Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 7, 2018

Waching daily Jul 31 2018

I would like to sell your products

directly in the stories of

instagram this functionality until

was now limited only some

companies have just confirmed they will

allow the other power companies

I use it in today's video I tell

more about it



entrepreneurs hello my name in life

John Merolla is welcome to a new

If video is your first time and want

learn all the tricks on

digital marketing and how to be a

successful entrepreneur subscribe to my

channel stories instagram each

día están cogiendo un mayor impacto

donde incluso se prevé que van a llegar

a ser mucho más potentes que el propio

feed tradicional que instagram tiene

según instagram esta opción va a estar

disponible para todas las empresas que

tengan activada la opción de compras en

instagram de la que hablé hace ya unas

semanas de cómo activarlo no para lo que

primero debes cumplir una serie de

requisitos y luego solicitar la

aprobación a instagram te dejo en la

descripción de este vídeo el enlace al

vídeo donde hablo de ello y de cómo

solicitarlo una vez está activado las

empresas lo que tienen que hacer es

añadir a sus historias las llamadas

shopping tax que lo que harán es activar

un enlace para que el usuario pueda ser

redirigido a la página de compra de

dicho producto tal y como puedes ver en

esta imagen que te estoy mostrando cabe

destacar que la opción de instagram

shopping está disponible ya

prácticamente a nivel mundial y donde

además instagram también plantea incluir

la llamada función

lección que permite mezclar vídeos y

catálogos de productos para que el

usuario pueda comprar directamente lo he

comentado en muchas ocasiones y no me

cansaré de decirlo

instagram se va a convertir en una de

las plataformas de ventas online más

potentes en los próximos años por lo que

si todavía no estás apostando bien por

instagram te sugiero que empieces cuanto

antes a trabajar de manera muy proactiva

a tu presencia en instagram vale pero me

decías que no está no está presente en

la reputación por por canales visibles a

día de hoy no está muy presente no

porque yo estoy buscando y no veo nada


a ver yo no lo veo un grave problema

sobre todo porque no no hay huellas

digitales de esa mala reputación el

problema si me dices que de repente pues

por google portal está todo plagado de

malos comentarios hay ser un problema

pero en este caso realmente es más un

problema interno que la gente está

insatisfecha creo que eso es entre

comillas fácil de solucionar porque al

final la gente si está bien satisfecha

de repente con algún tipo de campaña que

les haga ver que ha habido un cambio

incluso mejor comunicarle lo que te dirá

es un cambio de la persona gestora y yo

incluso entraría con algo de valor

regalándoles alguna cosa que para ello

sea de valor que lo utilices como una

primera como un primer anzuelo para

cambiarles esa mentalidad y que se

pongan en una predisposición positiva

pero a nivel digital como no hay nada en

internet yo ni me preocuparía de eso

incluso estos clientes a lo mejor si

tienes detectado si puedes contactar

tienes el contacto directo de esas

personas que están cabreadas no lo sé si

esto lo tienes o no porque puedas tener

vale tengas los emails

imagínate regalarles algo ebrio

problemática tico para mí el problema es

cuando la reputación es pública es decir

si es un problema público pues ahí sí

porque no está en tus

cambiar la presencia social de muchas

cosas pero 4 al final / es cierto que

muchas veces cuesta clientes

insatisfechos recuperarlo y algunos

serán irrecuperables pero al final

intenta ponerte en el lugar de ellos de

repente estás quebrado pero de repente

cambia te están aportando algo que a ti

de es de valor y ves que el equipo

gestor ha cambiado la visión y todo para

mí yo creo que puedes recuperar

muchísima gente sin problema

me alegro es que al final todo es un

tema todo es un tema de jugar con

percepción de la gente yo creo que sí a

ver para mí tuve facebook funciona muy


facebook sabes que está dando un giro

bastante importante está cayendo muy

rápido a nivel de impacto y el nivel de

