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Hypnotist Bernie's Exposition Episode 202 with Laura (Confidence/Self Esteem) - Duration: 54:10.hey welcome this okay okay okay okay
yeah yeah we're right on the bedford line so we got like 13 inches oh you
have a card i could type in estill that's alright I get the all-weather
tires so okay listen yeah yeah that's the way to go especially we mean you
live in New England yeah no no low profile tires yeah so
well I know we're good I'm a hairdresser I've been licensed for 19 years at the
end of the month okay how's my hair it's great I do my own
hair oh you think I am an independent distributor for a company called Sun
engines I sell lips oh so earlier you were talking about
that you were in the video game yep UFC tapo to xbox yep
I was a UFC few years I mean there was no girls on our team I was team but I'm
signing the girls up for softball oh yeah I never played softball but I
figured we could try them out on they should make like a combine sport you
know like softball and wrestling you've hit the first space there you go you saw
this first so what would you like to work on tonight with hypnosis I'd like
to work on my self-esteem okay I have issues
with like self-confidence like talking like right now I'm stuttering as I'm
talking people judging me and I'd like to work on you know being able to be
more confidence I make and not wearing what would everyone else things like you
told me I should make a blog but I'm afraid that I'm gonna go on there and
everyone's gonna judge make fun of me so I'm kind of just pretend nobody's well
the advice I got for everyone is back when I was in college
hello he said just write like just write for the garbage can you know just
pretend nobody ever read just like the show you know nobody watches it just oh
yeah so tell me oh I also wanted to work on maybe help myself like organize my
life better like getting rid of I'm I'm a hoarder who should say not a bad
quarter like on tv watch that I feel way better but I don't like to get rid of
clothes I have attachment issues I don't like to get rid of anything everything's
sentimental value I do that with the girls keepers there
any painting my mom's like where are you gonna put room so I can work on getting
rid of stuff I don't need you know good they say that helps attract better
energy when you get clutter you know if you ever had I tried to declutter I try
very well oh no maybe that was an episode in your
house that you clean out some of the stuff that you don't need mm-hmm I try I
don't want to get rid of I I do I try sometimes that's good that you moved
into it because my husband's like he still got you a toothbrush from the
third grade
I worked at Hooters too and I still have a box all my old so so earlier you
talked about maybe we should stop with a
child my parents are always would always be like oh don't do that you're
bothering everyone don't do this like this I've always kind of been me I'm
always that extra but it's like my dad's I was like tone it down a little bit and
I feel like you know over the years being like that it's like oh I should
watch what I'm doing cuz I don't want to overdo it are people to think anything
of me no so and then sometimes like I I think back of I think if I'm making a
decision that's like I'm not sure of the direction in my life I want to go
because I'm always have that self doubt in my head like oh oh you sure you
should be doing that like my parents you know any decision no matter what so then
you have that in the back your head all the time
am i doing the right thing so it's like everything I've done it's like I haven't
felt overly confident doing it I'm so I'm always like scared going into it
even though I still do it you know but it's just like oh my doing the right
thing I wish I had more confidence and knowing that what I'm doing cuz I'm
passionate about what I'm doing now and I want to be like I don't care what
anyone else says this is what I want to do who you know is there a time where
where it became a is that an episode in your life where the issues that you
experiencing become any problem does this ever stop you from doing what
you want to do just affair of stuff I stopped modeling
for maybe six seven years cuz I had someone telling me that I was old
washed-up maybe should it be doing it anymore and this is when I was in my 20s
though hmm and now I'm the most I'm gonna be 30
this year and I just started modeling again both six years ago off and on in
between the kids and then now I'm really focused on it since I lost all that
weight like because I started the keto I've lost 48 pounds so far I wish I
could be more confident good so just do the camera like oh I
look gross you know like I wish I didn't like look at myself and feel like that
you know okay look okay
so so right now let's use an example if you're looking at the camera right now
yeah how do you feel I don't like looking at myself right now yeah like I
could see my dark under circle my hair so messy no but like okay so so what
kind of thoughts go through your mind when you see yourself in the TV screen
right now so for those of you who are watching this at home she is we actually
looking into a screen that is showing us what people are watching this at home I
feel like I'm still fat even though I lost all that weight I feel like my face
is that I feel like no it's that it's not what you're thinking
I feel insecure looking at myself so tell me more about this feeling insecure
what does your body tell you I feel it's it's so weird to say cuz my friends like
you model how do you have self-esteem issues and like oh cuz people say
oh you should model but in my head I look at myself and I don't think I'm not
attractive like I I nitpick every single thing
about myself you know my face right but this is what you're thinking yeah how do
you feel like what does your body tell you when you look at yourself maybe this
is a little bit too close maybe when you look at your your good pictures oh my
shoes how would how do you feel first of all you're able to look at the pictures
that you even if it's a really good picture I'm like I feel more confident
now like the pictures like so do you know the difference between like feeling
something and like thinking something I get anxious like I just worry I don't
know I just feel like maybe I don't know the difference oh I'm very bad at
expressing my fiance but you just do so how does your body react when you see a
picture like a good professional picture
good but then I so like this okay put out your hand like this
now pretend yourself looking at your picture how does your hand for you what
does your hand tell you
