk here

Make your way to the monkey bars my personal favorite and then you go across of course still I don't want to waste any energy

Okay, Oh what down on the monkey bars they have to restart the monkey bars are just everything

The monkey bars. I'm not gonna be back. Okay

Yeah we go out here

The first one to the end win, yeah. Hey on your mark get set go

All right

Good job Logan. Thank you so much

You did get to yeah

Why don't we go go in the yard over here all this lamb that we have and do some fun stuff. Yeah

All right, here's my routine cartwheel round oh


Hey guys, don't forget to hydrate

Um, also if you have a local park next to you make sure you go to it

There are so many fun activities that we're gonna show you actually later on

lava monster

You could buy a Robert Austin Roberts. Yeah, that's a big one

It's me to tell you get a bunch of our friends and just have fun. Really. Um, so don't forget that joins the team

subscribe down below like comment share

What's that notification button? Alright, and we'll see you next time. Bye

For more infomation >> Fitness For Kids Park Workout Kids Exercise Episode 9 - Duration: 6:10.


قصيدة قصة حب مجروح للبنات المكسورة وموجوع قلبها من الحب _ الشاعر أحمد بيسو - Duration: 2:46.

For more infomation >> قصيدة قصة حب مجروح للبنات المكسورة وموجوع قلبها من الحب _ الشاعر أحمد بيسو - Duration: 2:46.


#79 I have finally worked out the measurements of my raised planter - Duration: 21:31.

It's a beautiful day... quite windy though. But I wasted half of it by sleeping in,

so let's start!

This is where we left off from last week. I was trying to decide

how to lay out the area and it was predicating mainly on this stump that you see

here... but I believe it would be a lot easier to work on this if this whole

area was clean.

So I'm going to spend a good part of the day removing all of

these plants. That would give me a better view and I could better decide what to

do here.

That in turn could tell me how much materials I would need.

I've been calling the space the overflow area and this is right across another

area which I call the area neglect. So as you can tell from the name, right here I

place everything that I have excess off - so anytime I make cuttings or if I chop

or propagate I just stick them here... and you'll see that all of them are doing

really well, so well that there they have taken over the area. I'd like to be able

to reorganize this part and that's the main motivation behind creating the

planters. Right now there's no method to this madness. I just stick stuff whenever

I see space in the ground. Apart from that I also want to have a proper space

for my propagations cause right now they are just all over the place.

An unfortunate consequence of that is I am not actively monitoring all of them.

I just tend to linger in one area. So by placing all of them in a single spot

right here - that would mean that I would have an

easier time monitoring them and checking on them...

and no plant will be overlooked.

At least that's the theory.

Let's start cleaning.

I'm starting with this pink

plants right here. These are xGraptoveria "Douglas Huth"

and I have lots and lots of cuttings.

The Douglas Huth is a hybrid, an inter-generic hybrid based on the

Graptopetalum paraguayense and anything with paraguayense in it means that the

leaves come off easily.

Now these ones are the xGraptophytum "Supreme".

This is an inter-generic hybrid between

a graptopetalum and a pachyphytum, hence the name.

...again, the paraguayense

influence in this means that the leaves fall off easily.

On the upside...

...they propagate easily as well.

Lucky for me most of them are already in pots.

So there's less work for me.

For the rest of them I'll need to place them in a container, temporarily.

My Aeonium smithii is alive!

So happy!

I've got an Aeonium tabuliforme, a plate plant.

It's one of my favorites.

We've got some Portulacaria afra here.

Several cuttings.

I've kept them in pots 'cause I don't want them to be

so big and out of control...

They can be quite big here in Melbourne...


This one here is a Crassula "Blue Bird".

one my favorite fillers.

Crassula tetragona.

Just moving it out of the way.

Next up is this Crassula arborescens subspecies undulatifolia, and it gets

the name in the shape of the leaves.

As you can see the edges are wavy and that's

what undulate means.

I got lots more over there. This is one of the larger cuttings

that I stuck in here.

It's time for them to go.


It's my aureum!

