Thứ Bảy, 15 tháng 12, 2018

Waching daily Dec 15 2018

Hi friends! It's Markotte with another video!

I hope everyone is doing well!

Without further delay,

you already know what this video is about.

As you can see, it's an unboxing.

Or in this case, a quick unboxing, cause a week went by

since Playstation Classic arrived on the market.

You probably have seen other unboxings of this console.

But besides unboxing, Ialso want to speak

about some

features of this

Playstation! Lets begin with

the unboxing!

It's a simple box,

that's just a little bit bigger from the original Playstation 1.

In the back of the box,

it shows the games that are pre installed on the console!

It has 20 games!

The choice of the games could be better (it's hard to please everyone),

but I don't care! When I pre-ordered

I only knew 4 games,

but I had to buy it cause I was afraid it would sell out

but that didn't happened!

There's still a lot of them

in stores!

It cames in this package.

The outer box is like this with just the symbol

of Playstation!

It brings the Playstation (of course!)

It's really small!

Let me show you a detail!

Check this out!

It's tiny!

It could almost

fit inside the original PS1!

It's a very pretty console! I already tried it

and i enjoyed!

It also brings

two controllers (still in the plastic).

I tried them, but packed them again.

They are very similar

to the first ones!

They don't have dualshock, but I don't care.

For these games you don't need dualshock. (sorry for the plastic noise)

It comes with an usb cable.

It doesn't brings the power conector,

like the Nintendo Mini consoles!

Speaking about Nintendo,

let me compare the size of the mini consoles with this one.

Super Nintendo!

Nintendo Classic!

The size of them is not that


I had to buy all these mini consoles!

It's very pretty and it has

the size of an wallet.

You can press the buttons.

The open button is only aesthetic

The button power works

and the Reset button also.

The controllers have an USB entrance

When I tried the controllers,

I saw one thing that disappointed me!

The controller isn't wireless,

and the wire is very small, about 1,50m.

If I place the Console here,

and sit on the other side,

I'll have to give some steps foward,

so I can play without making the console fall on the ground.

About the hardware, it could be so much better.

I understand that this is basically an emulator,

and other persons probably prefer other options

like a Raspberry.

But I'm not good at that and

I don't want to buy one at this moment.

This has 20 games

and I don't like them all,

but having a Final Fantasy 7, a GTA,

a Destruction Derby, a Twisted Metal

These are just some that came at my mind right now.

You can play Oddworld Abe's Oddysee.

That I expected to be better.

I have the original one

and comparing the graphics

with this one,

you immediately see the difference.

On Final Fantasy you won't notice that

difference in the

full motions.

But during the play, you will see what I mean.

It can be a small difference, but

you will notice it!

But I'll be playing it anyway :D

It has Tekken 3 (great game)

that I still don't have it on my original PS1 collection.

Coolboarders 2! Nostalgic!

Ridge Racer Type 4 (also a great game!)

It brings Rayman (for me it could be out)!

Metal Gear Solid

it's an amazing game!

Intelligent Qube! It's a nice game

but for the universe of PS1 games,

you have better, like Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver!

There are so many games that could be in here!

I enjoyed one game that I never played.

Syphon Filter!

It has Resident Evil Director's Cut,

that is a must have in this console!

Speaking about the price,

you may think

that 100 euros is a lot for this console, in comparison

with the Nintendo Mini!

I think those consoles were less than 80 euros

One I think it was 60 euros and the other one 75 euros.

!00 euros it can be considered a lot

for a console that brings 20 games,

but these are 20 games

- and I put on the top of them, Final Fantasy 7 -

that come in just one pack.

If you are like me that enjoys having the original stuff,

go check the prices of them, and you will get scared.

If you check the price of

a Final Fantasy,

Destruction Derby or Twisted Metal,

- at their time it were epic games -

you will see that

it compensates to have this console!

This isn't just my opinion.

You can check the video of

Retro Raider!

It makes a good analysis of this mini console!

But this involves a lot of nostalgia!

And maybe in a few months or less, cause this has an USB entrance,

and by some vídeos I watched,

there may be possible

(probably an idea of Playstation (Sony) to make more Money)

to place more games!

I saw a video, that I dont remember from who,

where it was possilbe to install one game!

It was just one, but it's the beginning.

It was one of the first games

to be talked in Portuguese, and his name is Tomba!

A figure with a pink hair, like a little Tarzan!

He was able to put that game,

so probably more games will be possible.

It will be possible to hack it.

Before I talked about the hardware

and I also watched a review

where through a keyboard

placed on this entrance,

and pressing ESC

they were able to go to the settings of Playstation.

And instead of running at 50 Hz,

it ran at 60 HZ, that makes a lot of difference. per exemple, one Final Fantasy.

Maybe that way, I could say the game is similar to the original one!

So this was my mere opinion.

There were a lot of opinions during this time,

and this one is just another.

At the end, I leave you

with a close up

of all the articles

that come with the console!

It also comes with an HDMI cable!

Keep it cool and wait for more videos!

I'll try to bring one or two all the weeks.

So, press that like button, subscribe

press the bell to activate notifications.

Share my video,

and behave, play a lot and see you next time!

For more infomation >> Playstation Classic vale a pena? - Duration: 9:47.


VI CÁ TIỀN TRUYỆN TẬP 2 || 2kTHT CHANNEL - Duration: 10:11.

For more infomation >> VI CÁ TIỀN TRUYỆN TẬP 2 || 2kTHT CHANNEL - Duration: 10:11.


Q&A EP.3 เรียนป.โทที่ประเทศอังกฤษ Study Master Degree in the UK | #ASKWARMINNA - Duration: 7:46.

Hello, everybody! It's been a while that I haven't met you

guys talking like this. Today I'll talk about the questions

that you guys ask me in my real life and in Youtube.

About, how I studies in UK? So, I'll be telling you guys

from the beginning of my master degree that how the

British system goes? Before we talk about my master

degree I will tell you that I have learnt the bachelor

degree in England as well. The faculty that I graduated is

in BEng Chemical Engineering from Newcastle

University which are in the north east of England. I want

to tell you that the weather there are very cold.

At the first time that I was in the bachelor degree I had

sign up in MEng not BEng. The differences between

MEng and BEng are the BEng focuses on the general

things. But, for MEng are more intense. There are many

faculties in the chemical engineering. The people who

choose MEng there are many courses. For example,

process or the production course etc.

The reason that I change from MEng to BEng are

because I want to learn MSc. MSc and MEng are not the

same one as well. In, the UK the system is not the same

like Thailand that the master of engineering consider

undergraduate not post graduate. MSc stand for Master

of Science which are consider postgraduate. MSc's

focuses on research. At that time I thought of changing

to the academic thing that I suitable with. MSc take one

year to study even in the summer school time too.