like shaky okay insecure how do you how do you what do you do do you do anything
when you see your picture right away I will I look for all the flaws in the
picture but you're still looking at it yeah I don't like to listen to my voice
though Heatley hearing my voice back am i right now I
have a little cold so I'm kind of a little raspy but I have like a squeaky
voice so people will even that can answer my phone I mean people like is
your mommy or daddy home I'm like so I think that's always get some people
still actually my daughter sometimes she'll like imitate me because she's
squeak eNOS oh is that weird to like critique like everything about you do a
lot of people like that about themselves
okay so let's let's go back to who another time when was the last time when
so how so would you take a picture when you have a picture did you find yourself
looking at it a lot or did you just look at it where is the professor in that
picture so yeah I'm sure yeah and then afterwards - do you do you factor the
more me yeah I good certain ones and then certain ones
they didn't Lincoln myself I'm like oh please don't post that one okay do you
feel better when you look at the pictures like let's
say you took a picture you don't get it right away
yeah do you feel better when you see it it depends how if I liked it or not
I really liked that I did a photo shoot last week and my skin's just hasn't been
right and she sent me somewhere like the proofs before he edited them and I'm
like whoa I don't like the way I did my makeup I kicked it on like you did a
great job but the picture I didn't want to like offend him but I didn't like the
way my skin looked in the pictures well okay I'm seeing something I'm just using
question to see if you can see what I see because I kind of notes okay so
let's move that maybe a few back and forth okay so and thus that feelings
ever stopped you from doing that was a story when was the last time when when
you allow that feeling or thinking I
think I submitted my pictures that was model and I submitted my pictures to
when I worked at Hooters to their bikini calendar and I didn't get a pic tonight
I felt like I wasn't good enough and I did it I decided not to do it and they
even had a bikini contest with all the girls and I didn't I refused to do it
because I thought the other girls looks better than and
find yourself reminding you know every time you get rejected it doesn't make
you feel good I take the gay I fear rejection so sometimes you're afraid to
do stuff because you don't want to be rejected and and when you think about a
episode how do you feel well okay so so I guess what we're looking at here right
now is that you have given yourself a lot of thought but you don't quite allow
yourself to feel so you just every time we ask you I'm so bad at explaining I
wish I could explain things I'm bad right but then okay so that's perfect
right you use the whole point of therapy is to help you find find that point that
that blocks all your energy let's put it that way in and you know it should be
proud you know do you find that you use this not worse I think so just throw it
into it right right so like you just feel so good to avoid feeling it yeah
maybe that's why I'm okay it's just like my thoughts yeah oh no but then you're
using your thoughts to replace your feelings right because you're just
pushing it into this this kind of like a trash can
and then you read things are like books or something and something triggers like
something and then you pull your eyes out and but at some point that that
helps you to overcome I guess the feeling of rejection or
criticism that works like justice all medow strategy it works to a point but
then it becomes what you do every time and every day all right and and that and
then you allow this enormous to be your default feeling and every time you
should feel something even happiness you don't know how to feel that you don't
know how to use your feeling so you just come up with words to like over right so
that when I ask you how you feel you just keep telling me how you're thinking
right so that is a damage like a psychodynamic demonstration you just
prove to yourself that you use thinking to override your feeling because you are
so uncomfortable with feeling any feelings
sycamore's like to make it I sometimes some people don't even realize like I'm
upset or something cuz I was trying to put a smile on my face even though I'm
breaking down inside you know right you know that that that is necessary for you
to function or anyone not just you right for anybody to function in life but most
people doesn't have a chance to to let themselves just feel that feeling shoot
and then you know if we do that once in a while that's that's not a problem but
then it just become like just become like over to you feel your energy
it's just like just this next level that you can accomplish but like and then I
don't know I am looks like your noses like pressed up
against my breath away okay just try to take a deep breath
that's what I've been trying to do lately I've been trying to meditate and
stuff to help but you're not actually well okay I can feel that your
meditation it's also stuck right because I'm always distracted overwhelmed with
your voices in your mind million thoughts in my head okay I know I have
three kids - that doesn't help because then you have so do you do you feel
different than like an hour ago when I talked about stop I get this one because
that's not anxiety though that's more like it's kind of like kind of like
water pressure now you're just opening up the valve and
you just feel this energy coming back yeah because like you all right do you
feel yourself pushing it back down or yeah I just feel like I try to suppress
it cuz I've been get I get right now I'm like my whole that's my shoulders are
like really tense talking about it what would okay so you think it's a good
thing people ask how I'm feeling I don't know how to explain myself like if I'm
sad I don't know how to explain it you know did you feel that you have to
explain Oh cuz I think even when I was like younger to with my parents away Oh
get over it you're fine uh it's like they don't want to know how
you're feeling it's like just do you want to know how do you feel
I would like to hopefully just don't know how I think it's that learned
behavior like I have I tried to have my kids open up to me whenever they're
having an issue but for some reason I can't right so like right now like five
minutes ago we were opening up some energy blockage but as we are moving
forward if you feel yourself pushing it back that's because do you think that it
is tense or do you but it is just like a whole lot of energy is pushing through
