Love you
Do you love me??
Yes l do
If you tell me
Love you
Kiss you
March of empriTop 5 things that you can do to get free speed! - Duration: 17:34.-------------------------------------------
ESKİMOLAR HAKKINDA İNANILMAZ 50 BİLGİ - KUTUPTA YAŞAMIYORLAR - Duration: 10:08.-------------------------------------------
PES 2019 31 OCAK HAFTANIN ETKİNLİKLERİ #PLAYEROFTHEWEEK - Duration: 5:39.-------------------------------------------
Fundação para churrasqueira EP/1 - Duration: 4:01.-------------------------------------------
sexy full 5 nepali girls Tik Tok video 2019 best songs - Duration: 10:42.-------------------------------------------
Megan Mullally Has Strict Bed Rules for Her Husband, Nick Offerman - Duration: 2:21.-This is very exciting. I love this.
You and Nick have written a book together.
-"Greatest Love Story --" What is it?
"Greatest Love Story Ever Told." -"Ever Told," Seth. Ever.
-And, now, I know Nick has written books before.
-But this is your first time writing one with him.
Was this his idea?
Whose idea was it to write one together?
-It was completely my idea. -Okay.
-I had to talk him into it, twist his arm.
And then, finally, he was really into it.
So, what we did was --
we were on the road with my band, actually.
And, so, we were just in various hotels
and we'd be laying in bed.
He's not normally allowed to speak to me when we're in bed.
Touching only, no speaking.
But I made an exception and I said, "Hey --"
'Cause we already had our chapter ideas.
I said, "Hey, why don't we knock out a chapter."
So he pulled out his phone,
turned on the tape recorder,
and then we just start talking about, you know,
families or religion or whatever the chapter was about
and whatever the topic was.
And then that's what the book is.
It's kind of, like, interview-magazine style.
It's just us having real conversations.
-That's fantastic. -It's so cool. It's fun.
-One thing we have in common, which I always forget, is --
we both went to Northwestern University.
-I know. I can't believe that. I always forget that.
-But you did not stay till the end.
-No. I'm a college dropout.
-You're a college dropout, but the story --
-You said that very politely. -Yes.
Well, because it wasn't like you didn't have the grades.
You had something better than college.
-I was doing -- I got a show downtown that went pro.
And, so, I went back for my junior year,
and I was having a hard time doing
eight shows a week downtown
and doing, you know, like, a full load of classes.
-So, I went in to talk to the dean, to get her advice,
and she was like, "Drop out."
I was like, "That is not what I was expecting.
And she said, "Well, you're doing what you want to do,
so who cares?"
-That's fantastic. -Yeah.
-That really speaks to the school that they realized,
"We don't have anything else to teach you.
You're already there."
Well, you've certainly done the school proud.
-You too. -Thank you very much.
It's always so great to see you. Thanks for being here, Megan.
-Thank you.
Trận thi đấu triệu đô giữa Bé Chanh và Tùng Họa Mi vs Tam Mao TV - Duration: 14:41.-------------------------------------------
HACKLER BİTTİ Mİ ? SONOYUNCU SKYWARS - Duration: 13:53.Would you like a thousand in a short time ?
Winter Storm Jaden, Trump and Putin's G20 Meeting - Monologue - Duration: 3:31.-Let's get to the news.
Parts of the Midwest saw temperatures
lower than those in Antarctica today,
due to Winter Storm Jaden.
People are saying it's the worst winter storm
in the last 100 years, but only the fifth-worst Jaden.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Due to frigid temperatures,
railroad tracks in Chicago were set on fire today
in order to keep trains running smoothly.
While in New York,
we have no idea why our train tracks are on fire.
[ Laughter and applause ]
Keep the rats out? I don't know.
[ Laughter ]
In an interview yesterday, former Trump adviser Roger Stone
accused special counsel Robert Mueller
of coordinating with CNN to produce
"great footage to make him look like a criminal."
He made you look like a criminal?
Dude, every picture you take makes you look like
a super villain from an old British sci-fi show.
[ Laughter and applause ]
You have "a criminal" tattooed on your back.
All it takes to make you look like a criminal
is light and eyeballs.
[ Laughter ]
According to reports during the G20 summit in November,
President Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin
spoke to each other for 15 minutes
without a U.S. official present to take notes.
