Girlfriend ha to description me video link ha jarur dekhna
BLUE SPAN CALIBRATING DIVINE-IMMORTAL DOTA 2 - Duration: 8:31:07.-------------------------------------------
What To Say To A Girl You Like For The First Time - Duration: 4:00.You like a girl and looking for some of the things to stay with her for the first time
in this video am going to teach you some of the things to say with her and that comes up shortly
Hi welcome to my YouTube channel i am idris and in this channel we do a tips
video strategy video advice on relationship so if you have not subscribe consider subscribing
so that you don't miss out videos just like this first impression last longer some of
the things you say with a girl for the first time are the things that make her so intreting
in you so in this video am going to break down a step by step of some of the things
to say with her I also have video on how to toast a girl how to talk to a girl for the
first time I will link all of it in the description of this video make sure you check it out is
going to help you so some of the things to say with a girl for the first time when you
reach a girl for the first time you should start by saying Hi or Hello just to get her
attention once you call her attention her focus will always be on you so once you say
hi its help you to get her attention but once she notice you already you don't need to
say hi so the second step is you should start by asking questions once you say hi and she
reply you and you get her attention start by asking her how are you how is your days
asking her such type of questions make her so interesting in you and having conversation
with you so after you have ask her how are you how is your days once she reply you you
should start by complimenting her once you compliment her its make her so interesting
comfortable with you and also make her so interesting having the conversation with you
and keep the conversation longer you should start by complimenting her entirely maybe
on her dressing or maybe on her look or maybe a particular thing that she wear you can start
by complimenting i like the way you dress I like your beauty you're looking good you're
looking so beautiful once you compliment her it make her so interesting in having a conversation
with you so after you compliment her the next thing you should do is by asking her about
work or school why you should ask about such things is you are showing her care you care
so much about her and girls like guys that care so much about them so you should start
by asking her how is school how is work or how is she doing you know once you ask such
type of questions and she reply you then you pick the conversation after that you should
tell her some of the interesting things about her some of the things that you like about
her and some of her weakness but not necessary and how she can improve as well and the last
thing is you should change the topic why you are having a conversation with her when you
keep on the same topic or keep talking about the same thing make the conversation dull
and you're supposed to keep the conversation flow you should change the topic by connecting
the conversation like you can say what would you like to go today and once she tell you
maybe she say she would like to read a perticular textbook so you should discuss a little about
whatever she reply so thanks for checking out this video I hope you found this video
helpfull don't forget to subscribe if you have not subscribe also give this video a
like and share with your friends if you have any question post it in the comment section
below i will appreciate that see
you in my next video
Viet Nam Movie | Quynh Bup Be | Girl Friend | Drama idol #1 - Duration: 5:09.Please sub, like, share, thanks you
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