you so does it maybe the word anxiety is miss appropriate what do you think how
else would you explain that
okay so body gets tense and tired so the whole point of tonight we're going to
use hypnosis to help alleviate some of that tension
maybe that's weird but like you are actually feeling this for the first time
and okay well I'm just checking the clock we have to take a break even today
okay that's a different topic from a different time well hope the whole point
we are trying to do here is to I guess that allow help you allow yourself to
feel nice feeling in a safe place and once you're able to like open the valve
a little bit and let this emotion flows from say did you just you heard just
half of for you anything for a while yeah and
you just forgot how it is suppose to feel what you're feeling right now is a
great natural ego I'm saying we have to take a break in five seconds so we'll
come back we'll talk a little bit more
okay welcome back to this episode I have not experienced exposition we're still
with Nora two nights how are you doing so how do
you feel right now compared to half an hour okay well do you think that this is
anxiety or energy that you experience I would take it as anxiety but you're
saying it's more energy because you were just allowed you're just opening up a
part of you that you'll be suppressing
right and you don't have any other way to looking at it so so that's the first
word that comes to your mind but you but you're able to function properly and you
have you're just kind of regaining a part of your I guess your mind yeah
thank you have not been using you know
in the next few days if you if you just allow yourself to walk down this path
you couldn't feel your senses would become more alive instead which is the
society yeah you probably be able to see things in greater colors and be more
acute from distances because that's instead of using your cognitive ability
to accommodate it's kind of like let's say like you know I do this with my eyes
because my eyesight is not good but they say smarter people well I won't say well
people will flake higher IQ hell flex slightly better eyesight by measurements
it's not because the eyesight is better but like they could put things together
in their brain let's say you know those letters that you sees
so it's like they can put better poofing spider together in their brain so that
they can answer the question from the optometrist better so it comes
out that the eyesight is better but it's not but in a way what you're doing right
now is also you're using your your your smarts to compensate things that you're
not sensing and you're putting things together in your brain but when you
allow it's kind of like putting glasses or allowing your vision to become 20/20
area so they actually seeing things the way they are you're actually feeling
things the way you're supposed to feel you're allowing yourself to function
with proper sense it's human sensitivity
and I think that's that the first way to key your self-esteem back is that you
are sensing properly yourself am i making sense okay so let's put a good
benchmark right let's just say I have a magic wand and everything works out
perfectly tonight how would you see yourself big difference I wouldn't doubt
myself as much for them doing things are
like if I wanted to submit my pictures to something I just go out and do it and
not second-guess myself
maybe I'll start feeling better about myself too okay and and I'm what would
be the difference between new
I wouldn't have the self-doubt anymore and I wouldn't let's try it
not in not to use it negative well what would you put it in like a positive as
in like something that is tangible how would you get this feeling thing and the
brain thing well the good thing about the feeling thing is once they come once
you're able to you see it was just come everyone we just come naturally like
things we just become brighter and and you because you're once again using all
the faculties there was a warder to you as a human being yeah from the gods you
know this is how your brain is supposed to work and things will just come
together much more easier and naturally you don't explain things and and in a
way you won't you'll find that the natural feedback will come to you and
you will just allow that to to to to put together okay so okay let's let's just
pretend everything works perfectly and this is the new Laura and let's say you
know it's at 9:00 in the morning how could you be different the first time
you are doing this exercise relation yeah you were kind of hung up in being
not confident yeah that you never have a chance to
think about what it is like to going on right but then yesterday you're thinking
about how not confident you are and you never had a chance to stick a step
forward and and think of what would life be like when this is the first time so
just try this listen to feel more refreshing yeah so what would you be
like yes yeah so so how would you be see yourself different when you're walking
around feel like I could take on the world
okay what else just happy how would that happiness translate okay what would you
do differently he goes I mean I've been trying to work
on myself for a while and I've been getting better at it but I don't need
that extra push you know yeah get it all together and then the next day like Oh
what happened so anyway we've just opened up a valve and tomorrow
and on your way home you're going to have a lot more energy
yes how would you use your energy maybe tomorrow
take the kids somewhere to after welcome to school sometimes it's like you know
you're so drained you like don't want to do anything okay I feel bad
thank you no didn't want to be second house all the time
well do that like when it snowed I force myself even though I did not want to cuz
I like going on its high but for some reason I was having one of those days I
knew it was gonna be really cold so I'm just gonna take them outside okay but I
wasn't like hey look at me yeah they don't really care how cold it is
okay we went to them okay so how else would you use to a newfound energy to
get more stuff done okay I wake up and sometimes I wake up and I'm like I don't
want to do anything you know you get lazy I feel like I'd be able to you know
just get more things done sometimes you have the I need to do this this and that
today and then you're like almost need to force yourself to feel like doing it
which is not good you know look I want to be more focused in get get more
things done and I feel like if I'm happy and not because the days I feel like
that I feel like I did everything I wanted to you know between the kids to
work you know promoting myself which I've been trying I've been trying to do