If I chose MEng I'll finish in the summer time and I can be

apply for the job in Britain and in Thailand. This is how

the engineering system work. It might be a little

complicate. But for the architect like my friend study.

The master degree that my friend study in took about

two years to study. There are a many courses in the

differences master degree. After I done with the

bachelor degree I move on to the master degree in MSc

Clean Technology which are focuses on renewable

technology in the sustainability. The reason why I chose

MSc technology is because there're accreditation which

is prove that this degree had been approve that it's the

best. That everyone's guarantee! from every university.

There're a lots of master degree course in many

university but some cost did not have the accreditation

because some course is so new that they just started a

years ago. That don't know that the quality is good or

not. I'll recommend for those who want to study master

degree in UK that try to see that the degree have a

accreditation or not. My course had two semester.

The first semester are the lecture session same like

bachelor degree that learned. Their will be a test during

January. There are also a few quiz. The second term

there are also a class to attend and this time you have to

think about what the topic of the research you want to

do. For me the topic that I chose is Biodiesel production.

It's about creating Biodiesel production in the household.

Like the things that we use to cook food to make it into

Biodiesel. After the research we have to do the

designation about how what we do a research on and

what are the result will it be working. I remember that my

designation are about 70 pages. I feel so proud after I

submit my designation. Finally, I got the first honor. I

want to tell you that I almost not getting a first honor.

The thing I miss in the master degree are my friends and

the good time that I have spent with my friends. My

class got only ten people that it is the good thing to

study in UK. Small class make us love each other so

well. My friends come from many countries like India,

Malaysia, and also British.

There are also a kids from China too.

There are a lots of people ask me that if they learn

an engineer and they want to move on to BA or Master

Degree in the difference faculty? Can it be possible?

I'll tell you that it can be too but they will see what will

suit you. They will also look at your cover letter too.

You have to also think about that as well. I hope this

answer your question. But there are people do that too.

I didn't tell you that it not possible. I hope this will be a

good advice. If anyone have any question please feel

to comment down below. Please don't forget to like and

subscribe and also a bell too. See you again bye bye!

For more infomation >> Q&A EP.3 เรียนป.โทที่ประเทศอังกฤษ Study Master Degree in the UK | #ASKWARMINNA - Duration: 7:46.


Whimsicott's Secret African-American Inspiration! - Pokemon Theory Remake - Duration: 6:21.

At a quick glance, it may seem that the cute grass-fairy Pokemon Whimsicott lacks any notability

beyond its surprising competitive prowess.

The Pokedex often boasts about its genuine love for pranks and carefree rides upon the


However, peering deeper into Whimsicott may reveal a surprisingly intricate and heavy

African-American cultural origin then its light-hearted pranks let on.

The first couple of hints can be directly seen on Whimsicott, in particular its brown-pigmented


Skin coloration, especially for darker-skinned person, is largely the result of a naturally

occurring substance known as melanin.

Whimsicotts skin-tone can be interpreted as serving two-separate, but related, purposes.

First, being a grass-type inspired by cotton shrubs would imply that its skin-tone is akin

to the brown trunks of cotton; a cash-crop formally harvested with slave labor.

Second, this pigmentation may also reference the darker skin-tone of most African-ethnicities.

This is further supported by Whimsicotts shiny form adopting an even darker complexion

reminiscent of populations in sub-Saharan Africa and pre-colonization Australia.

In addition to its brown skin, Whimsicott s cotton like fleece bears resemblance to

the iconic afro-hairstyle from the 1960s and 1970s.

The sense of pride and identity birthed from the American Civil Rights movement lead to

the rejection of the European-American beauty standards of straight-hair; this became known

as the Natural Hair Movement.

The process of straightening coarse hair ,with its hot combs and chemical relaxers, was seen

as oppressive during this fashion development.

The Afro became a unique symbol of ancestral pride and pivotal to formulating a distinct

African-American aesthetic identity.

However, as prominent hairstyles became larger than life during the 1970s the use of Afros

among African-Americans diminished instead being replaced by cornrows.

The afro itself was deemed unprofessional and criticized like other facets of the Civil

Rights Movement.

In addition, the afro became popular among people of non-African descent thereby dulling

its once radical symbolism of African-identity.

Aside from Whimsicotts outward appearance more cultural clues can found in its two fundamental

abilities Prankster and Infiltrator.

Multiple Pokedex entries reference these abilities including both Pokemon Y and Sun versions.

Pokemon Y: Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small.

It leaves balls of white fluff behind.

Pokemon Sun: It rides on the wind and slips into peoples homes.

After it has turned a room into a cotton-filled mess, it giggles to itself and takes off.

Using these dex entries we can link Whimsicott\rquote s abilities to American slavery during the

Antebellum period.

Slavery in the humid south was a brutal system that relied on fear and dehumanization to


As such slaves would actively resist their bondage through a variety of methods including

faking illness or simply running away nearby and returning the next day.

In particular, Prankster and Infiltrator can be associated with two popular methods of


The first method was sabotage of expensive farming equipment, fences, and setting fire

to outbuildings such as stables.

Resisting through sabotage was not only a nuisance to slave owners but also expensive.

Similar to how Whimsicott is considered a nuisance to homeowners in Pokemon.

The second method was simply running away permanently to the North or Canada often through

mediums like the underground railroad.

Slaves would be guided by conductors like Harriet Tubman to safe houses coined stations.

These so-called stations were often the residences of abolitionist like Thomas Garrett.

In particular interest to Whimsicott is the reference of slipping through any gap, no

matter how small.

The fact that slaves often hide anywhere available including attics, barns, churches, and basements

correlates well with this Pokedex entry.

In addition, conductors were often former slaves who would infiltrate slave quarters

and begin there escape operations.

Another dex entry that can further associate Whimsicott with American Slaves comes from

Ultra Moon.

Ultra Moon: Whimsicott doesn't live in a fixed location.

It floats around on whirling wind, appearing all over the place to perform its mischief.

Like its body-color, this entry has two associations.

For instance, slaves often married for life and often grew-up in two-parent household

whenever possible.

However, it was common in my state of Kentucky and other upper-south states for slaves families

to be separated by selling one of the parents.

Thereby, Whimsicotts lack of a fixed home parallels well with the practice of family


The second association of this dex-entry connects Whimsicott with a unique Brazilian folk creature

known as the Saci.

This supernatural being originates from native Brazilian folklore in which they describe

Saci as a magical one-legged child with red-hair that\rquote d break the forest silence with


This creature would later be transformed by African-slaves imported into Brazil.

Elders would tell children of the prankster Saci and reinterpret him as a darker skinned,

red-cap wearing, pipe-smoking youngster.

