Geometric Construction | Practice Set 4.1 Class 10th Maharashtra Board New Syllabus Part 2
Try The Slime From The 10 Most Basic Ingredients - Emy Handmade - Duration: 4:53.-------------------------------------------
How To Keep Approaching Women When You Lose Motivation - Duration: 5:45.Josiah: Do you ever want to just go out and meet some beautiful ladies but instead you
decide to be lazy? Maybe even chill out, catch a couple videos on ****hub.
Learning how to meet women takes practice and discipline. but sometimes
lack of motivation and other priorities just get in the way so, when times get
tough, how do you motivate yourself to get the reps in? "Just do it!" I'm Josiah
Prise from The Attractive Man and I'm gonna give you four motivational tools to help you
meet more women! My name is Josiah. Narrator: Josiah is a master at day game. Matt: we've
done all the testing. We know what works. Josiah: Alright, tip number one. And you guys
should have seen this coming; no fap. You know what I mean. No masturbation.
Although studies have actually shown masturbation has little to no effect on
your sex drive, it does affect your motivation to go out meet new women.
Think about it! If you go to visit your old friend "Hand Solo" and you get all the
chemical rush you need without ever leaving your man cave, then why go out at
all? Mentally, there becomes less of a reason for you to go out and hunt, but
it's the hunt that makes you strong! In fact, the failures that you face make
those sweet taste of success all the better! Every time you make a choice
you're building a habit so why not choose to go out and master something
that's gonna affect the other aspects of your life and something you could hold
on to forever? So instead of taking the road of instant gratification make a
rule for yourself - there'll be no release for you and so you go out and find a new
girl. Tip number 2: find yourself an accountability partner. So when I started
my journey to deal with my social anxiety and get better with women, I had
three guys around me, they're all in it for the exact same thing. We accomplished
going out every night for 90 nights in a row in Las Vegas. And on top of that we were
doing day game sessions on the weekend. And to be honest if it wasn't for them I
probably would have fallen off the wagon in the first month. See, we may have had
our moments of disbelief or frustration, but with four of us, those things never
happened at the same time, so there's always someone to back us up. And when it
came time to go out no man was ever left behind! Which leads me right into tip
number three: just take the first step. I remember a few times in that 90 day
marathon where I just didn't want to go out. I'd whine and complain to my
roommate about how I didn't want to go out or how tired I was but he was a pretty
crafty one! Matt: Come on man let's go out for like thirty minutes, we'll be back by
midnight. It'll be fun, let's go. And of course with it being a low investment to
me, I would always end up going out. But it never ended with "just midnight" because
once I got rolling out and started having fun, I just lost track of time. So
if you're having issues talking to women just start showing up in the places
where women are available to socialize. For working out,
they say showing up the gym is half the battle? Well the same is true when meeting
women. Alright guys tip number four: create a
reward system for your efforts, not your results. Look, maybe you're like me and
you love video games but look, we all know the likelihood of you finding a hot
girlfriend with some video game skills is little to none. But like cake, if you
indulge too much, you're gonna get fat. If you don't take some time to burn off the
calories. It doesn't mean that you can't have it but you need to use it as a
reward. So say for every night that you go out and approach at least five women,
you can get one hour of video games. So if video games aren't your thing just
substitute that for something that is, maybe get yourself a nice massage or
have a fancy spa day. The key to this tip is to reward yourself with effort. Think of
it as kind of one of those new age kids participation trophies, and it's like a
consolation prize for at least doing something. By the way, if you aren't
subscribed yet, smash that subscribe button and tickle that notification bell!