Aeonium aureum.

More popularly known, previously known as Greenovia.

Yeah, it's alive!

I like using these plants for fillers.

Cause the texture...

texture of the leaves - the waves.

They make really nice complement

to the other plants.

What I'm doing right now is placing them in pots you don't have to

plant them properly right now especially since this is just temporary.

At most maybe they'll be staying here for a couple of days or three days

they'll survive.

This is an Aeonium davidbramwelli...

...and as you can see, it has reverted from the variegated state.

So it's just a plain davidbramwelli.

Now here's a davidbramwelli that's partially variegated. It has its own pup.

This form is called the "Starburst".

With the Starburst, the markings are at the

center the leaves.

The fully variegated version would be the Sunburst, and with

the Sunburst, the markings would be at the opposite - at the ends... the margins of

the leaf.

So that's how you tell them apart

Now the remaining plants that you see here are either forms or hybrids or

variations, cultivars of the Aeonium arboreum, except maybe for this one and

this one I guess? Right now in their growing season they are looking a bit

similar because they all have their rosettes wide open and some of them have

even reverted to green. That's pretty normal and during growing season they

actively grow during the cooler months which means in my case that would be

autumn and winter. So if you plan to do any propagations or choppings this is

the best time to do it. Because each cutting will take and they would grow

all of these offsets. Back when I planted them here there was they only had a few

offsets on them. But now you can see there's a very thick growth. They form

bushes already. This is probably a "Blushing Beauty".

A sister seedling to the "Velour" as they have the same parents.

Now all I have to do is

to relocate the pelargoniums and imbricata, and clear out the weeds, and

we're done.

If you're in Australia, these are still for sale. So let me know.

These ones are not seeing enough sunlight cause they've been right at this fence and they've

been overrun bt the weeds. So I need to give them some exposure so they would

look more compact just the way I like it.

Now before I move them wherever it's always a good idea to clean them up while I have

easy access to them.

By removing the dead leaves, that ensures that there's more

airflow underneath and make them less likely to succumb to fungal rot.

All we have left are the weeds... should be easy.

Now that this spot is clear, I can finally mark our work area.

I'm going to use twine to mark out the

area that I'm going to enclose.

I've got some sticks here, which I'll be driving to the ground.

So what I did was to mark out 4.8 meters along the fence... give or take.

I gave a bit of allowance cause that way

I could use joiners in between.

Cause the timber planks come in 2.4 meters

There's no way I could have a single piece of plank along here so I

have to join two. Right Nikki?

Now that I know the length maximum left that I can have I

just need to work out the space and the clearance that I would need to do to

avoid that stump and the rest will follow you see so from the string to the

stump it's got about 700 700 millimetres to this part and I was originally

thinking of using just 500 it's about just with on second thought I think I'll

go with 60 centimetres or 600 millimetres that way I can split a

single plank into four equal parts each part 60 centimeters I don't have a

square rule so I'm going to use this piece of board get an approximate square

or perpendicular 90 90 degrees see how it goes

sixty centimetres is somewhere here

let's do the same on the other end

they don't need it to be perfect I just need an approximation so I'm going with

this for now

I think this is a good representation of what I'm going for

and for now I'm thinking of just going with one layer the father's layer with

three planks and develop my technique and once I get the hang of it I could

work on other sections along the fence either I create a second tier here or

create another planten at the other side is that in mind I would eat four corner

pieces to join our pieces and point eight point eight plus one point two I

would need six meters of sleepers it's getting dark now it's almost 5:00 p.m.