a lot more mm-hmm but basically I'm forcing myself to so it's not like that
happy energy okay I'm just kind of like just gonna do it you know but if I feel
happy I feel like maybe do you feel your energy
a lot kind of difference from like a few minutes ago well yeah just feeling
you're just allowing this energy to flow through you again and we are looking for
ways to channel this energy to to break you really enjoy this energy so what we
bout to do is hypnosis okay so at no point you'll be unconscious is
still being consciously aware of your surrounding it will yeah so but don't
try to go into hypnosis kind of like trying to fall asleep right the harder
you try to fall asleep the harder yeah to go to sleep and I promised I would do
everything I can to help you achieve the goal that you want to achieve and in
return I would like your cooperation 100% is that okay yes okay
so this being on television so I just want you to across your legs and I guess
if you're freaking touch the floor maybe just put it on to do yes the bar on the
chair yes I want you to just put your hand flat on your knees like this and I
would just like you to just focus on this pocket watch
I'm gonna count backwards from five to one
when I reached number one and we'd like you to just close your eyes and let your
mind drift and maybe before I reach number one your eyelids will become so
heavy and your eyes have become so watery that you may want to close your
eyes even before I reach number one slide just imagine your entire body
feeling heavy as if your back your shoulders is sinking through the chair
free relaxed like you I'm just feeling entire body feeling so to the islets
becoming so
just releasing all the tension energy and whatever energy that you feel is
anxiety even this mannequin relax I'm going to lift your arms right here just
let go if there's any tension that just building up on the shoulders just
imagine yourself on a call just imagine this calm quiet beach on the back of
your forehead there's a big every grain of sand on this Beach every moment
every sound become more acute
and everything will become more and more vivid as if you're fully immersion in
this column just open up your senses to all the beauties and wonders in this
speech and if you're looking into the water you can see different shades of
blue if you can hear the seagulls you can become you can hear the distinct
sound train each different each wing flapping even the sound of the feather
become more acute and if you can feel the warm side you should ask me wake on
your toes you can feel different grain of sand
each grain there's a different texture you can feel the wind when you change
you can feel the different ocean temperature allow the senses become so
much more acute
now I'm gonna counts for one two three when I reach in I'm afraid I want you to
open your eyes you feel great there's no muss you hear my voice my
voice a sneak now you'll find out it's become very heavy your eyes take a deep
breath in
one two three
just relax let go of all the tension just that's right it feels good whatever
attention then you're holding on to any tension around amuse your eyebrows of
your honor flotation tank just let go of
any self-criticism in the past anything that you're holding on to you
may or may not be able to articulate but know exactly what is the blockage here
it's time to just let that go and just feel whatever negative energy that
you're holding on maybe some would have said something in the past maybe it was
human that you got when somebody even give you a praise
now your unconscious mind knows exactly what it is and it may not even need to
be in the part of your morning maybe a blockage that you're holding on your
shoulders maybe a blockage at some point in the past it may have helped you to
overcome a sticky situation as someone in the past would have helped you and
you no longer need to hold
let it go let it go let it flows back into the universe goodness and thanks
because it has been a part of you when you collect order because that's if we
were just carrying it back of works I right now it is just that they're just
putting down this whole bag of bricks and stone for the first time and it is
literally feeling like a ton of brick isn't enough to from the shoulders
that's a feels good doesn't it feel so much like that isn't it it's now as if
this a ton of helium balloon attached in your bag shoulders and just imagine
yourself walking on a beautiful field of rolling grass and this listen we're just
floating on this one because there just is so much weight on
your back your shoulders
and just feel this warm white light flowing from the top of your head all
the way from the Sun in ancient different fingers down through the links
means tomatoes and whatever well could just like you know if that doesn't allow
this warm nice feeling all the wine was more human abundant energy unless of all
the blockages right now life force now I want you to imagine any of you
they knew you was full of confidence was organized who knows exactly what she's
good energy always happy always optimistic and once again letting her
feelings and of action this new you may look a little bit different may walk
around and even dress differently and this new you both like and imaging and
now I want you to film yourself merging with this new whatever package that I've
left behind is that you no longer need that anymore
smoothing forward and just feeling this new you'll be coming apart
you should definitely don't you feel your fingers feel your hair oh your
senses become more acute just like you all the colors become much more distinct
all the sounds become more acute even the way you sense things it's become
much more aware and just feel discussion will flow through just knew you flow of
confidence energy just feel so good
I want you to just be this new body new mindsets this new flow of energy and
allow yourself to recognize with all the life forces in the world
reconnect slowly counts from one to ten when I reached number 10 you've come
back to this man from in grades 3 confidence come relax and delight for
fixing your face as if you have just left for the last ok how does it feel
how do you feel right now it's great well this is all the time thank you for
coming this is hypnotist Bernice exposition
join us next week on CCTV channel 9 Cambridge
Neo Sari - Oplosan [Official Music Video] - Duration: 6:46.-------------------------------------------
Amazing Birthday Cake Decorating | With Step By Step Instructions For Everyone - Duration: 10:49.Amazing Birthday Cake Decorating | With Step By Step Instructions For Everyone
Thank you for watching! Hope you enjoy & like it!
