Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash
It's not what I really wanna do
You only date bad guys, so
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to
I never open a door or pull out a chair
You can tell me how your day was but I don't really care
And if you ever get cold you'll just have to hack it
'Cause I'd be cold too if I gave you my jacket
Like "Whoa!", you ain't sittin' up front
Front is for the homies, you can sit in the trunk
I never answer my phone whenever you call it
And when the waiter brings the bill I never reach for my wallet
Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash
It's not what I really wanna do
You only date bad guys, so
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to
And I'ma beat you... in every competition
Going out with the girls?
You better get my permission
Wait no, I take that back, you can't go
House is on tonight and that's my favorite show!
"Do I look fat in this dress?"
Hell yeah, you do!
Wait lemme speak your language
Cows go moo!
Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash
It's not what I really wanna do
You only date bad guys, so
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to
But behind the scenes
She means the world to me
Wanna tell her that she's beautiful
And show her that she's loved
Hold her hand when she's scared
Tell her how much I care
But that won't win her heart
Nice guys finish last
That's why I'll treat you like trash
It's not what I really want to do
You only date bad guys, so
I'll give it my best try to
Treat you the way you want me to
For more infomation >> Nightcore - Nice Guys (Acoustics - Lyrics) - Duration: 2:27.-------------------------------------------
Animated Fire Effect - Photoshop Tutorial - Duration: 10:18.
What You'll Be Creating!
Made with the same technique!
Let's Start
First, show Timeline from Window> Timeline
From Layer> Video Layers> New Video Layer from File, you can import the fire overlays
Each folder has a one second perfect loop video inside it.
Open "Fire6" folder and select "Fire00" to import all image sequence as a video.
Make sure that Image Sequence is checked.
Double-click "Fire00" to import all as a video.
Your timeline will turn into a video timeline like this
Change blend mode to Screen to remove the black
Right-click and Convert to Smart Object
I don't know if you can see this edge!
Let's use Levels to fix it!
CTRL+T to Free Transform. Hold ALT+SHIFT while resizing to scale it proportionally around the center.
Right-click and choose warp
Adjust the grid to fit the fire to the bun
Select both fire and levels layers and duplicate with CTRL+J
CTRL+T to resize
Duplicate again for the third burger
CTRL+T then Flip Horizontal
Use Warp again to adjust edges
Make sure that all layers start from the 00:00 second
If you have a layer like this you can drag it like this
Awesome! But the 3 fires looks identical!
Let's import another fire to blend it with them to give us a realistic look
Let's import "Fire5"
Change to Screen
Convert to Smart Object
CTL+T to resize
Add another fire
Choose "Fire4"
1-Screen Mode 2-Convert to Smart Object 3-Resize/Warp if needed
Add another fire at the bottom "Fire5"
1-Screen Mode 2-Convert to Smart Object 3-Resize/Warp if needed
I want to enrich this fire color and make it brighter
Clip mask Levels layer
Clip mask a Hue/Sat. Layer
Select 1st layer then hold Shift and select the last one to select them all. Then drag to group them
It should be 30 FPS! It's laggy because I'm recording!
let's import the Fire Embers
Move the layer to the beginning @ 00:00
Add Hue/Sat to change Sparks color
Add another sparks layer
Import "FireSparks7" this time
drag to the start if it's not
1-Screen Mode 2-Convert to Smart Object 3-Resize/Warp if needed
Import "FireSparks2"
The Last one "FireSparks3"
Move them to the beginning
Group all "Embers"
Let's See the final Result
IMPORTANT: Make sure that your work area is only a one second period.
Let's Export as a GIF
Choose GIF and keep you settings as mine
Wait a little bit to load the GIF
The GIF is 18MB! to decrease the final size you can decrease image size as seen
Wait to load!
Now it becomes 5MB
Make sure that Looping is forever
Click save. or Just preview to see the final result
Now, you've got a seamless animated fire effect with a perfect loop!
Have Fun!
Steam Desing - Duration: 11:00.
Michael Jackson: Searching for Neverland l Lifetime - Duration: 1:41:03.
FLU$$ UCHIHA ft. ¥OUNG KOFLA - GO ROCK (Edited by @francesco_bonato) - Duration: 2:53.
FLU$$ UCHIHA ft. ¥OUNG KOFLA - Go Rock (Edited by @francesco_bonato)
অশ্লীল ছবির নায়িকা নিপুণ | Nipun Akter | Bangladeshi Hot Actress | Nipun | Naked Talk - Duration: 0:43.
Fuori Strada - Short Film (Movielab Lighthouse) - Duration: 40:03.
Attention, please. Do not cross the rails. Please use the subway.
We inform the passengers that all the regional train rides scheduled for today
are canceled, due to an extraordinary strike of the crew.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Yeah, yeah, don't worry. I'm catching the next train…
Can you watch your step?
Sorry, but… it was you the one who hit me.
I don't care about your apologies.
I've got this huge commitment, and now… no train, and no phone.
Ok, well, listen, wanna use mine?
What's that for?
Dunno, call your parents?
Enough, out of my way.
I knew it.
Sorry to tell you, but you're waiting for nothing.
There's one arriving in seven minutes.