so let's go back inside and do the calculations

okay now we're back to my computer as you can see right now I'm actually

working on the poster the thumbnail for my video and I've been spending i've

spent a few hours so far when this i've been thinking a lot about how i would

like to represent best 3 percent a thumbnail and I figured that for this

video it would be a good idea to include some of my drawings I've been sketching

mainly inside Photoshop just using the vector tools shapes and by no means am i

a good artist I'm if I were I would be using a better tool maybe it was

straight or something I don't know I don't know what your cool kids use but

anyway let's make do with what we have all right I'm on Photoshop and what I

want to do is to create a sketch of what I intend to do the back yard so let's

forget about this render for now although I did I did work on something

earlier this is a sketch pseudo-3d sketch for the planter that I had to do

there are some if you can see here there are some markings showing the dimensions

that I'm going for but let's go on the head and create a new file I'll go with

1920 by 1080 P yes so I can import it directly to the into the video that I'm

working on oh yeah if you haven't noticed I have two

screens now I bought my second screen a few weeks ago because I was having a

hard time working at home because these days I work from home for half of my

work week since my wife is about done in her maternity leave and has started

going back to work but I digress so here we have a blank screen and I'm going to

work on the plot so to speak

let this rectangular shape here represent the backyard maybe I should

just go with green black or just clean gray so we have this so we have this

plot and what I want to know actually I'm going to use the entire screen so

take this black page this blank page is going to represent my backyard so we

have the corner top left corner here that would be the north western corner

that's the edge that's near the tree stump let us draw a shape here let's

just draw a shape here 3% a stunt it should be the tree stump here

and I'm going to build my plot over in this area

let's move both of them now Center just to make things easier to work on so here

this is starting to look like a patreon logo we think anyway what I was thinking

here was to just go with one Pier one novel for now doing it this way means

that this is my breakfast run I'm going to perfect my method with this large

planter first oops sorry yes with this large planter first and

I'm going to make I'm going to use that our stretch the available space based on

my measurements I've got about four point eight meters for the entire length

of the fence and the longer side and I've got about 0.6 actually I was

originally thinking of half a meter for the length or the width considering that

the planks the timber planks come in 2.4 meters I could divide it into four and I

would have 0.6 meter slabs and that would be perfect cuz I would be using

the entire length of the from the sleeper without any wastage and I did

mention that I'm all about efficiency I want to make the most out of the

material so perfect again this is a four point eight length which is exactly

twice the length of the timber sleeper two point four so I'm going to use two

timber slippers here so based on this diagram I would need four four retaining

corners retaining uprights one will be here another here another

here finally here four corners and apart from that since I have 2.4 meters of the

sleeper timber I would need to join two of them this side which which means I

would need to get two of the steel joiners and based on this diagram so far

you would see that I would need one two three four four pieces of the 2.4 timber

sleepers and one two that's one point two that's two pieces of the point six

meter sleepers or a half of a single slab as you recall I'm going for the

eleven hundred centimeter retaining upright that means that I can stack

three levels three layers of the sleepers and right now this is what I

would need so far and if we multiply this by three layers and that means that

I will need twelve pieces of the 2.4 meters labs and

six pieces of just the 0.6 meter slab and as you know six pieces of 0.6 means

1.5 of 2.4 meters so in total I would need about 13.5 the two point four meter

sleeper logs I'm going to round that off to 14 and use the extras for whatever

purpose you need I don't know yet I might need it so after doing the maths I

would need 14 pieces of the sleepers and that would be a total of 170 dollars

four of the corners at 50 point 99 each that means a total of 203 204 to joiners

that's about ninety seven point twenty eight dollars and a grand total of 472

almost half a grand yikes but I've been saving up for it or

at least I've already got most of that saved the rest time I'll have to dig

into my personal savings this tells me I need to sell more plans man our Springs

around the corner and make up for it by then thank you so much for my patreon

supporters as a screen Oh Judi see you snap GUI Gloria not even nervous Tom

Linda and everyone else especially this one supporter who prefers to remain

anonymous your contributions help me fund projects like this so all your help

is very much appreciated if you enjoyed this episode please consider hitting the

like button and make sure to subscribe and hit that notification well that way

you won't miss out on the next episodes cuz the next episode the direct

continuation to this in that episode I'll be showing the actual building of

that raised bed next plant comes out every Tuesday morning my time that would

be Monday evening the other side of the world ESD and I also put out a recap

video Saturday night which should Saturday morning the other side of the

world and lastly if you're on Instagram please check out saris Capades I post a

photo of an HIV every single day under the hashtag daily echeverria I've seen

the next episode bye

For more infomation >> #79 I have finally worked out the measurements of my raised planter - Duration: 21:31.