ASMR Buttermilk Crispy Chicken Strips 부제 字幕 उपशीर्षक ( Real Sounds ) | Nomnomsammieboy - Duration: 12:42.Large fries!
They are raw!!!
This is a large? So little
I have ten buttermilk crispy chicken strips!
They seem crispy! I like that!
Dry chicken. The chicken is very dry!
Oh my god. This is a long boy
I hope it is better with sauce
helps a lot
left to right: special sauce, bbq, honey mustard
Sauce helps it not seem like dry chicken sand
Does the chicken look burnt?!
Come on Mcdonald's !
water will help with this dry chicken
Also ranch!
I can't taste buttermilk on the buttermilk chicken
I will use buttermilk ranch then!
I love ranch!
I am a fat white american so that is obvious!
I'll eat these limp raw fries
I paid for them!
Doing a female asmr mukbang youtuber impression
at least it makes good sounds!
the fat ends are less dry! Not as burnt
Maybe a trainee is working the fryer
making me raw fries and burnt chicken
better than burnt fries and raw chicken lmao
How is this a chicken tender!? IT IS SO LONG
Did I tell you? The fries also had no salt!!!
Don't worry! I seasoned them at home.
Sauces really help my limp potato sticks
They still make good asmr sounds!
Oh yis stereo binaural daddy
always important to hydrate
Like wet spaghetti
Curly chicken!?
What happened to this poor chicken?
A perfect hook for sauce
My grocery store ranch
is better than mcdonald's sauces lol
Special sauce is ok! At least its mayo and ketchup
bbq fries. Glad I get to try it! It is good
The flavor! The limp french fry is not good
See going back in for more bbq fries
and even more!
You can tell I like that combo
This fat chicken tender is more juicy
The thickness protected it!
Thank you thick chicken
I'm not eating much of the honey mustard
It is mainly just honey and not mustard
Too sweet for me
Special sauce or bbq are the best of the Mcdonald's
I tried on the Mcdonald's order screen
to customize my french fries!
When I checked the options it was just salt or no salt
I was hoping I could ask for well done crispy fries
Ironically they barely cooked mine at all
my favorite fries are at hardees and arby's
the curly fries are so well seasoned and crispy!
Mcdonald's should learn from them
Look how dry!!
no moisture at all
This poor chicken was raised in a desert
I am so sorry they did this to you chicken!
I am sorry Mcdonald's disrespected your flesh!
and overcooked you
No animal deserves that!
You should be cooked to perfection
Then your life will not be rudely wasted
only two left
Including the long one
The long thin one will be extra dry
Force myself through more bad french fries
Oh wait! one hiding behind.
thin chicken is too dryyyy
Ranch saves the day!
Get deep in the sauce !
basically honey
Wish bbq was smokey
Ranch is best!
I am not even excited about the chicken anymore
Mcdonald's took away my joy!
Chicken is usually my heaven!
This is my hell!
I feel really guilty!
I want to show you good food
me having fun enjoying it!
I was told buttermilk crispy chicken at Mcdonald's is good
That was not true
Mcdonald's might be dead to me
Just for the next week! lol
goodbye nasty tasteless soggy fries
one more crispy long man
rip it apart to show my anger
I can't wait to be done at this point
thank you all for watching!
please like and subscribe!
That would mean the world to me!
প্রথম কাতারে নামাজ পড়ার ফজিলত শায়েখ মুখলেসুর রহমান মাদানী Bangla waz New Short Video - Duration: 4:50.-------------------------------------------
Best Places to Work Abroad in Europe in 2019 - Duration: 4:42.Subscribe Now
Subscribe Now
STAR WARS: Die größte Schwäche des Imperiums: ÜBERHEBLICHKEIT?! - Duration: 11:37.-------------------------------------------
[Poor travel台灣] 台北俐仕商旅!發生左件好神奇的事?!雙人房間大探究!Taiwan Travel Vlog 2019 - Duration: 3:12.-------------------------------------------
How junk science convicted an innocent man - Duration: 11:10.It was 1985 and Robert Lee Stinson was on trial for the murder of his neighbor.
"She was the 63-year old widow found dead near the corner of 7th and Center streets.
The crucial evidence in this case is bite marks found on the body of the victim."
Two forensic dentists said the bite marks matched Stinson's teeth, but there were
some puzzling discrepancies.
They claimed Stinson's broken tooth made this mark even though there was no mark for
the adjacent, full-size tooth.