You might want to take a look there.
What's the matter? Day off!
Hey, wait me!
Where are you going? There's nothing this way.
Don't you have anything better to do?
Sooo, why are you in such a hurry?
You don't even know, if I miss this exam I'm screwed.
Trust me, I've got this!
What are you doing? It's illegal!
Oh, finally. Hey, hey!
Oh, please, stop…
Are you kidding me?
Nice tractor. I had a similar one at my place.
Well, could have been worse!
Can I introduce myself, at least? I'm Manuel, nice to meet you.
Very well, Luna. So, this exam you're running into, is it that important?
Apparently, it is, yes.
I need to pass the admission test for this law school.
Serious stuff, then!
Geez, why am I even talking to you.
I was serious, though.
Yeah, sure. Anyways, It's your fault if I'm in this trouble.
Then I should have left you there.
I didn't ask for help!
Sorry if I just got you a ride in the middle of nowhere!
You had any better alternatives?
I'd just come up with something!
Maybe it's the gasket, or maybe the radiator…
Get off, you know nothing.
Now, you head that way, you'll get to Tony's farm. Do you know him?
Sure, I know who's Tony, thanks.
Well then, make yourself useful.
Yep. Thanks, man.
Are you sure this is the right way? You'll get you clothes dirty.
Don't worry. I don't care anymore.
Do you think we might make it?
Sure, don't worry.
So, where are you supposed to go, dressed up that way?
To an interview.
Hey, didn't you parents teach you not to pick up stuff off the ground?
Where are you going?
Excuse me!
Isn't Tony's farm that way?
Did you hear me?
Boy, get lost.
But, I…
You ruined everything.
What's the matter with you?
The matter?
The problem is that I lost the moment!
All my work, wasted!
Hours and hours, seeking for perfection, and now it's all gone!
What did you tell him?
Me? Nothing at all!
I don't understand.
This painting is truly beautiful.
Girl, "beautiful" is not enough.
You wanna keep it forever?
It's broken.
Yeah, but it's beautiful.
Beautiful is not enough.
Just if you're crazy.
Y'know what they say about artists…
Maybe he's so attached to details because he misses something.
Maybe you're right.
What are you doing?
That's not the way you do it! You want to do the Ian knot.
Ian Solo?
What are you missing?
My phone.
Are you sure this is the right way?
If I'm sure, she asks! I've been there so many times…
Mmh, fine as you say.
Come on, Luna, relax. We've got plenty of time.
Listen, we're literally in the middle of nowhere.
How comes you know these places?
This is like home to me.
These fields?
Yep, I grew in the countryside mud.
And take a look at the results.
How can you be always… like this?
Dunno. I guess I couldn't be anyway different.
Then tell me, how's living in the middle of nowhere?
It was good, I guess.
Yeah, we moved.
Where are we heading?
Watch out!
Oh my god!
I'm gonna get fired, what a mess!
I'm seriously gonna get fired.
Don't worry miss, we got you.
Everything's alright?
Yeah...sure, sure...sure not, no, no, no! Nothing's, how do I fix this?
Oh my god!
Ok it's fine, everything's fine.
I'm fixing this in no time.
Sorry but...
Do you guys know where's Co... Co... god I'm getting blind as a bat.
Confessione Street?
Confessione Street?
It should be that way.
Thank you! Great.
Now let me fix this and... great. I got this, everything's fine, I got this...
Oh, who I am even lying to...
I will never make it in time.
I'm getting fired, I am getting fired...
C'mon, let's just go.
Look at her though...
She just needs some help.
Miss, how much time you have left?
I still have 10 households to deliver to, and the last one's gonna be at least 20 km from here. And I only have an hour and a half left...
Then it's easier than you think. If you keep a stable speed of 15 k/h you'll have nine minutes per family.
I guess...? Yeah, Yes! You're right!
I got this, I'm sure I'm gonna make it.
I was a junior high bicyclism silver too!
This is amazing, thank you!
Score one for the highbrow.
Oh, c'mon, lets head out or we will never get to Tony's.
It's the farm owner Tony you're talking about?
It's him, yeah.
Well, his farm is not down this road, but that one.
Are you sure about that?
I'm pretty sure about this one.
Here, take a look.
Have a good day!
Didn't you tell me it was that way?
Oh c'mon, don't you tell me that you believe someone like her?
We've both seen his address on her notes.
Well, whatever.
Maybe it's not the right path...
Yeah, I mean. Maybe it's like she said…
You told me you absolutely knew the way!
Yes, I do, but... well that's why I'm leading you there now.
You're not leading me nowhere.
I told you this was important to me...
I spent the whole morning following someone who doesn't know where he's going...
and can't even tie his shoes!
Oh, don't be like that, where are you going! I'll get you there now...
I'm going alone.
C'mon, wait.
Let me give you a ride!
Come on, where are you going?
I had to trade the jacket for this scooter.
Here comes our hero...
Ok hear me out. I know, I'm a prick.
I didn't realize how much you cared and I'm sorry.
But hey, I came back.
What I have to do to make you forgive me?
Get off, that's a start. Don't you see how unstable that is?
Well, that kept a good shape, though.
That's a good job we made.
