Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 11, 2018

Waching daily Nov 28 2018

Hey there!

This time we are giving you some advice on how to find and recruit players to your forming

or truncated team.

Building on the previous guides, this should help your amateur esport team if you are in

need of new players at any stage.

Hello guys and welcome to the dojo!

This is our next episode in our amateur team series, we talked about team goals and schedules

in the previous guide, click the card now to check it out.

As the team forms and player slots fill from your acquaintances and friends, you get closer

to a full lineup.

Finding new players can be challenging, so we are going to discuss this transitional

state of an amateur team.

This guide is about how to find proper players that match the already existing lineup and

what your options are if you still want to play some scrims during this period.

A big thanks for all our supporters on Patreon for helping us creating these episodes.

Support us now with a pledge and you can get coaching or team incubation in return!

So let's begin with how to find players for your team.

You can post ads on different Discord servers and online sites.

We basically covered this from the player's perspective in a previous video, check it

out for details.

You can use the knowledge there to post proper ads and begin trialing players.

You can trial more than one players The following points are the most important to pay attention


We can't mention this enough, a fitting schedule is the most important.

Make sure that the new player has the same commitment as your members.

Too little is a no-go, too much may cause friction on the long run.

Judge the player's personality, ask your team if they would love to play with the candidate.

Sometimes a member of your team will veto a player because he just can't deal with

the voice or how he or she acts during stress.

Listen to your core team.

The skill of the candidate is really important to judge as well.

Does the player do their job well?

Is he working with the team properly?

Are you willing to adjust to her playstyle?

All these questions are really important and the team's decision on the player should

be unanimous.

You want to eliminate all potential future wrangles as early as you can.

If anyone disagrees strongly, just look for another candidate.

If you need help with a review, Omnicoach is an AI VOD review and coaching service which

you can use to check your players.

Click the card now to see it in action!

So what to do during the period when you don't have a full team?

There are channels where you can look for ringers - players who are willing to fill

slots in a team and play scrims with you.

This can help keeping the core of the team active during these times and also helps bonding

between members.

So if you are looking for a ringer, just post your average SR and the positions and time

slot when you are playing and you will usually find players to jump in and fill a slot in

the team.

If you are solo player watching this guide, ringing can give you nearly the same experience

that you get from being part of a core team.

Look for ringer ads on big OW Discords!

Alright, let's talk about disbanding, as this can be a sensitive topic.

There are times when it's not worth to salvage a team.

However hard you try as a member, if the others are not willing to keep the team active or

fill the slots or change something that would help the group, you are usually doomed to

fail in reviving the team.

We can say this from experience: just let it go, take a break and then look for another

team with different members.

If you need help in dealing with something like this, our Discord is there to ask your

questions about anything that troubles you in Overwatch or building your team.

If you like our video guides, give us a like and subscribe enabling the bell.

Join our Discord server if you want to be part of the core dojo community!

Leave a comment below with your questions, we will get back to you.

See you guys in the next one!

For more infomation >> Recruiting Players For Your Team - Overwatch Amateur Team Esport Guides - Duration: 4:09.


Feddd - Jobbe, der Snack für zwischendurch (prod. by DiggeEuter) - Duration: 1:26.

For more infomation >> Feddd - Jobbe, der Snack für zwischendurch (prod. by DiggeEuter) - Duration: 1:26.


'Home Improvement' Stars Zachery Bryan & Taran Smith Talk Crushing On Pamela Anderson In The '90s - Duration: 4:10.

For more infomation >> 'Home Improvement' Stars Zachery Bryan & Taran Smith Talk Crushing On Pamela Anderson In The '90s - Duration: 4:10.


❌ 10 Erros de Tradução Imperdoáveis - Ft. Carina Fragozo - Duration: 16:16.

Oh, what are their business hours?


Mind your business.

Thanks for your business, Bob.

And how, for instance,

they are developing the largest wind farm in the world,

the largest wind farm in the world.


-So do you think you'll ever get married? -Well, maybe eventually.

I have exciting news.

Your businesses are failing.

Your unions are suffering.

She died on the tenth day from heart failure.

Honest to God, honey.

It's suffering. Poor thing.

The truth is, I... I'm just miserable.

And thanks for the business.

For more infomation >> ❌ 10 Erros de Tradução Imperdoáveis - Ft. Carina Fragozo - Duration: 16:16.


This Is Us 3x10 Teaser Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:16.

