Not Tama… Tamabura...
You're just going to keep on acting like an idiot?
If you both come at me, I'll just kick both your asses.
It's not a Yashika Anand Character - Umapathy Ramaiah Open Talk About Bigg Boss | Kalakkalcinema - Duration: 17:34.-------------------------------------------
Tài Xỉu Bịp+Hướng Dẫn Cách Đánh Tài Xỉu Bịp Không Tan+Tài Xỉu Bịp Không Tang Mới Nhất 2018 - Duration: 10:46.-------------------------------------------
G1 CLIMAX 28 Night11 (July 30) - Post-match Interview [5th match] - Duration: 2:46.I'm in better form than I was this time last year,
But I'm not making any progress.
It's frustrating.
I can't lose, not even one more. I'm on the edge.
But from this point, my G1 kicks off.
Next is Ibushi...
He's hard to beat, I won't deny that.
But… But…
As I get closer and closer to that edge...
That's when I come alive.
That's it.
I guess…
Ibushi is busy pleasing the fans.
So here I am, alone.
I beat Komatsu down, following Tanaka.
I halted their desires to one day join the heavyweight class.
I want to keep my position in the heavyweight division…
No, I will go higher.
I'll make everyone second-guess their desire to become a heavyweight.
I will crush every single junior.
Goto beat me last year.
But I put that out of my head.
This time, I'll get it done.
Next is Kagoshima.
I will give it all that I've got.
That's it.
Just go full throttle, without over-thinking anything.
I need to get back to basics. Just full throttle.
Kagoshima is where the Kamigoye was born…
I want to win by Kamigoye, right there, in Kagoshima.
And I want to grab that mic in Kagoshima, afterwards.
I will give it my all.
Full throttle.
💥iVAPO LED SOLAR LIGHTS - Color-Changing Outdoor Lights (Garden-Pathway) Review 👈 - Duration: 5:52.we love solar garden lights and we have some from iVAPO we just added to
our yard these are color changing states light we have two already out in our
garden and we have two more to unbox and show you
so these LED solar lights from I've a bow come in a box of two I'm going to
open the box and show you how easy it is to put them together like I said we have
two already outside that we've been using and now we have two more to open
so right on top you do have your instruction manual
just to help easily guide you through putting them together and other
questions you I have here we get our bulbs
and then we have our sticks to move this out of the way so these don't need an
electrical outlet of course since they are solar power you
just need to place them in a location where you're going to get a lot of
sunlight and these will illuminate for eight hours if they get five hours of
direct sunlight so here is the one whole piece very easy to put together
you have your stake at the bottom your post in the middle and your bulb on top
these lights will turn on automatically at dusk so once you put the stake in the
ground you don't have to worry about turning them on it off oh one quick note
to point out is that to turn them on before you put the post and stake in the
on and off button is in this part right underneath the bulb so just click it on
and there you should be good and it'll start charging and you will have your
garden illuminating you're going to put this one together now so these lights
change colors there are seven colors that display red orange yellow green
cyan blue and purple so we're going to head outside and show you how they look
alright so we put two of these in our garden it was fairly easy to put into
the ground and so we're gonna check back later to see what they look like at
so these are the eyes of a PO solar lights as you can see they're very very
bright and colorful they make a great addition to this garden right here
very colorful as you can see they're changing
but like I said they are a great addition to your garden and nice we use
them for a deer repellent because you notice the deer won't come in our garden
and eat everything when we have lights like this up
of course there are many different locations where you could put these
lights you don't have to put them in your garden you can put them along your
walkway going into your house you could put them along your garage or anything
like that depends on where you want to put them in where you find best
so that is all we have today on the iVAPO solar lights please check the
description section below for more information thanks for watching
G1 CLIMAX 28 Night11 (July 30) - Post-match Interview [1st match] - Duration: 4:10.-------------------------------------------
HDN - Gọi Điện Cho youtuber Thiệu Nhất Nguyên || Duy Nguyên Vlogs - Duration: 4:37.-------------------------------------------
G1 CLIMAX 28 Night11 (July 30) - Post-match Interview [7th match] - Duration: 1:32.-------------------------------------------
Okada gets four in a row! G1 Victory is a tall order, but that's ok... right!? - Duration: 4:35.How many wins is that?
4 wins? Excuse me.
My 4th win!
How was it, people of Takamatsu?
That was 100% me, wasn't it?
I showed the dominant power of Okada, didn't I?
Everyone laughs…
You guys wanna make me cry, don't you?
Making fun of me like that...