Yeah, me and my old man!
Well more him than me, I was more about looking at him work.
Would you even open a book, once in a while?
Well, it was fine as it was.
We used to play a lot, you know like, explorers and stuff?
No, I didn't play with my parents really.
No? Really?
You don't even know what you missed.
We used to play together a lot.
My Mom was laughing all the time, and she would take photos sometimes.
I believe she would be delighted by you being such a loafer.
I have no idea, it's ten years now that we don't see each other.
Oh... that's why you moved out?
And... what nice new places you explored in the new house?
No one really.
My dad wasn't really about exploring anymore.
Not something that has changed yet.
And there's nothing interesting left here?
Dunno, maybe a couple of old pictures...
Well, aren't we going to find out?
Oh please, quit this.
There's only old stuff here.
Aren't you scared?
No, this way you won't be late for...
Pipe down!
We have that scooter don't we?
If we're quick enough we can make it.
I'm gonna check upstairs!
Mom's Secretary: "Good morning Luna, Your Mother demands me to remind you the relevance of today's exam. Your family expects much from you."
I found this.
There's any particular order or are they random?
"Moldyum Stoneum number 2968"
That would be...?
It's from that time where I thought I was a geology expert.
My mom used to tell me that I could become whatever I wanted to be, if only I could put some effort in it.
Whatever you wanted, huh?
Mine told me I should become a lawyer.
Well, you sure know your words.
But I think you'll do better as an explorer.
Oh yeah?
More like Sacajawea or Amelia Earhart?
Forget it.
What's this?
Can't recall...
I think that this is the last thing I ever put some effort in since long time.
I should just stop being so stupid.
That's impossible.
And maybe it's also time for us to ride off.
At least you've something important to do...
"Draconis Glassum"
Oh my god!
Are you okay?
Yeah... yeah.
Are you sure?
C'mon, girl!
I'm sorry.
No, sorry.
I know it's not your fault. It's that...
Today was just too much.
You've gone astray?
Go easy on us…
Straight ahead?
Our destination is always the same.
So, we're here, aren't we?
Do you know where it is?
Yeah, yeah, it's just over there.
Are you ready?
Yeah, I...
I should go now.
And what about you?
Everyone please, take a seat.
We will begin the test shortly.
When you hear your name announced, you may come and take your envelope and head to the test room.
I urge you not to open it before the test starts.
Andreazzo Laura.
Berto Luca.
Boscolo Sara.
Cirillo Gianmarco.
De Fazio Luna.
De Fazio Luna...?
Law School.
Miss?... Miss!
Looking for new employee
13 непростых правд про твою жизнь – Нужные секреты успеха которые помогут пробудиться от спячки - Duration: 3:50.
G-Shock 35th Anniversary GWF-1035F-1JR Magma Ocean Frogman 25th anniversary watch unboxing & review - Duration: 13:13.
hello everyone GHF here back at you with another g-shock unboxing or review video
today we're gonna have a look at another magma ocean series g-shock 35th
anniversary watch in this case the frogman model. I already show the
details a little bit on my Instagram page and show you guys how the watch
looks like, a glimpse of it at least on my previous video, so this will be a special
ones dedicated video just to show you guys all the details, and all the
backstory, some of my comments, thoughts, and opinion for this watch. So this is
all the box; the packaging that will.. that you'll get when you buy the watch it
operates on three one eight four module which is similar to every GWF-1000
frogman that was released before. The reason Casio re-released this or
releasing this frogman at all at the first place is to celebrate frogman series
25th anniversary. That is because the first frogman was introduced in the
year 1993, let me show you guys what it looks like, this is it this is the first
frogman that was introduced into the market, it is really really rudimentary
basically what it has just a dive timer that's all, The reason why Casio choose
this 1000 series instead of the 200, the dw-8200, or gf-8250
model is because this is the most popular one out there, this frogman is
one of the models that made G-Shock watch.. G Shock brand really really
popular actually aside from the square and the three-eye 6900 model. I already
show you guys all the details on the Box in the gold tornado frogman unboxing
and review videos, so for this video I'm just gonna focus on the watch and also
what makes this frogman special compared to other model is just the uhm.. the
colorway, and also the finishing, and some change in materials, and that is all. The
rest are just the same, the functions are just the same. So if you want to know the
details on how this watch operate, what it could do for you, check the
module demonstration video.It operates on Casio
3184 and this is the list of all the functions that this watch
have plus more and this is the front part of the price tag, let me show you
guys the details, g-shock 35th anniversary frogman, Multiband 6, Solar wave-ceptor
ISO6425 water resistant to 200 meter, diving memory to 10 units, and
tide graph and moon data, reference number and the retail price of 80,000
japanese yen + 8% tax. Quite expensive but totally worth it if you
are a fan of G-shock Frogman watch. If you just want a diving watch, get
something else, the basic one will cost you half the than the retail price of
done having a look at all the general details of the watch, now let's have
look to all the details, the close up, the things that make this frogman
incredibly unique and incredibly special compared to other G-Shock Frogman watch
on the market. Now I'm gonna switch to close-up cam. First up, we're gonna have a
look at this side screw bar for this frogman model, it came in IP plated
to black so, so far so good. It is pretty much basics, now we're gonna have a look
at the 'mode' button it will came in this KAI-YOU-DO frog, this is what i called them or
the diving frog, basically a frog with a gas tank at the back diving with all
the bubbles in two circular shape and on top over here we'll see a screw to lock
the bezel into place, and next to it this is the adjustment with the mechanical
frog with the antenna coming out of its mouth. Look at all the details, I cannot
imagine if Casio were to add all of these details, in regular models that
would definitely increase the price right, so I appreciated that they only add
this type of things in a watch that is made for the fans; for the collectors only.
