This video includes lyrics on the screen
Disfruta cada etapa de tu hijo sin miedo. Alberto Soler, psicólogo - Duration: 4:47.-------------------------------------------
Top 10 Final Video Game Bosses That Were Ridiculously Easy To Beat - Duration: 6:01.Nothing is more groan worthy than getting to the end of a really enjoyable game and
coming head to head with a final boss who goes down quicker than a Mario Kart on a banana
It's oh so painful.
So today we're recounting the disappointment with our list of the top 10 final video game
bosses that were ridiculously easy to beat.
Most of the games on this list are critically acclaimed, and some are flat out iconic, which
perhaps makes these final boss battles even worse.
10 Joker – Arkham Asylum Arkham Asylum is a fantastic game.
It spawned a franchise of Rocksteady Batman video games that were almost all critically
But the game has one major flaw that many fans didn't enjoy; the final boss battle
with the Joker, where the penultimate villain jacks himself up on toxins.
For starters, that kind of tactic is a bit out of character for the clown prince of crime.
Second, the battle felt a little forced; jacked up Joker jumps up and sends his minions after
you, then occasionally jumps down so you can dish out some damage to him.
And it wasn't all that challenging; it didn't offer up anything new in the game, either.
Luckily, Rocksteady made up for it with Arkham City and the final boss battle there, but
there's still a few gamers out there who are sore over Asylum.
9 Ganon Ganon is not a foe to be taken lightly as
far as The Legend of Zelda is concerned.
Unless you're playing Ocarina of Time, that is.
Despite his terrifying aesthetic, the final battle against Ganon is actually fairly simple,
once you get the swing of it.
It's repetitive, and as long as you make sure to roll between his legs and slash his
tail, as long as you keep the pace, the battle is incredibly straight forward and manageable.
Not so threatening now, are you Ganon?
Ganon's lack of diversity in his attacks is what makes this possible, which is a bit
of a shame considering the rest of the game is considering to be one of the best titles
of all time, despite its severely aged graphics these days.
8 Natla - Tomb Raider Jacqueline Natla is similar to our last number
in the sense that all you really have to do is repeat the same move over and over and
you'll knock her out.
It's a bit of a shame; for a character that means so much to Lara's story, she's defeated
fairly simply.
Essentially, all you have to do is non-stop fire your uzis while doing somersaults as
a means of dodging her attacks, which is pretty lame considering she transforms into A WINGED
You don't even really need to aim well, either!
It's also worth noting that her attacks are strong, but the pillars scattered around
act as a significant amount of cover, and if you have any medi packs, you're sure
to withstand her attacks.
7 Jacknife – Mirror's Edge The 2009 EA Dice Mirror's Edge was arguably
a really well done game, but it's final confrontation with Jacknife, a former runner,
is incredibly anti-climatic.
All you have to do after he boards the helicopter is run and jump, causing him to fall to his
While the gameplay immediately after is tense (you need to help Kate safely escape the now
falling helicopter which apparently gets so severely damaged from your jump and Jacknife's
firing that that it starts going down) it still feels like quite a letdown.
6 Saddler – Resident Evil 4 Saddler gets a lot of hype in Resident Evil
4, but when it finally comes down to facing it, it's not all that difficult to get the
upper hand on the terribly deformed monstrosity.
Once you determine where his weak spots are, it doesn't take long to fire away and deal
some serious damage to him.
The area in which you fight him gives you a lot of advantages; there's a lot of traps
and areas you can sneak into when trying to avoid him.
Plus, after you've gotten his health down significantly, Ada just shows up and gives
you a one hit kill rocket launcher, which kind of makes the whole battle redundant to
begin with.
5 Black Hand – Shadow of Mordor The Black Hand of Sauron final boss battle
is essentially a game of cat and mouse, which is then followed by a quick time event.
While it may do the narrative justice, in terms of actual skill it didn't really challenge
players all that much, despite the Talons of the Black Hand you fight off prior being
much more interesting.