For more infomation >> This Is Us 3x10 Teaser Promo (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:16.



This pretty little face, why do I make Youtube videos? What's the point? Why do I even make

them so have you ever think like, oh, I'm just going to go out vlogging on my phone

and post them on Youtube and then I'm going to get youtube famous. Don't try it. What

I'm going to talk to you about today is why I used to make videos and why I make videos

now and how that changed, why it changed and what kind of led the way for that. One, I

have a script Now. If you haven't met me, I'm bloggin Brandi of bloggin Brandi Dot com,

where I teach you all about how to build and brand your business and if you haven't watched

my channel you can find out more about me and behind the scenes how I travel in my rv

and all kinds of fun stuff. In today's video, I wanted to talk to you about all these crazy

channels that I have because I have so many people that follow me about vlogging or making

videos. But, why do I even make them? That's the biggest question I would say I get asked,

but I wish people asked me that instead of oh you're a YouTuber! No, I'm not a Youtuber.

I Make videos to sell my products and services. Fast forward, why did I make videos before

and what? I make videos now. So have you ever think like, oh, I'm just going to go out and

I'm going to start vlogging on my phone and making lots of vlogs and post them on Youtube

and then I'm going to get youtube famous. I'm going to be a youtuber. Totally not going

to work. It doesn't work. It's not going to work. No, No! Don't try it. Not going to happen!

Why do I make videos now, I saw this pretty little face pop-up and the game changed. I

thought I was going to be vlogging and making videos. I did like, if you look way back on

this channel I made a rant video...

... to be a blogger. And I guess you'd call me a blogger. People are like, what are you

doing on blogger? That's what I do. I blog! My girlfriend said the other day she said,

what? What is, what is that? What's a blog? Is that a new word? I was like, well, uh,

like if you read a magazine, they have articles on there. It's like that, you know think of

it like a magazine. is like a magazine. Except it sucks, ya know. I think

my website sucks. I think it really needs a lot of work.

And, then I made a vegas video.

Ready and action! Hey everybody. This is blogging Brandi. I been going to vegas for over two

decades, two decades and I love telling everybody about some of the fun stuff that I find in

vegas because I get a ton of questions about how do you not spend too much money and where

the fun places to go. So I figured I wrote six tips and I would share them with you,

but that video did get a lot of traction. It was because of some of the techniques that

I started to use once I met Sunny and she taught me how she was ranking her videos.

Hey girl, how are you?

I loved it!

So I started making videos to build an audience, one around my brand and actually put like

a face to my brand. So people were like, who's bloggin Brandi? What does she do? How can

she help me? Those were all things that I wanted to answer in a video is, hey, once

you meet me, here's how I can help you and here's what you need to do next because you

have to tell people what they need to do. Next. I Stopped vlogging and I started creating

content around the products and services that was selling or potentially wanted to sell,

so I started building an audience around the niche of content that I want, so if I was

vlogging about Vegas, I was trying to find other people talking about vegas or things

that they were talking about and make videos about that things to do in Vegas, where to

go, where to eat, where to party, the best casinos. Those are all things that people

were thinking about.

Same thing with this energy patch. I started creating content around what are the most

frequently asked questions, well, how do you apply the product? How do you use the product?

What are the benefits of the product? How does it work? Those are all things that people

were asking me. I create content around the products and services that I'm selling or

something that I want to sell one day because you want to build an audience and honestly

like your audience will tell you what to sell to them if you listen, so ask questions. They'll

tell you hey I'm having a problem with this, you kind of already know what they need. You

have to position yourself one in a way to be found and then you have to walk them through

the steps with your videos. So I know this maybe seems like a lot, but hopefully It's

starting to click about why you can't just vlog because the thing is when people land

on you first, they need to find you and they find you through Seo and keyword.

Why is it important to do these seo keywords? Well? That's how people find your content.

If you want them to find your continent, they have to be able to figure out what you're

talking about and youtube uses like your title, your description, and your tags all in the

algorithm to place your video in search and tell people, hey, this video's about vegas.

This Video is about RVing, this video is about how to make youtube videos or why I make youtube

videos, so if you wonder how you found this video and send it to you, then you might have

found it in search results on youtube. So you might have searched, how do I make youtube

videos? why do people make youtube videos? Why I should make a youtube videos? That's

a good question. I hope I Answered that. Oh but, but, but Buuuubut. But the catch is not

to actually sell.

