Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

This pretty little face, why do I make Youtube videos? What's the point? Why do I even make

them so have you ever think like, oh, I'm just going to go out vlogging on my phone

and post them on Youtube and then I'm going to get youtube famous. Don't try it. What

I'm going to talk to you about today is why I used to make videos and why I make videos

now and how that changed, why it changed and what kind of led the way for that. One, I

have a script Now. If you haven't met me, I'm bloggin Brandi of bloggin Brandi Dot com,

where I teach you all about how to build and brand your business and if you haven't watched

my channel you can find out more about me and behind the scenes how I travel in my rv

and all kinds of fun stuff. In today's video, I wanted to talk to you about all these crazy

channels that I have because I have so many people that follow me about vlogging or making

videos. But, why do I even make them? That's the biggest question I would say I get asked,

but I wish people asked me that instead of oh you're a YouTuber! No, I'm not a Youtuber.

I Make videos to sell my products and services. Fast forward, why did I make videos before

and what? I make videos now. So have you ever think like, oh, I'm just going to go out and

I'm going to start vlogging on my phone and making lots of vlogs and post them on Youtube

and then I'm going to get youtube famous. I'm going to be a youtuber. Totally not going

to work. It doesn't work. It's not going to work. No, No! Don't try it. Not going to happen!

Why do I make videos now, I saw this pretty little face pop-up and the game changed. I

thought I was going to be vlogging and making videos. I did like, if you look way back on

this channel I made a rant video...

... to be a blogger. And I guess you'd call me a blogger. People are like, what are you

doing on blogger? That's what I do. I blog! My girlfriend said the other day she said,

what? What is, what is that? What's a blog? Is that a new word? I was like, well, uh,

like if you read a magazine, they have articles on there. It's like that, you know think of

it like a magazine. is like a magazine. Except it sucks, ya know. I think

my website sucks. I think it really needs a lot of work.

And, then I made a vegas video.

Ready and action! Hey everybody. This is blogging Brandi. I been going to vegas for over two

decades, two decades and I love telling everybody about some of the fun stuff that I find in

vegas because I get a ton of questions about how do you not spend too much money and where

the fun places to go. So I figured I wrote six tips and I would share them with you,

but that video did get a lot of traction. It was because of some of the techniques that

I started to use once I met Sunny and she taught me how she was ranking her videos.

Hey girl, how are you?

I loved it!

So I started making videos to build an audience, one around my brand and actually put like

a face to my brand. So people were like, who's bloggin Brandi? What does she do? How can

she help me? Those were all things that I wanted to answer in a video is, hey, once

you meet me, here's how I can help you and here's what you need to do next because you

have to tell people what they need to do. Next. I Stopped vlogging and I started creating

content around the products and services that was selling or potentially wanted to sell,

so I started building an audience around the niche of content that I want, so if I was

vlogging about Vegas, I was trying to find other people talking about vegas or things

that they were talking about and make videos about that things to do in Vegas, where to

go, where to eat, where to party, the best casinos. Those are all things that people

were thinking about.

Same thing with this energy patch. I started creating content around what are the most

frequently asked questions, well, how do you apply the product? How do you use the product?

What are the benefits of the product? How does it work? Those are all things that people

were asking me. I create content around the products and services that I'm selling or

something that I want to sell one day because you want to build an audience and honestly

like your audience will tell you what to sell to them if you listen, so ask questions. They'll

tell you hey I'm having a problem with this, you kind of already know what they need. You

have to position yourself one in a way to be found and then you have to walk them through

the steps with your videos. So I know this maybe seems like a lot, but hopefully It's

starting to click about why you can't just vlog because the thing is when people land

on you first, they need to find you and they find you through Seo and keyword.

Why is it important to do these seo keywords? Well? That's how people find your content.

If you want them to find your continent, they have to be able to figure out what you're

talking about and youtube uses like your title, your description, and your tags all in the

algorithm to place your video in search and tell people, hey, this video's about vegas.

This Video is about RVing, this video is about how to make youtube videos or why I make youtube

videos, so if you wonder how you found this video and send it to you, then you might have

found it in search results on youtube. So you might have searched, how do I make youtube

videos? why do people make youtube videos? Why I should make a youtube videos? That's

a good question. I hope I Answered that. Oh but, but, but Buuuubut. But the catch is not

to actually sell.