uso de la gente está cayendo yo les sigo

viendo todavía bastante potencia para

perfiles hasta 35 40 años que perdonan a

partir de 35 y 40 años que no suelen

usar instagram todavía mucha gente el

perfil más un poco más o menos

tecnológico más mayor que no están en

instagram pero están en facebook

entonces para ese tema yo para mí tuve

facebook siempre me ha funcionado muy

bien muy muy bien si lo comparas con

linkedin que el link que dice puede

funcionar pero es que linkedin tiene

unos costes publicitarios que para pymes

a mí me parece que se les ha ido de las

manos instagram es instalar para

empresas es muy complicado como dices

porque además tiene un problema y es que

no puede derivar tráfico como bien sabes

hasta que tienes diez mil seguidores y

conseguir diez mil seguidores para una

empresa es algo complicadísimo es decir

es que realmente es complicado muy muy

difícil o gastar mucho en publicidad

para crecer o es complejo yo

esto vamos yo lo que te diría es que

empezase cada vez a meter más inversión

más proactividad en instagram en

detrimento de facebook porque se está

viendo la progresión cruzada es decir al

final instagram amaba para facebook para


sí joder tenéis un montón de contenido

que lo más difícil de empezar ya ya pero

intentar utilizar parte de eso a lo

mejor no el vídeo completo pero parte

para youtube esquema youtube tiene una

tiene una cosa mala y una cosa buena no

la mala es que el algoritmo muy complejo

y cuando los canales son nuevos cuesta

mucho tener visibilidad pero la buena es

que no dependes de tú puedes utilizar o

manipular el algoritmo de youtube para

llegar a mucha gente con poquito

esfuerzo entonces sobre todo te vídeos

que enganchen mucho de repente te puedes

encontrar con miles de visualizaciones

de una manera entre comidas sencilla y

sobre todo porque la mayoría empresas no

le sacan partido entonces creo que hay

un hueco de mercado muy importante para

posicionarse ahora y es un buscador

pensado en cines como google envíes que

es un buscador la gente busca

información si lo que es importante en

youtube para crecer es que tengáis muy

en cuenta los títulos es decir las metas

títulos descripciones etiquetas y

miniatura porque y luego que optimice y

análisis mucho la data porque youtube al

final se basa de análisis de cada canal

cada canal funciona una manera

independiente entonces a analizar mucho

eso la voz es lo que yo veo una de las

más grandes oportunidades en los

próximos 55 años diría porque al final y

como conexión arconte

cursos con estos asistentes de borno yo

tengo a majo neko desde hace un tiempo

porque aquí en españa todavía no está

pero aquí lo compré en canadá y para mí

te lo digo que es una maravilla todo lo

que me ayuda a la comodidad y eso que

todavía está en una fase muy inicial en

suena muy bien es la verdad que suena

muy suena muy interesante y creo que ahí

va a haber un mercado creciente que vas

a hacer en bastantes clientes


la parte comercial ahí te diría que

quizá porque eso suele pasar mucho no

que al final eres bueno en algo decir

pues crear en dote y todo eso pero luego

la parte comercial no y de hecho muchas

veces he visto muchos proyectos

tecnológicos que a lo mejor se juntaban

yo es de tres personas de bell o pers

muy muy buenos pero luego el producto no

llevaba nada porque no sabían

comercializar lo estoy yo y te diría que

te asocias con alguien convertir

comercial o que contrates a alguien con

perfil comercial que te ponga ese

producto en el mercado porque es el

producto es bueno pero hay que venderlo

seguimos hablando cualquier cosa ya

sabes por ahí por patrón privado lo que

necesites me dices y vamos hablando

vamos para cualquier cosa quiero conocer

tu opinión por lo que dejan en los

comentarios con el hashtag instagram si

compraría es un producto que te interesa

directamente dentro de instagram tan

sólo por dejar tu comentario entrarás en

el sorteo mensual de mi curso online de

estrategia de marketing digital si te ha

gustado este vídeo y quieres que siga

haciendo más vídeos sobre instagram dale

me gusta y suscríbete a mi canal



For more infomation >> INSTAGRAM te dejará VENDER PRODUCTOS en las HISTORIAS - Duration: 7:39.