So you're never selling. You're never like, hey, go buy my product. That's not really

how it works. You just talk about tips and advice and maybe behind the scenes you can

do vlogs, but if you want people to find you, you want to make educational content so they

can say, hey, this is what the chick does and here's how I found her. Like how did I

find sunny? How did I find this pretty little face? I found her because she put a youtube

video about either how to make a youtube video on a phone or how to get confident on camera

or something along those lines. How to shoot your video on your phone. I don't know. When

it comes to making videos, it's what kind of equipment do I use? Well, the reality in

some of my videos,

I use really high end cameras. I have a nice backdrop, great lighting, all the bells and

whistles like in this video up here, but today as you can see I'm filming with my iphone.

She put something out and That's how I found found her and then it just blossomed from

there. Our relationship blossom from there. I loved it. Oh, don't cry. Don't cry!

Oh my God, you've done it. I've assisted. But, you've done it. You did the work. You

did the work and you're doing it. You have come so far in a year. I'm so proud of you.

Before I was just vlogging now strategically actually like plan my videos and I make content

people are searching for, so like I mentioned seo keywords. I use Seo keywords to rank my

videos. One of the biggest things that I've searched and use TubeBuddy because TubeBuddy

helps search google and Youtube and who owns youtube? Google. And who's the largest search

engine in the world? Google. So it would be the second youtube. Okay. Now that we have

that covered, so I use TubeBuddy, which is a tool that helps search both of these and

it makes it super simple for me to do that. So TubeBuddy's, tag explorer, and they have

tons of other stuff. Like they'll help you make thumbnails and just rank your videos

overall. It's a great, amazing tool. I'll put a link to all of that below this video

so you can check that out. I'll share the vegas video which has gotten like 7,000 views

on it now and I'll share the video about how to make a youtube channel which has garnered

like 20,000 views At this point,

Hey it's Brandi of And in this video I'm going to teach you how to

create a youtube channel on your phone.

All because of the Seo and the keywords that I've put in the titles, descriptions and tags.

And you can see, when I started making the vegas videos, I was just making videos to

make videos. I had no idea what I was talking about. And then whenever I created the youtube

video I was actually creating a video for people that were watching my content because

these are questions that people were asking me and things I knew people were searching

for. How do I find that? With my TubeBuddy tool that I told you about. So I use the TubeBuddy

tag explorer to skyrocket those videos to the top of search. Now you know why I used

to make videos and why I make them now for my channel, but I used to Vlog. I used to

honestly vlog and try to figure out how to make videos and why I was making them and

what the point was.

And now I have a strategic plan for why make them. It has to do with as seo and keywords

and I give people what they're looking for. I give people what they're looking for. And,

when they search and they find me! I continue the relationship. So I continue to build the

relationship after they found me. Before, during, and after the sell. Whether they ever

buy from me or not. Maybe they refer me to someone else who does by from me, but eventually

this pretty little face shows up somewhere and they communicate and I build my entourage.

If you want to know how to create your own youtube channel and make all your own videos

and get it all started, it can be really overwhelming. Like I said, I had no idea what I was doing.

I used to get no views. Now, I can show you how to get seven to 20,000 views, but either

way, even if you make all of these amazing videos and someone lands on your channel,

what's the point if they don't come back and stick around. So, how do you do that?

Well, I've created a youtube channel checklist to help you get thousands of views while you

snooze. If you want to pick that up, you can check it out in the description below or you

can head over to B, l o G G I N B r a n d I, that's my name. Make

sure you spelled it right. Bloggin brandi dot com to pick that up and that's really

where all the goodies are either in the description or on my website. I'm Brandi of

Thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next video. Hey, I'm blogging Brandi, and

in this video I'm going to be teaching you all about how to create. No, I'm not going

to teach you that. What was I teaching you? What was I teaching you? A lot of things going

on. I was trying to heal from stuff...

Hey, there's none of that. I swear One day I'm going to actually be able to make these

youtube videos without all these distractions. So finally the wheels turn, the wheels were

turning and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

For more infomation >> WHY SHOULD I MAKE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL - Duration: 10:34.


Zachery Bryan Reveals He & Jonathan Taylor Thomas Are Working With Macaulay Culkin On A Project - Duration: 1:36.

For more infomation >> Zachery Bryan Reveals He & Jonathan Taylor Thomas Are Working With Macaulay Culkin On A Project - Duration: 1:36.