There is a timer though, so for some, that may add some level of intrigue, but still.
4 Lambent Brumak – Gears of War 2 For something so terrifying to look at, this
final boss is a piece of cake.
Just hold down the trigger down for the Hammer of Dawn to fire.
Keep that up and it'll eventually die.
Which is pretty funny considering everything else leading up to this final boss in the
game is hard as balls.
Moving on.
3 Fontaine (BioShock) Fontaine is quite the physically imposing
boss, but unfortunately, was more of a letdown than a challenge.
Despite BioShock being a wonderfully crafted game, players quickly found out that there
was an easy tactic you could use to finish the baddie in no time; you can blast Fontaine
with the chemical thrower weapon, with the electric gel leaving the boss pretty much
From there, you just shoot, without having to fear for any real repercussions.
Plus, if your weapons were upgraded fully by the end of the game, the damage you deal
is pretty superior, meaning the battle will be over in no time.
2 343 Guilty Spark Aside from typically being considered one
of the most annoying video game characters in history, Guilty Spark is also a pretty
crappy boss.
It's incredibly easy to take out, and its own attacks towards you are really predictable
and easy to dodge.
Despite being able to fly around, it lingers A LOT, and it doesn't even bother to use
its small size to its advantage.
It feels as if it was just an afterthought to the game, a boss battle slapped on the
ending of a story otherwise jam packed with other memorable and compelling moments.
1 Lucien – Fable 2 Nothing is more anti-climatic than not getting
to brutally destroy a villain that has driven you absolutely mental the entire game.
Fable 2 features one of those moments.
The final encounter with Lucien, a character who has antagonized you right from the start
of the game, is nowhere near the kind of justice that players wanted.
Dude kills your sister at the start of the story, and all you get is hop and a skip and
a short cut scene.
While there is some satisfaction in shooting him after his shield was down, if you listened
to his last words and waited too long, someone else would shoot him.
There we have it friends!
Are there other bosses we should have mentioned on our list?
Give us a shout in those comments below!
If you dug this video, hit that like button.
And for more gaming lists, news, highlights and updates, be sure to subscribe to top 10
In the meantime, thanks for watching!
Catch you all in the next video!
【MMD】Your Friend, I'm Going To Date!【Yandere Simulator】 - Duration: 0:21.Today life has changed.
And I do not want to date you anymore.
Do you know why?
Because yours...
Your friend, I'm going to date!
And laraiaraia.
Your cousin, I'm going to date!
And raraiaraiaraia.
Your aunt, I'm going to date!
And larararara.
Your boss, I'm going to date!
And larararararara.
Homekeepers - Semi Babcock , Missionary in Albania - Duration: 28:32.-------------------------------------------
Why The Seemingly Messy Ones May Be More Intelligent - Duration: 5:46.Why The Seemingly Messy Ones May Be More Intelligent
You might not be ready to call yourself a full-on mess, but the lack of order in your
life may be the result of your completely scatterbrained state of being.
You are not alone, there are loads of us out there, myself included.
In this video, I'm going to show you why the seemingly messy ones may be more intelligent.
But before we start, make sure to like this video and subscribe our channel so you won't
miss any interesting updates in the future guys!
Also, don't forget to check link on the description below to see our interesting offer that might
be useful for you.
My friend and I have a running joke about our 'floordrobes', a euphemism we invented
to describe the clothes that often cover the floor or adorn the furniture in the house.
Its not anything I am proud.
Its a way of life I have become accustomed to, there are always piles of paper everywhere
and I can never find my hairbrush quickly but I always know where the important stuff
Perhaps like me, you have also been urged to work on this aspect of your life by the
'tidier than thou's?
Sloppiness leads to error, they say, insisting instead that orderliness is a requirement
for success.
Do you, like me clean up regularly only to find it only stays straight for about a day,
if that, as you rush about, being busy doing this and that?
I am never bored and after a long day I am simply not going to spend several hours cleaning
and tidying the house, I'm in bed dreaming of the mess I can create tomorrow.