聞きやすい音質とステレオ感のポータブルスピーカーBassPalDirect メモリーカード対応でBGMにも - Duration: 5:06.

For more infomation >> 聞きやすい音質とステレオ感のポータブルスピーカーBassPalDirect メモリーカード対応でBGMにも - Duration: 5:06.


First time to experience potato snack shake chili salt fire - shin vlog - Duration: 11:35.

For more infomation >> First time to experience potato snack shake chili salt fire - shin vlog - Duration: 11:35.


Box Full of Toys Guns Nerf Guns Military Toys Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:33.

Box Full of Toys Guns Nerf Guns Military Toys Toy Weapons

For more infomation >> Box Full of Toys Guns Nerf Guns Military Toys Toy Weapons - Duration: 5:33.


"Slowly" - Inspiring Sexy Trap Rap Beat Instrumental Free - Duration: 3:23.

"Slowly" - Inspiring Sexy Trap Rap Beat Instrumental Free

For more infomation >> "Slowly" - Inspiring Sexy Trap Rap Beat Instrumental Free - Duration: 3:23.


Travis Scott Reveals Release Date for 'Astroworld' - Duration: 1:42.

What up guys, Frazier here for Complex News and La Flame SZN is finally, officially upon


After a weekend full of rumors and speculation, not to mention the overall anticipation that's

been building for a year now, at noon on Monday Travis Scott announced his third solo album

AstroWorld has a release date.

And it's This Friday.

The Cactus Jack boss teased the album's impending release over the weekend with huge

gold Travis Scott heads; one appeared on the top of Amoeba Music in the Los Angeles area,

while another popped up outside of Minute Maid Park, home of the Houston Astros.

Monday, another gold head arrived, this time right down the block from the Complex offices

atop the Hard Rock Cafe in Manhattan.

Shortly after it went up, Travis dropped a 2-minute teaser video scored with "Stargazing,"

the new song he's been performing at shows recently.

The clip, which was directed by Nabil, has the type of trippy, dark aesthetic we've

come to expect from Travis visuals, even bearing some similarity to his Birds short film.

It shows La Flame moving through decrepit, dystopian-looking abandoned spaces with imagery

that sets the mood for what we're about to hear in a few days.

Earlier this month, Travis rounded up a veritable supergroup of producers and artists to help

finish Astroworld, including Gunna, WondaGurl, Sheck Wes, NAV, Wheezy, Sonny Digital, and

Fki 1st, the latter of which teased a sequel to the classic Days Before Rodeo cut "Drugs

You Should Try It."

Outside of that, we don't really know anything about the tracklist, album length, or confirmed


Here's to hoping the results of Tame Impala's recent 30-minute studio session with La Flame

are included on the final Astroworld tracklist, as well as whatever he was up to with Stevie


However, Travis did tell Zane Lowe in a new interview that he's bringing .wav radio

back and he'll drop new songs that didn't make the album there.

AstroWorld drops Friday August 3rd.

For all things Travis in the lead-up and aftermath of the album, definitely keep it locked right

here to Complex News on YouTube.

For Complex, I'm Frazier.

For more infomation >> Travis Scott Reveals Release Date for 'Astroworld' - Duration: 1:42.


Harley's new plan: Smaller bikes, quieter engines - Duration: 2:31.

For more infomation >> Harley's new plan: Smaller bikes, quieter engines - Duration: 2:31.


Algae's impact on property values - Duration: 1:27.

For more infomation >> Algae's impact on property values - Duration: 1:27.


কুরবানীর নেকিতে পরিবারের সবাইকে সামিল করার নিয়ত || Kurbanite Poribarer Sobaike samil korar niyot - Duration: 1:30.

For more infomation >> কুরবানীর নেকিতে পরিবারের সবাইকে সামিল করার নিয়ত || Kurbanite Poribarer Sobaike samil korar niyot - Duration: 1:30.