খাদ্য প্রথম পর্ব || কিতাবঃ বুলুগুল মারাম || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:11:30.

For more infomation >> খাদ্য প্রথম পর্ব || কিতাবঃ বুলুগুল মারাম || Sheikh Motiur Rahman Madani | Bangla Waz New Short Video - Duration: 1:11:30.


Nightcore - Keep Dreaming (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:11.

NEFFEX - Keep Dreaming || Nightcore Lyrics on the screen

For more infomation >> Nightcore - Keep Dreaming (NEFFEX) - (Lyrics) - Duration: 2:11.


Руны дня прогноз на сегодня 29 ноября / Наталия Рунная #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:06.

For more infomation >> Руны дня прогноз на сегодня 29 ноября / Наталия Рунная #рунныймаг - Duration: 2:06.


Manifest 1x10 Promo "Unaccompanied Minors" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.

For more infomation >> Manifest 1x10 Promo "Unaccompanied Minors" (SUB ITA) - Duration: 0:31.


Come CONGRATULARSI in ITALIANO - Learn How to Offer Your Congratulations in Italian! - Duration: 6:06.

For more infomation >> Come CONGRATULARSI in ITALIANO - Learn How to Offer Your Congratulations in Italian! - Duration: 6:06.


City Rooftop Sniper Undercover Cop 3D (by Xtreme Logics) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 4:28.

City Rooftop Sniper Undercover Cop 3D (by Xtreme Logics) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ

For more infomation >> City Rooftop Sniper Undercover Cop 3D (by Xtreme Logics) - Trailer Gameplay (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 4:28.


findher die Webserie | Gegensätze und Gemeinsamkeiten - Duration: 1:15.

For more infomation >> findher die Webserie | Gegensätze und Gemeinsamkeiten - Duration: 1:15.


Ratchetón - Que Lo Que - Duration: 3:07.

For more infomation >> Ratchetón - Que Lo Que - Duration: 3:07.


how to know the water pump have trouble ( Cars engines ) - Duration: 3:36.

Your car leaves drops of water on the floor

Is your car temperature weird? Sometimes it goes up a lot, sometimes it takes time to get down

Does it make some strange noise in the engine? Then

If you are doing this prepare yourself because you may be having problems with this item.

The Water pump

It's even a simple problem to solve.

But if you do not pay attention

It can give you a big loss.

But, dont worry

In today's video, I'll show you

How can you identify problems in the water pump

Let´s go...

Subscribe! Activate the bell

Displatec - Special Clutch

So folks

Do you know those silly items that, when they break, can destroy your engine?

then the water pump is one such item

she is easy to change, it's simple

but if it breaks, it can make your engine need repair

But almost always it gives some signs to say that it is bad

And these are the signs I'm going to show you, to help identify

If your pump not is ok

The most common are water drops under the car

usually when after turning off the hot car

You turn off the car and after a while have a few drops, it's a symptom

When lowering water level

You do not see leaks, smoke, but you see that you are lowering the level gradually.

it's a symptom too

Temperature problems, sometimes the temperature rises very fast even with fan on

It goes beyond normal

Sometimes it takes time to lower the temperature

And sometimes it takes time to get up

Its is a symptom too, because

As it is bad, it alters the water speed of the cooling system

The fourth item is what generates the noise

What seems the engine breaking

It's the pump gap

You can check by forcing the pump pulley

You'll notice a break

In some cases the noise is hotter in others, cold

there's a noise like the engine is breaking

but it's the bomb telling you it's going to be a problem

Sometimes a simple item

You exchange temperature sensor, gaskets, wires

Change many things to see why the car heats up

Even the head gasket you exchange, thinking it is the cause of the problem

And it's not, it's just the malfunctioning pump

If you are changing the pump, also check the belts

which is what drives the pump

and, change the fluid of radiator too

To keep the cooling system up to date and in perfect condition, okay?

The car does not have to show all the signs to say the pump is in trouble

Sometimes 1 or 2 symptoms, it means that it is not 100%

And if your car has some of these symptoms

Take your car for an auto repair, to change the water pump soon

If you want to change yourself

Wait for the next video, where will I teach you to switch Okay?

That's it, see you around, bye, bye.

For more infomation >> how to know the water pump have trouble ( Cars engines ) - Duration: 3:36.


Pour en savoir plus: L'indépendance des États-Unis - Duration: 5:51.