Just like Whimsicott the Saci is known for riding in dust-devils and being mischievous.

The association with this Africanized folk creature could lend itself to Whimsicott\rquote

s Fairy-typing.

Our last clue comes from the Unova television show Personality Assessment and Horoscope

was its indicated that Whimsicott represents the month of April in the Unova Horoscope.

Like Whimsicott this can be passed off as interesting trivia at first glance, but digging

deeper we discover that the American Civil War began on April 12th, 1861.

A conflict that fundamentally changed America by emancipating the slaves, reunifying the

states, and beginning the long difficult road to civil rights.

So what do you think?

Is there a secret inspiration behind Whimsicott?

I know that I\rquote m personally proud of this theory recreation compared to the original

2015 request video.

Plus it\rquote s always fun to connect history with pokemon and I personally hope you found

this video interesting and entertaining.

If you'd like to stay up-to-date consider following me on twitter @DerekTriForce, Subscribing

with the bell-notification will ensure that you receive upload notifications, and feel

free to join my Discord server linked in my channel and video descriptions.

Like always I\rquote ll catch you in the next one!

For more infomation >> Whimsicott's Secret African-American Inspiration! - Pokemon Theory Remake - Duration: 6:21.


🎁 創作者『交換禮物趴』 妹子最想要的禮物居然是XXXX.... - Duration: 7:04.

For more infomation >> 🎁 創作者『交換禮物趴』 妹子最想要的禮物居然是XXXX.... - Duration: 7:04.


Paul Hollywood Discovers Scottish Routes | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 11:37.

Paul has returned home to England having learnt about his grandfather's wartime

experiences he now wants to push his ancestry further back my family really

don't have much you know knowledge about our ancestry at all my uncle s which is

my mom's brother I did do a little bit of work to try and find out what was

going on and came up with the McKenzie family tree now this lady here is

Margaret McKenzie which is my my granddad's mother migrated now just

actually looked like my mother it goes back as far as Alexander

Mackenzie and that's it that's not that's a whole family I did hear a story

which my uncle has told me about about Alexander and apparently used to play

piano in Liverpool and it used to like his drink

so they'd always pay him in beer that learn all the beers up on top of the

pianos he was taking away on the ivories now that would if he was a big drink

here which from that side of the family from my granddad side the family a very

Christian teetotal never drank we found had never drank it would make sense that

Brenda's mother Margaret would have grown up seeing her dad drinking a

heavily so therefore there was a big she hated drink which then passed now she

was quite strict passed that down to my granddad which then I then understand

where he's coming from now I mean it's great to have this as some sort of point

of reference to put my family in this group but it's got no dates

it's got no places it's got nothing so what I really need to find out is where

Alexander is actually from and then see if we can go back from there

I'm on a genealogy website here let me just see I'm gonna punch in Alexander's

name Mackenzie Blanca sure which would have been Liverpool I found two results

think that this is definitely the guy

let's get some more info Wow okay okay Alexander Mackenzie he's the head of the

family woodturner

Glasgow fantastic I've got somewhere to start

Paul has discovered that his great-great-grandfather Alexander

Mackenzie who lived in Liverpool was born in Glasgow he now hopes to find out

who Alexander's father was

Paul has arrived in Glasgow and has come to the old docks to meet historian dr.

bill Knox

I wonder if we could start by showing you this birth certificate a

great-great-grandfather 1856 births in the District of Clyde Alexander

Mackenzie Kenneth is that Kenneth yes Alexander's father Kenneth Mackenzie

okay and I want to show you this other document and this is a marriage

certificate Kenneth Mackenzie police officer yes

what's that next word Glasgow so Kenneth Mackenzie was a police officer in

Glasgow yeah you might wonder how he ended up in the police and how did the

police come about because he's quite new that Alaska police were around since

1800 they were the first city in Britain to have a professional paying police for

its 29 years before Sir Robert Peel set up the Metropolitan Police in London now

Kenneth is a policeman would have been operating in mid 19th century in Glasgow

and Glasgow that time was described by one politician as a nearest suburb to

hell it was shockingly polluted was overcrowding disease you name it poverty

in Glasgow had it no here's a photograph it might give you some idea of the

environment in Glasgow at this time wow it almost looks like one the Lowry

paintings isn't there that must have been quite a rough job

then it was a rough job it's a difficult job

the Glasgow police force was the first in Britain it was set up and paid for by

the middle classes who were afraid that the poor would revolt over their squalid

living conditions

men like Kenneth were recruited for their lack of education making them more

willing to take orders and accept low pay

the other thing was that they want physically imposing specimens so we're

gonna look at another document which might give you some idea of why Kenneth

was recruited kevin satchel police record registry city of Glasgow police

force Catholic NZ is that farm servant yes

age 29 five-foot-ten that's the same height as me place of birth

Raja yeah he came from the highlands Eastern Highlands and Highlanders are a

much stronger and fitter than men and Glasgow to the Glasgow population the

seemed like Giants the average high Glaswegian male in mid 19th century

would give a 555 so there was an opportunity for them to come to Glasgow

and find regular work so the police officers of the time would they have

lived in it in almost a separate area to the rest of the people was just

integrated with everybody no they had to live in the area of their beat on

Kenneth had one of the most difficult beats in Glasgow that was the doc here's

the docks were notoriously difficult to police as they had a reputation for

drunken violence theft gambling prostitution and smuggling

Kenneth had to keep his wits about him during 10-hour shifts every night of the


they must have been quite a tough group the police officer as a group was more

brawn than brain none taken bill on behalf of my great great great

grandfather okay he was a bit of a meathead that came down from the

highlands but did a good job I'd like to think he did a good job for Glasgow well

lots of a look at another part of the police record that you haven't seen yet

dates of reports against remarks in favour of August 31st 1852 found

drinking in public house he was fined yep what's wrong with her on duty I want

you t assault of a prisoner in his charge improper conduct when on duty now

what does that mean committed easy and the last one is worse

of liquor receiving full pennies as a fee dismissed the service what he was

chucked out yeah

this missile was a common occurrence in the police force I mean you had about

just over a third of the police would leave in any one year you know drinking

a public-house assault of a prisoner improper conduct went on GT and then

with some liquor three of the for a drink related and

probably the last one is as well well it doesn't surprise me because drink drink

culture was endemic in Scotland in the 19th century maybe it still is the other

thing was that alcohol was preferable to watch off because until you got clean

drinking water it was about giving children viewer but it was given them

water see this is what he's thinking and is thinking I totally understand that

because he didn't trust the water and because he came from the highlands he

could drink from a stream he comes here he comes here he has a drink

he's doing exactly what everyone would have done I mean actually dismissed a

lot see do you know what happened to him after that what he decided was to move

to Liverpool so Kenneth's move down to Liverpool he

took Alexander with him and then stayed down there no in later life Kenneth's

actually returns another part of Law School and that's what I'd like to tell

you next lead um


we've got one final document which I want to show you which points to Calais

last days and could I direct you to this line here

he died in the poorhouse on the 9th of the 4th 1893 this was his last resting

place in government prayer house and this is where Kenneth ended his days to

come here he must have been incredibly desperate because only destitution in

the 19th century was recognized as poverty so he had no resources no one

had rely on nothing and wrong so he came here about act of desperation what is

this just as statements of particulate this is an application he's put in for

poor relief 10 a poor house now the day of the notice is the 7th of April 1893

yeah he died in the poorhouse on the 9th two days later he tried to get in got in