[FangQing STREAM MOMENT] Trai Bắc auto cộng một điểm - Duration: 10:01.

For more infomation >> [FangQing STREAM MOMENT] Trai Bắc auto cộng một điểm - Duration: 10:01.


Nick Viall's Bachelorette Recap Show Episode 10 | The Bachelor Insider - Duration: 2:05.

welcome to a brand new episode of The Bachelor Dean's in Fiji so we have no

call in a grocery store Joe and that it's the mental or a bunch of guys trying to

get more air time let's take a look at all the crazy oh so good to see bunch of

you I don't remember Wow fantastic Becker's good see you it's

been a long time so listen I just you know I wanted to say that you're awesome

and amazing and you know if you have any tips for me becoming the next Bachelor

I'd really appreciate it cuz I'm just here to say some cliche things about

love and I had my heart broken good luck with the campaign Jason thank

you best of luck hey Becca I know we had some special moments between you and I

still zero special moments well yeah none I'm really sorry for being me but

to give you a gift I've been saving my sweat and made it

into a perfume for you sunblock gonna come down and give it to you

restraining order still in effect hey Becca sorry thought I was gonna murder

you I hope you're still enjoying the doll it's fine thanks red fire Jordan

would you do anything differently that's a really good question Chris I I think

the mistake I made is I never really got to show her my serious side and so if

you would allow me and indulge me I think I'd like to take that opportunity

to that right now Oh Jordan you just missed you where's

Colton oh hey there sugar pie Becca I'm here for Koli mm-hmm okay - yeah good

luck with love Chris um how long do I have to do this work wow those men sure

did tell all yes they did make sure you guys tune in next week for the finale

that's 18 hours long


For more infomation >> Nick Viall's Bachelorette Recap Show Episode 10 | The Bachelor Insider - Duration: 2:05.


Brandon Flowers: When You Were Young - Duration: 3:29.

-Performing "When You Were Young,"

give it up for Brandon Flowers, everyone.

[ Cheers and applause ]

[ Guitar plays ]

-♪ You sit there in your heartache ♪

♪ Waiting on some beautiful boy to ♪

♪ Save you from your old ways ♪

♪ You play forgiveness ♪

♪ Watch it now, here he comes ♪

♪ He doesn't look a thing like Jesus ♪

♪ But he talks like a gentlemen ♪

♪ Like you imagined when you

were young ♪

♪ Can we climb this mountain? ♪

♪ I don't know ♪

♪ Higher now than ever before ♪

♪ I know we can make it if we take it slow ♪

♪ Let's take it easy ♪

♪ Easy now, watch it go ♪

♪ We're burning down the highway skyline ♪

♪ On the back of a hurricane ♪

♪ That started turning when you

were young ♪

♪ When you were young ♪

♪ And, sometimes, you close your eyes ♪

♪ And see the place where you used to live ♪

♪ When you were young ♪

♪ They say the devil's water, it ain't so sweet ♪

♪ You don't have to drink right now ♪

♪ But you can dip your feet ♪

♪ Every once in a little while ♪

♪ You sit there in your heartache ♪

♪ Waiting on some beautiful boy ♪

♪ To save you from your old ways ♪

♪ You play forgiveness ♪

♪ Watch it now, here he comes ♪

♪ He doesn't look a thing like Jesus ♪

♪ But he talks like a gentlemen ♪

♪ Like you imagined when you

were young ♪

♪ Just like you imagined when you

were young ♪

[ Cheers and applause ]

-Brandon Flowers, everyone!

The Killers' Career Vinyl Box out now.

For more infomation >> Brandon Flowers: When You Were Young - Duration: 3:29.