Other than that. this is this side screw bar again, pretty much basics and moving
on to the other side of the watch body, you'll see similar screw bar and this is a
pin for decorations only, it came in IP plated to black as well. Thats..that is
all actually, and this is the side button now came in brushed-finish in
rose gold as well. The other side just now came in full gloss-finished by the way
So this is both of them and all the screw bar and a decorative pin.
There are two more decorative pin on top of this watch bezel and that should be
over here with the kai-you-do frog again now similar exactly similar design as the
one before and if you move down here you'll have one more mechanical frog
except this time it is slightly bigger because they have more space to laser
etch all the incredible details and I cannot say this enough I appreciate all
these details a lot. That's not all you'll have more frog in here, look at
the ring in the center over there and you could also see the shadow that it
cast as well on the screen or the display panel for the watch, so
that's pretty cool right. On a regular model by the way just in case
you are wondering, you'll have a 'G' logo only that looks
like that so that makes this model special and that's not all casio even
at the mechanical frog or the robot frog as the EL backlighting logo and that's
how it looks like similar to previous one again except it is much
bigger and it is in red color way. The watch just feature only EL backlighting
which will glow quite uniformly so you will be able to use the watch at night
time quite easily. Other than that, "tide graph" and "moon phase", and
"interval", "dive-time", in rose gold and "since 1983" in orange and a lot of this "reverse" **("forward","start/stop")
writing being placed around the solar panel of the watch since this is a full
tough solar model. The ring around here indeed came rose gold and that makes the
watch looks incredibly beautiful. So, lets moving on to the watch band now
you'll see it 'tough solar' writings in decal over here right, pretty much basics
and now going to the tip of the watch band, you'll see now there have one of those
frog logo again the one that is similar to the side button, moving to the other
side of the watch band, you'll something that is much more interesting that is on the
watch band keeper. So, starting out with this side, you'll see one frog, second one,
and there's a third one, and there's the fourth one, and there's the fifth one
over here, and this is the sixth, and this is the seventh. So seven laser etch frog
being a place on this watch band keeper alone on top part which is brush
finished with '25th anniversary' lettering over here, the side part will glow with a
gloss finish like so and this time you'll see the frogs aren't the same
anymore right. Hold on, let me move back a little bit, you'll see that the Frog over
here on top, it looks similar to the diving frog except it is now wearing a
helmet. Look closely, you could see that it is wearing a helmet and holding a
flashlight. The one at the front of it didn't have any flashlights but it does
have a gas mask, interesting. Next to it is this guy holding on to a diving
booster I might be wrong on the name, basically that's the thing you
use to increase the speed while you are diving, pretty cool right. Moving to
the back of this watch band keeper you'll see same thing again, more frog.
This one is basic alright but the one the back is slightly smaller with a
checkered pattern on the body, incredible, well it didn't wear any sort of
mask at all but, moving to the back of it, you'll see another one, a basic one as the
one in front but it is slightly smaller in size, the one at the most back, have
some sort of mask, but it looks weird but the body looks really really different
compared to other frog at the front. Interesting. So one, two, three, and this
one would be four, this one be five, six, and seven, and including the mechanical frog
make it altogether eight different frog that was placed or scattered all over the
watch. And that's not all of it, let's move on to the watch buckle you'll see a
gloss-finished over here, brush finish over here, and Casio Japan signed at the
bottom of it. Really really nicely done; beautifully cut out. And more frog being
placed on the watch back plate, look at that, screw down cased back in DLC
coated to black body. Look at all this frog being laser etch over there.
We're gonna have a look at one, two, three, four, and this one will be five, and six.
Obviously, other than that you'll be able to see this batch number down here and
of course 'Casio' writings, '3184', 'GWF-1035F', 'Japan K', so
this watch is indeed fully made in Japan and another laser etch G-Shock 35th
anniversary logo. Unlike from a regular model.. I'm sorry,
not regular, this special 30th anniversary, you'll see those stamp came
in.. not laser etch, they are actually stamped on the back plate so it makes this watch
much more special in my opinion, really really different and unique. Regardless this
is still unique on its own way, now let's move back out a little bit..
if you count all of the frog that was placed, or scattered all over the watch
body, they are all together 25 of them. Let's re-count them back, one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven over here, another seven on this watch band keeper, make it
14, and another five at the back over here make it 19, and another six being
placed around this back plate, so all together they are 25 frog being
scattered all over the watch body to celebrate g-shock frogman 25 anniversary
The display panel look almost similar to the one on this 30th anniversary but
somehow the one on here looks a little different
you guys could already see just from the reflection alone this display panel
looks slightly differ, it is a little bit more crisp (*more contrast) compared to the one over here
so it's slightly better right. But this one is titanium, so still better in my
opinion. Anyway you'll have your day-date and timekeeping of course, and moon phase,
and tide data, and this is the seconds counter, and you'll have a dual time
function as well at this watch so that's pretty cool.