and then died two days later yeah the other thing it's valuable as

document is the fact that you can push your generation even further back

because here that tells you the parents names Donald Mackenzie a crafter is that

a peasant yeah a peasant I'm his place of birth Paul you parish of gala Roche

so we can take it back yeah another generation yep it's so sad

I mean Kenneth at the end of the day hasn't set a good example for his kids

we know Alexander was an alcoholic and it seems he's got it from his father

that's two generations of the war because a drink

thank goodness for me grunting does put his back on the straight and narrow good

ol ground this does it again


For more infomation >> Paul Hollywood Discovers Scottish Routes | Who Do You Think You Are - Duration: 11:37.


Essence Of Murli 16-12-18 - Duration: 7:42.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 16th December 2018

( Today we will once again listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 9th March 1984 )

Today's Murli Heading : Make your transformation imperishable.

BapDada is looking at all the chatrak children (a bird that eagerly awaits a drop of rain).

Everyone's deep desire is to listen, to meet and to become.

You are all number one chatraks in listening,

you take a number in meeting and in becoming you become equal according to your capacity

However, all elevated souls, all Brahmins souls are chatrak in all three.

A number one chatrak easily and constantly becomes a master murlidhar, a master almighty authority, equal to the Father.

To listen means to become a murlidhar.

To meet means to be coloured by the company and to be coloured like Him in powers and virtues.

To become means to become the visible form of the Father by placing every step of your thoughts, words and deeds in Baba's footsteps.

You children should experience your thoughts to be equal to the Father's thoughts.

Everyone should experience from your words and deeds you to be the same as the Father.

This is known as becoming equal and a number one chatrak.

To those who are constant mahavirs and who remain stable in a powerful stage,

to the true life companions who move along with the Father at every step, placing their footsteps in His steps in thoughts, words and deeds,

( Baba is bestowing elevated titles on us with full confidence that we will live up to it )

to those who constantly keep their specialities in front of them and bid farewell to weaknesses for all time,

to those who constantly make the seed of thoughts fruitful,

to those who eat unlimited visible and practical fruit at every moment,

to those who swing in the swings of all attainments, to such constantly powerful souls,

BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

Blessing: May you be a powerful soul who is an embodiment of remembrance considering adverse situations to be sidescenes.

Because souls who are embodiments of remembrance are powerful, they consider adverse situations to be a game.

No matter how big the situations may be, all of those are side scenes on the path for powerful souls to reach their destination.

People actually spend money to go and see side scenes. ( While we children of Baba get to see same free and freqently)

For powerful souls who are embodiments of remembrance,

whether you call it an adverse situation, a paper or an obstacle, all of them are side scenes.

Therefore, remain aware that you have crossed those side scenes on the way to your destination countless times; nothing new.

Slogan: Instead of correcting others, make a connection with the Father and you will continue to experience blessings.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> Essence Of Murli 16-12-18 - Duration: 7:42.


Спец оружие «Карамультук»: Для провинившихся в армии бойцов - Duration: 2:54.

For more infomation >> Спец оружие «Карамультук»: Для провинившихся в армии бойцов - Duration: 2:54.



bollywood hashtag on Twitter



[ENG] LuHan wishes TiMi's 10th Anniversary - Duration: 0:11.

Hello everyone, I am LuHan

Ten years of youth, thanks for having you

Happy 10th Anniversary

For more infomation >> [ENG] LuHan wishes TiMi's 10th Anniversary - Duration: 0:11.



I think this Tamarind is the vegetable? used in Sinigang

So i think this candy is sour!

I hear you

But This is only my speculation

So let's eat Tamarind candy!

How is the smell?

It has strong smell!


It has very strong smell!

Fumiya: Go ahead.

Yuya: Let's do rock-paper-scissors.


It's not too sour!

I can still eat it.


Yuya: You don't like it

Fumiya: I don't like it

Here you go!

Maybe, You don't like it!

Fumiya: How was it?

Yuya: Oh my god!

Oh my god!!

Yuya: I don't like it

Fumiya: Really?

Yuya: Yeah!

Fumiya: Don't you like the taste??

Yuya: I don't like this taste!

It taste like....

It taste like Japanse plum, right?

I think so too!

It taste like sweet Japanese plum!

What would you give this out of 10?

I can still eat it. So...

I don't like the texture of this

I thought the texture is hard

But it is soft!

The texture is like a gum!

So I don't like the texture of this

If you will rank this as the among all the foods that we have challenged, how do you rate it?

This is Worst 3

How about worst1?

How about worst2?

And worst 3 is this!

I think I can eat this somehow, compared to the ones we ate before!

This doesn't rank in for the worst 3 for me!

I can still eat this

But it's not delicious

What kind of filipino foods do you want to try?

I took many challenges, but is there any food that you want to challenge?

Yuya: I want to try to eat Mang Inasal

Fumiya: Mang Inasal?

I see

It's very good!

He really eats a lot!

He eats way a lot more than me!

That's why I really wonder how many cups of rice he can eat at Mang Inasal!


You must do Unli rice challenge!

I think he will eat a lot!

Ah! You've never tried to eat Balut ,right?

I'm so scary!

Oh my god!

Oh my god!!!!

Is it delicious?

But i don't like the appearance!

And i don't like the texture!

But it taste is good!

So if you go to the Philippines.

You should try to eat many Filipino foods!

Like me😂

Anyways, we tried to eat Tamarind candy today

If you have recommend foods.

Please tell us!

We will try it!

For more infomation >> JAPANESE TRIES TO EAT TAMARIND CANDY! - Duration: 7:37.