Because we got more videos coming out every week. Now you're motivated to go
out, we got a special tip from Matt Artisan himself! Matt: Listen man, when you see
that beautiful woman that you want to approach, there's gonna be some
nervousness and sometimes fear that builds up, especially when she's really
beautiful and you have a choice; you can either let fear win or you can let
courage win. You can step into courage and go approach her. When you do that
it's like building a muscle. Proverbial courage muscle, you're becoming more
courageous every single time you approach, you're becoming more confident
every single time you approach and therefore more attractive. On the flip
side, when you decide not to approach, you let fear win. You actually become more
fearful and women are not attracted to men who let fear run their lives. So it's
up to you, you have that choice. Approach that beautiful woman even if it goes
horribly wrong, you're still becoming more courageous and more attractive... when
you don't, you're becoming more fearful and less attractive. Josiah: So if you're still
struggling to find a reason to go out, we got one last tip for you right now: "Don't
let your dreams be dreams! Yesterday, you said tomorrow. If
you're tired of starting over, stop giving up!" *Awkward pose* Josiah: Now that you're meeting women
live in person we want to help you take it to the next level! That's why we
created this free conversation cheat sheet, so you know exactly what to say to
make her want you. You'll get our top conversation starters for any situation,
over here you got simple techniques to never run out of things to say, a list of
our favorite games to keep that fun, flirty, vibe! Simple ways to escalate the
interaction and more! Download it now, because you're gonna want to keep it
handy before you go out. Click the image in the bottom right of this video to get
your free Conversation Cheat Sheet now!
"Biatlon de Tanques 2018" ✭ competición militar "ArMY-2018" - Duration: 0:34.-------------------------------------------
Plotting a Long Section Part 1 - Duration: 7:51.G'day and welcome back to Buildsum and in this video I'm gonna start looking at
what we call a long section so the main reason we would take a long section is
if we're gonna work out, say i'm gonna dig a pipeline or a trench and we want to
work out how much material we need to excavate then we do a long section and
the long sections basically we do a straight line survey of an area and then from
that from our readings we can calculate and plot the actual shape to the ground
and then we can work out our excavation okay so here's our block of land and this
is the trench that we want to dig it's about 50 metres long and obviously the
grounds not level so the ground up and down and our trench has a bit of a slope
to it because we're gonna put up sewage pipe or storm water pipe of unit needs
to have a bit of fall okay so to do our long section the first thing we need to
do is what we call straight line survey so we need actually break this trench if
you like up into an even even points and the closer together those points the
more accurate your long sections gonna be at the end
okay so I've just gone with five metres I mean you could go 10 metres depending
on the overall length of the trench and the overall detail that you want to have
any long section yeah but 5m is pretty good so I've identified from the
start of where the trench starts to the end I've broken that up into reasonably
you know even points and that's where we're gonna take out readings if your
trench was 52 meters long it's not really gonna matter as long as the
majority of your readings are evenly spaced and then you just have whatever
the left over is at the end you can you can work with that
okay so I've identified or spaced out my readings obviously I've got to identify
what my readings are gonna be so you know point 1 through to 11 in this
case I have A, B and C and the other thing we need to do to do
a long section is we need to know a high okay so there's our readings we
obviously when we do our survey for a long section we've got to get back to
and datum of some sort benchmark or a datum on their job site all right so
we're gonna do a out survey a straight line survey starting with
our datum and then all our points along our trench you don't have to close the
survey although it's good if you can just as a check but just take a reading
of all those points and then we're gonna put that in the level book and create a
long section from that okay so now we've been out on site done a survey you're
gonna come back and do our level book and yeah normal sort of thing Rise and Fall
level book those are our readings we've done our rise and our falls and
we've done our worked out our R.Ls for their points so now we've got that
information we can then put the our R.Ls into our long section so the long
section looks a bit like this it's got a little bit of a table at the bottom and
then at the top just got some more lines where we are going to put that graph okay and
the first line in the table should be the surface RL all-natural RL okay and
that's basically the points that we've looked at on our on our level book so
we don't need to put the benchmark into our long section just really worried about
their trench so yeah reading at Point 1, here is that first station was
30.212 so I can put that into our long section table there
and we basically go through and plot all our RLs from our level book, plot
them into our long section okay so that's the first part of that get rid of
the level book okay so now we know there are RLS we can use those to plot a bit