Ok, so things may get misplaced from time to time, but it's never detrimental to your
overall life.
You are aware that your mind is everywhere, but it just sort of works for you.
Well, according to Eric Barker for Time Magazine, these scatterbrained tendencies of yours may
actually determine how smart you are.
Barker presents a theory that says messiness is an indicator of intelligence.
Citing Steven Johnson's book "Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History Of Innovation,"the
basis of the theory hinges on the idea that the busier and more cluttered the brain will
lead to more potential breakthroughs and ideas.
Barker compares the creativity levels of big cities versus small towns to demonstrate this.
He says, "A city that was 10 times larger than its neighbor, was 17 times more innovative.
A metropolis 50 times bigger than a town was 130 times more innovative."
According to Barker, this is because higher volumes of "ideas bouncing about" in those
more crowded cities and metropolises lead to a general increase in innovation.
So you can compare your brain to a crowded city or which is more innovative than a more
sparsely populated village, though cowed your mind may be more prone to those kinds of innovative
Additionally, Johnson says that engaging in multiple hobbies, like many scatterbrained
people do, keeps your brain working at peak efficiency.
He explains how working on a variety of different projects at once can provoke new, more abstract
styles of thought and reasoning.
Multitasking forces you to shuffle between thought processes and encourages your brain
to "approach intellectual roadblocks from new angles or to borrow tools from one discipline
to solve problems in another."
Instead of just zoning into one specific way of thinking.
At the end of the day, you want your thoughts to jumble around with each other.
It may sound counterintuitive, but you want your ideas to "fight," as Barker puts
Sounds hopeful?
Let's look at it from a different angle, I know you like to do that.
On his own personal blog, Barker references the work of Jonah Lehrer, who argues in his
book, "Imagine: How Creativity Works", that this so-called debating of ideas is what
leads to productivity.
He writes "debate and criticism do not inhibit ideas but, rather stimulate them relative
to every other condition."
This could be a provocative finding in regard to people who are disorganized.
People often argue that the clutter of items on someone's desk or the floor of his or
her room may prevent that person from thinking clearly, Lehrer seems to think such clutter
could stimulate a person creatively.
I have always been criticised by my peers about the jumble of visual ideas that surround
my work space.
I argue that it allows me to float off into other aspects of the thought process, and
admittedly complicated things might not get done immediately, they always get completed
in time and with much richer outcomes.
It's as if disorganised people are trained to thrive in chaos, and if they harness those
qualities productively all sorts of amazing things can start to happen.
I think a level of disorganisation can help you to be flexible when obstacles arise and
keep you on your toes when you need to approach situations differently, not much can sway
you and in the surprises and disorderliness of life you can remain calm and focussed on
your objectives.
So don't feel embarrassed or cowed anymore when people criticise your work or living
space, if you are still creative and efficient in your life, celebrate it, as it might be
the secret to your success.
Well, that's the reason why the seemingly messy ones may be more intelligent.
Really cool information isn't it?
Leave us a comment down below and let us know what your thought of this video.
Don't forget to give us account subs and watch other amazing videos on our channel, thanks
for watching!