Chiêu bài "Khủng Bố Tân Cương" và Bức hại Pháp Luân Công: Một kịch bản | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 13:52.

if you think what the Chinese regime is doing - we Gers and Shenyang is bad wait

till you hear what they've done to prepare for it alright welcome back to

China uncensored I'm your host Chris Chappell

they say history repeats itself but that's not entirely true

at least not in China because for history to repeat itself that implies

that whatever horrible thing you're talking about stopped and then started

anew but under the Chinese Communist Party horrible things have pretty much

never stopped happening I mean if it's working for you why

change take for instance the persecution of the Uighur the ethnic minority who

live in the shin heung Uighur autonomous region yes I know it's called an

autonomous region not a province but believe it or not the people there are

about as autonomous as people in the Tibet Autonomous Region which is not

autonomous I think it might have something to do with all of shins Jung's

facial recognition surveillance police stations on every corner and the

political region camps and let's not forget the torture that makes death seem

like a release you know I do love the Rockettes but that may have been some

unfortunately placed advertising and while it's great that the rest of the

world is finally beginning to take notice this extreme form of monitoring

and persecution in Xinjiang is not really new it's just much more visible

because the persecution of the weavers is not just similar to what's happened

in Tibet it's also shockingly similar to what the Chinese Communist Party did to

another group Falun Gong in fact many of the tactics the party is now using

against we Gers were perfected under the parties masks campaign to eradicate

Falun Gong that campaign started nearly 20 years ago in 1999 of course Falun

Gong is completely different from Islam but the Communist Party doesn't care

what your beliefs are as long as you believe in something that's not party

ideology you're a threat and Falun Gong is

principles are truth compassion and tolerance you can see why that's a

threat to the party's ideology Falun Gong is a spiritual practice

that has similarities to buddhism and taoism it became hugely popular in China

during the 90s had its peak the Chinese government estimated there

were seventy to a hundred million people practicing it and then they realized

wait that means more people are practicing Falun Gong than our members

of the Chinese Communist Party I mean it doesn't have to be a popularity contest

but if you're an authoritarian party state that spent decades suppressing and

controlling any religion so that you and only you can control people's hearts and

minds you feel a little differently about these things especially since many

party members were also practicing Falun Gong and so the Chinese Communist Party

leadership thought about why truth and compassion and tolerance were so popular

did some deep soul-searching and decided to change their ways I'm just kidding

they launched a bloody crackdown in this episode I can't really get into all the

details of why Falun Gong was persecuted so if you'd like to learn more check out

my episode what is Falun Gong and why is it persecuted the link is below but

there are a lot of similarities to what the Communist Party did to Falun Gong

practitioners starting twenty years ago and what they're doing to Weger Xin Xin

Jiang now as award-winning China researcher Matthew Robertson says this

campaign against Falun Gong may have very well been the training model for

what is now taking place in Xinjiang here are five ways the persecution of

Falun Gong became the template for what the Communist Party is doing - we Gers

today number five propaganda how do you convince a nation the torturing and

detaining innocent people is a good idea propaganda the first step in these mass

campaigns is obviously to convince other Chinese citizens that the group being

targeted is a dangerous threat to society in the 90s Chinese state-run

media had been promoting Falun Gong saying it provided health and mental

benefits for millions but in 1999 they quickly gave Falun Gong a new name evil

cult and here's a website belonging to Xinhua the official mouthpiece of the

party it's their landing page for Falun Gong related articles the skull really

is an touch along with a Microsoft Word

chiller font that makes it seem really scary I guess she and waa editors read a

lot of our Elstein most of the anti Falun Gong propaganda was more

sophisticated than that though Chinese state-run media spent millions to create

media articles and fake news events to make Fong Gong look dangerous and stupid

and also to erase all those older state-run news reports about Falun Gong

health benefits and how intellectuals practice the party is using similar

propaganda tactics now against the leaguers we Gers went from being one of

the 56 happy ethnic minorities to being separatists and then after 9/11 the most

effective label Muslim terrorists those reeducation camps where we Gers are

being tortured why they're just reforming religious extremists this

article from Xinhua daily is called extremist religion is not religion

and of course the Chinese Communist Party always thinks of the children like

in this school play where an evil Weger is being arrested and here's a dance

number called uphold science deal with evil religions according to the law hey

why are you leaving in the middle do you not want to learn how to deal with evil

religions according to the law that guy is definitely getting arrested number 4

weaponizing your beliefs the commies party uses people's deeply

held spiritual beliefs as a weapon against them for Falun Gong

practitioners here's a good example as the persecution intensified Falun Gong

practitioners went underground and since all sorts of people practiced Falun Gong