Next you'll have a log data all the way to ten of them, and obviously battery
indicator, and power saving mode, and you'll have your tide data; hourly tide,
and you'll have a world time, you'll have your alarms with snooze and signal, 24-hour
stopwatch, and 24-hour countdown timer, and back to home timekeeping and of
course since this is a dive timer, you're gonna need your dive timer as well. Start
over here, and stop that like so, and you should be able to reset it back over
here and return back to home timekeeping down there alright.
I'm gonna wear the watch right now, can't wait.
oh my goodness really really
incredible g-shock watch and did I mention that the material that they used
to make this strap is different compared to the one that they make this.
I wear this watch for years now, and this one is much more comfortable, look at
that. Oh, of course it's gonna fit incredibly big, but then again this are
made to be worn over a sleeves. Yeah, I need to point out that thing again, the thing about
the strap, is that it feels softer compared to the one on this model, I have
this lightning yellow, and I also have the rising red strap; this one feels the
same as this, but this one is somehow much more comfortable another reason why
this frog is better the material aren't the same, although the color might look
simple like just black (*dark grey) and red right but if you actually wear, hold the watch, and even look
at it in person, you will appreciate that even more.
for now, that's.. that's all that have to share about this Frogman watch, let me
know down below, what are the thoughts an opinion about this Frogman model and if
you have any issues, comment, concern at all, just leave them in the comment
section down below. I'll get back to you as soon as I can, thank you very very
much for watching this is GHF and I'm..
Neerja Movie Scenes W/Subtitles | Shabana Azmi Starts Panicking | Terrorists Slay a Passenger - Duration: 7:12.
How can you not send me the pilots?
Sir, Karachi Airport is your responsibility.
See what is the best you can do, but...
...Pan Am can't risk any of it's crew, sir.
And what about the airhostesses?
They are also a part of Pan Am.
What about them?
That's our policy.
Sorry. Excuse me.
- Hello. - Hello, Harish.
Why this sudden call?
I'm glad you called.
I've been getting this strange sinking feeling.
...Neerja's plane which had gone to Karachi...
...has been hijacked.
Neerja's...on board the flight.
All of them is with her
Mushtaq just informed me.
Rama, don't worry. I... I...
I'm still at the office.
- Just look after yourself, I... - Everything will be okay.
Nothing will happen to our Neerja
- I will be here - I...I'll call you...
- What if the pilots don't come? - Wait.
I'll arrange pilots-
Shut up! Shut up!
Your demands will be fulfilled at once
Please, don't hurt them
- Please... - Shut up, sit down!
Sit down! Sit down!
Sit down! Sit down!
Sit down! Sit down!
Pilots! Pilots!
My team is trying to get you pilots.
- Sit down! Sit down! - Kill me
30 minutes...
30 minutes... over!
Brother, they're almost here.
30 minutes!
No pilots! 30 minutes!
We'll solve the problem together. Please be patient.
I am here to save you
Don't hurt them
As soon as possible we will solve your problem, give us some time
The longer you take, more people will die!
Move it! Sit down
Open door!
Neerja...come on baby.
Will you call your father again?
Once again Naresh is the bad guy, huh!
Who do you think you are?
I've been keeping count.
Been writing down every detail.
Every phone call... every food delivery, I'll make your father pay for everything.
Get it?
Come out Neerja!
Open the door
Open the door.
Stay solves every problem.
And secondly...
Don't ever do or tolerate something that's wrong.
Who's my brave girl?
Who's my brave girl?
Open the door.
Or I shoot!
Why move?
Why move?
I tell you to move?
We shot the wrong man. Should've shot her.
Tina! Debina!
- Sir... - What?
Go back. No water. No water.
Sir, please...
No water!
Sir, I am only doing my job.
I'm performing my duty, just like you are.
- Do it fast. - Brother...
Tough times, Inzamam.
Nike Air Max 1 Crepe Sole Pack | Review + On-Feet | AFEW STORE - Duration: 4:03.
hello my name is Elias AKA Eli and I have today
the fun with you to make the Sneaker Review, before we take a look Shoe
you should stay to the end to stay tuned because I will announce the winner
of the Reebok Archives Book and the On-Feet shots.
Therefore stay till the end so stay tuned. Time to coma to the shoe itself what I
brought today, the Air Max 1 Crepe.
In the Dark Obsidian and the Wheat Gold colorway.
Let's start with the darker one. so what I can say is that most of you know
probably the Air Max 1 Series so everyone at least a bit.
So it should not be an unknown concept
the shoe itself does not look different from any Air Max 1 Series in terms of
Shape. However here they payed a lot attention to detail and the
materials and the look in general. as the name
himself says Crepesole because he has a Crepesole. Does not only look cool
but adds more comfort due to the
multiple layers of latex. not only the sole itself is
interesting but also the Upper mega findme cool especially since we not only
who have different color combos but also various materials.
even the Navy which is held a suede or nubuck and
the beige that is green in a cord like the Weatherspoon indeed exist. I agree
very nice. similar to the Air Max Para we have such a flokati swoosh.
that is not white but as a very very bright indeed sky blue.
