Once life beats in you you're responding isn't it
so your understanding responsibility has compulsive activity no responsibility
responsibility it's your ability to respond by giving up your ability to
respond have you changed anything I'm asking nothing isn't it
is it better to retain your ability to respond whether there is action in your
hands or not still is it better to retain your ability to respond within
you yes if you see I am responsible you may become capable of action the
possibility is there if you see I am NOT responsible there is no possibility of
action yes if you see some situation is there hopeless situation right now in
the society if you see I am responsible you made a one you may do one small
thing which may be a neglible negligible thing right now but this negligible act
after 100 years may become a solution isn't it if you think I'm not
responsible even that little action will not come out of you yes
I was just walking on the beach today some ladies who had come for walk you
know welted a woman they were standing there and cleaning all the beach picking
off all the plastic all this we have done an enormous amount of job like this
where ever we are I was really happy Madras bitch has always been a horrible
place yes you can't put your foot anywhere and
somebody who works that place is taking the responsibility of cleaning does it
mean the whole of Tamil Nadu Coast will become clean tomorrow morning
no but this well-to-do woman who is well dressed is doing I'm sure even the
fisherman if he sees this woman cleaning every day tomorrow he will hesitate to
shit in this place he will find a little some other place for himself yes he will
because there is humanity in everybody it's just that you have to stir it up
people's humanity has frozen if you stir it up everybody is fantastic yes when it
is frozen there can be they can be very horrible see we're doing programs in the
prisons both in India and United States I find these prisoners when I am there
for those 5-6 days with them they just wonderful guys okay they're great
company really they're great company because very intense people and when I
go there I spend the whole day with them and I have my own way I have my own
back-alley jokes for them and stories for them I am very much a part of them
because they're very intense and wonderful guys it's just that one part
of them is out of control otherwise you will say criminals are wonderful people
they're hugely capable people you should see the you know innovativeness of this
guys you give him a pin he will make something else out of it a
great tool lot of it you know I saw one man in the United States in the Kentucky
Correctional Center this guy has a passion for tattooing everybody
tattooing is banned in the prison okay every time they catch him they take away
things but he invents new ways of manufacturing permanent ink and rails
new new ways okay impossible ways they told me how many different ways he made
this ink from what is available in the prison okay she could be genius outside
but the problem means buying is become a criminal the problem is just this
limited responsibility he thinks he is only responsible for himself not for
that one why is it that you can rob this one harm this one kill this one why
because you think that life is not my responsibility
isn't it I am only responsible for this one limited responsibility he is the
source of all evil on this planet is it is it so you think I am only responsible
for myself or my family and nothing else this is what gets you to do things which
are unpleasant isn't it if you truly saw everything that is here is my
responsibility you would function in a very sensible
way just you will do what's needed nothing more nothing less
yes or no would you be an excess no right now just see everybody's excess in
the world people are doing excess why because they think they are only
responsible for their own lives and maybe one or two more lives which are
attached to them they are not responsible for anything else everything
in excess so much in excess human beings are becoming absolutely ridiculous yes
do you see modern world as we become more and more capable people are
becoming such an excess that they don't behave like humans anymore yes or no is
it happening but now once it happened Shankaran Pillai his only son went to
as an IT professional you know Indians
he went there and he made friends with local guys and one day his friend told
him that in this weekend he is going to visit his family which doctor
and he invited Shankaran Pillai son you can also come if you wish to he is quite
a miraculous man so he went along there he went and saw the witch doctor was
mumbling away like only an African witch doctor can mumble and all kinds of you
know skulls and gods and all kinds of stuff then he was amazed with the things
that were happening there then the friend said you can ask what you want
and he will give it to you so Shankaran Pillai he was missing his parents so he
thought about his father his father was always regretting that he's getting all
he wants to get back his youth so he asked the witch doctor can you make my
parents young so witch doctor mumbled away like crazy and then pulled out some
black deadly looking balls a few of them put it in a bottle and said give them to
your parents it'll take years of their life so he packed it properly and
FedExed it to India
and after three months his project is over he came back home he came home went
into the house the doors were open he walked in then there was a young man you
know taking care of an infant he went in and asked who are you where's my father
with my mother
Shankaran Pillai said hey it's me he's become a young man Oh father I'm so
happy for you you look anger than myself but where is mom he pointed at the
infant and said that's her she took three pills everything in excess isn't
it simply because you think the rest of the creation is not your responsibility
that's why you're in excess isn't it if you saw you're truly responsible does
somebody have to be tell you be good to others be gentle walk gently on this
planet is it necessary if you really felt this is my responsibility
there was no necessary for any no need for anybody to come and tell you how to
be on this planet you know how to be isn't it some responsibility is what you
are using to draw boundaries if you make your responsibilities limitless there
are no boundaries upon you the boundaries are drawn in your mind
isn't it so yes do you want to be a limited human being or an unlimited
human being what is the difference between you and the people whom you
worship just see you are Krishna you're Rama you're Buddha your Jesus or whoever
you worship what's the difference between you and them they all had eight
eight hands and did more work than you is it so most of them did not even know
they're living they ate in other people's homes and went away isn't it
but you worship them why they lived in unlimited responsibility if they never
had unlimited capability but they lived in unlimited responsibility so you
worshiping them you are living in limited responsibility
who put this limit on you tell me what's the advantage is there any advantage you
just suffocating yourself with it that's all you know there's something
called home sweet home that is your house is built out of candy is that what
it means
wherever you go you come back to this particular building and suddenly if you
have why you taken full responsibility for that place there you are at ease
other places you are walking like a stranger you're never at ease now if
your responsibility is limitless wherever you are you're perfectly at
home is it not important that you walk on this planet with a huge sense of
belonging and ease and joy should it happen only inside this particular
building is it not important that you walk this planet with total ease and
joyfulness both for your own sake and for the sake of that must fear a joyless
space is the worst crime on the planet yes the worst crime that you can commit
on this planet 'is you walk around with a joyless face because the whole world
is trying to be happy isn't it if you are creating an atmosphere of
unhappiness isn't this the worst crime against humanity yes or no it is not
murder robbery which is the worst crime joyless faces on the planet as the most
horrible crime a large population in the world is committing this crime on a
daily basis moment to moment
now whatever you call is God does God have total control over
everything that you do right now does he have
I'm asking you a simple question does God have total control over what your
going to think now and do not know but somehow we worship Him because they
believe he is responsible for everything isn't it you can become in such a way
this is so simple you just walk with utter responsibility you will see within
a short time people around you annoyingly will become worshipful
towards you annoyingly they don't even know why but they will become worshipful
towards you simply because you are walking without any barriers on yourself
without any boundaries for yourself you will see unknowingly people will start
becoming merciful towards you
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