from factory workers to lawyers to even party members

well the commies party struggled to identify who still secretly practiced as

a way to root them out they had major subway stations plaster pictures of the

founder of Falun Gong on the ground in Chinese culture stepping on a picture of

someone's face is extremely disrespectful so if you stepped on the

picture you were allowed through if you refused you'd be put in jail they've

used similar tactics against we Gers who are Muslim for example the Communist

Party has banned beards and veils and restricted fasting during Ramadan and

shopkeepers are now required to stock cigarettes and alcohol although that

last one's not so much to make Muslims violate their beliefs

you see persecuting people is hard work and sometimes the Chinese police just

need a cigarette and a stiff drink number 3 blame hostile foreign forces

the Chinese Communist Party wants you to know that Falun Gong practitioners or

Muslims or whoever the victim Digory is well they're extremely dangerous but

also they're definitely not more powerful than the party so remember kids

if there's some group undermining China social harmony you can bet there are

hostile foreign forces at work behind the scenes for example there's this

article in the totally trustworthy sounding facts org dot CN that suggests

Falun Gong is secretly funded by the CIA yes the CIA has decided to stop running

guns to Latin American rebels and start funding the world's most boring

nonviolent protests that attract almost no media attention the party uses the

same line about we Gers here's a People's Daily article saying we must be

vigilant against foreign forces using religion to infiltrate and conspire to

carry out the four transformations and split ISM and obviously any claims that

the party is mistreating the weekers are also coming from ant

China forces for good measure any tibetan protesters are funded by hostile

foreign forces too because there's no way to bet ins could be genuinely upset

about how they're treated by the communist party and we'll be right back

to show you how the party manipulates the law right after this quick

commercial break we're back and it's time for number two manipulating the law

even though these persecutions are done outside any form of rule of law in

recent years the party has been creating legal justifications and nothing says

rule of law like a giant axe chopping Weaver's into mincemeat

who says re-education camps have to be illegal I mean if you control the

government you can make anything legal like medieval torture now I'm not going

to detail all the insane methods the Communist Party has invented to torture

Falun Gong practitioners because YouTube would probably de monetize this video

but they're bad the stories of torture from Xinjiang are only just beginning to

come out but I'm betting they will be very similar to what Falun Gong

practitioners went through and there's a reason for that

as Matthew Robertson says the need to hit transformation rate targets set by

higher-ups likely contributed to the level of brutality used against Falun

Gong and given that similar quotas are being dictated in Weger transformation

work security cadres may find that more violent methods are

required to achieve their ends and finally number one re-education makes

you less tough it's very important for everyone to remember if you believe in

anything besides communism it's because you're dumb see according to state-run

media Chinese people who believe in Falun Gong or Christianity or Buddhism

or Islam well they're all a bunch of uneducated simpletons hence the need for

re-education and it's all about learning to love the Chinese Communist Party

ideological education is a major part of it

greeting communists doctrine and singing patriotic songs all to help these

misguided souls join the big socialist family it's such a loving family

that has killed a hundred million people over a hundred years which in their

defense is only an average of 1 million people a year now comparing the

persecution of the we Gers to Falun Gong practitioners isn't to diminish the

suffering of either group but there's a common misconception floating around in

response to the situation in Shenyang that this shows how things in China are

getting worse yes it's absolutely bad now but it's also been bad since the

Communist Party's early days from thought rectification in yan on to

liberating Tibet to the Cultural Revolution to the Tiananmen Square

massacre to killing Falun Gong practitioners to now also oppressing

weigert and that's still leaving out a lot we can do an entire series on all

the different groups of people the Chinese Communist Party has persecuted

over the years couldn't that be fun to watch the Communist Party has never

stopped persecuting people they've just been refining their craft the problem is

systemic we can't expect the Communist Party to fundamentally reform and become

good as long as it's around there's always going to be another group that

needs to be persecuted I mean re-educated for a better more

harmonious society the loves the party gotta say that it's not looking too good

for the Christians right now either but the more people who are aware of what

the Chinese Communist Party has been doing over the years the more likely it

is that someday all of the rightest split it's counter revolutionaries

intellectuals running dogs separatists religious extremists and puppets of

hostile foreign forces will see justice in China so what do you think leave your

comments below and now I want to take a moment to answer a question from a fan

who supports China uncensored on the crowdfunding website patreon wesley

tucker asks what can you offer in the way of hopeful insight that can assure

your audience that we are not going to be living under a ccp world order in a

matter of decades from now well lastly I wish I could promise that the Chinese

Communist Party is doing everything it can to make a CCP World Order happen

like by asserting its views that the you know

nations and waging a brazen and aggressive campaign of influence in

Western democracies that could be a very grim future the good news is that people

around the world like you are beginning to wake up and take action US officials

have been speaking out about it more directly than ever

Australia has banned foreign campaign contributions because of concerns about

Chinese Communist Party influence and Canada well the Prime Minister is still

hugging pandas so there's some work to do so stay educated by watching China

uncensored and share what you learn with your friends and family especially if

you live in Canada thanks for your question Wesley and if you want a shot

at having your question answered on the show contribute a dollar or more per

episode to China uncensored but going to slash China uncensored once

again I'm Chris Chappell thanks for watching China uncensored I

hope you enjoyed this episode if you want to know the truth about why the

Communist Party went after Falun Gong click this video and on our podcast

China unscripted i sat down with matthew robertson to talk about this issue and

how the Chinese Communist Party perfected its craft of persecution and

media manipulation check it out the link is below or subscribe on iTunes I'll see

you in the comment section below

For more infomation >> Chiêu bài "Khủng Bố Tân Cương" và Bức hại Pháp Luân Công: Một kịch bản | Trung Quốc Không Kiểm Duyệt - Duration: 13:52.


Pixar Coco Mama Imelda Procreate Speed Painting Portrait - Duration: 7:01.

I found out that if you click in the settings of

procreate it'll tell you the canvas time that was tracked... which was ten hours and two minutes.

I have never spent that much time on any artwork that I have ever done ever

now to be fair when I started this project on February 3rd at 3:18 in

the morning. it was all derived from this idea that I really really wanted to draw

Imelda in one of my favorite expressions that she has in the entire movie

The animation for well the entire movie but specifically Imelda's facial

expressions just blow me away every time I watch the movie. So I wanted to express

my fascination and my awe and my wonder and love for Imelda's facial

expressions by just pouring a bunch of artistic energy into one piece that was

totally shaded and 3-dimensional looking because immediately after I saw the

movie I drew this sketch because I thought that they were just absolutely

adorable and I did not color it because I knew that I would be a perfectionist

and take way too long trying to shade it and make it look three-dimensional and

that is also why I sketched this and sketched this and 2d colored this but it

didn't feel like enough so I wanted to challenge myself by shading a

three-dimensional drawing. Anyway, that's kind of why I decided to start this

crazy project. I think I got about halfway done with her in July but then

Incredibles 2 came out and I decided to draw a Voyd in the exact same style, kind

of as more practice because Imelda was taking me a lot longer than I was hoping.

Now Voyd only took me 4 hours. I was not nearly as perfectionist-y with Voyd.

After I was done with Voyd then I went back to doing imelda some more and

eventually finished her... thank goodness! and before Halloween! I honestly wasn't

even sure if I was going to finish her before the end of the year but I

got it done! it only took 6636 strokes. I mean Shh psshhh ksh. I just wish it didn't take me so long


all right on to the actual time lapse!

first as always I started off with a sketch

and this took me a lot longer than usual again I was

really super freaking perfectionist-y with this entire thing. I did a whole lot

of resizing redrawing a lot of that stuff so I'll probably fast forward the

sketching part a little bit cuz personally I think the painting part is

more interesting. and these are just guidelines. when I started the painting

process I felt it important that I made the background relatively similar

to the background of my reference picture because colors look different

when next to other colors and I didn't want to have the background be white and

alter my perception of the colors on the reference picture. so I made a makeshift

background. and then since I've never done this before, I just decided to

2-dimensional color this really super basic and then take some inspiration

from some makeup tutorials that I've seen before you know when they kind of

like put a bunch of different colors all over their face and it looks kind of

clowny and then when they blend it all together it looks right and accurate and

awesome? that was my goal for this. so I put a lot of blotches all over her face

of the colors that I saw in the reference picture and blended it all

together. After this, I kind of worked all over the place because every aspect of

this entire piece felt like it took forever especially when I get down to

the ribs and the ruffles of her dress I would get bored with one section so I

would move on to a different section and so there's a lot of back-and-forth here

the ruffles of her dress okay ruffles in general blow my mind! I never

understand how they work like visually how do they look like ruffles and how

did the lines work out because they're not harsh lines usually they're round

and sometimes you can see the fabric under it sometimes you can't it's just

like I don't- I can't even explain how ruffles confuse me they confuse me

so much! so when I did her sleeves I just tried to look at where are the

shadows? okay put the shadows there. where are the highlights? put them there there.

the medium colors, put them there. and that's

my approach for that. The embroidery I know in the actual movie it's a lot more

detailed but in my reference picture it was really hard to see all the details

of the flowers. By the way, they freaking put embroidery on her dress!!! oh my

goodness!!! in some shots you can freaking see that thread count on that thing!!!!