So you're never selling. You're never like, hey, go buy my product. That's not really

how it works. You just talk about tips and advice and maybe behind the scenes you can

do vlogs, but if you want people to find you, you want to make educational content so they

can say, hey, this is what the chick does and here's how I found her. Like how did I

find sunny? How did I find this pretty little face? I found her because she put a youtube

video about either how to make a youtube video on a phone or how to get confident on camera

or something along those lines. How to shoot your video on your phone. I don't know. When

it comes to making videos, it's what kind of equipment do I use? Well, the reality in

some of my videos,

I use really high end cameras. I have a nice backdrop, great lighting, all the bells and

whistles like in this video up here, but today as you can see I'm filming with my iphone.

She put something out and That's how I found found her and then it just blossomed from

there. Our relationship blossom from there. I loved it. Oh, don't cry. Don't cry!

Oh my God, you've done it. I've assisted. But, you've done it. You did the work. You

did the work and you're doing it. You have come so far in a year. I'm so proud of you.

Before I was just vlogging now strategically actually like plan my videos and I make content

people are searching for, so like I mentioned seo keywords. I use Seo keywords to rank my

videos. One of the biggest things that I've searched and use TubeBuddy because TubeBuddy

helps search google and Youtube and who owns youtube? Google. And who's the largest search

engine in the world? Google. So it would be the second youtube. Okay. Now that we have

that covered, so I use TubeBuddy, which is a tool that helps search both of these and

it makes it super simple for me to do that. So TubeBuddy's, tag explorer, and they have

tons of other stuff. Like they'll help you make thumbnails and just rank your videos

overall. It's a great, amazing tool. I'll put a link to all of that below this video

so you can check that out. I'll share the vegas video which has gotten like 7,000 views

on it now and I'll share the video about how to make a youtube channel which has garnered

like 20,000 views At this point,

Hey it's Brandi of And in this video I'm going to teach you how to

create a youtube channel on your phone.

All because of the Seo and the keywords that I've put in the titles, descriptions and tags.

And you can see, when I started making the vegas videos, I was just making videos to

make videos. I had no idea what I was talking about. And then whenever I created the youtube

video I was actually creating a video for people that were watching my content because

these are questions that people were asking me and things I knew people were searching

for. How do I find that? With my TubeBuddy tool that I told you about. So I use the TubeBuddy

tag explorer to skyrocket those videos to the top of search. Now you know why I used

to make videos and why I make them now for my channel, but I used to Vlog. I used to

honestly vlog and try to figure out how to make videos and why I was making them and

what the point was.

And now I have a strategic plan for why make them. It has to do with as seo and keywords

and I give people what they're looking for. I give people what they're looking for. And,

when they search and they find me! I continue the relationship. So I continue to build the

relationship after they found me. Before, during, and after the sell. Whether they ever

buy from me or not. Maybe they refer me to someone else who does by from me, but eventually

this pretty little face shows up somewhere and they communicate and I build my entourage.

If you want to know how to create your own youtube channel and make all your own videos

and get it all started, it can be really overwhelming. Like I said, I had no idea what I was doing.

I used to get no views. Now, I can show you how to get seven to 20,000 views, but either

way, even if you make all of these amazing videos and someone lands on your channel,

what's the point if they don't come back and stick around. So, how do you do that?

Well, I've created a youtube channel checklist to help you get thousands of views while you

snooze. If you want to pick that up, you can check it out in the description below or you

can head over to B, l o G G I N B r a n d I, that's my name. Make

sure you spelled it right. Bloggin brandi dot com to pick that up and that's really

where all the goodies are either in the description or on my website. I'm Brandi of

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video. Hey, I'm blogging Brandi, and

in this video I'm going to be teaching you all about how to create. No, I'm not going

to teach you that. What was I teaching you? What was I teaching you? A lot of things going

on. I was trying to heal from stuff...

Hey, there's none of that. I swear One day I'm going to actually be able to make these

youtube videos without all these distractions. So finally the wheels turn, the wheels were

turning and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

For more infomation >> WHY SHOULD I MAKE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Duration: 10:34.


খাদ্য প্রথম পর্ব || কিতাবঃ বুলুগুল মারাম || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:11:30.

For more infomation >> খাদ্য প্রথম পর্ব || কিতাবঃ বুলুগুল মারাম || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:11:30.


Nightcore - Keep Dreaming (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:11.

NEFFEX - Keep Dreaming || Nightcore Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Keep Dreaming (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:11.


City Rooftop Sniper Undercover Cop 3D (by Xtreme Logics) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 4:28.

City Rooftop Sniper Undercover Cop 3D (by Xtreme Logics) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> City Rooftop Sniper Undercover Cop 3D (by Xtreme Logics) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 4:28.


how to know the water pump have trouble ( Cars engines ) - Duration: 3:36.