What I find really cool are the mixed colors.
About the heel ic an say
that it looks like fired suede cause it is so dark
but yes it normal Suede in purple and look pretty dope in that combination.
now the number 2 wheat gold. So similar procedure as only the
Colors and the cord are different here it is held in such an orange
the Suede i a mustard-colored perhaps a little yellowish
one between thing. yes and the Swoosh here in a pink to salmon colored and what I
also really find nice on the heel not only that it is in such a brown gray
is special that the Swoosh itself is held in such a bronze color. so really
wild colors this time and I think it has worked nice very clean. That's about
the shoe itself now back to what I already said in the beginning
to name the winner of the Reebok archive book and that's
sebastian Strini. Please check your dm's, we'll slide in there. Before we show
you the On-Feets. We linked you the Afew Review Playlist in that corner.
As always like the video or leave us a comment
which shoe you I like better. I personally like both, but I think
that one fits better in my shoe cabinet.
So tell me which one you like more. Thanks for watching.
See you!
Elsa x Adrien (Chat/Cat Noir) || Blue Jeans - Duration: 2:26.
Neerja Scenes W/Subtitles | Sonam Kapoor is Threatened at Gun Point | Shabana Azmi | API Malayalam - Duration: 5:43.
Sir, there are approximately 44 Pakistanis...
Did I ask you how many Pakistanis are on board?
What do you want me to do?
Go up there, check their passports.
Save the Pakistanis...
...and offer my regrets to the rest?
Sorry, sir.
Give me that!
Arrange for a van to go to the tarmac.
Okay, sir.
- And... - Yes, sir.
I want a camera on the roof.
I want photographs of the hijackers.
Sit up.
Do you hear me?
Hello, do you hear me?
My name is Inzamam
I came here to help you
Can you hear me?
We should ask for pilots...
...otherwise we'll shoot the passengers.
Tell us your demands
I am here to help you
Hello, do you hear me?
No one need to worry
Shutter down!
Shutter down! Shutter down!
You shutter down!
Shutter down! Shutter down!
- You... - Shutter down!
Shutter down! Shutter down!
Shutter down! Down!
- Brother! How will we talk to them? - We shouldn't open the door.
We need a radio operator to talk to people at the ATC.
Radio operator...plane.
Radio operator.
Is there a radio engineer on our flight?
Radio engineer.
Is there a radio engineer on our flight?
Radio engineer!
Radio engineer!
Is there a radio engineer on our flight?
Radio engineer?
Radio engineer?
Do we have a radio engineer on our flight?
Radio engineer?
There is no radio engineer on our flight.
- Name... - Sir...I...
I'm an American. I'm not an Indian.
I'll show you my passport. One second.
- American! - Yeah, one second. I'll show you.
- Sir, sir, sir... - No
Don't hit him!
Please don't hurt me
Sir, sir, sir... wait.
Don't hit her, sir.
Don't hit her. Don't hit her, sir.
Take me instead.
Sit there! Sit there!
I said sit there.
Otherwise I will kill you.
- Sit straight. - Kill me.
- American. - Kill me.
- Shut up. - Kill me. Kill me.
Kill me.
Let him go.
We are unarmed!
- No arms! - Pilot...!
Send the pilot.
I will convey your demands to my authorities.
- They will help you. - Let's kill them.
- The pilots will come. - No! We have to talk to him.
Be patient.
Please stay calm!
30 minutes!
Pilot no...
- Kill! - 30 minutes are less, brother!
Give us some more time
I'll speak to the authorities on your behalf.
I'm sure they'll agree to your demands.
30 minutes!
- Just a little more time. - 30.
Give us a little longer, brother.
One passenger...kill!
- Don't do anything - 30!
- Give us a little more time - 30!
No pilot... kill!
- Kill everyone! - I am here to help you
They are innocent.
- I kill! Everyone! 30 minutes! - I am getting your demands processed.
Give me a little time. Please be patient.
I'll get it moved.
...some news that...
...some flight has been hijacked.
Pan Am flight.
Which flight was she on?
Pan Am 73, but...
You know what...
Are you sure...
I'll call our guy Ismail, and confirm this...
...and check what's going on.
I mean...
...let's not speculate.
Give me five minutes, okay.
And I'll get back to you. Just five minutes, you relax.
Sit down. I will be back
I'll be back in five minutes.
Tướng Mới Sắp Ra Mắt : Hoa Mộc Lan Riven Cùng Với 7 Kĩ Năng Siêu Dị | Liên Quân Mobile - Duration: 5:29.
STAR WARS: Der Kampfdroide, der für die Republik kämpfen sollte - L8-L9 [Legends] - Duration: 5:52.
HD Футаж Новогодняя дискотека в лесу Proshow Producer - Duration: 0:35.
Christmas Party
How To Make A Sample Pack In FL Studio 20 (Or Any DAW) - Duration: 11:48.