But I wont cry.
Because I'm a big boy.
4 wins, 2 losses…
That's okay, right?
And… The next opponents are…
Who? Who? Who?
I don't know.
It's all good, isn't it?
New Japan is not interesting if I don't win, right?
Leave it to me. I will win the G1, decisively.
For today...
Thank you!
恐らくWRESTLE KINGDOMの チャンスはもうないだろう。
ファレ… 棚橋… 真壁…
プロレスは俺にとって家族の次に 人生で大事なものだ。
残りの公式戦、例え勝ちを取れなくても、 お前達に俺の強さを見せてやろう。
In Hachioji, I beat the TV star, today I beat the guy with dumb great strength..
It's the kind of strength that's just unreal dumb.
It's just dumb strong. Does that mean I'm the dumbest now that I defeated him?
That's not it.
What kind of dummy is next for me?
What kind of dummy?
Weekly Pro-Wrestling, which is it?
Next is…
What kind of dummy is he?
I can't speak to that…
I get it.
I have 3 matches to go, right?
All main events…
It's a great opportunity for me to show what I'm made of.
Whatever kind of dummy he is… Whatever...
I'll think about it, and you'll see, in Kagoshima…
It'll be easy to show just how dumb.
1 plus 1 is?
Đánh Xí Ngầu Không Tang+Lắc Tài Xỉu Bịp Báo Rung Không Tang Mới Nhất+ Tài Xỉu Bịp Xí Ngầu Bịp - Duration: 10:52.-------------------------------------------
G1 CLIMAX 28 Night11 (July 30) - Post-match Interview [4th match] - Duration: 3:05.みんながこぞってケニー・オメガ vs 飯伏幸太を見たがってるが…
ケニーが決勝進出できるなんて 思わない方がいいぜ。
もっとテーピングしてもらった方が いいんじゃねぇの?
ベストテクニカルレスラーの俺を お前が倒せるとでも思ってるのか?
TAKAみちのくは 初代WWFライトヘビー級チャンピオンだったな…
そうだ、レジェンド相手に パイルドライバーで勝利だ!
これでCブロック決勝戦のチャンスも 見えてきたんじゃないか。
色んな人から、お前が俺の連勝を止める 一人だって嫌と言うほど言われてるよ。
だが、ザック、俺は柔術の金メダル 選手だったって知らないのか?
そのやり方でも闘ってやれるぜ。だが俺はもっと エキサイティングなプロレスがしたいんだ。
どんなサブミッション技でもかけてみろ。 対応してやるよ。
そんなガリガリの体でサブミッションを かけようが効くわけがない。
ガリガリのお前だ。簡単に持ち上げて、 リングに叩きのめしてやるよ。
ザック…サブミッション技の 恐さは知ってる。
鈴木にトレーニングしてもらって、 更に恐さは増したことだろう。
Goodbye, my friend...
And good…
P336 | Cuộc Chiến Của Những Thánh Lầy - Duration: 4:19.-------------------------------------------
G1 CLIMAX 28 Night11 (July 30) - Post-match Interview [8th match] - Duration: 1:11.It's 3 million years too early for you to be ready to fight me.
What the hell is 'King of Darkness'?
It's all the same, in the dark and in the light…
It all exists in the same world...
And that world belongs to me... Even this G1 CLIMAX, too.
So does your life.
I'll ask you this... Who's it gonna be?
Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be?
Suzuki-gun… ICHIBAN.
4 lời khuyên cuối đời của ông tổ đông y khiến hàng triệu người không bao giờ ốm đau bệnh tật - Duration: 14:43.-------------------------------------------
Noobees - Em Breve na Nickelodeon LATAM! [Legendado em PT-BR] - Duration: 0:21.-------------------------------------------
Troll Gái Xinh | Tỏ tình cùng gái xinh và cái kết hết hồn - Duration: 8:28.-------------------------------------------
КУКЛЫ ЛОЛ РАСПАКОВКА Никто ЭТОГО НЕ ОЖИДАЛ! Мультики для детей про ВОЛШЕБСТВО от TOYS AND DOLLS - Duration: 11:47.-------------------------------------------
G1 CLIMAX 28 Night11 (July 30) - Post-match Interview [6th match] - Duration: 0:58.We're not done yet...
You better watch your back.
俺たちトンガン達を見くびってると 痛い目見るぞ。
新日本もバレットクラブも 俺たちの支配下だ。
俺はトンガで産まれて、ニュージーランドで育ったが、 日本でレスラーになった。
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