Do This For 7 Days And Watch Your Life Change! - Duration: 2:24.

if you can spend 100% of your free time reading watching and listening to things

that make you feel good and spend zero percent of your time reading watching

and listening to things that make you feel sad or a less than or unhappy your

life will change for the better guaranteed so that means you don't read

negative things about other people that means that you don't read negative news

stories or watch things on TV or YouTube that make you feel bad about yourself or

like one of my ladies wrote in and said she's reading things about misogynistic

men complaining about 50 year old women being washed up don't read that stuff

you get to choose whether you read it or not so just don't make a commitment to

yourself that you're only going to watch something if it's going to make you feel

good about yourself on the inside and you're only going to read things that

are going to make you feel great or smarter or happier or more calm and more

relaxed if we stop worrying about politics and if we stop worrying about

the weather and if we stop worrying about people being mean and if we stop

worrying about over 50 now and we don't matter anymore if we stop worrying about

how the rest of society see us if we just stop doing those things we're going

to stop experiencing those things you can make a commitment right here right

now to spend one week making a choice to not go there and not look at any of

those things if you make a commitment for one way to only tap into things that

are going to make you feel good I guarantee you you are going to have a

really good week it takes practice though to turn the news off and to

resist following up on some news story that's talking about someone's life

falling apart just don't go there if all we're doing is focusing on all the bad

stuff we're going to keep having it and I'll be here tomorrow and the next day

and the next day so just try something different try this for one week I would

love to hear from you after a week of doing this and

let me know if you feel a little bit better about yourself

For more infomation >> Do This For 7 Days And Watch Your Life Change! - Duration: 2:24.


今天收到來自YouTube的氣球【HD 120fps】 - Duration: 0:40.

For more infomation >> 今天收到來自YouTube的氣球【HD 120fps】 - Duration: 0:40.


London Bridge Is Falling Down | Little Eddie Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 1:10:22.

London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady.

Build it up with wood and clay...

Wood and clay...

Wood and clay...

Build it up with wood and clay...

My fair lady.

Wood and clay will wash away ...

Wash away ...

Wash away ...

Wood and clay will wash away ...

My fair lady.

Build it up with bricks and motor

Bricks and motor...

Bricks and motor...

Build it up with bricks and motor

My fair lady.

Bricks and motor will not stay

Will not stay...

Will not stay...

Bricks and motor will not stay

My fair lady.

Build it up with iron and steel...

Iron and steel...

Iron and steel...

Build it up with iron and steel...

My fair lady.

Iron and steel will bend and bow...

Bend and bow...

Bend and bow...

Iron and steel will bend and bow...

My fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold...

Silver and gold...

Silver and gold...

Build it up with silver and gold...

My fair lady.

London Bridge is falling down

Falling down, falling down.

London Bridge is falling down

My fair lady.

For more infomation >> London Bridge Is Falling Down | Little Eddie Cartoons For Kids - Duration: 1:10:22.


Matt and Haley's Photoshoot // vlog - Duration: 3:09.

Matt: That's Hilarious.

Renée: Matt, are you read for...

Matt: Renée's already taking photos of themself.

Renée: Doesn't take long [laughs]

🎶 [guitar music]

Matt: so we're gonna take some photos today.

Renée [offscreen]: so much charisma, uniqueness, nerve...

Matt: We're gonna see how it goes!

I mean, I really am not - I don't feel very photogenic.

Renée: You already look great.

This is an excellent shot.

Don't you think?

Haley [offscreen]: Yeah it looks really good.

🎶 [You work so damn hard at your job all day.

The bossman's watchin', there's no time to play.

Jump in your car, come on right home, you know I'm waiting, you'll never be alone, and

I say...]

Renée: So we've got one location done, and now we're gonna go to the outdoor location.

Matt [imitating a Canadian accent]: "the outdoor location"

Renée: Are you ready, Matt?