And when they were called to testify in court, nobody asked them about that.
"The bites had to have been inflicted by dentition identical to Mr. Stinson's."
Stinson's trial was a test of whether our criminal justice system
was capable of detecting unreliable forensic science.
And with the future and freedom of a young man on the line,
the result was an absolute, system-wide failure.
The US has an adversarial judicial system where the judge presides over a trial but isn't
responsible for uncovering the truth.
Instead, it's up to the opposing lawyers to present evidence and witnesses that support their
version of events.
"Ultimately the theory is of course that through this conflict of ideas and interpretations the
truth will emerge."
But from the start, Stinson could tell he wasn't entering a fair fight.
He prepared a letter asking for a replacement for his lawyer, who "only took his case
two weeks" before trial.
"Your Honor, I'm facing life for something I did not commit," he wrote.
The judge denied his request, which came in the middle of the trial,
and she also denied his lawyer's motion to exclude the bitemark evidence.
She said "there are adequate standards and controls in the area of forensic odontology."
"It is a recognized area of science."
"Frankly at the time it was not a close decision for me.
Even though it was unique testimony, I didn't have anything in front of me that indicated
that it was not reliable and it certainly was helpful to the jury, I think, and relevant
to the issues and so I admitted the evidence."
At the time, Wisconsin only required that forensic testimony be relevant and helpful
to the jury.
Judges weren't required to assess its reliability.
"You have an older woman who's been raped and murdered and we've got an expert who's
saying we know who did it.
If the judge excluded that evidence he would gone free.
And it would have been a legal stretch for her to do that given the state of the law
and the precedent at the time."
As the appeals court would point out in a footnote, by the time of Stinson's trial,
bitemark evidence had been accepted in 19 jurisdictions and rejected by none.
The court in Stinson's case was no different, and the bitemark evidence went before the jury.
The first thing that happens when forensic experts take the stand is that they're prompted
to list their credentials, to show that they're qualified.
"That makes sense from a certain perspective.
But there's also a danger that the jury misunderstands the power of that experience."
"Dr. Johnson seemed to make sense to me when he testified.
He certainly was qualified,
being a professor at the university in the dental school."
"Here you have this very learned
dentist who has no reason to lie who comes in and tells you this is rock solid science.
How is the jury to decide he must be wrong?
That's extremely compelling."
Dr. L.T. Johnson walked the jury through the evidence.
He even brought models of Stinson's lower teeth and one of the bite marks
so he could show how they matched.
He concluded his testimony by saying the bite marks
"would have to have been made by Robert Lee Stinson.
The second dentist, Raymond Rawson, testified that
"there was no question that there was a match to a reasonable scientific certainty."
Stinson's lawyer did try to get a defense expert of his own, but that expert was never
called to counter the prosecution's dentists in court,
because after he examined the evidence,
he agreed with them.
Instead of two sides battling it out before the jury, there was one side with two experts
making false statements about the science, and one side with no experts at all.
During Stinson's trial, the prosecution and defense would ask the two bitemark experts
a combined 240 questions.
But they didn't ask the most important one.
"The real question that we should be asking is what is the evidence that shows us that
people in this field reach accurate results?
It's not rocket science."
Forensic scientists can have protocols and guidelines, use well-accepted tools and technology, but
we won't know if their methods are actually reliable until we have what's called an
"error rate study."
You take a bunch of bite mark examiners, give them samples of bite marks and then measure
how often they make a correct identification.
To this day, nobody has ever conducted a proper error rate study for bite mark analysis.
"And there's really no incentive to do any research, because courts admit it.
If courts stopped admitting it they would do the research, right, because they want it
to be introduced at trial."
Studies that have been done with human cadavers show that there's a lot of distortion when
bite marks are made in skin, even in a laboratory setting.
The same set of teeth will make marks of different sizes and shapes depending on the skin type,
the amount of force, and the orientation of the bite.
Missing teeth can look like they're there.
Teeth that are there can look like they're missing.
One study conducted by forensic dentists found an unsatisfactory level of agreement among
examiners on whether a given injury was even a human bitemark.
But during Stinson's trial, Dr. Johnson told the jury that there was "no margin for error"
in this case.
And then Stinson took the stand.
He said he was at a party until about 12:30.
Went home, and then later went back out, to go to the store with a friend.
He said as they walked behind his house, he heard footsteps and shushing coming from the
back of the alley.
But when Stinson first spoke to the police three days after the murder, he had only told
them he went home after the party and went to bed.
As the prosecutor pointed out at the trial, he had changed his story.
"It's my experience that the jury looks a lot at those alibis and if somebody is lying
for no other reason then perhaps trying to get out of something, that is pretty heavy evidence."
After a three-day trial, and less than two hours of deliberation, the jury found Stinson
guilty of first degree murder.
And he was sentenced to life in prison.
On appeal, Stinson challenged the admissibility of the expert testimony in his trial.
But the Wisconsin Court of Appeals affirmed his conviction.
They were impressed by the dentist's elaborate methods.