For more infomation >> Pour en savoir plus: L'indépendance des États-Unis - Duration: 5:51.


Trucos para escribir el email de trabajo perfecto en inglés - Duration: 12:59.

hello everybody welcome back to another video I'm Philip and this is Isabel in

case you're new here and do you use your English and work I've got a feeling you

might if you're here well good news in this video we're going to look at some

dos and don'ts for when it comes to writing emails in English with these

tips you're gonna be killing it yeah we're gonna help you sound more

professional so are you ready Mr Bartlett

I'm ready let's do it

okay get your laptops out come on we're gonna write an email let's write an

email to Cambridge University Press okay oh that's a good idea yeah yeah so how

are you gonna start Isabel okay to pull it may concern' that's okay but I

think we can do better than that nobody's gonna reply to you if you say

to whom it may concern come on let's get on LinkedIn or on Google on Twitter

let's find out who is the marketing director of Cambridge University Press

just give me a minute okay

oh I think I got him Joe Piper head of product marketing at Cambridge

University Press that's our man okay dear

mr. Piper yes that sounds much better so always try to get a name if you use their name you're much more likely to get a response or if you already know

them obviously you can use their first name I'm just gonna see if I can get his

email hello could I speak to mr. Joe Piper please it's Philip it's

confidential it's confidential could you just put me through to him please he's

in the toilet no no don't disturb him if you could just give me his email I'll

send him and I'll send him an email Cambridge University Press okay that's

easy first it's nice to start with a little

bit of small talk to warm up break the ice yeah okay and this was afeared

I hope this email finds you well oh that's a good phrase yeah I hope this

email finds you well yes nice phrase you could also say I hope you are well I

hope all is well in Cambridge or if you've previously spoken to the person

you could say thank you for taking the time to speak to me on the phone this

morning perhaps okay yeah okay do you like long emails

oh no no nobody does so let's get straight down to the point don't beat

about the bush too much okay okay let's go straight to the point

How can we do this without being rude you can say I'm writing regarding or I'm writing in

regards to write this down I'm writing regarding a possible collaboration yes

also if you've just spoken to that person on the phone you can say

following up on our recent phone call or if you want to ask for something

I would like to ask you about your grammar books for example but be

careful, don't make the mistake I often see I write you about my homework

this is not correct in English, don't say that you use the present

continuous don't you yes I'm writing I'm writing this email to ask you for

example ok now let's get down to the nitty-gritty the meat of the email so

what are you gonna say Isabel nice expression hmm okay yeah let's get

started then so I'm welcome to come in a possible collaboration okay last week I

went to the annual conference here in London and when I was there I spoke to a

number of important people one of them being misters me okay okay

recommend it wait

keep it short and sweet okay we can cut this down nobody wants to

hear your life story okay so let's summarize okay in a few

sentences for example it has come to our attention but you have recently

published a new book we'd be delighted to feature it on our channel in exchange

for some free copies to give away to our students

perfect Mr Bartlett oh yes by the way there are some people that put other people

on copy from the same department but they don't say anything

this is not very professional is it if I want to say 'pongo a mi compañero de departamento

Phillip en copia en este email' How would you say it in English

I've put my colleague Philip on copying ok and if it's a more

informal email for someone that I deal with every day and I just

want to say 'pongo en copia a Phillip en este email'' I've cc'd Philip on this

email if you want to attach any files you must inform the other person don't you

so how can you say in English 'te adjunto este archivo'

please find document attached cool let's continue ah tell him that we

can meet in Cambridge next week because there is a conference

oh yes it's true, we're going to be in Cambridge next week

that sounds really formal doesn't it do you like it yeah that sounds good but and

it's better not to use the passive voice because you don't

you don't usually mention who performs the action

but I thought the passive voice was more formal wasn't it yes but when writing email

you need to be as clear as possible you're not saying who's holding the conference