Matt: You must be from Ontario!

Renée: oh f [bleep] ck you! [laughs]

Haley: I do feel like the longer I'm here the more Canadian my sorry's get.

Renée: Oh my god!

I do not -

Matt: I know!

I do that too!

I like catch myself, like "oh sorry" [imitating a Canadian accent]

🎶 [... baby, let's call it a day... and I say, baby, let's call it a day...]

Renée [offscreen]: What?

Matt: Want me to do your favourite thing and just start spraying.

Renée: Wow [laughs] Jesus Christ.

It's a good look for you.

🎶 [I got my hair pulled back and my tie's too tight, I work that overtime every night.

There are bills to pay, no end in sight.

Say the words, make me feel all right, and you say, baby, let's call it a day.

And you say, baby, let's call it a day..."]

🎶 [guitar solo]

🎶 [wordless voice and ukulele]

For more infomation >> Matt and Haley's Photoshoot // vlog - Duration: 3:09.


牡牛座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 牡牛座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.


牡羊座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 牡羊座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.


First Day of School Photo Ideas - HGTV - Duration: 1:03.

For more infomation >> First Day of School Photo Ideas - HGTV - Duration: 1:03.


Top 15 bản nhạc edm hay nhất của Tobu được giới trẻ trâu cực kỳ yêu thích | Nhạc điện tử gây nghiện - Duration: 55:07.

For more infomation >> Top 15 bản nhạc edm hay nhất của Tobu được giới trẻ trâu cực kỳ yêu thích | Nhạc điện tử gây nghiện - Duration: 55:07.


Top 10 Famous Actors Who Did ADULT Movies - Duration: 3:13.

Top 10 Famous Actors Who Did ADULT Movies

For more infomation >> Top 10 Famous Actors Who Did ADULT Movies - Duration: 3:13.


乙女座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 乙女座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.


فيلم قصير كوميدي روعة - حلبة الملاكمة أنمي رائع - Duration: 2:51.

For more infomation >> فيلم قصير كوميدي روعة - حلبة الملاكمة أنمي رائع - Duration: 2:51.


蟹座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.

For more infomation >> 蟹座の運勢 8/1(水) : シンクロニシティ / 乃木坂46 - Duration: 5:03.


Crimea. What is capable of Kia Sorento off-road and mud. Great beach for nudists - Duration: 18:02.

The night was a number of thunderstorms,

there was a downpour, lightning flashing,

but no one was taken

Huge wild sandy beach-a miracle!

Let's see where he is on the map.

It is outside the reserve,

so you do not need passes here.

Very cool to combine a visit to the pink lake

more about the lake, see the link in the right corner.

The main thing to clean up after a garbage

At night I had to dig the tent to keep it from blowing

I decided to dig around the perimeter.

Morning. 7.30. Unbearably hot inside the tent

The view from the tent

Someone's legs, someone's body

Olesya is worth over soul of Pope and says:

Swim!Swim! Swim!

We begin to prepare Breakfast

Serezha is doing for children eggs in bread

To prepare this dish you will need a frying pan

burner and leaky bread

Where'd you get the bread with holes?

This was sent to me from France

Well? This tastes good


Dad makes the best eggs!

And mom?

You too.

Best not to find

It's great to eat in nature, on the beach!

Everything gets better.

4 kilometers from the shore

there are 4 rocks

They resemble sailboats

They're called rock ships.

One of them reminded us of a Cobra's head.

So I sat and ate eggs

And then the dolphins came out,

and I bathed with them

It was really cool, look!

I've always been fascinated by dolphins.

Once, when I was swimming, he came up next to me

Is it true that they are nice and safe?

There's actually a lot of evidence of pretty aggressive Dolphin behavior.

On this subject there is a film

I don't think you should be afraid.

Don't go near them

Dolphins are not Pets and not people

Their goals are different from ours

The invariable inhabitants of the black sea are jellyfish

Are they dangerous?