Anyway, I digress, so I didn't put too much detail on the embroidery but that's

not the focus of this painting so I thought that that was okay.

We're supposed to be looking at her face not her dress. I think that's really all of

the detailed things that I really wanted to talk about so at this point I'll just

let you enjoy the time-lapse with some music

I've been rambling for a while

and that is pretty much it for this video guys

I hope you guys enjoyed it! if you liked the movie Coco let me know in the

comments down below who your favorite character is and what your favorite

scene was in the movie. I would absolutely love to know! also if you have

any requests for any characters that you would like me to draw next let me know

in the comments down below, you could DM me on instagram or deviant art or tumblr

I'm on all that stuff I'll just link down below but if you liked this video be

sure to hit that like button. subscribe to see more videos and I hope you guys

have a happy spoooky Halloween and a wonderful Dia de Muertos!


For more infomation >> Pixar Coco Mama Imelda Procreate Speed Painting Portrait - Duration: 7:01.


Đội Hình Ra Sân Của ĐT Việt Nam vs ĐT Malaysia , Chung Kết AFF Cup 2018 l Tại Sân Mỹ Đình ? - Duration: 12:05.

For more infomation >> Đội Hình Ra Sân Của ĐT Việt Nam vs ĐT Malaysia , Chung Kết AFF Cup 2018 l Tại Sân Mỹ Đình ? - Duration: 12:05.


16 December 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 28:06.

Om Shanti !

Today's Murli Date Is 16th December 2018

( Today we will listen to Avyakt Baapdada's Avyakt Murli. This Murli was first spoken on 9th March 1984)

Murli Heading :Make your transformation imperishable.

(We transform many of our negative habits, sanskar)

(but that transformation to be in an imperishable form)

(for that also we have to make efforts)

(so Baba says, transformation does take place)

(which all of us do, but, to make it imperishable, what should we do)

(let's listen to sweet, sweet BapDada's Gyan Murli)

(and what are the lessons, which BapDada, wants to give us through this Godly versions)

BapDada is looking at all the chatrak children (a bird that eagerly awaits a drop of rain)

Everyone's deep desire is to listen, to meet and to become.

You are all number one chatraks in listening, you take a number in meeting and in becoming. You become equal according to your capacity

(So Baba has given the numbers, first number for listening)

(number for meeting, and for becoming, according to the respective capacity)

(according to their resepctive strength, they become equal)

However, all elevated souls, all Brahmins souls are chatrak in all three.

(chatrak for listening, meeting and also to become)

A number one chatrak easily and constantly becomes a master murlidhar, a master almighty authority, equal to the Father.

To listen means to become a murlidhar

To meet means to be coloured by the company and to be coloured like Him in powers and virtues.

To become means to become equal to the Father by taking every step in your thoughts, words & deeds which means to place your footsteps in Baba's steps, visibly, practically.

You children should experience your thoughts to be equal to the Father's thoughts.

(children's thoughts means, whatever we think,)

(we should experience that to be equal to Father)

Everyone should experience from your words and deeds you to be the same as the Father.

This is known as becoming equal and a number one chatrak

Check which one of the three you are.

All the children's thoughts filled with zeal and enthusiasm reach BapDada.

You have very good thoughts of courage and determination

The seed of thought is powerful, but the land of imbibing virtues and the Ganges water of knowledge

and the sunshine of remembrance and the warmth of paying constant attention to the self, you sometimes become careless in these

(whenever any seed is sown, it should get enough sunlight)

(it should be given enough water and also air)

(so, in this way, those who have a determined thought and sow the seed)

(So Baba says, if the land is powerful, then the seed sprouts and bears flowers and fruits)

When something is lacking in even one thing, the seed of thought doesn't bear constant fruit.

It would give fruit for a short time for one or two seasons. It would not give fruit eternally.

You then think that the seed was powerful, that you made a firm promise, that everything had become clear and so you don't know what happened.

For six months you have a lot of enthusiasm and then, whilst moving along, you don't know what happened.

Therefore, pay constant attention to the things you were told earlier.

Secondly, you very quickly become confused over trivial matters

(whenever any small obstacle, problem, situation comes before you, you tend to be confused fast)

Because of being confused, you make small things into very big things.

It is an ant and you make it into an elephant. This is why there is no balance.

Because of not having a balance, you become heavy in your life.

Either you become completely high because of your intoxication o

or just a tiny pebble makes you sit down.

(when the pebble hurts you, what will happen? You sit down)

Instead of becoming knowledge-full and removing it in a second,

you begin to think about how a pebble has come in between, that you stopped, you came down, that this happened.

(instead of treating it immediately, you tend to kep telling about it )

You became ill, you had a fever or some pain.

If you continue to think and speak about those things, what would be your condition?

Therefore, now end the trivial things that come. Remove them and fly.

(Baba says all these things will come before you)

(but your task is to finish them and fly)

Don't become weak through the thought that this has happened or that has come.

Take medicine and become healthy

Sometimes, seeing the children's faces, BapDada thinks: What were you just before and what have you now become

Are you the same one or have you become something else?

(Baba is also surprised)Are you the same one or have you become something else?

What happens immediately when you fluctuate? Your head becomes heavy.

Physically, too, if you keep going up and coming down, you would feel dizzy.

(like when you sit in the merry go round, when it goes up and comes down)

(you get the feeling of being dizzy)

Physically, too, if you keep going up and coming down, you would feel dizzy.

Therefore, transform those sanskars.

Don't think that this is the habit all of you have anyway, that it happens like that because

of the country, the atmosphere, your sanskars of birth or your nature.

Such beliefs make you weak. (when we justify our actions, then this belief will make you imbibe)

(that all this happens naturally)

Such beliefs make you weak.

Your birth has changed, and so change your sanskars

(Baba says, all of you have taken new alokik birth)

(so now change the sanskar also)

Since you are world transformers, you are already self-transformers.

(where you are world transformers, then you are already self transformers)

Know your original and eternal sanskars and nature: these are your real sanskars

Those others are artificial. "My sanskars, my nature, etc." is the nature of being influenced by Maya

(when you say, what to do, my nature,my sanskar)

(Baba says, no, this is the symbol of being influenced by Maya)

(Baba says, for our natural nature to be imperishable)

(we need to make elevated efforts for that)

That is not the original and eternal nature of you elevated souls.

This is why Baba is once again drawing your attention to these things.

He is making you revise this. Make this transformation imperishable.

You have many specialities. You are number one in love

Even though you are physically far away, you are close.

Your catching power is very good

Your power of realisation is also very intense. You swing in swings of happiness too

You sing very good songs of "Wah Baba, wah the family and wah drama!"