"Doctor Johnson used an ' Acrylic ring.'
'Special camera.'
'Three dimensional indentations.'
'Overlay technique.'
'75 individual tooth marks.'
They actually claimed
"the reliability of the bite mark evidence in this case was sufficient to exclude to a moral certainty
every reasonable hypothesis of innocence."
"It's so absurd.
Tarot card readers have a very complex ancient methodology.
It doesn't mean that they can tell your fortune."
And with that ruling, Stinson became the precedent-setting
for bite mark evidence in Wisconsin.
Seven years later, the US Supreme Court issued a decision -- the Daubert ruling -- which
should have changed the entire landscape for forensic science.
It said that trial judges must assess whether expert testimony is based on reasoning or
methodology that is "scientifically valid."
Daubert talks about reliability, validity, empirical data, error rates, peer review.
It has all the good stuff and scientists would look at it and feel their hearts would patter,
they'd be cheered, because it says all the right words.
But the problem with that is it also says it's a flexible standard.
The Daubert ruling gave judges a new "gatekeeping role," but at the same time, it said that
"vigorous cross-examination and presentation of contrary evidence" is still an "appropriate
means of attacking shaky but admissible evidence."
So even though judges are supposed to evaluate expert testimony, they can still choose to
offload that responsibility.
"They don't want to be responsible for letting the killer go free because they excluded the evidence."
After all, the system has always relied on the attorneys to cross-examine witnesses they
disagree with and present contrary evidence.
"Public defenders are by and large overwhelmed and often don't have the funding to hire their
own independent experts.
I mean but they shouldn't have to.
We shouldn't have to be defending against unreliable scientific evidence."
And ultimately, it's up to the jury to decide what they believe.
"I mean the instructions are very clear that the jury does not have to give any further
weight to an expert than any other witness.
What kind of weight they want to give to them is totally up to them."
But the jury doesn't have basic information about the error rates of forensic methods
like bite mark analysis.
Those studies don't exist — in part because judges have never required them.
"I don't think there is evil intent anywhere in this circle.
It's a collection of institutional participants sometimes taking the easy way out."
"Nothing is suitable in our existing system for making the scientific determination
that this evidence is questionable.
And here's what juries and judges ought to know about it.
It's not happening."
As Robert Lee Stinson began his life sentence, the evidence in the case was boxed up and
locked away.
That included the blue pullover shirt the victim was wearing when she was killed.
It was a crucial piece of evidence, but nobody knew that yet.
And it would be 24 years before the true killer was found.
Big Box of Toy Guns for Kids Nerf Toy Weapons - Duration: 8:00.Big Box of Toy Guns for Kids Nerf Toy Weapons
DaniLeigh: Lil Bebe - Duration: 3:19.Her single "Lil Bebe" has amassed
over 80 million global streams to date.
Performing it for the first time on television,
please welcome DaniLeigh!
[ Cheers and applause ]
♪ -It's the remix, Bebe ♪
♪ -My Lil Bebe ♪
♪ With lil Bebe ♪
♪ My lil Bebe ♪
-1, 2, 3, heads up!
♪ -My lil Bebe ♪
♪ Change your price tag ♪
♪ There's an upgrade on a watch, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm all work ♪
♪ If you want, that is your Rollie ♪
♪ Be precise, yeah ♪
♪ Said my lil Bebe ♪
♪ Change your life, yeah ♪
♪ There's an upgrade on your ice, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ -She get a upgrade from a Rollie to A.P. ♪
♪ She get a boutique on me, yeah ♪
♪ She is a freak ♪
♪ I like her skin tone ♪
♪ She look prettier with me ♪
♪ She know her alphabets but she stuck on double C ♪
♪ She like, there go my lil Bebe ♪
♪ Take my link, stay, stay ♪
♪ Still smell like I'm sellin' weight ♪
♪ I'm on fire, no, they ain't ♪
♪ I might call for the date, four by four...know ♪
♪ That's a family in the city ♪
♪ Ain't no joke, yeah ♪
♪ -My lil Bebe ♪
♪ Change your price tag ♪
♪ There's an upgrade on a watch, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm all work ♪
♪ If you want, that is your Rollie ♪
♪ Be precise, yeah ♪
♪ Said my lil Bebe ♪
♪ Change your life, yeah ♪
♪ That's an upgrade on your ice, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Night, one night, we need more than one night, yeah ♪
♪ It's all mine when I see you on sight, yeah ♪
♪ On sight, it's so good you miss your flight, yeah ♪
♪ It's so exciting, so exciting, yeah ♪
♪ Been waiting to get with you ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, oh, yeah ♪
♪ Can't send love through a picture ♪
♪ No way, no way ♪
♪ Here's your chance, Bebe, don't miss it ♪
♪ Let you tell it ♪
♪ I'm the best that you never had, ay ♪
♪ I'm the best that you never had ♪
♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ My lil Bebe ♪
♪ Change your price tag ♪
♪ There's an upgrade on a watch, yeah ♪
♪ Yeah, I'm all work ♪
♪ If you want, that is your Rollie ♪
♪ Be precise, yeah ♪
♪ Said my lil Bebe ♪
♪ Change your life, yeah ♪
♪ There's an upgrade on your ice, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Oh, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ Best that you never had ♪
♪ I'm the best that you never had ♪
♪ Ah ♪
[ Cheers and applause ]
-DaniLeigh, everybody!