Your car leaves drops of water on the floor

Is your car temperature weird? Sometimes it goes up a lot, sometimes it takes time to get down

Does it make some strange noise in the engine? Then

If you are doing this prepare yourself because you may be having problems with this item.

The Water pump

It's even a simple problem to solve.

But if you do not pay attention

It can give you a big loss.

But, dont worry

In today's video, I'll show you

How can you identify problems in the water pump

Let´s go...

Subscribe! Activate the bell

Displatec - Special Clutch

So folks

Do you know those silly items that, when they break, can destroy your engine?

then the water pump is one such item

she is easy to change, it's simple

but if it breaks, it can make your engine need repair

But almost always it gives some signs to say that it is bad

And these are the signs I'm going to show you, to help identify

If your pump not is ok

The most common are water drops under the car

usually when after turning off the hot car

You turn off the car and after a while have a few drops, it's a symptom

When lowering water level

You do not see leaks, smoke, but you see that you are lowering the level gradually.

it's a symptom too

Temperature problems, sometimes the temperature rises very fast even with fan on

It goes beyond normal

Sometimes it takes time to lower the temperature

And sometimes it takes time to get up

Its is a symptom too, because

As it is bad, it alters the water speed of the cooling system

The fourth item is what generates the noise

What seems the engine breaking

It's the pump gap

You can check by forcing the pump pulley

You'll notice a break

In some cases the noise is hotter in others, cold

there's a noise like the engine is breaking

but it's the bomb telling you it's going to be a problem

Sometimes a simple item

You exchange temperature sensor, gaskets, wires

Change many things to see why the car heats up

Even the head gasket you exchange, thinking it is the cause of the problem

And it's not, it's just the malfunctioning pump

If you are changing the pump, also check the belts

which is what drives the pump

and, change the fluid of radiator too

To keep the cooling system up to date and in perfect condition, okay?

The car does not have to show all the signs to say the pump is in trouble

Sometimes 1 or 2 symptoms, it means that it is not 100%

And if your car has some of these symptoms

Take your car for an auto repair, to change the water pump soon

If you want to change yourself

Wait for the next video, where will I teach you to switch Okay?

That's it, see you around, bye, bye.

For more infomation >> how to know the water pump have trouble ( Cars engines ) - Duration: 3:36.


How to GROW a NEW Youtube Channel | 5 Things you MUST do to GET Subscribers - Duration: 6:59.

what's up content creators it's your boy the masked youtuber the one that will take

your channel to 1 million subscribers so I've been checking out more than 100

channels during the past week some really good channels and others I didn't

like I've combined five things that you need to do right now to grow your

channel all popular youtubers have these on point so pay attention here as

usual no bullshit let's dive in number one YouTube banner

the analytics and YouTube themselves suggest that most people actually do not

subscribe from a single video people typically check your channel first do

you see other videos before clicking on that subscribe button if you have a

banner it is just a black box with your name for God's sake you need to change

that the banner is the first thing that a potential subscriber will see when

coming to your channel it should give you basic idea what your channel is

about either through images or text don't get me wrong I don't believe

that I have a best banner here on YouTube far from that but at least it

does the job at least it's telling my viewers people coming to my channel

exactly what this channel is about if you don't know how to create one just go

to and get one for $5 it just needs to give a brief idea what your

channel is about and look professional before going into number two I just want

you to click on the subscribe button below in the Bell and give me a thumbs

up by clicking on the like button so number two playlist

I've seen some very messy channels during the past week so if you have many

videos which is really good you need to categorize your videos into place so

that your subscribers can easily navigate through your channel and videos

just think about cable TV and Netflix we are being conditioned to

search by categories YouTube is no different so to encourage binge watching

add your videos to a playlist or many playlists if you have many videos number

3 image and audio you don't need to have a best mic and camera in the world

but you need something which is acceptable it's really important if your

audio is crap your channel will not grow grab a mic on Amazon which has some good