of a graphical representation on this little chart up here so depending on the
size of the paper and the scale have available you want to make this graph as
large a scale as possible okay so because I've looked along here and I
know that none of my are RLs are below 29.000, I also you know I know ahead that my
trench is not going to be too deep I know that none of the information
I need it's going to be below the RL of 28.000 and so I'm going to set this
baseline as 28.000 unless someone tells you right from the start that might be a
little bit of trial and error as to what that base line is gonna be so basically
from there all I'm gonna do is we're going to take this dimension and minus it
from that base line and that'll tell me that I need to go up here 2.212m scaled down to actually give us a scaled representation
and that scale can change it doesn't have to be the same as this scale as
long as every plot every point that you plot along this line is going to be
scaled the same okay so I've sort of worked out with the on the computer that
this line here is about 29.000 this line here is about an hour old 30.00 so I'm
gonna put in a point up here which is just going to represent 30.212
okay and then I'm going to go along and do that for each of the points
so scaling up that to give us a representation of that reading
okay so 30.378 minus our 28.000 give you 2.378
and you'd plot that on the line scale that up at whatever your scale
happens to be okay and plot that on the line and you go along and do that for
all your points okay and obviously so that's that one it's one heres gonna be
the same as that one so it's gonna be there and we plot all those points onto
that graph
right so that gives us the height of each of those points on their graph and
then we can join them together a bit of poetic license but a creative thinking
obviously you could just do straight lines
that's something going to be a real representation so just put in some nice
freehand curved lines to give us a representation of our trench okay so
that's our a representation top of the the ground above our trench okay so that
is essentially that is a very basic long section of our of the ground that we are
going to now put the trench in so in the next video I'll look at actually plotting the
trench and then we can look at calculating the area. G'day I'm back just
let you know that if you like this video you can subscribe to my youtube channel
or you can follow me on Facebook so you don't miss out on more great videos
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – Multiplayer Beta Trailer - Duration: 1:56.Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 - Multiplayer Beta Trailer
అతిబల| Atibala Upayogalu|atibala uses|atibala plant in telugu - Duration: 3:48.please like and share
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I WILL CONTINUE MAKING VIDEOS - Duration: 3:54.Hi everyone, this is Kennedy. Welcome back. In this video, I want to talk about
the reason why I want to make videos so bad even though I don't have a lot of
time for making videos, and I struggle with video's ideas but I still find the
best way that I can come back for making videos and then put videos out there.
Let me go straight to the answer which is being an influencer. I I know that we are
all different. I want to be an influencer and you might not want to be an
influencer. That should be fine. There's nothing wrong with that. We are all
different, and the reason why I want to be an influencer is we are all
interested in something in life. You might like to play soccer. You might like
to play piano. Yeah, that's good
But but how do you impact to the world so that
more and more people gonna do things like you do is the question for the
answer why someone in this world needs to be an influencer. You might not want to
be an influencer but someone out there have to be an influencer so that more
and more people do things like you're doing. You can influence people by
writing, singing, talking, showing, acting, performing. There're so many ways you can
do it. Speaking is one of the way that I can... I see myself that I can do the best
so I chose speaking as my way to be an influencer. Let me tell you this. Being an
influencer is like something that I really want to do since I was in middle
school. At that time, I didn't have money to buy for myself a camera and I use my
family's camera. At that time, my family had a camera that can,... yeah it actually
can record but without any sound. So I recorded myself
by that camera. I read a book and I stood front of the camera and you know try to
like like be a speaker, be an influence front of the camera. But I watched I watched
those videos without any sound. And now I have the opportunity to to provide
myself the camera the lights and everything but I struggle with ideas.
Even I have like 15,000 people like me on Facebook but that number doesn't say
anything if I don't know how to make work. I hope you understand I hope you
understand this because because I used to have a lot of people watch me on the
Facebook like thousands of people. But then when Facebook changed its algorithms
I lost the views and that put me in depression like what I told you in the
previous video. But then I realized that you know that should not impact me. That
should not be something that control my happiness. I do what I think that I
should do. If I be controlled by the results I'm not gonna be patient much
enough on the path that I'm walking in on. I'll see you next time. Peace....
柯文哲旁邊又有正妹!神人開門…竟是北一女「五冠王」學霸 - Duration: 12:25.-------------------------------------------
We are aware of different world, and it holds true especially if you have high sensitivity
towards universe.
