people doing stupid thing
How to Draw Ambulance Helicopter Drawing and Coloring for Kids - Duration: 7:17.Hey guys, it's Anna. Don't forget to press the subscribe button.
Today I'm going to draw ambulance helicopter.
Let's get started.
Glitter time.
Ambulance helicopter is ready.
Let's draw a baby shark.
Cute baby shark right?
Don't forget to like and subscribe. Bye~
Clip hài cười vỡ bụng với cách hạ sốt của các hot girl || Hướng dẫn hạ sốt - Duration: 2:05.-------------------------------------------
Peshadari Vondo | Shakil Ahmmad | Wahed Shahin | পেশাদারি ভন্ড | Bangla Song | Interview | MP - Duration: 2:33.ExclusiveInterview
צביעה של דלת עץ בצבע שמן | תיקוני שפכטל על עץ | צביעה של עץ - Duration: 34:21.-------------------------------------------
Как поделиться видео с Ютуба (Youtube) в социальных сетях? - Duration: 3:42.-------------------------------------------
Why YouTubers Over 40 years old will take over YouTube - Duration: 4:55.Is it true are the 40 AND OVER over crowd taking
over youtube according to Google millennials are
not the only ones consuming youtube by the
millions of hours youtube continues to appeal to
older generations more than other major social
platforms like facebook snap chat instagram and
twitter as a two thousand eighteen 56 percent of
those age 50 and older used youtube hello
everyone my name is John and this is motivation
theory and today we're gonna be discussing why
being 40 and older is an advantage the 40 and
over crowd are taking over youtube and I'm here
to talk to you today about why that is But first
if you are new to this channel this channel is
for motivation it's for inspiration is for driven
created likeminded people to explore topics that
matter to us that sounds like your kind of thing
this is your channel please make sure you click
the Red subscribe button click that bills you get
notifications each and every time I release new
content and if you like the video please make
sure you hit that thumbs up so according to a
media kicks dot com Mark from two thousand 17 the
generation x crowd that's me and the baby boomers
are youtube's fastest growing demographics with
time spent by adults 35 and older and 55 and
older growing
And eighty percent faster respectively than the
overall growth among adult age groups from the
years two thousand 15 to two thousand 16 tie
spent on youtube almost triple among adults 55
and older triple that's insane according to
comscore youtube reaches 95 percent of all adults
online both in the 35 and older and the 55 and
older age groups according to Google people over
the age of 50 account for 51 percent of consumer
spending so that is creating enormous
opportunities for brands that are savvy enough to
How to connect with this older generation and who
better to connect with the older generation than
those of us who are older it's estimated at 10000
baby boomers retire each and everyday and those
folks see an opportunity to save time by watching
youtube and maybe it's a desire to save time that
explains why boomers are one point three times
more likely to prefer watching a youtube tutorial
video than reading instructions I don't blame
them I can't stand reading instructions I will
absolutely watch youtube video if I try to do
instructions at all which I really
So you have been warned that jen actors and baby
boomers are growing daily on youtube and we're
here to stay we're gonna be creating content for
that largest growing population of people right
now and just remember most of us have had the
Internet since the early 90 's so we've been
around the block a couple of times so we just
blasted through some physics about youtube usage
by us more mature you tubers but why is being an
older youtube or an advantage being a mature
content creator youtube or whatever you wanna
call it you're no longer crippled by the anxiety
about things you can control such as what other
people think of you having been around the block
a time or two spending decades developing a thick
skin and ability to handle life's ups and downs
If you have a perspective that you may not have
in your younger years I know that I am able to
definitely stay a lot calmer and think a little
bit more maturity about things that I did when I
was in my early 20 's there is a maturity that
comes with age while most of the time that allows
you to really understand how little all this
Internet nonsense the trolls the kissing up the
ego the drama what it all really means in the
Grand scheme of things if someone doesn't like
your channel who cares being older you probably
have a job or a career and you understand that
youtube is not life youtube biz is awesome and I
I love being on and I hope to grow into something
else but ultimately at the end of the day it's a
hobby that pays very little for most of us us jen