They have poison

Poison, weak, can cause the burn

Although there were more serious cases

They have not disturbed, and we have them too

We try to live in harmony with nature

Here you bathe in the sea, dive

looking for beautiful shells

but you can't find the same ones as the market in the city.

Because most of the shells from the market are brought from other countries


You know the poem?

Yes, but not

Zhen, do you like the song?

Something's coming at us again!


Alex shows us....

What? Write in the comments!

I think!

If anything, look and go to another place.

How to wipe?

Not yet invented

One hand holding, the other you wipe


Go there, you won't see

No, you don't relax, a lot of people.

I just showed them how to do it.

Go into the water

Now let's take a tour of this magical beach

and let's talk about its advantages and disadvantages


the size of the beach, few people,

clean sea, nice sand,

near a pink lake


there are no trees, and therefore shadows

In rainy weather, you can only drive a four-wheel drive car

In the grass many ticks

in such a place it is dangerous to be in a thunderstorm

tents can create a threat of lightning

wet sand is a good current conductor

Always see the weather forecast, but forecasters can be wrong

We need to dig up and push.

I didn't understand her behavior.

I give gas, and the wheels do not spin

You have to give more gas

We can't leave yet.

The car is slipping and we decided to unload it

Hope this helps

Olesya sitting in the car

By the way, it would be necessary to Olesya to come out

Olesya get out!

The car is too heavy

Olesya weighs about 18 kilograms

The car doesn't go because of the stuff, you because of the whole car

Not me!

Because of this Christmas tree


It's light!

Because of everything!

Olesya do not be angry, Jack doesn't want to hurt you

The car's heavier than you, me, everyone.

I don't understand why she's going!

I should have given gas

Come on! you can do it! I believe you!

Go, go, go!

Not for nothing, I press rocked, strap - fire!

We go further

it started raining

There is one question

Will Lyosha go?


extreme trip

The lake was pink-pink

Stuck in the sand

It's my fault I didn't turn off course stability.

But still we left on our own

The camera does not transmit all the colors and shades of the lake

Better watch the previous video

The clouds become pinkish

Good, very good.

OK, left?

We just left

It's tough.

I don't know what to do

Dad as the car got

Any chance of leaving?

We have a chance to spend the night in the field with ticks

Alex, Nastya and Zhenya are stuck,

We'll take them on a tie.

Serezha be careful, there are ticks


We are undoubtedly waiting for adventure

Clung and drove through the mud

Took the car on a tie, but his wheels stuck to the mud

But there is another problem-ticks

We're stuck in the ass

We go like this

But not for long

Lyosha decided to wash the wheels

Yesterday we thought, looking at this road, that

In the rain, Lesha will be difficult to drive

But we didn't think it would rain.

We were covered with mud


We can't stop now.


In short, these are the things

Olesya make the sun

See what's waiting for us?

Holy shit.

Quietly we crawl and as it will be so

Honestly, I'm scared.



We can!

Not to go

Ask to drag on the hill, and then we ourselves

The three of us?

Now we will hook up to VAZ

Leshin car will be behind

Men think we can pull

We're gonna be in poop now.

Me pushes and I don't know why


I think we chose the wrong road.

What to do now?

You leave the bumper here.

There's a bump.

We need to go to that town.

To the left a ploughed field, it creates problems

- What's not working for you?

- Brakes!

Don't brake.

Well, a couple of hours of pain and uncertainty

and we are darling on the pavement

Never been so happy with it.

The back of the car was clean, the room is visible!

And here!! Just awful.

Are you filming?

What for?

When else will you see this?

We arrived at the sink and it was immediately closed, as we saw our cars

That's how the chickens are transported

They even manage to lay eggs

Poor fellow

The plan was to spend the night on a wild beach

in the area of Ordinacije.

But the mud baths changed everything.

and we were in a Resort in a hotel

What happened next look in the next series.


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