If you want to make a sound effects library or sample pack but don't really know how to go about doing it,
this tutorial will show you my process from start to finish.
I'll be going over how to make and record sounds at the industry standard
and adding metadata to make it easier to search for your sounds in a DAW.
After that, packaging, where I'll talk about making cover art, a demo track,
and other files you may need to include in your library.
Finally, I'll point out some great websites where you can sell your stuff, so stick around.
[how to make a sample pack in FL Studio 20]
Hey everyone, Jake from Transverse Audio here.
To dive right into it, there are some main things you should set up first to make a high-quality sound library.
First, you may want a large dB (or decibel) meter to see the precise levels of each sound
or sample you make.
This will help things be uniform across the entire library and if you set it to around -80dB,
you'll have a much clearer understanding of where to make your edits at the end of a sound.
Then you'll need something to record with and add fade points to prevent pops and clicks.
Personally, I love to use Edison for this as it makes the whole process a lot easier.
When it comes to a recording plugin, I like to have multiple instances of it
so I can hold variations that I'm not sure about.
So, if I recorded 12 versions of a sound but can only keep 6,
I want to be able to move on if I can't decide.
The last few things you might want are an EQ to roll off anything below 20Hz to give
your sounds clarity (as anything below that isn't really heard),
a Limiter to prevent clipping even though you should typically aim for a level around -1 dB
but I'll go anywhere between -2 and -4 while just keeping it turned off until I need it.
Lastly, you might want a notebook or another text editor inside your project
so you can keep track of ideas and remind yourself of the standards you have for the library.
Then, you'll need to set up your DAW to work in the right quality depending on what you're making.
To do this, go into the options or preferences menu and then to the audio settings.
For sound effects libraries used in media like games or film,
it's kind of the standard to use a sample rate of 96kHz and a resampling quality (or bit rate) of 24-point sinc
(or 24-bit).
Anything higher than that is just not worth it for the amount of space it takes
and the quality past that is marginal at best.
I don't even think it's something that can be heard.
Now for the fun part, let's make some sounds.
Keep in mind that a lot of plugins legally prohibit you from using their presets in sound libraries.
That means you're not allowed to record them as is and put them in your pack,
even if you don't charge money for them.
If you really don't know much about making your own sounds, you can learn a lot about synthesis
by deconstructing sounds and essentially "reverse designing" a patch.
But don't reverse engineer the plugin, cause that's illegal too.
Just take away effects or drop parameters off one at a time, observing how it changes the sound.
This isn't the video for a full breakdown of making a sound effect,
so I'll just skim over one sound so you can get an idea of how it's done.
So the effect I made here largely has to do with the chorus effect and automating its parameters.
And with it turned on.
SFX Demo
Down to its basics, this sound is made up of white noise,
a sine wave (which is affected by the pitch controlled by the LFO),
and lastly a square or pulse wave.
All together and with the pitch back to it's setting, it sounds like this.
Without using the LFO and pitch, it sounds a lot different.
I'm using a randomized LFO that has a maxed out gain and offset so it can give it a gradual change.
With it controlling the pitch, I'm able to keep the high pitched metallic sound
from the white noise while dropping the sine and square wave down to a really low level.
This combination acts kind of like a phaser but controls the frequencies in a different way.
The pitch is automated so it can give the sound effect a thump at the end,
making it sound more like a flux in space-time.
Now, what's really going on in the chorus is I have the depth set to about half way,
this is what's giving it that shreaking metal sound.
The feedback is pretty much controlling how much of the signal is fed back through the effect again,
kind of amplifying the sound.
The rate being automated isn't doing a whole lot but it does make the ending more dynamic
as it transitions the sound a bit.
But, at it's lowest setting, it does have a huge impact on the sound.
Now, the chorus delay being automated the way it is, lets the sound have a progressive
change in pitch at the beginning while settling it down near the end to give the sound more
of an impact.
With the setup and sounds ready, you can start to record what you've made.
First, enable loop markers so it's easier to deal with multiple variations.
Disabling selection snapping will let you edit the exact sections you want.
Then right-click on the info bar here and make sure it's recording at 96kHz and since
it can't record in 24-bit for some reason, select 32-bit.
This is because you can convert something from a higher to lower quality while keeping
it at the best it can be.
But going from a lower bit or sample rate up won't change the quality at all and will
probably just make the file bigger.
The more you and the customer have to work with the better so set up loop points in the
sequencer or piano roll to record the tail of the sound too.
Once you've recorded the sound, it's good to keep the file short and without much silence.
What I mean by that is you should remove the silence before and after the sound effect
to keep the file size low but don't make it abruptly end.
Have it naturally fade out.
Once recorded, I like to make it fade in and out very quickly to make sure it doesn't click
or pop when the sound starts or finishes.
I try to keep this at 0.1 seconds or less, depending on how it affects the sound.
If you're going to be making drones or ambiances, the standard length is set at around 30-60
Although you can get away with shorter sounds at around 15-30 seconds if you make them seamlessly
If you want to learn about seamless looping, check out the card to the top right.
I made a video about how to do it.
Now, for sounds other than that, it's good to get a few variations of each sound so things
don't get too repetitive, like footsteps for example.