answers and baby boomers have the experience of
life before the Internet and the wisdom to know
you can walk away from all of this and be
completely fine we know what it's like to have
lights before social media youtube and off the
cell phones you can't peel away from people we
know what it's like and we understand that you
can survive when it all goes away I am sure
because of your age you understand firsthand that
your age is an asset in many areas because
Prior knowledge in many different areas this
gives you the ability to have more to share
potential for credibility and the advantage of
being taken more seriously when you speak on the
subject if you're an expert on the topic you will
more likely command more respect and come across
as more authentic because of your age and we can
all agree here that there's a difference between
intelligence and wisdom wisdom is earned and
gained over a long amount of time so this is not
saying if you are younger you can't be
intelligent there are a lot of very very very
smart young people out there and being a so
called wisdom ambassador you should be
Out here sharing your knowledge and insight on
the world's second biggest search engine if this
is youtube it's huge you should be out here
creating channels finding your audience I will
leave you with this there are so many
opportunities to create content for a very large
spectrum of audiences out there if you have a
channel down below tell me in the comments who
your audience is and if you're thinking about
starting a channel believe in yourself take the
chance and find your audience and until next time
remember to subscribe and hit that thumbs up And
thanks for watching
Desert King (by Shanab Games) - Game Gameplay Trailer (Android, iOS) HQ - Duration: 10:05.Desert King (by Shanab Games) - Game Gameplay Trailer (Android, iOS) HQ
EDM Kích Thích Gây Nghiện Được Yêu Thích Nhất 2019 - Duration: 11:28.-------------------------------------------
YouTube Music arriva sugli speaker Sonos (ma dovete avete avere un account Premium) - Duration: 1:45.-------------------------------------------
Minus 40 Grad im Mittleren Westen Amerika friert ein | Schnellste Nachrichten - Duration: 5:51.Erfrierungen binnen Minuten, Flüge gestrichen, Bahnverkehr eingestellt, Schulen dicht: Die Kältewelle in den USA fordert erste Todesopfer.
In Chicago nimmt jedes Polizeirevier Menschen auf, die sich vor dem Extremfrost schützen wollen.
In weiten Teilen der USA herrschen derzeit eisige Temperaturen mit rekordverdächtigen Minuswerten:
In der Nacht zu Donnerstag wurden vor allem im Mittleren Westen extreme Temperaturen von fast minus 40 Grad Celsius gemessen.
Der Nationale Wetterdienst (NWS) sowie Ärzte und Nothelfer warnten bereits am Vortag vor "lebensbedrohlichen" Bedingungen,
mindestens drei Bundesstaaten riefen den Katastrophenfall aus.
Bis zum Mittwoch starben acht Menschen an den Folgen der Kälte, wie mehrere US-Medien berichteten, darunter der Sender ABC.
Der NWS warnte vor Erfrierungen auf ungeschützter Haut innerhalb von Minuten.
Chicago, am Michigan-See im Norden der USA gelegen, stand im Zentrum der großen Kälte.
In der Millionenmetropole im Bundesstaat Illinois werden am Donnerstag Temperaturen von minus 33 Grad Celsius erwartet
das sei kälter als in Teilen der Antarktis und nahe am Allzeittief, das 1994 gemessen wurde.
Video: Kältewelle sorgt für Glatteis und Massenunfälle.
Die Behörden in Chicago richteten mehr als 60 Wärmestuben für Wohnungslose ein.
Zusätzlich nahm jede Polizeidienststelle Menschen auf, die sich vor der Kälte schützen wollten.
Bis Mittwochabend fielen aufgrund der Temperaturen im ganzen Land mehr als 3000 Flüge aus,
auch für Donnerstag wurden bereits Hunderte Verbindungen gestrichen.
Die Flughäfen kamen teils mit dem Enteisen der Maschinen nicht nach.
Das Bahnunternehmen Amtrak sagte am Mittwoch alle Zugverbindungen von und nach Chicago ab.
Auf Schienen für den Nahverkehr wurden an einigen Stellen absichtlich Flammen mit Gas entzündet,
um trotz der Minustemperaturen einen reibungslosen Ablauf zu sichern:
Auch die wettergeprüften Zusteller des US-Postdienstes mussten vielerorts kapitulieren.
Der USPS teilte mit, der Dienst werde in Iowa, Minnesota sowie in Teilen von Wisconsin und Illinois eingestellt.
In vielen Bundesstaaten bleiben zudem Schulen und manche Universitäten geschlossen.
Zum Mittleren Westen der USA werden Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan,
Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota und Wisconsin gezählt.
Verantwortlich für diese "arktische Kälte" ist der sogenannte Polarwirbel - ein Band kalter Westwinde, das normalerweise über dem Nordpol kreist.
Wird der Wirbel geschwächt, kann die Luft in niedrigere Breiten entweichen (mehr Hintergründe zum "Polar Vortex" erfahren Sie hier).
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