It is not some science fiction, or maybe not even anything related to science, but it's
worth to talk about.
Sometimes, the spirit from other world tries to contact you in one way or another.
In most cases, It is usually from the shape of someone who have died, but it can be from
If you're curious enough to know the signs, here are some signs that often happen in our
But before we go down to the list, please subscribe, click the bell and watch this video
until the end to know the complete information.
13 Telling Signs That Spirit is Trying To Communicate With You.
#1 - Vivid dreams.
It is common for people to forget their dreams after waking up.
Even though they try to remember, they only can save little details from it.
Vivid dreams, however, is quite different.
It is just like your extension and you can remember details from the dream.
If you experience such dream, there is a chance that the spirit from other world is trying
to contact you.
#2 - Enhanced sense.
You can be an empath to feel what others feel.
However, it is also can be a sign of being contacted by spiritual world.
You constantly feel stronger taste, smell, or voice from different source.
Additionally, your vision may be enhanced and you can see what others cannot.
At this stage, the spirit is getting closer to you.
#3 - Electronic starts to act strange.
They want your attention, and the electronics are the medium for communicating.
They use frequency of the electronic circuit makes it possible for them to disrupt and
seek attention from you.
#4 - Eureka moment.
Sometimes, you are surprised that you can remember something.
You may also be shocked that how you can draw conclusion from various source of information
even though you've been trying to solve the problem for years.
#5 - Animals.
The Spirits might also use animals to guide you.
Pets can be incredibly intuitive and spiritual.
Some have been known to lead their owners away from danger and even sniff out illness.
Wild animals can often shed light on our situation too.
If you see an unusual bird or animal, it might offer you a message.
It could even be your power animal.
You can look up the spiritual meaning of animals online.
#6 - Goosebumps.
People have defensive mechanism for warning you.
Goosebumps are also the sign of you being contacted since sports are considered external
object that may harm you.
This way, you will be aware that there may be something approaching.
#7 - Weird sensations.
If you experience weird sensations such as deja-vu, this might be that Spirits are trying
to communicate with you.
Pay attention to where you were when it happened to see if this offers a clue as to what they
are trying to say.
#8 - Universal GPS system.
You never know why you visit places, do certain acts, and say something weird to others.
It is because the spirit tries to guide you to specific purpose.
They want something from you, and that is why they are trying to sync everything to
achieve their goals.
#9 - Changes in room temperature.
Sudden drops in warmth despite door and windows being closed also signify the presence of
a supernatural being.
It may be experienced by everyone in the room or a particular person that the spirit might
be trying to make contact with.
It may be described as a cold chill through the body that can give us goosebumps when
we unconsciously think of the presence of spiritual beings close by.
This effect may also be stimulated by the brain, especially if your surroundings give
you an eerie aura.
#10 - Butterflies.
The ancient Chinese believed that butterflies were symbolic of people who had left the realm
of the living owing to the transformation from cocoons to their short lifespan of fluttering
in the air.
The sight of butterflies or related motifs after the death of a person is a sign that
the person has moved into the spirit world.
#11 - Faces of people who lived.
Many of Sue's clients reported that they saw people who looked like their relatives who
had passed away a long time ago.
Perhaps the people didn't actually look like their relatives but their minds saw differently.
#12 - Telepathic thoughts.
If you are hearing your voice in your head speaking words that are not your thoughts,
you are probably hearing what a spirit is trying to tell you.
It may be repeated several times for emphasis.
#13 - Scents.
A sudden burst of floral fragrances in unlikely places signifies the presence of a spirit.
For instance, you can smell a floral scent in your car even though you don't have an
air purifier.
And surprisingly, it will stop only after you opened the doors of your car and aggressively
demanded the spirit to leave.
Well, those are the 13 unusual signs the spirit world is trying to contact you.
So, really cool information isn't it?
I hope you enjoy this short video, if you have something on your mind, please share
your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!
Don't forget to subscribe to our channel and watch all our other amazing videos!
Thanks for watching!
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