reviews and start using it if you have echo in your room in the room but you're

filming use another room I have a small echo in my room but the audio is

acceptable he doesn't need to be perfect it just needs to be acceptable I use a

blue Yeti mic which is quite decent and inexpensive for the camera i use the

logitech 930 c930 here I think it's called which is OK and cheap it does the

job number 4 personality first I wear mask and sunglasses as you can see it's

really all to show emotions and add some sort of personality in my videos with

all these things on when I try to do it all concept around this channel is to

show you that the average Joe can start a YouTube channel and really grow and

taking to 1 million subscribers so if I can do it you can also do it with the

right strategies but I'm giving you that's the reason behind me wearing all

this and doing this channel what I saw with the 100+ channels i checked is

plenty of boring hardly spoke and monotone videos look at popular

youtubers they all have a big personality huge personality they're

always entertaining you people don't come to your videos or come to YouTube

to watch videos they come to YouTube to be entertained so you need to be

entertaining this is the hardest one to learn and this is the one that will

take the most practice I'm constantly working on my personality and trying to

make videos better so stop thinking about ways so that you can make the style

of videos that you do more entertaining so

that you grab the attention really grabbed my attention of the viewer to make

sure that the viewer watches were all video that's the whole video that's the goal here

you need to make sure that the viewer watches the whole video and YouTube will love all your

videos and love your channel number 5 content if you think you can just set up

a camera and record yourself for 10 minutes without any dating you're going

nowhere on YouTube maybe it worked like six years ago but it no longer works now

I've seen plenty of these types of videos where where like someone is just talking

to the camera and reading a script for 10 minutes I know they are reading a

script because there's lots of posers and you can see that the eyes are

constantly moving in the same direction checking something and pausing and

continuing to speak don't get me wrong you can still read a script but you need

to cut the pose yourself to grab the attention of a viewer you need to remove

it once the viewer loses interest they are gone they moved on to another video

that can grab their attention so your video should only should only contain

the best part of your recording honestly if you're not going to put in the effort

and just record and upload the video in the same 15 minutes this is most

probably not for you YouTube does not reward the lazy if you do gaming videos

the same principle applies you really need to be filling that dead air only

leave the best parts and cut out the boring stuff you really need to have these five

things on point to really make people want to subscribe to your channel

remember these things don't have to be perfect they just need to be acceptable

so that's all for now thanks for watching what I want you to do right now as usual

click on the subscribe button below hit the bell and leave a like on this video and

tell me what you think about these five powerful strategies to grow your YouTube

channel are you currently meeting all the requirements that's all for now see you in

the next video

For more infomation >> How to GROW a NEW Youtube Channel | 5 Things you MUST do to GET Subscribers - Duration: 6:59.


Pour en savoir plus: L'indépendance des États-Unis - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Pour en savoir plus: L'indépendance des États-Unis - Duration: 5:51.


Real Police Try Escaping 5 Stars in "Grand Theft Auto V" - Duration: 7:16.

For more infomation >> Real Police Try Escaping 5 Stars in "Grand Theft Auto V" - Duration: 7:16.


Models Try Styling A Snuggie - Duration: 3:29.

For more infomation >> Models Try Styling A Snuggie - Duration: 3:29.


Huawei Mate 20 Lite VS Samsung A6 (2018) | Enfrentamiento | Top Pulso - Duration: 17:10.

For more infomation >> Huawei Mate 20 Lite VS Samsung A6 (2018) | Enfrentamiento | Top Pulso - Duration: 17:10.


I Tried To Become A Genius In 30 Days - Duration: 7:57.

For more infomation >> I Tried To Become A Genius In 30 Days - Duration: 7:57.


COMPETITION: 1ère manche de D1M et D1F - Duration: 6:05.

It's the return of the french championship, and for this autumn round of men and women's first division

ms tv went in the heart of the competition in Montluçon.

Obviously we've done some interviews to know their feelings during the competition.

So, how did this championship's week-end go for your team ?

Really good, really good! We started with some wins, then a draw against Pontoise.

The only problem is that we are only 7 girls so it's not easy, but we have a good team cohesion

we play well together, we find us underwater, and that's top !

A satisfying week-end for the Hyères' girls.

And for the newcomer Pessac, how was the first steps in the 1st division against the biggest teams of the country?

You have to know that it's our first qualification in first round, so we're really happy to be here.

we came with twelve girls this year, so that's awesome.

That's hard. the level is high.

But we give everything we got. We manage to draw two times during the competition. So we're happy.

- So how is your feeling about these first steps in first division?

Interesting. it's a bit hard for us, but sincerely it's cool. It allows us to have a bit more experience and

to reach the first division level !

Despite the satisfaction, Pessac falls down into second division.

a classification system which could be rearranged for the captain of Pessac.

It's a bit complicated, I think it would be more logic to do it like men's championship.

To have three rounds of championship.Then it will mix a bit more teams,

and allow more balance between teams. because nowadays between first and second division there's a big step

so I think there is still some efforts to do in the ladies' section.