Trying Korean Cuisine in Chicago| Vlog #1 - Duration: 4:36.welcome to my channel my name is Ashley and I want to learn Korean it's been
about maybe a month since I've been like actively studying Korean there's a lot
of things that I know and there's a whole world of things that I don't know
but it's something that I haven't done is really gone out to kind of the little
pockets of Chicago that have kind of a Korean soul in them I guess I would say
as far as like a little soul or a Korean town Chicago used to have one it was up
in Albany Park and it's kind of slowly through gentrification turned into a
ghost town so a lot of people kind of still have some of their businesses
there but for the most part everyone kind of jumped ship and moved to the
suburbs because of the school system and housing prices and things like that
so today chip and I and it's date night and we are going to be going out and I
figured why not go discover one of these hidden gems and if you want to be a part
of my journey then go ahead and hit the subscribe button right now I will give
you time okay I'm going to assume you hit the button yeah Kyle it's summertime
in Chicago so there's cicadas everywhere and they're very very noisy
they're trying to do what cicadas do there's my husband you will see more of
him on this channel so here we are and we're just gonna walk around an explorer
yessiree Oh
you say Oh
we're out there really loving most taco Italian pizzas so we just got out of
Meenari restaurant very tasty everything we had was delicious we tried
lettuce seed yeah kimchi there was a lot of stuff and
now we're going to jump a mug we're back and then the next day I realized that I
didn't so I thought I would just hop on here and tell you all that we had a
great time we had a lot of food to be able to bring back home everything was
delicious (korean) and we had a lot of fun I got to use a little bit of my
Korean while we were out you know like saying hi bye can we
please have the bill or can you please box this up um but I didn't film that
because it felt weird but they know us so we'll definitely be back there some
other time and you guys will get to see that if you like what you saw today I
can do more of these kind of like exploring Korea in Chicago or like in my
city type of vlogs so if you like it hit the like button so that I know that and
if you want to go in with the subscribe button so you don't miss any other
videos for me and if you want to follow my journey that's going to be your best
way to do it as well as you can follow me on social media I'm going to go ahead
and head out because I feel like I'm just rambling and it's Sunday and I am
tired but I look forward to posting another video for you all later I'm not
Our Promise of Protection - Duration: 2:54.♪♪♪
What I like most about working for LM
is that it's a clear and righteous mission.
The Office of Legacy Management and the U.S. Department of Energy
looks after the protection of human health and the environment
at close to a hundred sites around the nation.
Sites that were used as part of the
US nuclear program to win the Cold War.
And we look after, particularly,
the corrective actions that were done
to make sure that the environment can be reused or can be protected.
Today, we are responsible for
92 sites around the country.
In 20 years, we'll probably be responsible
for 120 sites around the country.
The Cold War had an intricate
need or an intricate use of natural resources.
Winning that war left us a legacy.
That legacy had a cost
as far as human toll and exchange and effort,
sweat and tears for our nuclear workers.
As well as how we went about
extracting the minerals and materials that helped us win that.
That legacy requires attention.
We are committed as a country
to not only fulfill those actions,
protect the environment,
but also make sure that they're maintained.
It is very important for us to look
after the human legacy of those actions
and inform people what took place,
what actions are being taken to protect
the environment and people and also
to what can we do to reuse that land and those resources.
LM gives back to communities through
beneficial reuse by working with the communities
and finding ways where the land
and access to that land could be
provided back to the greater use of the public.
So, educational,
recreational use,
light use of facilities and that land
help us not only to maintain the remedies,
but also educate the public and be able to provide
further use for the use of the community.
The Office of Legacy Management is here to stay.
We're not going away.
We are going to strive very hard to do our job
in protecting human health and the environment,
engage in community outreach, and public education.
And we will strive very hard also
to be responsive, relevant, and reliable
to stakeholders and community leaders.
This work is important because
it is a promise that we have kept to the American public.
Felxprod - Down The River nice song 2018 Musical World - Duration: 4:32.Felxprod - Down The River nice song 2018 Musical World
Lavrov Biefs Press On Territory Of Meanings On Klyazma Forum - Duration: 1:27.What are your impressions of the meeting and the questions asked by the children?
My impressions were excellent, as from all previous visits.
You always agree to attend such events and find time in your busy schedule.
I think it is very important because we basically rely on the views and opinions that people form on foreign policy issues.
We feel that they are overwhelmingly positive.
This inspires us.
We certainly want young people to learn as much as possible firsthand from working diplomats, what we do in the international arena,
why we do it, why and how that correlates with the goals set by the President of Russia to create the most favourable conditions for our internal development and upholding the rights of citizens.
Even in the medium term, there are young people gathered here who will be taking posts related to decision-making and policymaking in 5-10 years.
It is very important for us to ensure continuity.
Maybe some of them will join your ministry?
We already have people who, as children, passed through this school or through the Russian Leaders project.
Thank you.
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