And it would have been longer,
but that was all Putin could take.
"Yes, yes, I get it. You want wall, bro. I get it."
[ Laughter ]
Senator Kamala Harris said this week
that as part of her presidential platform,
she would advocate for a single-payer healthcare system.
It would replace our current system
of taking Flintstone vitamins and hoping for the best.
[ Laughter ]
President Trump this morning misspelled the word "there"
in a tweet that mentioned Iran.
He also forgot to put a space in Iran.
[ Laughter ]
[ Cheers and applause ]
Reader! We snuck in a reader.
A Kansas man received stitches over the weekend
after he was hit by his cousin's girlfriend
during a game of Monopoly.
The girl was going to spend the night in jail,
but got out of it by rolling doubles.
[ Laughter and applause ]
Applebee's has announced it will begin selling $1 hurricanes
next month ahead of Mardi Gras. [ Audience cheers ]
Incidentally -- Yeah, let's celebrate.
Incidentally, $1 for hurricanes is also Trump's FEMA policy.
[ Laughter and applause ]
You thought that was gonna be a joke celebrating good times.
[ Laughter ]
"The Bachelor" is facing criticism after the show
traveled to Singapore this week
and perpetuated nasty stereotypes
that food from Asian countries is dirty and unsophisticated.
Incidentally, dirty and unsophisticated
is what Kelly H. listed as her occupation.
[ Laughter ]
And finally, a university in Louisiana
has temporarily closed one of its buildings
after thousands of bats began living inside.
It's the most bats ever found living in one place
since Rudy Guiliani's last brain scan.
La Biblia Hablada en Audio Hechos de los Apostoles 27, 1-44 - Padre Marcos Galvis - Duration: 13:25.-------------------------------------------
Megan Mullally Had a Baby Talk Conversation with Harrison Ford - Duration: 6:36.-Our first guest tonight is a two-time Emmy Award-winning
actress you know from her work as Karen Walker
on "Will & Grace."
New episodes air Thursday nights at 9:30, here on NBC.
Let's take a look.
-♪ Good riddance, goodbye ♪
♪ Every trick of his, you're onto ♪
♪ But fools will be fools ♪
♪ And where's he gone to? ♪
-Please welcome back to the show
our friend Megan Mullally, everyone!
[ Cheers and applause ]
Welcome back! -Thank you!
Thanks for having me. -Delighted to have you.
Do you like when you get to show off your musical chops
in an episode like that? -Well, I mean, I know
everybody was probably expecting jokes,
and then I started singing, but I think, like, pretty much,
like 10 people know that I sing.
But I kind of started as a singer,
and I've done Broadway musicals and stuff like that.
So it was so nice of the writers
to write this episode where I get to sing.
-That's great! -It's pretty cool, yeah.
-And you're actually coming here to New York
to perform with -- you have a partner.
-Yeah. -A singing duo.
Nancy and Beth. -Nancy and Beth.
This is Stephanie Hunt. That's me.
And we have this really fun band.
We sing in harmony,
and every song is choreographed by me from top to bottom.
And we wear little matching outfits.
And we have five pieces behind us.
it's this really cool band. It's hard to describe.
It's just very celebratory. and different.
-That's awesome. Is it great to return
to those roots and be onstage, singing like that?
-Oh, yeah.
The band, in many ways, is kind of my favorite thing,
just because, with Stephanie and I,
it's like two little girls playing, you know.
-Yeah. -It's just pure creativity.
-And you do have a lot of control
when you're not doing it as a television show.
When you actually just go out in front of an audience,
it must just feel so freeing. -Yeah, it's fun,
because we call it punk vaudeville sometimes,
because there's no way to make up our own category.
But we get out there and the songs --
the songs are really sharp.
And then it all just falls to pieces in between.
-[ Laughing ] Uh-huh. -You know?
-We're like, "Now what do we do?"
We don't have anything planned. -That's great.
-It's great. -You just went through
the awards circuit, you were at the Golden Globes.
Did you have a good time at the Globes?
-Did you get to bump into people that you were excited to see?
-I did. I've got the secret. So, if you're --
If you're ever going to present the Golden Globes --
and I'm sure most of you will... -Yeah.
[ Laughter ]
...go -- just hang out in the greenroom.