Her album "The Plan" is out now.
For tour dates, go to
F1 2019 ● Leclerc vs Vettel - Duration: 4:23.Hello friend of Ressaca F1. Today we gonna talk about Charles Leclerc and Sebastian Vettel.
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The announcement of the hiring of Charles Leclerc made the F1 world interested in how Ferrari's battle will unfold in 2019.
Now that the second driver, Raikkonen is out, a lot of people think that Leclerc will give everything against Vettel and the german psychological doesn't seem to be that great at the moment.
The monegasque that scored 39 points last season with a Sauber, which wasn't a very good car...
Has surprised a lot of people and is giving the fans hope that Ferrari will have two drivers fighting for the title, a lot different from previous years.
Sebastian Vettel had two opportunities of winning the championship but his mistakes and Ferrari's gave the title to Hamilton.
2019 will be harder because Leclerc is coming on fire to give to us a spectacular new generation.
Obviously will be tough to beat Vettel. He's quick and very talented,a four time world champion.
We can't say that Leclerc will defeat Vettel easily, he's on his first season with a competitive car and the pressure will be high.
On the other hand Vettel is getting stronger after two defeats in a row to Hamilton.
Hamilton did get stronger as well when defeated by Rosberg.
So we can expect a very strong and fast Vettel that will run over anyone, and this is not a pun with his recent years.
We expect that Leclerc will fight with Verstappen, Gasly and Norris, that will make his debut this year.
But still too soon to say that he's going to match expectations. Max for example is doing great until now.
Pierre Gasly did well on Toro Rosso but the pressure on Red Bull is bigger. So young drivers must prove themselves on big teams
before we expect a lot from them. Leclerc is very mature for his age but the pressure on Ferrari is going to show us if he's is going to resist.
We don't know if their status will be equal in the team, if Vettel is first driver then we he's going to receive updates first
making Leclerc's life harder. Some people think that he's going to be champion but we must remember that Hamilton and Vettel are hard to be beaten.
We have to wait until Australia to see what he's going to do against his first rival, his teammate
And then watch the whole season.
Leave the like and visit our partner Ayrton Senna's League. Races on Xbox One and live broadcast and prizes for the winner.
Thanks for watching!
How to create 3D Cinema intro in Android mobile phone without apps - Duration: 3:56.Welcome to Astha technical YouTube channel
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もやもやトーク「友達って何だろう?The talk of What is a friend?#期間限定公開予定 - Duration: 34:18.-------------------------------------------
Two Koreas to phase in civilian access to Hangang River estuary on trial basis starting April 1 - Duration: 1:49.South Korea has finished drawing up a nautical chart of the Hangang River estuary.
Officials from Seoul and Pyeongyang met earlier today at the border village of Panmunjeom
to share the final version of the map.
Kan Hyeong-woo sheds light on how this will help in the joint-use of the waterway.
The two Koreas will soon be able to navigate their way along the Hangang River estuary,...
sharing the waterway that has been practically off-limits for the past 65 years.
South and North Korea have agreed to phase in civilian access to the Hangang River estuary,
near their sea border,... on a trial basis,... starting April 1st.
On Wednesday, officials from the two sides met at the border village of Panmunjeom to
discuss the map of the area's hydrographical features,... after South Korea drew up a nautical
chart of the estuary.
The completed version of the map is expected to serve as the very basic information needed
for ships from both Koreas to navigate the estuary.
But according to South Korea's Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries,… the nautical chart
should be constantly updated through continuous research for civilian vessels to use the area
The sea map is based on a survey of the mouth of the Hangang River the two Koreas conducted
together late last year.
That survey was conducted by 10 officials from each side,... and was part of the inter-Korean
military agreement signed in September to eventually allow private ships access to the
The 1953 armistice agreement between the two Koreas technically allows free passage for
private vessels due to the absence of a military demarcation line in the estuary,... but the
possibility of accidental clashes has limited civilian access to the 70-kilometer long stretch
of water.
Kan Hyeong-woo, Arirang News
超人気ツイッタラーのからめるさんコラボ ゆゆうた テロップ付き同時配信 - Duration: 1:52.-------------------------------------------
GET TO KNOW ME; Age, Affair, Job, Family??? || KNOW ABOUT ME & MY LIFE || smilewith pallavi - Duration: 5:26.
ACASA fara MAMA si TATA facem mare DEZORDINE - Duration: 5:50.-------------------------------------------
Pool Full of Sea Animals for Babies to Learn Fun Colors - Duration: 3:39.Pool Full of Sea Animals for Babies to Learn Fun Colors
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