Helping seniors understand technology - Duration: 1:53.

For more infomation >> Helping seniors understand technology - Duration: 1:53.


Former gov. could join race for US Senate - Duration: 2:14.

For more infomation >> Former gov. could join race for US Senate - Duration: 2:14.


Booktube-a-thon Día 1: Book Attack - Duration: 1:41.

Hey everyone, I hope you're doing well! If you're new, welcome to my channel!

Today begins BooktubAthon. This is the first challenge where we have to recreate a book cover

Imitating the style from Art Attack. Where they made artistic representations in a big format, with whatever you had available.

But for BooktubeAthon they asked for it to be made in less than 5 minutes.

So I'll try to recreate the cover from Radio Silence. And I hope I nail it.

I think it looks alike, but I had a bit of trouble with the white section.

Which had to have been smaller than the pieces of fabric I used.

But doesn't matter, this was fun! And ever since I saw this on Art Attack I wanted to do something similar.

So, thanks BooktubeAthon for giving us the chance to make it this time!

Thanks for watching this video, see you in the next one. Bye!

For more infomation >> Booktube-a-thon Día 1: Book Attack - Duration: 1:41.


Why Black People Don't Travel to Africa - Duration: 16:46.

For more infomation >> Why Black People Don't Travel to Africa - Duration: 16:46.


Entrepreneur camp - Duration: 1:35.

For more infomation >> Entrepreneur camp - Duration: 1:35.


[Néant TV] Official trailer 2018 - Duration: 4:07.

Welcome my dudes !

It's my place that you're seeing

But it's also your place.

This place is Néant TV.

Good evening

And welcome to Néant TV !

My name is Dimitri Ménada

ruling leader of Néant TV,

The first channel

100% devoted to nothingness.

This channel, as the name tells,

will focus solely on pure Néant,

physical ethereal nothingness

The Néant is what does not exist


what is left to be realized,

what would perhaps be done,

or what would never be done.

It's what we're ready to offer

during the next twenty years.

This channel,

which is very important for us,

and soon will be for you too

is driven by this motivation :

To entertain you,

To help you improve yourself

Or maybe worsen...

And to ask the right questions

Anyway, we will broadcast

"moumoute" qualitiy content.

Our videos will be simple

and numerous.

We will soon release

a multi episode series

about the monumental figure

of Laurent Koscielny

You could watch us eating

anything you want.

So sit down and enjoy our shows

with a bowl of pop corn

on your laps

Or the funeral urn

of your deceased grandfather.

This video aims to show you

our channel around

but especialy to introduce

our very own treasure :

Our studio !

It's only thanks

to such luxurious facilities

that a titanesque project

like Néant TV could ever exist.

We haven't avoided any endeavor

to provide you, asap,

with precious qualitious fun.

With 4k graphics, or even 5k

if allowed by the ruling

authorities on this matter.

Néant TV has got many more many

surprises for you,

mistakes, whims, folies.

What's in front of you

what's behind, do not matter.

What matters it's the video

it's the like,

it's the content,

it's the love.

This is what Néant TV

is all about.

We'll forcefeed you

weeks after weeks,

months after months,

with nothingness.

In order to let you know who you

are and who you aren't yet.

A mirror for your soul.

That'll swallow you, like

this camera swallowing my soul

As told in Japanese legends

I believe in all of that.

I do believe that videos are

bad for your soul,

your soul ends up torn up,

split up.

What I mean is that

it's my soul that I'm giving you

it's your soul you're giving

When you'll suscribe

To our channel.

The first channel 100% focusing

on "la contraction d'âmes".

This is the madness we want you

all of you to discover.

"La bise", to all of you.

with the same ardeur,

just like a child

And I go away,

looking for my actual voice.

Good bye, salute...

For more infomation >> [Néant TV] Official trailer 2018 - Duration: 4:07.


Вести Омск 31.07.2018.Общественый транспорт в день города.Пьяный угонщик.Новая партия фонарей. - Duration: 3:43.