Like, don't go sit there, just go straight backstage,
through an alley, sit in the greenroom,
and wait until it's your time, and then leave,
because, you know, you get to, like, people-watch.
And I was standing there, talking to --
This is my favorite thing that happened.
I was talking to Sam Elliott,
who is really tight with my husband,
if you can imagine that much --
-Your husband, Nick Offerman, and Sam Elliott.
-Yeah, Nick Offerman. -That makes perfect sense.
-That much testosterone. [ Cheers and applause ]
It's like ultra man, you know? -Did they meet, like,
chopping down trees in the woods?
-Yes, exactly. [ Laughter ]
And so I was talking to Sam,
and Harrison Ford wandered up to say hello to Sam.
I don't know him. Sam introduced me.
And I said, "Hello." And I said, "you know what?
You were one of my all-time favorite guests on 'Letterman.'
You were so funny, because he would ask you a question,
and you would just go, 'No.'"
[ Laughter ]
Like, he had this weird thing going with Letterman.
And he goes, "Oh! How is Dave?"
And I was like, "I don't know." And he said...
[ Laughter ] ..."I hope he's well."
And he said, "Oh, I thought you were a writer."
And I said, "No, I'm an actress. I just presented."
And he goes, "Ohh!"
I said, "I'm on a television show.
You wouldn't know." And he goes, "Oh, gosh. Oh!"
And I said, [Baby talk] "Harrison made a boo-boo."
[ Laughter ]
[ Normal voice ] And he literally went,
[Baby talk[ "He did." [ Laughter ]
"He did make a boo-boo." [ Laughter ]
[ Normal voice ] And I thought, "I love this guy."
-That's the greatest interaction you possibly could've had.
-He went full baby talk. -Wow!
-Yeah. -What a jackpot!
-I know. -Also, when you meet somebody
who is a giant icon like that, it's so great
when they're the one who makes the mistake.
-Totes. -Because usually,
the lower-status person gets nervous and screws up.
-Yeah. -But he blew it.
And then you got to reap the reward.
-And, I mean, it was so delightful.
-Yeah. That's just great. And then you hosted,
and you were wonderful at the SAG Awards.
-Oh, that's very nice of you. I had a lot of fun.
-Did you enjoy that? -I did.
I had, you know, great -- Everybody was great,
and I had a lot of fun and, you know, cute clothes and...
-Yeah. -I don't know.
-You got to -- You sort of made fun
of some people -- Emma stone, Lady Gaga.
Fun "making fun of." -But in a nice way,
because I don't want to do anything mean-spirited.
-It was very friendly.
But did you run into anybody backstage?
-I said that Lady Gaga did my eyeliner,
that she'd been doing my eyeliner
for the last 15 years, that she just --
She just can do anything, was the gist.
And so I went back -- I got backstage,
like, right after the monologue, and she was standing there
and she was like, "Oh, my God! That was so great.
You're so funny." And blah blah blah.
And she was super nice. Like, really normal nice.
And I was like, "Oh, good, thank you.
I mean, you know, you're the real thing.
I mean, I'm with Tony Bennett, your voice --"
Like, nobody has ever told her she can sing.
[ Laughter ] So I was like, "I'm really --
really gonna blow her away with this one."
[ Laughter ] And she was so nice.
She goes, "Well, you should come see my jazz show in Vegas.
You know, it's all that kind of music."
And I thought, "I'd love to." And I said, "You know,
I feel like I'm gonna call you Stephanie."
And she said, "You can call me Stephanie!"
I mean, isn't that nice? -That's really nice.
-Because that's her name. -Yeah.
That is her name, for anybody who doesn't know --
because otherwise, you sound like a crazy person.
-Yeah. -Yeah.
"I'd like to call you Pam!" -"I'm gonna call you Bill."
[ Laughter ]
She is a lovely person. -She was so nice.
-And that is -- I mean, I think -- the only reason
to go to those shows is to have those, like, actual in --
like, sort of nice moments backstage that are --
-Yeah, backstage is where it's at, man.
You know, just walking by people,
just like, "Hey!" it's great.
-Yeah. -I love it.
Landesschau Baden-Württemberg vom 30.1.2019 - Duration: 45:00.-------------------------------------------
新しいタトゥー?(質問コーナーエキストラ) - Duration: 2:04.I'm going to start working from April
but I don't want to
How do I stay as a uni student forever
Become a scumbag who lives of their parents
New tatoo?