Your speciality of determination is also good. Your intellects are very sharp in recognising.

You are the long-lost and now-found, very much loved children of the Father and the family.

You are the decoration of Madhuban and you have brought very good splendour here

The example of all of you varieties of branches having come together to form a sandalwood tree is very good.

You have so many specialities. There are many specialities and one weakness.

So, it is very easy to end one thing.

Your problems have now ended, have they not? Do you understand?

Just as you speak with honesty and a clean heart, in the same way, you should be number one in removing everything from your heart with honesty and cleanliness

(like you are number one in listening and telling)

(in the same way you are number one in removing the bad virtues)

If Baba made a garland of the specialities, it would be very big.

Nevertheless, Baba is congratulating you. You have had 99% transformation and only one per cent remains.

That transformation has also already taken place. Do you understand

You are so good that even now you change and, from saying "No" you say "Yes". This too is a speciality.

You give very good responses.

When Baba asks you if you are you powerful and victorious, you say you are already that.

This too is very intense power of transformation, is it not?

It is just that you have the sanskars of becoming afraid of ants and mice.

(Baba says, you have become a Maharathi, like an elephant)

(you have become a maharathi, but you are afraid of what?)

(1% which Baba menioned, that of being afraid of ants & mice that sanskar remains)

Become a mahavir and crush the ant under your foot and ride on the rats. Become Ganesh.

Become destroyers of obstacles from now, become Ganesh and start riding the rats.

Don't be afraid of rats. A rat bites your powers.

It makes you end your power of tolerance and your easy nature.

It ends love. It bites you, does it not? An ant goes straight into your head

(It reachs your head, creates tension and makes you unconscious from knowledge, yog)

It causes you distress at that time, does it not? Achcha.

To those who are constant mahavirs and who remain stable in a powerful stage

to the true life companions who move along with the Father at every step placing their footsteps in His steps in thoughts, words and deeds,

(see how nice titles Baba gives us children with complete faith & trust)

to those who constantly keep their specialities in front of them and bid farewell to weaknesses for all time,

to those who constantly make the seed of thoughts fruitful,

to those who eat unlimited visible and practical fruit at every moment,

to those who swing in the swings of all attainments

to such constantly powerful souls, BapDada's love, remembrance and namaste.

We spiritual children convey to spiritual Baapdada, our love our remembrance, our good morning & our namaste namaste

BapDada meeting the French group:

All of you have met Baba many times and are meeting Him once again,

because you met Baba in the previous cycle and are therefore meeting Him now.

. The souls who belonged to Baba in the previous cycle have once again come here to claim their right once again.

You don't find this to be something new, do you?

You are remembering with recognition that you have met Baba many times.

When things are familiar, you feel at home

When you meet someone you know well, you become happy to see that person

You now understand that the relationships you had previously were of selfishness.

(those relations which you left and came, they were relations of selfishness)

They weren't real, but you have now reached your family and your sweet home.

BapDada also welcomes you by saying, "It is good that you have come".

Determination brings success.

(when we do some action or think with determination)

(then it surely gives us success)

When you wonder whether something will happen or not, there isn't success

(Baba says where there is confusion, doubt, two things, whether it will happen or not)

(there will not be success there)

Where there is determination, success is already guaranteed

Never become disheartened in service.

This is the imperishable task of the imperishable Father

and therefore success also has to be imperishable.

It is not possible that there isn't the fruit of service.

Some fruit emerges at that time and some after some time.

Therefore, never even have that thought. Always think that service has to take place.

(whatever happens, service will take place from that)

BapDada meeting a group from Japan:

Are you receiving all treasures from the Father? Do you experience being souls who are full?

These treasures will continue not only for one birth but for 21 births.

No matter how wealthy someone is in today's world, no one else has the treasures you have.

(so Baba has given us an elevated intoxication)

(that no one has treasures like us)

So, who are the true VIPs in reality? You are that, are you not?

They have that position today, but not tomorrow

(the post & position in the world is there today but not there tomorrow)

No one can snatch away your Godly position.

You are children who are the decoration of the Father's home.

Just as a home is decorated with flowers, in the same way, you are the decoration of the Father's home.

So, always consider yourselves to be the Father's decoration and remain stable in an elevated stage.

Never remember things of weakness

By your remembering things of the past, a lot more weakness will develop

If you think about the past, you will end up crying.

Therefore, the past means "finished". Remembrance of the Father makes you into powerful souls.

For powerful souls, effort changes into love.

To the extent that you give the treasures of knowledge to others, to that extent there is expansion.

With courage and enthusiasm, constantly continue to make progress and move forward.

Blessing: May you be a powerful soul who is an embodiment of remembrance considering adverse situations to be sidescenes.

Because souls who are embodiments of remembrance are powerful, they consider adverse situations to be a game.

No matter how big the situations may be, all of those are side scenes on the path for powerful souls to reach their destination.

People actually spend money to go and see side scenes.

(and we children get an opportunity to see side scenes repeatedly)

For powerful souls who are embodiments of remembrance, whether you call it an adverse situation, a paper or an obstacle, all of them are side scenes.

Therefore, remain aware that you have crossed those side scenes

on the way to your destination countless times; nothing new.

Slogan: Instead of correcting others, make a connection with the Father and you will continue to experience blessings.

Om Shanti !

For more infomation >> 16 December 2018 Sunday Avyaktvani - Duration: 28:06.


USB Downloading Method GTO6310 Schneider Using Vijeo Designer - Duration: 2:18.

Hello Friends,

Create New Project

Select HMI Model

Now , Here you can select USB

Now you can Validate & Build Project

Just for testing purpose

Now Download the project

USB project file ready to use

Thank You.

For more infomation >> USB Downloading Method GTO6310 Schneider Using Vijeo Designer - Duration: 2:18.


MEME: May-ari ng Lambanog, NAMATAY! - Duration: 0:25.

For more infomation >> MEME: May-ari ng Lambanog, NAMATAY! - Duration: 0:25.


Библия. Ветхий Завет. Бытие 45 глава. - Duration: 3:34.

For more infomation >> Библия. Ветхий Завет. Бытие 45 глава. - Duration: 3:34.


JURASSIC WORLD Kinder Surprise Joy! Surprise Eggs with Dinosaurs Toys for kids by TheSurpriseEggs - Duration: 8:29.

JURASSIC WORLD Kinder Surprise Joy! Surprise Eggs with Dinosaurs Toys for kids by TheSurpriseEggs

JURASSIC WORLD Kinder Surprise Joy! Surprise Eggs with Dinosaurs Toys for kids by TheSurpriseEggs

JURASSIC WORLD Kinder Surprise Joy! Surprise Eggs with Dinosaurs Toys for kids by TheSurpriseEggs

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