oh look at that business. Ammonite falls right here in my hometown of Nanaimo onVancouver Island
I've shot here many many times before I love this spot and I
know exactly where I need to be to get my composition there's a shot just right...
It's that f*@ing Adam Gibbs!
Oh God, it's just a nightmare. Bloody ell!
I'm gonna need a strong coffee!
Mmmmm... that's nice. (Door bell rings)
Oh... who's that?
OTT Scream!
Ello Gavin! You wankah!
Ridiculous screamage...
Ah we're not really arch enemies. But I just had to up the ante in response to Adams
last video where he had me as his arch nemesis and I did notice how well
practiced he was with the wanker gesture ;)
one of the benefits of going out and shooting with a guy in his 60's is that he has quite a lot of local
knowledge so the marks on the on these Cedars these western red cedars are
actually from people peeling the bark off and the the first nations use the
bark to weave baskets and hats and stuff now I'm not sure if these were done by
First Nations but that's why these trees are all kind of stripped like this
doesn't kill the tree as long as you don't go all the way around it.
The trail to Ammonite Falls is only about 45 minutes but it has a slippery, muddy climb at the
end and I had resolved not to fall again just for your viewing pleasure. Oh look an owl.
We caught our first glimpse of ammonite Falls and then we
begin our descent down the cliff of calamity.
you're waiting for me to fall aren't ya?
Well I'm not gonna. Not gonna do it this time
we made it down to the river without falling on our British bums and got straight to work
The challenge is getting rid of the triangle of
pointlessness and that is bit of white sky there, that's almost always triangular in
shape it drives me bloody mental I can't stand
it I don't want anything boring in my frame I want my frame to be filled with
delicious gorgeousness such as the big column of the waterfall and all this
gorgeous foreground so that's the challenge of my composition so if I go
over on that bank on the right-hand side I can completely eliminate the triangle
of pointlessness but then I've lost all of this gorgeous
movement and shape and Colour in the river so it's that balancing act so I'm
gonna keep working and refining this process I'll try different focal lengths
but it is a process is composition. You take some shots you look at them
analytically and you critique your own pictures and think how can I make it better?
Well I know how I can make it better...
Get rid of that bloody triangle of pointlessness
I have to confess this is getting quite challenging I'm getting quite frustrated
with it can't seem to get rid of the triangular pointlessness and my
foreground is getting weaker the further I get back
I've noticed these mossy branches in the water there maybe I could arrange them
and try and create some foreground but that's turd polishing and I'd rather not do
that I've spotted a bit further down river
which I'm gonna tell Adam about in a minute but I think it involves getting
balls deep in some whitewater which I don't fancy doing but I might have to
Meeehh, I got one shot I think. How about you?
Just turds
I have seen one spot that I think.... we could get a shot.
But I think we have to get balls deep in the white water....
I'm up fer it if you are. Alright. Are we doin it? Let's go for it.
Right balls-deep we go!
Adams got bigger balls than me he's gonna go in first
he's down into his trolleys. That is a sexy look.
Trolleys and Wellies, that's a new look.
We have to make sure my 'unmentionables' don't fall out of the slot at the front ere.
Bloody cold!.............yep.
It was bloody cold and Adam doesn't have all this seal blubber that I've got.
Even on the GoPro the composition looks better from ere.
The ultimate Adam Gibbs underwear hero shot.
Oh there's nothing quite like a photographer in his trolleys, polishing his glass!
and then it was my turn to gain to the white stuff.
I hope my insurance company's not watching
well this definitely wasn't as productive as my last two photo shoots.
I'll show you what I got anyway.
Yeah it's alright. It's definitely filler and not quite killer.
But..... that day I did get a shot of something truly sublime......
order your high-resolution print at Fototripper.com
you know when it comes to the actual photography though, what would you say is your average failure rate?
take lots of images on that last okay so as an example that last trip we went on
to Ammonite. How many images do you think you took?
How many turned out?
I took two . I got one that I quite liked so 50%. I know some people like to take hundreds
and hundreds of images and then just kind of pick the best ones but I'm more
you know from the 4x5 days a bit more deliberate with my composition
so , it's usually the light that fails me not so much the compositions all the time
how often do you get pilot error?
Pilot error? Where you f$#ed up!
Probably 90% of the time! ........laughter.
Gavin...... how bout you?
Very rarely, I'll be honest very rarely. The one thing that we can't fix after the event is focus.
you can fix white balance you know you can do noise reduction if you messed up your
ISO but if it's out of focus I don't care what these software packages say
that all we could fix a a blurred image that you didn't focus properly no you
can't I think focus is one of the major ones with me usually I don't take enough
images if I take me more you know but kinda compositionally I tend to not take
enough so then I'm stuck with a bunch that I made the same mistake in and I
haven't adjusted it so yeah I did the same thing last month at Water Sprite
Lake it was a shooting Astro and I always take time to get perfect focus on
a star. But I moved my location and I must have just nudged the the lens a
little bit and not realized it but I just assumed it was still in because
once you focused on a star it doesn't matter where you move after that point
it's all in focus right but it must have nudged it and it didn't realize until
after the moonrise had finished and I'd shot all these frames and they
were all crap. Yeah I make them probably more mistakes
than a lot of so called "professionals" but you know it's all part of that it
doesn't it doesn't bother me too much unless it somewhere where I've spent a
bit of money to get to time to get to but in those cases then I generally take
more images anyway just to make sure that I have the image so I like to have
more than one go, one attempt to get the shot, because often you don't
realize till you get back to the hotel you download your images and you study them
to make sure that you've got them all correct and everything oh that would
have looked so much better if I've got lower and four feet to the right so it's
nice to have that second chance yeah but you have to do it straight away
because other way you'd say well I'm gonna go back next week or wherever it's
never the same but never change too much yeah I don't know how many times I've
done that I've done a location ''oh well go back'' you know you go back and
it's nothing like when you were there the first time that's why
astrophotography is good because the one thing you can almost almost guarantee if
you've got like five days of blue sky down in California then you're doing
Milky Way photography you're pretty much in control of everything that is
underneath of that Milky Way you can light it however you want you can place
things wherever you want within reason and that's that's kind of quite
liberating freedom to determine that's where the lights gonna be so what is it
about the island that you that you like the most?
you can take pictures of the mountains, lakes, waterfalls, the coast you could do
all that in one day even Milky Way if you're in the summertime you know
there's so much diversity, crammed into a little space
at most, it's between a three and a six hour drive at the absolute most, usually
two hours or less. I'll ask you the same question. They're pretty much the same
thing I mean I first of all I like to be in an area with there's lots of you know
there's there's lots of things to photograph that are reasonably close
together. I don't really like driving all over the place just to.. Well my grapes don't it either...
Just need a bit of a trail lube. But no I I'm in the forest here I
love the forest and then today I mean it's it's just miserable out but at
least you can still go out and photograph waterfalls. This time of year are great
because there's lots of water running except well except for this waterfall is
too much running too much but in the summer it's it's not that great for
waterfalls but it's probably better in the Alpine. Spend some time in the Alpine
if you can deal with the bugs.Oh man...I can't. I looked like I'd been shot with buckshot when I
did that Triple Peak trip. I think what honestly it was like a there's a line of
them it was in a line, like one Mozzie thought ''right I'm gonna dine out on
this guy'' and It took like three weeks for it all to disappear. Well they like
the English blood I guess. Well it is delightful. And salty
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