Food you never want to eat again
That weird food Jenni made for me on her channel
Do you listen to Coheed and Cambria?
Not recently
but back in the day I listened to these albums
Have you given up on joining Johnny's?
How am I supposed to join if they don't return my calls?
What do you think of B'z headlining one of the days of Summer Sonic 2019?
The attendance for SS has been kind of bad these last few years, os I think it will bring people in
Not me though
The worst place you've lived
Hatsuishi(my mums house) Kashiwa (the shithole I lived in by myself)
Any pop music you recommend aside from CRJ?
Jesse McCartney's new single Watsed is a banger
I'll put a list to one of my spotify playlists down below
It would be cool if you had a video series where you recommend albums and songs you listened to every month
Who wants to see that?
My friend has wached your (Watching Seikin Videos For 3 hours) video three times
has he been brainwashed?
If it's the short video, thank you
if it's the three hour version
Are you okay?
have you watched all of Orange Is The New Black
A few years ago I watched a bit of it and was like
wow this is good!
and never watched it again... (I do this a lot)
What do you think of Mahoto and Shibayuu quitting smoking
I think that's a good thing
What do you think about people selling out the seven eleven snacks that Hikakin recommended in his video
and Hikakin defending the people selling the snacks for high prices on mercari
OMG I have to buy that because Hiakin said it was good!
Well it's not a huge surprise condsidering
his audience consists of small children and people with not many brain cells
hey, if you're here read the questions!
There's only one left, so what's the point?
Oh, and what do I think of him defending resellers?
I don't fucking care!
Can you bring back tatsuya for just one day
I can't because I threw him out
Prozessauftakt: Tödliche Messerattacke auf Arzt - Duration: 3:01.-------------------------------------------
スクリムまでソロ配信! - Duration: 1:24:39.-------------------------------------------
Wtcn ( Türk Kızlarına Evlenme Teklifi Ettim ) İzliyor ! - Duration: 5:14.-------------------------------------------
Elif Dizisi 855. Bölüm Fragman Özeti Ve Analiz Tüyoları - Duration: 0:54.Jülide and Şafak wedding table live the thrill of sitting.
Flame obstacle to the wedding takes action to become.
What's Flame's plan?
Finally, the expected day will come and flame and Jülide who are unaware of
Everyone is so happy and excited.
Flame while wedding he puts his head to ruin it.
She couldn't wear a wedding dress in her previous marriage. This time I want to wear jülide but
He's afraid to tell Dawn.
Dawn makes a surprise to Jülide and A wedding dress like Jülide's dreams
It has received. Jülide is very happy.
Everyone goes to the wedding, but Jülide'yi A bad surprise waits at the wedding.
Flame made this wedding How to prevent it?
【初投稿】はじめまして&お久しぶりです! - Duration: 3:07.
Hello everyone!
I finished my test for graduation at the uni.
so that I'll regularly post my video on YouTube again.
I used to post the video with my childfood friend
but we each decided to have our own channel.
I've just started posting my video here.
Even if I hadn't posted anything for a while, some people subscribed.
I'm really happy and thank you.
I'm simply going to explain what's going on on my channel.
I'm interested in other countries' culture;
vlog *including Japan.
I was studying English in London for 6months,
so I'm thinking about posting the video about studying abroad.
I really like watching foreign films
and may post that kind of things.
I'm going to introduce what's my favorite films, drama and music anyway.
this is my first video
so I guess I need to say something like introduction!
I'm into fantasy and SF like "Star Wars" and "Harry Potter"
but also "Fast and Furious" and "Marvel Cinematic Universe".
Actually I like everything including love comedy.
the only thing I can't watch is Horror films.
I'm not fancy watching them...
grotesque is okay though!
Speaking of drama, comedy or love comedy.
I sometimes watch NCIS,
"Veronica Mars" was the drama I watched for first time.
I do like "Gossip Girl", "GIRLS" and "SATC".
I recently watch TRUE BLOOD on Amazon Prime.
I often listen to English popular songs.
;Pop, Rock, Latin and Acoustic...
Of course Justin Bieber too!
There are a lot what I want to express on video anyway.
I'm glad if you subscribe my channel!
See you in my next video!
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