For more infomation >> Вести Омск 31.07.2018.Общественый транспорт в день города.Пьяный угонщик.Новая партия фонарей. - Duration: 3:43.


3 Things You Need to Know About Empty Nest Syndrome - Duration: 5:29.

3 Things You Need to Know About Empty-nest Syndrome.

Even though life can be full of unexpected changes,

empty-nest syndrome is a must, and all parents must be always set to embrace this phenomenon

characterized by emptiness and sadness.

Empty-nest syndrome isn't a clinical diagnosis, but a post-parental period, boredom and the

feeling of loss when children-turned-young-adults begin to move out of the family home,

either for school or to settle on their own.

Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home

– Bill.

Imagine the feelings, when you being the first kid of the family move out at age 18.

Parents might be finding it hard to believe you could adequately take good care of yourself.

Or being the last child of the family, bidding goodbye to mum and dad.

Profound sense of loss that might make them vulnerable to depression could set in.

The popular global health insurance service company, CIGNA HealthCare postulated that

family life cycles have five stages:

Independence from your parents.

Settling down with a partner.

Becoming a parent to your own children.

Launching your adult children into their own independence stage.

Your retirement years.

Although this grief of separation is serious, but there are things you must know in order

not to be caught aware by this transition from full house to an Empty-nest,

and as well as to get over the difficulty in adjusting to an Empty-nest.

Indeed, there abounds some things no one ever tells you about this post-parental period.

#1 - Empty-nest can promote relationships.

In a research carried out by Psychologist Karen L Fingerman PhD, author of Aging Mothers

and Their Adult Daughters; students were surprised on how his research proved them wrong.

"Students always think their parents are doing worse now that they're gone.

Of course, you want to think that when you move out, your mom must be devastated, but

that's not validated by the research."

Fingerman's study indeed prove that parents feel a sense of loss when their nests empty,

but, increased satisfaction and improved relationships do occur.

An unprecedented number of mothers now work outside the home, giving them a role beyond

that of parent, Rebecca A Clay wrote in the American Psychological Association journal.

In his 2000 research published in the Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences and

Social Sciences (Vol. 55, No. 2).

Fingerman says:

"The empty-nest syndrome doesn't exist in the way it has been portrayed in the popular


People do miss their children, but, based on what I've seen in my research, what happens

is actually the opposite of the empty-nest syndrome."

"People may worry about losing their child when the child leaves home," says Fingerman.

"In fact, they're not.

They're going to have a more mature, more emotionally meaningful and deeper relationship

with them to look forward to."

#2 - Motherhood is an evolution.

Distance doesn't have to be a barrier for you being a mother to your children, now the

little decisions you once help them make has given way to bigger life decisions.

Dr Phil McGraw, a Los Angeles mental health professional recommends parenting from a distance

and in a different way.

"Say, 'I'm not going to stop being their mom, I'm just moving to the next phase.

I'm going to start being their resource, I'm going to be their soft place to fall

on the phone, on weekends and I'm going to become a mentor in a different phase in

their life.'

It's just ever changing.

You're not going to stop being an involved mom, you're just going to change phases."

#3 - The Empty-nest would be refilled.

Linda L Bips, an assistant professor of psychology at Muhlenberg College in Allentown reports

huge increase in parental involvement in college students' lives.

"Parents are much more involved with their children now."

At Muhlenberg, an ever-increasing number of parents are attending their children's plays

and sporting events, becoming part of the parents' association and finding other ways

to continue their involvement in their children's lives," reports Bips who is the author of

Parenting College Freshmen.

Robin, Dr Phil's wife cautioned that our children aren't moving away from us, but

are moving toward their own life.

She added that, to deal with not physically seeing your child, consider getting computers

with web cams, rather than demanding visits from them which

might obstruct their success whenever they notice how bad Empty-nest is treating you.

Well, those are the 3 things you need to know about empty-nest syndrome.

Really cool information isn't it?

I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please

share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!.

Thanks for watching!.

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