I've finished writing the email but now I'm in a bit of a rush

how can I ask him to reply before Friday without being rude what would you write

can you let me know before Friday could you let me know asap as soon as possible

please get back to me by Friday whoa whoa whoa whoa look this is all a bit

too direct and informal it would be much better to say something like

could you please get back to me by the end of this week

I'd really appreciate it if you could let me know by tomorrow

or one a bit more formal I await your response at your earliest convenience

Oh I like that and some other useful phrases would be I'd appreciate your help in this matter

please keep me informed of any updates

and other more informal phrases please keep me posted

let me know what you think okay cool

let's continue, I'm going to tell him to contact us if he has any questions

what do you think Phillip don't hesitate to contact me if you have

any questions yeah that's the typical phrase isn't it yeah

that's the typical phrase but I prefer if you have any questions please let me

know always positive never negative I like your thinking Mr Barlett

or for example should you have any questions please feel free to reach out that

sounds good yeah okay or some a bit more informal if you have any

questions I'll be happy to help you drop me a line if you have any questions drop

me a line that's a nice one drop me a line ok perfect

and there's a phrasal verb that is often used at the end of emails

yes yes with the verb to look I'm sure you know which one it is

what's the mistake that you find many times in the emails you

receive from your students many say I look forward to hear from you

soon where's the mistake in this phrase

Isabel I look forward to hear from you soon

I look forward to hearing from you soon exactly or you could also say I'm

looking forward to hearing from you soon mmm-hmm but you never use the infinitive

do you no I look forward to hearing from you

I look forward to working with you yes I look forward to seeing you next week I

look forward to meeting you in person another one without using the verb is

I look forward to your reply that's a common one I look forward to your reply

now I just have to write 'atentamente' 'un cordial saludo'

so I'm going to risk it as it's a formal email and I don't know this person

I'm going to write yours faithfully yours sincerely because we've written the name

of the person yours faithfully

is only used if you don't know the name of that person If you start with dear sir or madam

if you haven't done your job so yours faithfully when you don't know the name

yours sincerely when you know the name and yours truly is a bit

formal and a bit old fashioned but you can use it

ok these are for quite formal emails

what others do we have kind regards best regards or best wishes

that's my favorite best wishes that's a good one okay okay that looks pretty

good so no no no wait wait wait wait the golden rule the last golden rule you

should always always reread your email before you send it to check for mistakes

so can you read it again spelling is very important

yeah that you missed it you missed a team yeah

don't forget your attachments oh yeah yeah happy with that yeah okay then good

great okay that was easy easy peasy

piece of cake it's not so difficult to send a formal email is it good job

it just takes a bit of practice yeah

If you want some extra practice why not write a short email in the comments below this video

ok but keep it short keep it brief just practice using some of the phrases

and that'll help you remember okay will you be correcting any mistakes I will have a

look yeah I'll see if I can help a little bit thank you for learning

English with amigos in glasses and keep pushing keep pushing together we can do

it let's keep making your English rock and we'll see you all next week

we use yours faithfully

For more infomation >> Trucos para escribir el email de trabajo perfecto en inglés - Duration: 12:59.


DJI - Meet Osmo Pocket - Duration: 2:47.

Meet Osmo Pocket,

a compact, stabilized smart camera that was made to fit in every moment.

Osmo Pocket puts the power of stable camera movement in the palm of your hand,

allowing you to capture cinematic video anywhere, anytime.

A compact three-axis gimbal eliminates shake and jitter,

giving you smooth video.

Osmo Pocket is also your own camera crew.

The versatile extension rod gives you even more control of your shot.

In Selfie mode, the camera automatically enters FaceTrack,

keeping you in the shot as you explore your surroundings.

For filming all your friends,

ActiveTrack is now more intuitive than ever.

Simply tap on the subject,

and the camera follows its every move.

Put your audience at the front of the action.

FPV mode captures a more dynamic perspective,

following the gimbal's orientation smoothly for fast-moving shots.

Take Osmo Pocket on your underwater adventures with the Waterproof Case.

Shoot with distortion-free clarity from the camera's wide-angle lens.

Love the view?

Take a Motionlapse

and the camera moves smoothly over time,

allowing the scene to come to life.

If one frame isn't enough for a complete picture,

catch it perfectly with a seamless 3×3 Panorama.

With NightShot,

capture handheld long exposures and illuminate the night.

Osmo Pocket introduces DJI Mimo,

a new app that expands your creativity even further.

Story mode adds movie magic to your clips with a variety of templates to choose from.

Preset camera movements, effects,

and music turn your everyday video into an instant hit.

Osmo Pocket works seamlessly with your phone,

allowing you to share your favorite moments with a single tap.

It's just as easy to put away for whatever comes next.

Osmo Pocket instantly captures smooth, stabilized video for wherever life takes you.

It lets you turn all your moments,

whether they're epic or everyday,

into a story worth telling.

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