There's something new this season : three umpires for each game underwater

But still not resident club. So how the responsible of the championship organizes it ?

I have to check everything around the competition, for example if there is referees for the weekend

if we got all the material for the competition,

to organise meals for the officials.

That's a big machine, but the difficulty is that there isn't any resident club.

So you got to bring everything by yourself.

For example, I had to rent a car to put all the material in it

A complicated organisation, but how does it work in the pool

Let's start with the women's first division. The best eight teams from the last season play a round robin.

then each team does a ranking match.

the six first teams are going to the second round whereas the last two teams go in 2nd division.

for the men's division , ten teams are divised in two pools, depending of the results of the last season.

A Pool A and a Pool B .

During the first day, they do a round robin, and the second day, a general ranking is made.

The eight best teams stay in in the Group A for the third round, whereas the two last teams go in the group B .

Regarding the results the men's team of Hyères, who are in reconstruction

began this weekend with the ambition of staying in the group A.

So, did they succeed? Their coach answered.

It's a team in reconstruction so it needs to make his marks

we've done a lot of matchs.

And we lost several times, but we maintained ourselves in the group A, and it was the most important for us.

For Franconville, the goals were higher, but the results are mixed.

We didn't start this championship like we wanted to. Our first day was great, with two losses against

teams better than us. Two wins against teams of our level.

We're quite happy of it, but this morning we lost our quarter final against Moirans, who is our pet peeve.

We didn't manage to pass this quarter final since two three years.

So we're a bit disappointed ...

So why have you lost this quarter final, to your mind ?

a lot of things, I think it's about mental, state of mind, we're not directly in the game...

We passed completely through our game.

With a team aweakened, Dinan managed to be at the fourth place

and it's a really good result for them, for their vice-captain.

We got a good team, but we are only nine... one guy is injured.

We got an other guy injured because he can't play with his right hand

It's a bit particular in this weekend, it was a bit tough to organize ourselves.

A rewarding experience for the british player of the team.

Pontoise players managed to take the third place but Nicolas Darnault had a suggestion for the next rounds.

Nice weekend in Montluçon in a pool that we know well since several years.It's cool.

2 meters deep, I think it'll be interesting to see some pools a bit deeper like 2m50 or 3 meters,

because we got a lot of teams who brings some power and consistency, so when you play at 2 meters

it begins complicated to create some space, scores are way more tight

In the ladies' division, Fontenay took the third place of the competition and Pontoise won in final against Le chesnay

We played well together, we found ourselves underwater.

We got a new team this year, so it was really nice and we enjoyed this weekend.

We conceided a goal because the pivot which I turn with turned... and I didn't see her !

so I didn't go underwater, there was a big gap, and we conceded a goal because of it. My bad !

In the men's division, Rennes won in final against Moirans and won the autumn round

but for the players, this victory is only a step, and their goal is the last round of the championship.

It's satisfying because now we got some certitudes, but we still got some questions as well

Because we changed a lot of things, even if we win everything we have to do some adjustments.

- It's always cool to win this autumn round, but the most important is to win in June.

You can win as much as you want in autumn, you'll not be champion at the end of the year.

That's the end of the recap of this first division autumn championship. We see us really soon around the pools !

For more infomation >> COMPETITION: 1ère manche de D1M et D1F - Duration: 6:05.


Project Zorgo Hacker made us to explore the ancient Egyptian temples| Scavenger Hunt for clues - Duration: 9:23.

Behind your backs there is a wardrobe, using a new technology, I will activate the portal in it.

All you need to do is just enter the portal and the game will start.

Your mission is to find the code from the safe.

in Egypt!

Ok! Let's solve this puzzle.

This is a lion

This is an umbrella!

This is a xerox.

an octopus

This is a rabbit.

and rabbit

The key word is Luxor.

Luxor?! What is it?

Luxor is an ancient Egyptian city. It is located far from here.

But how do we find a clue in the whole city.

Let's go there and find out.

The clue is somewhere here!

I found it!

Ok! Open it up!

This is a new place!

Ok! Let's find it!

Are we lost?

Not really! Let's go there!

I got it!

Yes we found it!

We got another clue!

We need to Valley of the Kings!

Look mommy!

This is the last one!

1, 2, 3, 4

So simple code! He is kidding us!

Ok. Let's go back home!

Ulya, enter the code!

What is it mommy?

It's a button!

Let's try it!

It doesn't work!

It's opened! Let's go back home!

Yes, we are home!

We did it!

The game will end when I say!

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