There's no real standard for this, but anything between 3 and 6 should be great.
This could be with slightly different parameters on your effects or synths.
It really comes down to the sound and its typical use case in a game or film.
You can either keep them all separate or merge the variations into the same file with a small
space between each Finally, name your sound effect by right-clicking on the info bar.
Then make sure you don't have anything selected by double-clicking on the waveform and then
click and hold the drag button and drag your sound effect over to your sound library's
folder (which you'll have to make first by the way).
Now, if you didn't get a chance to set up the proper levels on sounds you've already
exported, there is a fix.
Load up all your sounds into a project on their own track in the playlist and in the
From there you can adjust the decibel level to the same amount to keep things consistent.
Again, you don't want to slam everything to 0dB.
Instead, keep it around -2 and -4db.
You can also throw in some other effects like EQ and compression on individual tracks to
fix up some sounds that are a bit off.
Just keep in mind that it's a lot more efficient for you to fix something than it would be
to leave it for every customer to fix it on their own.
Not to mention, it's better for your brand's reputation.
If you end up doing it this way, you'll need to export each track individually.
If you're using FL Studio, you can simply right click on the playlist track, then down
to "consolidate this track", and then "from track start".
This will automatically select the exact length of the individual track, regardless of how
long or short others are.
You will have to rename each file if you do it this way and verify that the resampling
is still at 24-bit.
As the final step to making the actual content in a sound library, it's great to add metadata
to each sound to make it much easier for whoever uses the pack.
There's expensive software like Soundminer or FREE software like Soundly that you can
use to add this in.
The most important field you should be using is the description to describe what the sound
is - usually done with keywords separated by commas so it can be easily searched.
This could be the genre, the kind of sound such as "pulse" or "sweep", and even things
like "music" or "loop".
"Originator" is a helpful one to market your brand so people can find the rest of your
content and I like to use "note" to highlight my website and social media handle but can
be used for anything.
And then there's "category" to explain what the sound is with an umbrella term such as
ambiance, game audio, or even the name of the sound library or sample pack.
Now we can move on to the packaging of the library and this part is just as important.
First I'll go over making the cover art, then a demo track, and finally some extra files
to add into the pack.
Alright, if you're not that artistic, you might want to pay someone to make your library
artwork on a site like Fiverr if you want it cheap.
If you're feeling artistic and want to do it yourself (which is probably easier), you
can start by getting some artwork for free by going to a royalty-free stock photo site
such as Unsplash or Pixabay.
Once you find a CCO - preferably non-attribution photo - you can load it into a free editor
such as Gimp.
Cover art is typically 600x600 pixels so set it up for that and then move in some rulers
to help keep things on point.
If you want a quick and easy way instead, there's a website called Canva that comes
with templates.
Just pick the CD cover and either use what they have or drag in a photo.
From there it's just a matter of putting in the text if you want it.
Time for the demo track to highlight what your pack has.
The length of this track is going to be relative to the amount of sounds that are in your library
- And, how long each sound is.
This should be anywhere between one to 5 minutes long and should be ordered along the lines
of best to worst, all while showing your best work in it.
Basically, you're not trying to showcase every single sound included, just enough to get
your point across and show its capabilities.
If you're not a composer you can go and pick up an ambient track from a stock music site
like Audio Jungle or Audio Network.
Just remember to read the terms and conditions, making sure you can use it in this way.
If you're also a composer, making your own soundtrack is more than ideal.
Keep things simple as to not take away attention from the sounds you're trying to sell (or
give away for free, depending on how you price it).
Make sure it's consistent with the theme of the pack too.
To wrap it all up, put everything in the same folder - and you don't have to put the demo
track in there, you probably shouldn't anyway.
It is good to include any legal information into the library as a simple text document
explaining the EULA (or End User License Agreement).
You are, after all, selling the license to legally use your sounds.
You can name this file README and even put your business information above the agreement
to let people know where they can find more of your stuff.
Finally, it's time to put your sound library or sample pack up for sale.
You can either sell it on your own website or submit it to a retailer that sells libraries
from many brands.
Some good website to look into are A Sound Effect (which sells full libraries), The Envato
Market or AudioJungle, typically for individual files, and game engine asset stores like Unity
and Unreal (where you can stock music too).
You can submit your library to be sold on as many websites as you want and this can
be anytime before or after you've launched your product.
These sites will, however, take a portion of revenue made from each sale they make.
It's kind of like a commission or royalty that only applies to the copies sold on their
So, you could sell it on your own website too and keep 100% of the revenue but you'll
probably have to pay some percentage to a payment service like Stripe or PayPal.
Both ways to sell your sound effects have their pros and cons.
If you sell it through a retailer, you don't keep as much from each sale but you can get
more sales since they may have a lot more traffic and a larger audience that can be
completely different from the one you have.
Even though it may seem that all of the work is done, marketing your product is a very
important step to take.
This could be as simple as talking about it and bringing it up in conservation, or as
far as running ad's and promoting it on social media.
Either way, it's good to go into this with a strategy.
Remember, this is just my way of doing it.
Ask yourself if there's a better way depending on the software you use.
Give this video a like if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more content like this.
As always, thanks for watching.
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